With Over 350 Events Organized by the 57 Municipalities of the Bormida Valley
Festival Identità e Territorio is a cultural network project. An agenda of “what to do” with over 350 events organized by the 57 municipalities of the Bormida Valley. It represents the great effort of Masca in Langa and Comitato Matrice that handled the festival and make it grow year after year. The program hides the commitment to building a network of players who share intent and work to create a cultural offer that engages residents and tourists with numerous artistic, naturalistic and food&wine events. Festival Identità e territorio is one of the project of the development plan named “Bormida Valley. A thinking activity” that aims to accompany the territory in renewed path of development and that is made possible thanks to the support of Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo and Regione Piemonte. With the participation of municipalities: Province of Alessandria: Acqui Terme, Bistagno, Borgoratto Alessandrino, Carpeneto, Cartosio, Cassine, Castellazzo Bormida, Castelletto D’Erro, Cremolino, Denice, Frascaro, Gamalero, Merana, Montechiaro d’Acqui, Pareto, Ponti, Ponzone, Spigno Monferrato, Strevi Province of Asti: Bubbio, Cassinasco, Castel Rocchero, Cessole, Fontanile, Loazzolo, Mombaruzzo, Montabone, Olmo Gentile, Roccaverano, San Giorgio Scarampi, Serole, Vesime Province of Cuneo: Bergolo, Cravanzana, Feisoglio, Garessio, Gorzegno, Gottasecca, Levice, Monesiglio, Priero, Priola Province of Savona: Altare, Bardineto, Bormida, Cairo Montenotte, Cengio, Cosseria, Dego, Millesimo, Mioglia, Murialdo, Osiglia, Pallare, Piana Crixia, Roccavignale, Sassello. FROM 29th OF MAY TO 25th OF SEPTEMBER ART GUIDED VISITS OF THE 'G. MONTEVERDE' PLASTER CAST GALLERY BISTAGNO (AL) The original models, which were afterwards transformed into marble or bronze sculptures by Bistagnese sculpter Giulio Monteverde (Bistagno 1837 – Rome 1917), are preserved in the plaster cast gallery.
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