A research project from The National Center for Agricultural Law Research and Information University of Arkansas •
[email protected] • (479) 575-7646 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 Pub. L. No. 73-10, 48 Stat. 31 (Originally cited as ch. 25, 48 Stat. 31) The digitization of this Act was performed by the University of Arkansas’s National Agricultural Law Center under Cooperative Agreement No. 58-8201-4-197 with the United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library. 73<1 CONGRESS. SESS. I. ClIS. 24, 2.5. MAY 3.12, 1933. 31 [CHAPTER 25.J AN ACT 1fay 12, 1~33. To relieye the existing national economic emergency by increasing agricultural ___Ln.R.~ purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by [Public, No. IO.J reason of f:uch emergency. to provide emergency relief with respect to agri cultural indebtcdr:ess, to provide for the orderly liquidation of jOillt-Etock land banks, and for other purposes. Be ·it enacted by the Senate and H o-use of Repn'8()1dativ(',,, oft11 (' m~'ciir~~~~ural Adjust [in/ted States of Am,crica '':'It OOiIg-rCS8 aS8onbled, PQ~I, IlP. 199, 3M. TITLE I-AGRICULTURAL AD.JUSTMENT .\iiHJ\TI.TClIH. _~n· JI:3niE~T. DECLARATIOX OJ<' E")IERGENCY c(Jn~(' J)ccluration of elller· That the present acute economic emergency being in part the g()tler· quenec of a severe and inereatiing disparity between the prices of agricultural and other commodities, ,,,hieh disparity has largely destroyed the purchasing power of farmers for industrial products, has broken down the orderly exchange of cOlumodities, and has seri ously impaired the agricultural assets supporting the national credit structure, it is hereby declared that these conditions in the basic industry of agriculture have affected transactions in agricultural commodities with a national public interest, have burdened and obstructed the normal currents of commerce in such commodities, ane.! render imperative the immediate enactment of title I of this Act.