Congressional Record-House House of Representatives
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,1933 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4681 as I am concerned, I should be very glad if we could fix a NOMINATIONS time definitely for a vote tomorrow on the nomination. Executive nominations received by the Senate May 31 (legis Mr. McNARY. Let me suggest to the Senator that we lative day of Mdy 29), 1933 recess at this time until 11 o'clock tomorrow, in executive session, and vote upon the confirmation of the nominee to SECRETARIES IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE morrow at 3 o'clock. William F. Cavenaugh, of California, now a Foreign Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I am anxious to have this Service officer, unclassified, and a vice consul of career, to be case disposed of; but if several Senators on the other side also a secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the United are to speak, as indicated by the Senator from Mississippi, States of America. and they are to take all the time until 3 o'clock, and then we Bernard Gufler, of Washington, now a Foreign Service are to vote, I could not enter into any such agreement. I officer, unclassified, and a vice consul of career, to be also want at least time enough to reply to this stuff being dumped a secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the United States into the RECORD. of America. Mr. CLARK. I desire to make a few remarks myself. Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr., of California, now a Foreign Service Mr. HARRISON. Mr. President, would the Senator from officer of class 1 and a consul general, to be also a secretary Oregon be willing that we recess until 11 o'clock, and that in the Diplomatic Service of the United States of America. the time tomorrow be equally divided between the pro ponents and the opponents of the nomination? UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Mr. McNARY. That is very fair. That would give each William A. Holzheimer, of Alaska, to be United States side 2 hours. attorney, division no. 1, District of Alaska, to succeed Howard Mr. President, I propose that we recess in executive ses D. Stabler, term expired. sion, after we conclude the session today, until 11 o'clock to UNITED STATES MARSHALS morrow, and that we vote upon the pending nomination at 3 o'clock, the time to be divided equally between those op Paul E. Ruppel, of Illinois, to be United States marshal, posing and those supporting the nomination. southern district of Illinois, to succeed Charles W. Cushing, Mr. BARKLEY. Does that take into account the 2 hours term expired. which have already been occupied by one opponent of the Bertrand Money Bates, Jr., of Tennessee, to be United nomination? States Marshal, western district of Tennessee, to succeed Mr. McNARY. Certainly not. There would be 4 hours Arthur Rogers, resigned. tomorrow. I thought 2 hours would be an abundance of PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY time for the Senator and his associates. Rear Admiral William D. Leahy, United States NavY, to Mr. BARKLEY. I myself think 2 hours will be all that be Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, in the Department is necessary to answer 4 hours of argument on the other of the NavY, with the rank of Rear Admiral, for a term of side. 4 years, from the 1st day of July, 1933. Mr. HARRISON. I think that arrangement will be satis factory. CONFIRMATIONS Mr. REED. Mr. President, may I suggest that in the unanimous-consent agreement the Senator from Oregon in Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate May 31 dicate by whom the time is to be allotted on each side? <legislative day of May 29), 1933 Mr. McNARY. I did not indicate any individuals. I .AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY specified that it should be equally divided between those sup Alexander W. Weddell to be Ambassador Extraordinary porting and those opposing the nomination. and Plenipotentiary to Argentina. Mr. REED. I suppose we can agree, when the time comes, as to whether a Senator is speaking on one side or the other. APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY Sometimes it is hard to tell. [Laughter.] James Fuller McKinley to be The Adjutant Generat Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. No one ever has any diffi culty in determining on which side the Senator from Penn sylvania speaks. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. REED. I thank the Senator. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1933 Mr. McNARY. I submit the request for unanimous consent. · The House met at 11 o'clock a.m. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., unanimous-consent proposal offered by the Senator from offered the following prayer: Oregon? There being no objection, the unanimous-consent Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, maker of all things, agreement is entered into. judge of all men, we beseech Thee to heal our infirmities; grant Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, I suggest that we may love, fear, and serve Thee with all faithfulness; that the clerk proceed with the call of the calendar. direct the tides of our affections, and may they rule our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the next daily conduct. Blessed Father, accept us and, in the per order of business on the calendar. formance of public service, crown us with courageous per DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE severance. By pure motives and sincere convictions, The Chief Clerk read the nomination of Alexander W. couched in understanding, may we seek the everlasting Weddell, of Virginia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and good of our Republic and merit the esteem of our fell ow Plenipotentiary to Argentina. countrymen. In the holy name of Jesus. Amen. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, May 29, 1933, nomination is confirmed. was read and approved. That completes the calendar. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE RECESS A message from the Senate by Mr. Horne, its enrolling Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I move that the Senate clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with an take a recess, in pursuance of the order heretofore agreed to, amendment in which the concurrence of the House is re until 11 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. quested, a bill of the House of the following title: The motion was agreed to; and Cat 6 o'clock p.m.) the R.R. 5329. An act creating the St. Lawrence Bridge Com Senate, in executive session, under the order previously en mission and authorizing said commission and its successors tered, took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, June 1, 1933, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the St. at 11 o'clock a.m. Lawrence River at or near Ogdensburg, N.Y. 4682 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 31 The message also announced that the Senate had passed America is proud of her soldiers, but not because they bills and a joint resolution of the following titles, in which constitute a part of a military machine. The pride of Rome the concurrence of the House is requested: in her legions, the pride of France in the disciplined troops S. 285. An act to authorize the addition of certain lands that followed Napoleon, the pride of Germany in her vast to the Ochoco National Forest, Oreg.; military machine has never been hers. The pride of Amer S. 317. An act authorizing the Reconstruction Finance ica in her soldiers has ever been that they were citizen Corporation to make advances to the reclamation fund; soldiers, called from the peaceful pursuits to serve and S. 324. An act to provide for the establishment of the sacrifice for the preservation of their liberty, the safety of Everglades National Park in the State of Florida, and for their country, and the security of their homes. They served other purposes; not for military distinction, not for fame or glory, not for S. 510. An act to provide for the establishment of a na place or power, but in fulfillment of their obligations as a tional employment system and for cooperati<>n with the citizen, because they believed that any sacrifice was better states in the promotion of such system, and for other pur than the surrender of all they held dear. It is this that poses; has ever lent distinction to their service. It is this that S. 696. An act to authorize Frank W. Mahin, retired Amer has ever made their supreme sacrifice so solemn and so ican Foreign Service officer, to accept from Her Majesty the sacred. Queen of the Netherlands the brevet and insignia of the Sixty-eight years ago this month, after the close of the Royal Netherland Order of Orange Nassau; great Civil War, this city witnessed the greatest parade S.1103. An act to authorize the Secretary of the NavY to that has ever passed down historic Pennsylvania Avenue, proceed with certain public works at the Naval Air Station, when our victorious soldiers of the Armies of the Tennessee Pensacola, Fla.; and of Georgia, 200,000 strong, marched down the Avenue S.1104. An act to authorize the Secretary of the NavY in the great review before President Johnson and General to proceed with certain public works at the Naval Air Station, Grant and other famous men of the Nation. The victory Pensacola <Corry Field), Fla.; had been won; the Union had been maintained; rebellion s. 1513. An act to amend Public Act No. 435 of the Sev had been crushed; but in the flush of victory there was enty-second Congress, relating to sales of timber on Indian grief profound that so many of the comrades of the march land; ers had made the supreme sacrifice and yielded up their s.