No. 8910 THE CLEARING HOUSE INTERBANK PAYMENTS SYSTEM: A DESCRIPTION OF ITS OPERATION AND RISK MANAGEMENT by Robert T. Clair* Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas June 1989 Research Paper Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (
[email protected]) t No. 8910 THE CLEARIIIGHOUSE IIITERBAIIK PAYI,IEI{TS SYSTEII: A DTSCRIPTIOXOF ITS OPERATIOI{AND RISKI.IA}IAGEI{II{T by Robert T. Clair* Federal ReserveBank of Dallas Jurn 198!l * Theviews expressed .in this article are solely thoseof the authorand shouldnot be attributed to the FederalReserve Bank of Dallas. or the FederalReserve System. The Clearing HouseInterbank Payments System: Descriptionof Its 0perationsand Risk Manaqement 1. General0vervjew of the System The Clearing HouseInterbank Payment Systenr (CHIPS) is a high-speed message-s\4itchingnetwork owned and operatedby the Newyork Clearing House Assoc'iation(NYCHA) to clear jnternationaldollar payments.Based 'in Newyork Cit.y, CHIPSwas developed in the late 1960sas an e'lectronic replacementfor a paper-basedpayment system, the PaperExchange Payment System (PEPS), PEPSprovided an effective clearjng arrangementbut the paper-based strtrcturewas unable to handlethe rapidly growingvolume of paynentsthat neededto be cleared. Thegrowth in paymentvolume was partial'iy the resu'lt of the growthof the Eurodollarmarket.l Thechange in foreign exchangerate r For a discussionof the causesfor the surge in the Eurodollar market,see Sarkjs J. Khoury,Dynamics of I nternati ona'lBank ing, Praeger1980,p.24-6. regine from fjxed to floating rates jn lg73 also ljkely jncreasedthe volumeof internationa.l paymentsthat neededto be cleared. In responseto the growingvolurne of internationdl paymentsthe NYCHA developedthe ClearingHouse Interbank Payments System (CHIPS).