City of Warrenville Memo
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VI. G CITY OF WARRENVILLE MEMO To: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator Coakley From: Deputy Public Works Director Kuchler Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO BID 2019 ROAD PROJECTS Date: February 6, 2019 The purpose of this memorandum is to i.) summarize the scope of work and anticipated costs for the proposed 2019 Road Program and Warrenville Road Reconstruction Project; and ii.) request authorization from City Council to advertise for bids prior to formal approval of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Scope of Work and Anticipated Costs 2019 Road Program: City staff is proposing the following streets be included in the 2019 Road Program: 1. Albert Einstein Drive 2. Arthur Compton Court 3. Emerald Green Drive 4. Emerald Green Drive E 5. Emerald Green Drive W 6. Enrico Fermi Court 7. John Bardeen Drive 8. Marie Curie Lane 9. Pierre Curie Lane 10. Stafford Place: Warren Avenue to East Dead End Based on the asset schedules contained in the City’s Capital Maintenance and Replacement Plan (CMRP), the total cost to mill and resurface the roadways listed above, with complete curb and gutter replacement and replacement of the street lighting system is anticipated to be $1,223,080 (Road Projects Fund, Account No. 02-00-49476). Construction Observation will be required for this project. The City will utilize a consultant that has provided construction observation services on several projects for the City, Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. (ERA). The anticipated construction engineering costs for the project are $75,000 (Engineering Fund, Account No. 02-00-45300). Authorization to Bid 2019 Road Projects February 6, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Warrenville Road Reconstruction Project: City staff is proposing to remove the permeable pavers in the roadway and reconstruct Warrenville Road with full-depth asphalt, and to resurface 4th Street between Warrenville Road and Main Street. Based on the asset schedules contained in the City’s Capital Maintenance and Replacement Plan (CMRP), the total cost to mill and resurface 4th Street is anticipated to be $42,130 (Road Projects Fund, Account No. 02-00-49476). The total cost to reconstruct Warrenville Road is anticipated to be $1,000,000, which will be split $200,000 in the General Fund (Streets 01-52-41200) and $800,000 in the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) fund (Road Projects Fund, Account No. 13-00-49476). Construction Observation will be required for this project. The City will utilize the same consultant that designed the project, Thomas Engineering Group. The anticipated construction engineering costs for the project are $75,000 (Engineering Fund, Account No. 01-52-45300). Staff Recommendation Based on staff’s experience and City standard practice for the last 20 years, advertising these projects for bids by March will result in better contract prices for the City. Construction on the projects is not likely to start before May and funds will not be expended until at least May on these projects. Staff is recommending that City Council authorize staff to advertise for bids for the 2019 Road Program and Warrenville Road Reconstruction Project, prior to formal approval of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. .