Appendix of Selected Air Navigation Service Providers
Appendix of Selected Air Navigation Service Providers This appendix contains information a focus of this study is the critical role on the primary air navigation service that scheduled airlines will play in the providers (ANSPs) for the 60 countries definition, financing, and success of air selected by Air Traffic Infrastructure traffic infrastructure programs, the chart Global Markets 2012, presenting infor- presents scheduled airline origination mation tied to improvement, support, and destination (O&D) traffic within the operation, and financing of communica- ANSP’s territory for those years. This tions, navigation and surveillance (CNS) (O&D) traffic generally has the greatest services, and air traffic management interaction with air navigation services (ATM) capabilities through 2021. and the greatest demand for the infra- structure supporting those services. Each ANSP summary identifies the nation (or state, in the parlance of the International Civil Aviation Organiza- NEXA Assessment tion) served by the ANSP, the govern- Each assessment begins with NEXA’s ment agency to which it reports (where rationale for the ANSP’s inclusion in this appropriate) and the name of the ANSP study; it is paired with a chart depicting (preceded in some cases by the name six fundamentals underlying that ratio- of the agency in which it resides). Each nale. The six are: ownership and control, includes a map of the airspace served the source of revenue, the transparency by the ANSP, along with its neighboring of its business practices, the current flight information regions, and a chart state of its infrastructure, the rating of air traffic for 2006 and 2011. Since of its (or its “owner’s”) credit risk, and the projected annual air traffic growth (for the region in which the ANSP op- erates combined, where available, with forecasts for its host country).
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