Avs K rZrlttliST... WEDNESDAY, 0CT0Bl» fI, U m i Cv/'i- 4lanr(|Htnr Ctt«nUtB

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IIANCHSSTEll EVENXNO JIEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1968 THVRSDAY. OCTOBER 2 2 ,1963 L- Easton Jannaa, a son, ElfoiNl C. BiaUoy,’* toot apd trastia baht Child Study Qroup tain local, etata, and aatiooal gev> Blue Ribbons Won L VS l WOOD Boyle' Jarman of Mist Kartfort: a Plahniiig Seminar wsro oxpIalBod. A inodal of a traa- Officiab^ A b o u t T o w n enm sntal lasuas. / daughtor, M r* WrtiJD V allW ' tio tent ty te <4 krtdgo, with the Each month, tba Manahaetsr By County 4-H’ers two sistora, Mra. iTaaafit Me MBs To Begin Tuegday Outlinifit IhrograUt LaagarwtU 'hold.a esft«i of thrae (irant Is Named of Wilmington, If. C„ and M^ different parts'lAtelled. waa used Vet Tax Question william Knight, executive or mora identical luilt mastings In Wilbur Learns Why Chartaton VyUMn of Oi ssNwlsh. during this riSM. . vicvpfssidenC and csBhier of tba neighborhood groups.'It is hopsd TOUandd e-H Oub m em b« Mirsck Mirror - Board Chairman Ssrvlcaa will bs held tomorrow The first of seven seminars to Tha mat class of the avanlng on H #•;:?: 13li^ The Child Btudy Oroup of tho that avsry mambar will attand and CinCRIfiSMM SCTfifiBI bs conducted in Manchester by ths Ih a town's aaaaasor a n d ^ ^ First Nstionsl Wank of Mandtaa- blue ribbona for thrtr at 3 M p. m. at tho Lowo FunoraJ field to rt aid waa condi(ptod by -100% WOOL SLIPON Ur, today ia attending the annual liaoola School FTA mat Tuaaday ba a part of ona of thase groups Connscticut Society of Planning collector joined forces today tci cattlo at tha annual Oonnoetlcut Tap BelerteiRWNrtI pplnf, Oct. J l ^ * 98clal)— Homo, 84 Oonnoetlcut Blvd., East Sgt Lotus DAbata. ‘Traatmanf of stockhoMara meeting of the each month. thow Sele ysy rday - Sunday Is Too Quiet Wai and Zonlu Agonclaa gets under •heck, rsllof of pain, pvarimtlon of Hdur ik^ery Service cltar up a couple of miaundaratood night at tba achool to mako D im At tils unit msetlng, ths -chair­ find Douglas Grant of Buckland Rd. Hartford, with burtot in Osntor way at Whlton Msmortal Ubrary, Federal Reserva Bank of Boaton for tha yaar*a prom m s. Mrs. Mw- tha Stafford Fair Owoadf. Lass Tareer V Csmotory. Frlonda may call at tha infection and loaa of blood wore tbx problama and to urge personal in Boaton. RepreaanUtlvea of man of the unit conducts a short But ha Buda ao attampt to gat was namod chalnnan of tho Board 85 N. Mala S t at 7:80 p. m., Tuaa­ man Ralchalt, chairman. Intro­ buaineaa msetlng.. Thia ia than fol­ Soma 48 lambs raiaw l^fi “LA": "ISLAND m : Homstotoa, U.S.A. (P)—WUhur of Education at a maotlng Monday funoral noma thla ovsining from 7 day. diacuaaod and dsmonatratsd during SWEATERS property owners to submit their member banks asssmUed ia tha by Tolland Count/ mombora wow until 9 p. m. tho claaa. new auditorium of the new addi' duced the speaker and conauttant lowed by tha diacusaion period for L0VEB8’ 'THE « s r * Pssbls, American's most avorags night, thh first maetlnf atnea tha 8ubas(iuont aominars, dasignod declaraUont. of tha group, Mlaa HatrltU Naah, sntai*d in tho •*«»»• "* 44 III* ^Wall, than i£rtanso fixed a Sarah F. Brower Mairiaoa A votoraa of four yoara in tha Uon to tha Federal Reaerva Bank the evening, led by a dIacuaaloB thoao ontorod won Muo ribbons. •iN - MlN ;husbaaA had a favorite speech of anack of ftah eaaapoa that atwaya Got. 6 towti elootion. to assirt planning and soniag offi­ IMRUlm BROTHERS Tax OoUector Paul Oanrlnl said of the 8UU Dept, of Education. leadar who givaa a brief preeenta- A nowc(Mnsr to tho board. Dr. Mj*. Sarah F. Bi*wor Harrlaon. cials and to acquaint ths mibUc field artillery during World War U building to bear W. Randolph Bur Among tho bluo ribbon wlimors ■•a. "The Mss rsess The filamc" complaint, which ran •• foUowa: mada Wilhor sick. Than they got became the nowort man to anllrt fii TEL. MI-3-51S5 he has sent out auditor’s notes to gaas, depiiW to tha RecretaiT of After making tha group foal Uon of tha facts concerning the from tho County wors: fiMrloy WlUlams, was namad on:- wlfo of Samuel O. Harrison, diod with planning problems, will- taka 316 CENTER STREET very much at homa with bar sad "Tho trouble with civilisation la out tha cards. Then It was tima place on Nov. 34, DoC. 23, Jan. 38. the Ihiglneer Co.’ Fay B. Birchard, saany taxpayers. Soma of thaip tha Treasury. subject A summary of, opiniona Hock, II, of Duano Bradwa^ 10, a man can’t over have a (|uiat Sun­ to listoa to tha l l p. m. nawa. Than rstary. in Groton yoaterday. Bssidss her among tbeiaaatvao by Introducing and decialoaa is given at'the dose Stava Spaulding, and Oaorgo Hock, . PMowlng the oloctlon, routine husband, aha laavss a soiL Edward Feb. 38, Mar. 28, Apr. 17 and May of Glaotonbury, Is an automebUo come back marked “Yataraa* thamaalvaa and aUUng what ebU- of tha meeting, lig h t refreSh- day. Paopla always bsatlag on •omodao aald: "Oh. let’s look .at aptwintmenta by tha board includ­ Brewer Harrison and two grand­ 23. mechanic by trade and drives arempt.” ,Oervlai checks the t**" The HarUord Council of Catho­ all of Union; Wayns Holland, *yourLir door, or calUng you. up want- tho lata TV movie, ‘Love Bsalla ^ lic Nurses will present a fur faah- dren they have and what hobbtas, menta will be aerved at the iihlt Manaflold: Wayno Caly. ioirth ^ Lockjaw.' ” ed renaming Truman HlUa aa pro- children. ' At tomorrow’s msrtlng, ths stock cars during tha racing asa- payers’ records and finds no avi- Mlsa Naah proceeded to help them meetings thla year. ; to go aomowhars. briion offiesr and Mra. AUcs Jehn- Board of Dlroctors is slated to dls- son. dance that they are enUtled to an ion show and Hallowacn aocial at sntry; Martha and Jimmie Me- '•No wonder everybody’s B Borve- Than Wilbur.,and Horae*'got Servicoa wUl hs held Saturday at St. Joasph’B Cathedral Community make plana. At har auggeatlon, Tha unit organisation conttnlt- Hutchinson, TOUand; and * David •OB ms MdMwt smimaaator, 3 p, m. at the Lows Funeral Homo. cuM attondanca of tbs dirsetors at On Monday, tho Englnoor Oo. exemption. three smaU groups wars formed CIRCLE eus wreck. After working hard all into an hour-long argument over ths seminars, an idea backsd by will te Inspected by an oineorfrom Just right for cool days HaU Hartford, on Tuaaday. Oct. tee includes Mrs. Robert StoiM, Tala, 14, of Andover. the Elaenhower adiqlwtration, BcIiggI 9 e ste BIggmBHR 84 Oonnoetlcut nvd., Bast Hart­ Xhe point U, Oervlni surmises, that from those pfeaent to InfommUy Mrs. R M. Christo|)^r, Mra Irv­ m w - S A T ^ U N . weak, why can't a man just Stay Dirsetor Waltor T. Mahonoy. brigade hoadquartera. Uniform wili ahead. Short Sleove style in EAST HARTFORD the veterans think their exemption 3D, at g p. in. hdma and rsat and relax on Sun- and tho clock struck 2 ^ m. when Ellsworth High defeated their ford, with burial in .Osntor Cams- diBCuaa a"«9"r thamsatvaa what ing Baysr, Mrs. Maurice Mlllsr, the Peeblea finally rriurned home. old rival, Bloomfield 1 to 0. in a tody. Friends may call at the fun te ODs, boots, aido arms and navy, red, a(|us, dark green, Is automatic or that when hay re* subjects they wished to ba brought Mra Harold TVeash, Mra Julas Idaya, like they did in the old helmet Uners. Slsaa i to 14. TELEPHONE 1-3231 cord hair discharges in one Con­ Dancing claases for young peo- AaysT" WUbur stopped? off in the soccer game Tuesday at Bloom- eral home tomorrow ovonlng fnm pls, under the aponaorahlp Of, the up forjstudy. The information Karp and Mra W. H. Longlay, kltchoB for flomoySMium bicarb to fiald. 7 until 8 p. m. ~ necticut community they receive frdm the three units was than with Mra. David Ott assiating. After 13 ysai* of listening to ENGINEER the Sl.OOO exemption in any comr Mancheater TWCA, with Mr. and this lltUs speech, his wife, TrsUis •ootha hla upoat stomach, and RlBdorgBrieB UsH to Mast Jeosph A. OutaaB Mrs. Harris Gibson as instructoia, summed up and a tantativa pro­ Permansnt chairmen for ■ the 'Mas, got pi*tty tired of It. She than, aa bo a^gad into bod, began A moating of ths South Wind­ Joooph A. Guinan, 83, of 74 'OMPANY munity. t doesn't work that way. gram made. The general sub- unit meetinga are: Tueeday eve­ sor Kindergarten Aasn. will bo In order to receive his exemption will bs held each ’Tuesday a t T;S0 A ^d ed to give Wilbur tho kind of to momi: /^ Fennbrook Rd.. Wort Hartford, CONNiCTICUT STATi GUARD i. m. at the Community T., A claaa jMU of Intaraat aalaetad wars, ra- ning, Mrs. Charles Donahue, Jr., ,old-faahlonsd Sabbath bo yearned "llM toMblo with this eiviUsa- hsid at 8 p. ro. tonight at the died last night at bU horns after a LEiALIEVERAiES in Uanchester. a veteran must file or pupils in grades t through 10 sponaibUity, dutalda activities, aex and Mrs. Robert Stone, co-chair­ on is a; nian can novsr spend a hAmo of Mrs. Raynumd Livermore his honorble discharge In the office ? men; Wednesday morning, Mra Jaha Wayaa for. hmg' iUnsas, Guinan Isavao two AT LOW imKRCB ^ WCX)L or NYLON t l will start next ’Tueaday and will praMaina, tsachsr-chUd-pareiiU' rs- nsL A8NDIN : So on this Articular Sunday fibo of Felt Rd. Problama concern­ daughtors, Mrs. Robert E. OuProy Lt. Fred Fcmmia and 2nd k j. | of Samuel J. Turkington, Man­ meat on altamatlng Tusadaya, V tloni^p and family atxadarda. A. E. Dtakan and Mra Irving L0VEB8” up!” said Trsllls Mae. ing tho kindergarten will be dis­ Waltor Von Hone eonductod aj chester's town clerk. SKY” -1st him alssp Uto, thsa hrooght of Washington. D, C.. and Mrs. with a clasa for pupils of gradss Mlsa Naah oaerad to halp tha Bayer, co-chairman; Wednaaday • iM rack. tiSS-Mili him braakf aat in bed. !ilbur, you’ll never apond a quiet cussed. AU Interested mothers Warroa R» Sheldon of Wert Hart­ class In bridge buOding during the Arthir lu g Sitrit j And Tax Assessor Henry Mutrie S through 7 meeting on the other group further whan they might evening, Mrs. Frank liater and •gen -_Ta«. aa4 unless I aell you to tho are Invltod.' Children four and MewUy night drill at the local MODRR • A M. to U P. IL ^ Mrs. Maurice Miller, co-chairmen. ^“Vaw^BafUy'llSBK- Tarjtoy "Honey, I Just want you to tak# ford; five brothers, Charlsa D. CARDIGANS added that hot all men and women Tuesday evenings. Registration for wish to know names of deeirable 8ea.i. '*na eianr at T»raa Lavaa” It saay today,” aha lald. "Don't ‘rhoy got a rule thoro tha a half to five, and a half yoara old Gulnsn, Offlosr Robert J. Guinan armory. Various typos of bridgoo. I' who have served In the armed either of theae claaaea may ba apeekera, movite or books that The diacuaslon lendsrs for this la Taek. even bother to droaa or ahavo. And animals hava to go to bod when it inay still bs fnroHcd In ths school oC WstiMTSfUId, .and- W|UUm J., forces rscelve the exemption. Per­ madB at tha ”T” office in the would ba sapaeiaUy helpful on any month are Mra. Jay Rublnow, goto dark.” as tha averaga attondanca to data Tuesday evening: Mrs. Charlss E. / ' you don't have to take mo to S ^ John F. and Edward I* Ouln- sons who served during the police Community Y Building Monday of theae subjacU. But ahe church. n i go" wyaolf. Is only IS daUy. an, all of Hartford. action In Korea get the exemption through Friday, between t A m. •tressed the fact that the value Jacobson, Jr., Wednesday morning ISOLATED ALUMINUM Valley Oh* MeotiBg Set only if they received the Korean and Mra. Mark Kravlts, Wadaaa- • Wnbur tookod up. Guinan also laavss on# aiatar. and 3 p. m. of the study group is mainly the /grateful. Ho was llap|W ti> skip The Plea-ant Valley Club will Miss EUsabsth V, Guinan of Hart­ . 8 7 Medal as shown <^n their dis- informal, friendly masting of par­ day evening. Aluminum first was Isolstsd In meet tonight at Wood Memorial cbargea LdFOND church thla monUng om uos hs ford, and tbrss grandehOdron. $25.00 REWARD The Wethersfield Democratic ents and tsachara talking about ‘knew the dynamie iiw paatofr was 1188 by seisnUsta Davy and Wohl- Ubrary, when the by-Iawe will be Sorvieea will bs beld at hia home With only seven days left in Women’s Club is sponsoring a din­ thalr common problama and try ­ or. In 18S8. Hamilton V. Oastnsr, voted up(m. Mrs. Mildred Stone WU te given to the peraen for infsmmtlim Isaiiag to tte arrert which to declare personal prop­ ner meeting on Oct. 3fi at which ing to halp ona anothar in bring­ BROTHERS going to call fop funda to huUd • of East Hartford will speak on Saturday at 3:18 a. m. with a aol- and (wnrictf MS mt tte pmm n or psfBsno haring rifieo Who ara .roller skating rink to attraet^aioro of Nsw York, porfoctad a method emn Requiem Msm In St. Mark sbMNng bslas Into tte vn* •aMe stained ginna windows or any erty before the 10 per cent addi­ Mrs. Chestsr Bowles will speak on ing about sohiUona to tham. Police Arrests STEAK HOUSE manufaetuiinf aluminum •• "Buttons.” The hoatoases will be tion to the assessment is made, her experiences in India. All mam- toenagora to hla aormona. Mrs. Jud on Nsvars, Mrs. WiUlsm the Evangelist Church, Wert Hart- ntter windows mt ibe SeoM •d OangrsgaUnnnI Chnri* at North Sha said that, suits without be­ MDNSON, MASS. Lntar, yawning luxuriously, WU shaot mstdJ. doing qny other daasago to tte prop- o Fine quality pure wools Gn 2-tona a r only 33 per cent of tha town’s per­ bers of the Mancheater club art. ing aware of the fact, the roinde Ml*. BlUabcth C. Roaanawaig, Bans and Mrs. Pastula. foid at 9. Mnin SL and North SL, or solid colors. sonal property owners have filed. cordially invited to attend. Any­ Honw of tho SoM of F n bur ppt bn hla robe, went into the Charles E. Jarman Buriat will be In Mt. St. Ben^ erly. of thoee studying in hia mannar 37, of 139 Elisabeth Dr., was ar­ m m l llvinrriiQiB and picked up the Sun­ FIRST MAUfMlLRUM Mutrie said. The declarations must one desiring further information would graduallly becoma mora «m- rested on a. charge of passing a BhowB Thwaday thi* fihtwday CTharles E. Jarman. 71, of 142 diet Cemetery. Friends may call Notify tte PoBee or Honoe ConMnlttoei n Soft, cuddly-warm nykma that diY be made by Oct. 31 or Mutrie must may contact Mrs: Alfrad Vennard. Mil day Ssw spm r, Ho glancod at the Forbes 8t.. East Hartford, diad at his home today after 7 p. m. deraandtng and mora able to aee standing achool bus yoatarday, po- CAU MONSON S227 Tha-Word mausoleuiO originated fart and will not ahrink. SIxea 4 to A add 10 per cent to the assessment. problems in their true light, and Uco reported. TNR frolit page Msdllnea, ahuddareiL with tha monument erected by ysatarday afternoon at his home. JOHN 8. WOLCOTT—PHONE 10-8-8597 The Hartford County Fsdara- therefor* becoma. batter able to Patrolman Walter Ferguson TKI and turaed to tha sports section Queen ArtomiSla in 353 B. C. in A native of Chicago. Jarman was Evening HeraM RICHARD NIBSE—rm iN E MI-9-7TM Ushuala; capital of Argentina’s Uon of Democratic Women's Cluba cope with them. Theae m eeting ihade the arrest after ths school LOBSTER SPEOlU. / a n d tha comIca. memory of her husband. King a resident of East Hartford for Wapptog eorreopondeat, Mrs. An­ FRED MeCUlRtT—FHOND Ml-S-Sdll Tlerre del Fuego territory ranks will hold Its regular meeting in /' . n* WSJ glad when Trellis Mat Mausehia.. aixxirding to the En the |Nut 37 years. nin ColMnn, telephonn Mit chell as the southemnsost town in the are kept lively and full of humor bus driver, Ernest Larson, com- the Hartford Courant auditorium with tha many provoking sndcom- plsined to police that tha smus- FRIUY M M T S ^ rcturns(L Ha wai cyelepodia Britannica. Hs leaves'bis wife, Mrs-S, Bessie i 8-4419. 100% WOOL V-NECK world. , Friday, Oct. SO, ;at S p. m. All leal incidents in family Ufa and ed's car had failed to stop brtlind ,a bit borod. members are urged to bs pressat. In achool brought up by ths mem­ ths bus on four occasions during "Cluesa TH call up Horact Mc- bers for discussion. the last 10 days. .Whinnsy, and ate wjut'a doing,” Percy Hulburt of Marlboro, i Tbs Lincoln School Study Oroup All four irtolaUons allsgedly A bs said. "Bet he’ll try to talk me SWEATERS Happy Is The Day former resident of this town, will meetings ars bald regularly on were committed at ths intersection Today—Ceatiaaoaa Froia fitlfi Into 4 golf gams.’’ show travi;! movies at ths mast­ ths fourth Tuesday of each month of Oresn Manor and Mllfoiyl "DW-, I had tha phono turnsd ing of tha Buckland FTA naxt (there will be none In December), Roads. . off over ths wsaksad ao it wouldn't When Backache Tuesday at S p. m. in the school aiui it was decided that they Police today also reported the annoy you," said Trellis Mas. auditorium. An Important busi­ should have a definite cloaing time arrests yesterday of John S. Mar- MANC+^ESTER "That’s Blcs." said Wilbur THE ROCKENETTE ness meeting will precede the pro­ dttbieosly. "Wondsrad why It a a a at D:80 p. m. Tha subject of the ralA 28, of Hartford, charged Goes Away gram and at tha close of the eve­ November meeting,- which will be with speeding and driving an tin- .didn’t ting.” ning refreshments will bs served. under the direction of Mrs. reglstei*d motor vehicle; Scott H. Later, when ha tried to tuna in enra of k«««r (uaciloa. Doctor, w S ^ Charicn Straight and Mrs. Normnn Simon, 74. of 417' S. Main St., V o.-' .> -/.//I I tho rad|o-tslavision sat, TrslUa 6.95 kMMT foactloe to WfT haportoot to s ^ The Manchester Duplicate for passing a atop sign; and Fred Mae said it had broken down and iMaltto Wkca coaio cnCT4ar Bridge Chib will hold the aacond Baldwin, ia Family Staildarda. AH couldn't ba fixed until tho next T b r hemlthy. happy baWea! BcJentlfically deslpied fo f p v te e t aa rtiwa aad itrala. caasM^tte tocpottaat session of its club championship All ars welcome to attend. Saysgh. 24, of Brooklyn, N. T., All wool coat awaatora with eolorfiA baUnca, wlU not Up. Tampared Z-ahapad aprinyi aalf adjuatlnf • foacttoatoilowSowB.maartoIkaaotwaM- accus^ of passing a red light. day. contraatlng choat-rtripo pattorns. or aias kaekacho-fcal aitoarakto. Ml^r ktoS- game tonight, at B o'clock -at the 'V. "You won’t have to bother about to baby's weight and growth, heavy gauge ataal baaa and rigid ScrlrriUtloBi dao to coM or mnmm dtot aar VFW Home, Mafichastcr Oraan. lNIM6HEEr that nuisance ruining y w Sun­ 2-tona awaird rtylo. Bixaa 3 to 8. Largo , croaa trama. Xaapa baby happy and aafa while axarctaing and «aMO sottlae up alsht, or »iaeo«t paotaea. •alactkm of colors. Den*? ncriat your kldaor* U tbm ooad^ Winners in ths first sesslan wsref ^bmen Voters Set day.” aha said gaily, " ^ y don’t \ playing. tloac kaiJMT too. Tit Doaa ■ Fllto-« laUd Mr. and' Mrs. EMward Kats am you curl up with n good book. They diniatic. Uad ioceoccfuUy to mllllooc tor Mrs. .Joseph McVtlgh and any only 3 out of 10 adult Amsri- •V JBage-AUaa, East Hartford la open Tuaaday through Saturday ooorSSycarc. If, aaiaitne how bmbt tlawa Study, Discussion MANCNiSriR •tSO to 5:86 V. M.—Friday to OtM P. M. Doan', st»0 haopr altof t m •*•" ****^ Robert Lathrop. .-PAULHENRSO cans raad books anymore.” rorta-hclp the 11 mUccof kldooy tube, a^ SU Wilbur polled down a book Uis Sadi^ waata. Got Doaa'i PUto todarl FINE PINW ALE\ The Lincoln PTA wiU hold lU The League of Women Voters of STATE taiaMUfMMWkwSMIl callod, ”Oue Corpse to Go.” read fourth annual food aalaht tha J. Mancheater will open its fall pro­ ■•an SUN ,tlM last two pages and put it back, W .'Hals atore. S atu i^y at D:S0 * MtUrfifde gram of study and diacuaslon with NOW Tim SATURDAY After a big nUd-day meal. Wil­ a. m. A variety of/baked foods, a seriaa of unit mesUngs on “Tha "LOVERS” at 3:29. t:18 CORDUROY salads and baked b^ans will be of­ tl. 8. and Undardevelopad Coun­ bur tried to taka a nap but couldn’t M l MAIN STREET fered for sale. / ”HVNTED” s i 2A9, fit4«, fiilg SttSPe tries" to be held Oct. 37 and 21. "An atom bomb could go off and OVERALLS 3 t« • MANCHESTER Mrs. Melvin 8. Hathaway, unit H «M k HUSICAL ROMAINX OF llOl 2nd BIO H R! IX The igec.bnd Congreg_.’.>ual organieatlon chairman, miuiouncsd wo wouldn’t know It,” be mumbled ALSO AT SIS TBUMBULL ST. Choir wll^ have a rehearaal to­ three identical unit meetinga that GEORGE RAPT moodily. TRIPLE WSTORIS HARTFORD night ^'7 :3 0 at tha church, and will be held at the following times Shown at fiilfi, 9:88 VIRGINIA MAYO "Oh, we’d hear the warning To meet the demand for a lighter, milder prestige bourbon, the famods Old each .Thursday svsning at ths and places; Tuaeday evanlng Oct. rirans,” aald Trellia Mae. $ ' 1 . 5 9 sams^hour. Ths change has baan '/y la , . Just then a nlren acraamad and m ^ e in order that more of the 37, I' p.m., at tba home of Mrs. ”CHINA VENTURE” i^ lb u r laapod two feat-into the M. 8. Hathaway, 41 Sanford Rd., Edasaad OVrIea, Barry SoISvaa Crow distillery offers an 36 Proof bottling o f the finest Kentucky whiskey ePer men can attend rehsarsala regu­ Wednesday morning. Oct. 33, 9:30- ^ED UQHT air. larly. 11 at Mrs. Jacob Miller'a, 103. Ade­ Shown a t f i l l "It’s just the firs chief taking SUT«»»„ laide Rd.; Wednesday evening, his family out for a ride," said put into glass, in addition to the traditional 100 Proof Bottled in Bond Young People of 2Uon Lutheran Oct. 31, I, at Mrs. Jack Sandal'a, Trellia Mat, glaaclng out tho win­ 5 oati»^w « Church will present thslr 60th an­ dow. BOXER LONGIES. 3 fe S niversary progrikm at tha church 38 Brookfield St. \VV\N Several timos Wilbur,, getting tomorrow at 7:80 p. m. John Dam- The unit meeting is the vital % more reatleaa by the minute, ko will give the welcome and graet- center of the League of Women •eemed to hear fooUteps at the ISCMERS Ing. There will bs songs end trum­ Voters, and provldas the method , <)\ l'.\v^ apiutment door, hut nobody rang COACHfS SHOCK AIS by which L s i^ s members study, J■ • • • • • • • • • RNlt ACTION pet selections by Tom McKenna, discuss, and form opinions on cer­ the bell. Finally he went to the mffk m D r Tho Old Crow DirtiUary an- California-bound Conaitoga Wagona-it was 9 9 « flDANS eMNMnois gTuti. • oies. ‘r ^ c 4 ^ > accompanied by his mother; enjoy- -'J door, opened it. and saw a. sign In nouncoa a bottling of'calabratad conaumad with gnat relish in tha elegant HMU UBS MMA-RaS NASH nCH. ffOM kbla motion pkturaa and refrash- ■^3 hU wife’s handwriting hanging • WOW-TWO GREAT BOTTIJNGSI manta prepared and served by tha from tha knob: “Oime fOr the Old Crow at 86 Proof. This bot­ drawing rooms of tha Bart-and deemed | 9 S A IM TTPI Nfl i9S Video Cverydkjr-All R i|k tt lle«crvcd«H.T.0ickinton 8 Ca,lnc. MR MOST n m t CAR young people. Chairman Sylvia HELD OV SK t weekend.” ‘ tling not only meats the growing demaiKl incJispensable in many well-ordered familiaa. PITM. Schneider and her aseociatea on UNA After two hours of nervous All first quality in a tremaadoua varlaty BNDSSATURDAY for a Kgbtar, milder prestige bourbon, it Daniel Webster proclaiined it "the finest ‘Ktnbukp Stndgitt m j n n I tha conunittee cordially invite par- RKAROoMOIlttlMfl 'pacing back and forth Wilbur • Bourbon WUHoy / 3 n S S of attractiva colon. snta of the young people and othsr B etter See I suddenly shaved, drcaaaiL and told enables you to buy Old Crow at a much in the world.” H e ^ Clay had it sent to him adults. iTrelUsMaa: V . . SttrsiuiiTsJrts: *vso«- I a MHN LOIIB u e k tliLM aHI "Let’s go for a whUi—Just lowar prioa. The savings in Federal axciaa in Washington and to hia bocM in Kentucky. iIm tMRRBRf I Saron Plosfic King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ Ishori one.” taxaa and othar coats of this 86 Proof bot­ Now, in a hirtoty-making move, this fa­ iM aHklekdiiTrM eiTdtoM .* lows vrill hold its weekly meetlim » PtotSiSiieW t • He artfully steered their course WOOL INTERLINED tomorrow st 7:30 p. m. in Odd Fkb tling ara pasaed along to you. mous bourbon ia made available to you who BOTTUKO IN BOND Claar, SharB> SffiaBy UHFs Ipaat the McWhlnnev apartment, MAKE lows hall. Plana for tha joint HBl* ■ M C M' ’then laid. "Lat’s run in ••• Horace Old Crow bourbon baa been on the Amer­ have been wanting a lighter end milder pres­ lOO PROOF IBB*. N« 0% CE lowsen party of tha Odd Fritowa VHP RacaaHan from and Hortenae—just for a meihent ftivm. end Rebskahs will bs cpmplstsd at ican scene for well ever 100 yean. It was a tige bourbon (ask your dealer for the 86 '*8» ss.15 s^Usr^ 3 Mb OF THE airiairt itNiifiwi 'But you know how they art? Kmhtcby Strmifkt POPLIN •sais CARS OAM • ^aT! this time. Lat’s don’t get stuck there all favored libation on the front' porefaea of Proof). Of course, the 100 Proof continues Bourbon Whisbey / o to be available to those of you who prefer ciib Pack No. 113„,Sponsorad by HUNTED IROAD MI-8-11S4 Bight." magnificent plantations-H was one of the "Ooma in,” gratafuUy aald a Bottled in Bond. the Washington PTA, will hold a SALES and Horace, who was in pajamas. ” Ws few plaasurae anjoyad in the long train of • • • SNO-SUITS cake and pastry sals, Friday, Nov. starring T E i i V I S I 0 N RADIO SERVICE 0, at B a. m. in Hale’s store. Vlttsrto Oaaemai -wsi* just spending n firist Suaday Barry SriUvaa nt honiG.'' ’X After half an hour. TroiUs Mae The Mastel- Mason dsgrbe will ba IsM (It) ATOM Mtt'AB, Mytkical ( it s (Ml BBOADWAT TO ROILY- began MMing. "Wa roally must be exemplified by the "Lord’s HiU m w isir* WOOD H H ( •> rLATTIMk ( 41 OBAONBT, ntoriM e( B po­ going,” and WUbur kept ropiytng. Quarry Club,” pf the COnnsetieut BAB Sa W m B B N TBBA- lice (ores In actlea "Yaa, yes, wo roaUy ought to." Mutuaf Life Insurance Oo, at . T g a ''Return of the Lask" (Ml POVB NYAR PLATNOfiSE RVRRRR speciiu communication of Manches­ ■:U ( ■> MEET TBE aTAES T h e WltaeM" SEAUAMAM URtor-NMd gUILT i M f i M i i n i FAR at 7 ( ill TV PLAYHOC8E—Movt* ter Lodga No. 73 A. F. A A: M., on iiM ( t) ROWDY DOODT, ChlMrta'e •if* (It) OBAONBY. iuirriiig jack RMW OUMS • Wfi«MAT8i fTANBABfi « Nb Friday at 7:30 p. in. Jamaa W. J WESTBRN rLAYNOVafi Webb -A Maher, a jiast mSatar of Manehsa- ’ AIM ”8BA DEVIL” To be announced ( 4) VIOBO YIU A Y BB -T b WestiaghsiUB ter Ledge, will bs ths acting mas­ FOB - (St> rEARL'T OALLEBY Anaeuaced O O ^ (Ml INTO TN------sturdy watsr-rspellant poplin:'^cloth ter, and his senior deacon will ba • a s ( SI WORLD WE U V E IN (Ml~ BfMUWB eoiB KFrandB R. McOothim. Othar Man- (SSI NEWa AT SIX. Floyd Pattee- with colorful plalfi trim. Warm, quilt­ 1 . 1 9 n o tu B te. w W AT 2 P.M . ed, wort lined jackrt, pants and 98^ chaster Masoiu assisting in ^ the <«) CoSSf^AYhotiE***"" matching bonnst or humst. Green, •6*rs,3" DOORS.OPEN AT lld O mi 1 wonr will bs John U Vpn Deck, • iM BPOBia. BUI KeaUng BROWN navy, red. Sixes 3 to jl. HEAVY QirrYftOONNft KsniMitiiW. Morrison. Russel • lU ( 41 VABIBTY CLl'B O raan lsr^d Raymond W. Sehtsb- ACnON-PAORED HR (SS> TEE EARLY 8ROW "Behind 141 IS. g BIU. V * j a s j s f si. At the Caneliiilon of ths degree Uie llnnk" FLORI K NUTT A D A N E dL A R K OBAOLINB BDITIOM NIAVT MFTT r work, there 4rill hs a aocial hour IN Flowsra far AH i and rsfreehmenta. UVISIV l a MI* iTS "FORT DEFIANCE** («> fifORta, Jim Healr MAIN ST. Cars driven by Joseph Cher- 4l4B ( 41 WEATRBR FORECAST E M - '3 “ rone, 4|, of 38 Qlsnwood St., and • l« ( 41 W O U D MEWS TODAY MEN’S 100% W O O L PkH o M s E R(m I (41) a r o a u o a r s *•** < *> T l ^ y ^ ^ N ^TN » A y B R Oariiardt Tobias. 38, of Bolton, • ti* (HI C R V a^ R B BARRIT ' Over ware In-volvad in a minor accident COMEDY TREAT ( 4) n i a S h r THE aTY (Ml n o 't B n r j t M * Niab aaji f on E. Center SL, near Goodwin (U l CAPTAIN VIDEO Tho condiUhn of Jamaa Oarlaon, (Ml j N & D S blua, navy, graan, tan. i NVNTIRA NEERS ARM”. MR MRMCT fiva-yaar-oki son of Mr. and Mrs. rUTtNR MSnWN Paul Oarlaon, of 5 Pariur St.. G e l . MANCHESTER WMeHRSTfR M m s TNI PUTS ANT SOS 7i« IRST AT M M UR m C H atiU critical. Edtidale. at Hartford A SjD w .. SSeORS. SUM A Hospital rsports4 .today. Tha .MMvaA 2 Mala Bt^-TMi MSAMUfi MEMORIAL PNMCOiOSeOMSIN- yauagefar suffarad a fracturad atw n r o s r m r i H8A8 ( BAUW Ua . akuuu whoa ho was atniek.bjraB Ufa" OPEN UNTIL 9 EVERY NIGHT ="" ^ TRNI TD«S CNILS auto M sr his boms Oct. 13. iM) a**‘ COMPANY WtU CHSSISN IT ' . i : ' .. POR TIARS (Ml TAmi|> 1 A. A W etn. Pn*. I f A B K T W A t V T ltllT ii THB OIiD CBOW DISTII aI i EBT A n * . OLD FASHIONED l«B0 « 8 humorlBt coaNdMRd Old Grow tb« viatoaRt of bourboai^ SMOAl ^ ? / VAMIS DANCINO ' udMeiitloBMforhiRMollliowitwBBaiMlo. Bvaiyry SetatdayTngM - tinbKrtoOMB'MI • 88IT ~bi VFW Hoaae, UY ^ 9*1 .. I Obtav YRB «LO CROW a a m U R Y OOaiMMT. FRAMBrORV. r h i t u c b t

■ !» ■ -yM

n V ^ r ^ - „_____, ...... , ... M :■ i-'. > ■ X'ji. -|| 1 -tr t-' \

H w u u ii c o n k ^ t h u b s p a y . OCTOBER 22, 1958 IIANCHE8TES f i V ^ N G HERALD. IIAMCHESTEB. CONN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 19M ^ ■ oa n trip to Glmdale, Calif., where, M m lborough' they win visit - his brother and let Ufrioii CuU iicftn W om en ' rvm an i riBaliy toi BaldWfii (im ily. Mriu'Inna Ervtck and Mrs. Joan lan Jieinjiila) Droright Continues F ogg were taken to Good Will on CHRISTIAN Grange, Glastonbury Tuesday, u As Wells Run Dry where they were initiated info the . tlV « VOffo <>■•) third and fourth degreea of the Lactarcr: GKORUINA TENNAK^ Not sines 1660 hhva thsr* bsat Marlborough Oct. 33 (Bpeclsd)— otoer. Mr, end Mrs. (tori Franson have England. Member of the Board tif' ao few Oommunlat jets in German Tha local water shortage. is bs- MIm U cIcb Bate*. Facalty AdvlM tarritoiy. That waa tha year returned home from e motor trip Mother Charch, The First Church fif I ^ comlng quite serious with many v t t* Laguna Beach, Caiif., where THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22 C o m ^ M by StadtaU of llanchooter High School when the Soviet changeover from in Booton, Maaaachuaetts. ' / , slower ptatoa-engina . planes oc­ the Welle already running dry. Re­ they visited thair son, Msrine curred h«te. ports from other communitiea in (tapt Carl E. G. Franson and his Subiect; CHRISTIAN SCIBNCEriH O' wife. The wMtUlhg down o f ]at (he. area Indicate that this town STANDING OF MAN'S UNITY WOH COO ^ Mrength from 500 to 406 aircraft During their trip they vlsitad Grid Team Continues is not sione in its water problem. many places o f Intersat along the has not boon acbompanisd by o re­ Place: Church edifice. 129 lafayette StreuL X-Coiintry Runners Cop Hebron and Gilead have else re­ route. 1 Officers of MHS Class of 1954 duction in ground fores*. . Osn. ported aerioua shortages resulting Andrsl A. Grschko's group of sis from tha 3-menth drought whien Tim e: Friday creiting, October 23,1953 at SlBBq armies has the asm* total of 32 Mnaeheeter Evening Hemld To Pile Up Victories has afflicted the New ghigland Marlborough eorrespondent Mre. CCIL Championship Infantry, niaeluuilsed and ar­ region. Vice-President Secretary Treasurer mored divisions aa in prsvtous Howard Lord, lelepbone E. Hamp­ President Eatera the HervlM ton fl67-d-2. Indians Score Twice As years, Lucius Caffyn, son o f Mr. and SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, Russian troops In Gsrmany num.- Mrs. William Ceffsm, fir., has en­ Largest part of a msaquite tree HARTFORD, CONK. 'WI^H«.T.P W «v«j]yijjs jg P Candid Queilions Locals Display Best bar Issq than 400,000, ths AlHas listed in the Air Force end ia sta­ is below the ground. Windham in Triangle have more. In combat affectivea, tioned nt Sempeon, N. T., Air The many vic|orles which our Running Form of Year the two eldee are virtually on n ise. X ; Meet at Keney Park; |||0-O D eadlock soccer team has scored this year At Webster Game par, however. It has been that way Home aa Fartsagh have given us first place in the sines 1951, Pvt. Richard Fuller is home on ^ t St present, the Americana Also Individual Honors ! ------OCIL. In view of this _ fact the two Dispikying M>eir bast running hirknigh from Camp Pickett. Va., questions being discussed are: i and British enjoy for ths first where he has been receiving Ms coach Pete Wlgren’e croM-ieoun- Plhworih High Unable ^ a T d o y ^ 'ffiln ir M Manchaatet form of tbe a^Mon, Mahehsater’s tints ' a dcflntts numerical and bssie training. YOU CAN BE SURE...IF IT'S try runners annexed another CCIL • To Score in Non-CQL High's soccer team this powerful fbotbMl team dafaated ’ qunlltative.edge in jeta Inside (Mr- PsroennI Mention and "D o you think ‘ h«y “ f* BarUett. .14-*, at Wabaler, ilaaa., many. Last spring Ui* U. fi. Air Mr. end Mrs. Bruce Myers and championship as they rolled over j Fores rushed In taster F86 Ssbrsa TV or, Game Held at Mt. Nebo J^av. on Saturday. (Mt 17. It was the children visited relatives in High­ Windham and previously unbeaten to replac* F34 Thunderjsts; and land Fells, N. Y , over the week­ tQ only night contest, on Manches- the advantage began to shift Weaver High in a triangular meet The Manchester Hj|gh Soccer end. Westinghouse run at Keney Park In 'Hartford Kenny Lowd’a opinion It, ter’s eUle thU yeat^>. Westward. Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius O f shay ere RADIO team was halted In a aon-CCIL definitely go undefeated if the Dull The ground parity nnd .the nir «n Monday, Oct. 10. Bariiett'e quarterbacli, Avery, game Friday afternoon by Ells­ to Bogll combination keeps on filled the sir with pasMs against qdge in Germany are behind cau- Beating Windham to gain the worth High, as both teams ware working. The ball club on the tfously, optimieUe admlestona by YOU CAN BE SURE OF SERVICE WHEN YOU PURCHASE FROM title by a ill to 34 dual score, and the heavier Indlahs. He completed unable to score. The Indian's lihe whiHe le good.” only 3.out of 20. AUiadrmiiitary people that West­ flutscoring the Weaver thin>clads Terry Aitfcen Hm confidence in ern Bmiope ia protected just now was unable to penetrate the gals- Barlett kicked off, and Harry HeeeM Photo. BENSON’S— SEE OUR COMPLETE UNE OF 1fS4 WESTINOHOUSI TV by a 22 to 33 count, the Wlgren- worth defense. Time and again the the star players when he says, against Vknockout threat. t Ites rolled up a decisive 28 polnta "Thay hava a good team, because Griswold returnsd to the 60-yard To regain the invasion potential MHS backs would kick dowafield, line. Manchteter kicked, and bn Atty. and Mrs. Rottner, Mayor to make it a double sweep. only to have the ball booted right of Gary Bogli’a ability to score and they had before Western raarmn- The Mencheeter ^P4‘^*^‘^Ttaking ovep.the leadership of the Close Ftnisbea First Howls Lautenbach'a sure footed- the exchange of punts, tha Indians ment, the Runalans would need a Women's Club opened its 1963-54! party. In t^ mnny town* the Sherwood Bowers, Mr. Baldwin. back because it was lost by one snded up on the Bartlett 44. ’ Mr. and Mrs. FIntay, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Close won the Individual o f the linesmen. nsM. I think they’ll go undefeated.' big. long, and^-eaally detectable aeason last Mght with an open ' older Republican leaders do not R iiy a n y W m H b g Iio b s b After two ptsya, Ritchie pitched WUIlam Davis. honors in taking first place for Roger Lord and. Howie Lauten- Oewde Moeteiiy Mel Cote B in RItcMe "Ae far aa I know.” Dave Bush- buildup In tMa country. Allied dinner msettM at the Garden want anybody to. take their place. »60 s Manchester, a brilliant 13 minutes, OaiT neii eeld. "The teem is doing well a psM to Kearns who drovs 35 Grove whero Clarenee F. Baldwih, and sUch towns S^em to be going Mrs. Rottasr, who S A V E bach were two of the main factors streteglste say. TV—WB wM iMtaE our 14.2 seconds, while teammate Rog and T think they will go undefeated yards to the 10 yard line. Four of (ten. Grechkoe nnnles of Woodbridge, chairmen of the down while othere tprge ahead, he Mrs. Finlay, wsloomadyths guests home comfort why the Ellsworth line was un­ Moller barren^ to the one and THIS WEEK ONLY! Turkin^on placed fourth behind able to score. Rog and Howie with Ihoae boys trying to fight it now are rolling Into winter quar­ Republican State O n trel Com-, said. ' and called on each of the members Skip (tehnell cracked over for the FB9«tar$M UHF.VHF Windham's Shea and Jimmy Mur­ kicked out many balls heading for Legion of Honor Somanhis, World and Quill Legion o£ Honor out.” ters after a final autumn mittee. Was tha guest speaker. ..It Is necessary to i^hlp up en- of her board to be rwmgnlsed. She ray of Weaver. . Joyce Bunack aald. "This year scorw'Moller punched over for the in Thuringia, near the Aiherican BiUdwin Is pictured with (Isft thiialssm by personal c u t s e t with warmly thanked w a Warren, Mrs. the goal. Jack Whitham and Jim MORIARTY Bros. m f u m o ayatBin Glenn Bradley captured sixth Kulhman, playing outstanding ball the team la swell and I think there extea point. Stone. Two armies did not to right) Mrs. Ray Warren, first: men in tiielr butlness a efforts to cut Among the num^r of students Magaxinc, by Erika M. XUnsla of students continues our team will be tha Itost German revolt June 17. Ics cream. 7 llama finished in that order for and adults attending the srame writings were Thomas E. J.\Koena Bucking up their defenses Bart­ whirh compelled (ten. Grechko to fltuek, program chairman.' down the expense xn state-owned the Hartford Courant. honored by the (XTL. championship. , Manchester. were 30 youthful fans of the Wad­ and E. Roy Ray, o f tha Hartford lett held the Indians and got the keep moat o f Ms dlvtslona'on riot Baldwin complimented the Vork cere by state officers, and men­ •7^ Courant and Theodore L. Holden, Eleanor Fanciers, '54. ball on downs on tbeir own S A custard ci^p. makes a neat The Team to Beat dell School, alt whom will probably Student panels on many phases duty afterward for a considerable of. Repa Sherwood Bowers tioned specific /Cnees where this of-the Hartford Times. Bob Buckley, 'SS, yard line. holder for a nerUy-uaed pad of , The double win gave the Wigren- be future Indian hooters. of high school publications follow­ period. Ray warren in the House, end does not elweVs seem feasible. Avery couldn't find receivers fbr steel wool. Line tha cup Brat, if k ites their fifth and sixth wins o f The MHS next home game will The convention, attended ed, for the purpose o f exchanging But they took to the field this William - Davis, chairman of At the cloM of Ms talk, he an- ^ the season as they continued their be on Friday against Bristol at representatives of 56 Connecticut ideas and' increasing the student’s his passes, so he kicked ta the month and wound up the maneuver RapubllcSn Town Committee. He ered a ptmiber of questions. vou like, with S piece o f aluminum knowledge in reporting and mak^-- Laycock Elected undefeated record. Mt. Nebo. Manchester.is still lead­ schools. Including 17 members of 42. . . - season with n trsditlonal flourish. aaid he liked to see young people ' the heed table were foil. These convincing triumphs mark ing the CCIL with 3 wins to no the Sqmanhis, the High School up'pf newspapers. \ Skip Connell drove AS yards There was nothing to indients that - Fallot Photo. Hcleh gLstes, advisor of The JackHikHhMi - the Tribe as the team to beat in losses as compared to Hall’s 2 and World, and the Quill of M. H. S., Mlsa Prexy of Y-Teeiis over the right aide, -but (Mnnell Russia's development of atomic or . Bartaam FlaM HighBChool World presided over fumbled on the naXt pisy and the CCIL meet in New Britain on 1 record. was called to order and pretidad This wsek's Boys' Legion of ' _____ - ' \ hydrogen bomba had altered their Manchester; Morehart, goa l; oyer by MIm Helen M. Sheldrick, one of- the newspaper panels, “In- Bartlett recovered On the 26 yard tactics. Tanks and foot soldiers Nov. 6. Coach Wigren’s runners Versatility, according to Mr. Web­ vlgoratinig tha News,” and Oaro-- Honor again festures one of the Valeria Leycock waa elected ' are . now pointing to the Eastern Lautfnbach. fullback: Whitham, president of the CSPS, who intro­ line. played conventional roles. ster, is the sbillty' to turn with lyn Bengtson, co-editor of the president of the Senior if-'Teens at . InviUtlonal Meet at TJConn next right half; Lord, fullback: Kuhl- duced Louis P. Hurley, a special most popular and outstanding sen­ Failing in the air, Bartlett be- It waa ths same styts of fighting '— WOMEN’S YS man, center half; Morria left half,' esse from one thing to another agent of the FBI. Mr. Hurley "World” was one of the speakars ior boys on Manchester High's ita'firat meeting on Monday. Oct. I gen to run from its wing forma- as 10 years ego, • week and the state meet in Mid­ on this panel. Pat Campbell, also dletown on Nov. 9. The big hurdle Buckley, outside right; Fortin, In- and to have many aptitudes. This spoke on the connection of jour­ campus. Jack Whitham. 12, at 7:30 p.m. Miss Isdbelle! t‘on- Avery ran for 15, 22 end NOW YOU pide light; Bogii, center forward; nalism and the FBI, and gave a co-editor of tha "World” spoke on ' 10 yard gains as the third period I- to the state title will be, the dual truly enviable quality is one that the “Art of Nnws," in another Co-captain o f thia year’s soccer Reagan is ths club's advisor. race with Hartford Public High, Johnson, inside left; Duff, outside brief account of the history of the squad. Jack is one of the big rea­ A ,HH.!«nded. He then passed to StochsJ can be easily applied to this week's group. \ I LET US fILL TOUR to be run at home on Nov. 2. Hart­ left. Substitutes: IMrmer, Schulx, FBI. stressing the importance son! yrhy ManchMter’s team cur­ cams to the first meeting of Senior on Mencheeter'sManchester's 9 Gentile, sparkling legionnalrs, Barbara Ann good newspaper writing has Other speakars ^rpm MHS onj yard lint. Avery then passed to ford at present is also undefeated. the vartotis panels included Louise) rently holda flrat place in the Y-Teens for the election of the The CCIL title was one more Bob Buckley '55 Field. plaved on several criminal cases Hejcc for tbe touchdown. ^Bur­ LOW-COST HE« C COMFORT Boyd. Adeline Dlk, Jaoquellne Hol4 .(^I^ and ia on ita way to the officers for the year. . '' , .• added to the long list of CCIL Barb as she Is usually called, throughout the years. e'tate championship (we hope!) bank bieeked tha kick and the Usta Writteg Rules lander and Mary Parinaklan, al| Helen Gom was chosen view; tross-country championships won has many varied interests, ranging connected with the art staff of Jack has ; bMn a stand-out per­ acore was 14-6. ^ by Coach Pete Wigren’s teams. In Movie Depicts Robert Rifkind of the Loomis president. Gerry Rohan ^secretary, Moller. fumbled the eneuing WITH A OUNAN AUTONATIG LED DAS from music, to wrriting, to drama, SomanhU. former with the Red and White and Janice Murphey treasurer. every year, when there has been a Log, 'Loomis Prep School, in kickoff end BarUett recovered. to sports. Needless to My, she ex- Representing the High S^ool Booters for four yeara Next on the agenda was the 5 sufficient number o f teams in the Dartmouth Life cells in all of them. Windsor, spoke on the plece,of the World at the convention were Pat A aprinter for three years on Running and passing, Bartlett CuOfid for tad deUvored league, except 1938 and 1939, Wi-> newepaper in school life, and the election of eom ^ ttee chairmen. drove out to the 35. After Ins- Her participation inj extra-curri­ Campbell and Carolyn Bengtson, the track team, Jack will co-cap­ The program chhirman is Ssndrs promptly ot b o « t r u gren-coaehed teams have always major reeponelbillties of a free Eleanor Panclera, Anne Stllsonij tain the track and fieldsmen this line, but the Indian* held and A typical freshman’s first week cular activities at MH^ illnatrates Toggort, ths''refreshment chair­ ch a rg e. . carried off first place honors. prtM. Rifkind Hated four rules for Barbara and Carol Hewitt, Judy spring. drove eut tot he 2&. After los­ \ On Monday, Oct. 26, East Hart­ at college was the topic of the her great verMtillty. Since the end men is Rote Frechette: service FLOOR FURNA good writing: objccUveneM in re­ ing e Isteral, Curry intercepted s of her freshman year, Barb has Mozzer and Kitty Ryan. Our popular Legionnaire for this chalrmnn 'ia Marjorie Harris; and ford will journey here to test the movie entitled, ''My First Week porting, resisting the temptation to BarUett paM on the goal line, end been a member of the High School Members of Somsnhis included week it president of the MHS or­ the cleanup chairman is Elinor •BURTON’ Indiana on the home two and one- at College,” shown at the morning capitalise on the aensattonsl, re- Manchester ktllOd the clock with -AT assembltea Monday. Oct. 19. World staff, serving as Girls’ Sheila O'Brian, Margia Harris^ ganisation of letter-winning ath- Kesrns. FINE FHARIIRCY half mile course. Sports Editor, her junior year, and aisUng tha temptation to rewrite Joan DaSlels, Betty Trotter. Nancy letea the Varsity "M ” Club, a running plays. :t ------The film depicted orientation the pest to conform with the pres­ Ail ths QMmbers were asked to C A U MI.9-VS14 week at Dartmouth College, which aa librarian, this ysar. Uaeri, Joan Ladyga, Veronica club of which he has been a mem­ dign up for the committees of Bristol lost to Hall, Saturday BASY TO INSTALL ent end not to suppress what la Cavaxaa and Nedra Peila. ber for two years. Jack waa a and Manchester now leads the Health Practices is similar to that in all liberal arts She participated in Y-Teens dur­ challsnging, new, or auspicious in thslr choice. ThSM committees will IN JUST A FEW HOURS colleges. ing all four yeara. Last' year she Repraaenting the "QulH’’ ware member of Junior Hl-Y in Ms meet at different times during the CCIL. This was their fourth the realm of ideas.. Florence Misak, editor; Joan Man- Dartmouth founded aa a liberal was service chairman. She joined sophomore year, and has been a ysnr to plan the programs and victory in a row after losing the IN N iW HOM IS OR OLD Taught by Film Aftsr ths assembly period, sev- kua, and Suzanne Yatea. It member of Senior Hl-Y for the SPECIALS season's opener to Etest Hartford arts school for men by Bleaaar Sock and Buskin in her junior year srsl clinical discussions were held projscta o f ths club. It waa decided Faculty advisors preaent ward past two yaars. He is alao president Ends: Griswold. Kearns, Wiers- Wheelock, is situated on the edge and this year is in charge of plan­ concerhing the newspaper, tha that tha dues would be set at $1 Two movies were recently shown ning the club'a programs. She also MIm lone Fellows, MiM Hope Hcn« of the latter orgsnizattoh this year. ms. Brown. Tackles: Karases, Bur-^t of the Connecticut River in Han­ msgasine and tha yearbook. derson. Miss Marlon Casey and for the year. Upon' paying the dues HALE'S SITS IN FLOOR — t to Mr. Potterton's sophomore over, N. H. has been a member of the Current Jack waa most receqtly honored by bank. Wilson, Robinson. Guards: Following ths lunch period, MIm Haien Iktas. the membera will receive e mem­ Affairs Club, since her junior year, being elected 'to membership in ONLY THE RIOISTIR health classes. The new atudehta are met at presentations of ribbons to faculty Kitty Ryan '65 bership card. It waa suggested Plsgge, Cote; Centers; Provost. Headquarters The first film was entitled, White River Junction, Vt. by a and of the French Club, since her the Current Affairs Club. that UiSM cards be' printed In the Becks: RItcMe. Alemany, Connell. In his jualcr year, he donned the IS VISIBLE. "Health and Exercise." Teamwork bus which takes them directly to sophomore year. She has been ’ colors of tbe CIs h of 1954—laven­ Moller. Johhaon, Curry, Snllmone.. FOR RID A Y O N LY white heinvst of fire chief of South suid calisthenics are two important the college. Here, for the first time, active in the musical organlutions Francs from tho , invaders and der end white.. McLaughlin. lactors for good exercise. Such they meet their roommates and at MHS too. OIrla* Choir, her frpah Audience Will Act ViUandry, for its Franeh gnrdsns. Manchester when he waa elected The queatioq of membership in Touchdowns. Oonnell, Alemany. to that position by the student NO 1ASEA5ENT NEEDED , sports as swimming, archery, soc­ then proceed to town to purchase man year, and A Cappella Choir, Ths movis endsd 'with an old the Community "Y ” was discussed. Points from try after touch- body''on the Rotary Club’a Youth cer, badminton, and baseball their freshmen beanies and new her sophomore and junior years. A§ Part of Cast French song of that' section of This would give Members mors do\%'h. Moller (rush); McLaugMIn SAVES EXCAVATION COSTS; proved this tact. furniture for their rooms. France. Government Day. ' ' sports prtvllcgM. HILE THEY LAST! Barb likes sports and has par­ . One of Jack’s greatest thriila in (iwplacemsat). ' NO AIR DUCTS TO INSTALL; The film explained that people Ths young men are then taken Following the film, alectlone.of ticipated . in every one that has high school was his being elected It was. deetdad. that the meetings Bill Bayer, '64 inclined to be shy and awkward on a tour of the school and at the ever been offered. In that connec­ "Night of January 16th,” a mur­ officers was held, y ^ NO USf LESS PIPING — should participate in sports. This to attend Nutmeg Boys’ State in will be held every first and third library are shown how to use the tion, she became a member of the der trial to be presented by Sock In the French I^ciaM ofllcere Monday of the month. The next program improves poise and per­ and Buskin, Nov. 20 and 21, has elected were: Otga Brandola.-prMi-. hla Junior year. His outstanding CUTS INiTALLATiON COSTS. sonality. Ehcercise is Mao necessary catalogue and directory. Girts’ Leaders Club her sophomore leadership ability was rMonized meeting will include the initiation Junor Hi-Y Club CORDUROY RAIN 'N SHINE COATS year. Despite these many activi­ an unuaual feature. It is the re­ dent; Tommy Reed, vico prudent; for p h y ^ a l aiid mental health. This first week is he has achieved at Manchester PERfiONAL belonging tb him nnd of English 3 to 5 years of foreign James. “My Love" is tops wrlth Itatlva Analyala,” porformbig aavi. Ths 11 newly elected members A picture la posted on n buUetln subject to taxaUoo la aald Town SKIRTS— The purpose of this project is to High. i of the club attended this meeting. OORPLETE HEATHW SlffiTEMS IN SEVERAL a^^owas language and either phyaica or her. She's -also quite adept at oral teata In Diis flsld. Tssta fop board in ths studio every week end on the flrat day of Octohar. . , bslp the student in learning the Film on Chateaux Jack is tha son of Mr. apd Mrs. Nancy Weir 'Sd students submit information about $ A .9 9 numbers, months, days, and aea- chemUtry. making music herself as she plmye carbesmtM. Joad^ silvsr and mar- Erwin W . WhlUuun, 43 C *nrd S t . It brill he neceaaary f ^ The coat per year la 11,700 and but her ^great dream is to go chatsaux of tho Lotaro Rlvsr Vailsy. MhMl” by Oeaeml M eton. eho^a on the following datsa to tha Stinlaat Council at a meet­ kedilwr. at a pi«dc held at Bar- llM sscond waa Tha Slssping ept-out pictures like the Arc of for those in need o f financial aid skiing In Switxerland. (but it H is chatoau Vt Cham bard is ths at tter aieeiing. dsawwiftatsil the ing tuM Friday. Oct 16. tax Usta on the asaeasment Pf, tergsst in tha vkllay. It has ovsr baaa BUachard'a summer r' Cypsy." by Henri Rousseau, and ^ Triumph, from Tlrva Findell, andthere are many opportunities for won't .be right aide upi, she added.l Impwrtaat'Ml* rsgsMqli flayed in Mra, ioh a ftettneif and Mrs. October 1. 1*63: S working either at tha college or 100 rooms. It is at Chamhard that doaec at, Andover Lake plans to go to Pembroke or the dsvslofsant of Amenca. Elmer Swaiumi, represeathiK day, O ct 10. On behalf of alt , A t Ctonunualty lO ttteau, from Martha Minniek, In the town of Nanover. There Oomell upon graduation from high Francis I carvsd a phraas about ' H is sete^on of commlttoo.hoaidB D. McLaughlin. A-F; i. Ladyga. Sfi, Thurs. Oct, 36, Phl^. the parenU on the Hoifie- year’s majorettea Eileen Kibly, A-3. and J. King, A-3. isdeU ie calendars look gay and are also a -faw ■cbolarahipa avail- school, but aha is undecided at fleklo women in n g l ^ pane erith for t^ coming Seienee Fair was School Council, presented the Bat Oct. S L 1 to 7 p. Si. a demand. '. thU year's captain, presented Cgrol All...... A-1 cl* fnUsd to racog- preaent as to her career. ; i tha main bualnsM o f tho moctiag. plana to the Student Oouncll.- with the trophy. Kav. 3, 3 to i p. ffi. ____ _ JMnetpal BaUsy atraaaed the Chenomeau, ooai o f tho lovcUMt sfi# Dm wrote With her groat friendllncM, aun- Thoy aro BUI Bayor and Roger It was decided that each PLItaBSs^OTC NQVM»qn» rpwjmite. ffittjhe aMb aafi are Ira- of the chateaux, la gR the A token was alao given to Aud­ Thia wqsks palifting was Tlops." ^Mrpte on* ny diepoeitlon, and many cap- Turktagton, ea-chalnnen; Mary homeroom contribute five cakes rey Kroll, Insk years co-captaln. 2 » ’EBB t i n PA T. * ifniUkt odafa pnparataty «b - River Cher. by Watte, and was tdsntlftod by I wrote abiliUan Barb can't help but suc­ Parmaklan. busineM committee; and 16 towards a fund to be Games, dancing nnd a scavenger 'Siata must bo fU*d ituftarfi.fho ■IniiB intk ■ Isborata^ aei- ceed. Among the other chnteaux that Q « y Orlnan and Jerry DoaahttS, Brmida HUls, A-1, a ^ John May* uacd to provide profeaatonal hunt provtdsd entertaiamentfor month o f O eM vr. 1 4 1 V .4 .2 S 4 7 muat alee have tha Barbsura is the daughter of Dr. were vlswed was Laches, known Mt-up eommittee; Roger Turking- ■bsw, A-3. baton-twtrling Icaaons for the the 30 guests, rnmpossd of band .Mlsa M—e— — tealn tha mmtsst Bolton Jianrd of An tmaiu : ■ wHl aa tJte •bffity and Mra. W. John Field, 211 for Ma prisons nnd dungsoas; ton, publicity; Ruth Boewocth, maJoreUeo and any other in­ raembsra ^ the mejorettee, while Bdaoa P. Harririrf C h a lt^ v rarlu Boulder Road. Chinw whsro Joan o f A te aakad an sxteUent waFfor popllatolsam comaUttea for judgee. terested-MHS students; a buffet kiaehaoa aatiaSed their John VanBUifier bPEH tiNiinMor umi. v V t. MasUyn Racers^ V i. ths King fa r soldtsw to fMlvar Ed Msiher, '64. o f faBsoua p^riiaga w aittets. Aaaa Miasm ’66.

t f t

V. ‘r"' •I - . /

■ 'm k .B' H B R A IA NLNCHISTER. CONiN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER n . 1952 jiLmCHESTER EVENIK(3 Bf^A U $; ilANCBrarlSll, CONN., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1968 / Sbn wm. atoo 'be ihewn a t the n o r And, MoofnlUac Rtt thU, aoma he became personally Convinced MUee» * Biuuiar Will Start that one of the-pnariMUHee ha^t Young Democrats W lt M Election of riUoigm will be held ktgH BdnlalatrBtkitt oflldal had to Miss Ruth Schiig w h b o -wI i oo •omathlng of aa edge over the WCK»-IIOO Q b h H e ld ^ at the.Nev. 2 aaatlag. Tonight at Armory out «ad imdo whatevar dam- Connecticut other. Ha mide his final seleetlon Head Blood Drive SALESLADY 1001^ ’ Ntoitoa Orlra^iM ' a f B e m tiry ' Wltoon’a ranarltt. Guest at Shower on that basle. Tbe Pilgrim FeUswahip Fmd At ^tiool Monday The harvast hassar, which to ■,i> wKfktammmn BT T|Ui___ iiuy hBva don«. TtiU task feU to And then he estnhBehsd final If you lovo ehildron wo hovo on oponin^ In to foUoFtoc nn g rein echedulenja.i; R a i ^ for Mtoriaa» wtU be brid 5 7 me. Yankee puhUe prMf that that had been The Young Deibocrats C3ub of riqiplied G toe redie mnaage-' AY-^taM Watch Saturday when the young pMpto Sacrotary oT Stata DuUaa, wlio lUaa Ruth Schug, daughter of -'Trulh er.Oanaaqueaeae - I ------'■ ' being aponaered by 8L Bridget’s tlM bnala an whMi ha had hem Manchester, on their own Initia­ menu and are subject to ehaiige —Gaerga Jtaacll of the group will tiy to gat work >lr. and Mrs. Fred Schug of Wood- B>- A- H ..a our Infants' ond ehlldrtn’s doportmonf, withmt notice. Andover, Oct. 23 (Spectol)— Oameratone Club at the Armory, obllcad with a aUtamant to th«af- fnactlening and maktag hia tive, are eponsorlng the November ’ .n#*t Mr. MeNullr to local homes to earn money for fact that ha waa qulta oortain tha bridge Ave., East Hartford, waa selecrioa, and the oaly haele. by 'Nawtraal Dancing laieons atarttHl a t ' tha their project, will get under way at 7 o’clock The poHtical dopdaters did a visit of the BtoodmriUle unit to •i: United tthtaa had "no ]flaa” to recently honored srith a miscel­ taMag that rich pehtfeal ptapi r-NIjtht Waieh school Monday evening from 7 to ifeMred At VCmm tonight pretty good Job on managing Gov­ made vacant ea the Liquor Osn- this town, Anthony Bayles, presi­ • FULL TIME w n ij—w U h Caator withdraw any of lU troopO from laneous shower at the home of her 9. with the Claeses opsa to sll chtl* Sandra White, daughter of Mr. The gay colors, plus tha beauti­ ernor John Lodge’s reeponslblllty trel Oimmliilea sad lastalUBg dent of that orga^lxatlon, an­ £IH 5~ S "•S."' nouadup drsn to grsdss six through sight. end Mrs, Montagu# White was ro- ful items for aala, mehe tha booths tha North Atlantic Treaty Or­ aunt, Mrs. William MeSweeney of for the selection of a new state • PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS wtilT—Ceunl^*lluiie Wbnc—farviea nureau ■ur. CoMu. H MaJwCarreli la It nounced today. ^ WOwj-Juta ef tha Natlok The fee for lessons wss set st 25 centiy named Junior soeial eoordt- moat attractive. Pater Bolls, pro- ganisation in Europe. Elm Terrace. police commiasloner. They hit part Well, tha doperisM made a WhUe the unit is operating « t osaey cents. netor for the Womon’e Student of what waa going to happen right • LIBERAL STORE DISCOUNT , 4 iU - 'irWAY-r-malit Watch faaeienal algn petotor, who has do- Who la talUtig tha truthT Wa The guest of honor found her too* tON______^ Woodruff Hall from 1:45 to «:80 WTIIj '■Bilmfi PanlT Ballroom and square dancing Government Aasn. at the Univer- natodhia aervlcca, made the edver- gifts attractively arranged in a enough so thOIr prediction should p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, all blood are hsing taught. Mrs. Andrew rity of Connecticut. Mtoe WhlU to diould Judge that it la really Sec­ not be a total loss. But their rea­ ' JSIHT-jKitarn SMindup ttofment which has eppeerad over Vrri^ •••♦•••••••••■•••••♦•••••■S'S gaily colored wheelbarrow, and ro' donors will be welcomed, regard- APPLY IN PERSON PLEASE VerprauMUS and Mrs. Robert a member of Pi Beta Phi aorority, the door of tha Armory, aa well aa retary Wilton who la intimating ceived nwny beautiful and praC‘ soning was totally false. It they La>F on Fenders, less of their poUUcal affUlaUons, ‘S ’,f i r - - Bartlett are in charge of the in- vice preeident of the Swiauntog ■ MiStiMP «•••••••••«••••••**** 1*& predicted part of what Lodge isisa— tha aya-catchlag colored eigne Imv% MotflM •••»•••*•••••••**** the real truth, which la of courae, tlcal items. OuesU were present Bayles hastened to adA But the i?rdL“p- WHAY-Nlabt Watch stnietlon. Mora adults ara naeded Club, and a member of the Wom­ which era over each booth. \ from Scotland, Holyoke. Maas., would do. they erred in the reason Democratlo orgeniseUon which ha WONB-Jeek Oowaey w n c —FikKr. Moiir to aaaiat her. Anyone willing to en’s ‘Athletic Assn.- that aoma day we will indeed want they ascribed to him, and so, in the Flaps in Effect Novel namas, such as "Apron to gat out troopa out of Boropa, Quebec, East Hartford, Water- heads has taken on the Job of *'wfTAY-Polka Hnp aaslst should contact Mrs. Ver* Mlse White will have charge of bury and Manchester, and num­ end. missed the whole story. trying to recruit anough potential WU(.'C-«rcerd Rwue prauskus. the eiuiuai Coed Weekend which la Alley’’, "Knits ‘n Knacks", etc., are and why not? The' first thing that happened Rocont loglslatton eoncomlng WKNB-^ekrtwX MattaeS 14115— oneored by the B ^ A . The part of tha gay booths and add to rrBC ftiM U bered about SO. with regard to the atate police donors to make «ure that Man- Donhte-Feariire Shewn Asoootaltd Ptmb ti **cld*^T*^ But, in public office, you are not The evening was spent in pleas­ fondon and prbtoctlvo flapo on WTlC-WkWcf BreiSi «d Weekend to one of the soeiel tha carnival spirit I ot^ rep.6puBlie«Uon of vacancy was that Republican chaater will achieve its mpnthly WTHT—Jo« Glrand A double feature wee the enter* h e a t s aromatically ■& M to,> tte------amm er«dluA- “ tO it. Of auppoaed to think tha eventual ant remlnladng. The hostess roar wheels of trucks vm t Into quota of ISO donors for November. WDHC—n»Corr4 B«v«« tAY—Night Watch masks and coetuinae. aaalstod by a large volunteer epm- ‘r'b2iS’2S‘lS i;" 4 ^ ment. three tiered wedding cake which pr^de Information on the new a rssponribllity of good citlunahip TOWN ADVERTISEMINT WiptB-JakrtMnt MsIirm *C-Jane PIckena Thay were requested to parade gram. mittce. MUa Madeline Smith, and (otN. commiSstonership should be made ■ WTIC—Woman In Houas wtHT—Three Suna ■WTlM dICBt So Wilson is in the soup, in one waa baked and decorated by the e career appointment, not a poUtl' a c t for us an to see th a t tha Blood troiW—Moode For noeRsaca around tha hall for tha amusement Joseph 'Vol* will be to charge of and provides modem cooking lUpr^nUllTM: Tha instance, for nharchlng our mili­ bride-to-be’s cousin, Mrs. William cal plum. The BCl eeye: Program to eupperted and mato- W b l » U > W e p WONa-Sympheny of everyone.] Following the buei* Maaeheetor Eventag pieraM flnencee, end publicity for the ef- SpMl«l A»engr^ Nav LaMotte. \ J. No person shall operate any tatoed. We of the Young Demo­ ^ WOtta—Jack Oovn«r neea meeting, there wea' a sasslon Andover . eerreependent, Mre. feir has .been handled by Mra. J. /. Dttroft anS______Boats:sB . tary force too close to Russia and When a political boas announces **iJteY-Nevf __ 'AODIT BUREAU — ••• o r Miss Scl^tug is to be married a lofty conviction that aheer merit, nMfor vehicle, on any public high' crats dub feel that It la our duty RUBBISH COLlECnON * wiuY-aubMilian Bpwlal “ n c-Ja n * Pichena of "bobbing'’ for apples. A contest George Nrieen, telepheoe Pilgrim Edward McKeaver. in tha soup again, in the same why unless such .vehiele la equip­ WCCC—R*c<^ Ravua ' • 2-878E o ic;COLA'“ u i ‘ Nov. 14, at St. d ia ry ’s Church and no politics, should gdvem the as gopd clrisens, and the duty of - -T-. Martha Harp ef crepe*ribbon cutting also af­ Atty. Vincent MePadden has re­ prase conference, for seeming to ped with fenders covering the front WJWB-N»W£; Mualc JJDRC—Mooda For Romance forded enJo3rment to participants cently moved to Norwich, but has Bast Hartford, to Cedric Hunt, of filling of an important state poet, every other good ciUaaa, to do our Tfuelu and men in the emfh>Y of the Town WTRWuit nabi »U WONS—Symphony in ONE combination range! withdraw our military force from Bast Hartford. that la notice to the cynics, to begin wheels of such motor vehicle. best to in^e this project a chMter will collect rubbihh obout town, Monday, October WTHT-Jpa Olraed It II and on-lookars. GIANT MOON MOOSE. remetoed to his capacity as ganerel •ppetrtJif In od* its position facing Russia. In both looking for something really subtle 2. No person shall operate or, sucesas.* WDRC-Rarord riSp iJtekY —NIte Watch . Anethar feature of the evening chairman ef tha affair. Admission cause to be operated any bus. 26, 1953.' W ONS-agt-PrtotMi of tha YttkM w n c—Three Ring Nava The giant model ef the moon at instances, he waa discussing and involved in the way of patron­ For two months, the members WTHT-VatenUno was the observsnee of the 35th is free. The baaaar ia open to the age plot. triick, full trailer or aeml-traller of thU, group have been working *’UiiAY-aiiburhaa Bpaeial WDRC—l ^ a wsddtog anniversary of Mr. and Griffith Observatory, Lew Angelea, general public. ■> reality. That, he will discover it of roistered gross weight exceed­ You are, therefore, reqneated to place your barrcla, or WeCC—Reconl Ravu* W ON8-Neva waa built by Roger Hayward, and V, BOrartlsIas doelns Beors* Posting the Guard In this case, it did not take the on recruitment for the Novembtf w n c —rront Paga jrarralt Mrs. Jtm Yeomans. Tha couple re­ .N 1 p. he lasts long enough in public life, ing thrM tons on any public high­ other materUla on the lawns in front of hooaao, noar (ho llilA - ceived e ^ r of Bihrer cendleetleks oonfoime to exact scale with 1 p. m. MoiW.^ experts long to arrive at a full and Bloodmoblle Day. AU Maneheate^ w n tT -J o a r.lraed W HAY-Nile Watch is a dangerous business. By Sgt, la , Zbril g. Pareateau satisfactory explanation of Bald­ way unless the same Is equipped residents who are phyaically able didi^walkA hut not on the aidewalka. WDRC—Rocord Stop WTtC-World Neva which were presented by Henry photographs taken with the 100- win’s seemingly Impractical stand. with suitable metal protectors or WONS-agt. Prraton of tha Yukea WTHT—Sp oii. Reporta Skoog, worthy toester. Inch teleeeope at Mount WUaon au^tantial flexible flaps behind to be donors at thia visit of the Obeervetory. “ ■’ w s i : - The NaUonal Guard, as a inlU- The career appelataseat that Bloodmoblle imit may make a All receptacles or materials, should bo placed on tha *‘«lHAY-Suburbaa Bpaeial Later on in the dining room, the RUMMUE SALE | W;M a aa each A Divenion For The British would be made, they saM, would the rearmost wheels, and In case scheduled appointment by phoning lawn the night before aa trucks and men will atart la w rre—Record M tuo iliia - Yeomens were further surprised tary organisation, operates as doss .the rear wheels are not covered at WTIC—U ireaao Jobm JuUus Caaaar uaad all types ef 599 MAIN ST. be that of MaJer Johh Holly, the Red C ross headquarters, designated areas at 7 :00 A. M. WTHT-Jon Oband WHAY—Nile Watch to ftod • Sliver Wedding cake. It n T h e contrast between Britaln’e any mUltary or bualneas group by chainnaa of the State Uqnor the top and rear by fender, body 5-5111, during the day or evening WDRC—Maiaory Laae rll|M Lullaby was presented by Mrs. Rainnond military obetecles now known ex­ recognition of a Communist re­ means of a "Chain of Command." Control ConwilsilBn. And tbe o r^th er parts of the vehicle. WONS-SkylUBg M Reperta Ooodale chairman of the Anniver- cept barbed wire end lend minea, ^ TOMOftROW IBnnday, October 22 The rear wheels shall be covered hours end help Manchester l:t» - It Ovl according^ the Encyclopedia Brt- gime in China, and its forceful Thia term is uaad to boat lUuatrate reaeon Major Kelly would he achieve another succesafut Blood- iONMY, OCTOBER II, 1151 WHAY—Neva , ____tly Jam •a ^ Committee. Starts 10 AM. selected over Major Leo Carroll, at the ^p.^and rear by protective During the bueinesa masting, tannlca. depoaitian of an allegedly Com­ the principles of tha Army leadcr- mobile. Day on Nov. 3. w ere—Record Rerua WHAY—Coen. Senator TI m Tinith Is BBd Diplomaey Bering bead of the police depart- ' meana of auch standard type or } ^ « i- P a » i to Mairry. Mra. Yeomens received recogni­ munist regime in its own colony ahlp systam. Aa wa aU know, in a design and so installed as to re­ WTHT—Joa r.lrand wnc-Otarilght Lullaby meat, would be that the selecrioa eOLLEOTION SCHEDULED BS FOLLOWS: WDRC—Maaie*. Tilllion WDRC-NIgM Ovl tion for her services as Juvenile fls( ntsiy of'Oefense Charles B. of British Guiana is not the only manufacturing plant, large de­ duce. as far as precticeble, such WONS Btrirtly Jam matron of the Grange. . partment store or any other large of Kelly would open the way for WONS-iky Kieg WUsoo, whosw" undeniable taienU such contrast involved In the a lovely political appotatmeat to wheels from throwjng dirt, water She wee given , e lovely vsee busiijsiness where many people are or other materials' on the wind­ QRAND 0PENIN8 OF AREA lOUNOID LEOBNO OMOIN J /• h i',' . t1 O f/- t 1 •TP a t continual war with the' British Quiana affair. tlw Umor Control Oimmleelon. ''fe3 5 5 ’r«3Sg*^Muri« which had been sent from Ira Wil- 1 ^ " employed. It would be impossible The Bepoblicwi ergantsation shield of following vehicles, ex­ WTIC—Nave eoa. past State Master and pre- failure nf Ms tongue to accommo­ Now the British Government has for a firm president or business desperatriy .needed some such cept Un cases in which the motor ZIPSER CLUB HALL North by Sooth Windsor Lino WTHT-Joe OUand A dream revealed to the real St. aentsd by Elsworth Covell, wor­ ARROW date Itself to the atmosphere of owner to supervise personally and vehicle ia so designed and con- WORC—Neva NIehotoe that a eartato poor noble publlriied an official "White instruct every employe. So leaders, plum in order to bolster its Eost by Sooth Moio. Molo. Uoioo and Slotor Sts. WON8—Neva thy secretary. high public service, pulled a beau­ Paper" in Justification of its policy fences In some critical political struoted that the above require- man waa desperately to nted of Before the meeting drew to a foremen, department beads, floor­ menta are accompltahed by reason W HAY—Supper Serenade _ , ' , ■honey to endow hie three mar- RADIATOR ENaOWRES tiful double boner. at his press of force, and it looka aa if t£oae walkers. or whatever they are area. Besldea, so the logic west. SATURDAY, OCT. M Sooth by Gkotoobory Town Lino close, Jane Corthelt, worthy lec­ It was about time for the poUtl- of the fender or body construction w r e c —Good Beenlng. Good Muate riageahle daughters, ao the saint turer, announced' Dr. Edward Ot- \ eWIOM MMII t o NT ANT BA^TO* mfbteiee the other day. M tiah newspapers which delight named In relation to their type of or other meana of ancloaurc. This W itt Wo«t by Emt HortfordTowo Lion. WTIC—atrkxly Sporu business, are chosen to aid the eal atmosphere to move back WTHTr-Joe Glrand secretly threw three bega of gold tsnhalmar of Windham Center first thing he did was to fn attacking the methods' of Sena­ into control of things on the act shall not apply to vehicles WDRC—Jack Satmaa into hia houae, hanM orlglaattog would be guest apeaker at the Free Eatiaistcsv "big boss" in his Job. where the construction thereof Is NOTE: Robblsb wN bo coEoclod oo o l Mgbwoys W0N8—Pateraoa MSt th a t we had Russia ringed tor McCarthy in this country In the Army or National Guard, liquor C o n tro l Commission, tha Icgand that Santa Claus comas Nov. 18 meeting. He will ad' Cheerfully Given with American atomic air bases wl^h bad been too pure sad such that complete freedom around Dimr aid Daaeiag NttMo tho obovo doocribod booodorloo. down tha chimney. dress tha group on "Cancer.” A would have a new target for criti­ the same is true. There are leaders straight under the regime of the wheel area ia neceasa^ to MuriS of raining instant deatruc' cism of conviction on suspidon, as' present atarting from the corporal, Major Kelly. secure the designed use of. the Infonnariim'ah rickets can be i 'l By: RICHARD MARTIN WT1C-I>t George iRi It Costoni Made tfo n n n the Russian people. He said who is the first non-commissioned had a t Ohih Henee, Bratoard WTHT—a GammeH soclation, and inference. officer in the Army’s ranks, con­ So the Baldwin gesture of vehicle.' "1' 5 , >| General Maoager WDRC—Guy Xiimbardo ere .jliould take "comfort’’ in this ;lhat, at least, seems the initial purity was really nothing more or 3. Any person who vlolatea any Plaee. DeadHae t o Friday nean. WON8—aitf Stern All Ftoxahim tinuing through the non-commls- iiU — knoisladge. And when asked what reaction of the moat stolid of sli led and commissioned ranks to less than the Tiever preparation provision this net shall be fined WHAY-a«rpper aerenade Venerinn Blinds President, who is Commander- for a real political grab. So the not more than $50 or imprisoned WC(.*C—Good gTenlng. Good Mufie kind of comfort, he replied that British newspapers, the Times of logic went. It waa nice analysis, not more than 30 days or both. wnc-Three lu r Batra ., . era dhoold try to imagine how the London, which coipiinented, after .Chief of all the armed forces. WTHT--Bporta v, "TMritae" Bach leader, no matter what his up to a point. And it had the Iden­ WDRC—t.ovell Thomas ' Window Mwdea must feel, thus ringed reading tha Whits Paper whl rank, position, or responsibility, is tity of the new police commission­ WONS—Dinner Data V / about by our atomic power. waa supposed to prove that er pegged right governed by the basic fundamen­ ’Ihen came the disillusionment WHAY-Supper S eren e WANTEDI Ahniriinun n i p , observes the Herald Tri' Goverinnent’a action nipped^ tals of leadership as dascribed and WTIC—Theater of Melody Storm Windows expressed by the following, "The Governor Lodge entered the proc­ P Whitman. Sehnfft, P. O & d WTHT—J. Vandercook bum^ ‘Svaa a thought which could hot red plot aa follows: ess of selecting his new state r Casrity Criphsaid ^ WDRC-ramlly. Sbeletoa Leader's Oode!" ■WONS-r. Lavli, Jr. Oil Burner Serviceman 2hfato Pads haiw bssn expressed mom tactful ’The ‘Communist pl6t’ men "I became an Army leader by police commissioner by undertak- ly nvnt the point of view of in tioned in the British Government's Hig a thorough personal appraisal *‘WHAY-Jupper Serefip^v what I do. I know my strangth and of the two career possibilities for ^ ArthHr Drag Sitrat i WTIC—‘Theater of Mriody^ r a n MSURANCK — TOP WAGiS taraaUdnal policy.’* But that was statement of Oct. P u not exposed my weaknesses, and I atrive con­ WTHT—Democratic CommUlec stantly for self improvement. I it In the course of his appraisal, WDRC-B«jlah_, aot-.tiHi main fault of the state­ in tha White Papw with the clari­ WONS-Thrta Bdaa OTHIK iMFlOYI nNKFITS ment. The Ruseiane know wher^ live a moral code, with which I Arrow Winiiow Shade M tt Co. ty and coniptetmeas that many in set an axampla that otheik can DEPENDABILITY WHAY—Supper Serenade have our bases, and they have thia counby axpected, and the emulate. I know my Job, and I WTIC—Ne^rt of WerM 249 NORTH MAM ST. — MANCHKS^ seen our maps pinpointing the carry out the spirit as well as the WTHT-«dir rrom .Bpace / APKYINmsON critics wiu certainly ask again X# WDRC-TChorallera TIL Ml.9 ^ 7 \ itargets inside Russia we can reach wheUi^the landing of troops was letter of orders that I receive. WONSri Gabriel Heatter "1 take the initiative and seek tiU — from these bases, and there is lit­ abs<^tely necessary.” responsibility, and I facie any situ­ WHAY—Roaary Mow tle difference between our act in WTIC—One Man'f rjmlly :owever real the Communist ation with boldness and con­ I ^ T —Starr From Space ^ MORIARTY nOTHERS Bialntainlng these bases and ilot may havt baen In British fidence. 1 estimate the situation CAMERAS p This buslBeea of companding preacriptioiu If no child’a play. It WDRC—*. R. MurroW If'-?, , j jONO-Mea'a CmnM H i CINm Sr. — TIL MI-3.5135 boasting about them. Guiana, the British, even after and maWa my own decision aa to requires knowledge, skill, pud a hijuh. degree of^^nracy. All goeoo> But if we are going to the best course 'of action. No mat­ ■ *WHAY—PoUeh National Homa they had conducted their search ter what tbe requirements, J stay w n c —Roy Rogera ^ Ubout them, in such te m » ^ we of. the houses of all the native po­ FED FUSH CAMERA work must bd elhninatddi Certain powerful medicinal agents muat WTHT-CIty Bvllna ,/;/ with it until the Job is done: no WDRO-Meel MllUe NOBODY! BUT NIffiOOY ought not to ask people ^to ima­ litical laaders, apparently did hot matter what the results, I assume bo measured to a fraction, of a graia. WONO-Oltlcial Delaellra i . / gine how the Russians/muat feel coma up with much solid proof of full enthusiasm. "I train my men as a team, and FUSH RUN * WHAY—Polieh NatloaAl Uonia CAN MATCH THESK VALUIS without acknowledgii)/ what their it. That may be more a tribute WTIC-Roy Rogera I lead them with tact, with en­ WTHT-Sammy Kara feeling n»ay reaD y^^ and without to the clevemeaa of the Commu­ thusiasm, and Justice. I command OVER S 00.000 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WDRC—Meet MnUe AT THf conceding that ’■pwnfort" may not nists than a proof that no plot their confidence and'their loyalty: RA08ETBA8 W ONS-^leial Deteelhra ba the only <^dend f<# us from existed. But the facts remain that they know that I would not con­ *‘lfetY-O iale'a StudtoParty Chevrolet our posseaidon of these bases. sign to them any duty that I my­ When yon bring your prcscriptioiio to ua you havo the aaanranee that ■"TIC—ratherWTIC— Kaova BaM the British threw a duly elected self would not perform. I see that ■ t^H.. THT-Holl T - aiarvay For, as SMretary of State Dulles regime otit of office on suspicion, they' understand orders, and I fol­ WDRC—Roger#w or " of the Gaselta / BRIDGWAY« MILLS all of these principles wiU .bo conacioBtioiialy oboenred.' Tour own . woriNS-hfightr htniare Kitchen Heating Range used to^now, before he became and, even after having done it, low through, energetically to in­ Alsu 9:*»- R Day* Only Ilmre., Fit, flat maker of bases himself, this could come up with nothing too sure that their duties are fully dis­ physician will Ycrify this statement. WHAY-OmH’s atuillo Farty k charged. I keep my men informed, w n c —Father Knows Best T R U C K S / I of defending against sensational in tha,way of proof. WTHT—Mike Malloy and I make their welfare one of SPEC IA L $12e5p WDRC-Rogers nf the OautU GIRLS' UNID by having bombers look- One of the White Paper’a charges my prime concerns. i, - WONS—NlaVtinare ig down Russia's throat may TTicse things I do selflessly in • No Fuel Odors against the deposed leadership, f'tnS’AY-NIabt Wsteh I ibava two consequences. I t may, fulfillnMnt of the obligations of WINPRO 35 MM, CAMERA $10.TS ■’! w n c —Truth or CoesequeMtS 1M6 Chevrolet T«r Piek-sp for instance, is that it was "nUs- Prescription Pharmacy WTHT-Georfe Jemell Vt {indeed, as Secretary Wilson seems using patronage to entrench the leadership, and for the achieve­ WDRC—Meet Mr. MrNulty DUNGAREES 9 No Diet or Dust ment of the group goal." WON8—Nsvs: Sporu |to believe, so intimidate the Rus- party,” which lit* not aven an Every day we hear of new lead- SPECIAL $8.95 901 Main Street that our own safety is in- eapeciaUy Con^munlat tr a it era being Appointed to fill posi­ if. Telaviaion Pn«nuns Totil PriM$29SJe Or It may,’ as- Mr. Dulles tions in our government, military ToL MItchen 8-5.121 ^ N o Fuel Ddivery Worries We will, however, let the British On P sta Twq. to concede, seem so threaten- themselves pass Judgment on their forces, or business enterprises. $ ^ . 2 9 a circtunstance to the Rus- The Guards Is a unit that frequent­ USED ENAMa TRAYS H i Dwrliif Ofd Stevt own action. But we expoct that, ly appoints ,^ew liadera and ad- ' ^ JIIZE 8x10—GOOD CONDITKIN FeBowa of The American ColIngo of Apothecaries 1M6 Dodfi % Tor Pick-Rp 9 No STORAGE Requirements th at they feel compelled to even the debate which la due will vancar old one*. These promotions Roand-Upl to h ritik ^ s encirclement of have the effect of side-tracking, are made only, of course, if an in­ U MM. REVERE SOUND PROJECTOR OAU. \ ■ a t whactever cost that may for a time at least the normal dividual has shown ability and COULD SEU FOR NEW $240.00 RIG. $3.98 VALUK itaa meets the necessary standards to Charlti W. Latkrap Totti PriM SZTSJI GLEN WOOD Hcre’i complhidy automatic heating fee pastime of condemning all Ameri­ shoulder additional responstbUL- FOB So when Secretary Wilson aska ca because America happens to In­ ties. / U MM. NATCO SOUND PROJECTOR ACTOMOBIUE ENSUBANGB Siaes 7*14 a Zipper Side to Imagine how the Russians KITCHEN HEATING your Idtchcn an^fverydiing you want in clude Senator McCarthy, To emphasise this fact, we have COMPLETELY OVERHAULED SIfOJK) ; (laalalhMnt Paymento) TImmo fw a tfocltt oro In eon «H M and • Folly Lined about theaa bases, it might be in our Unit. Oo. "A," a man who 18B E ast Oeirter 84.. Ml-O-eiU RANGE Just a week ago, was promoted to CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. modem imkmg, twoSi^ end top^f-ofova part of sanity to suggest that ^ USED FERROTYPE TINS ftoNly in aom thnir own way. Model 31-iM isy may feel about them exact The Best Politics the rank of second Ueutensnt from the enlisted ranks. His name U NEW WIRGIN 3S MM: CAMERAS BOVW am* OIBL8* U N ED cookmg! Add to duo, the ipedal low ’ the way we would feel if it R tgnU nfy When campaign fever starts William Meagher, of South Coven­ KODAK ond ANSCO CAMERA KITS i 311 MAIN STREET ^299.30 •re Russia 'which had u t ringed moimting, next jrear. President try. Bill originally waa in the BOXER DHHIMEES TraJe4m rate you,cam for both cooking and heating prlth Russian air power. And if Massachusetts National Guard and COMPLETE MOVIE and 35 MM. SLIDE AUommte* 20.00 Eisenhower will be hard pressed • mace 4 to 10 khsy have to be discussed. It to give up the position he adopted is a gradiwts of Browif Univer­ CAMERAS AND PROJECTORS! WOMEN CARTER CHEVROLET CO, I r e wkh gai! Thu low rate appU^'to all tha sity. He moved to Connecticut a might even be suitable to say that at his press conferenca yesterday PHOI^E: MITCHELL 9.5238 hflairiertoed year ago, with hia wife; end joined Orddr Yoor Pbolto CbristoKMi C old s Nnw .48 do not like the maintaining of —that he did not view'It as our uiut. He is employed as a re- 311 MAIN ^T.MI.9.S23I ' • Fee Beys ROW *279J0 gaa ufcd in your home, giving yoii extra le bases, and look forward to proper function of the Prealdency. ■sarch technician in the Rural WE DQ OUR OWN CUSTOM RLM ■ V- ' • Fe^ Girls •avingo. See this new GIcnwood Kitchan Ike day when we can abandon this to go out and participate in local Sociology’ DepL of the University 4 1 1 .a « • niMOh' Miter miirclement tactic of ours. of Connecticut--and is studying DEVELOPING — 24JIO UR SBIVICE ______\ election campaigns. Ha will be sociology In a ppst-graduate BHutI dawn payswit Haating Range now. But to say such a thing would hard pressed, and the changes are statu.9 at the same time. \ “RN OUNCE OF PROTEaTION—” \ ba a boner, too. For that would that hs will go out and campaign This past summer, h^ attended ► • ' T ^ . ■ " 'V Plggeat some eventual retrench- for the election of Republican the National Guard Officer’s Can­ HERMT CMNERA AM OTOSHOP M Y T ROUBLE KHEE nt of AnteHcan military force didate Sdiool at Fort Riley. Kan., •wWwyw^W Owwra , IHVo ■ members of the House and Senate. for 10 weeks. He j ^ d u a t ^ 19th T015 MAIN ST.. IM ^^ESTER SEE THE FAMOUS tM world, and such a sugges- But even If ^ e President proves in his clajs of over 200 stisdents. Now e New OUE T U B N m U WBOT — 1 ^ 1 . Mt-0-0404 BMaOnitsly, aa. Bsstfld train ovary man as a leader, be- 3 -CONCRETE P IP E approxtonetely 2*0 feet Of 13 Inch. . ' ' i FHONI MMMiiS ancea-bgr th o F fa riim t in Chair «»• eanee thaw riien may then turn MANHOLES, 5. ^ J agm, Bmo M ats of. tricts or ataHa. . against thrir dictatora. - But In CATCHBASINS, 9. OPEN DAILY 9KM)-9:00 ki wltMnwal ' htm this gfeat country of oure, whore TICKETS $1 — STUDENTS SOe OPEN ALL DAT WEDNB8DAT to the French Altar . being .Frasident, John tha baric idea of team-work and Pinna, apeciflentione and toformetion pertntotog to the InetnlleUeua. * f «S NATO. *1»ve the Quiiiey Adams, against all praoa- citisan-rule la dominant the Idaa mny be bed at the office of. the Town Engineering Department, M of- MaBchentnr Otfke, 687 Maia Stfwt. Open ThorMag Bapraaantatlva from of tralaiBg potential leaci..;. u cipnl Buildtog, Manchester,. Geoneetlcut FREE PARKING $•• any Rntory Club mombar fof tiekato — Halp Manchasftr sfudanto! ■ j) . SotBrAtjr Mafnkga Far Apphniig DaRRaaoUBtlap iMriHla,! aad aa tt stiade la the 1 i . taC H A K D MARTIN TfEttoial flaairi. I '" ------**— f — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER* CONN, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1968 eaUbliahment where ha bM boon quot and entertabunant The of .'WcodywiA BA^lMd M « ®ttin£ton . RockylUe-Vemon Moosaboart High .school team aad guest for three days, Mies Ingrid employ^ oifitl recently. Jayeee Pr«Rident •r- BoMoa Jqae Lsaaaid. DONfT band from llHaois are making their Byquist of------Salina, "Kansas and IN New n first and only appoaranee In Oon- Yoric.Clty, a former local resident. Schedule Weed TM received here Tuesday Herberts .Preteure night Of Uta death 6t Mre- Emma U M w m / Im k t nocttcut at that- time. I ffiyqulst is. a stewardess on If U f t l t i Old Ordinance Repeal Bid '^ Aid, CD CUm Slated; the EoMam Airlines out of New Jane Leonard, 87, widmlr of George Mtn riMity oc wmu The Moooebaart team will play Ydik. FrMly.Oel.38 Heidenberg Site Laomfid former Meal reUdent Sha Hhesa RopMlrai MM* the Notre Doom High School team vWarihMitee Deeds Filed Midnight- 3 a.m...... Abthony Eilinskas (Bed at the homO of her daughter at Bowen Field. A ehsrtered bus Made at Council Meeting will leave toe club here at S a. m. 22-ffoutrChottr8e Dlanned WaA'anteo deeds, filed at the 2q^.>’ 4a.m...... ^..Vehmteeta Needed ^ n . Thomas B. Blake 4t 84 Ever­ »M YULYES tjBbA Clark's >ffice to date record­ 4aun.-8a.m...... William Bayrer Ellington, Get. S3 (fipocial)— green Ave., Middletown. Slid on tha return trip leave New Mr. and Mrs. William Herberts 8heo Bepolitaf of tho L .. Haven at.# p. nu , ing tradsf^sr W property include: , 8 a.ln.-‘Ba.m...... Olive Charticr ; She was a m en^r of th# South ter KbMDoao YYWIa To* Boekville. Oct SI—(Bpeciai)—• “■tere Front Medamlzatloii.” K. Covdrtry, Oet* M ' and ay li.'.McKeen to Anthony J^ 9 8.m> Idpon ...... Dorothy Belcher and eon. formerly local roaidante, Congregational Church and the Robert Pigeon, Corporation COUti- E, Betler of General Blectrie Co. 'Rapper IdBaaed," ’ Ml and 'Wlleox-Mllaido Poet AL AuxiUaiy W alt. ____ The* Womeii’s Social of the ••e sUndard AmerlcaB^Wi **” • k?*‘l 'Vidki, l ^ e s t LaPolle lot foiirv Noon-’S'piJp...... K*.-Leo Plecity have purchaaad what la known aa 18 MAPLE SnUODV ael, reported at tbo Common Codn- wilt talk oa interior lighting and Mrs.' Eugene W. Conner will bd section A in Waterfrdnt Monhr; Spiln.'^ ...... J ..Vohwteera Needed ,0f Middletown. doeorationa. "Modorn MerchandlS' Rockville Bai^lat Church wtU ••• aid courae witli ^floor hoe oure bido oa tho printing of tbq nl|4it at tho Baptist Church M rnipany instructing. The program will be under the su-> section 5, block C in Lakevlew BuUdIhg, Manchester oa Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays .from Friday a t 1:36 p. m. at the Doo- PHONE Uoyd Davis of WeeteOtt'A All aadults interested In Joining pervislon of the local Auxiliary to been arranged forfimerel m tis Funeral Home, 15 Church St., charter and this was graiUed. / 7 Jo p. m. In the absence ^ the Ter. 1-8 p.m. WASHER Mn-OMMY Pigeoa alao reported ob^the m - Mapas, lae. bee toe subieiet of com­ classes at ihe FirehouM in the Green-Chobot Post, American home. , / Middletown. The Rev. Harris Hav- fort conditioning And Helen B. paster, tha Rev. Edwin A. Braoke luUi Coventry are invited to take George W. Hlnkel to: Ida Mae eriey will officiate and burial wlU vision of too city urdlnaneobv He who edll bo attending thq.Uonnee- Legion, of which Mrs. Eugene Saturday an^Bunday from 3 to advlMHl repealing praeUeSUy all O’Donnell of the Stnte O ^ r tm e n t le 32-hour or nlne-Weeks course. Rychling is unit National Security Hlnkel, quit-claim Stanley 10 acre practice 7:80 p.m. for PTA banafit be in Ellington Center OemeteiY. of Bducaiion wrtll dlscUaa "Moderii- ticut. Baptist Oonvsntirm meeting Hlnkel end Chase Avenueei..^ 10V p.|a* m.Ml. theaaiv btetio aywaonw-. willi be open for REPAIRS of the old qrdlnaneea with the ex­ Hansen is aii authorized - AHC eonimittee chairman. lot; Edith and Stanley Carr to game Nov. 6 in the Roberteon laatlon of Personhel Training," in Weterbury. Nathan Hale, Inc., lot Jive, section Gerald Patk; Nathan Hale, Inc.-to thelie public tefqMctlo Evafy one le ception of Uioso d*oling;With Bon­ ' Sefeefed Fresh istructor. The only charge will School; Board of Education, 8 p.m. Maaeheater Kveotaw HeraM EI- Wilbur SmtUt f i t Ajaoclatee of New Veraoa Graage to Mcet TO RROIL OR FRY Elected Sewing President C, Waterfront Manor Develop­ ’Hel4n end Paul J. LeCle'rc, lota.'Jl, coiorffially kmtoiL Prompt* EetwomlcM ing aad adopting new MtUnaacea. for the text books. Hansen may Maridel Leonard has been elect, aection tu’o in Nathan H^e in the Robertson School with first liagtoa eerreapeadeat, Mre.'0. F- Haven wilt baadle perking, tmffle ^’Th# Vernpn Grange has called contacted for further details. ment; Laura and Leslie D. Mac- Merbefia is a veteran of World Berr, tele^ooe BoekvUlo i-M lS. Ha oabed the awmbert of the couti. control and atroet fighting end the an Important meeting during FRUITS and VEGETABLES ed president of the Merry Sewers Heighte; aYancea C. Beebe to tiea- portion of eeaslon open to the V'ar.,U^havlng servod in the U. 8. cii to review the ppaaent regula­ Upon completion of the course, 4-H Sewing Club. Other officers Rae to Dxilcie and George Mi public; First Ocmgregatioml GooroffifwoR roll of toe banker of modernization which tiMy wlU diacues th(r future FiRcy WayhettCbiekens'^ 47e 'ansen will instruct in the a'd- Amer, lots 13,14, block three. Pine ter E. Beebe. Jr., cottefe on Bqibe in the Pacific area. He at- tions aad if any mfmber haa a pro. aCtiviUea of the organisetlon. AH are vice president, Roberta Wheel­ Eetete, quit-claim. Church Board of Finance annual I the. American Academy of ALB BY THE YARD ^poaal as to chaafies or new sug- will bo outlined by Frank J. Lynch, Ktreia raote.s. lanced. course which is a- 10-houf^ er; secretary, paulA Contoa; news Lake Shores Development. budget meeting, 8 pjn. in the Wrlngor-Rols Roptoeml vice prealdent of the Hertford- membrra are urged to attend the FiMCY IVISCKRATfD r four-week oourse. Those com- Estate of Albert E. Chappell to Oomlag Eveats ibolminf and Mortuary Re- Many tavema of the England of geatlone, to preoent them to him meeting which will be held Tues­ Hownri E. Mebr CAUFORNIA D’ANJOU FEARS Por KPorter, Betty Lou Leonard- Mrs. vestry. olden daya aold aia by tha yard. GonnacUout Trust Oo. leting courses will be awarded Ernest A. Chappell, certificate of Tomorrow's.' meeUngp incl«A:. search in , gradu­ within toe oomlag woek. Tho Chamber of Commerce day at S p. m. at the Grange tfall. IIWKBaT — Waiter Cargo is club leader. Meet- ating in Juna 1949. "Yard-o’ale" glaaaea conalatad of Aldermen John Schllphack ro> Howard E. Mohr, oolea manager srtiflcates. Inga' are the ' first and third dUtrlbution; Basil Wesley Long, aet-back party. 8 pidi. in zne urg4s ail who have not as yet made '' A young gee station ettenA.F. and A.M., Will ‘P cp u lo Jl Evening Herald BocliVflle berrau Lamb Foret Final returns, Harlow expleine, m, f irs t' seliectman, Isaid. have past master's night Saturday Mayor pYodorick Berger called ieeatod at Oee Market SL« tele- ‘^Because of this,” Mohr said, at 8 p.m. vnth a turkey dinner at the council's attenUoA to .toe to- will not b* known until later, since "Jayeee members develop leader­ JA CK FROST SU GAR ...... • Oafi***** 5lbfi.4te : . v rs. Jacobson began her duties many Industries and organitatlons pbaee Reckvilic S-SISd. CUDAHY'S onday. 8:30 p.m. George Bassett will pre­ port that tha Ooonectkqt Co. was ship ability which they can use in FIVE-CENT side during the special communica­ whloh always contribute, can do their private jobs end in other TWk Filing Slow SUPER MARKETS considering a further eurtailmeat HERSHEY lARS, I o k of 2 4 ...... t 9 e .about. 10 per cent of the tion when the Master Mason de- in their bus service to Rockville. so. only after Uis contribution Ig community organisations.” Puritan Bacon taxpayers have filed neces- wilt be conferred on one can- Hie city clerk wee Initructed to voted by mi^gement and mem- LW Birthday Parly Mohr explained that the Junior H-OZ.CANS , date. ''\ write a letter of p ^ ^ to toe bertbip. Chamber of Commerce is not con­ forms with the town assea- Individuala, who for some rea­ .ELEANOR TOMATOES ...... 2 for 2Sc 's office, James W. Green, as-, Subs'In Milk Koute Connecticut Oo. concerning fur­ Set for Saturday nected with the Chsmber of Com­ WHITE, CHOCOLATE, YELLOW . * >r. said. Only ei^t R. B. Gardiner Dairy of Spring VEAL CHOPS ther curtailmmt in service. son hat^not been canvassed, can merce snd does not dupHcste its Frozen Food tys remain in which to file prop- Aldermqn Pawluk aaked pcml*' make /their contributions direct functions. SWANSDOWN CAKE M IX ...... 2 pkgs. 37e Hill, Mansfield, la taking care of eith^to tha treasurer of the easo- FOUR FISHBRMEN’fi / irty Itax lists before a 10 per'cent the m ilk route of Bernard M. Cos­ - Sion to cIm the lower road Sun­ A gala birthday party of an in­ The young men’s organization alty is added after the first tello of Stonehouse . Rd. Costello SHOULDER day, Nov. 15 from 1 to 3 p. m. At ciqnon, R. Fsnton Buike, or to ternational flavor to celebrate the KEN G CAROLYN PRODUCTS VNA office S t IS Park St., was named the Junior Chamber of P R E C O O K E D FLOUNDER HM>s. Piifi. S5e lualnesa day of Noyembef. has a leg injury for tvhich he ex­ t o i l time there is to be an ArmU- eighth birthday of tho United Na­ Commerce in honor of the chamber arlow emphasized. aeeeeeeeeeanaeeeeeeeeee % t O f S IO Sapper Menu Announced pects to be hospitalized soon. All • CUT .tice obeervanoe with parade foU tions, with fun, entartalnZmnt, re­ which gave financial support when BA M BAKED BEANS .. Lb. Participating in the drive In PRIDB n}f ***caus^ tdl Lynn asked t ^ tola be considered by held tonight at 7:30 p:m. a t the /Wilt sing, and various racial groups be at the Community Room, Wad- SWAN TOlUT SOAP chickens are dresst^ and drawn, the cc^cil in executive eessioa. W home of Mrs. Everett Robertao^ srill present folk dances. Tbs re­ dcH School, Monday beginning at VEAL LEGS : Lb. be hela foUowring the meeting. ‘The Senior choir will hold a freshments will include cookery 8 p.m., to receive applicants. Ths ^*4 for 24c BOOED JBAM from different countries. rammittee hopes to have 60 or 70 ready to gaok.** Report hearaal tonight at 8 p.ip. oland Usher, buildlz building, mepec- church. / ■ The play to be p^ooented by the members to be included in the WHOLE COT^P IMPORTED or. said last night builwg 'here Sheii Calendar Ceurt y Community Players is not rekliy charter membership. FRESHLY ^in common with other aecUona of All matters appearing on the s play but a meosage. ”What:Csn U ir t N ’t eck tho country fell off sharply In short calendsr list for O e% /iS will I Do to Help UNT" It concerns an CHICKEN . $1:39 CHIHX ROAST Lb. SLICED be hoard at the semi^ of the average clUsen content in her own September, only one dwelling per' m e a t y 751 mit being tesued to Francis Her­ Tolland County Cojirt j6t Common little world, active in school and FOR A GOOD BUT IN T u B a g s Genuine bert of Sooth St. A total of 31 Pleas tomorrow /ttfH in g a t 10 church, yet feeling that the United L b ^ 3 9 c permits were issued for a total «f a.m. Ons additlotiat'case has been Nations'does n^oll (mneern her. The VENETiaii BUNDS W IK Q S play . nwolvesl f18 %ulkUik( va CllfUxt B: Crandall, default for Smith .and not until the UN in­ Afeesv Wlofiew Sbnfie OeaspafiT EA1SED FOR EATINC^ READY TO COOK! rpermits, five alectylp, one heating failure to _ directly affects a member of her SM N. Mala SL. MnaebialeT family does.she decide to- take an 48*« ...... 55e q ^ E A M Y and one oil burner permit,. Friday TeL Mf f i WM/ .IROILERS •^’KOASTCRS V W aybeft Parley Speabere Flawed At the Aasemblv of the l^i^ Intereat. FRYERS • FOWL ’The Store Modernlzetloa Con­ School tomorrow the speakers smi Plnylnr the part of Frannie ..4. K'fi ...... 19e Native MUENSTER ference sponsored' by too Cham­ be Connie and Lewis Babbitt, bet Smitli win be Mrs. Lorrmtne Sbam- Only 34 boors ago these ptamp, .teoder, carefully raised Mrds 491 ber of Commerce will feature a ter kfiown as “Tha NeturelieU.' penu; her sister, Helen Brown, will were safe and snug oa oar Coancctlout fUrma. i -t'J' number of epeakers prominent In They will preaent motion pictures be played by Mra. Marion Turner; her daughter, Ann Smith, will be I . 2Gc. BSc M inute their field a t the spMiel meetiiwetlnp cohcetiiing nature. Tuesday. Te Sw Feetbell Oame jpiayed by MIse Barbara Jonesg and o m I Folirt CompsNiy 2 for 37c Tender The Program Oommittoe C Chdlf'ri h h ri' Rockyille Lodge, Loyal Order the part of Edna Blank, president 848 Blend St.—1VI Ba-8-fi581 mntb Ceopan Boy Pom Steer Beef Stiawbemi men wilt be Robert H. Licnhart of of Moose win send a delegation to of the organization sponsoring the OFEN EVERT EVENING New Haven on Saturday when a playrround where Ann is employed Lb. Carl J. Malmfeklt A Aaooclatea of , UNTIL 8 You Uhd lost! SUNSHINE Hartford; Malctdm Erb of mtte- itatewide festival wilt take place for toe summer, will be played by ,Mrs. Loretta Moakaldk. BREASTS • LEGS Frcfhly FRESH ' i biirgh Plato Glaee Co. will discuss with a parade, football game, ban- WINGS NECKS Ground FROZEN 3 BACKS LIVERS P o u ffn f GIZZARDS ★ ★ i. Farms p R t i s r EGGS DAILY KEADT i l Luxury Whitt Soitor TO 509 M A IN $T* Finnar' Phoiid MI.9.B09B ■ S' ■

L< I , ■2^ * . ■ . ^ V ; . 1 , *1, ■ • QoptRMuiy LOOK FOR THE RINSO DISPUY AND REDEEM SHANK m m e a i) YOUR COUMN AT THESE LOCAL STORES.... TOMATO tew. m you BAisiNo HALF Attentions Home Freexer Owners BiPSiperM wfcil B i n a c k ’s Giant 46 Oz. A BIGOT? Eaet CMter Mveei 448 Hartford Reed and Locker Renters! Can A suBJia or coneti n ^ 1 6 ENDS OF PORK ir YOU HAVg CHtI G arri’t M aiM First NatiM al Siarat 1 Beatb Main Street 4*5 ib , Avdrogu. . Z' PINE CONEr- TAU. «AN UAD THii AND If YOU AU GUttjy FSNOYIOSC »■ - ' / , J . H alt Oaio.^ FroMu o m I raody fo go. OIT OCTOept $ 4 ' G r i t F m A S t o r t W. 845 Main Street Como ood got Hitui. EViRYWOMArS •48 Oeater Street ON a a u At rmt host omr iM N heilir PiU k Haiktl Fiaalw nt Craeari Our First Of The Season 8N Male street 803 Mala Street U v PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT lb. 59c Napiei Coffee 5C Popular RASCAL SELECTED RARY REEF LIVER lb.*9c C an tratii '' EGGS FifM lar S iptf M trktt ARMOUR'S STAR RIt ROAST ...... lb. 4Se Campbell^s Ketdniv"l -Vi Oi. Bottiu arc really 814 Mala street ' " ■"f t ■» r ' f . . . . ■ •. I ARMOUR'S STAR RIILA M I CHOPS lb. 79c In' FORST FORMOST lACON SQUARES ... lb. 49c RtutAlaj They're Rushed to Oar K M i's Adorkot. 141 Coofor S». A. Doyorlo, 4il7 Moio St. Big Tap Peanttt Btorea Daily From Nearby SHANKLESS SMOKI^ SHOULDERS . . . . . fe. 49c -S ir s FRESH GROUND ALL REEF H AM IU RG ER 1b, 43c Oennecticut Farmk FANCY Try Them—YoalI ■ CIcNt's Grocory* 341 Cootor Sf» TormpGo M orkot, TOPROUND CHOWASTE) Tell Quiekly Taste the Difference Walla Walla Peas Cans . 151 Wost MM«o TmmpHio TiNDER-KNIT STEAKS...... ’. ... Ibj 99c J. ifogom, 91 Fkio St. Artichokes Too mfooEy pay oboof 20% Mss for wtiGnyGfcijyoowy ^ e p M O D REEF IS READY THIS WEEKEND n V jM 0 OMWYilWwgBA^MpAta G Y1 MAjeeGBiIMWfTW RffwOQ RMikoooA' DecRg STUFFED Jooos M oiktt* St'C oopor St. f I I H F R TOP or ROTTOM ROUND. RUMP. Rioso Soop tboHi for eloforgserts. N omt r> I rn ORDER EARLY i LdiTf'' I^SALE JMkfiOo'fi MflilMt. W o o m M a C |pk's Mofkot* 233 No. Ekm St. yoo coo semro ovoo nroco! .Hgro's o torri- ULUERKRAUT oad GROH A OLIVES Re voloo! W kofs rroto, RIoso wM i So- I , SALADA Loo's Modkot, 2 2 t Ipemco St. k s to g s Morlpot* 2 4 | No. MMo St. ftSTAHL-MEYER FRANKS In Handy l6 Oz. T i: A i) s Apples Hm ii 9 ^ ^ yoBW w w ili w MOmF'II m r dgWo f* r aaiiM*! lOi* *»(■»■ - mJ tar A t far ttt «e*r In**Jo- SmSSi m . P o p U ^ tD t Reusable Icebox Jar 1 *e maAew J » C i iw e r t fran mt mtmt fit* ■ar-fcwi.eniMiiJ .A *«w Umr ■riSnr* Ciagearjiarimdjmrmi SomiFM ieo.234doliSt. E ton's iyiBikot. Id a Nortk St. Ami RiMG b UoMkr Id y m bakbry dipartmbnt WOOD ' ' JaMmaTi lMlBmhot^a4.0PUmNdl S t. 4 .f, Saelan Ow «*t*aam •*d*ne M* . iJiL * V j m i SUPER MARKETS S5 t ISSORTEDOIEESECiUCE 14S3R I- .V**’. • REGULAR H t ...... i 'i ' f'l % Q . iK t.' l i i . A.'.'

V A K C te tllt XVSNING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY. OCtOBER 22. 19l» iKANOttH* imbiiNo innua); ijpulcnMTC^ ooMke THimsDAY. Oc t o b e r s loss Mini* •epeiMe llb ru y «Uifr -Mill tton’a national aaronautio mssUng angtneering In 1917. A year later foTBrit Sknmk A m basaa^ to t t j DM I*t rf j V ■ i ' «tt«ndMi Uk« qurltriy em U ag* Two Men Get In Los AagalM. he received hUl M.S. at Ramwawv VhMSai . a laadar In tha S io i^ tD« Ilbnury tn>u]> ta tUt Tha winning paper was entitled Ha is married and has three chil­ Natimmlist movement, a dren, of Parliament In pre-war Gaac^ FALS H^pnors for Article Batrumentatlon for Aircraft Gaa Be mise iMtb ‘Hm luncheon meeting was heid Turbtna Davalopmant, and for tholr MUIer attended Michigan OeUsga alovakla and a fte»' Group Votes $1,000 at Wapptng where the local people work, MDlsr, assist sat BTeiset sn- ef Mining and Ta^mology and ro- league government o f 1988-39. Doe'i 'Viewed with interest tbs nowTy- Bnieo E. MiUer, of M S. Haw- glnssr, and Gorton, dtvoMqpinont cetvad a B.S. dograa U nochanleal D M TaoMay. reMecoratad church in that com­ tbevne St., and Robert E. Gorton, snglnser, rocolvod Manly Ms* engineering In 1941. He is married Cheater. Pa. — Laril# W. Joy, a \r Chunh*^ Repair Fund munity. Light fiction, mysteries e r e | . W A Y S 1- of Boiten, engineers, at Pratt A moiial Madals, csrtUicates and and also has three chlldran. former radio announcer end ex­ iirmlir eet ^OIv«yjienHlfai and Woatems obtained in the swap WhlttaOy Aircraft, have been honor- cash awards. * ecutive who atarted his radio Mcurity aad ed M peaefori. SegM »- • . 1 ' aesshm are now in circulation sd , O ct n (SpacUI)—Oronp. rick, received numerous letters ad (or prodDcing the boat paper of Gorton and Muter oflfiaiaiy prs- career in New Tork more than 25 the local library. UBI on airoraft power plants.’ years ago as an announcer for the of Uto LadiM Bcnavotent 8o> yesterday praising their work.. . U b ra ^ hours tomorrow wlB be aontsd thsir paper at the SAE’s an- £$€Ota$ iA i$t irigM General Hesketh, Commander Tba two oagineeraw4.ro given the nual meeting in 1983. ^ National Broadcaatlng Co., and -v la tha Vinner o f the (uhd- 7:30 to 8:30 and on Saturday, t to Manly Memorial AWbrd by tha So- later menaged radio atatione in - Priced fo i^ aiue! B a m s and at least half a dozen 4 p. m. Gorton was graduated from aodety as totals were an- Stan members attached to State ciaty ot Automotive Engtnaera at Rensselaer Polyfechnlc Institute U f THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Phitsdalphia. Bom in Read Herald Adn. The Monday Club has announced the Oct. $ eesalon of the organise- Wash. Died Wednesday. at the annual meeting Headquarters praised the prepar­ the date of their Christmas sals with a B.S. degree in aeronautical Montreal—Charlea Sidor, 52, ay. It was a doss race with edness'demonstrated ini'the train­ and sUvgr tea as Saturday, Nov. Henry McDonough reporting ing exercise and iU “efficient and effective operation.” 14.' This will be the ninth consecu­ for the winners and Mrs. tive year this ,«vent has bebn con­ BHus Ik Strong, $850 for group Many ot the letters reiterated FIrsI Metiew l Stores lieire iust one stenderd in ckeeslng Me«rt - - - tke General .Kesketh’s statement of ducted by the club. / JM. Sunday, that if all communities Regional High School meeting at itenderd ef auelHf* The anelHy MUST ke eKsegUenel er First M etieeel the surprise of the groups at Hebron at 8 o'clock tonight. tka totd amount raised son^hat were as well prepared as Bolton, Brands You Knew at W OlTf CARRV^i Oiice Meets ere selected, bewever, Ftrit Netleners overshadowed any feeling «^f vic­ State Headquarters would have stiMderd Is VALUI. leery peund b priced Just es lev es pessiMe. to ghre little to worry about in Connecti­ MaacliMter Evening H erwld jY tory, The resulting action of the Bolton oerrMpendeat, Mie. Jeaei you Mere end bettor Meet I m yeur Meweyl aodsty in which they voted to cut. • • make an outright gift of $1,000 Booster Night Slated DTtalla, telephone mteben 8-851 e Booster Night will be observed ' to the Renovating Committee of 7 -II IC H C U T - FROM YOUNG, TEND0L HEAVY WESTERN CORN-FED STEER BEff gave both teams their real reward by Bolton Orange at its meeting at Prices YeuYI Like! gave both teams their real award the Community Hall tomorrow Putt On Blut Bonntt night at 8. The irolunteer Fire De­ i . tor the work they have done.' -Really tajpya 'ummam itm m m ur I Mrs. Oscar Kreysig was re-elect- partment will demonstrate the od president of the society during resuscltator as one of the main Here are the foods you buy from * the business meeting; Mrs. thlUp features of the program. Enter­ F.N.LI ; Dooley was named vice-president; tainment and refreshments will Mrs. George 'W. Smith, recording follow the demonstration. day to day at the lowest pos^le i%e*»aaaaaaeqa»e»4$a»%aeaae%aMaeaaaaaaaeea»aeaaaeeeeea%aeaaa»aaa%aaaeau4 i secretary; Mrs. Leslie Bolton, cor- The program, an annual Grange H K W m v event, is open to all interested ' toapondlng secretary and Mrs. ' \ ^ ted i Warren Amundsen, treasurer. persons. There will be no Orange MB M AST ritual work so the entire evening pnees. They are savings we'^lyiow' I The-Mate of offlcers was pre- FINAST SUPER MARKET 1 ^ OF THE BEEF STiAKS : WELL TRIAAMQ) ! sented by the Nominating Oom- wrill be devoted to the special pro­ I mittee on\whlch Mrs. Julius U. gram. • I ^ltI«>g servM as chairman. Other Orange Misster and Mrs. Bruce # «p i that you will apprOciate# ^ I R ^ i MIRMM M IIM W If < members included Mrs. Henry Mc- O. Ronson attended the State Con­ 1 Donouih and Mis. Dooley. vention of the Grange at Hartford large Piee PeHdtog Atoe Fer CiRtoRier's Cer Giass Exhibit Held last weekend. Donald Peck of Porterhouse Steak Charles C. Chucoh spoke on Litchfield who had been overseer, / glaso and exhibited some very was elected State master. He iebaaaaeeaaaaaaaaeaaeeea»e»SaiCTEDWiSTilN I f 3 5 < its manufacture and elaborated on 'Ge'rtrude G. Platt of- Fairfield Like the noted New Yorker i HORMEL "SPAM & EGGS'' LB ^ 6 i t glass manufactured in this area, Oounty will succeed Alma Brooks quetto authority, mu. too, wh. Sirlein Steak ^ at the Pitkin Glass Works In-MWib- as State Lecturer. Mrs. Brooks Sliced Bocon PUTTER - SUGAR CURB) LB . Mting acquainted with E .-l CHICKEN FMCASSEE 7 5 *'T , Chester, and that mads in West was made a trustee of the student M ernrW e Flavor, WllUngton and Coventry. loan fund. Other- changes in of­ Nutrition, Economy! / \- ROAST er S T IA I^ FROM F^OUS HEAVY_WfSTJRN ST m S BONUESS CHICKEN 1410Z f r y e r s Door Prises Re«eh-ed ' ■ ■ • fice holders include Betty Jane Blub Bonnbt’s dencata, sunny- Smoked Picnics er RROIURS > 2-3H IB AVG Many attractive door prizes Gardner of Farmington as Lady •weet 5avor makce Meed, hot folk, IN REAL BUTTER GRAVY TIN SPAM 4 7 y o u n g TENDa have been received for thf PTA Assistant Steward; Henry Olson as fsTOrite redpea ell>ete truly PURE PORK LB dessert card party at the school Gatekeeper; Sally Bernier, Ceres; You get erira nutrition, too! Un- Link Seusoge 6 9 . or k LI tomorrow night. Mrs. Paul Arnold, Rachel Avery, Pomona and Marlon Hke most other brenos. Blub SO GOOD WITH \ 12-OZ TIN chairman o t the event, announces Thompson, Flora. Bo n w contdine as much year- P R IfD EGGS Finest Boipgne LARGS AND SMAU LB . RUSH that gifts have been made, by: Ares Libssry Meeting Held round V i t j ^ A and Vitamin D 4 5 5 5 Itoasmount Restaurant, Giovanni ■ Mi's 'Thomas Bentley, Mrs. Boy h ifh ^ced spread! GOOD YOUNG, TENDER, MEATY, AAILK-FED ^ Peace, MdUhney Lumber and Sup-' Boswdrih, Mrs. William Hand and YetB^^NNBTcoitsUset>sn Finest SKINLISS Fronkfurts u . |4y Go., Ansaldl Grail'n Rblton MM. E.' Pierce Herrick were among AoV jsm uehl So switch today to B R O O K S IK \ 5 5 CHICKENS Notch iervloe Statlbh, ’ Tommy's on Blub Bonket Ssrvieo Station and' ' 'Giunge, Mamnne and be sure of “ all S’* LUCK LB Throe-J'a Restaurant, Manchester —^layor. Nutrition, Ecobom-e-el Liverwurst k 5 9 . • Xlriv^In Theater, Hartford Road V e a l L e g s / Service Oenterj D oc's Drive-In, FRESH ECCS M argarine HIW LOW PRKII - ‘ Olenney's Clothing 'Store in Mhn- OnePie Frash Haddock Elliot ^49. LEAN, FUVORFUL, WEU TRIMMED 3 9 chaster, ‘ 'Blair’s ' and Munson’s MUMUM SIZE ■ Candy shop. brand ^ tA M C n AU WASTE tIMOVH) b 55c GRADE A DOZEN Pssseit will be served at 8 p. m. SHOE RtPPIR QTR LB PRINTS LBRKG FraA Mackaril ^ 2^ ' by Mrs. Warren Amundsen and 2 8 FROM NEARBY FARAAS 5 9 LB Mrs. Leooard Wood after which S p B t M a c fc a r e l PAN READY LB 4 3 c Fresh Shoulders card games of the player’s choice will be enjoyed. It is planned to award door prises at about 9:30 ^ ^ C H I fK E N p. m. so that those who wish to fn iiu e u iUfliT Have early may do so and still ★ ARMOU ( SLtE! participate in the full evening. / 1 N t t k s WHOUKERNa IT CD Bsereise Praised ' . V "i < / FRESH CORN OFF THE COB * Those who participated ift the H liiatCw if M CANNBD MEA1 C knK lto Civil Defense demonstration Sun­ CHOICE OF 3 VARRTIES • CALIFORNIA PU, RB> KIDNEY. YELLOW EYE m o f day will be Interested to know that HAVI THISl FAMOUS PIODUCTS ON One Mata NOOBliS Miy k NEW NATURAL CaOR the local director, E. Bterce Her- PANTRY SHW FOR ANY IMSROMCY MEW NATURAL FUVOR 12-OZ TINS With Furcham ol Finest Baked Beans 2 2102 TMS 6 3 . WITH COOL WUTHER HERE, (TS THE TttAE MORE PEOPLE POTTED MEAT la-tdi MIX ■ TURN TO CHEESE FOR 1N -ICrw a4-MfAL SNACKS. COMPANY D4TERTAINMENT OR O d e k e R Chew M e iR LBS . r * 4 ^ 2 PKG 4 | c SaVING CHOSE DISHES - HBtE ARE SOME 0 UTSTAMDM6 VALUES VfE RECOMMEND. A P P l - V * • . 2 ’ t1 N ? 2 7 « 0 2 tin 9 c 3 - f t c a i Q r m K i l l HABITANT SOUPS Bisquick PINE TAIU QUALITY - FORTflH) WIThngAWNA / PRa Seqi «w» tins c » o tin| c FAST NATIONAL - FOR EVBY CHEESE USE iha •King'’ for any 2 21 2 7 QTRU Cloverdele tou 2 *41 NMi 3 9 c PRMTS Is « Crenberrbs ^ P K G S f CHOPPED HAM O M S ^ you can nama. Vt|.Seap 2 '^ z ^ 25c aiezTM 21c X 41 Cheese Food 24J LOAF 79. Daikieui, Exciting, VANIUA. lUnnSCOTCH OR CHOCOUTE aORIDA RA’S OrIm Seqi »ozt»$ ^ •X 1 SOOTH MAIN STREET — PHONE MI.3-A920 12-02 TW 5 4 < ThriElyN^arvM d for 2 43 A POPULAR CHEESE TRUT - USE MANY WAYSkYS Grepefriiit VITAAUN C dft K)R - fotf Aah^l.OO. BurnDtt's p u d o m o s 3 4 0 2 PKGs 2 ^ ^ 24BLOAF TOKAY CAUFORNIA Manc^itef*s Super Market Of Quality . \ TOCER FLAKY HOME-MAKETS FAVORiTE Vehreeta 89. CHICKEN oiiH.su tuna Crepes PLUMP JUICY j C ARMOUR’S TREIT 2 f 0 2 PKGS . KRAFTS PHRADOPHIA IRAND policy BOTH CANS Finest Pie Crust 2 5 OUR NJEW - EFFECTIVE AT ONCE u n y 2E dH 02 TIN CONDITIONED ^ 12-OZ TIN 3 3 < IVANCajNE • NON FAT Bose Peers PEN ALL DAY MONDAY 4 5 < Cream Cheese •02PKG 39< FKM RIPE ^ ^ 2 ^ 1 PKGS < MON Dry M ilk iSolids 5 5 VMGINU , WED.. FRIn SATn • A.M. le 0 7 M .— THORS. • A.M . to 9 P.M. WHin OR COLORED LBS ^ DRVILIO HAM SOLID PACK - NO WASTE Creen Beans FRESH TB4DER A ^ ARMOOR'S STAR W AYllST COT-OP Sharp Cheddar CliMse < Swenson •»« Chicken S0 2 TIN 3 9 . 73 FRESH 3K 02 TM 2 1 < KLEENEX # Spinach c a i o PKG 19. GORTON'S - READY TO FRY KRAFTS NEW CHEESE SPREAD CHICKENS CAUFORNIA CORNED REEF HASH Codfish Cakes 3 9 . Cheez Whu «».« 33« FRESH CRISP 2»«23. e a c h FACIAL TISSUES BORDEN'S PIMENTO, OUVE PIMMTO and IHNEAPPLE 2 9 < Tomatoes FIRM RIPE . CEIO 2 pKG$3 3 « ' lb. THi htKMAl AfsomHn, , ^ 9 * c i a i s l LEAN SMOKED - Cheese Spreads^2»«"»49< tissiIb m SO USES WAtCH EVERY VTHK FOR OUR BAKERY FUTURES AT UVWG PRICES. Y E aow r u t a u g a u 3 c LATER^^ p a c k e d SHOULDEES alw ays guaranteed FRESH DARY, DHtEa FROM OUR OWN O V M l ^ BOROerS aUE, cheese *N U C O K SMOKEY aM VaiA-SHARP S'- ' . fO O ft STONE GROtJND • WONDERFUL TOASTED - 8fO MICE I U Cheese Spreeds » ‘>*» < Fels-Napfha Soap 3 i a u 2 3 c \ 2 49 SWIFT PRESHCM BETTY AUM4 TURKEYS EVI8CEKATED Wh^ Wll^t Br^ 1S^Af 19< KRAPT - HEALTHFUL NUTRITIOUS - WWTE or COIORO Octagon Soap AuguDosEu^my 3 ia is 2 3 c Che'ieZ'it sunsmni ouckus y" mzkc tpe F * • BOZPKG rUESHUU^ Ib^ Chtcshlt Aeierken Cheese r o w is JOAN CAROL iP B C IA l Reynold's aiuminum Foil Wrap 2s#raou 2 7 c |S) ■- u G P t ia s l c EACH 1 '''j rAN CT Piiiiaiipla Ph Strongheart Dog Food MGZTM 9e

Fuss N Boots w ra 2 tsozTiNs25c 3 aoz tms 2 3 c -' J BONELESS VEIL ^59e SCOTCH HMK ^ TSc 1 MOONCRE5T lU N B HEINZ fStJgfjS* KETCHUP >.u25c 'VV/' COFFEE / MoSlFMAKd#AflUBi'hMWBl Fxm*VuElaAnM AMWJ e%mfmamiVHeiPEopJhMX S . 9 . ^ •Jljpy BiSca/r ii^ m x SUCED - NORTHWESTttN MARSHALLS p ' - ^ •iWMd Presil ' ROYAL 3»..23c dAClk FE08T BAKED esyenNkeit. dl/X Skawherries t^ 39. 8 L b . B u c 28-OZ PMChM )«."»23c • ^ IM. SUGAR 48c fK G J9e TINS t R A BAGS G reen le a n s ttGULA$*f«tNCMcut- 2 "“ ' 3 3 ' ^o^Gotury % a . B o a * ® " * TOMATOES 2 25« ^ 0 * 4 8 M « U m a U m MGAL BROWN riM gmatoM 1 - o. k o .M* i I8UPER SUD8 Ys 25« FIRST national STORES 4 c; a u o n s n v i W IT H USMB 01AKE5 PRUND'S MANS 1S-OZTIN -'.' BIKOS KTK OB SNOW CROF FROZEN -M AIRWICK UNIT STARCH UNIT STARCH ARGO STARCH ORUME JUNE 2 »,lli MAZOLA OIL BUTTER SWANEE SPIC & SPAN BtOOOMSmi UUMMV u q w b MOSS SWEETHEART 1 SWIFTS SWIFTS AAARSHMAUOW ' NalNTOBH SWIFTS«. PREM SWIFTNING MIATt FOR RAINS 81402 BTl UOIPKGS 3 2 0 2 ITl UIPKGS . c e i o M R QT 67c M 35c u"ts 23c 59e 2 27c 19c 2 25c SOAP' h ': - ' I* ■ ’ PUNY APPLES li^ lh CORNS) BEEF ^TEAMED OR CHOFPD FLUFF . t i. 7 9 * Q-02TM 43c UBTIN 86e LBTM 29c TOHET 115506 12-02 TR4 4 9 c 2 BVbOZTRdS 41c 7 W 0 Z M R 2 1 c SWAiTsO^ NI4 l< OLD DUTCH BLU-WHITE PETER PAN SOAP 3) ATOB8 L*i SO 79e 3 22c iiA K M Uniqvm Oofirofy Sorrlco FIRS T S T O n NATIONAL 3 ^ , 2^^ 3 0 2 PKG 9 c 3 «« 25c

Hill I • . / III * 1 1 ■■■

F-yT' ■' '■-’ '■s . •^'S ' - s> >^-' ■-TTh^-.'.- ' • •• _ •, ~!~\ V' :=

THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2S , 198S MA^CBBiTKB BVENmO MA^lW THURSDAY. OCTOBfSB tt, 195S MANCHESTER ;EVfiNING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OOMM^ ii,iiiii| .i .ifii'ii I,. that all six EDC nations would by German3einti Ambaaaador, Helas U Girl Scou|a Civc ^ StR. Bosk to Address Ue Se A id Ready get Americaa help through the Krekalar, - ad U. S. policy, as laid down by Con­ Adenbuer’a foreign minister, theM high aehool glria ha*e found DDirm ! mucD Tuau i acy YEAR! In the talks, which are non­ what ha deecribad aa a very brief gress in recent foreign aid bills, Walter Hallstela, gave tha aatur- time in their browded-toHedUlto tq , fortant oC Un m ••ertilpe.” (CoaUaned from Page Oae^ partisan. the 'Senator will ex- courtesy call on tha chief • execu­ .that U. S. aid may be given to in­ ance In h call on nia Preaident at ^ve willingly and freriy of thair In the ' tody. thU co-eilsyme pound hip philosophy of con­ tha White House. tive, under whom he served at BUDG^NTER tima to vmrthwhna prtjaets, and tfftvee certain vital foode each as stitutional government. ternational organisations where Supreme Haadquartera Allied on Jordan by Klbya, fihukba and Hallstein told reporters he told have not davoted all'thair energies fatty adds, carbohydratea and Budrus, which led to great de­ Other schools where Sen. that is desirable. Powers in Europe. Valluy sue- $l CBNTBRRTREET MANCHB8TBR to earning tha naccaaary funds for , atenoU into the biological themi* Beyond this, an amendment to ■Elsenhower that “the Chancellor’a ceada Gen. Paul Ely tn tha NATO struction of property and slaugh-^ Bush will speak include Stam­ policlea are completaly unchang­ their trip. AP a ^ plant Kreba has found operate the bill passed last year specified ter of at-least M innocent people ford and New Canaan high ed’’ despite some rumors ha haa poaL Twtea a month for the paat •/EAR Chadu Q aiw tL! maide the cells. on Oct. 14-15, 1953, in violation of schools, Friday; Norwalk high that only a portion of the three yeara two mambara of tha (JomptML fijdOLL ''•'■Wftp-.-.j, .. The explanation of this metabo- authorized military help for West­ modified them since his recent H om Article 5, Paragraph 3, of the school, Oct. 36; Berlin and overwhelming election 'victory. troop have /helped prepare for AGO- ham power plant, which won the Jordan-Israel General Armistice Newington high schools, Nov. ern Europe < cmild be delivered Hailsteln, who was accompanied mailing "’^ a Lamp,” the hoapital PrMMaJMka •” priae for the British scientist, is Agreement." 30 and Wallingford and Meri­ prior to the formation of the Euro­ bulletin; other Scoute have spent {mown among biochemists as the ICaNJL CAN Merely placing an item worded den high schools, Nov. 23. pean Defense Community. long houra aaaiatlng with clerical 2-0.29’ «PCMalU4«KCAB While Heuie fer tvery MiHi Need "Knba <^le" or the "citric acid One result of this distribution of like that on the agenda would Several other high schools work in both the Girl Scout and imnm 1QT14 0Z cycle.’’ range the whole councir with the have extended invitations to military equipment through EDC Ceiitor Oongregational Church, tha AAPMmI IUUM EVAF. MILK His work offers what members is that it wrill not be handed over meeting place of the troop, offices; IONA, CAN 2ro.45‘ of the Nobel Ootnmittee called a Arabs. The council has always Sen. Bush and attempts are be­ filra.X«a Aon Ontoetson ToM tb Juice refused to list subjects for debate ing made to fit them into his directly to. West Germany, Of­ SERVICES othera nava ozaieted tha R«1 CTOaa MLMBTK IU4tt lena tuwdsrd "brilliant and ingenious'’ descrip­ ficials feel this should prove reas­ ROASTII^G CHICKENS on drive and have aided othar OaiMONTE IU40Z CRUHffR CAR tion of bow energy Is generated in in such a manner and there is no schedule. It wUI be a famUy sifalr for tha reason to believe the Arab move suring in some degree tto French That Interpret Tha Wiahw agencies by dietributlng poaters. Gunderaona of US Oleott drive SUCED CAN 2 k» 5 7 ‘ TOMATOiS a living cell through the participa­ concerned about a revival of Oer- A new customer Mid she thought she would trjr out Last spring about l i members flu e c p p lc Palais fim w ffU TUMI CAR tion of a aeries of chemicals. These will be accepted. However, it is Of Tlic RaadlF when the curtain goes up at S;30 expected to lead to a lengthy pro­ ruling that it (mlt the Jordan mait militarism. chickens beenuse “my friends tell me I’m ernsy to get ef tha tro ^ entertained the on the fourth annual Rotary Min­ fOilR YrUbw ClWtf are transformad continuously one Another significance of the AAP ffah $aW Into the other, each change releas­ cedural debate. River project. them anywhere else.” Our chickens, four to seven Brownie Scouts at Mancheeter at a strel toimemw evening at tha EACH 19* Last week's Israeli raid On the An Israeli spokesman said last policy is this; The mere fact that pottttilB* choice of those who know the beot. moat eucceeaful revel; thoqe with Waddell School. Cripberry. <=» PEACHES 1 U 1) 02 CAN ing new energy. EUX; handles the volume of Amer­ JOHN B. BURKE a particular love for the outM>f. OraRf# SactiaRt t it ^ Part of Urn process has been village of Kibya . "ought the Big night that the project did not in­ Mrs. Loo Ann Qundoraon, who A*P volve any diversion of the' Jordan's ican weapons for Western Euro­ doora have volunteered to clear known to scienUsta for a long time Three intp the Palestine case and FUNERAL h o m e will bo romembtrto for her "Delor i H I CAN 2 K . 2 9 * but Kreba la credited with having inspired their demand for council waters and indicated that his gov­ pean countries should 'help to In X ROGER OLCOn and blaze tralbrnear tha Girl Scout C akaM ix sure its future existence and camp on Gardner St. and name esdo" and "Whero and Whan’’ ta AAP &aaai Slyfa Cam i.i»"m 3U H completed the cycle, which in his actioh. Israel says the raids were ernment would seek to bring this ai EAira OBNTEE MT. last year’s show, will again to a P{g^g(g|| tM*CMItar' Munw. view la the tumUig of the wheel of in retaliation tor a long aeries of before the council when the Syrian strengthen the chances for its sue- MltcheU S-785S have cleaned the cabin there, and Lunchson AAe.t complaint comes up. TeL MBS Waa 40S West 'Center Street Just last week eight girls aided guest voceliet ta this year’s pro­ 12 OZ CAN £ACh 4 5 * laai Pa« i.n*««mis* life insito the cell. Arab killings culminating in the duction, whilo huobond Ciarl Gun­ PrinorTreet His theory has been receiving death last week of an Israeli It was uncertain whether Israel's Aid for Ak EDC NaUona AMBCLAMOB aBBylOB tha United Natiotw Assn, of Man. Nat Raff Mix PftMwy 14S9 0IFVI mother and two children. own complaint on armistice viola­ The understanding here now da cheater by distributing literature derson will bo oooa and hoard from AAP Wbala Oraaa laM i »cmis* considerable attention lately in tto ond-mon's lino. fundamehUd research on a number The Syrian coihplaint had been tions would come before the coun­ on the UN to profeaalowal offices 2ofi41* M rita Caka Mix Sahaaa Taaa PMi of diseases Including cancer. expected to come up before the cil when Bennike makes his Initial . throughout town. Mrs. Gunderson hoa boon active Niitity Margarine Or. Lipmann isolated and identi­ council today but it was sidetrack­ report, or whether it would be Although the troop runs a baby- with eerordl chorat and dramatic BaiiaJ Ckkkaa ■*"’** *wcu AAP TaMNrta S a rM a i umemtS* fied the co-ensyma "A ’* in IMS as ed by the overshadowing Big dealt with separately. sitting bureau, in charga of Susan groups ta tbia area, Including the a crucial factor in the process by Three call for a probe into the bor­ Israel asked the council’s per­ Croetagt. 1< Gerard St, to aarn Center Ttaaepians, tho iBeacon Saet. at it&fil JH|g|i mitM'i ImOm Btlfg^ft Paaa sitowemisi* vdiich the body builds and renews der incidents. mission last night to take part in funds,- the girls havo ftoquMtly Players of Hartford, tha Travelera Itself out of basic factor in food. A Syrian spokesman emphasized, the border incident hearing, but it ca ra ffor amall children,as tort Choral Sodoty and Uw Assodatod liggll MMWSCMNUe Mtr UCM P ailn Flaar ***^'«-* i u «m | 4* MuiM§yi' Later, bo and several Harvard as­ however, that his coiutry wants was not clear whether she plans to of their aervlca proifram while UtUo ThoaClr group. T« m to keep its demand separate from enter her counter demands at that mothers votedr ahopped or ntteM- Hggg nswwuii zuiuSY ^ ****a jj* sociates demonstrated hdw this Among tto other guest artlata IftJ 'Iwiifliiii * "**'*'* laMiJ Tatkay‘^ *^**'« substance operated in body-build the Big Thjree request. He said he time. t ed church aarvlcM. who wtu appear in the Rotary tag. hoped the council would take up V. N. diplomats predicted that minstrel both Friday and Satur­ to * S r the Jordan River issue Monday. when Israel's charge does come up,. PnNM M e a m DriaE Raaf ^ In this work, he was assisted day evenings will be Rsiph Lund- Jane SwW—OevMe Cnitt principally by Dr. NaUian O. Kap­ Secretary of State Dulles dis­ it will run into strong apposition Washington PTA berg and his octette. The Towns­ T M BifU ******* FM9F4II "*■19' friaa#a laaf ***-’* '*• “ / lan, now of Johns. Hopkins Uni­ closed in Washington Tuesday the from Lebanon’s Charles Malik. men. This organisation is rapidly versity, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. David United States has suspended a 60- Lebanon is the only Arab State Hears Educator gaining a raputallon aa Manchea- IM ) O fU CiUkiCMm tu rn ■Mssr Raaf staw “»■ LEMON PIE lACH Novelli, now of Western Reserve million dollar aid program for Is­ representative on the 'council and ter'a leading, male singing group. rael because he believed the Is­ it is looked on as a spokesman for AliP'a Own Porh Vago- cmbio id J«M Pettier University, Cleveland. Ohio, and They have appeared with the Co- A ftP PMMcy PMMa I * " 41' Iraatkaat Haak • C E P C M raeli government is defying a UJf. the Arab group. McCauley, aa- ts b l* iShortsninqp So Dr. John D. Gregory, of Harvard. Wea protocttoas of the Chnter ■ O A S T U ANGH FOOD RING „ 49° Recently. Lipmann has been in- si.cant profeasoh of coucaiion-at .Church and on numberous other mLfUUk lUlKCM 2 » " 3 f PraJaRca iM i U C P C M vestigatiiv the operation of the T New Britain's Teacher. Oollege, btandablo ~ *o OCCASiCNEUI lOCAllV. CUUHOK UCAi thyroid hormone, recognised as a mad., her tocond visit to Washing­ Patty Whitehead In a novelty sbl* . 1 . ttoro't non* regulator of the bodily use of en­ ton P TA and her fourth vleit tn tap dancing routine, and Demetrt finer anywtoft! DONUTS JAM FAKa DOZ 2V ergy. His studies have opened an SUMMER STREET SELF-SERfIGE MnncHeata. within the current and bla Magic Violin, together with laRM Wmx I m u 'to«»«jl'"29' BMMI Chick4M *** oiSOAB approach to a chemical■ licsl under-« year when aha spoke to the mem­ the singing of, the Rotary chonw BtMding of the hormone’s work. bers bf Washington P T A Tur.-; and the horee-play of the end men AiF SlkaJ Raalt *^|2"*27' Before Joining^e Harvard Uni­ day. In the White building annex. Daaiafc Rkl| mtMtMn-nunuitia mcs41* will round Out a full evening of t/ lAM laliaJ IWMM »**"• S t' versity faculty, Upmann worked Hie entii9 audience was .capti­ entertainment Mrs. Dorta Carpen 06X0 79‘ 29 I t |2 toil AAPTafla at the Rockfeller Institute for vated hy her charm and'Uia daap, Jaaa Pariiar EraH Caka to u ijf tor artU ba atoompaaist for the en Oraill'OiMMt Om M tot CM Taaa fU a s Medical Research, Cwnell Univer­ SUPER MARKET Kinrerity -etidancod , by Misa M ^ tiro ahtor. sity and the Massachusetts Gen Cauiay tii tatMducir.g her topic Urn AU proceeds from thesa annual a —,-.1-___ u ttti lUJU *1* FrahCdia *«249 *“3.95 era! Hospital Research Laborator- G «O Cl!IY«M giaL$ the cvenlnif *Thr'erybodya Euaiaeaa upTOirs SOUP Mixis AapMragMf uusMU* OM AAP falnfi>**» "‘•***» lee. He U married to the former 9 9 SUM M ER ST.TEL M I-3 .S 0 8 0 —Ourl Children’’ or *Tha Mbdern shows aro added to the Rotary Etfkl O'daak HIIDAHELLW UIAG 1 4 ' lit EM 2.44 Club'a Student Loan Fund for the ow mvmmo taavmm r n m m Freda M. HaU of Deflanea, Ohio, Elementary School’’. Maures Ap­ TaHMia Jaici * Pialt SalRtol CLOSE-TRIMMED HEAVY STEER BEEF benefit of local etudents who are 0iickaH41aa4la RaJCircIa SKt) a mu-ewiu i uzm 1 4 ' ILSUC 2 J 2 and has one son. plegate's book of ths acme tiOe PIgIggIgg ViriMtlMtll 4WUS DaiaMiB IkM iM CM Krebs, a shy, retiring man who JACK FROST 5 Lb. Bag was referred to many ttaies by her iktag further education after TaMMfa-YaiitM S"-"S5' graduating from high aehool, pri- IgAgp VWMtWawlSIT IkSIM IS* tu m eS JA spends most of his time poiirlng to better illustrate the problems Paai A OMTala “ "■ VirlaatUM M SO I C M over test tubes in his laboratory, DOWN GO MEET PRICES that face children And adults to­ vats schools, or collcgs. ORiM ’“ 'S ' modestly disclaims any specific Advance ticket, aolee Itotcat^.n * Aon Pag*—Aprtont, Fi day a to tto that parents, big attendance at both p^orm - Uraw's YarAH •DAVCATPWD IM nC M Importance to his work. / AND AS USUAL WE FASS THESE rssiJhsis tod c l^ ren can work to­ I \ “It is of purely academic inter­ SUGAR gether to make the most of each ancea. Tickata iara stlU available • UIHUS 2 J,i5 89* y > SAVINGS ON TO YOU SIRLOIN S U M 8 9 from any Rotary 'dub member and Am p spiiMcii tiriM U 6o6 M#i 4 ilbiaa PRESERVES est as far aa 1 can see," he told cMId’a indlridual talenta to tha 4 1 L b J a n 99a newsman. "It has no immedi­ CUT FROM HEAVY WESTERN STEER BEEF SWANSDOWN Beg. Pkga. mutual Minntaga of the school also at tha WaddeU School on Fri- Erait CadrtMit tto M m ate ippllcatlon. It simply pro­ day and Saturday svenlngs. DagMaal »"«!2"*31'|2 Am Fete Hbew: and the Mtna. amm » ----1— UUiA u vides iNgeneral background for SMALL LEAN PORK ROAST IndiymnaJity is the key to the P d M Rkt fUkT raacMaiiM«*niMiui siiiinmk v i c«e| «*t*13*|2"* many problems in metabolic die- M pdm Elementary School the who would find it diRicnlt to col­ MACARONI l u r a o i y aptoker special talenta are lect ir fiMke for herself q fraction ^|Mfa4 m n tX '“ 13' AAP Kipca ial^Maal tism|. (sca 31' 3V Krebs, wh6\la married to an RIB t.. 45c LOIN l,. 69c CAKE MIXES 2'-37c fil^oiiraged. ’the brilliant child is of the objects which can be kc|it for Am Fe*e toerhte - Englishwoman and has three chil­ yiicouraged as tn by-gone days, her use by a children’s museum. ,1 I iiiii'ir Ml — FROLENFdOD FA FO/W3| 1 GLEE CLUB CREAM BTYLE FALL FESTIVAL « . i r dren, said he is Oqntinuing his re- RIB ROAST 6 5 ^ SWEET /but his fellow students who have The ChUdren’a Museum at- PUDDINGS' seai^es into the nq^eries of the not been blessed with his ease of tempto to provids ways la which a BVDGETSAVING V OF VALVES! bod:^8 life proceam^but has no L 1 .4 5 C TENDER MILK-FED DUBUQUE RING learning ars encouraged equally FRESH SHOULDERS ■/ 0ra■|•J«iEe^c£^S1• 1 IA, Oaaa 27a faiolly can do thhiga or maks IREEZE Sgoal in view. and congratulated perhaps a lit­ things together. Mrs. Cheney rmcii PRIED Ute I f Ukky'S TaHMia iruetceeSS' taste 35* \ A L*v*r Bre*. Prodiicf /eatf FRESH HAMS Whole or Shank Lb. 59e RUMP OF VEAL '*^49e LIVER SAUSACE 53e OLEE CLUB STRAWBERRY tle more because, they have fought quoted Dr. Parr of tha American PIG HOCKS—FBESH SPABE RIBS—POBK BUTTS, Etc. Wassaa Ollot. Ret. S7a a harder battle and thus won, a- Museum at Natural History as W ax laaRS "*•2 4 * “ “ 23‘ IM y ’a Pifvit Cacktaii tuieercto 35' 2 ' “ « - 2 l * Red Walkout E ^ s; brightei* victory. saying, "Tbers la no pleasure bet­ USU fSCllMI 31* m.---- lew 43^ uca 45* BONE IN $ ' , d Ub u q u e ” j2 ‘ 2Ss ’Ihe primary objects of ngMiern ter than fath er behind the UIFEWW flNB Ufcfcy'i PkMepple Jwka iwuwtossi* fisiewtsmSS' PHILADELPHIA elementary schools. Miss McCaU' wheat of a car explaining th* wi4S* PW Talks Snarlei LOOK AT THESE UMB FRIGES SWEET LIFE ley said, are: to bring out the best countryside geologically, botanical* " “ 31' " “ 37* UHiy'fPaaa siunfemss* Am i P t|a SgM O ra iik ii CHUCK R04ST 4N LIHK B0L06HA S o ta silt' chUdren. not Just the fa­ ly, and soologicaUy—and It doesn’t / uraiai uaaaia pkg,aN lakyUa " “ 27* "to 25* Ukky’f, Wbala Earaal Cam “ *“ 19' Arm Pafa Mayaai « 5 5 * (CoaUaned Vton Fags Os*) vored few; to bring forth the un­ matter a bit if he's wroogI"> LA M E C H O P S ...... e e • # .. H». 65e SalaABfitsiRgj2;27« derstanding that knowicdgs is O U MOTHER HUItARO BONELRSS BRISKET FIBST PRIZE SWEET LIFE FANCY In answering questions relating NHty Wi " “ 17* Cara^ Raaf Haik LINY'S UCM 29* ASS mu n «ju 29^ SMALL LAME LEGS ...... lb. 45e not the vital factor in determining to the newly estaolUhed ChUdren’a 2 t 27* RTfVwMny JVHj f i e l d except for Air Force SWEET LIFE WHITE MEAT personnel. l e a iH a m b f o r s t e w in g 2 lbs. 39e a child’s capabiUtleo. It is Im­ Museum for Mancherter achools, CatNaJ ju«m»ll* Dickenson was one of 33 Ameri­ CQRNEU BEEF > fie BOCKWURST "Tie A Ob. portant to. understand what the Mrs. Cheney advised getting as child - Cctually is as .well aC tout YEAR cans, 1 Briton snd 335 South Ko­ MargariM 2 ia.. A7e TUNA In Bitae—Can Sla many donations as poaribla since EM ifJ Mscait to u m s f Suptr^Rip^ht MtaU — Tktp’r t YEAR Down-on-tke-farm flavor . . . «t reans who had elected to stay be­ lilESHLY GROUND L E I ^ FRESH ITALIAN he knows and to lead children duplications aro always uoablt. S. Government Inepeeted AGO- MOWl doum-to-eartk prteee at AkP! AGOr- hind in the war prisoner exchange, l o o k —SLICED lA C O N • • e a lb. 73e JESSO OCT GREEN U B B rS CORNED BEEF ef elementary ocbools to acquiro 'Ths Mancheatar project is being which ended ta mid-September. tha best attItudM toward living a started as a lending muatom (or FACE RUMP, TOP ROUND. — ------. aatlafying personal life, being abk,. The U. N. Command has given no 45e SAUSACE " aSe Uie.upe of the teaehere primarily SOnOM ROUND Baaat IA. Can 14a Hash IA. Can to read .write, apeak with under- becaitae of the lack of a building lust R*duc*dl til.14 189 Potatoes tSusSS* Indication when it will be^n inter­ lA lY lEEF UVI • *oeaooe*eeeeee«eee. lb. 49( lasts . * viewing these mem GENUINE SPRING—SOFT MEATED ^ atanding, to have an appreciation In which exhibit? can be put on of the arts and aclences, and ths TOP ROUND ii1.l4 After Dickenson4etumed Wed- JESSO SWEET, TENDER Stag^t PREMIEB SPANISH permanent display. MNSO 39 needay, he aald^was "more than (Msiro to do his work to tha very Mrs. Cheiisy strongly rocom or CUBE LI1 .0 3 / Tomatoes. ; u * Armour’s Western Steer Beef of Tender Ag( bto^of his ability. mended working for a real ChU- Steaks mUS* likely" that other Americans In Past 2 t.IA . Cana Olivas aoa. Jar 41a the neutral/itone compound want Well Trimmed and Rightly Priced Prior to Misa McCaulsy’s talk. dren's Museum, however, etaca the usum 2 T •llARTItXt i Cbse-Ttim SIRLOIN L11 .0 7 r Principal Vincent Ramtxl announc­ niost valuable day->to-day activi 25 to come home. *1; PORTERHOUSE Crees Beans l. ‘ The Army said Dickenson would JESSO YELLOW CLING 29 Oi. Cas ed that 43 students will be trans­ ties can- only b* carried on if the Staaks Li ua u99* be t a l ^ to a Tokyo hospital for ferred from Washington School children have a local Museum to LAMB LEGS 6 5 i next yegr due to lack of facilltlss. L8( me’*Ri8ht SMOKIES C a rM Apples **“ “ 2 “ » 2 f 4 “ »35* rotest over a three-hour grilling HAMBURG Lb. y Red explainers which the Allies % 59c UNA BEANS x3^>m Pkg. 25s FLOOR WAX Gt ora 49s building for claoa rooms. art roproductions, ctehtagr, mod- 2 tomb pkge A O C SMOKED FUKE KNUC SAUSA4E Stermed "cruel and unusual . . i Randxi aVto, announced that ela of ati aqtto and aay Intcrestlag tdklmdk CkaFS Wa* me » nm a*e ia . 49G BwOff rtfW IM S 3 *“ 2 f 4 “ » 2 f braln-washlng." SWEET LIFE FRENCH FEIED A LL PCBPOGE c l e a n e r Washington has been, sa-^ obJsela wtdoH cam ha haifdlod by M a«l TlM M m iitl YMMrt DM »ti M MLB' The Chinese was dazed and be lO nO M ROUND POT ROAST ..... b . S9e lected b y'th i Mato Dgjpt'.^ tto chUdren. < R ib E a a ^ * “ ^ “ “ 7.IR. eVT WAS 75a U YtM AAO U 4 5 * Yaltaw OrIMrs 2 “ * ^ |f 3 “ *1 0 ‘ wildered after the long session cation os one-cif 30 ochoola In /Tha PTA voted to wj^anaar IA A 4) PKG lONELESSSIRLOIN ROAST . ... • • • a • b .7 S e POTATOES 2a-omFkg.3k O A R G O L E N E l s . j . , S 5 o f Saturday and bad been kept in t necUcut to hava an evaluation second Cub fieput Pack since the laaa HRMribarf r,«M,aMMimwirMrrs. **45'- VoHoM — lOUtM 4.54 1 J 9 segregation. But he was amUlng FANCY, MELLOW RIPE study, tha purpoea of which is to present pack la overcrowded and World's SudsiMt Cl*ons*r ADD NO 1 OaAH riSH fXClUSIVfiY when he left the Repatriation GRAND DUCHESS GOLD SEAL determine how good our sehoola unable to admit tlMt^many boys ShiaiSM FnlH^rtl « j^gtok *“■■ * “ 5* it o lO * Commission meetUig after request­ FANCY R ll ROAST REEF 49e really are.. waiting to get Into It Fathers 2 rAcueu 23* SfMiJardl Oystara ing to go home. STEAKS n^Pkg57i aiiSSWAX ..^cSSe Parents,' atudenU, teachers^and willing to serve as committeemen ^gy^g|g ran MUM Another protest from Satur­ . graduatoa of the various. echooU are aaked to contact Eugene Freak HaJJack Fillatt “S' “ 4^ day’s IntervCews was handed the . will be asked to parUcIpato in ths Spleaa, nusMeeimesa 5gg|g MMUtol UNC Thursday — this one from WAVIEST A U PURPOSE CHICKENS . m .$ 1 .4 9 BIROS EYE IWIXr DUIPUE 1 evaluation. Mna Maxine Harry, chairman SaMhaJ Pkeaka.'^^ Freak S tkiJ Sfaak CaJ 2 '“ I f I'-IS' Repatriation Compiiaslon it- WAVIEST ROASTING CHICKENS ... of tto Ways and Maana Oommit- •liH*-*i**r MUKlUt A letter from Thimayya said M .S 2 .2 9 G H I C K E N P i E S Each 9 9 i DISHGLOTHS tee..reported that a very euccesq- • WRtSUrSSOAP SaHkaC' Picaica Escaraig “ I f 3 “ »25‘ a officer was "grossly In Green PTA HearR fill Family Fair was held last Sat Auortad—In Plostip Bag Him R4MWB UffPU 2 " * 3 f 2 *“ 3 T iulted by a repreaenUtlve of the Sw e e t l if e CRDC vrdav which raised about $4M for •« U. N. bmmand (a Chlneae-Amer- DONT MISS ON THIS ONE Talk on MuReums ihe PTA. »A?M"*'^®** ican tatnpreter). diarlM Crockett, membaral^ •setrtuaigy* A I OaaJ •ociG enM SM u Mr M mmirn SmA nU'W. 8REEN PEAS 2»g. S5t CHEESE CLOTH rkg 19o .lmet> M • flftam a ah (mrjmv * Velelw. - chairman, reported that thers an FANCY NO. 1 BREEN MOUNTAIN Th# waya in which chUdren’a now 301 members, rspresenUng BDtDS EYE museums have developed ta an at­ IfiT of. ths 330 famiUes who have St Mary’s Reunion POTATOES, 51 Lb. Bas tempt to meet specific needs of children attending the Green STOCK U f ON THESE COB FILLETS tha famUiss ta their own « BehoeL Program Is Secret munitlea was described by Mrs. Jana Cheney to the mimbera of There are more.-than 1000 mllaa tho Manchester Green PTA at . a of trails in the ecanic wilderness of Fin* quality foods — An ^terssttag program, much GRADE-A MEDIUM EGGS l e i . 4Be Glacier national park, Montana. F rozen of which la being kept a secret, meeting in the school last tventag, famous for fin* flavor. - has been arranged for the reunion Mrs.' Cheney, who is an enter­ aoRox... of the BL Mary’s Toung Mep’6 taining and whuring speakw, la Foods • Thay'r* aaiy-to-sarva, Club, Saturday night at the Ma­ CHECK THESE VALUES director at (he Children's Museum Amerka'i favorita bleach too... thrift-pricad at sonic Temple. in Hartford, ona of the five and houMhouid disinfact- to OZ f nc Art Knofla is chairman of the 12 CANS TOMATO PASTE ...... I9 e GhUdren’a rnusaums in tha couatiy Schultz Choppod BroccoN rze your A&Pi program committee. Many memor­ which are entirely independent, ' Va GALLON HOODS ICE CREAM ...... 9Se self-contained corporations. U has ■ntl When it'a Clorox-clafin able ooossinna of the old club REAUTY SALON win ba^Kslived when the group JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES ...... dec. 29e grown ovar a period of 35 years, —it'a aafar for your famlly'a Cut Groon Boons ntUH 2 '^ ^ W into a'tnunmin with a yaariy bud- 14 OZ M W gathera'More than 300 are ex- SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT ...... 3 fe r 29 e haalthi Chickon Ericosso# CAN MCtud to fttltfld. t of $35,000 and a coUecUon.of 4Sfk ARebwwy $P*Fld Lima,Boons PIOZCNraESHPlMCNraESH 2 skGS 49^ * o S e r members of the program etween $p: tod IS thousand ttema eonunittss include Fred Knofla, to diMtog< Quart Half. GfJ. Gallon ftOZfN^ Bonod Chickon tWAMONt 1 2 9 9 * Wnfred ' Clailw, Dick Pritchard, ThSipaiUdran’a'Ifaiasuai of Hart­ Rod Rospborriot I'rtuH Fred Ftamagan, John M ^ , Ed g n._____U m — 8 A. M. to a P. M. TIm m . ato FrL ford Ilk aupporte^wy larga dona- ’tatP.M.Batoay SA.M .tol P.lI. ttona irom the ettits at Marttgrt BonodTnrkoy tWAIGOm MimMf Kdto HoCann. Sherwood OTOre noun y TTALIAIf RGT er OroonPoos raozomtsH «es tM ii' Ittn y Ruasau and Art WU- and W m HartfiM. fcgf.vmemGm^ I f 3 f 5 3 ' ship and M'&mda.raiscd by- Ms. Sr.T^ '‘^IlL'VltR-CaiALlCB Bleach**, ramovaa stains, deodorliee anff dWfifactal “ “ a n t s Chickon Spread SWANRm ^ ^ Amr lissmtorB .at the baseball feoaNJtitH CAN ■ sT toU M ton taasM who wen ----- " — of the club are to- YOUR PARKING FROILKMS ARE OVER aa portto Ito program which batps SCli|niEAUW the afistr. to.nufpbrt .(to gw—iim WHEN YOU SHOP AT SUMMBI ST. ' lira;: QMWYw-nRmnd the Im- SALONi OP CONN. poctapto bf •HP vripto-t s u m M AR KET / -/I.. '■V'V. \


W FQNTAINB ft)Z|lPlJNNY BUSINESS BY anaaBERBBR D A l^ CRdBBWORD PUZZt& §uv‘priBe Show er ihown Eidhibfts W c H i ^ Sense and Nonsense :fdrM r£'Tucke«^) (OPEN -Antw»r to eU _ ■ ■ ■■ ■ Mrs. Marion Tucker, Ig East Wife—wuuami how 4“ y ^ “ P* bother you; it’s only mv faUiar In jMta tkoaa dosana of am|pty botUaa there making all that fuss. Whan idlcB*-Ald o f Enuumd Mapia St., waa honoiwd with a In Our Meat got into tha baaementT ha gate that way thundering at s o f^ se mlacellansous ahowrer last ACBOM SAbrofata his beat friepda aa ho triea to push Church Prai*«d lor Mgkt by a group of her friends d BalfitB rivet ( ♦ wnUam—1 haven’t tha remoUat U. S. OtADEO CHOICI i m ^ o R p n D ICanuTMn io idea. X navtr bought an ampty bot- them around In an argument, ha tha home o f ' Mra. Raymosul TOflmI Iaacrat IntereBtiog D ^jplsyt Varrtman, M Norman St. rtUih dUh Ua In my Ufa; always bldws hia top.” f TMm ar* aarvico (ab.) The guests pooltd their gifts • AdmeniUon found in a " Wt ahojuld live and team; but by By SUUk UAMV L TAYLOO ' and praaantai to the bride-elect S lktO IN ’ tSupin* Vial ting hia Bon at tha aubma- Oka Ladlas’ AM Boclaty of roliali dlih the time we’ve learned, it'a too A hoautlful Ainnar Mky Tha deco- OR IS Haranguoa ioaimbing Hna baaa in Naw London, Conn., ^manual Lutbama GhureA, and rat tons were ICa Mw. and whits plant « .B. M. La Roy found that: late to live— Carolyn Walla, Fam­ 14 Indrm ily Circle, larticulariy the oommittoa in d a buSfat luaeh v m oarvad, 15 Sorvcd witk tl Paoudonym et Ha Uvea at Oxohoxo (Oxoboxo icharga M the Hobby Show aad d imuaieal raeontbiga were SHORT ralithM Chariot Lamb is apaUad tha aama both waya); PSihlbltloa la Luthor Holt Tuaoday IS Denomination SO Stauar 44 Moravian hla houaa liumhar ta ISI (tha aame Lawyer—You- were eating dia*' Uftamoon aad ovoaing, t w boen Mrs. Ykckar wilt ha niarriag to Steak 9 I t Dramatic her in one rtiom and the victim waa Served With Froeh MiHhroooM sad Baked Idaho PotStsM . . * ITKaquoft It Bottora SS Military Avar ith waya). and hla car ragiatra- receiving unatintod pralao for ao- HBMiA i . Lawton. ISg. Olawarood 4t Mimicked tlop ta tOTOt (tha aama both ahot In the very next room, apd sembling an intarooUnt nnd sAiea- • t . Saturday at 1* a m. la the • RIB BOASTS The wonderful guuHty of nur ohaten It Unit Of aftOIfy S“* ea aS'u**"* 47 EnmoUNi you aay you didn't hear the shot? SB pibv hiMt Bundlf of 35 Roti waya). tioMi mtbibitlon at buadrada of South MatktdHt Oburek. ^ VEAL ROASTS tripled oUr lamb buetuMa Ajpda thk / «>“ <»“ StMaiaa 4t Paiaage in Witness—Well, how could I? •xamplao o( handcraft, all tbo offer plamp meaty ooaall (1 lb. avg.) n / 24 Matt St Withdraw Jhebrairf Man—Hara'a one name on the We were having soup at the time! work of maaibarB of tho parish. BONELESS CHUCK I k M b 84PiUarX as Canvai „ ibolterto Eajian'away 4BEx<|uiiite committee that X naver heard of. The result was one of the ftaaat BONELESS BUMP. LAMS LEGS AT ...... 41 Circia parts St Bait (Pr.) Nalghbor—Oh. thafa probably Color Blind •xhlbitloiio of the kind ever held SnUHN TIPS y STBIamith S3 Short>nappcd M l LAMICHOFS ...... L k T II^ St Staamar (tb.) ** 4STha naok the pereon who actually does the Autumn leaves of red and gold ,ln Mancheotor. Po r k r o a s t ^/ at Weary (comb, form) fabric Are nice—that la, In theory. LAMB PATTIES .. L k 3S« SlPruit work. ' Uithar Hall, with H# afwly TENDERCUIIB SS Capable But when 1 have to rake and bum psintad groan walla and oelHBg LOAM CXmNEDREEF STEWING LAME Crime doesn't pay—Ito income They only make m,* weary. ilectrollora. formed just iho righ. Both. Biefi. OuMHratad. 53 Bind Orado N a I gSAt eu. yA 54 Social Maaet taxea — ktargaret Lowen background for tho oMUMU, oomt of which tvoro on ^ the piatform. Ofsda N a t S lM au. yd. St Irritata BuSvUred In Truck LAMB SHOULDER JA. Sd Simpla The relatives, friends and news­ This tiick operator had Juat othenr X a eUwiar arrangoment paper reporter were' aU (here at In the canter of tho hall, and the toad Lets Order Naw ST Kichti (ab.) requested deferment from the Bersiusd sand, ataus, flH 55 Poem gr^ d a d 's lOOth birthday anni­ remainder around tha waUa Long versary celebration. Army oh the grounds of bad eye­ tablM covered wtU whlU damaM aad gravol daSvurad. Fresher By Far... V ' •M’ll say this for Pringle’s dapartmtnt storo— thty’vt got StDrtvaoE sight. Even with his inch thick 40 Blvar in AU—Wall, how do you do It, Cotha ware used for the moot part NUSSOORF some real salesladies! I only wont in to buy o shirt!’ granddad; what’s tha aacrat? lenses he had difficulty finding the •nd Set off to advaatage the in­ THAT'S THE BUARMim ON ^ GemMny Orand Dad—Simpleat tlUng In chart let alone reading iL Told to CONST, CO. /0-2Z-S3 41 Hall-am dividual dlaplaya of aatlqua gUoa. tha 'ararld, polee,, aaranity. Lose come back later for the verdict, China, braaa oUvar. painted tin rbana MftehaH S-74gS PiNEHURST POULTRY 43IdoilM your tamper and you put another he went to a nearby theater to 4SPerchad pass the time. At the completion o f . •nd small wooden ob)Mta. BY J. R. WnJilAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB nail in 3)e.ur coffin. Take it easy. AvtiwRtte Om Irrm i FASM mSH aOIART I WMIi SOCK MYISS 4TTaar Don't ever'blow your top. Every the feature film, the house lights , MDid anew , Several of tho oommttUo mam- DON'T 6 0 JELLVPI6U time you d o X your heart acreame. went on. Much to the potential' bera wore authanUe Bwadiah cor- / IREXr ATIME 53 Preebeeter your liver flopii and your giaaard draftee's dismay who should bn^oc- eSAD.tWiSSS/ IT l^NOCKBD NOVf.MASOR/WMEN 54 Wave topi cupying the next sent but thAdof". tumaa, and two Uttlo girls drsooor HEN TURKEYS'^65c cowomw /A^VHIPEdUT HB COMES TO, 6lV a shrinka. Reault? A year off your - In the aama ftyla In aaiiUature add- KCT-I CANT , JliSTiCe QOiMCMV'5 PiNS FRO/A SSBapumer - A loud crash and high angry tor who had just adminis|icM hia HIM A continuance •d atmoaphara to tha acana. Bpacc cAu.:rMe UMDER HIW VlHBM "WE FULL" SdMoetpeinful voice in the next room. Interrupted eye examination. to tw — kiEBP T M iN K -y jl •T Add region caught short he tunv»A(0 tha doc­ to adequately daaeriba tha nusaba: him at this pomt as the group lla- •nd bsMity of tha various formr Fresher By Far... IMS a b o u t DOWN tanad in consternation. tor foggily, inquiring, "DOaaThis THAT Orand Dad—Don't l«t that bus go to Yohkers ?*' of handiwork by both aaan and ROUND STEAK nhiHuasT M Don ■ r ^ p o p women la not avallabU hut wa wUI MfigM RImIg* & AND CARN1V4L PY DICK TURNER mirntion a faw. Cutting tha tape.at Burien’s, lne„ t morning to opon tho big thraa day aalas avont, "Womm'U GROUND. Lb. tSc DONT A colorful exhibit of doUa of all Days at Burton's," la Mra. Charlas E. qrt (canter), SCanchastar's "Wcotaa of tbo-Tsar.” Aaalat.lng HAMBURG Lb 39c tgea \ ^ nations, a hobby of Nancy Walr, Ihrtmkeiv p , her are Mra Betty Bubh, chairman of "Women’s Days at Burton's,” (loft), and Adam Rhodaa, presi' LEAN CHUCK^ intaraated tha children and grown­ dent of tha Manclieater Branch of the Amertmn (^ c e r Society. It waa through tha untiring afforts GROUND. Lk Me L i » . $ 1 . 0 0 SredklettV I— ups. Nearby was a dispUy of of Mrs. tfbwt.tbat the tumor clinic at the Jocfl^ hoepital waa aetabHahed. 3 Jspanase art and wall bangings by Bra. D. BL Morrisatta, and a It Most supar mewhats foNow tfcw swum priew lace outgt intrigued many, with a lg5S eceeion of Ck>ngreae to cen- BUGS BUNNY cross-stitch sampler of 'The Curtis B i^ks H ike pHfhHw eUt cooUm . . isait not oW «fftr Lord'a Prayer,” the work of the sample of the lace in progress. cel the aclMduled Social Security wife of Pastor C. B. Oiaon of the OIrl Scouts of this town when In tax boooL Tha lawmakers took no cookiws w d cfodwri ok fmN «b yow fmA Europe in 194C and ICSS saw the WIRES A U H iiV M J I church.. In Social Security action on this, howaver, and (he The email repUca of tlw iww women of Belgium making this lace. administration did not push the Parish House at Emanuel, by Rich­ Oeorga D. Murray's exhibit of a (OenUaued from Page Ode) requeet. NABISCO ANNIVERSARY ard A. Bolin, was graatlr ad­ model train engine and coach at­ Under preaent laws, tha Social G f f l f ASSORTMENT ...... SpM ld 59e mired. also tha altar by VeriMr tracted the attantloh of alL Mur­ with Rep. Richard M, Slmpoon Security tax jumps automatically (Save Oe oa these). Gustafaon. ^ Both hoya have re­ ray is a member of the New ®>gi (R-Pa), another InSuenttal mem­ on Jan. 1 from S par cant to 4 par ceived tha Pro Dao at Patria (For land Live Steamer Club of Dan­ ber of the tag-writing Waya and cant of a person's lalary. up to ALSO FRESH FROM NABISCO OVENS God and Oountry) award to Lu­ AU Buttar CoaUe* vers, Maaa. Mr. Murray alao *how­ Means Committee, who said it SSAOO a year. Half of the tax la HHAOW FIG NEWTONS ...... Ig. pkg. 43c theran Boy Beauts for their fallh- ed his collection of paper weights. would be Wtae lo freoM Social Se­ paid by the employe and half by fulneaa in reitgiou* duUea. OREO COOKIES ...... Ig. pkg. .39c ■S-Vear-OU DoHs curity tages at their present levels. the employer, ao Hui mdividual aoT"” 1J5 John KJellson, and Rognar CIIOC. CHIP PECANS ...... pkg. 39c Mrs. Isabel Robtnapn showed Simpson said the taeue daoervea rate would go up from IH to S HAiF Coeanut-4flU Johneon displayed a number of several iatereatiag obj^ts sent to "very early attention” when Con- per cent yearly. 6 .7 5 R II’Z 'C R A C K E R S ...... spec. 33c_____ curloe collected while In the oerv- her by her daughter, Mrs. Jean grcMi reronvenea in January. He The total increaae could amount RITY^CRACK^ ...... spec. 33c Chao, cu p M » Ice, and Frad'Johnson entamd a Flynn, who la now In Oarmony, npXd that for many peraous In to-roughly one bAHon doUara-BCxt variety of useful and omamental among the coUocUon 50-year>old low income group the scheduled year. /• \ articles Of furniture. Herbert dolls with china beads. Social Security tax increase wuuM Curtia genarally has - dacUned RED CROWN DAILY DllE liV B IE S O F FRESH lAKERY FROM FEFFERIDGS This Way, Mr. \ BY V. T. HAAliJN gWanaon displayed a few pieces in Mrs. Paul Anderson paints china more than offset a 10 percent re- comment on Social .SSeurtty poltcy FARMI . .ARN O LD AND REYMOND. TRY REYMOND*S woodanware, and It was a surprise and showed' several examples of itucticm in personal {r.-urr-e taxes pending hls silbcommHtae hear- WB-L,r AiNTi IT COME AL0 N6 ».TM, to hia friends to note that he was bar work. Miaa 13aia Anderson dia- alM set for Jan. 1. Inga. But IM oaio'-ln an interview: COFFEE R U N ^ jsr ARNOLD'S NEW CRUMFETS. surra ME TO'SEE ONNATAKE Y0 U 1 0 also Intetoatsd and skilled In art j^ayod aamplea of fabiica printed Simosnn, chairman oi the Ke- ”My own personal feeling is that •.*Al ^ 6 .1 5 Buy pkg. of 64 TenderUaf Ten Balls onJc g A? YOU AS PlinYON . GUV wholl be work, judging by several of his with her own designs. Repu>-llcan Congressional Cam- the Increaae will have to go into ■ I .1 I- TH'OUTSIDE AS HAPPV pamtmga. Mias Harriett Franaea has a pai„n Oommittee, aidd^l: effect. I thmk it is neoeaeajy to sale andYet 19 bags fo r Ic ... .total price 9 0 C MXrVE PRCVEP Mrs. Rarotd Waot, ona o f the co- hobby’ of keepinr scrapbooks, a ”1 Jo not lielieve that a Repiio carry on the program.” W A liit t Or get 16 « t n Salads Tea Balls for Ic 1 0 BE chalmhnr o f the committee 4r- nimmar of which she dUplayad. Itcan edministration woqM wish Slmpoon'a call (or a (raeae an | ON DTAMIglNSOE- rJrgsd S'lddat attractive tea table, and at present she ik interested to provlda the reduction of taxes tha tax ccsild ha a forecast that the | qn special pkg ofsM f * r ; ...... 56c using antique giasaware and chips, in foaltioning earrings of rie-rac for the higher and ,mid PtQOP ^ 3 .4 9 with a background of her painted and aaquina which era moot col­ groups while at the same time in- quest next yawr. The tax ceuld be OTHER GOOD DEAL lUYS tinware traya. Bha also has a orful. ereaainr taxM on the lower-in- kheered b a ^ ta IH per cent on MINUTE RICE .... ,.. 2 li. bwRft S9c hobby of doing naedlepoint work, Mrs. Olga Petem. of Coventry, come groups.” indtvtdualq even after It jumped moaogrammtng linens and drcaor also a member of the church cn^ Praaident Etaenhower asked the I eutomatically. SViTANSDOWN NEW Ifir doUft. a cattecHoa of ceramics. ___ > of he pirn she has pre-I Lg. Fkg. WHITE IDAKE MIX Rrs. Albert Harrison, bar alstei’ XI Aunt Jemima and co-chairman, had a table with pared,____ 1 forfor^riatmae boar in it^ ... 2k>Kh«.42g or given names of the recipienU. early ruby' thumbprint glaae and (1 Pkg. legular price. ” 101” patUm in milk glass, all set Mrs. Hanry Olson dlaplayed a off by a blue cloth and centered number of her paintings on the r oomr MOOT OOT 3 . 1 8 34e « » « o — exwao '*Plgy tht $4.8S on* again, ptaatt!" with patunlaa in tha ruby color. new platform,' stlt^ecU included Fresh Sea Foods Now I S still life, portraiU and landacapas. ^ 5 ? 7 .7 9 CHRIS WBLKIN. Plueicci Covering Up BY RUSS W INl’ERBOTHAM Tha South oidevof tha hail, where nSH AND CHIPS WITH OUR FRIALATOR BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES PlAying It Safe BY EDGAR MARTIN (he platform formtrly was placed, Mias Mabel Olson alao showed aeV- WHtWm IN THIS NODUCT ] OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT resembled a metropolitan gift shim eral paintings. Miss Fridaborg Our aew MRitary proccM gives you a dcVcioas, erisw. S, » AND 7 VfAtS OtO X, Thoren and hla sister. Sm. VIoU- ■TDENIH60NTM£'i.,‘ with lU wealth of imported Swed­ JEE...ILLTELL o » o » ^ Kreas, entered a collection of sil^ golden brourn f o ^ Semis in (h e fla v o r! Cosse la and 1 m l . afcLCiN THAT TKA.y^s.TOeS’ ' EMEE^ENcy ponme. \ S\Kk9W TOLD THA4&W ish objects, brought by tha parish ’ UNTIL tdIPJI. LIT T)\Kf DU6iKft.'9& NOO W » loners from' their native Sweden. verware. President and othM' Sou­ try thev! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED ’ INUI£«ETEOCAUCM tVIU.'^HtOWHlMXM venir spoons. u rjiiTVl VKS60. DXACW RVOKI MOM THK\ . Exquisite examples of Har- TAKE HOME. CALL Ml-9-8003. ttOCRftt A ^ T H « \ VKLTL'Nl danger, Swedish weaving and em­ > During the afternoon and eve­ I^ALMDAU ning, Mrs. Olivia JMtnaon and M r» •4 MOO'LDtbT MULD RE.9 broidered articles were in the ’ ^ 1 9 9 TOR NNKWA background. Nearby was an ax Loutae Hlnrichs and their aaaiat- COMMUNITY RESTAURANT reoor - \ » ot WHITE tenslva dlaptay of modem hooked ants served Swedish cookies and 'WHiSKIiS IN THiS. Ptoeua ruga In beautiful Soral or geo­ coffee. Others oh their committee I NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER SYEASSOb metric designs, hooked by a num were Mrs. Hilma l4vey, Mrs. Amy ALBACORE her ot the women of the church. CSrlaon, Mrs. Doris HSistrom. MA. Another display featured pieceA Gerds Orr, Mrs.. Florence Peterson HERSHEYSA8Sbog«f24. 99c CARNATION or and Mrs. Maris Levitt. wisnuRY KSnvi bed quilts and tsbla cloths, cro- anuioNf an SHURHNE MILK. 2 c« m 22c chated and kfiRtad. Oha knitted Co-chalrrasn Mrs. Harrison HERSHEY KISSES «r . w : end Mrs. West were sbly naSiSted •e 9 A o spregd In an elaborata daalgn was MOOT , ■/: , eOT MINIATURES. Iwqic bog . . 49c SwMWOot FRUNE JUICE 31c the wdik of Mrs. Xda Sodetberg, by Mrs. LHIian GusUfaon. Mrs. who is noted for her culinary akin- Hulda Olson, Mn. Sophia Johiiioa| DHTiU^ IN MABVtANO nEALTibnp ^ ' She alao! bad a display of they and Mrs. Isabel'il' Robinson. 4 VfAaSOtO knitted doiUaa. Ah old time bhbbln- LOAM ICE CREAIW__ Vi Gal. PRISCILLA' Home Economy From Ovoh To Tablo DARK. RICH.’ LOAM ^ FREE FROM STONES. MICRBY FINN A Mb b I V r /m I i t e Inform ation Please! LA9(K LEONA|U> I ^Sow Dolly Soma Naw Togs WE DO lULLDOZING. DITCH-DIGGING. FORD HOOK UMAS ^ - 2 for 49c SHOVEL WORK. SEFTIC TANKS fNBTAIAKD. dip LOG COIN / F i n ­ CUT GREEN I ^ S ...... w-WHaT7o-0H, •TBAIOHT aouaeoN GRAND DUCHBS„ STEAKS ...... S7e ITS RXt PHIL' d r a in HELDS AND DRY WELLS. TRY^OUR n IeW MORTON'S "FIE FOR TWO" AND NEW I-IMHSJUST WF•* iOT w»WT I Q KSTINOMrEyES! JOHN LMIOY. SO. COVOflllY, TB. Ft-E-TSII OISTILUO IN INOIANA FROZEN CANDIED SWEET FOTATOES 4 YCAISOLO LARGE RNOW W firfW esqUROWEB s» u m n Scofcfc MAT'rwtBssaa Green Beam— Wax BeaRa GUNCMNAN ' Peppera— Sphwch •A d 4 ^ c IMFOITIO ROM KOTLANO W o^ qblr ftko ohoinol LARGE DOUBLE BUNCHES I reooF JS?4 ;3 6 i Soft fon9"o( flol ^Itsl CELERY 19c ■K- MUCOLM STUART CAPTAIN EASY Ready To Blast B Y L E S L IE t u r n e r AND BIS FRIENDS w ith MtW ; Long Liv* Hilda! tY 1IERRILL (LJ 08SER Summer Squash fiSHeUNCN. NO POUfti. a FEW OP THE PiRiMo caMee THE/TlKe ■■ . £ ! A 7 9 •BM PBRDiaT *1 OrMlNS N THENOtk «M)6T BeOEaROF The Map I ■j Sweet Cider gaL 79e— j^i gaL 49c T L l THE 1A5T POSSiOLt UOIAENT... PElEUEIKy WTENHaS iMFOeno (tOM SCOTLAND > .tJ: rlEKTiiwco.. EvsnosE sefore a F ivr “ aXE 5ETT0PICKW iNOcares a e Kou DiO.. IN s m e o f paEViou^ 1M55ILE 15 LMMCMED me SELECTED FANCY LAEGE SOKINd RCFU^ waaNwso.' FSOU 'FHe TEST AND RECORD RaPtO aPWy CCNTYK iM a r ROMTHO SOHMl CBMT6R.-V wessaoes frorthe // is n a . NCeOLP PIHIK)SE tN55iLE.J>M-aOU ITS JUMP', >tewNC*a» 6 n m P M i' HcINTOSH APPLES OOMIDhaiMiU. M lELLS IgUkNOJSHPOF PLIdHT PERFORIMWCe. ] SMAOffSiDO/ BeiNS tiSfi'f Rooceo rtcoF . "” 3 .9 9 TiKTMimnElil _ BYTMr (Approx, e Ms.) Biag 69c WOOVMM^WP IkhOlDONAL IMFOeitO NOM SCOTLAND 2 f e g S e IWaTERtOOSW. . .1 THE NEW PAINT DISCOVERY! TVv ir p IL At p m » c< aiR NEW CROP GENUINE (•dFoace Base h o p / M FUWPa JET ONLY reu4H)w.auAUTY PHOTO PiaNE5 Rylon lu» iIunc iPAH O ES 5 Lbn 42c THKE THE aw. •R R it-A U rsOKMIOPI o lASY TO OIAN o NHt ANY SUMAal TO FOLLOW Tifr • ■fiiv wssaEFRuar.l , e/ecs. oormTso, havk oone st>oKrit^ O O N I OOAT C p V t M W * QUICK ORVMB SSSSF NATIVE fom ois Tw/AFp-.-otemiMeD H>to* Q u e e n o f 8518 I ae*. me >» m* «»*«■»—■ t M.*i»aaeM.ea You’H. (tad this apron with Si U 9 V 1 Q IR M ^ bfiMiL s p ^ matching .bot mitts vary handy to lOuhn 33c V IC F L IN T gUNf ML1I0NAU7 gNOWM I Hunting Stringa BY MICHAEL CYMALLBY THa. s lU K y OF MARTHA WAYNB Softening Up BY WILS()N 8CRUGGB, , A whole nevr wardrohe for her have around. Tht apron is piatty INTERIOR V U V n GLOSS Tavorlte deU, and such fun to ae— enough to waar out of tha ktteban, AVAaAlU A7 AIF tMOOt Bach iUm of thU doU’s wardrobe _ and tha mitta keep the hands earn- a ona-placo pattern and raquiraa a fortabla when carrying hot platSa minimum of fabric. Plan now on from oven to table. making the elotbae (or CSwiatnuis. ' Pattern No. 6407 contains frac­ Pattern No. tSlS to a paw-rita ing for aaltts in amaU. nMdium and perforatad pattern for doOa 14, IK " irga Blaaa: aewing dtracUons for IS. SO iaeSao. For aaaot F u d i«i« litte aad adjustabla wron; me- consult pattern. t irtSl raquiremante sbp.flatsbtnf FOr tWa pattam " ttiOM. - eolna pfur niunA' gfenawati desirad, “ ■ ■CB BL. BVKNXir ■ ^ - r ■...... ■ .

MAIfCUJSBTBM IVKW INQ HERALD. MAWCaMTJCB, COtOfm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1958 F A O B l K in d AHAmtie U Jhhl. 6rimm National League Manager of the

IndimM* Defensive Stan Yale Selected Dressen Gets f Bristol High Expech fobo Does Competent Second Spot; | Oyer Colgate To Rebound S atiny Stanky Third Notre Dime Seen Too Stron|( for C ^rgia Cokch Tommy ,2titiSi6H 'e HrU- Now Tark.'~Octr 22 MIW itoi High gridden M on the waukita’a ObarUa- aciBiai, ' who Tech in Top Game Hitters Showed rebound Baturday 8fl«nM8B whkn Job on Moody Turpin booetad the Braves front aeventh Natural Strike the tradttiimal ereb-dwit^ battle to a aurptlallit aecood place flalaU New York. Oct. 23 («)—Loot in one year, was vatod today Na- Zone by Reardon j with Mancheater ia j^ayad at Mt. week’s epcciol whammy curt didn’t Nebo. The Bell Tatnm f*, a dis­ Kair Torit,. O ct a* (gV-BoIxrf The cloeest thing to a knock* tlotuA Leaima maatogor of tha yoajt. work in 13 of 47 coses and so this organised crew that wia wradked OlsioB way not be the greatest 9**^ came at tha New Yerk—(NEA) — lltarv tBg end of the ninth round. Olson Orimm, who waa nutnar-up to< list of sslectiooa la mads with tha ace ways, gays Boom Beardoa, i by Hall laat waek 84 to 0> atol middleweight boxing champion the had caught turpln good In his Cfeaoy Stengel yaetetday for major old hat-pin mathod—Just -a atab to aaoke batters etoad property suffer the sting from tha lacing- world has seen, but the tattooed toagua managerial konora, had no M tbD BlAte* own comer and had sent the and the team you pick is tha I worst absorbed in nlsa y(w n fi•. 4 (II the National LMgua't top spot, The numer(>ua setbacks of last bprd far ’em to be pitched to.” Bobo did a com p^ n t Job on clanged, however, as tha referee _ BmiUi ...... 83 M j But, the Btareea wiil ba Ofi for- reached the count of flve. Tha 65-yaor-old 0(1bmb draw 118 Saturday Msultad in a .745 aver- the mam who ompiced ia Bandy Turpin of Bngland in their n. Bmtih ...... : ...... 133 S8 age. That pulled the season’s fig­ ieiga turf agala tUa weak. 16*rouiid'showdown at Madison In the following round Turpin of tha 179' vetoa e w t by BMadtars the Jfatlsaal Leagae far 24 pareaUy paAaC to la imy Balfis, went down again almost at tha Totals ...... 205 181 193 67» of tbo Baoabaa Writosa’ AaSoda- ures down to 158' eorract, 48 years.^ *T’8 tell ’em to Bristol haa doae oU Ito wtaatag Square Oarden last night. He did Tm s i M*. S (1) nrrong for an avaraga of .787. ‘A\ net acore a knockout, but only outset, but got up and was toady Iff. Blmmdni ...... 104 84 103 390 ttoa la the aooaol AaooeiatodFreaa stralghtea up. away from tbe saartowa amdkHmn < ' biecauae the man from tieamington to go as Berl reached the nine D. Sim m on*...... 108 91 104 303 ■ML Dreiaea waa aoeoad with 88 But Juat os toough nothing had ..*“4161 Bits Is my natural ef Muaxy Field tlte year. idaftly chopped ^ ____ 'happaned, har# ara this wash’s 1^' ] Spa had a tremendous lot of heart csunt.'^ He took a severe beating T o ta ls...... 312 178 '3O6 '898 dv Turpin In their IS-round title eotaa. Bddio Wahky o f BL Loals stonee,’ said eae batter. Jorrln' Johnny Dymcucyfc, lead­ { emen he was being badly punished the remainder of the round but naafflcial Odd Rogers Hornsby of OtaetBaatl, picks: “’Okay.’ I said, ‘stay that ing ground gainer aad top acorcr, , ■ . clash Uat night to succeed to the Net re Dons ever Georgia Techi In the closing rounds. was in no danger of going down Toaiki Jtm. 8 It) throne RoMnaon abdicated nine gVeakdowai the only other awaagora to taeeiva ^ aad m shew yon what a will lead the visitors hera aa Uwy Turpin made no complaint of the again. E. HHIund ...... '88 331 Crowd Ig,8i9. toaegaltiaa. dlvIdlBg tha Tseh’e string sf 81 games without 2taial strike aoae Is.’ n ta t'd attempt to get bock into the udii J. Hcdlund ...... 91 112 KW 317 meittha ago. defeat eada after a tortffle etrng- unanimous verdict against him by From there on it was strictly . Tbare'a no one elsa on tha bori- Groas Gato-4187.588. eotaa, Btaaky get two on usually stralghtoi ’em nat.’( column. Bristol will to going to two Judges and the referee. a matter of whether Turpin would T o t a l!...... lie 648 male Tas—88.188. gle. Bat Leea Hardeawa’s rahniag the post for the sixth time, as will * • • go the route. Several times Ol- Tm s i 18 u 4 It 143 votes to easily outdiSUace End Bob Brown awL fullback .who turned in aevarol fine seoaons M l^ g a n State over t^irdue: deeids. indicated he'.wanted to keep on C ia ty Rtongel, the aid perfesser himself. Is pusaied by this type Sal BaUmoiia have turned in atallar! ft end for Manchester High and Washington over Stanford; turning, to grid warfare after a roundly for not boxing enough in upon his stamina and his ability ToeSi K*. 1 (t) 188.088. hia choUangere. Lou Boudreau of Mkhlgan Stale waata^climax Its year’a abaance. Then Coach Mona­ to slip punches to get away. flghUngT Hie nearly bUnd' mother, ef arithmetic but it's net too hard to figure out. He’t Just licen Stanford gave ito all last week in trainlllg. Asked if he would have If. CUshInx . . . 107 67 103 308 Mrs. Beatrice Naley. SM in Eng Btato Tax—88,888. Boeltm waa sacond with 19, Sevan fUrst aaaaon in tha/Btg Tan by han took his charges on the road trained differently now that he J. (^ishtnx .. . 104 67 89 290 named hasfball'i manager of the year for the fourth ttoM afur pUot- more votes tiiea Paul Kicfeards of going to the Rose B ^ l. defeating UCLA. 'Randy retire Radio Televialoa Net —487,- this fall. Tha pair wiu aae plenty right aide ef tha line. Balimone la for three games. Windham was knew Olson’s style, he rrolied be­ THE ONLY VIBIBIJE damage Total! ...... 311 194 191 896 "888. Ing the Yankees to their flfth straight world UUe. That, in the solnion Cbicago received Other Amariean Southern CoUfomla over Cali­ Skipping over the others k tween battered lips ” No, my to either fighter was a cut which BOW.” nf many experts, adds up to sixth championship in 1954. Qisey Is of aetlad |Mtorday as tha Ifidiana a Junior and ia in hia setxmd season hurry: beaten, 35-3, Meriden was ahutout T m rib t is (1) Olson’b Job on Turpin waa Olaon's Share—817,188. 8 Laagua managara to recetva eup- fornia: The many, aaaay IVoJans 18-0 and Torrlngtoa blanked 19-0. trouble wasn't physical—It was TXirpin received under his left eye D. Brown ...... 77 74 M) 333 now relaxing in hia Glendale, .^ i f ., home. and architvpt Bristol meat at M t! with Manchcetar. Ha has beto a , Friday night! ataooUu decialva and unanimous. Tiirpln’a Ma>e-8I1,I88. port were Al Lopax of Oavaland. to keep Cal’a Paul Laraon botUad Then came the Hall game, back mental.” -' in the third round and a cut 8. B row n ...... KM 67 99 390 Bueky Harris of IVaahlngton and Nabo. Brown, a senior, is tha * demon pam defender, bitereaptlng up in tha Mg' coast gams that ' Boston University over Lehigh, The balding, halry-chaeted Bobo Olaon’s lyital Parw — 858,- younger brother of Randy Brown ' two tosses to halt enemy drivea. oh home soil. - Exactly what Turpin meant was mouth. His seconds did a good T o ta ls...... 181 173 189 623 824. Fred Hutchlnsim of Detroit. Hants should ba seUled by a touchdown Brigham Young over Denver. not clear. It la a matter of record, Job/on the injury under his eye Britaln’e Randy Turpin, left, tosses a left at tha head of Carl (Bobo) Olson as latter retaliates with out the husky British Nagn> undar Saturday: , Bristol ia • good club, accerding tha left eya in tha f o i ^ round, Turplall Total Paraa— 855.- and Lopaa got two votax and or lasa/ to Coach Walker Briggs who per- however, he is separated from his ai>d there v/Ss never a thought ' Tfw n H*. 1 (i) right In first round of their middleweight tlUe bout at Madison Squara Garden In New York. 824. Hutchinson one, Kentucky ever VUlanova:' The East: Army ever CelumMio, D. Vorriion ...... 88 71 108 2SO dropped him for five in the ninth, Toro and Bettencourt sUy seodted flotarday’a game, wife and has bew named corre* Utot the bout might be stopped R. Morrison 344 Orimm, who lucceedcd Tommy "Blue/Graxe WiidcaU have finally Hely Greek ever Brown, Harvard Spemdent in a divorce suit. After because of It. 'The worst that . . . 131 104 101 decked him again for nine in the SawiR Oii Sterf ever Dartmoath, Texas Ohristiaa la addUtoa to Dymexyk, the Bti- tenth and had him blaeding from Holmes aa Braves’ manager In fouiid some help, for Steve Mell' mortal BMalevaidera have m sHp- the fli^t he told a British writer happened to Olson wag" an occa­ TotaU ...... 2 2 2 175 307 " io i mld-seaaon of 1952, ia no novice by linger. over Pesm State. Batgers ever TOHRIB 11 And t1 (1> Yale Leader tha Boae and mouth. pery runner . In hallhaclr Boeky / , he thought he might have knocked sional nose bleed. R. BallarR^on ...... 85 74 71 330 THE Ingly low 157 to Olson’s 1S9H, any means. Me served two asper­ /Southern Methodist over Kon- Ferdkont, Yale aver Colgato. Olson out within eight rounds if he The fight was not a very spec­ Pace Merchant Scorers Patain, fw-niptohi ef the club w|(Ui A. BaiUrxeon ...... 97 98 S3 378 "IT WILL HAVE to ho GavUan had been crUlclzed roundly for not ate terms os pilot of the Chicago ita : Kansas won 28-0, a ysSr ago Bouto Auburn over Tulone. Duke had been “right.” tacular one. The most that Casey Stengel Named over North Carolina State, Louis­ three year veteran end Jtan Tracy. Total! ...... 183 173 154 608 In Defense nest.” apld Norris aftar talking to boxlny enough in training. Asked Scoring leaders with ths Mer­ Cuba putting in a total ef 10 full but the two Uama will, reverse George Bedmna Is at fallback. This might, thus, have bo4n the could be said Of it was that both If he would have trained different­ aaasona end parts of three others' poeiUona this time. ian’s State over Florida. Furman first world’s championship decided boys did their dead level beat, and Herald Angle Bobo add ilia manswer, Sid Flwer- chants’ football team this season I Gary MeOsrthy performa.nt one of T » m s 8 ! ! d 8 (1) ly now that he knew OUon’f atyie, in/ha Windy a ty . Ha led the Cube Georgia over North Carolina: over' Davidson, Woke Forest over between heart throbs, none of tgat Olson won his title legitimate, P. POHTOl! ty. tha qulataat fightar-managar Gomes Threw 'Em, . . . 107 91 96 393 New York, Oct. 22 dP)—Navy’s team to hit Broadway in yaare. he replied "No, my trouble wasn’t tre end Frank Toro and halfback ^ pennants in 19S2, 1985 and' er Tha home field and Zake Brat- Richmond, Tennessee over Louis- udiieh were visible to tjie capacity ly, by the sweat of his brow. Bobo B. McKee ...... 88 M 86 r s ■y Joey Bettencourt. Bach has scored Year ■(dlie, Vanderbilt - over Virginia. tost year, under the lights at rising Middles are fast gaining a ‘Tf Oavilaa aucoaaifUlly defends phyaicai-T~lt was mental." DiMag Caught 'Em, kowekl give Georgia a thin edge. Mussy Field, Bristol erected a 7-0 crowd of 18,869 withih the Garden might not be brilliant, exactly, Total! ...... 2 0 0 186 181 EARL W. YOST two touchdowns. Sunday after-' Toe Jovial Dutchman, however, Virglhia Tech over Washington A " « 8 reputation as a team that can his title against Johnny Bratton His mental pains will be eased \ ' ' \.‘ Minnesota over Michigan: It lead before Manchester got otorted. or to those in a national television but he is capable. He aiwuld TeAm No. ff (1) somewhat by a purse of $55,824. noon the locals will play host to l probably ia aa proud of hia feat in doesn’t -seem poseiMe that Duncan Lee. West Virginia over VMI, Wli- audience who witnessed thp some­ hold the 160-pound title with no B. PhiUlM ...... 99 99 R7 385 ■poflo Editor oi^y run up a acore but can ]^t the in OUcago, Nov. IS, tha Kid and New Vsric —(NEA) -J«fl Glendalt* Calif., Oct. t t — •. club hM ttooi hfuck mt aae mjr When- the Indians did, Jimmy W. PbUrfps ...... 88 Olaon received the eame. Each re­ ths Mlddlstown BIU4. Jackets at 3 leading the lightly regarded Braves McOonoid con pull tha Wolverines llsm A Mary over George Wash­ what one-sided dUel. trouble at all until hS meets Kid .. . 103 106 399 Bob wiU niwt for tha middle­ o’clock at Mt. Kebd. Gomes toys hs made a Coaay Stongal lx dulyBtataful. for g*«n be thanked for the Roach and company rode to n JO-7 defensive, brakes on> their op­ weight championship.’’ ceived 30 per cent of the net gate into the runner-up p o x i 1 1 o n out of the )u>le three Saturdays in ington. This particular observer saw It Gavilan, sunmsing that the CU: Total! ...... 303 l o T 1™ "m I LOCAL SHOTS, SHORTS i ponents. Winners of four Straight before ^ sf J4h DUtaggie. to the champion Dodgers os ha triumph. 's more or less as two of the officials * JIMMY ROACH wUI be seen in That waa all flna and dandy and the $60,000 radio-television ' ”Thsy Mver kaew yea be* n a m ^ *‘•1^ asking p^a how am a row: It will, to Michigan’s first Midwest: Oklahoma A A M over ban iCMd beats Johnny Bratton Annuel Little League baseball action Sunday afternoon with New money. The fight was broadcast running up againat ths Agawam, was in each, of his three flags. In to bnaaboll s Manager of jI j win fiv^ etralght," yentura from home. Detroit, low s State over Drake. did. We thought that, Olson wal­ at Chicago on Nmr, 13. T*!m N«. 2 <21 While the Sailors ^itrew nation­ with Bobo, who wanto to heap tha Maas., Brownies last 'Sunday, the g« back for a hall until yea loped the pbdlated Briton by 10 M. Tomer . . . . 93 100 92 3R5 banquet will be held IVeaday night York MiUtary Academy against wide attention to ah offense that big paydays roHiag in to faed his and telecast coast to coast but pre-aaason polls, few experts Navy Over Penn: AMthcr step Illinois ovsr Syraeuse. Iowa over Both Turpin and Olson will re­ T. Turner ...... 108 130 118 344 at 6:30 at the Garden Grove.' Preei- Brooklyn Prep at the Brooklyn New York and 75-mile ares around Merchants will be out t ^ e l back ptoytd behlod me.” eraehefi dared predict a better than fifth rounds to four, with one even— in ceive around 359,624. Each re­ swamped Prinetpa 65-7 Saturday, brood of thrae.,'boya and one girl. She old Ymdiee aopthpaw. He by the Ml4idiea In their added that the most ever- ito, MoriiuaUa over College of going aetay. It will ever be a mat­ TcAint.12 an9 29 mpe it 11-4. Referee A1 Bari saw it 9-4 OlUe JarvU' Dari-Maids started High . . , Rc^ibility of a New overall and a mera 93.8 yards tiuh- Burs, pure, I ilka to ‘fight Ol- Arthur Suaaklnd. . 8-7. Tha AP Warren Bpohn, the reenrgenm ef Maryland over Miami: The At­ (Arts. I State, Texas Tech over Y League last night. Others with metropolis was Mackout of the L ek. a . i t a (1) out just where they left oft last England professional basketbalL ’ ing. scorecard tabbed it 10-4-1. Bettencourt, each with 12 points, What made the ■ Andv Pnfke and Joe AdMek and er# Association of America in the ' with two even. TV. Schurti ...... 8 7 132 98 205 said Oavilan, tha 147-pound Rico PetriUo, Pinky Pohl. George "VVe"W4 gOfg^ a pretty good outfit lantic Coast team gets an early New Mexico A A M, Mississippi good scores were: Ed Kovia 852, KondrA . . . . . season in the West Side Rec Bowl­ league oper^ing this season--k wea alx WarM Bertoo gamm la tk# IniMinn nf new bleed tarnished annual Auoclatad Press poU. Turpin won the first three rounds, ...... n o 109 94 313 Soiitherii Methodist 1s the No. 1 boao wha watched the fight in Lawrence and Paul Man$ifico havt to ong if ththey don’t get too confident look at the Orange Bowl scenery. ovsr Arkansas. Cntarlle Varrick 151-387, Vic Tag­ and then he took a whacking from Tedford ...... 92 93 ing League Monday night when fair. AttempCs are now being pi'ade club in both total and rushing ffe- aa maay atarU a wlaalag by Del Crandall. B l^ Broten and The vote was quite a tribute Phelp...... 100 114 iked /Madison Bquara Garden. also scored one touchdown each.' the 84-yesr-otd master, the onlyijy Jond don*]t go too far on this honor A Friday night contest. Far West: Idaho over Oregon gart 144-352, Bondi Tarca 867, the man from the future state. The 99 312 they blanked Pagani's West Sides. to line up at leaatr an eight" team fensa by virtue of h(rfdlng each op­ plt4fiier7 ptteherx Beh Bnhl nnd Johnny An- MecLa-jghtan ...... 103 94 197 » Kid had been hoping that Stubby Calabro haa'fo'ur jnioiessful “ Claaa Hvlag aad a faat eat- man aver to manage a teiun to Stengel Btct has Just won again. Cornell over Princeton: Now State. Utah Stoic over Colorado Spud Bchmelake 360, Wally Kom- only other round which Randy was H u t ...... 109 129 135 The Dari-Maiids ara the defending league with entries from Massa­ ponent to 135.3 yards per contest Tutpiii would win. Ha fait he tenelll, the Bmvea nctoally led the well that Navy has shown ths way, Cor­ A A M', Montana over New Mex­ p a ^ 147-359. Sports M irror Bobi.U ...... — 88 89 chusetts, Connecticut ..and Rhode overall and 77 yards on the pisceinfints to his credR.'; fieM.” he aaid. lengne on the Inst day e f May. five straight world chgmploMhipe- credited with by the majority was champs and mutt get along with­ had Baady’a number. Only two of the Merchants’ foes Nevor a man wrltoeat a ward. Wen. the Yankees will make it nett’s sophomores era :sxpected to ico, Oregon over San Jooe, UCLA Abraitis paced the Restau­ the eighth, wherein he belted Olson Total...... 493 648 80S 1644 out Vic Taggart, tha high indi­ laland . . . Ding Farp, former back ground. The Mustanga, who upset s s s From then on, the superior pow­ six straight. follow. ' over Washington State, Utah over rant Leaguers 'with 143-308 scores. TODAY A YEAR AGO—Native have been able to acore this sea­ Caoejr m m the leoe hod to ecrat—The New 613 1501 was the auggeeted time for Olson’s Q.: A team punts. T)te safety Middletown has played two Agawam. ‘ Aa Stengel put it-^and it ia im­ FOR SOME OBSCURE reason, Jumped to the East Hartford Mer­ the^ Police and Firemen Junior only lA potato pee ganm^ etoada title data ami thaj’a okay, too, with man catches the bail and starts up A l a reward for his outstanding Turpin was a sucker at getting York Giants released coaches Sar's games. Ths Jackets, a ciembina- possible to record precisely how he (1) chants last Sunday atong with AjUUeUc Association, one of ibe aeeead la total dafenaa with a . the tireleaa, superbly eonditioned. tha field. Picking up blockers, ime tion of Middletown and toriner work In booating hii team fiva caught with his back against the Hank Gowdy and Travis Jackson. Gcntilciire M 104 118 313 .Imest projecta for the youth in 152-8 yards per gaaae average. / notches in a alngie oeoxon, Grimm put it—this award waa purely a TEN YEARS AGO—Lee Savold, Savdiick .. M 134 87 Son Huck Ellis. Pat Btarted the aeasoit. Iron-chinnad gladiator. He’d like to of his teammates running inter­ New York Bronx Clipper players, cose of the Yankee team. th» front ropes. Every time the former E. Psfani 110 106 110 33S as tha Manchester Merchants Mancheater , . . Manchester High’s Iowa is second ii\ rushing de^ ference clips a would-be tackier. Giants on Winning was given a three-year contract champ staggered into the strands. 194, kno(:ked out Eddie Blunt, 220, Lup* ...... spend soma time with bis wife tied Waterbury, 19-19, and then office and the coaches oil combto- 100 106 8T 383 signal-csUer and passer, but .(Juit Jsyvee football team was soundly fenso with 77A ysrds foHowing pnd kids. Whars the penalty ? to load the Braves through 1958. Olson followed him there and In the first round at Madison P. Ac7to ,. 114 115 137 368 successive Ssturdsys when they dropped a 19 to 6 nod to the Wetb- ing in on astonishing movoroent after riding the bench for yiiaajor trounced the. past two Saturday's “It came o ff like we planned," A.: The team Is peaaUsed 15 ersfletd State Prison Trojans last Streak in Japan "to build ms. up and win for me i ... poured in the ■ leather. Randy Souare Garden. Totals ...... 618 568 536 1895 by Middletown High’s JV squad, forced Michigan to the sir and V couldn’t explain this Weakness, TWENTY YEARS AGO—The portion of the second game. Ellla a a • said Bobo who wept uttaahamcdly ynrtls fram the spot of tbe.rlippiag Sunday. Howsver, in the loss to this groat honor.” Villa Loelia (81 slowed down Wyoming's , running and kaepa the balC fimt sad lA himself; New York football Giants, featur­ R Pagani ...... 114 189 — 344 has worn the colors of ^three teams ace Joe Maatroglovanni. > after the unanimoua deelaion was ths Ttojsns, eight of the regttlsra Saturday Grid ”Thsy showed fins cooperation Ac#lo ...... 108 U * KB 338 to date, Mahcheater,-Hartford and BILL SACHEBEk wUl leave Bendsl. Japan, Oct. 33 (iE—The “ Why, Randy," he was asked, ing Harry Newman, defeated the In the pass defensa department announced. "I was to give Turpin Q.iWhat players arie eliglhla to did not make the trip. In not liolding mo bock.” declared Bolinakl . . C ...... 88 118 M 313 Eaat Hartford. - I the Advisory Park and RecreaUon the first three or four roun(la and raceivc passed? OVEK A PEBIOD- of yesre, e New York Giints waited until ths Stengel at another point. And it ‘ ‘didn’t you get away from those Brooklyn Dodgers .21-7. W alk er...... 113 111 103 331 Wake Forest is the most ef& tivc seventh inning today to wrap up Radio, Teevee r OL9SMOBILE 1 ropes when you saw what he was Abraltia ...... 143 130 103 344 Board following the expiration of then finish fast. ' A.: The fear backs aad two ter- Manchester team has not been that sounds like a baffling atete- g MOMCNCsrtkx MOToa s(ms Sanlunso ...... ;...... — — 106 IDS his term shortly . . . Ray Zemanek —allowing only 27 yards a^gama toeir fifth etralght win over Jsps- doing to you?” VERSATltE PERFORMER BILLY A^rHERSOfNl injured Texas Chrlstlsn, meanwhile, is "My maaagar told ma to go mlasl Maemca. able to beat ths Blue Jackets, for­ ment. blame no one. Quoting the and Bill Shaw are the only mem­ 'nese ball clubs—a 10-4 victory sage of Olendole can oftoh become ” Tou can search, me,” Randy re­ Tolala 880 595 6 il 1886 Merchantp^-'end, is a former swim­ getting the most mileage put of its alow," said Bofab, a slow and low ().; Whet constitutes clipping? mer claimants of the state semi- By Tita Amodated FrtM bers of Manchester High’s unde­ Ulkcf. “So 1/juM./Juat took my tlni* A.i Blocking ar dlvieg lata the pro title. over a taam of Central Laagua C o llie football on the networks a thing ef utter desperation. B«t plied from his rubbing table. Detroit (IP) — Lew Carpenter, ming cyitsln at the Univeraity of gVUJts—48.7 yards for e ^ h of 21 players. i Olson said he bad not Imown be­ rookie fullback for the Detroit Oak Grill (41 Conned'tkut . . Natural football feated football team in 1943 stUl and let )>im wear himself out. I back ar throwtsg sr dropping the Oiaches Toro and Alex Fergu­ Saturday afternoon will include fun. Rottia ...... M 138 107 240 playing the sport. The men are felt I got stronger as I want along son hsvs been drilling the locals Thlrty-fiva thoumnd ptopla saw televUion’s first ’’panoramic” pick­ In any event, Casey seemed in­ forehand of his opponent’s weak­ Lions in the NFL, played fiye posi­ Keenoy .... remktehes on the ceml-pro front Ariaona, Washington/and Lou­ body across the back of the leg or ness, but that once he discovered ...... Ill 103 184 8 « now teammatea with the Mer­ and wasn’t tired at the and. the Americana acore four runs in up with alternating scenes from trigued that hia vota waa far tions during the 1952 season with Saal-Ia ...... 119 113 130 351 would be the Silk Town Merchants isiana SUta awe the paw intercep­ t s . Iff a player net carrylag the X the seventh on Jour hite and a Randy was a sitUng duck against the University of Arkansas eleven. Garrllo ...... 118 108 114 338 and East Hartford, or the.Mer­ chants , . . ]Rairry Griswold want­ tion leaders with IS apiece. Mla- “The hardeirt blow he hit me four samex. The program will greater than the combined ballot Hllliuld ...... ’.,.._ » 138 y ? walk to break i 4-4 deadlock. the thongi he naturally took full ad­ Carpenter played offensive full­ 10 chants and the ilartford Spartana ed to be a badk when he reported slssippl already haa aiee^ted for was a hift hook In ths middls of (). : Where‘should the field Judge open at 2:46 p. m.. and continue for the other 15 managers in tha vantage. Toward the end every­ for football nia flrat year but he my fao* in ths fourth round," said normally stand? Earlier, Japan overcame a four- through the fmol minutea ef Oor- bl|T iDSgUDS. back, end, quarterback, defensive Total! ...... 863 "689 612 i m . . Bill QuUh haa secured tickets four blocked kicks—dhanks main­ n n margin the New Yorkers piled body in the place knew what waa linebacker and defensive gugrd for .'flUar’a (81. for tha Navy-Notre Dame football never played the spot. The senior ly to the demos-lUca chargw of Olaon who was brulasd under the A.: Ito ahaaM ptaat himself to- nell at Princeton, Miuioeippi va. Milwaukee’s hero. C harlie When you see this seal going on. Clauttu-y .,...... 113 133 .141 was used af guard before being right eyo and bled from tho nose. wsfd the side af tha field appaalte up In the firet Inning with two tol< Arkansas tC Memphis, Syracuse Grimm, was sacond, with 30 votes, the Razorbacks. Chrrublnl ...... 131 ill 108 343 game . . Bcmie Alemany, Maur guard Crawford Mima. liee in its half of the first, (me in DeSimone ..:...... 87,-' 98 107 ahifted to an end berth this season He was also wobblsd by a smash­ the head Maewpea and from 18 to va. nilnoia at Champaign and In­ six mors then -Casey’s beatsn cheater High paeslng star and the second and rightfiekier Takoo rival in the World Berimes, Chuck Parr ...... 143 108 ss standout baseball catebar, plana to where he hSs been starring as / ing right to ths chin in the eighth, 28 yarla hehihd tha tofiin an de­ diana va. Iowa at lews City. M. OirrenU 110 108 333 pass catcher . . . Fullback Billy too. fease, fiato'a tying homer in the flfth- The radio games are: Columbia Drsasan. then of Brooklyn, now of attend college and may wind up at the lone round-tripper . Tolala ...... y;.. 53S 548 863 1686 MoUer is leading -Uie Indiana’ aedr- Dick Lalla Poses • • s • Q,: When was the first' noae Vs. Army at West Point, NBC at Oakland, Calif. Trinity. Oh the diamond, Bemle ts Ing parade with points on three Marv Orimom for the Giants 1:45 p. m. Other votes; Paul Richards. a fine handler of pitchers and pos- 20 U K B BOBOfBbN, Bobo discov. guasd in football.used? V LEACl'E touchdowns said two conversions. aurrendered several hits while WMkIy roundup of 20 games, Ctiicago TVhite Sox. 10; Lou aesaea a great arm but U weak T h ^ l to Yale ered that Turpin couldn’t fight ' A.I It waa designed for Priace- Eogera (I) Bernie Alemany has two TD’a and going hack and he almost mur­ 600*0 Bdgar\AUea Pan In 1188 be- Japan'a Bhoichl Kaneda waa CBS, at 2 for 2 1-3 hours. Boudreau, Boston Red Sox. four; HIllTwklX- ...... 104 m 97 with the stick . . BUI Murray haa Red Ritchie, Sal Salimonc, Gene .touched* for 15. Rightfielder Don Michigan Bute ve.. Purdue at Al Lopes. Eddie Stanky and Rog­ SOIJMD5NE.i». Cham>-ra ...... 133 106 101 dered him against the ropes. Every eamO a( aa Injury. not Joined the. Recreation Depart­ Johnson, Jde Curry. Dick Plagge Mueller paced the Giant" with four Lafayette, Ind., ABC at 3:l5. ers Homaby, one apiece/ “Xrrtjia, ...... 101 no M 300 ment staff as a' part-tima worker New Hav|4, Oct. 22 (g»-^Tale time he maneuvered the 11-5 un­ Q. On a point nfter touchdown milii ...... 114 130 97 343 and Skip ConneU one each. Johnny football coaches warned their derdog to the oorda, ths crowd of linglea and lefthander Monte Irvin PitUburgh v*. Northwestern at "The first time we;^dn the pen­ ...... 114 130 placekick attempt, which ts good, GOT A DEAL! area .... 133 347 at the East Side building, as pre­ McLoughlin has three points on charges todiy that when they play chtoped in with three. Evanston, ni.. MBS at 3:15. nant and we win toe champion­ viously reported. BUI is stiU si(y- 18.889 whieh paid $187;851. started the defending team is offtlde. la ToUla . . . . conversions . . . Mel Cushifig plana Ckilgate hera Saturday,, they wifi Manager Leo Durochar’a club ship, this voto or award to me waa ^Hot Kiddjng Anyone, ...... 847 673 636 1673 lined with a back ailment . . Now holleriag. The two' knochdowna there any penalty? Clab CMsalt (8l another ambitious schedule at the be running up against a forward rceU Friday and moves on to DATE SET \ tramendoua,'” recalled Casey, add­ McCooe .. 96 were aeorod with Randy againat A. Oa the feitowiag klekoff, the Hero are Jnst s few of our “SAF e I y TESTED”- ...... no Is the time to start planning the West Side Rec this season where pasaer ths Ukes of which. they the ropes. Shizuoka Saturday for the sixth West Hartford, Oct, 22 (/P)—^ e ing that he was “slated,” It woe W «d o have !W policy And we have become a volume Ifaaon ... Rec Senior BsaketbaU'League, not hall Is pteced on the 45-yard line cars. Gieck each oae! We’re suyk to have juat the car Preatn . . . he is once agadn supervisor of ae- haven’t seen in their four previous OISME a ralantleae puncher and of tho klehhig team, taetcind af the eontmt of the l4-gafiM schedule. Oonnecticut High School Ooach'ea’ "taollT eomething," and “wonder- dealer and inti grow by being a volume dealer. Sulliran .. next month. UWUes. Assodatloa will hedd lU annual fur* as the next awards were re­ Bachuii . . . games this'year. dptomfiaad body homhar, aaid he 48, the naual five-yard penalty for you’re htoking fori ' / McLasao . He’iVDick Lolls the Red Raiders’ fWt he w(m the fight by wearing aff-alde. o a m SWITCH autumn meeting oi^ luncheoa her* ceived. quararback, and the warning i$ down Randy with hia body Mows Q. What is a touchbackT Detroit (^ — Ooyce Box of the pii O ct SO in .conJuncObn with “ Now we get to this fifth and QUALITY ISiKIAT YOU WANT ToUla Ekrul ...... Pish ...... 103 108 216 designed to prevent Yale’s hento^ Detroit Lkme, the National Foot­ teachers’ convention day. BpfOk- we tvto the ehasagtonahip again Gieiio ...... Twaronlts “On tho two knoekdowna, 1 A. A taachhack haa no aeorlag Kompanik... 100 — . 116 for^good pass defenae record from caught him with a left to the Jaw value. It la made when a fras half, with U of Mulclwr ball League's second highest ocorer cre include J. Orlcon ChristUii, aad firta I have to any my playera Pacaai’t BockviUa (31 In 1952, never played high aehoot Gleason .. lAnky ...... T o ta ls...... 838 848 868 1838 buimlfig up overconfidence. Bo far, first and then a ri^ t. I never or a bail legalTy la poaaeaaloa ef athleUe director at the University wvro great with opeod aad good 4 QUAUTY IS N8^ | ^ 7l|1ilGfD 8chm-i«ke . MsscaeslM Mstor Sales haa tntorOiplted nine of the footbaU. Ha anterad West Texas of OSnnecticut; Alex Marktmmie asasa aad thiV aMosM to Moaeoa IKt MERUURY -DOOR SEOM Totals 498 838 aOf 1646 thought I hit him hard enough to the dofending tesan heceroee dead, dttachm tnf for PacanI ... IJowlckl 107 106 104 316 ' passes tosaed att i^ and only. 3$ knoek him out.” aay part af It an, shove or hchlad 8UU to pUy baakatball but of Hartford, praSMent of tha Con­ aad aatnralty yon have to an.*: Blaek. Badlo, hea«er, wfelte uraU Urea. Vary low aslle- PMIIIpa . Mnris ...... UO l i t 116 383 owitohed to football and wen All- agt. Exeelleat CMX^Htoa. Goodrich . Bess’s Tseeni (t> McCurry ...... 104 M 97 300 kve been completed.' Turpin attributod hia dofeah to tho gasil Uae, previdlag the fm- necticut InterxcbotasUc AUiletie front offleo whitli there IntnatMl nlime iwhaos ne prict Bsrtln ...... 134 103 347 Vsrricii ...... 134 U1 110 387 petna tlwt sent it them waa given Oonfsranca honors two yaers. ''Conferenegi,. im chnagM In etoeo I oSaM to the . V‘ , ' ToUla ...... 533 638 679 1748 Arnold ...... 103 133 T asssrt ...... 106 103 144 363 “porsonal things on my mind.’ Das WItUi (61 B. Pscanl. Jr...... 100 — MONBY-MAHlNa LEAOUB, "I think I could havo atopped hy the eppeaoats. ThI* I" VitUier ...... 81 88 376 B. rscani, Sr...... — J is Totals eoooseoeeoeoee 863 674 271 1707 him in tha eighth if I was right aay klekod hall except ena from a Durham, N. C. (ff) ' *1716 Clasa mentally,” tha former champion khm-off, a frea kirk ar ana foltow- ROTARY MOWIRS 1IN OLBSMOBILE SUPER/W” B Carolina, haooboli lofiguo was one anld fainUy. lag a field giMii, provided it strikes * fiasr aedaa. Badlo, heater, kydramatte. S-toiM palaL QUALITY.. VOLUME of the few minor leagjied in the Turpin is soparated from, hia the ground on or behind the. goat Kara’s , a quick, praeUcal Fxeenwrt eeaAilea.' ■ nation to show ail toefoaso in at- wifo and. has boon named a cofira- Haa before being touched a way to get rid of leaves and FOR THE BEST BEAL AT THE LOWEST tendanco during tho 1883 aoooon. spondent hi a divorca euit player ef either taam. provide natursl lawn fertil­ Ths total paid qitondanee for tho izer Just once over, the Aaked why ha stayed on the Leaf Mulchitr attachment FRIGES. SEE THESE VALUES regular aaaaon waa 008.871, a g ^ ropes, ha replied “Beareh me.’ I of 6,038 ovsr 1902. Bald Leagoa S • « ' for your Jacobsen Rotary COMPLETE HEATING 1K1 OLUSMOBiU’irDLX.SEUEN Mower grinds leaves into ) Down Payment Presidsnt TOd Mann; “Ws are "I FELT A8 RTBONG as aver hopeful it is a sign for the future.” $t the ftoisH." said Turpin who fine particles and drops 1952 NA.SH RAMBLER COUNTRY C L U B ...... 1272 SAVE 50% themlMck into the grass as aeorod ono o f hoxi|i|fs mightlost mulch . . . eliminates rak­ BOILERS • OIL BURNERS OPEN 1950 WILLYS JBEPSTER ...... 9 1 8 3 ROOKBY AT A OLANCR upoota when ha whl|$od RoWnson ON TIKI WIAR in ’51. "I waa Just miartng. No. Ho ing, burning or sweeping. 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DR^R, H...... |219 Wo The leaf mulcher elteeh- didn’t hurt me—not even when he • RADIATION AND DUCT WORK IMS FORD •* SMA. MOUa 44I00R 1949 DODGE WAYFARER 2-DR^Black ...... »210 LangBe knocked me down.” Fmt ltd ment is euelleble for Jacob­ EVENINGS Detroit I, Toronto«toT I (1 (Tie) sen H-inch end JO-inch bhr- Oeier gtaen. ^ 1949 MEADOWBROOK 4-DIU>R and H ...... $226 ' Turpin, who wolghed a surpris- type gasoKae-poteered Jlo- CALL IRUNO AT STEAM SHOT WATER A 1949 OLDS 76 4-DIU-R. H. Hyd. ______.$150 terp .Mewera 1949 DODGE CLB. CPE-R, H, Gyro...... $276 • WINTER AIR CONDITIONINiS 1M7 0L0SM0BILE“7r DLUB SEDAN ( is 1 CLIANIN6 AND INSTALUN« MANGHESTER A b o : POLBY. RE(K 1948 CHEV. AERO—-R and H, two tone...... $212 COOPER, BOLENS and Badto, heater, feyfinuoatia. 1948 FORD 2-DIL-R and H. Gean ...... $95 MOTOR SALES MOWMASTER rptarjr • COAL TO OIL CONVERSIONS S.:- '.1948 NASH AMB. 4-DR.—819,25 per month, no money SEPTIC TANKS a N CESSPOOLS MH c Im I 3 -4 1 3 4 mowers with leaf mnich- af TBAIMED SEWAGE BPEOIAUStB We ufifi thfi ffiiHMs aad inpukr "WorM’s EeemHBy ClwaM4«i’* ■ f i t : erg. 1946. HUDSON *%” 4-DRi—$18.02 per month, no m

'(y- \ 7 i ;■. * vJ'l —:n:VT Mil.... ■w ■ v


AotiNMbttM for Sate 4 BosIncM Scnrlewi Gffarcd IS Moviag—Troddiig-« . Bdp WsRtsd PMOste 35 Artkisa for Balt' 45 CsrdeR—Fana—Dairy HanaohoM GwMia |1 MANCHESTER W e l ^ Barvica. Storsge^ 20 W A lin D -’^’TiMi part tlms oarvlca PiBdocto iO DONTP DELAY ATTENTION DEER AND CLEARANCE - S f '. . . , COBIE IN TODAY Portable equipment. General M ANaH USTER-Packoia Dattv- attendants, hours 6 p.m. to DUCK HUNTERS WELL ROTTED OSW..... ' .]|4I2S. waldlag, hoUer and ftiniaca waM- ary. Local light tnieUiig and 10 p.m., oloo man for Saturday nininaiiii< ftir irttf r f lawns, For A Ciood Used Car ing. m tehell 9-165S or MitcheU package daUvaiy. RafrigiiatOfW and Sunday, aU day. Van’s 8arvico Ala» hlgWiad top soil. Ordsrs tek- rAWmiM^TSiiS' ul&Ahed 9-S763. Statten, 427 Hartford Road. Rifles, shotguns, Woolrich ___ All Gss RsngM Cbine Out Our Way washers and stova shirts, ^ n ts , insulatod pscs, tm far drilvary at yoor i”3 yrff|Bubatanttal Saving For You gSgtoS * ^ /* * '° " specialty. MIUEaU 9-0T8S. HIGH SCHOOL boy wanted, part teiwa: ca n Lsosard Oitfia. ail.steam iwat, awA- in n iA iiv T . iaS3 ChtvrOlet 1-Dr. — Radio, ANTIQUES boots. Open evenings Monday oU 8-7166. , DEPT. HOURS ’’done on any UnM. Apply Koklar Cloth Toy Co., Complete Lino Of Fundtara ' TAKEN Of TRADE, Gulbranoan WANTBD-44-7 Rseoi Obigto'liy storm windaws haaUr. 189 South * OOHUUaidSt,’ thru Friday until 8 p.tn. plana. In good condlUan. Pries ounia IS and IT years. Heps tor glamad'te peeafe# gamga. 1 ^ iL M. to 4;S0 P. M. 19S0 Pontiac 4-Dr.—Radio, hcaUr. Painting—Paperiiig 21 For The Entire Homo rssaonabis. Kemp’s, Xae., • t t e m e s . A. A Kfobba. North amasite driva. Hauas fa axatUant saOO Chavrolat 4-Dr. — Radio, MltdieU 8-564S. We Give Green Stam'pa POTATOES FOR tola. M m Oslvs, and TV PAINTmo. Exterior and iaterier, WAREHOUSH MAN Ir ., 166 Middls TUmptka Bast St. irtwharidrMaas. eoadtUoa. OmaU daam paymant hoatar. BULLDOZER ' ExperleAcad waNhouao man for requirad, ^COPT CLOSING TIMB IMS CSiryaior—Town and Country, pi^tarhanidng. OaUhiga leOiilah- WANTED—By nMEa-sgsd boat- for back od. WaU paper hooka on lequeet. national food ooaMrn. This la a FARMER'S No. 1 QRHHN Mounteia petal CHAMBERS FURNITURE 'Ytonaqr don’t go ai oonaorifor I IDR CLASSIFIED ADYT. la te Buick 4-Dr.—Radio, haaUr. grading. R b a c k e r BROS. . food BSMwamaa, ItfoUEa imUaiit s< to Farm Loads WoOBongo oad and the r Eatlmatea given. Fully ineurad. pamananLpodtlon for young man h a r d w a r e CO. dsUvarsd to your door. Orosm now At the Green OWARMMIW. UATTOlbP. Raaltor ALICE CLAMPET. Roaltor bugs and beagle aad Oonstaaea BUIa near Broad S t MON. THRU PRL 1935 Dodge 4-Dr. aU 9-M5a raeslsvad. CaU Hathaway. ML ecadlMea. IT FUster SL Manriieeter, thras unfuiulaMd. ^tenttoatMt i______CaU Edward R. Priea. MltdieU with prevtoua good wodt record. Sullivan Avenue haoM toomd. Write B«a K , Then I and Weat Middle Tpka. Introduettf a potet 10:30A.M. 8^1008. Jftve day work week. Oroup In- 6-1860. tours: 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. H. Phaaa MlUbaU 9-dM4 AOytiaM PhoM Mlteheu S-4Stt TOUR We Buy, Sell and Trada Ton QuaUty tela- Eaat Windsor Hill HsraM. Without obUgatton to you, wo wash the TTm town wants tha land to oon- iman atoo conteMtod that ]»w Finance Rates auranee, hospitaliaatlMi and pen- 7:80 P. H. to 8:30 P. M. Offieo aad Stora SATURDAY > X M. Calls'received be- d on plan. Tel. Hartford 8 - 0 ^ wlU qmraiae o r ' maka you 4 caoh 'When 1 struct a eoattery eewar whloh win was not legally "te court.’! W jOiii 1 be oervicad aama FOR SALE-Q uIbcss for JtUy mak­ Eqoiipdat . 14 RRNTON fT R E E t — Nice ttva ■ for property.. . . Soo~ 00 bofoca that woo turned around tie aewers, already In UiC four decided thia ioaua te iB e teora’a OAKLAND MOTOR SALES 9-1347. Coarsen and ClSssss 27 ADC ROOM Capa Gad, four TOVB OOOPEBAnOM WOL Person ing. H i. 6-1616. BENSON'S Con save you 860 to Prsfsrty romna, larga Utchsn, fuB mom, one-etory etegle, expead- you sell. again, U I’t mora thoa S:1S aad ■troeta. to the. town ptySping sta­ favor. 367 Oakland Street 8105 On 1168 PhUco rsfrigeratOre. > WALK-IN Oooter, oonptoto ___ BRAE-BURN REALTY he was tion oa tho turnpike. There was a loog diaputa be­ ■■ AITBBCIATBD Phone Mitchell 9-0485 CHDCNETSruTB O iloaned and repaired IN a EVENINGS par week we coii 5INZCO. FOR ‘ ’FnUDPtAdB Fixtursar* It’s foF B ak ! 78 nuat, Blca yard fancad ia fi oMa, ait beat, eae-car garage, tckch you Ramo-Eleetxcnica-TV Marlow’s Fumlturs Dspartaisat. Easy terms plus good service. coU oad eomprosoor, Klson-Kut aforiy lendareped, quick occupaa- Phone lOtalMU 2-5272. Tha declaton, given by Judge tween the town and tae firm before \ C^en Ehrehings Until 8 by an expert, 36i years axperlenca. ^ 570 T dluriHand Street Hoasahoid Gooda 51 powar BMOl aaw, aomputlag sealoi ipWBD FOR Dnitoim -twmfamUy droa, oU city utiUttm. Only ISRS5 Kenneth Wjrnne, gives the town the Board Of Diroriors voted to Call Howliowle^, Manchester,k MitcheU repairing by our ”Leam by Do­ East Hartford, OOnn. ysnson’a, Inc., 1086 Main 6 t down payment and m par cy. A good buy at liOROO. S. A. y’B cu and dog, SUppy, Dial MI-3-5121 ing” method. BnroU now at ” Oon- DBLTA-DE WALT powar tools meat beach, toeat Mack (proa- houas at tea Oraso. TMs vahiaMa Raochlor, Itoofter. Phetw 20. ARB TOU READY to aeU with him but hanaa permierioa to take over the toiid start condemnation procaodtega. IMk CHEVROLET convertible, 3-8361. . 1 WANT A REUABUB " Ua price 8U.80S. Phene I boaaer We have buyers ___ radio, heater, aU new whitewall necUcut'e Oldeat Elaetrantca 'MSN —Retail paint store. Ibm r- aecsaaorias. Salas, aarvica, tlciuy now arifliiM purebiear^ ooM- COU ML 'oew Agency. MI. S-TTOt. they CUM hack. for conetructlon of the aqwer line The condemnation price ques­ ■tratlon. Terms arrangod. ( TRUSTWORTHY PERSON WASHINa MACHINE, rdrigsrator burineas only two mentha), oad S-TIM or s a 540IS OoS maka as for 6, 8. S, 7-room oiagao oad and seta 220,000 as the bond the tion is still paniit thay ara aot get­ RsstweU bed boards, 84. Stecallent HBRB’B A RRAL Bargain. Six anoB propaeter. Hava ford 8-4167 -for interview appoint boKss, old doors, iron couch, Reaaonabie ( payment, . Price 817,805. The aged women couldn’t Rad Bowers Schod, Carey’s, East Cen­ men’s shirt collars reveraed and caafldential aervietr MOndieatar (opens up.) FMUih’s, 420 Laks St ting married. condiUon. MI. 84038. WINTER COAT, Bite 65-45, In good roemo complote, Ikrao bod- buyers. .Moctfagw/ Tommy; She called a few aeigh- FREE! Investment C om , 344 ment. B63>IJROOM BUTTE mice on mortgage. If you want a reoau, kitchen, dinfag rotm . Bv- liis. B. Jaates Booer ter S t MI. 94868. replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ condiUon, sloo blua fen acarf. busteeae tote is It! Ploooo oaU Gfoega ~ bora They looked aad .found Bottoa, Oet. 92 (fipaelal)—Mrs. Artist Exit ing *8bop. otreet. Phona Mltd id l S-541S. BEAUTIFUL Selection of wool rsm- t o ROOM S SUTTB P h m MI. 3-4005. iag room with flroplaoe pIna aua Itealtor, kO teM / / BENGAL Combination goal Tho Waterfooiit Realty O i., 4t5. nothing. One o f thorn caitod tha E Jamas Rpser, 29, of Ctolontol Two new wheels with two' nante at Jow prices. Also rug woql DINETTE SET I eoel Asylum St., Hartford 54155 ava- perch. Property te vacant and Henry atwot / Farmington Polica. Rd.. died at 10:10 thia morning at (Ooattaaed Fago Om ) Annonncemcnis Pl a t f in is h HoUand window COUNTER WORK at Sandwich ”6 houas” Elec. Esf. stove. Tel. MI. 64300. ready for Immediate oecupaaey. Pennsylvania tires at regular Business Opportonttios 32 Nook, 666 Main SL No nights. and instructions in braiding riias. ntegs. CaU Oovahtry. PI. 24195. A t 10:45, M n. Gawlik waa McGook kfamorial HhoplUI, in shades, made to, measure. AU Call RockriUa 64706. _ il” Combination Range WoBtod-^Ta Boy 58 Near Beaton Stroet The priro baa Hen. 2C5V0 right to. $11,890.. BEFORE YOU or aeU. see the caitod at her ofioo wharo aha worko It back. I’ll know by tea expvaa-^ TRADE-INS accepted for Sunbeam, prices, plus big saving in tire metal Venetian blinds at a new- "Westinghouse” Laundromat LATE MODEL Serve! gas refrig­ bean reduced HtROO tor quick lino Smith, R toter. Jdl. Bseett real aetton. Six Hartford. foUowrlng aa attack of Schick or Remington electric EARN WHitE YOU LEARN te os a oocretary for tha Tomaooo , fiba aatered tea Jdaacheeter Sion on hte faaa.' wear. Two treads to choosd low price. Keyi made while you Sitnstions Wanted— . CONVERSION Oil burners with ‘Emsraon” Tslevlaion Set erator with freezing compMment. CRIB, FuU panal, prefer dshixs f o r 8 « k aala. Robert J. Sm ltit R>e., 2 0 . 8-4519. aatoa for 8 of September, rasors. Parts and service, R ^ controla, oU tank and stand. C ^ Excellent condiUon, 875; Windoor 71 Fairly' Aopbalt Oorp., in Now Britain. She oriol Hospital Monday and Ia Chicago, ABO star McMoill from and you can budget the wait Marlow's. Operate Ybur Own Business "Weatinjdiouae’' Vacuum modal. Bsthinstts, steal frame Mom it . 2U. S484I, ^ / proper^! to ariUng. expreoaod dismay, caited GodtWy adl’s Barbw Shop, Com er Oak Festale ' S3 148, used one winter. SaU D O .Tg 8-4376. and top. AU In good condiUon. MANCHESTER snd Wa have i walttog for toirTy cams heam and helpad ia tea hunt e was transferred to the kfeCook ^nd Spruce. cost. The Atlantic Refining Co. Also Ineludsd Maly Innarspring Hospital teat cventeg. an old friand,” aad arid ifooem s FOR TOUR Rug cltaming and WILL CARE for chUd days in 8-7874. “ Mattress sad ipcw Spring, 'Mo­ Phone to. 54516. PORTER STREET 2UNCHBRBR, Oak Orova VICINITY g ice d Eocott Ageaey, shampooing caU Mancheater RUg will pay qualified appUeante a A quality thrae bedroom 'oat, kCaadtepter, Mra- Roaer is a native of Clave- ihcredlblo” that one recording CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kindar- COLE MOTORS licensed home whUe mother works hawk' Rugs, Lamns. Tables, DAVENPORT WlUi slip eoveh Tel. Capo Cod Four finlahed, two toad, Ohio, when her mother lives. Bloyor made thoro should upott Shampooing Co., MRrrheU 34663. salary while training. WW loaoa to o r riiopa. ML 6-6801. TWO TONS ot second or third cut Six room Colonial orith At­ With attached garage. ~ ia NOtcl^r FTSSt. O rten school afters enrollment Work guaranteed. WiU pick up WOOD STORM wlndowa--46 X 81 Kitchen esbirtet. Inlaid and a few MI. 3-6577. ting of aUsUa. CaU MI. 54626 an AA lonaaa larga uafiaWiod. Oil heat good condi­ Bishop Qxnam She atoved to Bolton four yean their good ntotlaaoblp. lor child 3H to 6 years old. CW 91 Center Street those/-who aatisfactorily complate other articles. tached garage, lavatwy and tion, nice location, near bus Uac. or and deUver. training a proven, successful aarv- and 36 X 86. Phone MI. 6-2601.' after 6 p.m. lot. A hMMSM aay prefeaSienalprafi ar CAagWAlTINO for any ^ real ago with her buriWad from East La.Rooa, who said bo had slgaad Mrs. D, U Ballard. MItcheU ' PlKUia Ms immediately tile bath. E udlont condition. oxtcuova wemd ba proud Full priea IldSOO. estate you have to oriL Iforot and Hartford, who to employed by with a booking agency that as- 9-1666. 436 Center Street toe, station. For more particulars HIGH SCHOOL Junior would like r e a l b a r g a in —storm soah and Ha r t f o r d a-osss • combination Electric and oil C o^ try—Four room bungalow Call baby sitting afternoons. MI. 9-1738. stove. Good condition. T el.l MI. Beautiful gPbunds. Priced to own. Trada ia aad rant pur- sapOnd mortgage raoney available. Speech Barred Pratt A Whitney Aircraft. anrad him aarriaga o t 2100.005 a Building—Contracting 14 acreena. 36 x 81, 24^x 88, 80 x 86. After 7 P. M. 46-4660 chaos pUas eopoldoiM. Te inspaet pluo largo pordi and attachad ta­ ^ UaUage Uri wanted. CaU Tha Batldts bar huaband and mothar, yaar, said h# riuT fait grateful to POU. REPAmmO. It pays to Tel. MI. l-88i6. ^ 34838. Rooara wlthoot Hoard 59 823,500. To Uumoet call MOTOR SALE, new motor guaran­ C. M. Robertson, 8 a.m. to 11 ajn. X See It Day Or Night • phone Voneeur Cagatnictton Go. n g o aU convanteneoo Ineludag Johnaon BuUdteg Gompaay, 558 kIra. Roocr toavaa two children, Godfrey, but couldn’t soo anything have- the old doll repaired. 63 WE CAN BUILD you a garage If you havt no means of transpor­ ROOM FOR Rent. Heat and hot flroplaeo,' ptao panoUteg, hot Water Autumn St. Phmie MI. 6-1607. tee, 10% down. Chevrolet, Ford, Hartford 8-3119 LIGHT CONVALESCENT work. ONE US1U> gun type oU burner GENERAL Electric rofrigerdtor, I g 3- 'Mote St. kOtcheU : t-T4tf. Eventegs In Los Angeles Kriatine 2, and Unda, 2. wrong with trying to get ahead. Mercury, Dodge, Plymouth, for 8888 complete. If you ne^one Write Box H, Herald. tation, n i send my auto for you. 1853 model, 7 cubic teet, $330. water. Near Center. GenUeman T. J. CROCKETT, Broker oil heat. Sale price 83,500. SatcheU 6-5618. Laat night, tee local townopeo- "Pro abrntyB bean a mothar-aad- it’s a bargain. Eatlmatea also . Mr. Goalee, 6 p.m. to 9 pjn. with Minneapolis Honeywell con- No oMlgaUOn! prafemd. 37 Foater It. ar MI. SEVEN ROOM C m ie Oad With Boitoo—High on a hiU. fire room pto heard on appeal ti» pray for HAVE TOUR chickens dressed and 1134.66. PonUac, Buick, Olds- given on large garagea, breesa- Hartford 84782 trols, $80. One large cast iron Roper gas stove, ,845. Tel, MI. ( PagaO M ) father kid and ahvaya will be.” he drawn. Dressed 15c, dressed and mobUe, 8174.66. Cole Motors, EXPERIENCED baby sitter de­ A—tr—B—E—R—T—•—8 6-1840 any time. 3-5S81^ 244 Main Stroot breakfast nook aad diaing room, home, pfotun window with beau­ DO TOU Hava a houae to oeU? Mra. Roaer over the new CD fen- said in an iaterviaw at hia pozeat'a waya, porches, dormers, etc. Por Mr. L. P. Johnaon, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. sires day or night work. Tel. MI. pipeleas furnace, $75. BoUi in first 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD oU Steam b oot automatic hot tiful view. AU coBvenlencea. Vary Ranch, Cape Cod, 2, S, 6 bedroom out system. drawn S5o. Call RockvlUe &-6856. MItcheU 6-0680. fuU particulars, caU W. G. Mo- class conditian. T. P. Aitkin. 6 rURNUHED ROOM. Hot water. Phono Ml-S-5418 ^ (R-W io). The Houao group ia tnril home -which ha built, for titeaL:” ! Manchester,- ‘ -MtcheU ------8-5447 3-7766. BENSON'S HAVE tha chrome water, ftroptaco, large lot, near t o m le t Full price 88.700. / ' and a-family homes are in demaad want alee thtegs at booM firat. the LIFETIME Batteries, self-charg­ NaUy A Sons. TaL MitcheU 64663. McCabe St. Tel. Ml. 84768. ATTENTION LadtesI SUp-covera kitchen set you want. Lateat styles kitchen privUagea, central, on hue school. Schwab Raal Eatafo. OaU We have many more listWge in BOW. We have a waltlag Uat for hoa roloaaod maforfal from ito Aim P e n o n a b ing, 6 year guarantee. $36.66 any WILL CARE for. chUdren. in my and drapes custom mads. Re-up- line. CaU MitcheU 84317. lidonce MI-9-7761 2 0 . 34314 or Hartford S 4 tll. aay of tee above. CoU ACS Rari­ accuolag. Oxaua o f eenaaettona beat for my folka, and after that, nr TOU INTEND TO BUILD DRESS UP your kitchen with a at the lowest prices. 5 piece sets town and on the outskirts' from for mo.” car. Let us demonstrate: Budget Help Wanted—Femste 35 home in Green Manor, whUe holstcrlag. Beautiful fahrirs, as low as 856.60 on easy terms. ty Co. 2a. with organiaatione the committee THE PROSPECT HUl School for your new home or do any r e in ­ mother works. kH. 6-6466. new Youngstown sink unit See prints, strioae. solide. ibpertly NEWLY DBOORATED, beeui 2CANCHE8TER, Hyde S t— Ooty. 18.500 up. rates aa subvarstvs. F o n e r t b As for mtealng dance roboeraato. the cost. Cole Motors, MItcheU ing, see William Kanehl, Contrac­ EXPERIENCED Sales clerk. Air- our October specials, 42” . sink, Bensoii'a, Inc., 1055 Main St. ly fumiahed end qweioua rooi^ -T UXteTBD -4 room young chUdren. Transportation 6-0680. flnlahsd; 65 down, 13 weekly, _ . 8 roeau each floor. (Mdsr Attractlva, six room Cape Cod, ELLSWORTH MT^TIN Tha matter came to a boil toot [ La Roan aold: lUmlahed. Mrs. Lala lybu r, direc­ tor and BuUder. Phone MitcheU conditioned store. Apply in paraon. only 879.68, 64" aink, only 1666.66. balance one vaar to pay. ObO The meet cemileto light hcuoe- tUe aatb, Timken eU buroer. Con­ 'Mr. Godfrey dkhft avoa lot me 3-7778. Marlow's. Easy terms. 'Benson’s, Inc., 1668 DINING ROOM set 818, mabogany keeptog faciUtiea avoUaMa in boms. Hot air coal furoaes. Im A G E N C Y Brilish Air Anon March 17 whan Rap. Jackaon (R- tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5767. Situations W antod-~ Mrs. Pinto. MRdtell 6-1663. bed, antique 87, bureau $5. guder modiate abenpaBoy/ Priead right venient to schoet Etepplag, traaa- Calif), aa Un-American AettvitMo James Fiona 62, o f 10 Salem expUta when he put me off the Main St. > Mancheater. You wiU marvel at poriation. ImmedteSo ooeupoacy. R esltord show loot Friday whan I hod to Auto Driving School 7*A GENERAL CARPEI7TRT — Al­ HOME Demonstrators wanted in A b le 39 84, floor radio, needs UtUe repair for quM sola. ElAW. ACB Real­ mmittee member, in a Houae Rd.. East Hartford, aa oporater MRS. ZOPPI’Reader and advisor ol REPOSSESSED Furniture. 5-piece 83, MI. 6-0030. the cleenlinaee fit thli huUdlng. ty Go. ML 5-9152. OMy 819,800. E. I t fforaeo, Hart­ 2atcbcU 2-5590 Plot by Leftists e f movie projectors at the StatSi miss a ballet leseota to do aoate- Riverside Park, Agawam, is now terations. additions and new this area to show our Cliristmas TRADE SCHOOL Senior with driv­ 30,000 SWEATERS to choosa from oak dlnatte oat, platform rocker Children accepted. Central. Prided mch described Oxnam aa a man AUTO DRIVINO Instructlaa. AU . toys and greeting cards. CaU to­ ford 545n. ar 2IR. WHirCHER trim *%ervcd Ood on Sunday and Theater here, and a former resi­ thteg personal, family stuff, for, located, at 356 Franklin Ave., lessons on Insured dual-control construction. - Dormers, porches, er's ilcanse would like work after at the Retail Salearoom, Manches­ and sofa bed. OriglnaUy aold for ao reaaenabla you'U g a ^ I Ba SOUTH END— Twodamily, eom- my Bister over in Jersey. A M it: garagea and rooms flnk-hed at day. MitcheU 8-7557, ter Knitting MiUs. Largest seise- 2ntchaR^5g31 (OonttoMd Rage Om ) the Cemmunlot freot for the hel- dent of Thompaonvlile, died Tuea- across'from the Art Theater. car. Capable experienced Instruc­ 8:30 and aU day Saturday. Ckdl 8306.85. Can ha had for 660. Fumt- Machinery and Toob 52 aura and oaa tSda ana. w « . rietsly reamafod outalda oad te. 55 BENTON tTRBMr-Immadiata day night at the home o f hte waa fanpoitaat.” Rsiadlngs by appointment only. reasonable prlcea Workmanship MI. 8-4354 after 6. Uon in this area. Lowest factory tura Dapt. Montgomery Ward. •ey, 14 Arch St aecupaaev cuatom buUt borne of 7 ance of the week.' tor. Oordnsr Auto ScbooL MItch­ SHIRT PRESS operator wanted at ®r ExceUent eendition. S rooms saoh 165 HOLUSTEli 8t 6 room CO- Dr. Oieddi daughter. Mn. Chariae Larson. Ha said GOdfoey inslated that all PhMie Hartford 444735. AU wel- eU 64010. guaranteed. Free estimatea prices. WE BUY-SeU-Trade-Rent power genaroua^oowa and heated cun- Ionia], 1% t o m , gi Jagen, deposed Oxnam demanded a haarteg ha- New Model Laundry. Apply in INNERSPRING Mattress and box FURNISHED Room with twin beds floor. Coal, forced hot eir beet. garaga. Can ba Prime ktlnlater o f Britlab Outeaa. fore the commlttea to 'oecuro re- Jr., of PlateviUe. cast memton toka ballet “to de- Robert M. Alexander. Telephone person, 78 Summit St. l a r g e s iz e chain drive bike and mowers, chain aaws, tUlsrs, gar- Good tocattea. Inuaodlato eecu< porch. First floor: Living room soon any tipie. oiir poteo.” La Rosa added: AUTO DRIVINO is our fuU time lUtchell 6-7716. D og s—-B irds— P eta 41 colonial doU house and furniture. spring, Honduras mahogany high­ dan tractors, outboards, power for couplia or two girts. At the with flropiaoo, dining room, kitch­ charged te a etotemeat that the dross for some of the damage done A rerident of East Hartford for boy. matching bedside stand. aU paacy. ACB Realty Co. ML 5-9859. ChurchiU goverameat deUberatriy is yaara. ha formetty ran projae- [sTiopt harptaS oa that humil­ WILL ROTATE or ride, comer of business. We teach standard or WOMAN WITH sewing experimee Excellent condiUon. Phone MI. tools. Terms arranged. Capitol Center. ML 8-6746. en with brSHtfaet nook. Two bed- SEVEN R0OM eiagle, moderately aw' by the rrieaae of what hO ity thing until I waa oaaneloua of Parker and Woodbridge to Pratt automatic shift, from your home. THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet 8-4670. in excellent condiUon. Ivy plant 10 priced Mr quick qui lavented a story of a Rad ptoL caitod uavirUtod aaateriaL to n at thaatero tn ’ThompaonvlUa to work in dry cleaning depart­ Center, 886 Main St. Mongrel pup­ Equipment Co., 88 Main Strsat. rURNISHBD ROOM, It houas- FRICE REDUCED. Laigo S-reom nom a aad both. The aaeend floor ' ' CaU AOl tho word, hut oxcapt that I got A Whitney, hours t^a.m. to 6:88. Immediate app^tm ent. Call the A IX KINDS of earpentry work. ment. New Model Laundry. Apply feet long, kUteUe for window Gape Cod, assay extras. Bay win­ with two bedrooms, lavatory aad R ^ty. MI. 5-i5-9659. "A plot has baea teveated vmiire Baridas hte daughter, ha laavoa Phone ML 6-6836. Reasonable ratesI. MItebe pies and Beagle pups. Turtles, framing, oim large petted snake keeping ens or two or COU- there ia aeae.” Jagaa eato ta hla erifo, Mra Edna Rlchorda used to crowds aad aliigfog in pub­ Mancheater Driving Academy, tcheU 6-4381. In person, 73 Summit St. . dow, fireplaca, donaers, etorm huge storage apace preaeata ideal lic, Pm BO diffareat Ira Ilka the Coventry PUgrim 3-7346 (toU free). monksys, hamsters,, tn^ical PORCELAIN SINK and sink plant 3 teet taU. Ml. 6-2IU. . pie. MItebsU 5-638T. windows, plasterad walls, slsctrie arrangamiaf for aaparote Itviag otateraeat read at a aawa eenfor- Plana: *—<-*-*«*-* daughter, k fn . Al- ACCOUNTING-Bookkeeping, state SPECIALIZING in custom buUt ga­ WANTED WOMAN to do general fish, tanks, acceaaorlss, gusran- faucate. Reasonable. Ml. 8-4864. ence, Ikf Aid Seen VitKl hort Abbay of Hosordvllle, and i guy who soya an you stin beitteg and federal taxes. All business rages, Stanley overhead dmrs, USED lURNITORB bmiglit and Town stove, garaga. near bus and shop­ quaitart; Steam cO heat. Base- your vtifbl Now auddanly It’a up BALLARD’S DRIVINO 8CHOOL- cleaning, Thuradays br Fridays. taed silling canaries. Connecticut ping, only 819,0(». AmuaM 4% meat garage for two can This graadoon. suid individuals. Tel. Ml. 8-7661 "Manchester’a oldest.” Owner- cabinets, block tile ceUings, al­ CaU MI. 64717. bred panikeete. CaU MitcheU sold. The Wooddwd. 11 Mala BEMIOOM, School St. GenUeman. Funeral oarvlcoa krill bo hold to- to OM to provo X haveif t lost y any time. terations, additions. CaU Frank THREE TABLEIS and threa chairs strsat T d . MRchaU 9-816L Meale If destaad. ML 6-7216. morigsga. CatRon W. IMclilas. conatructfon. MadeHna Smtth, On'GCfl* Congrw humility.” Certiflsd Iqr AAA and Board ot 6-4371. Open all day Wednesday. Advertisement * MI. 54189, 5-4554. Raaltor. 2 g F ioa, 20. 9-6515. BUILDER'S SALE amrrow mmiiing at S:1S at tea Ikhication. We offer trainira, ax- Contois, Ml. 3-5333. " EXPERIENCED Dental hygienist It plsaaea ua to please you. and other articles. MI. 84161. About Town Brown Funeral Homa in Thomp- To reportara Godfrey said it d r iv in g TO FLORpA, November BASStNETTE with hood, ^racUed- VERY CLEAN bedroom for reUa- Just oompteted, S3 LydaU SL. makaa me choke up to remoaSbor perlence, lateat raethoda. MItcheU for a busy office. Five days a bte goigaau a. Quiat home. 888 MANCMBBTER - ^ s a r Park rte- BRICK AND Shlagto Capo Oad. 9 (Osattooefi From Page Oae) oonviUe, followed by a requlm 2nd or 3rd. Will tuce two ladies. 6-3345. week. No Wednesdays. AU appUca- CANARIES, GUARANTEED sing­ ONE FLORENCE oil burner stove. ly new, Uner and pad./Asking $14, In accordance with tha Town near Parker St Six lama room, A meeting of the Past CUefo how JuHo used to ba” He said the Hartford 8-5786. Roofing—Siding 16 ers, aU c P«r Manor roach without booomont, ben MeCaoa, Broker, k g 9-ffOO. Tnids IfMi paay aad the Orogon Tnder was down buys 1641 Chevrolet, 1641 City 58 PumeU P I .______Notice In accordance with the pro- week. Inqulra 26 Grove St.. Rock a.m. te tea aaeend Ceogiegatlonri WUUam Ubmaa and Alfred E involved in the fatal accident. or her porehte or oiaten oohoaMd Buick, 1640 Chevrolet. Douglas WIRINQ INSTALLATION of aU ROOFING AND Arttcies for Sak 45 51 X 81— four windows, 87 x 34. vialons of Chapter HI, iSecUon 8 viUa, Apt. 14, first floor. /b a d with rodteOt boat Priced at Church. Mro. Ellon Plratoo, chair-" Libmaa, both of Hartford doing of u a" CASHIER make up paUente’ May bA seen any evening after 4 of the Town Charter: 815,900. Owner aloe tmaotarrod. ix m 6 o m t roym eni. om Motors, 383 Main. typ es.. No Job too small. Pater CONSTRUCTION CO. TO ZoniiiK Board of Appeals ^Hao Osd, oU heat, ptoaterod Lots f o r Sols 78 aSaa, urgoa rMtehan ahd foteoda buoinosa os Oartaor’a Going Out “Dottle to jiistN|M dld-foahtonod Pantaluk, 40 Footer street. Phone 1 ^ . OpFOpportunity to leOm book­ VENETIAN BUNDS o’clock at HUlsdale Rd, Wapping, / Notice is hereby given that a Eocott Ageaey. latcheU 5-1688. te Sat arid# artlclea tor tho aaie. of Burineas Sato Ctompany., nice—thot’o what hurte bm. oooing 1948 DODGE Tudor sedan. Motor 24 Oak Street .'keepingeeping rmachine. 40-hour week. Htehosf QuaUt; or call MI. 6-7796. . Maiwliestcr, Coaaectieat Public Hearing of the Board of Boorderai Wantod walla, good conditian, 3-car ga­ LOT FOR 8ALB..AU utiUties, SO x MitcheU 6-7303. ity Only v fk NEAT AS A nS-rTwo year old rage. paved drive, an hug Une. Rha wm arroago for pickup It they Clifford E Rlrioy doing buri- Hospital Notes her implicated in somothteg aad Just overhauled. New clutch, Congenial small office force. CaU Also Rscondlinonlag EXCEPnONiB . VARIANCES- Directors of the Town of Manches­ IM. Shade treaa. Near Parker ahd are unaMo to dativar them at tha nooa aa Summer Rtraai Ruponnu- her family and my family worry- brakea, four new whitewaU Urea. COMPLETEXIMPLBTE RepairsRei by Stuart R. BE-SIDING SPECIALI^ MI, 6-5301, Mr. SeUer. Manchea­ Tapsa and Cords TWO THAYER doU carriagos, 8 ter, ConnecUcut, will be held in a ro o m AND Board. W c r tW ipw>- Cape God, six rooafo, two unfln- Carlton m Hutehlao. k g 94119. Beat Oeater Sts. 81AOO. Ceu k g s ty Taid year old atee, 10 year old size. Ml; REVTOSALS (GRANTED). pie te a claoh, privaterivate 'Twime. teSed, vaaUbUle, S M aUirway, church. ksL to g ” Priced for quick sale. Ml. 3-8963. Wolcott A-1 Repair. Sales on ter Memorial Hospital the Hearing Room of tha Munici­ { \ 5-1590. AOkOTTSD YESTERDAY: la Rooe said ha hod been a loyal AppUcatora o f aabeatoo,^ ^^ostie OsU 6-06«. ParkiiM. tclK ^ St. MI. 9-T2U. fireplace, coromic file bath, nice Mrs. Nora Daoay, 52 Woodbridge I960 FORD Oiatom sedan, radio, washing madiinaa, vacuum clean­ LADIES, Earn extra ci^ by ad­ Joseph Jssaie, 156 Thompson pal Building in the Town of Man­ Utchea, full bammeat, hatch­ TWO YEARS old. Pvt Harmoa Frochette, son ot To' Lawronco Dunn for alteta- "LitUa Godfrey”—oa Godfrey c ^ ers, motors, small appUan(ces. Insulated aiding and woc^olungles, f in d e l l i i f o . c a ^ Road. chester on the 23rd day of Octo­ FOR SALE—40 acres of tend • in S t ; Mra EUsabath Misak, 72 beater. ,In exceUent condlUan ■peciaUzlngin LifeTlipauumlnuai dressing adverUslpg post eards at way, hot Water beat copper rooma. Bvarythteg cemptoto, Manchesttr. Price 815,000. Write 2Ir. u ri kira. Dante B. Frodiatte, tlens aad additions to a dwoQteg his cast members—and Uiou|ht it Wel(elding. 180 Main s t r m PhPhone 1Q«S^4M6 FOR SAUC —Thayer stroller. In HcClurc Auto Co. Inc., uth- ber, 1953 at eight o'clock in the W aatodf^looaM acraana, Morm windows, garage, 11 Taaaair St., is home oa a 154ay at 2 Hartland Rd.. 21,000. Mather St.;; Mn. Ann Gilbert 45 oil right if he got a fo^ outside throughout. Priced right to seU. aiding In color. / home. Write Vail Co., Box\ 1043, 480 East iaddte Ttttnpiks sail comar Main A Strant r afternoon to consider: plumbteg, 'metal eombteatioB Box R. Herald. ' Rlverride Dri; Mra Marion Me- Easy terms. DougUa Motors, 888 Mitchell 6-6678. Muncle, Indiana. perfect condiUon. Tel. 6-8436. Board 42 dears SM wiadaws, shed dorihar. ftrrtleee, luge-else lot, 819,005. furiough after eeaiRlaltag baric Te R al^ Btarkwoathor for a 2- booktega. ~ Raymond McGugon, 56 Litch­ Proposed By-Lsws Repealing A. hTwilkle. Jr., Agent CeU - tratei^ u Ptot Campben, Ky. Ho Parttond, 523 E Center St; Unda BntcheB>8271 r o y a l a n d SmUh-Cbrotia port­ city watm, sswiw, atdawalk, 70 ONB LOT on Waraaoko Rd. AA ■tory 6-room dwrilteg at BaUo Dr.,’ Tom Rockwell, head o t the Gen­ RADIO and T.V. SarvKO. AU worit field St. Pension Ordinances of the Town. katcheU 5-6151. to with tha Uth A lr b o r n n k ^ 812,500. / Baiocehl. South Ctoventry; Mra. fuUy guaranteed. $8 per houM A able and standard typawrtters. WANTED—RooOi and board, te ft X ISF ft woqdad let Priced aona, 105’ front x 900’ deep. City eral Artiste (forp., with which La BEFORE TOU Buy ______V. LINZ^AY — Owner Hdp Wanted—Msl* M Boats and Accessories ^ Victor Adamson, 133% Spring Proposed By-Lawa EnaWing Uie private hooM ia Mancbeeter, for water aad aerror. Robert J. Smite, s . BmUy Harrison. 22 Russell S t; Rooa signed, haa estimated the caU for T.V, $1 per house call for A n makss o f adding machinea S t . to aeU At $14,500. Warren E d u p l e x 44. Large rooma, exori- Mra Soto Finley. 24 Andor Rd.;; Bee Gormah Motor Sates. Buick Town to parUdpate in the OM^ . three chUdren, ages 5, 7, and ,5. Howload. Realtor. MRcheU 84505 Xae. 558 M alaR t Tri. 2 0 . M H t popular singer could make up to Sales knd Service, 285 Vmw radio or savs 8 and bring them to MECHANlb— Good wages and add or ranted. Ropalrs oa aU n e w LOCATION of Ed’s Marino .Vandsrbrook Nurasriea, south­ Age and Survivors Insurance, Mra Alice Mrinite. Wtariaorrille; 17 Maple street ^ CaU iatcheU makaa Marlow'a Service, 2 sUver Lone, com er ot CaU M l. 54181 after 6 p.aa. any a million in a year. atrset tOtcheU 94571. Opn eve­ K oofln g working UondlUoas. east comer Woodbridge A Lydall Sysbrin (Social Security). . furoaoee. Central locatfoa. TWe- Mra Theresa Lindsay, East Hart­ 64688 or MitcheU k4716. 16-A for advaheement. Must ba rtspon- Main St., East Hartford. Boots, Sts. ear garaga. kluet be oaea te be ford; Frank Ptech, 454 Hartford nings. motors, traUers, Sava 16%’ on Proposed By-Laws EsUbllshing MANCHE8TBR-4 nmm Capa Cod, SabBThon for Salt 75 / Town Urged to Pay Worker COMPLETE Hand and powar lawn ItpOFING—Speciallxing in rapair- Bihls and staady. Othars do not re­ wans. M. Frandi, Vandsrbrook Nurseriss, Id Ly- Smpiemental Penaion Plan for ABartBi5Mt»—flatifo- all flatebpd. full basamant. recrea­ U6froetaiiSl AaLlag $14,105. PhOM Rd.; Mra Grooe Forrio. 372 ply. Ap^y C h r^ er and Plymouth toys by selecting now. Deposit daU S t . ’ the Town. Barbara Weada AgaiMy. mtdMU BOLTOM—4-reom Cepe God, fire- Mote St.; Gtoorgo MacDonald. mower sales and aarviee. Motorai ing roofs o f aU kindo. AJoo now • S-TISL wU] hold unUl Xmas. PariSng on ToMoSNOta 63 tion room, larga lot. Priced at Take Local Man 1968 FORD , Automatic custom roofa Gutter work. Chlmneya Dealership, RockriUa 64868. Copy fUsd in offles o f the TViwn 8UA00. B A R Agaacy, 810 Mate 5 -m t. .,v. ptoce, oU hot erater beat, fnU-sbad 47 Lawrence S t, Rockville; tuned and overhauled. Pick-up aiM SUvsr Lone also Main Slreat lot. Harold A, Turklngton . daraaer, open stairway, oombtea- Retroactive Security Dues tudor. 6,000 mUes. MitcheU 9-9640. daUvary aarvica. Otboon’a Oaraga. cleaned, repaired, 26 yearsT ex- LOAM, Dark, rich cnIUvated grads Caerk on O ct 21, 1953. Effective ^retary. Board of Dirsetom o( At. Ml. 54151. Mra ElfrodaUnin; Andover: MAN WANTED for insida work at Nok 188 cu. yard. .Prads No. 2, 83 CkpendaUy 10;60 a.m. to 6:80 p.m. date, October 23. 1653. a p a r t m e n t f o r r e n t WiUXBlC BTREBT -Owoar leav- tten alarm efiadowa, litautofod, Mra Wanda Newman, 2 Drive iK Norwi^ Cate M R ch^ 84012. x; irience. Free eatlmatea CaU Now Model Laundry. Apfdy,^4a Hartford 8-m i. the Town of Manchester, Cton- fog riata-oauat osO. Six flalriiad owley. Manchester MitcheU cu. yard. Dwivarad in truck load ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LOOK AT THB8EI ptootand waUa. full ealtor, troas,' F .; Ctormce FiShe. 3 i M m HIH 1640 BUICK Super. Good condiUon. person, 78 Summit St. nsctlcut. Five spaeioua rooms, garage, rooms, fireplace, combination 84 aero, siejoo.0. Caittoh W. Tho Town Peaaton Beard. lwad-»tributioaa ftiom workora and w in d o w SHADES mads'to order BS-5361. lots. Scrosnad aSnd, stana, tin and Gmrge H. Marlow, Chairman Dated at Manchester, ConnecU- scroaaa, atorm saoh, amasite ad by Foatar Williams, aa aotuatryj would craato a "lot ef bad. rsae- Rd.; Mro. Lida Richmond, ' 23 A man wanted by Norwalk Private owner. CaU MI. 64660. vsl dsUvarad. Ordar now. Nuas- James M. McVeigh, Secretary beautiful grouadk, exceUsnt Eaat b iJ b a b Et h d iu v b /■ Hutebtes. 2tL 94128,!, 54954/ , Biro St; John Bouchroau., 22 and InataUed. Venetian blinds DRIVINO Instructor part tima ava- PfauBonds—Wstd iss cut. this 20th day of October. J653. Center S tm t location. Rental drive. N iceaectlon. ctoae to fok Travotero Xhouraaea OA. has I tten.' If tee towm deaon’t pay SuthoriUea tor oaSahlt and iaautog 1646 FORD Convertible,: overdrive, and curtain rods. 24 hour service. nihga. School teacher prsfarrad. t ConstnietloB Go. Pheas S room ranch of large propor- strongly roeenuMndad that tha the back duos, WUUama aays, “ wa Spring St., RockviUo; Mrs. Franeto bad checks was talten into custody Hrating—Pluaibiiiit 17 MRchaU 6440S. Jewebr 48 fI25 montl^. scheela, atores oad bus. Thto te a BOLONHf — Ultrara aMdaih,modar spUt I radio, heater. Reaaonable, Phone Estimates gladly given. Fagan Ws will train. PaUenca and cour­ e tione. 8 yaara.aM. exceUent cen- re a l' buy, aoa It aad Judge tor tovri, olx rooms, flr^laro, cata- town adopt lodri Security for ite; should not enter rotroScttvoly at Gagnon. 120 BtsaeD S t . this morning by loealnriiee. ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Pegi- ML 8-4638. Wftndow Shade Go., Route 44 at uENNOX Pumac^ and warm air tesy essential. MI. 6-3948. FLAGSTONE—Stones for walla, LEONARD W. TOST. Jawdar. N - diUoD. combtoatloa atarm aria- yeuroalf. Aokteg HIAOO. Geod- mte Uto bath, double ctoaate, hot workora ratreacUvaty to July I, j aU-" T He is Fred N. Lawrence, Sfi. who Bolton Notch. MitcheU 9-4473. heating. Earl Van Camp. kOtcheU pdrs, adjuste watchsa sxpwtiy. JARtnS REALTY CO. dewa, screenad porek. fireplaca, ririM Realty. 2 d . S-IISB. water heat, garage, amasite drive, 1553 and pay both the omployors The totter gives tea following gy Ann Bou. 144 Adame St.: Mra. has beeq-boarding at 27 Footer \ 1961 HBUfRT J. ExceUent condi­ M6XJHANIC or ms {•t^ria^lM ga office baUs. Apply oil tofosar, gtoosad ia porch, futt ttoM ing tha ratroaeUva pertlixi aad' eligible for retirement hold off un- drivars wanted. Apply Carlson Go., BAILEY’S Antiquo Shop, 862 Main Saaman Circte. Ml. S-iUlO. 3 let. Ruyar with |S,AM eatti may saya “it would coot tea town tU after we arc under Social Secur­ Mra. MyrUe Wrir, 52 Tenner S t ; Plant for Power "1643 CHRT8LER Tbidcr coupe. arranged. Moriarty Brottara TaL 44 Stock Place. ’ steeot MXtdion 84008. Modaratoly EvMhWIsat FrL Eva. Oet. 26, 7-16 P. M.s After 6 A. M. Sat. eeUar, ptoaterod waUs, garaga. In- Mra Anas Kewk, S3 Willard S t; Good tunning coadlUim, four gMd FURNXTDRB Raftnlriilng, antlqua MitcheU 8-6135. aaeuma vary attraietivo nmrtgage. eludes dUhwaakar oad automatie BOLTOn ' c ENTBR - o m coloniu! tl6,500 to make thto nugnaalmous ity and we jete rotroactivriy. tema furniture a apoelalty, dhairs caned p iea d Items in china, glaas, ttn- W Frsoi Mm Estate af Barrett, Putoaoi. Cmui. Cherry SMALL, OITXCB wlUi talaphone Monthly paymaaU $7A foaturt.” aovon people would get frmn $5 to Fred warnock, Carter St.; Mra tires and radio. Must aeU t»y Sat­ JANnOR, Reliable man or high wars, pawter and fumitaro. \ waohiag aaacMiWL Otaoa to St. tovaa roonw, bath, paatry, wood- (C I foam Fago Ono) urday. Ml. 8-707L •£4 tushad. Anoon r. Thorp. A PLUMBING Shop at your door. school Ix^. 74 momliMs. CoU ifi. Catnar Ca^aard, Oternr Bltd Oa|0 TaMe, Proaklto Flrmlani ' •naweriag aarviee. Ample perking. ohad, eU hot water heat, 2 fire- Tha Board of Directors to alat- 220 por moate mere than if they Melina Johnson, 78 Baldwte Rd.; Phonq MUchaU 9-6785.'’ H & I TV snivici T. J. Crockett.' MRcheU 8 4 «5 . church aad achooL Niea Rev. Ivory Davis, Hartford; No time lost. New work, altera­ 8-7614. BOMBTHmo NEW.’ oomathiiw dtf- $$M aarvlea ehorga eoshi hsa WaaCy CTpto^ . Immodlata oecupaaey. Uacaa, artariaa weU, 9 acraa, out­ ad to hold public hoaiiag tomoc- ratlrad under odr plaa. nod when Rnooia ■nnouncad lo - 39M POIfTlAC ssilin 8466 tions, copper piping, fixtures, hot OBRARD ATRiSET Sharoa Ducharma Andover; PURNACB8 Vacunm eteanad, oil fsrsn t Sss the aaw tr^pto^Uda cans ar aavs S hr M tglw yanr > 6 Pastor Bdd, 2 Mapte Clmate, Hsoklri hTCMUR—Naw buUdteg, Green ltd., Wo conoldar ttto aa axcritont door flroplaeo, 9 ekr garage-bara, roiw Bight oa Ardteoacoo which c. Tho coat o f peaaiona tor thoao eeatly that Soviet ectontirie IM NxcaUant condition, aqulppad. water automatic haatera. Tounga- BRICKLAYERS Wantod. Tha Bart- aluminum oomMnation winftowa— tadte sr TV te swr isKSius S . room OoleniaL Flroplaeo, vahM. Sao It aad Judgo for your- fruit troui. If taterested in roomy would drop the praaeat penaioo em^oyM to tho town wouM drop Tbanoa Aanuasian, East Hart-, toonMd the secret of tho hydraf^ huniara aarvioad. Por axpart and town sii^ sold. Estimates g l^ r A F lw m J ’sgasSr H a y Hartford, •ultobla for a variety o f bualteeea- ford.. i ' writtenguarantea No doira P«wpt aarvica caU Bob Cort- lett Brainard Go., Vamon Elamaa- also doors at frsat aavlMs. OaU HaMfnartsn at 97 Stnrii. te- Unlimited'parkteg. PhonS MI- sereened pereh, hraakfaat nook. asU. 88R05. Wm. GoodahUd. iSr, houao, IdMtty located, call 20. plaa, adept Borial Saeurity, aad about 257,000; that la. the United bomb, tho tnaMndoua oSSpring at ment. $36.60 monthly. Goto Moteca given. C. p. Lorente^ tary School, Tolland Tumpiko, Caao. 2 CBwiy Drop Leaf Taktee {erne Bwlag Leg), UaniUal Plaa tUe bath, lavatory garogeL ean- Router. 20. S-15M. 5-74SI. Prfaod fbr quick aUe. tastitute a aupplemental plan. DISCatARpED TGDAY: Walter wright MRchaU 644g . 8-7686. tor frao domonotration. Bin weather. SL S4272. ______States Gavetnment would be tak- tho A-bomb that eonld mot ovt Canter StM atSaU 6 4 W 0 ^ Routi 80. sky. MltchaU 64066. It as Bsa Coptolite Oteat. d H iteM Chair, (f lK k ;r.).T ch lK vealeat ta hue, atores, achoola A t­ RSaot Bolura iUSRM ^ ow ^that much of our proamt Kotech, 57 Maple St.; Dqaald clttea. „ DOOB8 OPENED, kays fitted, E arisa Bacihara. Latga ladisrhark Chair. Other OU tractively priead.' > b o u t o n LAKE—Four room year A report from tee Pcoatoa QUha. 450 HUtotown Rd.; M n . OLIVERS PBtSONALLT **URE f o r Rant Mate efoeet lo- COLUMBUS STREET oopted, vacunm rlaanera, irons, Suitable for office, beauty On^’ s fow of thosa dosir- reuod homo, fhraiahod wite mod- Bbard ohows that the town must d. In addition, aW qf these with ODrathy Holland aad daughter, SB^BCTSD Meviss—TlfscldRf— ingrtf X|WiIsIg4 stwBi wte* Boltoa; Mrs. Charlotte Heim, An­ USED CARS ate., rapairad. Shaara, txIS S w ln d lh g .* * ^ Plriatea, Braaa.Fsader, eta. Oaoadiaa •mon or -ropair aliop. Reaeonable oblo H i room raoch homos ratuni 9125,050 te warke ti who a wlfo ever 55 weiM receive 60 per knives, mowars ate., put Into con­ Btorace 20 f«a t OAU i g 8-4888 after 8 p.m. OLCOTT DRIVR roVuRo prtvUogeo. Lot 50 x era moateoro of tM preooiit plan, oeat aatra SoetelEs^ty. dover; Mra Elrio Armstrong aad Persooal NotkiM SErmTMKS loft Sensib^ priew at 4l2,- . PtiosHMSS- CbU GUatonbiny : CENTER MOTOR 8AUB8 dition for coming naada. •Braith- AUSTIN A . CHAMBERS CO-, FOIMLE ILECTIiCiANS A t w ^ Fasrisr Crilsetlea. DaSielma, Coaa. A quaUty boms o f diatteoUoa. Bwot .usa ISO tflB t o ' not'up a m By apea iWag 215JKM). or $82,- dauitetor. 10 Chrol Diw RochvBtor waite, OS Paarl otroat 'AND d rooms,oms, tUo bath, lavatacy, 800 whkh iadudsa a GE rnifd 2. o r 2 0 . 54415 after 7 p .a . tniat fund for SO ponoM hew rri^ Mra Mortia OiiddF> B.oltoa; REAR OP FOfT OfTICB toed and long dlotante naovliig, He fmr Rent 86 000, aa you profor to look at it. wa *** **»*•” ** binatlon Atarm wtodowa awidara, and a OE rsfrifireler. DOUeoN—kleoiag out of atate. four erivtag ponateae. aad hoM |l22,- weuM aava 96T.000 o f our past Charlaa MoOartlur, l l Saamax Cto- SAXFU; BUTS MANCHESTER T. V. S a r ^ F L im ^ SEKElIt attaDMd'gaiaga, oA sen lot WU tS i te Tiaarha for oavoa waraora ela: Stealty Wlterow, 192 KARCBEBTRR—fix room oteflo 600 _ without ^ ^ n e o s ). badrooma', o m uri ena-baif acres, aorvtoa UabiHty or a aot oavteg o f IStt OtevralR Tote — Hack. radio and T.V. spsdaiuta ohm ■ **»*^ *^ S-1428. fla t trass. P refa eA tel^ daoorat- aMptbte to retire wrier tea pfoa* at toaot •24RG0. S t ; Mra Edith Saplaaaa, 23 Pk>- REL Hoosa' aarviee call $8.59. «••» Hnut. OU boat Itefarmcas IlpdsI hoDM opoii tty appoint* BMriarii oaaveaiaacaa. artariaa SPECML MdSit OlsaMi quind. Write Rax F, MaraM. ad. Maay axtraa. Pi laiS righ t . waU, aak’ floon , air condtUonad wtptaB. . I , f. ThsMSetp. hy ra-tahrilag our aaar Clitte: Mra Dorothy Afidtoon. MRchsO 64665 day or nlghL ntoit at Anytime sad overy For team aovan porooM the ad* 1258 FeeSaii Plan jupvopriattoa. Aadeohr; Adolph SavUoala W Evaatejga and Waakaads OaU heat, bcbeel bus steps at door. ______iBparTM Luxa— BintTICB ON aU makaa vacwim 4-D(^R SEDAN— Bsdi% i Dry WsEa I Old OVgaa (BtsrilafdDBihy. •Cmm.y * " tTi T uiihaai SundAy ofternopn. OaU owaar, Manchaater k g 2-8038. vfoabUity of rotlrteg new or gfo- wo could pay 922,OM for Social St John S t: Sborwood Ctough, 15 foitotew t j Sam paymant FOR SALE WARtd4 IR RdBt 88 tfot to. andor Bootol Soeurtty R** B t: Raoul BanfoaE JUFIamme . AppUanc# iMster. djrasftow, iHats FRLUAIC , MeRRIDB—10.S-4S14 S a c i^ Frirofictfoa toaea, sSt up Co. TsL MRcheU------196« Hard-top Trays. ;t . L ...... "o3 C pearie torgoly oa whateor the tewa tea 255R00 aeadid tor tea aupi^ Taigatt, 4i "ssr" ^------OMnuiM only waU tires. Low oUksfi M. RB^ I 80N. ARCnONUBS -'i ■■ ^ % fdhpu the ptaa rotroactivriy. \ maatal potiilriai fo r thoao oavoa Woodtoad Fauitao Lo- atafoway, ton . Tm totter writUa hy WUltofoa Flan*. Rtafferd , Szneativo's car. i wATBW BRACK And CO. loapfo OBi hM5 otoao to ifoDi: JEUlridas aebooL 'oaU ACB ItaaMy, 2 0 . OBRti adt teat it would bo tekprao- M t to atorratt tea auppiemeatol BtolaFtott, Sooth foiodM Cdt Bll.9.8485 or 9-4571 V vllll#' - 4 Rosidtneo,] Ifou to to fov to aritoet bOdb caw- RlRE .. ■ Si ■ laaa' IM iaoa, -»a- / \ .... ■

THUBSDAV. OCTOI m '■ fEtt^niOji . . -ti' i y. ■ d;*’ ' >' iSii r y ■ ■/, M anehnUr-^A City of ViUopo Charm

VOL. LXXHI. NO. *0 AND AdveriiMy'aa SSJ MANCH18TER. CONN.* FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, ItU (TWENTY-FOUR pAGEi IN TWO 8SCTION8> racrnffbecm na ftaft HliN Irthi^ 'Farm Pro * • ■r^y-r." ‘r '-t G& On^ Extensions for thrifty Shopping Held Likely HEYKIDSIwina,. ^ K- \ Wor JuHui Lu Rosa Washinrton, Oct. 28 (dP^ RAtitOH IfKffJBBiMl — - — — _ ‘ X — : — — Two' Republican Senatm Washington, Oct. 23 ■aid today th ey expect Ckm- Julius Lu Ross, s greea next year to extend NATIVE MILK FED VEAL CONELESS VEAL iM msT nizts) 1,000 Flee Eire! /■ whoss dwaa song rigid price aupporta for baaic RUMP OF LOIN VEAL F lU l IM O 2 For him M • celebrity, glided to* farm crop# and perhape ex­ OINSr FRIZES wurd s ahow-must-j^Mm per- Today marks tha 40th nn- tend the program to addi­ Bdston Bridge Dieslroyed by Fire. - m i ¥ E A L CHOPS TO formspeb tonight/umtd pub­ niyeranry of the Ninth Plstrlct- tional commoditice. . Wait R^ply c licity ripples froth his ubrupt Scheol Are. ,' , The predictlea came tram Bene. A 'a w w i Mundt (R-iBD) and FaynC (R- firing by Arthur Godfrey. ’That waa the day hi IttS ROAST \ when n thousand children and Milne) after Ben. Young (R-NDI L b. 49c Lb. Lb.< y * 't; eWna. wer*a daelaton mor baa m a ^ him . a telaviaion 'from the nid, huge, wooden HALE’S FRESH GROUND atructure that stood on the alte not to aUiinp tor GOP candidatca Utah, gave/the young Brooklyn In the IBwtxoeiigreaaleenl enm- S M A U lO * N baritone Mu oaillng papers lost now known a a . Educational On Monday) Square. ’The schoel waa leveled paigna "will help the RepubMcans SMOKED Monday. That was a Swan aong, greaUy tti the nddweet." II . 4 COFFEE Godfrey/ told hla morning viewers In about an hour and n half Panmunjora,*^Oct. 28 (ff>— c FRESK aa Ln Roan finishad singing. and the damaga eaUmated nt Young, ‘Who appiaad oonflnna- tion of Becrotery of ASTlcuttnre Red efforts to pflnufldf^ anti­ SHOULDERS / CORN Lb. **At first. La Rosa told a newa •105,000. LRl. SHOULDER eonterenca last night through fat- It was the moat spectacular BMMM'a nppoinUnenh eMd the communist Koraan wBr pris­ Short Shank, Mild Cured 4 9 4 9 J / IS Os. elplent tears, "I didn’t know what and deatructiva. Are In the his­ ‘admlnlatrntlon’a InGc or form oners to, return hMne ap­ EASTERN DRESSED / ' /., .. 2 CiuM meant. I bad never heard the tory of Manchester, It also left policy and their multl-bilUah' peared today to ba atailad at / Spreaoloa before. • But I undcr- aevaral mysteries, unoolyad iar glorified Tiruman givcs'way 'fec- ■tood later when he sale eomething through the years, unUI Herald elgn program are very unpopular" least until nax^ week and FRESH, TENDER/ TENDER, BADY \ about wlahlng me Godspeed." reporter Harold E. ‘Turklngton la the Middle West. there waa . Bo indication FRESHLY GROUHD HAMBDR^ La Roam said another thing he began Interviewing teachers, Neither Mundt nor Payne had i- t ■ whether the^POW i would, / dpen't underaUnd Is what God­ studenta and fircihen who re­ any comment on Young's blast the call o ff ty' sitdown which CALVES LIVER Carefully Prepared / BEEF LIVER frey meana by "humilltv," the member the time the school aharpaot yet from a Republican threatens the armistice. qoellty Godfrey said La Rosa had burned down. lawmaker in the midst of growing controveray over farm problems The prlotoMTS had been expected 4 OCEAN SPRAY lost. All the details Ore preaented to nnnmmca n decision today. But ^ A " y c '’ 'l l X “Bver since I was on his abpw. In two full pages today in the and Bepson’s attitude toward in mi»nftotiioon an tofotmod it waa one of hla staunch themea." them. nourco'^aald ths North Koronna ib.4| 9 c DUAiBLE BEE COHOfi CRANBERRY/ Ln Rosa said. "Ha never said ex­ Eisenhower, who atm g ly de­ ik gc c Ik wait at least unUI Monday 9 3 9 ' i C H K K EN ’ \ actly what It waa. U waa .aort ef- M aurlieBtpr fended Benson nt sinews confer­ to Yeply to Indian atforta to get SAUCE an Indefinable oomethinr. ence two days ago, arranged to m dtolanation pfdgram going h id i But La Rosa emphaaleed hr does confer with hh> Secretary of CLOVERM. M FARM FRESH & | | Steil(^ Ettntitt^ JjrraU k igsdn. 00 FRENCH FRIES not want to gat into n battle with Agriculture at the White' House The Neutral NaUons Repatria­ SMOKEI^AMS 7« ( k Cun Oodfny, for whom he had worked today (1 p. ih. B8T>. Alao to take tion C om m lsi^m et fortwo iMurs US months 'to the day until sacked (Se/pages 14-15) part in luncbaon eonference Friday.'then recessed without re- R—dy aerv/ Cat from little with orchedtra leader Arable were Dqn Pnartberg, os aaeistant parting progress on the problem lb. 73c to to Benaon, and some of Eisen­ BUTTER' / of coaxing balky aiBi-IUd Xorenaa , |M)FlLCfMe V iD ID IlMw iVBOW iHF ■feU# CAPONS La Rosa aald. does /he aee I hower's aldn. , to attohd Commimlst Interviews, /' / ^ MEDIUM SIZE what an tha shooti^ already la Both tha Praoldant and Mnaon JT W C ^ IL Y ^ . C Baepended Biaee Meodny ^ hayar said they will have mflalte The explaaatioa program "1 wouldn't be o la rrt^ tfu l to ncommsndationa on farm pmicy to Tho'DatMT BIteei bridge, seer iUa New Haven Ballrond troeka anB the Frot Felat CBMyfl him," La.Rosa paid, ^ e 'a older Illegal Jail Mtt auapended since Mq aubmlt to Congroaa when It returns . aends np a alend et nnakr. Fart of the bridge cnngbt tie and feU onto the troekais below. when the Koroaas thr than I am and my father always In January. Ai ef meteHata were deinyed U getting late Beaten and many eonunater trahM were aUe halted. taught me to have respect for Confident ef Ontceme mass breakout if forced FRESH EGGS ^ 61^ Qc ■ / Communiat Poland 1 1/7 lb 6 5 c people older than you. NATIVE, MEDIUM SIZE s ^ i p i Terms End 8UNCREST KOSHER *T didn’t want any pubUcitv be­ Mundt, a membei- of the Senate vakis walked out cause 1 felt It wasn’t the light Agriculture Oonunittae, aald In na commiosUm irttervlew he won eonfldsht Gen- Swiixariand. Bwedei , _ NUT UMng. Children should bo oean and groaa would not approve any Texas Deluge 1 Ll^. 14 Oz. Can Sot Itenrd and two wrongs don’t For Seven voted againsr forcing the POWs to HORMEL HALF CHICKEN IN GRAVY PICKLES changs in the Uw that would waak- Rains iase Threat attend.' ■ / ' make n right" B ^ T T E k en praaant price aunporta or raduce PnUah and Otedu SMmhsn re- Qt. The SS-yenr-old baritone ainga ass the income of the farmer, Soaks Hai^-Hit / Arthar Ctnirny at a Naval Relief Society ball to­ Brockton, M .. Oct. 23 (M tuned Thursdhy, hut only to re­ 14 0 z . J a r —Seven men, found to have "It’s my beliaf that Gongroaa win new UMlr drowand, that tte Xara- night at the Naval gun factory. Approve an extension nf the pres­ L Adore Good Me waa stationed there as a sailor been iUegsliy committed as Drought Areas )odlapd Fire eae ba forrou to bear Communist ent price support program and per­ Of 5 ^ for two yoars bafote Godfrey "dla- prisoners, were free today af­ axplanailops The Rads refuse to McCaithy^R^ haps Include • other'rtorable crops intarview/'anll-Red Chlnsee prison- oovered" him. ter serving terms in state in­ not now on the mandatory (aup- Values! X SWaiBDllMI La Roes aald that "deep down Lubbock. ^Oet 31 ere wiUUig to nttrnd Um polrtl list," he oalA By n B ' ASadCBATBD PRESS >laads and brushlands wars clamped ' S W E E T U F E y m M M in my haart I know that Mr. God­ stitutions ranging from aix to Farmora in Most of the west Tag- C A K B M i x e s Jk>yalty 41 y ears. He left Ua way H|aii tor aa ai> qipqgfct nraa mqddlnd tkelir .WeathihF B ureau fcH egast: fSf*.** ■ *» » BOYS Md aiRLS \ frey kad no bona SB' riSian for tentative tt- "the AgHcuHuro i “Tie-. will er loiiKtiTow *•— •“ • *«» the flrrt B21 Ohineaa Bator- CHOICli wHm a Bring jM." • / ■ ■■ All seven men wept with Joy pferti laohaihrily today after the (dd. only XS. daridnd to r«t«ni FRENGH FRIED when their freedom was- ordared vtaat-nahM in three years. a tense forest RtVN.*SPOOO • VHUMi U n d e r T ru n | a n that would giva fam era'a Gov. John Lodge' ordered the the OonsrauatoU. and thorn has G R A N D ^ O TH E k ’S But hs acknowl ed he had yeatrday by Superior Court . Judge iaceme." . And laofo ipin may eome. The andK water shortage situatj woods dosed until the forest flrb saSiMilaUon that tha B*M COIJJECT YOUR POTJITOES PLUMR06E BRISTLING violated on with God,- FellW Forte, on the grounds their Bimltarly, Payae aald ha doss "eeattered ahowan" forecast IB hww England. The hasard might be atailing awhy Um* al­ SUPPLY I I N*w T«rk. OcL is m —Bim. fray under which Uw "Util* commitment wss U l^sl And with, not expect cutbacks ia 'tM praa- which preceded yesthday's down­ lowed for expUUiationa to avoid s ^ i n c Ie M cC ^hy (ft>Wla) aeys tha ”eom' t^odfrsya” a hire nq out svsr a hearing in aatni cased ent program nqulriag BM pricoa pours of up to uM Inches waa ra- »,^pr««ct€d the r.J5 jr5S'.'lEI^'*Sv further propaj^tods beating. plct* aaftHMw” ot Um acroanlnf ladspendsnt agency to' Jnlled 41 Years of alx basie crops cotton, WheaL nawad for today and tonight ^voec^onal rain or dnzide third of normal, thus foresa Klnety days irara' allotted for the PENNANTS HERE! 1 LR. P K G . SMOIMES board im'd«r the Tnimui admlnUi- repreaent thsi rudgs Forts found one of the ' Ov«r flelda a t pitifully tiny for Massachusetts, Rhode necuout to follow aeighi exirianattona, which muat and Das NMISCO SRLTINES ( G ^ Pack) t ration m ultod in inyolty auo- The klager Mdesteppad qusatiqna Elmer Brldgee, had bSen a (CeaUnnrA en Fago^Fwo! wheat, browned catUa fangea and d, C onnecticut ^ d V er-.^sw achuaatts in closing the 33 by U. N. calculationa and Oas . pecti btinz rotolnod at the Ft. about why Ks had contracted, with IT for 41 of hla SI years on irrigated land alike, the rain fell lont today or tonteht. Some The governor's order, Tssued 34 ^ NNCR reckoning. lOe COUPON OraiDE TOWABOS PUMSABE OP ^MrAT ^i^nmouth, K. J , aupar-aacrat rn- the agency( General Artists Oorp., a case b<^mlstaken idantlty. heavily from near dawn into the, after a conference With Directar r c e f c c i 9T tiwda. s«w ihtt or iockofi, docorato your room or posit UPTON’S 80JDP rain or drizzle wds forecast After the commlaeion inOatiag SW EET U K 2 C o i tUr center.' but aald/be'signed tip four days The Judge aald Bridges was Ute night. / Donald C. Matbewa of the State Friday. U . Gen. K. 8. ThlnMyya- G « t y o u n M onelitsttr's Itodiiif food tioro:—> 18 O z. Ja r 'VeCsTthy's permanent Swtete ' ifore Godfrey gave him the axe. locked up as a bey of 10 on a UN, R e d s li^ t The runoff eoumed Into for Maine and New Hamp­ Park and . Forest CommiaMoa, the Indian chairnuu. pronUaad fl FROZEN 25c nobcommlttee on Inveattcatiena "I med to tell Mr, Godfrey about charge of truahqy from Tewksbury ■mall towns. Spur' and I shire tomorrow,' eaoM aa\a woods firs / raged in statement Saturday. And a ivUabia ^ SftW APRICOT NECTiR IM n. CAXZ ihr has been^^probtng alleged Com- It, but I couldn’t reach him," La acboola when, in fact. It- waa ■bout TS .miles aast-aouthi New England ha* been-without Orange, a New HaVenySuburb. Ear­ eouree said the statement probably mnniat aubvfriion among civilian said. Brldgaa’ brother 'orbo was Um Lubbock, forcing aooM ■ ■a appreclsNe fSlnfall for several lier in the weak Olgm fires in for- would ouUine offIclaUy Um pnri- OIUWaE JUICE ofuployaa at Pf. MonmonUi, whtre Threfe 'M illion weeks. esta were reported about the State. 28 O i. J a r Then epme the radlo-Uleviaton truant. Uons. It also ran down t^e heda Uons of various govsmnMnta. ro- ' V ANCHESTER PUBLIC MARKET SAW PAPAYA NECTAR M-OZ. For he conducted closed henringa yes- ahow last Monday morning. Bridges was so overjoyed on hia of long-dry creaks, apU|M over “Explesiw SUnatlon’' Woodlands in the three southern presented on the Repatriation tgrday. The Mcret aeoaiona con­ La Rosa aald that, immediately release be shook hands with •very- highways, and oovared b|fldcea. Tha drougjW' ^*** brought what counties of New a m p t h i r 0— Commioalon. /803.805 MAIN STREET ‘ > tinue here today. In C asu altie s ---- -— d*»cribe as sn Cheshire,'' HUlsqorougb "and Rock- % • / one in the courtroom, frOm the Tha rains ware geneChl in the Tha Swiss and Swedish dds- 1 cans CHEF BOY-AR-DEE’ Bight Qnlaaed Yoilterdny^ . (Oanlladed on Page TSp) Judge to reporters covering ^ the g n a t South Plaina area' which cen­ fire sltuaUon,’' Ingham — have bean gates are known to have strongly ' After queotlonlng ei|^ t .pernonk United NnUona. N. Y„ Oct. SS , . . Massachusetts closed^ U l ID D 'V f ^ firat in your neighborhood to own a big collection of real MEAT DEPARTMENT PREMIER Si^WED hearing. ters at Lubbock, reaches went to opposed the use of force ngalnat . n V r l\IV I • icolWe pennants with official seals and colors. 96 famous col* yaaterday at tha radar center, Me-' All seven were sentenced to tn- rUiy oald one of the wltneoaea d e ^ ite terma as dofoctiva delin­ rana War,/Miil deuded by south to drought-orCary Lamesa, i been bCeaking out dally; Malnst Slaking and open fires Iftges and universities fo choose from. Tomorrow, get your first pennant.free at your RAVIOLI Steel Mill Permit rtaiaty over Um fate a t thou- None of the fires has ' bsen He said Um problem of the hnlky lAtW SIZE It's Tender, White Veal Time Iwd been auapended by a local loy­ quents. TO miles ssst past/Dicker*Ickens, and—■* 45'* • .. . 'in nil ttew Hampshire woodlands. Korean POWs wraS dlseuased Fri­ grocer’s with pdreha^ of just'one can of tasty Hormel Chili Con Came or Hormel alty board but had boon reinatat- miasiag-who saay be dead. miles north to Plainview. ssrious proportlotw to data. BONELESS T0MBV0E2 /ju d g e Forte found many of the. Indicate today that 'both aides day and that the Communists ro-' Tamales. Get more ^ n a n ts fast and cheap by enjoying other Hormel good foods. VIAL STEAK •d by the acreetiing board In the Readi^l by ODM men were transferred from deten­ The rain also fell throughout Connecticut’s crispy dry wcN^d- (Cantened na Pngn Eleven) VEAL 2 Cons nffica of the Secretary of the suffered a tol) of more thaa thrdo pentsdly deraandsd that oxplaapi- - See easy directions/below. ^ . RINSO i C a H t t l tion homes t» state prison Inatitu. mlUlod. X / the Fihhandla/iad 'In nOrih Texas, tlon aeoaiona be scheduled. 2-1 Ljl^, Cons Army under the Truman admlnia- tions for minor Infractions durhtg where fall-plahted wheat hod gone ■ r Thimayya said the cominlanldn VEAL U G R O A S T tratlon. ' Wnahlngton, - Oct. U UH— Tb^ their eemmltmcnta. Baaed on flgurM ftom offleui limp under tbe heat and droi^t. • McCarthy, aaying the wltneaa Office of Defense Mobillxatjon and U. N. deloghUon fothtaa, total could not agree on Um nntount aif . . 40c L b. 99c .' ■ OB ■ /■ Tha other six men released and casualties tor tha U: N. aide are Tbrrantiai /tains fell in'->part of force neOded to get the Tfnriaa LOOK FOA THESE CANS WITH THE PENNANTS w ith Ckinpoa otill U worldngig at Ft. Monmouth, aaya It la prepared to iaatie a eer* their names are: south T e i^ aloog tha Rio Grande' Flash P>od/Death ToU ROLL RliMP ROAST Mid the attuatlon ahowa------the com tidcate ^ for the oonatrucUon ^ of a figured at MTS^Wk of which the prisonera out of their compmoMbi' WilHam J. Bryant, SS. of Law. waterahsd, spilling new water into and Um p o s ^ s conaoquaneen ad 'A TTA CH ED ... while they last! VEAL L O IN plete softneda of the old Trumao, bteel mill In New England, Rapublie of Korea total la 1.S12,- the gTOM reservoir behind Falcon ’The ODM advibad Son. Balton- ranca, committed at the yaga of- SSd: Um United Stetea total 144.- such action. FANCY HAND* CHOPS ic k^lnlatrntt’on." ^ ‘ 10 for truancy. Dam wMch Proaldent EiaerJiower Ho said Indian troopn warn nns- YOU’LL L II^ CHILI the way Hormel mak(M it. Plump red bean.s in rich meat sauce "No matter how good a Job a stall (R-Maas) last night It la ITS; and the total for the U U. N. hMpad^dadicate only last Monday. M^ay Reach/4 0 0 in Italy PICKED M A C lb .lb ready to loqua the certiScate with­ Gerald F. Martin, ST. nf Lynn, Anian ILSBO. ^ powered to "push" balky priaoMM —not too hM, not too mild,.but just right. America’s favorite chili! commanding officer did In routing Farnaevn JnbUant Lb. out Comihunlats and ' aapionage out a site being apeclfled In anWr on# of n family of IS Children, lif Ih all but a few instances, the to get them to the explanatlnas 79c MUSSELMAN’S. custody 11 yaars for recalviaf Farm en ware at once JubUant But he added; FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT, try^orm el Tamales—gold “bUnkets” of entn- OfenU," McCarthy said, "ha ran to speed flhanclng. flguraa ran past the July XT ar. R eriio Calabria, Italy,/Oct. 'ment earmar!:ed 700 million Ure APPLES It is imposiUe to display evary cut of nmat we have, (Penn. Dutch) / HEINZ TOMATO Into tha same thing with the However, the 'ODM aald, there stolen goods. misttee date. and cautious. U m axperis hava told "If. other North Koreans Juasp meal, wrapped around deliciously seasoned finC'Chopped bMf. screening hoard, which ordered re- would have to be an understand­ Henry A. Gilbert, 4S, of North- Pentagon noureea In Washing- them it wUI taka more than en rain 23 (4^ —Bescud ■ w^kcra for sale, so we appreciate your a^ing for any item that' huhpUm, n prisoner for S4 ysnm ton. bnaiasr their flgoroe on a to "broak the drought,” that a searched today t^ugh r Z •(Onntianid en Page Twn) ineUtementa with back pay In ing the oertifleate would be cah- Whole; rainy aaasCa is needed to yon wish which is not in our dismay case. One stodt in­ BL0EBERRIE2 : many inatancea of olx montha." roundup they mdde In July,' ea- w recked hom es in ^ dozen iSruM Chamber of Deputies t o ^ pLST TO ADD Td YOUR COLLECTION! 2 lbs. cludes ail cuts of choice beef, fr« ^ Iamb, veal and porii, KEjqHUP '’This sloppy situation at Mon- (OtMattonag on Fnge Tan) , (OenMnn ii sn Fags ■) (imated Communist aacii ' •Mall villages of th is/^th em bmimI a permanent eolutlen for the amoked ham, shouidera and ’’dalay” hani, frash and dry meuth,” the Senator added, "wann't kUod and woonged. at 1.4L « »i Can 14 Oz. \Bot. Italian province fp^vicUms se SCHOOLS TO CHOOSE f r o m ! sausage products, cold cuts, fresh stcW b^cuts and ground the fault of the generals nr other and priaonert at another/130,000 for a total of 1A40.000 ^ 'aealed of devastating A u h floods ,,^11 -q,* thrown aw a^ SET o r « PENNANTS FOR ONLY meats, corned beef, fresh or quick frMted poult^ and officers. Thalr hands ware quite aORIDA JUICE tbarnughly tied." down from an eatlmate.laat April th a t may have/Claimed aa •p}„ floods struck without warn- BullietiiKE . . / plus the key strip from a SPAM can OR the can end (with stamped>in*number) fjresh seafood. Our aim is to maintain aaoderate pricee ea McCarthy said ha wauld ask for Mimdt Praises Def—A onsaS u j' Lamb is Down Again At Hale's have heeiu auq)en6oMa who w en "moro than happy FHIET OF HBBBOGK, hStalng'.' MSi.’ e t ttwir muiSS^' i AUO CREAM PIES, CUSTARO DONUTS, Thank yog. ^ » * ’’ , dkbi’t me It that way. tha TnipMui admlnlatratMi talaad a enurt nsder dlroeUag tba and Japaaaaa prtaoaara ef war ■aid Icardi, forator OSS officer who to ftiffill Say requoot of lUs" •‘■•'.fa GrcfB.Btaaipa Given W ith Caah t cmMlS was abnost a musical one pMdeage, homo-ahd-i Um Rnaaian throat ot ag- momben ef the beard te Mow ■nhltet te repalvlallaa . ; . Senate, now Uvea in PltUburgb, Fa., had i Mlm M M ati c—riudad her tos- FERUH FILLETS, ^ tha eve of tomerrnw*a fenao W l a imder Scr m burgewe*/after Werid •e sstar Umy oheuM n et asarob tataraal Security anbeoaunittee frequ—Uy '—bait her to keep Um—y ly dedariag that aha toH A t H o I b'b I m y Sferor L b m knpi|, _ at Ft^dla ■Mentten.Ny.Uia RYE BREAD, WATER ROLLS, and hAi* U. The.Tntauia aitebdatra- _ leeaiM aaid tevaal tha idsau- ngarU U wlU open sunu e t'm m e y . ' ' wro that If Xeardl, *Rftor MB. had FRUTOFSOLE, 'rdpat^.'an — u ha said, vfaa ahwad' at ^Uia ef psraeaa who aajaMlad te in New ’ Yark «t "Sevtat Sha also a ^ aba kad a *>tfyiMW)wi Hotebaifa anarSai'. ha did ' i '* ...... tta U. a. atraakth ta a yaak lard UHmbura M New Engtoad d—B-aff—U— fna-IeaidL" aadth—l n — —1 T fW i HVGMTg BOTv Vv M PUMPERNICKLE BREAD... HROKEML A baarlay ea the aaya it nay, bo h silm •)," ilM Btotokaa taf."