Missing Boy Found De Breaks Over
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Y Avs K rZrlttliST... WEDNESDAY, 0CT0Bl» fI, U m i Cv/'i- 4lanr(|Htnr Ctt«nUtB namhaiu ef.the <dieir et the CS^ordia Lutharu Church are re* Sisterhood Sends quMSd to attend an important re Film Projector Helps Ersse Olitenicy in India :Mgkbi'ohi'< hearsal tonight at 7:10 at the Three to Session s NOW! ManeheUm....A City o f VUIagt Charm H r. o d Mni. Club o f the church. 'H v fiJ k J a ^ b m CtoBgngaUonal "Thoughtful Planning for a PERSdNALtZE YOUR TOWELS. LINENS ;QKtt^ wiu enjoy e potiuck nip* Miss Carol Schubert, 17 Summer yoL. Lxxm , KO. it AivarfWag an Vofe U) MAKCHE8TEB, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 2 .185S (TWENTY FACES) pw. ^fl^urdey at 6 p. m. nt the St., has been elected secretaiy of Fruitful Harvest” was tte theme AND WEARABLES WITH BMM 9t Mr. end Mm. Walter the Clam o f IMM at HlUyer Col of the annual fall copferaiice of Thaakoe. The apeaker will be Cllf* lege. ford 8ac« of the Hartford Timei. the Connecticut'Branch of the Na Cadet James A. Warren, son of tional Women's Leagtio of thS EMBROIDERED INITIALS Fred K B ttat, 7SS Center 8t.. a Mr. and Mm. Roy B. Warren, 127 United Synagogue of America British Air graduate of Mancheeter High Princeton St., now in his Junior which aras held today at the Adath ‘ COLOR FAST — SHRINK PROOF A tom s to D rive 'School, Oaaa of IMS, and now a year at Worcester Polytechnic In stitute, has been accepted for en Israel' Synagogue, Middletown. freshman at the Uniypraity of Local delegates to the confer- Arson Plot Missing Boy Found De Miami, flaw home Oct. 14 from trance to the advanced course of Miami to be best man at his broth* the senior division ROTC. Upon enoe, representing the- Sisterhood er's wedding. He returned on Oct. successful completion of this course of Temple. Beth Sholom, o f this is by Eastern Airilites from and graduation from WPI he will town, wfre Mrs. Jacob Segal, pres Electric Plant In G uiana receive the gold bars of a-second ident of the Sisterhood; , Mrs. Newark, N .J . Julius Fradin and Mrs. Irving lieutenant in the Signal Corps. eontractor for the The rummage sale sponsored Im Hochberg. Chicago, Oct, 22 Uf^— Thofhw th« prlnelpul e Lond(», Od. 22 (/P)— Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, o f United States today }m is oC A the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Merobem and friends of the Hartford, preaidant of the deeigh “inherited from a Neval Colonial Secretary Oliver Shdom is still In progress at -the Orange Lodge are reminded o f the; it Branch, was the pre- Doitneed the first full seals at project" Rear Adm. H. Q. Rick- Lyttelton said today Britain temple, at Myrtle and Linden Sts., setback party to be held Friday at Breaks over gldihRofficer, and Mrs. Joseph Ep- tempt to tame atomic power ewer, the Navy's reactor expert and will continue through tomor 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. stelnT xof Middletown, was in wae gtvdn “immediate reeponalbll- row. Many tine articles are still William Turkington, 103 West i<t peace— a move billed as availaMe. charge w general arrangements **America'a answer" to Soviet ity” for the new program. Center St. , for the ’ca m reflee.. Murray's talatorlo annouaeeaient, dalms of mastery over dread trial on eharvea of plotting a The regular meeting of the Dis The main\profram of the day —a UUIe more than etght yeare The fourth discussioii forum ses was devotpd^ workshops by their- new nuclear weapons of war. campaign‘“ o f arson in the Firemen Battle Institution Blaze abled Veterans Auxiliary to MaUi- sion being conducted by Hartford after the UnHed Statea unlaathpd Gawlik Tot Chester Chapter, Ko. 17, 'wUl be respective pramding Officers, as Thom u E. Murray, a mamlwr, the world's Sret atomic bomb at South American colony. Ike Aid Seen Vital Chapter, Natidnal Assn, of Cost follows: P ipgw n, Mrs. Hale said th« Atomic Energy Commis- held this evening at the VFW Accountants, will be held tomorrow Hlroehiaa—came ia a speech pre But, ha told tho Houas of Oom- Hmne. Mm. Jane Fortin is in Matakin, Watertounr;* Judaism in alon (ABC) wfll build aa ladustrial pared for the electric oompaniea SMma, authoriUsa in British Gui night from 7:30 to 0:30 at the In the home, Mrs. ^ ie s r a Levy, powor reactor producing at least Discovered Charge o f the refreshments. AU ternational Business Machines public information program. ana aro having trouble “ia ab- memMm are urged to attend. Springfield, Maas.; NSabbath ob-. 80.000 kilowatts o< electrical en- He aaid the ABC deddad to beat talniag aufflelsnt svidsnea to pre For GOP Congress Corp., 100 Farmington Avei, Hart aerviqice, Mfs. George Fisher, engr^j-enough to run a city of ford. Chester Slade, tax specialist, -Ruaaia to tba punch by puahing fer caargas as th* agents ar* ua- Springfield, Mass.; Tor^ fund, Sret with’ an Induetrial wUling ter fear o f intimidation to will lead the discussion on "Con* Mrs. Sidney Bijek, Mertmn; so In Sw am p sidering Federal Income Taxes in Sew on by hand or machine quickly and eaafly’^becausi ke ^ pTcJ^'inat^ asak* written statamsota or give cial action, Mrs. Max H ab^ Nor "many tens of mlllkNu Of doUare ' fa tin g abnoet exclusively oa avidsnoa la court.” Wsshinftqn, Oct. 22 <ff)— President Eiesnhower is likely to Valuing Inventories.” walk; and gift shop, Mrs. of patented sewing edges. White, blue, black uni rod, (Uid that the ABC hopea to have reactm .for military ue& Igttolton was apeaklag at the face mounting pressure from Republican offlee holders to Farmington, OcL 22 Kleinman, Hartford. 4 sizes 7c, 9c, 12c and 15c each. See the sample towtl, an (grating plant in tarro to four abandon bis political umbrella approach in favor of direct ac Cub Scout Pack No. 4 will meet There was a large attend "Thta ia Amertca’a anawer-4U apenlag of a dabata on tee aitua- The body of 2-yesr-<dd Tom gaan. tion In British Guiana, wbare tba tonight at 7:30 in Woodruff Hall, i representing 21 siaterhoods whic)^ napkin, blouse and jersey at the notion depgrtment. Ona FMiUty Bxiota ■igniScaat paacHima anower—to tivity in next year’s campaign for control of Congress. my Gnwlik WM found fsco Center Congregational Church, comprise the Connecticut Branch. recant Sovlat atomlo weapon* CburchlU govsrament suspsndsd In a sharp departur* fram th* Tho plant, Murray aaid; may be tha constitution and ousted left .^biwn in • swamp 500 yards located "at or aear‘ '^an ABC facil teats,” Murray said. “It should policlsa of his immedtet* prsdaess- A team of four workem from dhow the world that, avqa in thla wing mtnlatars bscaus* they al- aors, Elssiihowsr told a news con- oehind a farm this forenexm Dr. Glenn Clark's United Prayer ity for aeparatiag Draaium-tSS, (he poydirt of atomic power, frpm graveat phaaa o f arming for do- Isgsdiy war* engaged in a Com- fsraae* ysetarday h* does wot in by two searchers from Avoa group, will conduct a series of fenae, America’s eyes are etUl on mualst plot to aelao power. tend to make th* president^ an Rift Grows six meetings at Westminster natural uranium. Tho ABC haa OM Old Farm* School. CO. ouch faculty at Ohk Ridge, Tana, the peaceful future." Dsbnto Osvsramsnt Mstfon agency for uee te partiean elec- Hethert Ooebran, a coach, end If you are maklag holiday Church, 140 Mountain Rd., West A "scheduled 'caste," formerly Ing to sen enough gift coupons to SPEOIJU. Murray aaid the world was atun- Tbs dsbaU waa on a government Uona. fruit oakee . yon can grt and ia building othare at Paducah, Warren Hartlgan of West Hart Hartford, Thursday, Friday and known as “ untouchables,” student provide five motion picture screens. motion asking tbs House te ap Ilnstead, be eaid he hopes to de ford, a student at Qm school, foua4 idl the ingredients at Flnehnmt. Saturday. The meetings are open Christian Science ICy.. and Portsmouth, Ohio. In Godfrey named' Sakhubal receives a film Half of the world's adult popula BUSINESSMEirS Ho aaid WeotlaghMiaa Corp. wtU (Oentimwd an Page Nhietetn) prove tha action. Tha Laboratories velop aa enllgbUned and progres th* body. They handed it to a We have new stock lb. Jam of to all interested. Two will be held tion can neither read nor write u d moved aa amendment calling the sive program which will aerv* as SA W mixed fruits, SAW strip projector for her class from member of the Goveriior’s Her** each day at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Lecture on Friday Mrs. Kulsum Sayanl (left), vice UNESCO has just launchesi ia ^ LUNCHEON MAN0NE8TER action too extreme. a real umbreUa under which his Guard erho carried It back to the Candled Cherries, aad plenty of Members of the team will be avail global 12-year campaign to help / Jaikn te Spertater party's candidates can operate. Artist Exit Lsmoa, Orange aad Citron. able for counseling and for per president of the Bomtey, India, farm on hia hors*. How spiritual understanding of Committee. The projector was ob wipe out this evil, with suph groups OFRGE 6ENEIML MANBBER Ona of the spectators to th* de Maadt Fraleee Preeldent Mather Orewa Hystsrieal X:. sonal calls at hospitals and homes as the Bombay City Social Educa bate was Or. Chsddl Jagan, Ui* Sen. M u n d t (RrSD), who Is I f you want to send a gift God can solve problems at dally tained with IDGESCO Gift Cou New York, Oct.