Y Avs K rZrlttliST... WEDNESDAY, 0CT0Bl» fI, U m i Cv/'i- 4lanr(|Htnr Ctt«nUtB namhaiu ef.the <dieir et the CS^ordia Lutharu Church are re* Sisterhood Sends quMSd to attend an important re­ Film Projector Helps Ersse Olitenicy in India :Mgkbi'ohi'< hearsal tonight at 7:10 at the Three to Session s NOW! ManeheUm....A City o f VUIagt Charm H r. o d Mni. Club o f the church. 'H v fiJ k J a ^ b m CtoBgngaUonal "Thoughtful Planning for a PERSdNALtZE YOUR TOWELS. LINENS ;QKtt^ wiu enjoy e potiuck nip* Miss Carol Schubert, 17 Summer yoL. Lxxm , KO. it AivarfWag an Vofe U) MAKCHE8TEB, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 2 .185S (TWENTY FACES) pw. ^fl^urdey at 6 p. m. nt the St., has been elected secretaiy of Fruitful Harvest” was tte theme AND WEARABLES WITH BMM 9t Mr. end Mm. Walter the Clam o f IMM at HlUyer Col­ of the annual fall copferaiice of Thaakoe. The apeaker will be Cllf* lege. ford 8ac« of the Hartford Timei. the Connecticut'Branch of the Na­ Cadet James A. Warren, son of tional Women's Leagtio of thS EMBROIDERED INITIALS Fred K B ttat, 7SS Center 8t.. a Mr. and Mm. Roy B. Warren, 127 United Synagogue of America British Air graduate of Mancheeter High Princeton St., now in his Junior which aras held today at the Adath ‘ COLOR FAST — SHRINK PROOF A tom s to D rive 'School, Oaaa of IMS, and now a year at Worcester Polytechnic In­ stitute, has been accepted for en­ Israel' Synagogue, Middletown. freshman at the Uniypraity of Local delegates to the confer- Arson Plot Missing Boy Found De Miami, flaw home Oct. 14 from trance to the advanced course of Miami to be best man at his broth* the senior division ROTC. Upon enoe, representing the- Sisterhood er's wedding. He returned on Oct. successful completion of this course of Temple. Beth Sholom, o f this is by Eastern Airilites from and graduation from WPI he will town, wfre Mrs. Jacob Segal, pres­ Electric Plant In G uiana receive the gold bars of a-second ident of the Sisterhood; , Mrs. Newark, N .J . Julius Fradin and Mrs. Irving lieutenant in the Signal Corps. eontractor for the The rummage sale sponsored Im Hochberg. Chicago, Oct, 22 Uf^— Thofhw th« prlnelpul e Lond(», Od. 22 (/P)— Mrs. Joseph Rubenstein, o f United States today }m is oC A the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Merobem and friends of the Hartford, preaidant of the deeigh “inherited from a Neval Colonial Secretary Oliver Shdom is still In progress at -the Orange Lodge are reminded o f the; it Branch, was the pre- Doitneed the first full seals at­ project" Rear Adm. H. Q. Rick- Lyttelton said today Britain temple, at Myrtle and Linden Sts., setback party to be held Friday at Breaks over gldihRofficer, and Mrs. Joseph Ep- tempt to tame atomic power ewer, the Navy's reactor expert and will continue through tomor­ 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. stelnT xof Middletown, was in wae gtvdn “immediate reeponalbll- row. Many tine articles are still William Turkington, 103 West i<t peace— a move billed as availaMe. charge w general arrangements **America'a answer" to Soviet ity” for the new program. Center St. , for the ’ca m reflee.. Murray's talatorlo annouaeeaient, dalms of mastery over dread trial on eharvea of plotting a The regular meeting of the Dis­ The main\profram of the day —a UUIe more than etght yeare The fourth discussioii forum ses­ was devotpd^ workshops by their- new nuclear weapons of war. campaign‘“ o f arson in the Firemen Battle Institution Blaze abled Veterans Auxiliary to MaUi- sion being conducted by Hartford after the UnHed Statea unlaathpd Gawlik Tot Chester Chapter, Ko. 17, 'wUl be respective pramding Officers, as Thom u E. Murray, a mamlwr, the world's Sret atomic bomb at South American colony. Ike Aid Seen Vital Chapter, Natidnal Assn, of Cost follows: P ipgw n, Mrs. Hale said th« Atomic Energy Commis- held this evening at the VFW Accountants, will be held tomorrow Hlroehiaa—came ia a speech pre­ But, ha told tho Houas of Oom- Hmne. Mm. Jane Fortin is in Matakin, Watertounr;* Judaism in alon (ABC) wfll build aa ladustrial pared for the electric oompaniea SMma, authoriUsa in British Gui­ night from 7:30 to 0:30 at the In­ the home, Mrs. ^ ie s r a Levy, powor reactor producing at least Discovered Charge o f the refreshments. AU ternational Business Machines public information program. ana aro having trouble “ia ab- memMm are urged to attend. Springfield, Maas.; NSabbath ob-. 80.000 kilowatts o< electrical en- He aaid the ABC deddad to beat talniag aufflelsnt svidsnea to pre­ For GOP Congress Corp., 100 Farmington Avei, Hart­ aerviqice, Mfs. George Fisher, engr^j-enough to run a city of ford. Chester Slade, tax specialist, -Ruaaia to tba punch by puahing fer caargas as th* agents ar* ua- Springfield, Mass.; Tor^ fund, Sret with’ an Induetrial wUling ter fear o f intimidation to will lead the discussion on "Con* Mrs. Sidney Bijek, Mertmn; so­ In Sw am p sidering Federal Income Taxes in Sew on by hand or machine quickly and eaafly’^becausi ke ^ pTcJ^'inat^ asak* written statamsota or give cial action, Mrs. Max H ab^ Nor­ "many tens of mlllkNu Of doUare ' fa tin g abnoet exclusively oa avidsnoa la court.” Wsshinftqn, Oct. 22 <ff)— President Eiesnhower is likely to Valuing Inventories.” walk; and gift shop, Mrs. of patented sewing edges. White, blue, black uni rod, (Uid that the ABC hopea to have reactm .for military ue& Igttolton was apeaklag at the face mounting pressure from Republican offlee holders to Farmington, OcL 22 Kleinman, Hartford. 4 sizes 7c, 9c, 12c and 15c each. See the sample towtl, an (grating plant in tarro to four abandon bis political umbrella approach in favor of direct ac­ Cub Scout Pack No. 4 will meet There was a large attend "Thta ia Amertca’a anawer-4U apenlag of a dabata on tee aitua- The body of 2-yesr-<dd Tom­ gaan. tion In British Guiana, wbare tba tonight at 7:30 in Woodruff Hall, i representing 21 siaterhoods whic)^ napkin, blouse and jersey at the notion depgrtment. Ona FMiUty Bxiota ■igniScaat paacHima anower—to tivity in next year’s campaign for control of Congress. my Gnwlik WM found fsco Center Congregational Church, comprise the Connecticut Branch. recant Sovlat atomlo weapon* CburchlU govsrament suspsndsd In a sharp departur* fram th* Tho plant, Murray aaid; may be tha constitution and ousted left .^biwn in • swamp 500 yards located "at or aear‘ '^an ABC facil­ teats,” Murray said. “It should policlsa of his immedtet* prsdaess- A team of four workem from dhow the world that, avqa in thla wing mtnlatars bscaus* they al- aors, Elssiihowsr told a news con- oehind a farm this forenexm Dr. Glenn Clark's United Prayer ity for aeparatiag Draaium-tSS, (he poydirt of atomic power, frpm graveat phaaa o f arming for do- Isgsdiy war* engaged in a Com- fsraae* ysetarday h* does wot in­ by two searchers from Avoa group, will conduct a series of fenae, America’s eyes are etUl on mualst plot to aelao power. tend to make th* president^ an Rift Grows six meetings at Westminster natural uranium. Tho ABC haa OM Old Farm* School. CO. ouch faculty at Ohk Ridge, Tana, the peaceful future." Dsbnto Osvsramsnt Mstfon agency for uee te partiean elec- Hethert Ooebran, a coach, end If you are maklag holiday Church, 140 Mountain Rd., West A "scheduled 'caste," formerly Ing to sen enough gift coupons to SPEOIJU. Murray aaid the world was atun- Tbs dsbaU waa on a government Uona. fruit oakee . yon can grt and ia building othare at Paducah, Warren Hartlgan of West Hart­ Hartford, Thursday, Friday and known as “ untouchables,” student provide five motion picture screens. motion asking tbs House te ap­ Ilnstead, be eaid he hopes to de­ ford, a student at Qm school, foua4 idl the ingredients at Flnehnmt. Saturday. The meetings are open Christian Science ICy.. and Portsmouth, Ohio. In Godfrey named' Sakhubal receives a film­ Half of the world's adult popula­ BUSINESSMEirS Ho aaid WeotlaghMiaa Corp. wtU (Oentimwd an Page Nhietetn) prove tha action. Tha Laboratories velop aa enllgbUned and progres­ th* body. They handed it to a We have new stock lb. Jam of to all interested. Two will be held tion can neither read nor write u d moved aa amendment calling the sive program which will aerv* as SA W mixed fruits, SAW strip projector for her class from member of the Goveriior’s Her** each day at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Lecture on Friday Mrs. Kulsum Sayanl (left), vice UNESCO has just launchesi ia ^ LUNCHEON MAN0NE8TER action too extreme. a real umbreUa under which his Guard erho carried It back to the Candled Cherries, aad plenty of Members of the team will be avail­ global 12-year campaign to help / Jaikn te Spertater party's candidates can operate. Artist Exit Lsmoa, Orange aad Citron. able for counseling and for per­ president of the Bomtey, India, farm on hia hors*. How spiritual understanding of Committee. The projector was ob­ wipe out this evil, with suph groups OFRGE 6ENEIML MANBBER Ona of the spectators to th* de­ Maadt Fraleee Preeldent Mather Orewa Hystsrieal X:. sonal calls at hospitals and homes as the Bombay City Social Educa­ bate was Or. Chsddl Jagan, Ui* Sen. M u n d t (RrSD), who Is I f you want to send a gift God can solve problems at dally tained with IDGESCO Gift Cou­ New York, Oct.
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