Property of the Watertown Historical Society

• Am watertownhistoricalsociety.orgOakvXI* Watertown WN Weekly TIMES Vol. 9. No. 382 Price, $3.00 Per Year Single. Copy, 6 Cents March 31, 1955 Oakville Seeks Slade's Pond Atwood Favors Echo Lake An Oakville group of parents has again petitioned the Board of Selectmen to call a special town meeting to consider a pro- Land Owners Debate Greater posal to acquire1. Slade's Pond for 'Community swimming and 'rec- reation. The same group had sub- Depth For Main St. Business mitted a petition, with 138 signa- tures for such meeting last Sep- l The Zoning Authority of the tember, Watertown Fire District, at a This week First Selectman, Air Raid Warning public hearing Tuesday, heard Stuart Atwood notified the Board debates on" a. petition to extend of Finance that the Selectmen Signals Changed -the business zone on, the west, side favor the Echo Lake .area. ' 'The local Civil Defense Office of Main St. for the purpose of The Recreation Council, which has, been notifield of a, new- set off-street parking. supervises all community sum- •of air raid warning signals that The petitioners, John and T'ofie mer playgrounds, swimming and will become effective April 1, it George, recently bought the 60.- •recreation activities, recommend- was -announced, by H. Raymond 000 square foot tract to develop ed to town officials, that both, Sjostedt, Director. parking facilites for their market areas should be: 'bought to pre- . The Alert Signal will be a and office building on Main St. The serve them for community use, steady blast, of three to five min- parcel had 'been proposed to the based on their records of atten- utes 'duration. I town, for a public parking, lot that 1 dance at. each area. 'Take Cover Signal will be a i could accomodate up to 200 cars The petitioners seeking' the wailing tone (sirens) of three min- [I in the center of the shopping sec- town, meeting on Slade's include utes duration or a. series of short jj tion. However, officials preferred the following persons, who also : blasts on. whistles, or horns for j! parking meters and rejected the (Continued on Page 1.6) " Wattrtown women shown above who are: helping with arrange- three minutes. 1 proposal. ments for" the famous Dime Lucas Cooktng School sessions at the The Alert Signal will mean that Eight persons attended, the Wa.terb.oify -Women"* Club are*, left -to right,,, Mrs. Richard D. Ely, hostile planes have crossed the meeting that was held in the dis- Young Democrats chairman; Mrs. Livingston Carroll is in ..charge of printing;: Mrs. John prohibited barriers of North trict office The commissioners H. Candee, treasurer; Mrs., Richard S.Kaynor, publicity co-chairman. America and evacuation will be said they'll review the arguments Hi'ps. Lucas and her reiKwmmt ••French' feoofcery will be'presented for necessary in. most target areas that lasted over an hour and make ConsiderNewClub four consecutive Wednesdays, .beginiiiiig'-.Aprit- 13, by the* Junior • their decisioB later League .for the benefit.,of community projects. For non-target areas it. will near A meeting of young Democrats ,. - ' •,,...... - * ' •. -; _...... (Marelis-Studio Photo). that civil defense forces are to ! Francis Fl>nn claimed: ' There will be held Monday, April 4, in, •mobilize. -Take Cover Signal in- : is a principle involved. If the com- the downstairs, meeting room, at dicates attack, is imminent and mission approves the petition it Town Hall at. 8 p. m. It was also the public must take, the besL will indulge in spot zoning. If you announced that the meeting is available shelter,., " - change the entre length of the open to anyone 'between the ages refinance To One of the actions 'to be taken business district and bring all of 18 to 40, interested in forming upon the sounding of the Alert property into the business, aeone. a, young' Democratic Club. Dis- (Continued on Page 26) 1 uould not oppose it. You should cussion, of aims, adoption, of by- •t. consider the harm to a, few if you laws and the election of officers UndergoSixChanges spot Zone " for the proposed organization are The Planning and Zoning Com Drive For Concert Tefie George said "We should scheduled to take place at the mission is preparing six ameni consider also doing the 'most good meeting, it was reported. • Permits ments to the new zoning irdinancc i for the most people We're busi- that are based in recommeMa Membership Nears I ness men trying to expand and in For 31 Homes Here tiens' made at the recent public a way it will do some genera! Chairmen Named, • 'The month of March a\eraged in£._Qg the proposed regula 600 Subscriptions good to havp a parking area, in one-new tftntle a Hay, according to Mrs. F* SHUWfj Kytfe chair- the ^center of town that will re- In Cancer Drive 'building permit records The Town It was also reported that the man of the 'WHrerlown' CimreTt "Tieve" congestion and a bad park- Clerk's office granted paritvts far Commission expects to complete Association's "current member- ing problem This is the only Chairmen of committees in the 31 '"new dwellings with at esti- the drafts for these changes so i available piece of property for local Cancer Fund Drive were mated value of 5264,500 The fi- that public hearings on them can such purpose.,""" named this week. The fund, drive,, gujjre represents one if the peak be called in April The proposed (Continued, on Page 11) which is under the Co-chairman- months, for new home construc- amendments will be reviewed ship of 'Thomas Know 1 ton and tion permits here. with those persons who made the Wallace Howe is scheduled, to be- Most all- of the' permits were suggestions for changes at ih< gin, during the first week, of April. •issued, for homes that will be lo-f hearing. cated in different .sections of* The changes include: Falls Committee to Study Appointed to committee chair- town, except -for. four, permits' Avenue... from 'residential to : a manships at, an organizational granted to Tan. Plan Builders for I dustrial; Riverside St.; industri? meeting Saturday were: General, dwellings on Northfield Rd. ' to residential;. Sylvan Lake Ri Need for Methodist Letters Committee, Jeanne Mur- .- 'fee • total, value for all permits I industrial" to"" residential; W'der phy; Special Gift Letters Commit- issued 'this - month amounted . to commercial strip on the West tee. Ackley Shove: Industry. John, $271,000 which included, besides side of Main St.; Buckingham, St School Facilities C. Bridgman; Merchants,,, Vincent 'Martin; Treasurer. Edith F, new "homes,, a permit for drive-in. Ifrom" residential,' to eomm.;a en- At the annual, meeting. of the theatre on Frost Bridge Rd. with' large the- commercial, zoae~ or Watertown. Methodist: Church held Campbell; Publicity, 'George Key- an- estimated value of $20,000. Thomaston^Rd. . . March 22, it was voted, unanimous- ko; Bridge, Ellen Davis; Dance, ly that a committee be appointed Patty Knowlton and School Day to study the possibility of a new Committee, Jane Bridgman. educational plant. The need for Oakville V. F. W. Clubhouse Tract such a step was accentuated by Leonard defuur tlie report of the Sunday School Committee Nam ed ship drive, has announced that the that all available facilities are be- To Have Sports Ami: Picnic Areas week's campaign brought forth ing used and there is. need of room For Altar Society a total' of five hundred and. nihe- for expansion. The meeting followed a cover- Volley Ball, Badminton and tv two subscriptions. With sever- Showt Card Party Firemen Kept Busy ." Horseshoe-pitching' - courts wil'L be al, workers still to report and a ed dish, supper, which was. in . Volunteer; firemen responded' tc •i, feature1 of one- section, of the sizeable list • of regular members 'Charge of the Mother's Club. "The Altar Society of St. Mary an-alarm for one of ..their colleag- new • V. F. W. "Clubhouse area re- who have been, out of town at Dr. Barton Bovee, District Sup- Magdalen Church will sponsor the ues, Charles-Demaxest Jr.,of Pbr- cently acquired- on, Davis. St. Pub- the time of the drive and who will erindent presided at the - meet- annual. Fashion Show and 'Card ter St,,,.. last Friday, morning when lic benches-and picnic fables alsr 'be solicited upon return, the As- ing. Reports of all Commissions. party on April 26' in, the Junior i his television-set .shorted and fill- •are contemplated for the tracl It sociation expects to1 equal if not committees, officials, of ., the High School at 8 p. m. ed,-the .house with smoke. Bam- was announced this week. Hem exceed last year's record member- church and heads 'of organiza- * age reported was limited to the bers of .• the • Oakville Post an- ship1,, well over 600. tions were read. ""« TV".set. • ' .• . nounced that current plans, envi- 'The scene at campaign head- A report of the Nominating | About < three hours, later. 10:45sion- the formation of inter-post quarters,, the Hyde residence, was Comm. of the officers nominated saine 'morning,, .firemen, responded teams which will-compete-in the one of elation, when, visited. early for the coming year was sub- • -••to"an alarm for'.a fire'in a home above mentioned sports. this" week. Henry P. Fennel!, sec- mitted and. officers were elected on -Falls, Aw. when, the motor on a1 - 'The tract of land, is part of the retary-elect, expressed the gen- as follow: clothes-dryer' .shorted,,,. 'Damage former-estate, of .George F. Beard- •(Continued on Page 16) i Continued, on Page 131 was confined .to the equipment" it sley, and ' was, purchased by the was reported.. ... • .. •- .," '. VFW." members - last week ' froir - '.Again,,,"-same. (Continued on Page 16) • • ., - !i-.;,!'•; Il-»t|: ;.;.>j,'Vi i;, "I'.-1" ,• 3 o A =» — c •? «? r .. f t . H A IA ,,. H /10 '* . V*. W O T a 3 T A // 3 3 W i T i/l W O ffiOTIt. I, WfOtTtS^UOlTrllftSWOI PAGE 2 '—"TOWNProperty" TIMES'(W«TEHTOWN,"-CONN.J of , theMAK: * 31, "195 Watertown5 • Mr.- and- 'Mrs: X'-Patd -White* - Historical Society head, of Litchfield Rd,., have re- croff. Me., and a. Sophomore at turned to their home after a three Is OSCA Richard Mautine, who is week cruise to the Caribbean' the University of Maine in Orono, The Oakville. . Public. •. Works Coming & Going attending Officers Candidate area, and South America. will be a, weekend guest at the Commission- has moved -to tern- School, USN, Newport, R. I. -vis- home of her aunt, and family, Mr.' •poHury quarters, at 403-,MaIn St.. Marine PFC Victor San Soucie, and Mrs. John B. Thomas, Guem- The move was made.Monday of who .recently graduated from. ited watertownhistoricalsociety.orghis wife and parents, Eddy Cpl. James G. McGee, son of "Mr. St , last week-end. seytown Rd. 'this week. 'The temporary loca- Machinist Mate Class A School, and' Mrs. Sam. McGee, Paxton St.. tion, was formerly- known as the is home on furlough from the A birthday party' at home for Memphis, Tenn is spending a ten Mr. and Mrs Alfred, C. Smith Ralph and Susan, children, of Mr.'Thrift. Stoop in the .building owned day leave with his parents, 'Mr. Marshall Islands in the Pacific, by Mrs. Mary Nardoia.- • and, twin daughters, Diane .and His younger brother, PTC Edward, and Mrs. James Tigoor, was held. and Mrs. Victor San Soucie, Henry Deborah, have moved into" their March 20th, Family and relatives The' commission will -do. .business St., before reporting for duty at McGee, is stationed ,with the. at 403' Main St., until; -its' ne.V newly built home on, Davis St. Marines at Camp Lejeune, N. C. .attended the party. Ralph, who El Toro, Cal. • Extension. was 17 years Old on the loth of permanent, quaters .on French St. March,, .and Susan who reached 13 are eompletetL Awarded Medal Mrs. 'Louis Jordan,. Main" St., .. Mr. and, Mrs. Harold H. Smith, on the 18th, received, several gifts, Cpl. Nicholas A. Fusco, son of Hillcrest Ave.,, are on ' a, 15-day- and a birthday cake. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fusco, Hub- is. a. patient at the Waterbury Hos- cruise1.. to' the West Indies and pital, South America^ bell Ave., Oakville, has 'been Mr. and Mrs. Earle H. Segur, On Palm'Sunday,'April 3, at 4 awarded the Good Conduct Medal Mr. Harold, P. Johnson, Atwood Guernseytown Rd., have returned p., oi at- the Watertown Metho- in New Ufa, Germany, where he Mrs. E. Harvey Ring, Jr. and,home from, their winter .•••vacation is with the 802d Field. Artillery St., celebrated his birthday March son, David, of Scott Ave., are vis- dist Church, the combined choirs Battalion as a mail clerk. A. gradu- ,26th,. iting Mr. Ring's •parents, Mr. and,in. Clearwatw, Fla. of the -Christ Ctaircn; Waterbury ate of Oliver Wolcott Technical Mrs. Ernest H. Ring. Middlebury and the ." Watertown " Methodist Maureen Daponte, daughter of Church, 'will, present • -a special School. Torrington, Fusco entered Rd , at their1 winter home, Naples • . ' Sexta, Fein the Army in March. 1953, andMr, and, Mrs. Louis Daponte, Mer- The Sexta Feira will meet Fri- •cantata, Gounod's ""GaUIa", under trained at .Fort Dix, N. J. nmac St. will participate in a Fla. " - „ day at 3 p. m. in the home of Mrs.the direction, of Mrs. Mildred baton-twirl ing contest Sunday Wright, and , Mr,,. Edward .Parkev April 17th at 2 p. m. .in the Stam- A Greenback Shower was held Harold Lattin, Nova Scotia, Hill The cantata will toe ^repeated, at Walter Shannon' sophomore at ford Women's Club Auditorium, for Miss Laureta Longo, daugh- Road. the Christ. Church, Waterbury, at 'Trinity College, was presented 45 Prospect St., Stamford. She ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Longo ' Mrs. Lattin will present her a later date, . '.-• ;•• •« with a gold 'award at the 'College's will participate in, the Juvenile of Highwood Ave., on. March, 14th payer on "How!" annual sports banquet held last class. at the 'Water-Oak Post, VFW, Thursday. He established, a new Missrlxmgo will wed John Zi'bell, Trinity record in the 50-yard, free Melissa,' daughter of Mr. andof Waterbury, on ApMl 16 at. St.. style. Walter is the son. of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston, Buck Mary Magdalen, Chutch,' here. EASTER SHST MUSIC AND Mrs, Walter C. Shannon of High- Wheat Hill Rd., .celebrated her land Ave. 3rd, birthday on March 13. Guests Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Kopp, included some of Melissa's, Pine St., experienced 'quite a con- COMPLETE LWE OF 33. 45 AND 78 W Miss Florence Hoffman, Davis friends who enjoyed cake and trast, in weather last week as they St., was hostess recently at a candy at the party. returned, from, a Bermuda trip -dinner attended by past presidents only to find, the first day of spring,, EASTER SELECTIONS of- the Spanish American War Vet- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A, Dean, in, Connecticut marked, by swirl- e i a ns A uxi I i a ry. Academy Hill, are vacationing at ing snow and chilly temperatures. to the "Cloister", Sea Island, Geor- „ The Kopps enjoyed," a very Edward ""Rusty" Dwyer. Jr., gia. pleasant trip, indulging in .the EASTER SHEET MUSIC fOR THE HOME celebrated his 8th birthday March swimming, sunbathing and, sight- 24th. He is the son of Mr. and. Mrs... Sarah O'Donnell of Main seeing offered by the sub-tropi- • • AND THE:CHURCH: -r • ^'-. Mrs. Edward Dwyer. Sylvan Lake St., celebrated, her birthday on- cal isle. The trip down, was made Rd. Donna Loo Dwyer,- 265 Grove March, 25. on the Fur ness Line's "Queen of St., Waterhury, and daughter of Bermuda," and the return trip Mr. Edward Dwyer, fee le bra ted A triple-birthday, two family was by air. her 1.3th birthday on March 27th. party was .held at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Maurice W. Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. C'lam- rnr's Jimmy, son. of Mr. and Mrs.Hi 1,1 crest Ave.,, Sunday. Celebrat- pett, Short St.. gave a, family John Fou drier of Far view Circle. ing birthdays were the Dee's party at their home. for their son, celebrated his 2nd birthday on sons Timothy Joseph,,! who- was Randal -Paul, who was three years 8 years old on, the 24th and Mi-old on March 27th. March 24th. chael Francis, who was 3 on March 27th. Also celebrating a birthday was'Billy, son,'of Mr. and WHAT OUR DRY CLEANING Mrs. Albert Carver, same address. rviUvily-\JiL^JIkvli/ o • ..DOES FOR. YOU Billy was 3 years old yesterday. Robert Riley, Merriam, Lane, will be accompanied by his daugh- GET YOUR CLOTHES - ter Peggy Putnam, Rejlly, and his READY FOR. SPRING! sons Dixon and David in a skiing GARDEN Don't let those first warm days trip to Franconia, N. H. over the catch, you unprepared! • Let us weekend of April, 1. "' help you, capture the spirit of the new season by having those Miss Susan Marie Chabot lighter wearables ready for you, daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'when you need them.. Call us Chabot, „ Straits Turnpike, cele- today: CR 4-8721. brated her ninth, birthday March 19tli at a family -party at home. V-M> \J»>rxJMiy^JMLAvlli/xJRLy^JM^ HIJ 3-DAY FREE PICK-UP AND Susan " received a, birthday " cake DELIVERY and, a shiny new bicycle. All work, guaranteed. Compare Miss Edith Beres, daughter of our Quality and. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Beres,. Litch- HEADQUARTERS TO ALL NEW CUSTOMERS: field Rd,., is visiting with her par- ents during Spring vacation,. She 1st 'PAIR of TROUSERS, and is a, student at, Westbrook Junior 1st SKIRT FREE! College in Portland, Me. . POUDR1ER CLEANERS .Edward Stephen Budrus, son of 9 Pythian Ave. - Watertown Mr. an8-' Mrs. Joseph Budris, Paul Poudrier, Prop. Straits Turnpike, celebrated, his formerly associated with. third birthday on March 27th. He Quesnel Cleaners was presented with a birthday cake and several gifts at-.the fam- ily party. •' Susanne, daughter of Mr,., and Mrs. 'William "" Murphy, • of Pros- EQUIPMENT pect St., celebrated her 1,0th birth- day • March ,27th with a, party at ' ' ". ONION SETS home. Several friends of Miss Murphy's,, attended, .and participat- ed in the games.and festivities, as well, as a large birthday cake. TRELLISES FERTILIZERS WIRE FLOWER ADD BB> GUARDS BEAUTY GARDEN \ TO NEEDS YOUR HOME GARDEN WITH NEW r$£ LAWN CURTAINS FOR SEED EASTER FLOWER RUFFLED, TIER ami. STRAIGHT CURTAINS in Organdie - Nylon and Dacron. STOP IN AND SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OiF CURTAINS. DECORATIONS BY GLADYS KAY'S (Watertown's Fabric Shop} HARDWARE & APPLIANCES 599 main St. -' CR 4-2296 ... ' MAIN STREET WATERTOWN STORE O f E M EVERY MIG HI I E L . C R 4- 1 0 3 8 rector of Federated Funds, a TOWN TIMES {WATERTOWN, CONN.),, MAR, 31, 1955 — PAGE 3 BIRJMSIW •••**•• Kaynor Is Named comniitfee tnefhber for heart; pol-* Property of the Watertownio and. cancer drives, 'director ,Historical of Society DUFF—A daughter,'-Cheryl .'Ann,:' -General Manager the Chamber of Commerce, head Bw H. Lynns Mark WEDDINGS „ . was born to Mr. anil Mrs. of 'Industry Open," House that at- Beardsley - Hemimray Thomas'F.-Duff of Oakyilfe on Of Florida Corp. tracted 48,000 -persons, in 1953, 41st Anniversary Miss Elizabeth Lockwood Hem- March 23- in.-St.. Mary's Hospi- Richard S. Kaynor, Prospect was president of the Naugatuck Inway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tal. Mrs. Duff is the .formewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgrSt , Watertown, has been, named Valley Personnel Council, chair- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin JL_H. Bartow Lewis Heminway, 'Cutler Patricia Murphy. general manager of Spunlite Corp , man of the Waterbury Associa- Lynn of Bunker Hill Kd., yCele- St. will, 'become -the bride of Fred- Miami, Fla., a subsidiary of the tion for Education, member of the brated their 41st Wedding/Anni- erick Berkeley Beardsley, Jr., son YOUNG—A son, Geoffrey Hunter, Waterbury Companies, Inc. Waterbury Housing Authority, Al- versary March 26th with ? family of Mrs,.., Frederick B. Beardsley, was hom to" Mr and Mrs. John Mr. Kaynor, who has been sec- coholic Clinic Committee. dinner party at -Manzi's Restau- Waterbury, and" the late Mr. B. Young of West Hartford, on retary and director of public re- Mr Kaynor was graduated from rant, Wootibury. Beardsley,, at a wedding to be held March 22 in Hartford HospitaL lations of the Waterbury firm Yale University in 1942 and stud- Mr. Lynn is a native of Beth- on April 16 at the 'Christ 'Episcopal Mrs. Ifoung is the former Elean- will be in charge of all operations ied at the Un.ivers.Ity of San Mar- lehem, and Mrs. Lynn was born in, Church. or Bassford. Grandparents are of the Florida company *hich cos, Lima, Peru. He served, -with 'Watertown. They have lived here The rector, the Rev. Jackson, W. Mr. and Mrs..Walter M. Bass- the American, Field Service, at- since their marriage March 25, FO'ley, will perform the ceremony. forr. New Britain, former War tached to the British Eighth Army 1914. A reception, in the Waterbury tertord residents. in North Africa and, the Near E^st -"The 'Lynns are the parents of Club -will follow the ceremony. during World 'War II. He alsovser- ten children, and the grandpar- Miss, Heminway is a graduate • 1 M*IES — A fourth child, Su- ved with the Army Intelligence ents, of 27. of Saint Margaret's School and san Annr, was bom to Mr. and Corps unit in. the South Pacific. Attending the party were: Mr. attended Bennett, Junior College, Mrs. Harry H. Innes, High St., He is the son of Mrs, Warren and, Mrs. Eugene 'Vaughn, Mr. and MUlbrook, N. Y. on March 26 in the Waterbury v Kaynor,, , and Mrs. Robert Lynn,,, Mr. and, Mrs. Mr. Beardsley, who was, grad- Hospital. Mrs. Innes is the for- the late Mr. Kaynor.., His wife Is Frank Foran. Mr. and Mrs. Ray- uated from Choate School,,, W'aE- mer Shirley E. Anderson. the former Elizabeth ', mond Blum, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Don- ingford, and, attended the Univer- 5#. Louis, Mo. aid Lynn,,, Miss Margaret Lynn. sity of Virginia, is secretary-treas- PEIAETIER—A daughter, Car- Mr Kaynor will, move to Miami Miss Joan Lynn, "Mr. and Mrs. Ed- urer of Waterbury Rolling Mills. linePwas bom to Mr and Mrs. with his wife and two daughters. win Toogood and Mr-, and Mrs. Romeo Lelletier, French St, Harry Newbury. King- - Wysockl March 19 at St. Mary's Hospi- Mr. and Mrs. John, M. Wysockl, tal Mrs. Pelletier is the former Mobergto Addres s Hearing On Subdivisions 'Wilder St., announce the engage- Lena Charette. ment, of their daughter. Miss Syl- Science Teachers The Planning and. Zoning Com- via Wysocki, to Francis; J... King DECARUFEL—A son, David Mi- mission will hold a public hear- Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. chael, was. '"born to Mr. and Mrs. Conf At Yale ing In Town Hall on, April 6, on Frances J. King, Collinsville. No Arthur J. • DeCarufel, Candee Edgar Moberg of the Water- •petitions for resubdividing part of date has been set for the wedding. Hill Ed,," March 19 in St. Mary's.. town High School will be a speak- Mango Grove development and Miss Wysocki is a graduate of 'Hospital. Mrs... DeCarufel is the er at the First Annual Connect i- for resubdi vision of Barberry Sacred, Heart High School and is former Terjese Mailhot. . "cut Conference on the Teaching of Heights Section 2,. One hearing employed at Strornberg-Carlson, Richard S. Kaynor Science which will - be • conducted will be 'held at 7:30' p. m. and theThomaston. BEAUCHAMP — A first child,, manufactures 'Corrugated' fiber- it the Yale Law School in Newother at 8 p. m. Mr. King, a graduate of Collins- Steven Paul, "wats born to panels,. 'Haven on April 2. Mr. Moberg is ville High School, attended Morse and Mrs., Bernard C. Beau- The announcement of the pro-a member of the 'Committee which zations throughout the State have Business College, Hartford, and is champ, "Highland Ave., on motion was. made by H. W. Baer has been studying the Use of 'been, invited to attend this con- presently stationed at U. S. Naval March 26th in the Waterbury Litchfield Rd.t president of Wat- Community Resources in Science ference which the sponsoring or- Air- Station, Alameda, Cal. Hospital.. Mrs. Beaucharap is the erbury Companies. Teaching for several months in ganization, " the Connecticut former Theresa Riordan, and In 1:953, Mr. Kaynor-was one of preparation for this 'educational Science Teachers, Association, be- was a member of the Baldwin ,34: industrial 'executives in 1.6 meeting. Other groups at this lieves to be the first meeting of School .••faf-wlty. Mr. Beauchamp states • and British Columbia •symposium, scheduled to . begin Its kind, to be held in, the state as JOHN G. O'NEILL is a teacher at the-Junior. High awarded Sloan Fellowships for at 9 a. m. with" registration, will well as one of the initial ventures School,. ^The child's Maternal participating in. the executive de- report on, the Curriculum and theof its type in the entire country Funeral Home velopment program, at the Massa- Values in Science Teaching. grandmother- is Mrs. Mary Miss Patricia, Stanley and Mr 742 Main St., Oakville • Riordah»|utd. his'paternal grand- chusetts Institute -of Technology. Science teachers, school admin- Wallace Bartlett of the High parentRaioe "Mr. • and -Mrs., Leon He was; one.'Of'Jour New England istrators .and representative of School, faculty are planning to PHONE CRestwood 4-3005 Bea:u:champ,:airof North Adams, residents 'chGtifelr for the- special Industry and professional organ i- take part in this conference. Mass.. one year course. Mr. Kaynor has been.- active ir many civic affairs... In 1950 he was Medical Advisor Named presented the Junior Chamber- of Dr. Harold .J. Cleary. Health Commerce Distinguished Service Officer, has 'been appointed medi- award for leadership in public cal advisor to the local Civil De- and civic affairs. fense Office. He was vice-president of t*"" Mattatuck Historical. Society, di- ft lake Jx tlote... THE -4- EASTER BUNNY SAYS CHILDREN'S SHOES SHOULD BE 'MADE ONLY

T.TV o / d i v i d e n d d a f e s Finest Leathers wa&nioned . 1 955 to i DIVIDENDS PAYABLE

I if, MAI.. 31 st— 'SEPT. 30th

Inside and out, CHILD LIFE Shoes giro fop groin feather lv .. ...with extra sturdy Cordovan soles that 'Wear and wear. CHILD LIFE, Shoes are carefully fashioned. too. with special 'built-in features that firmly It is suggested that depositors support and protect busy little feet. Let us present their passbooks at the show them to you soon — in the Season's most popular styles bank so that the 'March 3 I st divi- and colors for boys, dend may be credited., and girls. II YOU are not a depositor why not start an account TODAY so that you mi ay share in our next ... , . Sizes 6V2 to 8 $6.45 ~ dividend! " :,, .' Sbes gValo^i $6.95'

: ' : . Sites 12Va to 3 $7.95 KOLINS' SHOE STORE SAVINGS BANK- • M A I N S T R E E T , W A T E R T O W N '' .THOMASTON . . . . WATERTOWN Open Friday Night. Until 9 o'clock •fit t! „,=„(; rn«;.,ri"'i'; 99i9lf|fRO3 )o 19cifflDfl3 ,1 J. '/•• . P. fi ,V; 'A O S "Jfri H T 2 3 litrji" ">ift - ~ * - -;-. M i s s D o r i s B o r o w y ;mics;-M:iss. Arlene Hull and How- Adult Sunday School ""' ' PAGE 4 — TOWPropertyN Til MIES (WATERTOWN of, CONN.) the, MAR.'31 , 195Watertown5 Historicalard 'Ande, organ music, g:ir:l Societys d S dolls; Mrs... David Roger, slides.; Mrs.' Robert Whiteside, paintings... scouts and boy scouts,. A new adult Sunday School Arthur Morgan, wood carving; group has • recently 'been formed Town Times, "Inc. Mrs. Leona Dunlap, painting; Mrs. at ''the' Watertown, Methodist 'F. Menetry, Mrs-. Ernest Bell, Men's Night And Supper Church. Far news or Information: call' C Rest woowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgd 4-1968... Address mail In Mrs. Theron Beach, antique dish- TOWN TIMES, Box 888;, OakvIHe, or to Box'1. Watertown, Conn. With • the help of the minister es; Mrs. Albert Hoadley, painted - The Oakville P. T. A. will hold they ape. exploring the. background Publishers: Cart Less, Joseph IF. Smith.. trays; ".Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Van- (Entered, mm aeeond-claas matter Jan. IS, 184R, at 'the Post office at a "Men's Night" and pot-luck sup- of religion .as. found in the Old, Oakville, Conn., undflr the Act. of' Hmr, S, 18TB) der'Meer, hooked rugs; Everett per April, 4. Testament. The group is just get- LaChance, finger printing; Mrs. Robert Cook, of the Watertown ting under way in studying the de- Let The Town Meeting Decide Perry Borden, buttons: Raymond High School faculty will speak on velopment of the great.. religious Ellis', minerals; Stan Model Shop, the, topic of "Scholarships." concepts, in. the Judio Christian. The town is faced with two propositions for community .recreation trains- and cars; Mrs. Ruth. Ray- background. areas... Both have proved themselves valu.ab.te and necessary. Both mond, jeweh-y. Miss.- Gladys Del- * After the supper, the. ™*n of have the same advantages .as. community assets, as long as they meet kescamp, .bells.; Mr. and .Mrs. Ed-the group will 'present,' a, program .Anyone who .feels- "that 'they •the Selectmen's requirements of water rights .and protection against ward Fogerty, painted wood ware; of entertainment -to, the meeting. would like" to -join in these dis- future encroachment. Mr. and Mrs;. Carl Booth, hand Lester Batdorf will, be chairman cussions is -given a .cordial invita- The question of which to buy or both Is one that should 'be put made items; Mrs. William Street- of -the event. Coffee, rails, des- tion to 'Come'join them at ••'9:43. before a, town meeting or referendum, so that all. interested voters and er, fly tying; Henry Hull, street sert .and butter will be • f uraisbed Sunday .mornings jn the' sanct* taxpayers can express their views at their local legislative assembly, car •display; Mrs. Harry Hull cera- 'the supper. uary. and decide an issue that., vitally affects all. By rejecting one or the other of these areas, officials are doing1 more than making an arbitrary and perhaps personal decision.. They are exercising a veto power to bar consideration of an, issue at town meeting, the town's legislative body. , . We've heart, so. much recently about preserving the town meeting — selectmen system because it is so democratic. We have now an is- sue that should'be up to the people to decide. Promoting' one of these 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL proposed areas to block the-other seems to be deciding' the issue be- fore it is debated, or properly considered. \ ' We hope that the town has-, not arrived at the point, where town IN TOW. OWN HOME —NO OBLIGATION ... . meetings are to be called only when officials- favor a .particular course of action and .suppressed! when voters petition for them. and a strong hope that his. little PHONE PL 6-5501 Letter story will help others, who are ill lie was. Just remember, there is -help toxbe" found: 'by .any and. ASK FOR TV MPT. As Slow-Down Action every one who will .recognize that To the Editor: there is • a. damaged limb on. their" There have 'been several harm- tree of life which can be repaired „ ful mistakes made in connection and saved with the proper help of NEWEST 1955 with the Planning and Zoning for a good, tree surgeon. . • our town. The Town Clerk issued A. A, a- • building permit for a drive-in theatre and town, officials approve and after the work has begun, and Exhibitors, Work PHILCO men invest their money, town, of- ficials oppose it. In another case For Hobby Show TELEVISION a young man attends an" auto mechanic school, gets permission1 Are Announced " ONLY ; from, officials to" build' a garage, The Ladies Aid. Society of the spend his savings on a building Union. Congregational ^Church will, and then is denied, -the right to hold a, .Hobby Show in the new operate. chuiT'Cfi, on Buekinglfem. St. on Now this new zoning ordinance April. 2 from. 3 to 8:30 p. m. Re- freshments and home made candy $169.95 has startled, tradesmen engaged in will be on sale also and a silver building industry.- The zoning or- collection, will be. taken at the dinance, I believe, will stop door.- PAY ONLY building in the medium cost, The list of exhibitors includes: bracket. The 'requirement, for 40,- Mr. and. Mrs. John Crich, netting 000 square foot lots will do irre- hand work, bead, work; Harry $1.60 a Week parable damage. This whole thing Hard, photographic prints; Mrs. - Everybody is a slow-down action, on the part Strever, Swedish weaving; Sam of the city fathers through snob- Zabell, rugs; Mrs. Speraw; Mrs. Knows zoning. Carey, Mrs. Hensel, Mrs. Mene- Lincoln Store The ordinance fails to solve the try, quilts; Mrs. Adella Beach, problem, of rapid development but 'Btrs.. Robert Warner, Mrs. Hugh Gives the Best Lin coin (^ Store creates a variety of new ones. Brown, .hand made articles; Mrs. TV Service! 6i WEST MAIN ST.. Homes are built when, there is a, Oscar Locke, stamps,., „ demand. A family buys a home be- Also, Mrs. William, Borowy, cause it needs shelter. The Zon-salt- and pepper shakers; ing Commission says in .effect. "We can't let you, build here be- cause we have inadequate school facilities for your children." "This makes for two problems, there'll "be a shortage of homes for fami- lies and a let-down on, school con- struction. This will cause families to double up. Congestion, will cause slums. This harsh, unreasonable zon- ing will do nothing for the towns- people as a whole. All, it will 'do is preserve the historical aspects of the town. And, I as a tradesman living and working here can't eat history. The final effect: will, be to stop immigration in, this area of new "industry and people. Those in town who want to 'pre- CONVENIENT serve history alone should, remem- ber that New England was built by industry. Vermont, New Hamp- shire, Maine are examples of plac- es that denied the wants of indus- try and growth and are now nice places to visit but hard places to live in-and earn, a living.' Daniel Zuraitis Find,; Aid In A. A. To the Editor: This is the story of a, tree. For forty-five years this free was firm COLONIAL. TRUST PERCHEX" .and strong. During a, bad storm one night a limb 'became damaged. Would you feel that this tree 'Why waste tlpe aad shoe leather should be destroyed, or would1 yaw " plying' 'bi||. tie' iMumnfcnt way feel that a competent 'tree sur- , wben it's BO easy to pay them geon should treat this tree so it could continue to grow strong and ADVANTAGES erf PWCHEX Use Colonial Trust lend, its shade and beauty to all I.TheindMdbotly for many years to.come. 1 " t When, you use Colonial's Perchex, iEOSIEM: CHECKS - The above is a comparison of of having 'your name you pay all your Mils. from, the .comfort. 'What happened, to one of our long- imprinted on your dwclSL. " of your home. .And... it's noire businesslike?. time .residents. After many years of fruitful living, a, storm came 2. fekntifi* J, as wdl as it's safer, .and. you always have a record over him one night. He was tern- panonaKnv -• of the bills you've paid. Come in and 'porarily not in full control of Ms •very check yaw wrift*, - cipen a Pevchex Account.... you'll enjoy • faculties and got into trouble. In- stead of giving up completely, he' 3. No minimum balanw raquWt. theconvenience and comfort 'Of paying your MSfeS wisely sought the help of a, good the modern way. - doctor.. 4w Th* prestige of paying wMrv After a two week period, in a Cototiial TrvitOwdt. rest home, with medication, spir- itual help, and, the faith and un- derstanding of some of his old. COETafKKHBC THE COLONIAL friends, he continued, daily to im- A book of 20 O»»ci* coih %75O. prove, grow stronger, and again became an asset fp his family .and •wtwr community. Without the help .of God,' .A. A.,, i foe cwposifc* -' •RIUST COMPANY ajn.d the faith of some fine friends, . OrftSfn THE GtEEN • WATMMJIY, COfttli. who stil. believed that a 'tree should not 'be destroyed 'because MEMBER ftPEHA1. OEPOSIl"rt*SU«A«CE COIHORAHO** of one damaged limb, he lias found peace of mind, the desire to'live again instead, of hoping for death Jr. Chamber of Commerce Thomas. It was- voted to rename Staff of the Watertown-Oakville TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.),, MAR. 31, 1955 — PAGE. S the organization "the Ruth Cir- I' Recreation Council, will 'receive May Organize Locally cle" in deep appreciation for "the instruction- in teaching all class- tron. Miss Betty Olson; Associate Committee, Mrs. Lillian Wildman; Property of the Watertown Historical'Patron., 'Thomas Schweitzer1; SecSociety- Instruction *of Ne w Members, A group of Watertown men in- many hours of helpfulness by one es of swimmers and in, diving and terested in forming a Junior of our charter members", Mrs. lifesaving techniques, retary, Miss Ethel Littlehales; Harold Seymour; Instruction of Chamber of Commerce here' met Ruth Wilcock, 'wife of former Treasurer, M'iss Ann, McCleery; Officers; Mrs. Lois, Cameron; Of- this,week to discuss organization pastor the .Rev. Fred Wilcock,., Conductress, Mrs. Catherine ficer's 'Card Party, Miss Betty Ol- plans. Pleasant; Associate Conductress, son; Ways and Means, Mrs. Ruth, Speaker for the evening was Officers Installed Knight and Publicity, 'Mrs, Anas- A spokesman for the group Rus- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgMrs. Melvin Terrill, who spoke on Mrs. Winnifred Knight; Chap- sell Curtiss, said that the JCs lain, Mrs. Charlotte .Anderson, tasia Fugliese. her recent trip to England and, Marshal, Mrs. Estelle Ba.g'd.on; Hostess for the evening wag were a group of men between the Scotland.' Hostesses for the even- At O.E.S. Conclave ages of 21 and 35 who are inter- Organist, Burke Hoffman; Adah, Mrs. Lillian, Wildman. ing were Mrs. Charles Logue and A semi-public installation of of-, Mrs, Olive McKellar, Ruth, Mrs. ested in civic betterment through Mrs. .Franklin Wilson, ficers was, held March 23 at the Olive Upton; Esther, Miss Bar- various constructiye community Watertown, Chapter of the Order bara Brolin; .Martha, Mrs. Mabel Ralph and Rosa Brandely sold programs. The group would pro- of the Eastern Star. Borowy; Electa, , Mrs. Ruth land on Hungerford Ave. to Henry mote youth, sports and civic ac- Local Young Men Installing officers were: Ma- Knight; Warder,, Mrs. Sophie and Germaine Duplesseau.. tivities in the town. It was em- tron, Mrs. Lois Cameron; Patron, Hlavna and Sentinel, Herbert Anthony and Julia Roberts, sold, phasized that the organization is Nils Larson; Marshal, Miss Caro- Shaw. land on Edge Rd. to Donald, C In Aquatic School. : not necessarily limited in mem- line Shaw; Chaplain, Mrs. Ethel Committee chairmen are: Re- Saltmarsh Jr. "bershp to "businessmen", con- Mort Keilty and Jack West- O'Dell; Warder, Mrs. Bessie He- lief and Sick, Visiting, Mrs, Hazel Watertown . Building Supply trary to popular belief. Any men brook are attending' the aquatic witt.; Sentinel, Mrs. Harold Sey- Seymour; Entertainment, Mrs- sold land on Wodaun St. to Wil- / between the age limits specified school currently being held at the mour ; • Organist, Mrs, Mildred Catherine Pleasant; Telephone liana Maton Jr.. who are willing to work on New Britain Y. M. C. A. The Wright of Good, Will Chapter, young men were sent to the school Waterbury; „ Soloist, Mrs. Joan 'Worthwhile community projects 1 iture welcome as members. by the local chapter of the Red Dud a, of Pomperaug Chapter , Approximately 20 individuals Cross to attend the Water Safe- Woodbury. ty Instruction courses . at, the Those officers installed for the •are attending meetings now, and school. It is hoped to interest from 40 to .'Coming year include: Worthy 50 men in the program, in order The five-day 'Course began Mon- Matron,, Mrs.. Dorothy Chapin; to insure an active chamber here. day. Westbrook and, Keilty, who Worthy P atro n, Alfred 3 YEARS TO PAY! are members of the Waterfront Chapin Jr., Associate Ma- Next meeting of the group will •be on Monday evening .April 11. at Watertown, High School,' 7:30. AM FOR THAT NEW interested are urged to attend. "'" THE ONLY PERMANENT STAINLESS French Cooking Secrets To ELECTRICAL SERVICE Be Revealed At Sessions r Women of this area are looking VIMYI COUNTER TOP YOU CAN PAY FOR IT EACH MONTH IN SMALL forward, to the Dione Lucas Cook- ing School which will be brought AMOUNTS AS YOU PAY YOUR ELECTRIC BILL at to Waterbury for four consecutive YOU CAM INSTALL Wednesdays starting April 13th at the Waterbury Women's Club. lie CONNECTICUT LIGHT & POWER CO. Mrs. Lucas and her' famous YOURSELF WITHOUT French Cookery are to be -pre- sented by the Junior League of We will be glad to call and give you an estimate .Waterbury, Inc. for the benefit of SPECIAL TOOLS! for the installation of an adequate electrical community projects. h .. Culinary genius and. TV 'per- service ., . . including Safety Electrical Breakers. sonality, Dione Lucas was born in Italy of English" parents and. was raised in England and . France. She is the originator of the New NOW "York Cordon. Bleu Cooking School, JUST SANDRAN a direct, affiliate of the famous GREASON, INC. Gordon, Bleu which has trained ..-sonny great: French chefs, Call us for your residential wiring. For.estimates. and also.-ran the New York Res- Emergency repair. Commercial wiring. 'Say,, MAKE taurant" of that, name. • 1 . In the series of four demonstra- IT ADEQUATE WIRING! tions in Waterbury,, she will, pre- C-E-J 510 Maim St. - OAKVILLE. - Tel:. CR 4-2589 pare five or six dishes step by step at each 'session and her au- dience will take these carefully TELEVISION — FLOOR COVERING A Licensed Electrical Contractor Si nee "1927 •outlined menus home. Mrs, Lucas will emphasize putting imagina-. 680 Main St. - Phoae CR 4-3035 - Wafertown tion into cooking, preparing excit- ing meals at, little cost, and the 'secrets of French, Cooking. •• Tickets for the Cooking School, A demonstration drive may be obtained, by calling Mrs. Roger TUlson. ^CR 4-2366... .. Rut can help you Minor Blase' Is Promptly Extinguished In Church Some excitement, was occasion- ed last, week at St.. John's Church, when the sleeve of an altar 'boy's surplice was ignited as he acci- yourself dentally stood too near a, votive Stand which held lighted'candles. "one of 102 new The altar boy, William Quigley, son, of Mr. and, Mrs. William, Quig- ley of Atwood St., was not aware CHEVROLETS of the flames until William, J. Murray, Jr., 18, son of Fire Cap- ' tain and Mrs. 'William J. Murray . plus a, 'I.GQQ of Highland Ave., Waterbury rose from, his seat in the church, and slapped out. the Damage f ' U. S. Savings Bond.. was minor, and. confined to the surplice sleeve. Neither -of the in our big young men were injured in any way, and the Mass was not inter- rupted. MIRACLE MILE* The solemn high Mass was being offered by St. John's pastor, the Rev. "Galyin, who was un- Jfe CONTEST aware of the incident until after the Mass. He commented that the ... and you'll have the least excited person in the church was apparently the altar boy whose clothing had ignited. driving time of your life! Bald win School P. T. A. Come in, and. drive the Motoramic Has Parent-Child Might Chevrolet just for the fun of it. And, The Baldwin P. T. A. will spon- when, you do, you'll make discoveries sor a Parent-Child- night at the that can 'help you be a. winner in om Sigh School on April 14 at, 7 p. m. Miracle Mile Contest. For example,, Mrs. Lasky. -of the Waterbury you'll notice how exclusive Anti-Diva Obedience 'Training group, will demonstrate 'how the organization braking control lets you, stop with far trains -its dogs, and the results of less lurching or diving. that training. • She will 'be accom- moioramic And, you'll tingle to' the peppery re- panied by several other members Chevrolet of the group, with their dogs. sponse you get when your toe nudges Frederick Moulthrop is in charge the accelerator,. of the program. Come in and have the 'driving time It is hoped that all members of the Baldwin FT.A will, attend, of your life at the wheel of a new and bring their chjgdren. Chevrolet! Enter our' big Miracle .Mile Executive Board Contest, without cost or obligation, There will be a. meeting of the and you may win, one of 102 new Executive Board of the • Baldwin P. T. A. Thursday March 31st at Chevrolets given away. 8 p. m. The gathering will be held at the hom,e of Lloyd Hugh- STEALING' 'THE THUNDER FROM THE, es, 103 Cutler St. JIfci W All 3pwt Cow*. Yowl flod yew fovofla mod.I waom OwwoWi comp 1st. in* of Khar Body btauUik HIGH-FRICEB CAMS! Mother's Club Meets Votes Name Change The Mother's Club of the Meth- odist Church held its monthly meeting Monday evening in the Church parlor. Mrs. Maurice Pres- ley led devotions and showed the film, strip "The First Easter." WEST'S SALES & SERVICE. INC The business meeting was open- j ed by president' Mrs. John B." WATERTOWN CONN. •/• ,VO i PAGE 6 — TOWN.TIMESProperty" (WATERTOWN of, CONN.) the, MAR. 3t ,Watertown 19*55 Historical Society Local led Cross Drivwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge Extended AT QUIGLEY'S Benefits Cited As Receipts Lag The local fund campaign of the1 is: Scott Ave., Prospect St., Hign- Water town Chapter American Red ! land Ave,., Center St., Atwood, St., Kuoito Cross, has been extended into " Hillcrest „ Ave.,, Wheeler Sf, April in hopes of realizing the Catherine St., Sunset, Ave,, Wood- goal of 10,315 dollars in the cur-ruff Ave.., Academy Hill, Wood- rently lagging drive, according1 to bury Road to the Golf Club. Ham- drive chairman William Allman. ilton Ave., Hamilton .Lane, Mld- The Waterown Chapter of thedlebury Road to Balmoral Farm, Red. Cross is obligated o support Beers St., Reynolds St. the Connecticut Regional Blood Program, through which 495 -pints of blood were given free of charge High School to Watertown and Oakville resi- LEE dents during' the last year, he said. In addition to its other obliga- Honor Roll tions and program's _the local The Honor Roll . for six weeks and chapter is expected, to contribute ending March 1.8, 1955 was re- 1500 dollars to the blood program leased last week at, Watertown to help Insure Its continuance. High School. MALLORY Since January '54, 687 pints of .First - Honors - Four A's or five blood, were received in 5 visits of subjects - Four A's & a B:. No. C's. the Bloodmobile to the Water- Second Honors - An. average of HATS town. -OakvI.lie area. In addition, 85 per cent or better, no C's. 75 pints were contributed by local Seniors residents at the two Waterbury First Honors,:: A via Campbell, $7.50 to $10.00 hospitals, 'Lillian Lampron, Frances. Smol- skis, Pauline Mlchaud, Charles "If the blood-program is to con-Perkins. tinue." Mr. Allman stated, "it will Second Honors: Gail "Beach only be through the support of Ann Bussemey, Raymond Cran- the public." He urged all those nell, Eda Ebreo, Kenneth Greason. who have not yet 'been contacted Elizabeth Labasauckas, June 'by a local Fund-Drive Canvasser Lockton, Janet Mazzalupo, Geral- to mail, their contributions to thedine Vernovai, Joseph Pietnva- Watertown Chapter. Red Cross. zio; Hazel Ruby, George Zuraitis, Box 31, Watertown... A receipt, Marilyn, Bradshaw, Gertrude Ca- sticker and pin will be returned rey, Maureen Berry, Patricia to the sender. Fischer, Oberlynn Hick cox, 'Don- "Science is wonderful,"'" Allman na Leonard, Judy Manning, June stated, "but it has not yet suc-Misura, Barbara Patrick, Joan QUIGLEY'S ceeded, in getting 'blood out of a Pond, John Staver. turnip", nor has anyone' been, able Jjun loirs' to manufacture or mass-produce a First Honors: • Gail Bond, true substitute for human blood." Patricia, Goodwin, Claire Weide- MEN'S SHOP BATES 'Last year, he pointed out. 5 mier, Anne Morton.. Robert O"~ million Americans donated-a pint Hern, Delores Budelis. MAIN STREET "CMICl ' " of blood each. Approximately half Second Honors: Jane Bradley, of this was collected through the Gail Brolin, Arlene Ciarlo, Nancy WATERTOWN . - . BOSTONIAN Red Cross as one of its commun- Hamilton, Nancy Irvine, Anita ity-service programs. Posa, Eugene Thmpson, Arlene OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK $10.95 up To date, 8000' dollars, have Warren, Rosanne Kelleher, Ron- Jbeen collected in the local ald Kreh, Joan Lynn. Gloria, Mor- fund drive, or 77 per cent ris, Elaine Brennan, Marcia Cook of the hoped-for goal. If the local Sybil Goodkin, 'Edney Hunt, Red Cross is to fully realize its, Judith Walford, Sandra Wilson, program, of saving. lives and, pre-Gladys Mussa, Carmel . Stance venting human suffering, it must Ann • i, Eva. Laue,. Barbara be supported, by local citizens. He Mellon. THE HOUSE OF GIFTS urged all to contribute to the fund Sophomores drive as a form of "community First Honors: Mary Ann Knox insurance." Bruce Reyher. Marjorie McGinley NAUGATUCK VALLEY HEADQUARTERS FOR The same money which any per- Roger Woodbury. son, contributes may some day be Second Honors: Linda Gregory. the agent of his continued, we'll-, Sandra, Leonard, Karen Os'born, being and good-health, Mr. AllMarten- e, Helen Ama'bile, man said: Joan Woodward, Alma " Whittle Beverly Johnson:. Albert, Moraska Audrey Raymond, Helen Sieg,, Scout Paper Collection Sharon Deans, Elraea Thompson, Weather permitting, the Wat-Paul Staver. ertown, Girl Scouts .will pick up waste paper Saturday Morning be- Catherine Fitzgerald sold land ginning at 9 a. m. and •improvements on Northfielc The route for the paper-pickup Rd. to Joseph M. Navin. WEEK-END SPECIALS!I ! PFLUEGER "NOBBY" LEVEL WIND FISHING ROD , Anti-lock Lash—Reg. $11.95 NOW $8.49 T 0 Y S RED RIVER CASTING REEL—Reg. $3.95— ".. NOW $2.95 GIFTS WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE and ; Main Street Wfatertown NOVELTIES!! . Large -Displays of GOOD CHEER STUFFED RABBITS EASTER FEATURES in tMs field!! EASTER!! EASTER CARDS - Easter Candy and Easter WE FEATURE Candy 'Novelties :. The Finest WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKIES, CORDIALS, BEERS and LIQUOR SPECIAL- EASTER TIES—with free delivery right to your door. BASKETS Tel. CR 4-8059 ON DISPLAY or Made Up To Your Order. . VILLAGE WATCH FOR OUR DISPLAY OF OUTDOOR GYM SOS AND SAND BOXES PACKAGE STORE 1PEN E¥ERY DAY, EVERY NIGHT -, ALSO ALL DAY SUNDAYS 413 Main Street - OAKVILLE THE HOUSE OF GIFTS Michael Di Primio, Prop. Geo,. Bernatch ez, Prop. 33S South Main Street' Thonujsron, ..Conn. Phone Alias 3.4417 Vf.

New Jersey, Ocean City, Mary- | acres—considerably less than, half TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 31, 1955 PAGE 7 Propertythe Bureau'ofs workintheg forc Watertowne re- The Commission plans a meet Historical- SocietyJoseph Beck and yout h committee, $5 Millions For sulted, in only limited operation, at ing in the near future to consider Grange Degrees I tickets; clean-up, youth eamamit- offices at New Haven, Conn.; what, action, to' tajte on the peti- The Watertown Grange conferr- I tee; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett, Mrs;,. STortn Vr Qrnincjs -" Bridgeport, Connecticut, and eight tion. '• ed the 3rd and, 4th degrees on Mr. ! Gillette,,, Mr. ami. Mrs. Alan Hayes, other weather stations." and Mrs.,. Seaman Decker and Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. James Upton,, cha- Representative, T. Pat- " • •'"It is impossible to accurately and Mrs. Lloyd Decker at a. meet- I perones. terson (K. Oofiui.) announced 'that determinwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge in, advance what, the May 20 Deadline ing last Friday. Beverly Mandillo, Marilyn and he'is asking'tbe 36" Senators, 18 projected hurricane task program : Officers for the degrees were: Linda Hayes, Barbara Byrnes vis- Governors and 177 •'QQiigr^Hsmen. will accomplish in, dollars ( and Master, Marie Seal fee, .Elsie Gil- ited Southbury 'Training School of the. eighteen FEED.YOUR LAWN A GOOD FISHING SEASON TO ALL! PROPERLY "FERTILENJE liquid fertilizer has a high. (nutrient content of Nitrogen, Phosphor- YOU DON'T HAVE 'TO' FISH AROUND WHEN ous and Potash plus trace elements of (Boron, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, SHOPPING FOR EXCELLENT WINES FOR Calcium and Iron. FERTILENE 'is odor- EASIER! STOP AT less, ha rimless, will not burn lawns, less CHANNEL water required and best of all costs are [amazingly low. MASTERS LET US SPRAY STEVENS YOUR, LAWN CHAMPION Yes, we have the formula for a 'luxurious V. lawn now, and it is ready to serve you. ANTENNA If it grows it will "be' helped by FERTI- PACKAGE STORE LENE. Grass, Trees, Flower Gardens, Vegetable Gardens', Golf Courses;, City 699 Main Street - Tel. CR 4-8675 - Watertown Parks — these and many more of N a t u r e" s g r e e n e r i • s — -a, row 'mo r • If not right type of fisk we have Private Label healthy and more beautiful when, pro- perly nourished the modem FEKTitENE YOUR TV RECEPTION WHISKEY '"- CHAMPAGNES - CORDIALS .way. * ON CHANNELS 2 TO 83! or afty+hlng youriaste 'desires. PtICE LISTING ON PRJVATE LABEL ^.Jtt 49 .fetal! Star*!"1 CHAMPION.. Col today I All Kentucky Distilled:

80.6 PROOF Gts. $4.4.252 B 3356% STRAIGHT VAUGHN BROS. TELEVISION 5th 3.501 WHISKEY fl 86 PROOF •/z Gal. 8.50' •JU~ " $ Ail S'- -A N D' ;$ E1VIC E : Qts. 4.69 40% STRAIGHT 5th 3.99 WHISKEY CALL IIS MOW OLYMRC - EMERSON - MOTOROLA - RCA Pts. 2*9 \lFQt MORE INFORMATION . .j, y2 Pts. 1.25 WITHOUT OBLIGATION t.-rOur Service department feAfures- fast: and - dependable-'service on all brands. BOURBON «/2 Gal. $9.49 6 YRS. OLD, 86Proof Qts. 5.15 William L Wesson 3 s * Sets Re pa ined in you r ho me, 4f at ail -pass f b le. 5ths 4.10 ^c. Ant.ennas .lnstaKfedl- awL -Repaired- INC. Xatt CR 4-87S7. CR 4-8146, evenings PL 3-4308 STEVENS GIN, 90 Proof Vi Gal, $8.19 Qts. 4.29 165 RcrihrocKl tfill Street fit.::,'- '"'•' • '"" , 'Wcrtertown 5ths 4,35 Next to Conn.-Fuel Gas Corp, WATERBURY. CONN. REE DELIVERY SERVIC i,J, ,!,j,- " M, \ PL t'flililtiiitl.iklttikiiiii!it'iiiiiiMittiIii'tiu'ii,.. '•-, i;: niti!:; * *• til: ^ Property of the Watertown Historical Society


Pineapple P.G.A. MILK 4 tall cans BC Cl HOMESPUN WAX PAPER . . . 6 r* *1°° | MAZOLA OIL «aL i Cl iV'lN SPAM ..... 1oz2. can MAXWELL HOUSE H COFFEE . Ib. bay HEINZ N - i TOMATO SOUP ... 10 cans -.BRILL'S OLD-FASHIONED - _ _, " RICE PUDDING 2 cans 45C Cl ALL [D J 10 ib. box PILLSBURY • ' - , n.'**-':" H EI IN Z ( CATSUP 2 jars ORANGE CAKE MIX pkg. 29 • .» KRAFT Dinners 2 pkgs. 25 HORMEL'S SLICED BACON, . PLEEHNG LUNCH KRAFT'S PARKAY OLEO P TONGUE, can 29c 2 lbs. PRI GAY LYN . ' • Tl TOMATOES • WM • ... •• - GEORGE'S BIRDSEY 7 cans 89c Ari WATERTOWN GAY LYN CIR C U CREAM CORN OPEN .OF 7 cans 89c THURSDAY NITES TIL 9!! VALUE GAY LYN BIRDSEYE GREEN PEAS OPEN BROCCO 7 cans 89c FRIDAY NITES TIL 9!! SPEARS GAY LYN GEORGE'S BIRDSEYE CUT GREEN BEANS W00DBURY JEUT , 7 cans 89c OPEN FRIDAY NITES TIL 8!! Asparagas, pkg. \ fcASPBERRY-APPLE BIRDSEYE PRESERVES CAUU- , FLOUR, pkg. STRAWBERRY-APPLE n PRESERVES **•" 11 Ifcj Facial Tissue 2 Ige. boxes BIRDSEYE Family _ - ^ CUT g% ¥ wm CORN pkl- Size Jars 5V SCOTTIES Fadal Tissue 2 sni. boxes £J These Froxen F ^ Property of the Watertown Historical Society -TOWN TIMES (WATERTOW1V,-eONN.>;-MAIV. 91;'1935 — -P*«E~§ watertownhistoricalsociety.orgGEORGE'S [•CHOICE MEATS«0 BLOCK STYLE CHUCK ROAST, ...... Ib.39* C H O 1 C E LAMB LEGS, ...... Ib. 63' FARM* FRESH FRYERS, ...... each *1.49 % R. 1 B END ' 1"1>". PORK LOIN, ...... Ib. IRWElfS JAR 39' HEESE 2 jars 49c COLONIAL-'- ' ' --CHEDDA *~^pf LINK SAUSAGE, . i . • . Ib. 55' KEESE 2*. loaf 79c \J BONELESS THE'SHELL' " " "" ' ' • LAMB ROLL, ... • . • Ib. LIXED ^c 59* w FANUEIL HALL DAISY UTS 2 1-lbpkgs89c BACON, Ib. 55c HAMS, ib. 63c : INin u Zr • ^ cumber Pickles 2-49c A SMOKED RIB LAMB ^\ T-O-MY PUDDING PICNICS, ib. 39c CHOPS, Ib. 79c CAKE MIX SKINLESS' HOT JUMBO 5 pkg. 29c DOGS, 3 Ib. pkg. 99c Shrimp, b^ $3.95 (Baking Pan Freo) HOMEMADE SAUSAGE FEARMAN'S CANNED MEAT, Ib. 49c Hams, 31b. can $2.99 5 Ib. bag ... 49c SHOULDER LAMB EXTRA LEAN GROUND 10 Ib. bag . . . 95c CHOPS, Ib. 59c BEEF, Ib. 37c •M1ER -LIGHT MEAT "";[ ,, ;• [ fn brine, can ORDER YOUR

& £y B i r d s e y e EASTER HAM TODAY SUCCOTASH ORANGE JUICE 0 i. 25c Lge. Con 29c 0 S VEGETAB1ES • i r d s e y e Bird s eye I CWCKCN, BEEF, OR CHOPPED or WHOLE ifUtiBf PIES SPINACH Dozen $3.02 Dozen $2.11 SPINACH ..... cello pack 19*

y Birdseye I TOMATOES cello pack 2 for 29" FRENCH FRIED P E A S * POTATOES Dozen $2.04 Dozen $1.97 BROCCOLI ...... each 35C Birdseye B i r d s e y e - CUT PEACHES GREEN BEANS Dozen $2.34 Dozen $2.60 ASPARAGUS Ib.

BI r d s e y e B i r d s e y e Artichokes 6 for 39c Grapefruit 6for 39 c FORDHOOK FRENCH LIMA BEANS GREEN BEANS Carrots' 2 pkqs. 25c Lettuce 2 heads 39c 25; Dozen $2.93 Dozen $2.60 Temple Oranges 59c dor. Green leans 2.5c Ib. Birdseye Birdseye > GEORGE'S MARKET BABY r LIMA BEANS WAX BEANS WATERTOWN WOODBURY OPEN THURSDAYS "TIL 9 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Dozen $3.02 Dozen $2.60 OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 UNTIL ood Prices OPEN SATURDAYS "TIL 6:30 8 O'CLOCK 10 --Property, . of the Watertown Historical SocietyNEVER MIN D For Quality & Service CALL * watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHERE'S HOW WEATHER! CR 4-1636 '.MAKE; A PORCH SWING . BANK-§Y-MAIL f Although tl* powh swing f*ee of the 56-inch back sup- We do our own conaiats 3 a large number of port to match tfca slope of the pieces, it is easy foe tba home back 'test. Fasten the 14 'back. Emergency P«mp R«|Kurs VW B««fT Dry Cle»nln* Need — Call craftsman to' make, rest Members tugpneufly to' Allyn's Cleoners & Dyers. AU. pieces she old b« uxtdad the MM sect bo*rd, will t- II. BCH0 LAKB l*©*© befon assembly. Exposed fndinchi toiatdn»#"NMHf. 'nailswdJ*. AiAMd tthe WATRRTQWM - Til. CBwtmio* 4-jMM edg«s should 'be ronnded 52-inch [ower nianer {Section BANK Fr*> Mefc-Up ari Dattvwv Wiff'IC 'inlraCO 'CI10"i¥W© '61111. Vlcnr)i fast tot dins* ft wt Shallow a Deep Weff port*' for 'the eeatj then, and rear to' awtch-tSis aaffte the seat boards, using No. 10'the :e«at 'board and 'back wood screws, 2 inch** iflitC, 'Then, fsurtun fb* tack »st mem- countersunk. bmm to' tb* runner »nd the The Citkens & Then assemble tin 'two an.back rest. mp$mt wtth wood Range & Fuel Oil rests,, as shown in the detail screws, 'two to' each, board. drawing, using thno MI SUB Make a center maf - •ajtsoxt BARIBAULTS in each. Fasten 'the arm nab as sboirn ta tb* Section View. in the seat supports, using two Use eye 'bolts. 14 inch In di- National Bank 000 MAIN ST., OAKVILLE carriage 'bolts,' K-ineh in di-ameter and 13% 'fudief- lonff, off Tel. CRert*ood 4-3284 or 4-1220' ameter, in each. for hangers, pladng washers Establish the slope of the under sack eye aid between th» WATERBURY,. CONN. back rest, and mark the posi- not and 'the wood, of th« teat tion 'on the am rest Bevel one onpport. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Replacement .«n4 repah" parts for' all Fairbanks-Mf>fM pumps In MWdtebury It's ... Water Condittowrs kMrtalled to take- o»r* off poor' mater cwidr- WilBaa C. Pope flwns. - Plastic Pipe In any lengths, For Repair* On moderately priced. • TELEVISION •RADIO-home & auto Expert Service on all -makes of • ELECTRONICS water pumps. Plena 8-9326 R. J. Block & Son COLONIAL PRINTING IF MO' ANSWBB CRatvaod *•**« Sates A Service COMPANY .. FOUR COENKKS, MI DOLE BURY NORTH FIELD ROAD Watertown, Conn. 75 HILLCREST AVENUE CR 4-2271 Oakvllltr Conn. Tel. CR *-20«6

COTT PIWM CIUrtWMd 44171 ttnitoTion LOUIS A. LAUDATE ELECTRIC OIL. BURNERS ervice -"CPRJNTINGv, Sales, Service &. Repair* JIM. Ill "HOME IF THE MONTH" CI'll I Cesspool or Septic Tank - tUKHtr rnpims auiiiiESii- 5i:'»i:Ci!iy Trouble? ^r .*' tpu n s I*!! mm c t n «•• i o * f: 111 * * ••Uers. Famacaa. .A P»t Burn en Recede FREE each month a color sketch aid tor plan Call Wood bury 128 \ W F 0 [' i NG 11 NIOO'H £ I Mi L M1S S 1 -'«I.! 111 Btt f\ Vicuara Cle»n«A. of a tome designed by one of America's leading afcttf* Call Water-bury 5-9013 Phone PUu S-1114 Burner Paris anil Hata:riaia in. Stock.. terts. Just nai the coupon — there'i no oblation., Prompt Service Any Time — Any Place 'TOWN 'TIMES Tra.nif.orB.cia,, Control V«lTe», Pkrta, Compensation and Liability' Advertisement Will Help Your Btc. Gentlemen: Pie«e enroN me oi o member of your For Your Protection Business' GROW! ! 1 new ' "HOME Of WE MONTH" CILU1, 14 ROCKDALE ATE. OAKV1ULA, OOMK* ADDRESS.

ALL KINDS 21 Know lion OF PLUMBING & HEATING " Street NEW AND Vitertown REPAIRS Mar pet Plumbing & Heating Co. CM. 4-8645 WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK I...J Mutual Savings Bank Service Since" 1850 HOWARD W. MILLER Drawer 2060' — WaUrbury, Conn. , . COMPLETE TREE SERVICE LandBtTipins and Ornamfntal Shrubs " Rca.»eiia.Uc' R»tts Full/ Licensed and Insured Middlebury Road Watertown, Conn. l*TH«0O* LilD' IlTCiifl1 *CCESSOtllt . Tel. CR 4-S2C4 ••I titif••: comrtiiT• cutvuii, 9x12 CtUWMG GOMPAKY LINOLEUM HERB SHAW SANITATION SERVICE RUG SPECIAL 435 Sunnyside Ave. - OAKVILLE - Td. Gi. 4-8228 $4.95 Septic Tanks and Cess Pools 11 Putnam CUT-RATE Cleaned and Serviced FLOOR COVERING, line. INSTALL YOUR OWN HEATING PLANT Sewer and Water Line Bulldozer' and «7 Meadow St. Phone PLaza 4-2191 COMPLETE FOR ONLY Installations A Specialty Compressor Work Open Wed., Tdura., Frl. till 0

LEO X StEENWOOD ELECTR1OM. CONTRACTOR $795 TIRE SALE 3fff Eetftf LaiW Read FOUR PLANS AVAILABLE YOUR OLD TIRES ACCEPTED Tel.. CRetfwood 4-3526 COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELf AS DOWN' PAYMENT!! EUctricol Contracting • ASK ABOUT O'UR PLANS. ' r ,' P'AY AS LITTLE AS SAVE MONEY ON LABOR ..'.' . \ !' PROMPT SERVICE By lustdlmg-Yo«r Own >, ....- ;... S1.95 HEATING SYSTEM PER WEEK ; 100 VARIETIES OF' Under Our Supervision , ".';: " .," for 0 Set of 4 Tires AFRICAN VIOLETS YOU CAN'T LOSE "WITH" OUR HOUSE PLANTS OF USE OUR C. A. S, PLAN ALL KINDS. DO IT YOURSELF PLANS / .CAR REPAIRS RNANCEO Off' THf 'EASY. Choice Dutch Amaryllis CONVENIENT CAS. PLAN: Ask Us .About If. SUNSET HEATIN6 COMPANY WOODLAND GARDENS 2*4 So. Main Street - Waterbury, Conn. OLSON'S WATERTOWN GARAGE Quality Houee * Garden Plants .PHONE PLaaa 4-4884 - 9 JO to 4:00 - Sat. 9:30 - 12:00 - Ben Sherman Mill Mdln St. Id. CR 4-2514 — 4-2515 Pimm 1IW - WewKlbury EVEN INGS' & HOLIDAYS PLaza 8-2030 or 5-7989 *m a Property" Permission-was-grante of thed Edwar Watertownd roit to 'build a, five room hous Historicale '"" Society Yakulevich to build, a, green house on Wilson Drive, cost $7,000. on Mt. Vernon Ave., cost, $800.' • .Lawrence Wilson received, a BUILDING Henry Chasse obtained a, permit permit to build a five room house Murphy to. build, a six room- house James Innes sold land on Edge PERMITS to build, an, upholstery house on on Wilson Drive, cost $8,000. on Longview Ave.., cost $9,500. Rd. to Watertown Building Supply. Central, Ave,,, cost 9,000. •' Permits were, issued to Tan Daniel, Slaiby sold land on. Tail Eugene Fabbiano was granted Plan Builders to build four five- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgJohn, Weichfman of Ball Farm a permit, to. build a five room Circle to Thomas and Ada O'Con- room houses on Northfield Rd., nell of Waterbury. A permit was granted Bernice .•Rd".,- obtained a 'permit to. build house on Wilson Drive, .cost $7,- cost of $10,000 each. a tool shed, cost, $300. 000. and Wayne Elwood to build a six, ; James Innes, sold land on Edqe room hOuae.. on. Bassett- RcL," cost M & O Builders received per- James Fuller received a •permit Guise ppe Cairn el a and. Cater in a Rd. to Anthony and Julia Roberts. $900ft" ' mission to build a five room house to buijd a five room house on Wil- Albert LePage sold land and, 1 son, Drive, cost $8,000. Lucia of Waterbury sold, land and Arthur Zamsky et ux received on Edward, Ave., cost 57,500. improvements on Winnemaug Rd. improvements- on Lake View St., a permit to.'build a two'family Walter Wilson obtained, a per- A permit was issued to 'William, to Ann Bernier of Waterbury. to Georgette Fontaine. • house- on- Gotab St., cost f 10,000. ; William" -Conway of Waterbury " obtained a permit, to build a four • room cottage-oh :Lsike" Winnemaug 11 Estates, cost $700.. ' ... - "GET ACQUAINTED Permit was issued to Antonio Mautinho to build, a a six room, house ' oft. '-Buckingham St., cost $7,000'.' John:, and/AtteievHewitt received '" a permit to finish two rooms in : SA IE!! thein.-borne -on. Evelyn St., cost • 51,000.." • " "-' ; Anthony and. Philip DiNunzio ]' obtained permission to' build, a five • room ••house on . Frances Ann Ave., cost $13,000, and a store building- on."', Straits -Turnpike, cost J58.000. 'Land Owners Debate (Continued from Page One) Alex Agnew Sr.t who operates • a greenhouse in -the residential zone 'under a' non-conforming use adjacent to 'the George's parcel, said, "I" feel if you make-" this a ""business zone; it will depreciate .my property"value:"If you make George's property business, then make- mine too .otherwise I'll be • hurt." Get acquainted with FULTON MARKETS high quality and consistently Mr. George answered: "If you want to include' your area in a lower price during this special event! business zone, you should apply to the commission, .as. we have DEL, MONTE done. You're talking about prin- FANCY CATSUP 35c NESCAFE 2-0' Z. JAR 59c GREEN GIANT PEAS 39c ciple and "business. I petitioned 14-oz. Bottle 2 FOR 17-oz. cans 2 FOR for parking. Let's talk about that HI A LF H1L L'S FAN C Y GET ACQUAINTED 'WITH Our plans are to make a drive- CHUNK STYLE, TUNA NIB.LETS CORN way for an entrance and one • for 6'/i-oz. Can & 2 FOR 55c FULTON'S FINE COFFEES! 12-o.z. cans 2 FOR: 29c an exit to get rid of the traffic PAGE EVAPORATED- - mess. We also plan to handle MILK GOOD CUP' ' 74C C H RI ST IA N" S B UTT E R about 200 cars and to put in a Tail Cans 4 FOR 49c 67c pick-up station so that customers' 5c off regular price LB. In ',4-lb. prints LB. bundles can be handled conveni- MOUNT WHITNEY GUEST ently. We have no other interest SIZE RIPE. OLIVES HOLLYBROOK BUTTER Cans 2 FOR 45c AROMA COFFEE LB. 83c In 1-lb. Solids LB. 65c but to -use the lot for parking in DOLE PINEAPPLE conjunction with our business." PIE FILLING NU-TASTE CHEESE SPREAD' William. Glover said: "I built 29c 20-QZ, Can FUL-MAR COFFEE '. LB. 85c a home on Woodruff "Ave. for I 2-1 b. loaf thought 1 was protected in a .resi- dential zone." ' - Commissioner Arthur Evans: SOLID BONELESS MEAT FANCY CELLO' PKG. FOR SWISS or BROILING "We hear people are going else- where to trade because of park- ROUND mm SLICED A ft ROUND o- ing. We must find a solution for Wr • problems confronting the cam- C c - munity today. 1 am in sympathy wjth the need for parking on Main ROASTS i. 7 5 BACON 'b-49 STEAK i.85 St. This area is not confined to a piece of property for spot zoning. WELL TRiyMED It's an extension of- an .area. We HEAVY STEER BEEF already -have businesses there: a FOR BROILING or BRAISING - service station, a greenhouse, and SIRLOIN TIP —/*, PORK - n a garage. We are hearing many RIB ACk. c complaints from business people C because of zoning restrictions. We C Buns ib. 49 may. have to • loosen up. It seems ROASTS »»• 79 all of Main St. will be'confronted BEEF M9 with the problem of going back PLACE YOUR Of O'ER NOW further for business." FRESH GROUND FOR. YOUR NEED'S IN Mr. Flynn: "The - easiest way is 4 TO 6-LB. AVG'E. to • extend- • business zone back- BEEF 3 lbs. wards all .along Main St. We need 'parking very much. I know Geor- FRESH ^ft EASTER HAMS ge's land will do good. I'd like to $ 00 .see it but I'm, bothered about spot C zoning, Extend it all- and you'll 1 and POULTRY ^benefit the whole town." PICNICS i. 39 • MR • .Agnew •remarked,' "We're -not t'ORpasmgi .George's. We say 11 11 -you; can't draw-the line 'between us. ""Snow Crop Get Acquainted "Get Acquainted Sale ..._Mr.'Evans...asked: "Will you ap- . ply for-a change?" Sole Values!! Produce Money - Savers!! Mr.'Agnew replied.: "I .can't say ' FAN! CY SN OW WHITE 1 "• 2 IFOR 6 FOR 12 IFOR whi»t* rn "do.*- MUSHROOMS LB. Mr, ,-Eyaps. said: "If we turn, this down, ~£lje-George's can'take 37c ; LOT 2.15 JUICY FLORIDA this to the Appeals Board and per- O RAN G ES—216 Size DOZ. haps put up a reasonable case of ^Zz : 37c LOT 2.15FLORIDA SEED'LESS hardship that they stand to lose business because of 'parking." D VEGETABUES 1 GRAPEFRUIT—70 Size 4 FOR Mr. Flynn remarked that tv S5f. .. • 37c 1 .Of 2.15 •CALIF. D'ANJOUS courts frown on, spot, "zoning. Mr. C H OPP E D O R LEAF SPIN AC H J^ 1.15 2.25 P EA R S—lbs, 2 FO R ' Evans- replied that it depends upon HARD RIPE TOMATOES "the .particular case. ST BEANS James";. QttfeBe said: "Sooner or 32"°" " —.. ". 45c 1.33 2JS19 Cello Ctn. of 4 2 FOR lat»r ynuH '"nave"" to ch"a*>flre. CRISP PASCAL CELERY Dr. Glenn Jackson said: "The A R:A6 us SPEABS D O"U b I e 0. u n ch C e 11 o P kg. problem of- 'parking' is a' real «ne, i^ . . . 8tc 2.59 4.99 - Not • too many houses, face this D EACIHES TENDER WESTERN CARROTS par«el."" Cello Bags 2 FOR Mr. Flynn said, "Waiting has SSf .! 45c 1.33 2.59 cost us money,?'1 .*: ' '. '• X'o1E;^STIRAWBEIR.BIES : 65c "1.89' 3.75 Movies For Organizations NGE JU C E READY TO OSES 'Organization": .-• entertainment 1SJ .,. " . : 37c 1.09 2.15 chairmen *™*th the .chore of. pro- CRISP SPINACH viding divers1"on, for. their mem- GhAPEFRU.T' JUICE 27'C " .79 1.55 Cello Bags .-. 2 FOR J3C bers mishit find the 'task some- v"hat,easier by contacting Roland SALAD' MlIX ' Warned,' '-of Gaernseytown --Rd.. J 'SI. 39c - 2 for 75c - 6 for 223 Cello Bags 2 FOR whose--1 hobby, is providing and COLE SLAW „ sfiO'Wfe * 'motion' pictures, * to any' . each 25c - 2 for 49c - 6 for 1.43 Cello Bags 2 FOR interested group. • Mr. Warner exacts no charge tor {his services, and .even provides, 1 hfg "jown'. sound-- projection equip- LARGE C:LA,IIS 2 LBS. l-'tc It's mot too late fo start your American ment. ••!»-his avocation of-provid- International Encyclopedia Set! ing films to ""entertain -or in- SWORDF1SH STEAKS IB. 57c struct,'* for .-any- organization or Volume No. 3 on; Sab this week only 99c proup of more1 than 20 persons. BLUEFISH FILLETS "IB. 29c * Some time "'may be needed, to get Volume No. .2 still available at: 99c films oil special- topics. IPERCHi FILLETS IB. 39c A Limited quantity of Vol. No. II available at. 25c Those interested should call Mr. """Warner at" CH '44330,"' PAGE 12 — TOWN TIMES /WATER TOWN, CONN.),, MAR. 31, 1955 1st Congregational Church, will cital which will include the Sixth Progressive Dinner Party Sonata—"Our' Father Which Art Property of the WatertownThe .Friendship Guild of thHistoricale present a Lenten Organ, Recita l Societyin the Church on the evening- of in. Heaven", by - . Felix Mendel- .First: Congregational Church, will April 1, at 7:30' p. m. ssohn, Choral Preludes, by Dwno~" hold a Progressive Dinner 'party van. Bach and Bingham.. on April 5. Members will: meet at, The pubic is invited, to 'the re- the- church at 6:15 p. m."The first course will, be served at the home of Mrs. Nicholas Kintzer. Middlebury Rd , the soup course at the home ' of Mrs. Ar- DOWNING A. REINBRECHT thur Gillette, White St., main course at Mrs. Classen Perkin's Baldwin St.; salad .course,, at Mrs. 85 Central AYtfnue, Waterbury • "' Robert Baldwin's LJnkfield Rd.; dessert at Mrs. David •Porter's, Consultant on Financial & Managemerrf Prot>lerrt« Walnut St. Members planning to attend are .asked, to call Mrs. John Crane, 4-3793. by April 1. INVESTMENTS TeIephone PLaza 6-9185 '.; - -... ^. Lenten Organ Recital : George Morgan, organist at the

The signing "of a contract last week between the Watertown Manufacturing Co. and th« Rubber Workers Union, Local 443,, CIO, was followed, by a dinner at the "White Fence lnn» Thomaston. Pictured above, standing, left to, Harry. W'inslow* Union Negotiating Committee; Paul • Grazioti, chief steward; Peter Tetsnh, STOCK president of the local; Verm Bradshaw, vice-president, of the .local. Seated, 'left to right, Carl Siemon, personnel manager ,.«f tfce -com- pany"; 'William •Fernaniles, Jr., CIO field'representative; G. Grant Welch, vice-president,, Watertown Mfg. REDUCTION and refurnished the reception room Women Invited To in the nurses residence. Scores of Aid Society members volunteer their services, working Join Hospital Unit two hours or more each week. The Waterbury Hospital Aid So- They assist in the attractive 'new ciety is currently marking its 65th Pantry Shelf and Rift shop, take We've got to. make room — Our store and warehhouse Sre packed and we must have room for the anniversary year with an extensive orders for photographs of newborn membership drive. new Spring styles that are arriving. Now is your chance to buy your furniture, rugs and bedding babies, and make hundreds of ar- at, great savings. Every item in our stock is reduced from 10% to 40%. We must make room re- Mrs. J. Warren Upson, Aid So- ticles for the hospital. Other ciety president, said that the So- volunteers read- to children, serve gardless of cost. Hurry down! Don't miss this sale I — BUY ON EASY TERMS! ciety is strenuously attempting to at the information desk; distribute double its membership so that it flowers and books to patients, do HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF MANY SENSATIONALLY PRICED VALUES!! may double its services to both clerical work, and assist in various patients .and staff at Waterbury areas of the hospital... Volunteers Hospital. work from 8:30 a.m. through 8 Mrs. Upson cordially invites all p.m. •women within the area covered, by the Town Times to join the Aid Society. She said about 2,100 'pa- tients were cared for from, this OBITUARIES area by Waterbury Hospital in 1954; and that the membership. Theodore Austin ^ " as well as the volunteer services, Theodore Austin, 62, of • Maple Ave. died. March 24 at his home tti of women throughout • this area 1 % would 'be extremely helpful to the after a long illness. f - ' ,. Aid Society in expanding its serv- Born in Mi'ddlebury, Nov.. 18, ices to 'both 'patients and staff. 1892. son. of the late Abraham, .and ] 'The Waterbury Hospital Aid So- Eliza. (St. Mary) Austin,, he 'had ciety operates the Pantry Shelf, a 'been, a resident of Oakville for the ,," . snack, bar, a newly opened gift past 14 years. A communicant of Chromed •. shop, and other projects in the St. Mary Magdalen Church, he '[•• hospital, which are 'patronized by «ras employed at Princeton, Knit- ,»:ii • • patients, visitors and staff. P,ro- ting Mills until his retirement last DINETTE ",t ceeds received from, these Airf- August." i,' sponsored- projects, operated by Survivors are: his wife, 'Flossie •'" volunteers, andrTrom membership (Sears) Austin; a son, Marvin; Open Stock SET • • dues, are redistributed to the hos- .•a sister, Mrs. Lena Th«rrea:ult; Q pita I to provide extras for both pa- three grandchildren and several Rock Maple Bedroom Gracefully shaped heat 'resist- I" tients and staff which are .not' in- nieces and nephews. Funeral ser- ant formica top .table- with- J? eluded in the hospital's annual vices were held at O'Neill Funer- *; bud Ret. al. Home. Burial in. Calvary Ceme- Buy the single dresser, 'bed chromed apron and legs. Wash--" ||' Each, year the Aid Society con- tery. and chest .complete for $119.95 able .plastic covered, matching. s" tributes, a generous amount of or you may start a group by chairs. money to the hospital's social serv- buying any of the separate ice department to .aid! those who Mrs. Andrew Dun- pieces,. Full, or twin size bed' 5119.95 REG. $59.95 „ Mrs. Annie Di.rr, ST. widow of $29.95; 4 .drawer chest f49j§5; may be in indigent circumstances T because of illness. It also main- Andrew Durr. died ? irch 22 in single ,. dresser and 'mirror 3 Pieces tains a scholarship for nurses, the Waterbury Hospital. $52.98.; double dresser and, mir- $37.95 makes various gifts to the stu- Only immediate survivors arc ror, $.98.50. dent nurses, and also undertakes a gradd a lighter. Mrs Harry Han- Reg. $169.95 one major project annually. In son, and four great grandchildren. 1954, the Aid Society redecorated Funeral services were held ;n the Dqplittle Funeral Home, Middle- RICHLY DECORATED MIRROR town. Burial will be in Rock Landing Cemetery, Haddarn.

Hiss Katherine Wallace THE Miss Kathrine A. Wallace,, Cath- erine St., died March 22 at, Wat- HEMINWAY erbury Hospital .after a long ill- ness. She was the daughter of the BARTLETT late James and, Maria (Drlaneyl Wallace. A, .resident of Water town for over 40 years, she -was a com- MFG. CO. municant of .St. John's Church Survivors are: three sisters, Miss Helen Wallace. Miss Alice Plastic Cower TV CHAIR Wallace and, Mrs.. Joseph Grady, 1 NYLON THREAD all of Watertown; three nephews, Good-looking, many - use chair Wallace Grady, Watertown; Atty in .modern, hardwood with, col- William, Wallace, N. Y, C; James orful plastic. A prize at the " BRAIDED LINES Wallace, Water bury; two nieces, price. Mrs. William Murray, Waterbury; Mrs. William Shea, New Haven. Reg. $11.95— $7.95 Funeral services were held in WATERTOWN, CONN. the Bergin Funeral Home, Wat- erbury. Burial will be in Mount St. James Cemetery. SMALL DOWN The weather .at' the moment may mot be too PAYMENT Springlike . .* but we are all ready for your plant- ing meeds . . . and when the Sum shines bright.. . and Easy Weekly or you will be' too!!!! Mon*My Ti You gardeners hmow that the' early bird, plants HOLLYWOOD WEBS his. Fruit Trees just as soon as possible. We have a OPEN TUESDAY, wonderful stock in dl popular varieties. Complete with washable plastic headboard, : innersfiring; mat- WEDNESDAY AMD tress, box spring on,, legs. Twin Cosh "H" Carry ^ ing we have a fine selection of loses., FRIDAY NIGHTS as. Hybrid1 -Teas, rioribundas, Tree Roses and Climb- size. Reff. $69.» FEATHER PILLOWS ers . .... also Flowering Shrubs off all kinds. UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Heavy stripe AC A ticking $49.95 "99'c Each. JAMES I HOSKING NURSERY 96 PORTER STREET WATERTOWN THOMASTON FURNITURE COMPANY TEL. CR 4-12It Phone ATlas 3-5303 Frank N. Ramttria, Prop. '• Main Street, Thbmaston «ii* 9&u!")!!i tir.-/ itoiriw letn [ I i •// „ ri o • f ii t i"") I E r i o: .11; "1 -s; ^;: .....>" > 1 <," 3r• i- Sr 3OA1 '[.A ife i ri W i -3 ri t .«""•£ -11 IO "" —-B is n o "< fi i I'Piio*jIX. <"! n • jtn«•.. I i „';,-. •->> *»• s •; to' Meriden as manager of CL&P's Hickcox, Secretary, Mrs. Randall TOWN TIMES '(WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 31, 1955-— PAGE 13 central division, .and. in, 1954. was;Post, "Treasurer of Current Ex- Propertynamed manageof r theof its wester Watertownn penses, George E. Moseley, Treas Historical- Gladys Delkescamp, -Chairman Society, Franklin H. Wilson. Miss Gladys division with, '-offices 'in Water- urer of Benevolences, Mrs. E. J. Miss .Edith Skilton, 'Miss Ethel Delkoscamp, Mrs. Sherman Sla- bury. A year1 ago' he-jras elected Barlow, Financial Secretary, Miss Doolittle. vin, Sterling 'Goodwin, William executive vice' president of the Hepsie- Hosking, Lay Leader, J. Cutler and Welfare Funds: The Hosking, Mrs. William Borroo- company. William Hosking, Publicity Minister, Chairman. Mrs. Herbert lini, Mrs,. Jack Grenfell, and, the' Mr. Wffiiams is. a corporator' of Chairman, Mrs, F. H. Wilson. Evans, Miss. Ethel Doolittle. -President of the MYF. the" Meriden Savings Bank:. Mr, Membership Secretary, Mrs. Wal- Maintenance: Jesse Hailey, Missions: Mrs. E. J. Barlow, and in Berlin' ter Thompson, Communibn Ste- Chairman, James S. Hosking, Mr. Treasurer, Mrs. C. R. Ganung, and, .arc the parents- of one son. ward, Mis. Harold Mack, Jtecord- Russell 'Perry,' Clarence Johnson, Mrs. F. B, Hickcox, ST., Miss Members of the board of di- ing Steward, .Mrs. Randall Post, and" Clayson O'Dell. Ethel Doolittle. Mrs. Edna Evans, rectors «ne: Fuller -F. Barnes,', Lay. Speakers: M. C. Presley, F. Parsonage Committee: Mrs. Mrs. Jack Grenfell, Clarence Bristol; 'John. B. Byrne,- Hartford"; H.. Wilson, C. R... Ganung, and Mrs. Helen Atwood,, Chairman. Miss Johnson, Mr. .and Mrs. J. Wil- Charles. -L. -Campbell, .Berlin; Ir- EL "L. "'Winter, Conference Lay Hepsie .Hosking, 'Mrs.,, Gordon Sey- liam, Hosking', Russell Perry, Miss; vin, W... Day, Middlebury; • IJewis Member, Mrs. K. L. Winter, Alter- mour, Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Edith Skilton, Mrs.,, James A. A. Dibble,- -Naugatuck; Peter M. nate, Herbert Evans, District Ethel O'Dell, Mrs,, Thelma Peck, Thompson, Mrs. Jay .Post, Mrs. Fraser, --Hartford; William E. S.- Steward, A. P.. Hickcox, Alternate 'Mrs. Helen Thomas, Russell, Perry E. R.' Williams. Griswold -ST., Old Ljmte; Sherman. D. S.,, C. R. -Gaming, Church and Mrs... Jack: Grenfell. Finance: Maurice C. 'Presley, •R.- KBaj>p, .Berlin,; Robert . Hr .School Superintendent, Mrs. Mau- Commissions Arthur G. Evans, Arthur P. Hick- Knowltan, West, Hartford; -Rich- rice C. Presley. .Member Camp . Membership and Evangelism: cox, F. Branson Hickcox, Jesse ard K. Pritchard, New Britain; J. Ground Association, Inc.-, Floyd .Franklin H. Wilson, Chr., Mr. Hailey. Mrs. R. J. Black, Earl Francis Smith, Waterbury; Rich- N. Barlow. ' - and Mrs. George Dietz, Jr., Mr. Howard, P. J- Skilton, Sherman ard . .Joyce Smith, Southpprt; Standing' Committees and Mrs. J. S. Hosking, Mr. and Slavin, Walter Thompson,,, 'Miss GeorgeiS., - Stevenson, New Haven; Pastoral, Relations. Committee: Mrs. F. N Barlow, Mr. and Mrs.Hepsie Hosking, Dudley Atwood, E.'Sheldon''Stewart, New York;' A. P. Hickcox, Chairman, Mrs. Wm. Bormolini, Mrs, Louella Jay Post, Mrs. Herbert Evans... John EL Trumbull, PlainviHe; and" Karl, L. Winter, F. N. Barlow, Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Clayson Worship: The Minister, Chair- Mr. Williams. Mrs.. R. J Black, C R., J. O'Dell, Mrs,. Walter 'Thompson, man, Mrs, Helen, Humiston, P. J. .At the' meeting of the board Mrs,. Everett • Cook, and Mr. .andSkilton,, Harold Bassford, Mrs. P. fiflbert J. WWiun» " of directors which followed the A. "Thompson, William Bormolini, Gilbert- J. Williams, executive Mrs;,. Gordon Seymour. Mrs. Joel Black. J. Skilton, E. J. Ranslow, Mrs. annual, meeting .all the officers; of George Dietz, Jr., D. E. Evans, E. nee president of 'The Connecticut the Company were reelected. Of- . Inter-Church Cooperation: Wat- Education: Mrs. Maurice C. Light and Power Company, was erbury Council Delegates: C R. Presley, Supt. Church School, Mrs. J. Bennett, Clayson O'Dell, Jesse : ficers are: President, Sherman R. Hailey,,, Earl Howard, E. J. Bar- electadf .gt' director of the Com-Knapp; Executive Vice" Presi- Ganung, Chairman, E.. G. Evans, Gordon. Seymour, Mrs,, Helen pany at the annual meeting £>f C. Johnson, .and A. P. • Hickcox. Thomas, Mrs,. Everett Cook, Mrs. low, Sherman Slavin, -Sterling' dent, Gilbert J. Williams; Vice Goodwin, William Branch, Jr., F. stat&kii&em held at CLAP'S gen- Presidents;, Walter W. Forman, Members-at-Iarge Wm. Bormolini, Reg. Matthias, Mrs. Joel Black, eral" Imdjoptfrters' in' Berlin yes- .George Dietz, Jr., Mrs... Karl L. Mrs. Ella Sawyer, Mrs,, .Ann H. Wilson, Mrs. Wm, Bormolini, Paul V. 'Hayden, Calvin T. Hughes Mrs. Jos. Quinn,' Mrs. -C. Luce; terday. * Mr.. Williams . . succeeds Robert; P. Stacy, Alfred M. Wade, Winter, .and, MYF Representatives Tkatz, Mrs. .Alice- Skilton. Miss Paul H. Fleming,.- fanner' "wtee as elected by them." Edith Skilton, J. A. Thompson. Mrs. Harold Mack, and Mrs. 'Vice President and "Treasurer, Sarah Lorenson. president .and treasurer of 'the Lester E. 'Reynolds.: Secretary, History .and Records: Miss Mrs. William Branch Sr,.,, Mrs. Company, who expressed a 'desire Robert: F. Probst; Controller, Leo to retire from, the board of 'di- A. Mayo; Assistant Secretary and rectors.' Assistant. "Treasurer, Richard P., , Mr. Williams 'began Ms; CLAP Peale; Assistant Secretary and career fn Waterbury in. 1920. Pro- Assistant Treasurer, Charles J. OPEN CONN. FUEL -GAS CORP. EASY gressing 'through various: operating •Ramage. SIX DAYS PARKING and engineering assignments, he A WEEK worked as. . an engineer. in. 'the VwimnnTcv IO JTUHJ Company's.-'' Waterbury, ^Green- wich, and Meriden districts, and ('Continued from. Page One) EASY in 19.29 became manager . of its Board of Stewards TERMS New Milford district. In 1937 he Mr. "and Mrs., Dudley Atwood, THURSDAY was appointed'engineer-'for the Joel Black, Mr.,, and Mrs. R. J. Company's eastern division with Black,,, Mr. A. G. Beach, MR and. EVENINGS headquarters in Wlllknantic and/ Mrs. Barlow, 'Mr. and •• Mrs.. E. J. UNTIL, f . PHONE in 1946' was made manager of the Barlow, • Harold Bassford,. Mr. E. division. In 1952 he was assigned J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. William C-R 4-2581 Bormolini, Mr. .and' Mes. George Dietz Jr., ' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Evans, Arthur G. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Evans, Raymond C. Gaming, Mr. and Mis. Arthur P. Hickcox, Mrs. Frank B. Hick- van cox Sr...Mr. Jesse Hailey, J; Wil- liam. Hosking, Mr... and Mrs. J... S. MAIN STREET - WOOD BURY Hosk-mg, Miss Hepsie Hosking, Mrs. Helen Humiston, Clarence Johnson, -George E... Moseley, Mrs. Clayson O'Dell, 'Mrs. Kenneth SPRING IS HffiE.? Peck, Russell Perry, Mrs. Randall Post, Jay Post, .Mr. and Mrs. All New Design! Mew Haven't you noticed it? Maurice' C. Presley, Mr. E. J. Ranslow, Mr. P. J... Skilton, Sher- . We.have , ...... man Slavin, Mrs: Gordon Sey- all our spring merchandise mour, Mrs,. J. B. Thomas, J. A... Features in this 8.4 cu.ft. is arriving.. . new cook ware, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin those mosaic ashtrays we've H. Wilson, Mrs;.. Karl L Winter. been looking for all this year, Honorary StewaVds are: Karl new pieces or African sculpture, L. Winter, Mrs. Howard Seymour, vases,,, all sorts of flower and Charles 'Bogle. Food Freezer- arranging gadgets . In the .Annual Election to The (all we need is a few flowers) Board of "Trustees; of the Metho- Refrigerator Spring scarves, bags, men's dist Church of Watertown, Inc., neckties, handsome new trays the following were- elected.: The Combination! .,. ^even Easter Eggs. Class of 1.958: Maurice C. Presley, .. ;• • every 'toy we Raymond J. Black and J. William, tote things in from the post, HoskkiB. off Id* and Railway Express ... - Other members of 'the Board of Trustees now serving are: The . GOLLY... WE 'Class of 1956: C. R. Gaming, Treas. Arthur P. Hickcox, and, 'George E. WISH SOME SPRING Moseley, Secretary,. 'The Class, of 1957; Jesse Hailey, Franklin H. WEATHI* IOO . . . . •Wilson, President, and Dudley W. ... . Lucia ic Deiar van Sand Atwood. Officials ' • [,•• •••,.Stare- HMB-S: Officials include- the following 10 tp 6 Daily — 1 to 6 Sunday Chairman of the 'Official Board," ••-" ' , -Closed Tuesday The Minister, 'Vice Chairman of the Official, Board, .Arthur P.. APIZZA SERVED EVERY NIGHT S RESTAURANT 841 MM St. OokvsQ*. Com. Phone CRestwood 4-80M New Styling — inside ami out! FOO© terCompartTTwm, Egg Serwi FOR YOUR SPRING NEEDS!! food irrah- lots of' Tol-Bonta Space. ifiWIini! b It*. PEAS —ONION SETS In Hie nt- width, keeps; fruits .and1 v«g- A Riff U« of Garden S*eds ridl of froct LAWN MOW EMS nancany. , j , t-proof. " I..~ ;' S a I • s -' on d S • r v U • d ce roy or- ruf ! Sharpened &00R f>a$ B«f- - goW«n otomimm. WttT : ' POWER TOOLS «MERAL MOIOIS Wdtertown Cooperative Ass'n, Inc. i sTtfi? WATEtTOWN CONN. FUEL-GAS CORP. Jet. CRejtwod 4-2512—4.2513 1133 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN TEL Ct 4-25*1 Plen+y of convenient parking adjacent to store. ,.SPC! PAG S 14i *~», IOW(* JTI IWE Si fWATEMTOVVN /CONi^.-t.AMA Hi 'ft* 105$ by spinmeij,.g . _fii,fe u -,,.,-., f.. ^ a V. F- W. ,mn:|for:m for loyalty : w The project wiH begin in ear-WfeirtiiiIhofctW'feir'tiii'"Ihofctff 'sfeeS'-'totsfeeStotf Propertydelive r ofthe Junio ther Message . TherWatertowne nest Saturday, when a "Wor Historicalk measured, for uniforms at.. thSocietye Harmon S. CHURCH NOTES will be a Nursery School in theDay" will be heldf at the site, Post rooms,' 31,4 Main St., after 'George E. Carr, Norfolk; 'William Parsonage during, worship. 6-8:30 weather permitting." Members are the entertainment on Thursday E. Cook, Bridgeport; Rev. Harol: d All Saints p. HI.. Pilgrim Fellowship will requested to aid in, the work of evening March 31. E. 'Craw, Danbury; ' George • T. Palm Sunday- Holy Commun- meet at the Church with Mr. clearing brush, and Mends of Post • menfter Ralph Cook has Colt, Torrington; 'Roland S. Ferin, ion. 8 a. m. This will also be a Thwaites as counselor. The group the Post, are invited to dump obtained sound movies of the 1954 Cornwall; Loren J:\ Keyes, -New Canaan; Ckrleton 'A. ' ScofieH,' Corporate Communion, for., theis preparing for the special East- clean fill at the site. It was point: World Series which will, be shown ::: Laymen's. Fellowship. Sunday er Service which, it will conduct ad. out that many yards of fill are Thursday March 31 at 8- p. m. Ridgefield. - •- • " School, 10 a. m. Holy Communion on the steps of the church at needed 'before the land can, heby Walter Tundryk. with Sermon, 10 a. m. Young Peo- 6:30 a. m. Easter Sunday, 8 p. m , brought up to the proper.. leveL Don. Perrotti.'and-,Edward' At-" ple's Fellowship, 7 p. m. Palms Adult Christian, Instruction at the CoiAty. Council Meeting Mohawk Camp Enrollment wood .sold land and. irrfprovements •will be distributed, at all services. parsonage. The Litchfield County Council on Trumbull St. to "Robert .and.. Holy Week. Monday through Monday - 3 p. m., Jr. Choir 're- of the- VFW and. Auxiliary -was Reaching Full Capacity Olive Foltz of Naugatuck. ••" Thursday, inclusive. Holy Com- hearsal. " v held last week. Attending from Union Congregational ' Church' munion, 7 a. m. Morning Prayer, Tuesday - 7 p., m.. Senior Choir Oakville Post and auxiliary were: - Judge "Stanley P. Mead, presi- sold ' land find ' improvements on 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion, 10 rehearsal with Summer Libbey di- Senior Vice-Commander Albert dent of the "Camp•'Mohawk Trus- Main St 'to Antoinette CMabreSe.' a, m. Evening .Prayer with Medi- recting, in preparation for ••special Montanibault, Joseph Paternoster. tees of the County YMCAs of tation, 7:30 p. m. Easter music. Girl Scouts of Gerald, Banning, Donald Kerr, Fairfield and Litchfield Counties- Good Friday - a day of Fasting Troop 21 will meet in the choir Auxiliary President Mrs. Mae Mc- has announced 'that this . 36 yeai THE OAKVIUE and Self-Denial. Morning Prayer room with Mrs. Earl, Kearney in Gee, Mrs. Avis Austin, Mrs Alice old Western 'Connecticut- YMCA CR find Litany, S a. m Ante-Com- charge. Bartkus, Mrs. Marion Caffrey, camp will open for the 1955 sea- munion with short Sermon, 10 a. Wednesday - 7 p. m., MrsMrs. . Nancy Kuntweiler, Mrs. An- son on Sunday July 3rd. "The SHOW STARTS AT 6:36 ni. Evening Prayer with. Medita- George Miller's Girl Scout troop na Schmidt, Mrs. June Warden •month of July is open to "'boys from •tion, 7:30' p. m. The Laymen's Fel- will meet in the choir room,. Jo- and Miss 'Valerie LeClair. eight to fifteen years of age.- The On Our N«w I lowship is promoting attendance seph "LeClair's Boy Scout 'Troop Department Junior Vice-Com- month of. .August is for girls of at the'evening service. will- meet in the Church at themander Thomas Bennett congra* the same age. \ Giant Scr»»nl j same time. tulated the Oakville VFW post •Enrollments for the 1:955 season I n ion. Congregational on having reached 100 per cent, are .running ahead, of other year? TODAY- E'RI., and. all indications' point to'a full Thursday - Deacons meet at 7 Oakville V. F. W. of its quota in the 1955 member- (Continued from. Page One) ship drive. camp at an- early date. It is ex- p. m. in Choir Room of Church. Plans were made to_ honor past" pected 'that, the first-period, of "8 p. m., Lenten Worship-guest tagna, Albert Daddona and Joseph girl's camp will reach capacity preacher the Rev. Henry Yor- Zuraitis. The purchase' price was, County Commander Joseph Smol- reportedly- 2,500 dollars. skis, Oakville,,,. and Past County •enrollment within a few days... ffan. Pastor of the - Southbury President Mrs. Ruth Ring, NewThere are places available for boys Congregational Church. Special. Judgj Joseph "Navin 'gave the Milford, at a testimonial dinner. in July in 'both periods and: for a music. post" his legal assistance in, the limited, number of girls for" the project, without, charge. Several Scouts Invited to Ma rob Saturday - Ladies' Society Hob- An invitation, has been extend- month of August, and, the second "A N D lty Show at the Church 3 to 8:30'members of the Post have donat- ed to the members of Oakville's period of girl's .camp:" p. m. ed the use of heavy contsruction troop 1, 72 and the Explorer 'The trustees of the Camp will Sunday - 9'.: 30 a. m.. Church equipment, as well as their per- Scouts of 'the Boy Scouts of meet in their annual meeting at School, all departments 10:45 sonal services, to aid in, filling and America, to march in the V F Woodbury, 'Conn., on Tuesday The Little -,*. m Palm. Sunday Worship. Jr., grading the land upon which, the W Loyalty Day Parade Sunday April 5th. Members of the Board Choir will. supply special 'music. new clubhouse will stand... It is May 1 in New Britain. are Judge Stanley P. Mead,,, presi- KIDNAPPERS Subject of the sermon: "Taking,, hoped that the filling, and grad- dent, New Canaan; C. Raymond. up the Palms ., Mr. Thwaites will ng. necessary can 'be completed A lunch will be provided for the boys by the local VFW Canting, vice-president, *, Water- "Paratrooper" at 6:30 - 9:46 Post All organizations in Con-town; Judge Robert K. Watson. "Little Kidnapper*" at 7:45 only necticut are invited to participate KIDDIE SHOW SAT. Tat in the parade. Any group inter- WATER- Laurel &. Hardly in "FLYWG NATIONAL TELEVISION ested may receive further informa- CAMEO TOWN DEUCES"—5 Carloou- - Sftrial tion by contacting the officers of and THE THREE STOOCES the Oakville Post 7330, V F. W TONIGHT THRU SAT. SALES—SERVICE V. F. W. Member's Uniforms - SUNDAY MONDAY ' Members who wish to purchase "HIT THE 'DECK" Continuous f rom 1i30 Sunday and 53 SOUTH MAIN ST., THOMASTON PROBATE NOTICE GLENN FORD DISTRICT OF WATERTOWN ss , PRO- "THE LAW vs. BILLY TV INSTALLATION and ANTENNA REPAIR, BATE COURT, March 21 1955. 11 Estate of THE KID HOME AND AUTO' RADIO' REPAIR CLARA JAMSKY AMERJCANO late of Watertown in aaid Di trict. de- SUN. - MON. . T'UES. ceased in the matter of Application tr (Tel. Collect ATlas 3-51271 ell to Stephen Jamsk>, Executor, in said District "THE RACERS" Upon the application of Stephen Jamskv and Executor of the aforesaid Estate. pra>ingr Selected Short, Subjects. that he be authorised to sell and con\ev real estate belonftinB to the decedent, as A N O CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING per application on file more fully appears it ia 'WANTED Woman, to help with LAWNS ROLLED, loam, for sale ORDERED, That said application be ••TARZAN" heard and determined at the Probate Of care of. children and some house- 'Cellars, yards and, attics, cleaned fice, in Watertown in said district on the One Show Man, Nite at 7:00 work,., CR. 4-2725. Tel. CR, 4-3636 or CR, •4-354,4. 5th day of April AO 1955. at nine o- clock in the fore noon and that public notice be B»en of the pendenc* of B.aid IF YOUR HOME has that "tired" WOOD FOR SALE — Stove or application and the time and place of ASPHALT, PAVEMENTS look, come and see our extensive furnace lengths. Also cow ma-hearing thereon, b> publishing a copy of PLAYING NOW THRU SAT. collection of attractive drapery this order once in some newspaper havine The nure. Cr 4-8217. a circulation in said District and b> post 'LANDSCAPING - LOAM, and upholstery fabrics and wall- ing a cops thereof on the public sign-post Great Musical Extravaganza— papers. HOUSATONIC VALLEY HOUSEWORK W4NTED — the Town of Watertown in said Di - 11 FURNITURE SHOP. West Corn- trict at least fiie da-is before said day "HIT THE DECK Two half-days per week,., Tel. CR of hearing MATTY'S Pi**"' wall, Conn. Tel. ORleans 2-6368,., 4-1778. Attest %- • "' and „ JOSEPH M NAVIN TEL, CR 4-3636 — CR 4-3544' LADKES HAIR CUTTING: Spec- Judfro " "THE 'MAID" ialty. Sal's Barber Shop,; Main. WHEN YOU 'THINK, OF CAR- TT 3M1-5" St., Oakville. CR '4-8091. PETS, think, of the Housatonic NOTICE START IN G N ?XT TUESDAY Valley Rug Shop—Northern, Con- On March 9. liSi the VnUrtmn Plan- ning and Zming Commissi n adopted ion- FOR 5 DAYS ATTENTION, FOR RENT—'Floor sanders, floor necticut's leading rug shop. Large inft regulations! for the Town of Water- polishers, sanding machines, tran- stock of broadloom, stair carpet town entitled ' Zomne Ordinance for the * "THE" BRIDGE OF' • hooked and _ braided rugs, and Town of Watertown Connecticut enacted sit & leveling machines. Water-1 April 1 19;>5" and boundaries of zoning " TOKO-RI" - Home town, Building Supply,-Echo Late yes even Oriental, rugs. Expert districts a-< "ihown on a map 'Zoning Map Lawn Maintenance Service, Rd Win., Tel, CR.'4-2555. installation by our own "factory Town of Watertown Conn ' eftectue April Landscaping, Lawn Care and trained staff. HOUSATONIC 1 1055 which regulations and map are on file in the ArVatertown Town Clerk's of- eroding by Experienced Bleu. GENERAL ELECTRIC Heating VALLEY RUG SHOP, West fice FREE ESTIMATES Hot water. Warm Air and. Air Cornwall, Conn. Tel. ORleans 2- THE WATERTOWN PLANNING Conditioning. WESSON HEAT- 61,34. „ . AND ZONING NO OBLIGATION' . COMMISSION by JOHN V ABBOTT, ING CORP., Waterbury. Tel. CHAIRM<\N WORK GUARANTEED PL 4-1892. T T 3-ll-6r) ROAD . Call Mornings or All Day WANTED WOMAN to assist in silk finishing department. Ex- Saturday and Sunday DADDONA CONS1HCUCTION perience not essential. Call, CR A C C T I. O N ! TEL. CR 4-S696 - CO. Excavating. Water and Sew- 4-1636. Allyn's Cleaners. er Connections. Tel. CR 4-3825,., Connecticut's Greatest BUILDERS NOW YOU CAN BENT wall pa- ROOM .FOR RENT—Airy, plea- Featuring FANTASTIC VALUES on EXCAVATING per removal set including steam- sant bedroom in quiet residential BRAND-NEW MERCHANDISE! ASPHALT PAVING WALTER H. HART er; floor sander, edgei" or a district. CR 4-2497. EVER* THURSDAY. FRIDAY and Civil Engineer In Charge !• KAST MAW ST., WATERBUBY quarter-inch electric drill SATURDAY NITES KAY'S HARDWARE PRACTICAL NURSE AVAIL- COME! BID, BUY and SAVE CO'E & ANDERSON Real Estate — Insurance Main St., Watertoivn • ABLE— Call Mrs. Kregar, CR, 4 on Gifts, Tools, Aluminum-ware, Elec- Hi orris, Connecticut T«UphB KENT—Bulldta* equipment, 262 North Main St., Waterbuxy WATERTOWN f Leavenworth St.. Waferbury PL 6-2243 from staging to staplers. Call u OPEN 9 A. H. to 9 P. M. ice hoars 9 A. M. to S P. M. — •rcniav mmi W**k hr' vwolntamt. at 'L.K. 4-39391 or visit our yard, at, T. V. Appliances, Etc,.,, at special, special 30 Depot St. E. H. Coon Co. low prices. .7/ E'D' Friday..'proi- mediate Fellowship., 5 p. 'n .TOW NF '¥l iiES * ;*4SONN.T fUHOL «f,- • «S5 \s~5 PAGE-1* Property'Cessions. of the Watertownodist Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p., m .Historical Society Classmeeting for Bible Study .and ment this, week. Confessions 4 to St.- Mary Magdelan .. Monday - Holy Mass at • 7 and Sacrament, _ 6 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. 8-a. m. 2:30 p. ro,.. Religious in- Prayer. Saturday - 8 a. m. 35th Anniv. Thursday - Holy Mass. at 7 and Day of Recollection struction for boys and,' girls of Monday *- 3:1,5 p., m. Brownie Requiem High Mass for Joseph "The women of St., John's par- 8 a. m. 7 »,., m. - 3rd Anniv.. Req- Bunker Hill School.' B,'tp pick-up Troop. 3:15 p. m. Girl Scouts of Barry. uiem High M«ss *or Mrs- Mary ish who wish to attend the; Day of at watertownhistoricalsociety.org2:30' -p. m. 3:15 p, m... novena America. Sunday - Palm Sunday, Blessing Recollection at. the' in. Pierce, requested by Mrs. .Anna in honor of 'Our Lady of the Mira- Tuesday - 3:15 p., m. Brownie Murphy- 8 a. m. - 4th Anniv. Req- culous Medal. 3:45 p., no.. Religious Troop: 3:1,5 p. m. Girl Scouts of of Palms; at 7 a m. Mass. Masses Middletown should meet in the uiem High Mass. for Mr. Anton instruction, " 7th anil 8th grade America 8 p. m. The Board of at 7, 8:30, 9:45- and 1,1'a. m. Beth- School yard, Thursday morning at Mesfcun. requested, "by Mrs. Anna boys. 3:45 p. m,,.,» Jr.. Easter Choir 'Trustees, Inc. lehem at'9 and 11 a. m. Distribu- 8:55. Mesfcun. 1st. Friday confessions rehearsal I 7 p. m. Novena, for Wednesday - 12:13 p. m. tion of Palms at all Masses. Chil- -2:45' to: 3:30, 4 to 5:30 and 7 to adults' and high school, students. The Annual WSCS -Spring dren of Mary will receive Com- First Church of Christ 8:30 p. mi " ' Blessing and Enrollment. Confes- Luncheon Maundy -Thursday: 7:30 munion in a -body at 'the' 7 a. m. x Scientist,. Waterbury Friday i- '1st -Friday in. honor sions and blessing of religious p. m. Mass. 7:30 p. m., Lenten, Devo- Sunday Services 1,0:45. a. m.» of the 'Sacred Heart:,. Holy Com- articles. 7:45 p. m.t Bingo Party, .Annual Maundy 'Thursday cele- tions, . .Rosary, Sermon by Rev. munion. ©, 'BiSO and 6:55 a. m. 8 a. Church Hall. bration of 'The 'Last, Supper. t Thomas Toohey and Benediction, 7:30 p. m. Sunday School .and nt... Requiem High Mass, for-Mrs. Tuesday - Holy Mass at 7 and 8 Good,, Friday - 1,2 noon until of the Most Blessed Sacrament- Nursery 10:45 a. m. Wednesday Mary MS&iina,. requested by Al- a. m. , Religious -instruction for 3 p., -m. 'Good Friday Seni.ce at Monday - No meeting of C. Y. meeting including testimonies of Junior High '7th and 8th grade Christ Episcopal Church, Wa'ter- O. 8 p.. m,, Council of -Catholic. Christian .Science healing, 8 p. rn. co'mna.enaotalio-a. -of--our1' .Lord's girls and for 6-th grade of South town. Women will hold, their monthly '"Unreality"" will 'be the sub- third*''hou?' on the Cross. Confes- School. Easter Day - 6:30 a. m Youth meeting in. the school hall. ject of the Lesson-Sermon for sions for '1st. Saturday. 8 to' 9 p, Wednesday - Holy Mass at 7 and Sponsored Sunrise- Service at the Wednesday - "No card tourna- Sunday. m., preparing; ."of* Palm by Ladies 8. a. m. .Religious instructions for home of Mr. and, Mrs. J B of Altar Society. 1st Holy Communion class. Chil- Thomas with breakfast for the Saturday1'- 1st'-Saturday in-honor dren of Polk, Falls, Ave., and young people following. 9:45- a m of Our 'Lady of Fatima. Holy Mass Roosevelt schools who have made Special Easter Sunday School at; 7, 8, aM.,-*--a^-ov?'-a. m.,-3rd theu* 1st Communion,., 7 p. m. BoySession. 9:45 a... m. Bible Class 11 Anniv. Requiem High Mass for Scouts meeting. a... m, 'Nursery for children whose ATTENTION Mr. Peter j-AJlard, requested,-'by Mr. parents worship. 1,1 a. m Divine and Mia.. Joseph Bazaitis. 9 a. m, Christ Church Worship with sermon. ,A:nniv'.-ir|tep^epi. '-High .Itass^ foj: Thursday - 10 a. rn,,, Holy Com- , AH, those who desire to place munion, Women's Auxiliary Sew- special memorial flowers; on the Altar for the" Easter Service are quested. tor1 Mrs- Arttefia Mazasola, ing meeting. SAVERS! Cohfesst^n 4- "to- 5:30 -and T to Sunday - 8- a. m.. Holy Commun- invited, to call Mrs. Joel, Black as 8:30' p. !lB(i-.V .. •••• ""' ion. 10:45 a. m.. Family Worship soon as possible. SunqiEi^r -- PaWn"' Sunday. Bless- and Church School. 7 p. m., Members and friends of the ing of Palm before 6 ,«.' m Mass, Young People's Fellowship. Church, who have been using the distribution at every Mass. Holy 'Monday - 3:30 p. m., Girl Smuts. Lenten, Sacrifical Offering boxes Mass wferfe f».-."8,;.:'9»-'|.-'l"i- a.-m;4:3-0' p. m.-, confirmation class. are invited to bring them to the 9:45 .iZ'"-*i-... ••Piayer :Class for chil- Tuesday - 3:30 p.. m... Girl Maundy Thursday Last Suppe dren ?4-to-.5 Vi 'yeaJrs old...' 1:30 p. Scouts. Service. This offering will be gi\ m.t Bafilpm. orifeferred* 2 p. m., Wednesday - 6:30 a. -m.. Holy en to the Dedication Mission work reheaisallf'.ftir;: strewers, for •'Holy Communion. .,3:30 p. m.., Jr. Choir. of the Board of Missions of the 7:45 p m.,» Senior Choir. Methodist Church, Thursday - Maundy Thursday. Hartford Youth Christian Wit 11:30 a. m.. Regular monthly meet- ness 'Mission. Miss Betty Thomas ing of Women's- Auxiliary.* Busi- and Miss Trudy Thompson were ness meeting followed by cas- the official -delegates this past mode on or before serole luncheon. Sewing in the week-end to the Hartford Youth DEPOSITS the 5th of each, month afternoon. Christian iWtness Mission The Minister, the Rev. Jack, Gienfell draw interest First Congregational was- one of the speakers at the from the 1st Friday •-, Lenten ..Organ Recital, Mission,. Plans now in the making at 8 p. ni" by George' Morgen, include sub-district 'missions for Church* Organist. youth in the fall. Sunday - '-Palm Sunday, begin- DEPOSITS- GUARANTEED ning of Holy Week... 9:30 a... m.. iSt. John's Church IN FULL Church School." 11 a. m.. Morning Service. 6pm Pilgrim, Fellowship "Thursday - Confessions 4 to G supper 'meeting, Jr., High Fel- p.. rn. and 7 to 9 p. m. lowship. Senior High, Fellowship Friday - First Friday. Masses at 6- and 7 a. m. 7:30 p. m Sta WATEIBUKY SAVINGS. BANK will discuss the meaning of Holy MuHiual Savings IBank Service Since 1850 Week for Christianity. tions 1 of the Cross, Devotions in honor of the Sacred Heart and I Monday - 3:30, Girl Scouts and. Brownies. Benediction -of the Most Blessed "Tuesday - 7 p. m... Boy Scouts of "troops 4. 7:30 p. m,, .meeting of Friendship Guild in Church House •' Yba'see ybnr Obctor'at 7:30 p., m,.,. Girl Scouts. " the feat .suggestion of ill- Wednesday - 3:1.5 p., m.., Jr. Come drive America's best-selling car! '•• neas-.^tmi -M^ai* added Choir. Rehearsal. - 'Thursday - 'Maundy 'Thursday - .protective' measure, bring Communion Service., his prescriptions to this. Friday - Community Good Fri- • • fin'4 pharnracy wJietc day service in Christ Church 12 to prompt and precise com- 3 p. m. Seven periods of worship based upon the seven last words », pounding Is a specialty. of Christ. Annual Rummage sale • "You will appreciate our of the -Congregational Church friendly* interested serv-- Women's Association will be held ice-^tna oiif uniformly on, April 13th. fair prices. Methodist Church Thursday - 6:30' p. m Junior Fellowship. 7:15 "p. rri. Junior 1 Post Office Drug Store Choir Rehearsal. 7:30 p. m. Sen- Complete and official registrations for December, 1954 and DeFOREST- STREET - WATERTOWN ior Choir Rehearsal and Rehearsal Tchplnrae CR 4-U48 ' - with, the Christ Episcopal Church 'January, 1955 (the .first- two- complete months for which comparative Sun. S a.m. to 1 t>.m. — S p.m.. to 8 p.m Choir • of Waterhury . for The Open. H«a. thru Sat., S m.m. to 9 p.m. Palm Sunday,, cantata. Mr. Ed. registration figures .are available -on '55 models) show flam- • • • Parke and Mrs.- Mildred Wright, Plenty of ; *»sy par k ine tif ht at •tore.. Directors. Sunday - PALM SUNDAY. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. Adult Bible Class. 11 a. m. Nursery for children whose par- ents worship. 11 a. m. Divine MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING Worship with, sermon. 4 p. m. CONTATA by the joint -choirs of the Methodist Church and Christ Episcopal Church of Waterbury. Open to the public. 5 p., m. Inter- 55 CHEVROLETS WATERVILLE THAN ANY OTHER CAR! KEILTY LAUNDROMAT 12-HOUR LAUNDRY

— Also— .S| RUGS - BLANKETS - SPREADS V Ample Parking .

Dry Cleaning' -and Shirt Service • Com© In—look it over and drive it—and ' /CHEVROLET/ you1! see why Chevrolet's the best-sellerl "WIM" KEILTY. Prop. 19 STUIGHT YIAU 1600 Thomaston Ave. Waterville Theatre Building ' • TEL. PLcna 6-7148 WEST'S SALES & SERVICE. INC WATERTOWN CONN... 18 — TOWN TIMES fWATERTOWN, CONN.f. *»AR::3t, : « „ _. - . , aH.ll WOflKQ (Continued* froii*riage TJneT** that the necessary money was 'that 'the purchase will result' in, Property of the Watertownissued a public sta ten tent' on thHistoricaleraised which, shows 'how we parSociety-a tine mill-tax- increase ' -next -yeaf. subject: 'Mr. and Mrs. William ents and taxpayers feel about the Virbila, Mr. and Mrs. James Car- need of this area for our children Parents Approve uuj of... ney, Mr .and Mrs. William Busi, 9,000 persons used Slades last Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbell, Mr. summer. (Continued rrbrn Page One) , watertownhistoricalsociety.organd Mrs , Ellsworth Leach, -Mr. only children who witljfifct be per- and Mrs. Jack Whittlesey and "Slades has no road mainten- mitted to participate in this year's Mr. and Mrs. Irving Leach. ance problems. It hasn't an oldprogram will' be those who- par- Their "statement follows: patched up dam that may need ticipated 4v)aa\year's field trials "Oakville is the most densely costly repairs. The .pond is fed byof the Salk Polio Vaccine. ; populated section and its needs- fresh spring waters. It offers - A *>r-""akdpwn of $ta£stics on should not be ignored. We peti- many advantages -in its wood- •pei-missiftn slipsTiy Schools shows;: tioned the Selectmen last year to lands 'tor park, development, pic- Baldwin 238 yes, 5 no; South call a town meeting. They demand- nic groves in, addition to beaches School* 901- fe$,-_ f& no, Polk ed first that a protective strip and swimming facilities for the ; around the lake is necessary. That young and old. We think the 522,- 000 for the more than 22 acres third, annual. Chase Bowling Tou- was obtained. They then asketi for 100 yes, 20_no. The returns., art Kl'SS POPE'S COCKER options. That was obtained. After of Slades, the bordering protec- not yet final," and the figures are HPANItX A. CHAMPION. rament the past, week end. months of procrastination tho tive land, the buildings and drink- THE SOUND UP. . - - ing water supply is reasonable. It subject to change. "Winsome Ways Peaches" is First Selectman submits, a price Tentative schedules and admin-j what Russell Pope, calls his silver Bo's Restaurant. Western Con- that was too low and refused. would be sound business and good istering physicians for each school" huff cocker spaniel beauty. Now necticut League entry had, a sterl- Now, after long delays, the Se-foresight for the town to acquire are as- follows:, Baldwin School, there's a name to conjure with, but ing 707 high game and, a three lectmen suddenly move into ac- it. Echo Lake should not be used Dr. Harry Lauderbough; first vac- it, seems, that Russ always had, a,game set d*f 1866 to capture team, tion with a proposal that the to block Slade's." cination May 2, second vaccina- magic touch when it came to se-honors, last Sunday. Bill Tato, the town buy Echo Lake at a much The Selectmen claim that the tion May 9, third vaccination lect ing names. former Connecticut Blue Ribbon, higher price than Slades is being Echo Lake area is a better pro- June 6; South School, Pr. Rqyal Back in the early 1920's when great, who's probably spilled as offered,., » position because, "... of its cen-Meyers; first vacciftation May 3, the Wijterbury Eastern League many pins in his long career as "We are not opposed-to town tral location; larger area of wat- second vaccination May 10, third Imiseball, team, was looking for a, Campbell 'has made beans, knock- ownership of Echo Lake to serve er; steady flow in and out, thus vaccination irane;Tf«£>Ht»nd Fails nickname through, a, newspaper ed over a lot of "em last week with the Watertown people and the insuring a continual supply. . . Ave. Schools, «'*Dt,' ^jessamine contest Mr, Pope was the winner a 418 high three" while teammate fringe places of Oakville. But and in view of (Jack Innes-) gen- GoernSr; first vaccination May 4, with his "Brasscoes" tag. Out ofSteve Bunis had a 182 high single. Slades is closer to more people. erosity (in leasing the area in thesecond vaccination May 11, third more than 300 entries. „ . . Yankee fans are hoping that It is important to be preserved past for $1 a year), it should be vaccination June 8; St. Jbhn'.? Russell has been training cock- this, will be the year- when. Big tjr the growing section of Oak- taken into consideration if the Parochial School, Dr. Ha*old ers for more than a year now and Bob' Cerv finally comes into, his ville as a community recreation town is going to buy a swimming Cleary; first vaccination May 6, own. Cerv has been threatening he's mighty proud of the "Win- area. The Oakville PTA put on a area." second vaccination May 13 and s some" one who last week, won thefor the past few seasons but that's minstrel show last year to help The Selectman said the price third vaccination Juno 10, Malta tuck Kennel Club Champion- as far as it went. ship by taking first prize in the Local basketball, fans and, play- cocker class and placed first, in ers are disappointed to. say the the sporting class with the best least because the rulemakers left of breed. the OIJ«"* and one bonus shot, in Winsome 'Ways Peaches'" has the game. Foul line appearances six 'points towards her ctfampion- dominate the game and the bonus ship and recently showed at the shot keeps a, player at the charity Hotel Roosevelt in. New York, City line that much more, As one fan j»nd will show soon at. Orange, put it, "There was never a more New Jersey. unpopular rule than the one and f'lTFF NOTES ., ,. .. , one bonus shot, yet the rules com- Leo Orsini reports that Tony mittee, -using college games as a- Paoli. the Waterbury promoter, is, pattern, show that fouls have been hot after a world's championship decreased since the rule was put fight, for Municipal .Stadium this into effect a—couple of seasons summer Chick Lawson, the ago." coach whose teams, usually start earlier and finish, later than any of the others in, the area because Drive For Concert he jiKt loves that game, still, has •(Continued from Page Onel his Wood bury Recs chalking up era! sentiment, with the following high scoring victories, Chick has statement. "The Board of Direct- one burning desire and that is to ors and the campaign officers are cup one of the post season tourna- enthusiastic about the success of inents hereabouts. Every season the recent campaign. 'There had he enters a formidable .quintet been, some concern that the in- but has yet "to win one. crease in "ticket price, adopted in THE GRAB-BAG. ., . ., order to enable us to present Coach Bob Co«k is 'hoping for mote name attractions would M ime good. warm ea11 v April bring a considerable reduction in weather to get his ptomising the size of our membership That hnseball candidates out of doors this is not the ease is surelv a Bob figures on a good defense tribute to the cultural and par set me stout pitching and stead\ ticularlv the musicil taste of the hitting; this year rather than the people of Water town as well is of long ball but you nevei can tell | the gi owing" bod v of members w-ho coach, you've got some growing ' come from out of town We are boys Steve Hudobenko the particularly impressed as a mat- A u toy re's star bowler is enjowng ter of fact with the distance that a. great season on. the spillwa> . Chaperoning the affair hall on April, 22 by Mrs. Anne al Church. , . "The Grange has also announced that it will sponsor the 1955 campaign of 'the American. Cancer' Society in, Bethlehem, and has: named 'Mrs. Clara Osuch to head the drive. . , Bethlehem, Choral Club held a rehearsal on Wednesday night at the Federat- 1955 NoNoxbums clean like this... ed Church chapel. 4- Public Health Nurses A budget for 'Tuberculosis, pre- vention and care for the year was adopted at a, meetng 'of the ad- ministrative committee of 'the Morris- 'Bethlehem Public Health, Nursing service at a, meeting held last. Monday eve in the- town of- fice building. ,. ... Mrs.. Vernon A. and protects your Raymond,, committee chairman, presided. Final, receipts' of the Christmas seal campaign were $706, a slight, His. lamp test: (hows what a, difference Gulf super-re- increase over the previous year ining makes. Gulf refines out the "dirty-burning tail- which was $668.12 .Prior to dis- 1 end** of gasoline—at;the refinery—to bring you. new ,/ engine like this! cussion of the budget Mrs. Mary Sullivan, public health nurse, gave dean-burning Gulf NO-NOX. : . / her report for February . . . She made 200 visits, with 23 new cas- es and, 177 revisits. . ... Included, were acute communicable diseas- es, TB, maternity, infant, and .children, non-communicable dis- ease and .crippled .children. . . . "There were 28 visits to School and 11 individual healfh inspections made,'. ., She held' 86 conferences with parents, 29 with teachers and nine with pupils. .. ,. Three visits were ..made outside the school, on . behalf of pupils. . . Fifty pupils, received, first aid. . .. Dental, care was provided 36 pupils, with 13 completing treatment. . . Two health films were shown. Attending 'the meeting were Mrs.. ¥. A. Raymond, Mrs. Irving Moody, Mrs Herman, Anderson, Mrs. R P Atherton, Raymond 11, Boden Jr., Mrs. Gerald Minor, Mrs. Ernest Skilton, Mrs. 'Robert, D. Sanford, David H. Yard Jr., Mrs. H. Emery Merrill, Hubert T. Smith, and Mrs. Sullivan . . Next meeting will be held in Mor- ris. Community Hall April 18 Dovidaitis Funeral Funeral services were held on Saturday from Deliniks Funeral Compare clean, piston *W* from, engine using new. NO-NGX with oline that Gulf refines out. Both pistons shown here, from Gulf test Home, Waterbury, to St., John's piston "B" from engine using the '"'.dirty-burning tail-«nd" of gas- engines, ran, 'the same number of hours under 'the .same conditions. Church, Watertown, for Charles . Casimer Dovidaitis, who died, on Wednesday shortly after being admitted to St. Mary's Hospital. . A native of Suvalka, Lithuania, whaft mine... No gasoline-no, not a single one-has higher octane than 'Mr. Dovidaitis. came to this fifty years ago .and had resided in Bethlehem for 35 r: years. . . He was owner of a dairy I TMs is GULF'S PLEDGE farm. and. 'was a, member of St. '.John's Church, Watertown...... | to' the motoring public Survivors include a, .daughter, Mrs. New 1955 GULF NONOX ' 'Vincent Klish, and a graddaugh- ter, Beverly Klish, both of Beth- • We at Gulf make this promise to ...Always, remember: Octane alone is not starts . .. . fast, fuel-saving warm-up. lehem, . and several nieces and America's motorists. We 'will not per- enough, Only a gasoline that burns clean • No knock, no pre-ignition—even in nephews . ,. Burial was in Cal- mit a. single competitor—DO, mot a •can make its full .octane power really very Cemetery, Waterbury. single one—to offer a gasoline su- today's high-compression engines. P. T. A. Minstrel perior to. our own superb No-Nox. work for you. New NO-NOX, is super- If you feel that you have tal- refined to bum, clean, for'lasting power. :ent and wish to. participate in the • It is oar sincere belief that 'No-Nox. Oakville PTA minstrel in. its. Fill up and feel the 'difference: in: local showing on April 9 at the Is 'the finest gasoline on the market .Consolidated Schol our advice, is today, and no 'matter' what others do • Mare complete protection than with to hurry .and. notify Mrs Vern or say we will keep it the- finest—in Rand, who is 'Chairman of the so-called "miracle-additive" gasolines. .local presentation on behalf of power, in performance, in engine pro- the Legion Auxiliary. ,. . Dancing tection. • Extra gas. mileage in short-trip, stop- :is to follow the minstrel. ,. . Hav- and-go driving motorists do most. ing had, two serious house fires. • 'TMs 'is not a, boast, not a claim.. It :in, Bethlehem •recently Leon W. if a pledge to you,, the motoring: pub- • Stall-proof smoothness . . , instant Banks, a charter member of the lic—a pledge backed by the. resources Bethlehem* 'Volunteer Fire Dept., has .asked that all members of the —and 'the integrity.—of the Gulf CM •local, department who have ever Corporatioa. Its burn dean! - paid.. dues please make arrange The '55 gasoline fir all higb-compressHra engines merits to be at the • next regular meeting, which, takes place this. Friday at 8 p. m. at the f irehouse. Red Cross Drive Local Red Cross .campaign is. GET YOUR 1955 GULF NO-NOX AT under way, .and Mrs. .Ralph Par- melee, chairman of 'the 'drive, has .announced that workers, include Mrs. George Hatch, Mrs.,., Michael .Fitzgerald, Mrs. Lester Tomlin- OLSON'S WATERTOWN GARAGE son, Mrs. Leland Krake, Mrs. MAIN STREET WATERTOWN PAGE 18 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.}, MAR. 31, 1955 Travel Club David Shoby shared his birth- .also ten additional representatives 'The Travel Club visited Amour day 'with, all of his school friends. from other industrial concerns. and Co. .in Waterbury on March Birthday cake, punch and candy George 8; Paul, director' of 'the Propertyior 'Classica ofl Leagu thee of Connecti Watertown- 23'., ..The Club members wer eHistoricalwere served. SocietyInstitute, led, the cours e with the cut at St.. .Joseph's College . in shown how meat is. frozen, stored Third Grade assistance' of Richard Miller, in- School Activities Hartford. Twenty-two latin stu- Byrd Thompson had a birth- structor for the institute. dents, chaperoned by Miss. Ann and shipped to various, outlets.. Watertown High School Graduation Committee* day 'party March .24: featuring a Eight weekly 'meetings, were .held Paul, attended.. Mr. West furnish- Student .graduation 'committees birthday cake replica of .Us for the participants on subjects On April 1 and 2 there wil be ed 'thwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge transportation. . have been .announced. They are house, baked, by his mother. such as' managerial organization, two conferences in New Haven ot Dramatic Club General, Chairman — Spring Helping' Byrd. celebrate his 'ninth. measuring the supervisor's output, interest to members of the high A meeting of toe Dramatic dub Dance, Barbara Aitchison; Gen- birthady were David Weiss, Jim- personnel, relations, and human re- school teachers of Watertown. was held Tuesday, March 22, 'in,"eral 'Chairman — Class Picnic — my Seymour, Jimmy Black, Jer- lations. Firms represented were: The Connecticut Science Teachers the High. School. It was announced Peter Pape; General Chairman of ry Sweeney, Gregg Ross,, 'Robbie Princeton, Watertown, Mfg., West Association., 'will have a work-shop Perkins .and Tommy Perkins. Hartford News. Waterbury Tool, at that 'time "that 'try-outs, for th1 e Graduation Plans.,. Barbara Miller; 'Wheeler Wire, Patent Button, to discuss "and study Values spring play "Drums, of Death "" 'Committee on 'What to Wear for Many games were enjoyed. Chromium Corp-. Iseli Swiss, Screw to Science Study; the Use of Com- would be held March 28. "Pick Graduation and. Dance, Judy 'Curtis Thompson entertained Machine, 'Chase Brass, Harris munity Resources; .and Curricul and.", a one-act ' play, Donahue, Judy Nichols,. Judy Bax- Douglas Hallowell, Neil Sorensen Transducer,, French, Co., A similar' • urn, on the elementary, .junior was presented.. 'The cast: Nancy ter, 'Carol. Batdorf, Lincoln Jan- and. .his brother, Fred. 'Thompson, on. course was. conducted at the Oak- high, and senior high .school levels 'Pratt, Linda Krantz, Barbara etty, .and. Nicky Nardoia; Com- a. trip to New York. Mr. .and Mrs. ville 'Division of Scovill Mfg. 'Co. Miss Patricia. Shanley, biology, Mr Trafford, and Audrey Farrow. mittee to Work With PTA on .Edwin Thompson made the trip Wallace Bartlett, math,, .and Mr The prompter was Bob Palomba. Graduation Plans, Margo Roberts, with "the boys. The group had din- Edgar Moberg, chemistry • and Girl's Gym Demonstration Patty Fenn and Robert George. ner at 'the Automat .and rode 'the science teacher, will, attend both "The girls of Watertown High Subway, Realty Activities sessions. School 'will, present a Gym, dem- .. South School Mildred Stiles of Potsdam,, N. Yale Graduate School is spon- Baldwin School Judy Kiesel, of Miss Dillon's Y. Virginia Colter, Nancy Metcalf onstration Program, April 1. Ned .Douglas, of Mrs. Johnson's Kindergarten, celebrated .her of Woodstown, N. X, 'Carolyn soring a. two-day conference for 'The program will include: The 'Third Grade is on a trip "to Ber- T English teachers: of the Northeast W. H. ' S. Majorettes, Hawaian birthday March .26th,- 'by treating Beardslee and _jewis Beardslee, area, of the United States... Mr* muda with his parents and boys her' classmates to a .large birthday Jr. of Thomaston sold I^TVI wvi Dance, Indian Dance, Schottische, from Taft. .School,., cake. improvements on. Riverside' St to Edgar Moberg will, represent 'the Water' Ballet (dance), Relay Chris, Peterson of Mrs. Peck's local high school at 'this, confer- Races, Marching, Ebbtide, W. H, Roy Bates, of .Miss Soudan's Colonial 'Trust, Co. ence. Third Grade, spent a. weekend in 6th grade, has. made a." model Pi- Joseph, and Margaret Dillane S. Rockettes, a Modern Ballet Boston and, reported to the .class rate's snip which is much, ad- Hayes Attend* Ev&lo&tlcm Duet, Pyramid Building, and on places of historical interest sold. land, and imDrovements on Mr, Frank. Hayes was. at Strat- mired by his .classmates, for its Echo Lake Rd. to'Wilfred" Ther- Tumbling, a Ballet Solo, Square which he visited. detailed, workmanship. O'UIX. ford High School -March 22—23 Dance Party and a, Virginia Reel, Mallory Men-imam and - her Falls Ave. School Bernard Baube sold land and as a member of an. .evaluation. followed by the finale. 'brother Heminway, spent a, 'day Carl. Shaw, .son of Mr. .and Mrs. improvements on. Slade St. to An- group. For several, years the State In, 'Charge of tickets for 'the at 'their summer cottage in Weeka- Joseph. Shaw, Sunyside Ave., cele- thony .and. Josephine Satkauskas. " Department of Education, has event, are: 'Gerry Vernovai, Marie paug, R. I. brated his 8th birthday March 23 Herbert" Woodward sold land sponsored these two-day inspection Battis, Dolores Budelis, Rosaline Kindec&rten Mothers with. a. party in Mrs. Frank: Judd's and. improvements on Porter St. tours. In the High Schools of Con- Kelleher, June Misura .and, Claudia The Kindergarten teachers, second grade class. Refreshments

TAKES LESS TIME 10 IT'S DO' SOME THIN RIGHT THAN TO EXPLAIN WHY PAINTING TIME YOU DID It' WRONO. .. AND WE HAVE 'EM! Inside - Outside PAINTS For aR around the house Drop in aid get some • TODAY! . and then the lights went OUT! Ever blow a fuse' simply by plugging in. one appliance while another was in use? That's just one" symptom of inadequate wiring. 'Other signs are electric hearing appliances 'that take too long getting hot,, lights, that. dim. when other appliances 'are turned on, .and. wall outlets, that 'are filled, with, dangerous "octopus/' plugs. You've probably .noticed one or .more of 'these' nuisances in your own, home. Like most folks these' days, you may be using more elec- trical appliances than 'the wiring in your" home was designed to sup-' ply. If so, you're not getting the full use of the electricity you're paying for. And, .in. addition,, you're risking a fire that could .result' from an overloaded appliance circuit.. Fortunately, 'there's an. .easy and sensible solution. Through CL&P's new home wiring plan. you. can install, the new wiring you need, and pay for tfae modernization along with your electric bill. You can pay as., little as |2 a month and have as long as 'three years to complete' your payments.

Your electrical contractor knows all about this convenient plan. Talk four wiring; problems over with him 'today and learn how EDWARD H. COON CO. easily you can enjoy all the ad- CL'P vantages of 'modern electrical THt CONNlCTtCUT MASON & PLASTERING SUPPLIES living in your own home. UOHT AND P'OWf't COMPANY 30 Depot Street - WATERTOWN - Tel. CR 4-3939 Always a place to park—Open Until 12: Noon .Sal.