Manichaean Studies Newsletter 31 ❍ 2016/17 published by The International Association of Manichaean Studies editor Gunner Mikkelsen Department of Ancient History Macquarie University Sydney NSW 2109, Australia
[email protected] - IAMS website - © 2017 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANICHAEAN STUDIES BOARD OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANICHAEAN STUDIES ❄ Executive Officers ❄ President NILS ARNE PEDERSEN (Aarhus, DK) Vice-President JASON BEDUHN (Flagstaff, USA) Secretary GUNNER MIKKELSEN (Sydney, AUS) Treasurer IRIS COLDITZ (Berlin, D) Director of the CFM SAMUEL LIEU (Sydney, AUS) Voting Member ZSUZSANNA GULÁCSI (Flagstaff, USA) Voting Member FLAVIA RUANI (Ghent, B) Conference Convenor NILS ARNE PEDERSEN (Aarhus, DK) ❄ Associate Executive Officer ❄ Editor of the MSN GUNNER MIKKELSEN (Sydney, AUS) ❄ Honorary Members ❄ LUIGI CIRILLO (I) FRANÇOIS DECRET (F) WOLF-PETER FUNK (CDN) LUDWIG KOENEN (USA) MARTIN KRAUSE (D) JEAN-PIERRE MAHÉ (F) PAUL MIRECKI (USA) ENRICO MORANO (I) JOHANNES VAN OORT (NL) KURT RUDOLPH (D) MICHEL TARDIEU (F) PETER ZIEME (D) Manichaean Studies Newsletter 31 ❍ 2016/17 THE EDITOR’S NOTES Dear Colleagues, 2017 has been a year of much activity in our field. The major part of this issue contains information about two well-attended and successful conferences held in 2017, the ‘Mani in Cambridge’ conference held at the Ancient India and Iran Trust in Cambridge, UK, on 25 April, and the Ninth International Conference of the IAMS held at the University of Turin and Museo di Arte Orientale (MAO) from 11 to 15 September. Minutes of two IAMS meetings held in conjunction with the Turin conference are also included in this issue. As is evident from the Recent Publications section (pp.