Naval Training Device Center Index of Technical Reports
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 066 013 EM 010 085 AUTHOR Walker, Lemuel E. TITLE Naval Training DeviceCenter Index of Technical Reports. INSTITUTION' Naval Training Device.Center, Orlando, Fla. REPORT NO NAVTRADEV-P-3695 PUB DATE 1 Apr 72 NOTE 65p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Bibliographies; *Government Publications; *Indexes (Locaters); *Military Training; Simulators; *Training Techniques IDENTIFIERS *Naval Training Device Center ABSTRACT Published Naval Training Device Center technical reports and some technical notes (those available through the Defense Documentation Center-DDC) which have resulted from basic research, exploratory development, and advanced development type projects are listed. The reports are indexed by technical note nuhtber, by title, and by contractor code. The index is revised once a year. (Author/JY) ,....,X...?;.;N,..,4,4,40:.W.., e:e ( 0.7 'ta....;.:.: 1 \ 1.4..0.... t,, ti W 1.1 l'.n.,:1;;;,.>,.,:,,,,: ' (- t 4,.,.y.....,..1f... ...1<:<. .,..: ;:x. ,s..:^ '<.,..i.y,W...,,z, :.i -.., .:,..< A ,1 Ke. <,, ;:, P7<<,,".:..:..7. NAVTRADEV P-3695 re I APRIL 1972 ..r;) CD C:) NAVAL TRAINING DEVICE CENTER INDEX OF TECHNICAL REPORTS Basic Research Exploratory Development Advanced Development All titles in this publication are unclassified DoD Distribution Statement U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION Distribution limited to U.S. Government agencies THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM only; Test and Evaluation; 1 April 1972. Other THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG requests for this document must be referred to INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY Ar;§ the Commanding Officer, Naval Training Device REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY Center (Code 423) Orlando, Florida 32813.
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