“MEMORIAL” Human Rights Center DECEPTIVE JUSTICE Situation on the investigation on crimes against civilians committed by members of the Federal Forces in the Chechen Republic during military operations 1999–2003 (Updated in May 2003) Moscow 2003 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/00f67f/ ПРАВОЗАЩИТНЫЙ ЦЕНТР «МЕМОРИАЛ» HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER «MEMORIAL» Россия, Москва, 103051, М. Каретный переулок 12 тел.: (095) 200-6506, факс: (095) 209-5779, E-mail:
[email protected] ISBN 5-93439-113-5 © Human RightCenter,«Memorial», 2003. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/00f67f/ Contents List of Abridgements . .4 1. Introduction . .6 2. Sentences to the servicemen who committed crimes against the inhabitants of the Chechen Republic . .7 3. Sentences to the policemen who committed crimes against the inhabitants of the Chechen Republic . .11 4. Investigation on criminal cases by the office of public prosecutor . .13 4.1. Investigation on criminal cases by the office of military prosecutor . .20 4.2. Investigation on criminal cases by the office of public prosecutor of the Chechen Republic . .23 5. Attachments 1. Answer from the Deputy Procurator-General of the Russian Federation S.N.Fridinsky to the inquiry sent by the Deputy of the State Duma S.A.Kovaliov on the sentences passed by the courts on criminal cases concerning the crimes against the inhabitants of the Chechen Republic, committed by members of the Federal Forces . .31 2. Izviestia. Evgueny Chubatov, Oleg Yunusov. “Fusillade” article. July, 9 2002 . .39 3. Information from INTERFAX July, 13 2001 . .45 4. Information from INTERFAX July, 16 2001 . .47 5. Information from INTERFAX July, 17 2001 .