Volume 13 Number 08
CAKE AND COCKHORSE . BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Spring 1997 E2.50 Volume 13 Number 8 ISSN 6522-0823 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: The I.ord Saye and Scle. Chairman: Rrian Little, 12 1,ongfellow Road, Banbury OX16 9LB (tel. 01295 264972). Cake and Cockhorse Editorial Committee J.P. I)owes, 9 Silver Street, Chacombe, Danbury OX17 2JR (tel. 01295 712570); Nan CliRon; Jeremy Gibson Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: Simon ‘Townsend, G.J.S. Ellacott, I.C.A., Hanbury Museum, 3 Deers Farm, Church Street, 8 Horsefair, Dodicote, Ranbury OX I6 OAA lld~ryOX1 I, 413s; (tel. 01295 259855). (tel.: 01295 258493). Programme Secretary: Hon. Hesearcb Adviser: R.N.J. Allen, J.S.W. Gibson, Dam End, Keyte’s Close Harts Cottage, Adderbury, Church Hanhornugh, Banbury, Oxh. OX17 3PB Witney, Oxon. OX8 RN3; (tel. 01295 81 1087) (tcl. 0 1993 882982). Committee Members: J.P. Howes. Miss 13.P. Hudson, Miss K. Smith, Mrs F. Thonipson. Membership Secretary: Mrs Margaret L,ittle. cl0 Banbury Museum, 8 I lorsefair, Ilanbuq, Oxon. OX16 OAA. Details of the Society’s activities and publications will be found inside the back cover. Cover. Sir John Soane’s archway at Aynhoe Park (drawing by 13,s. Biro, tailpiece in Gurderr Gloty. by Tcd Hurnphris, 1969, I 988. reproduced by kind permisson) (see pdge 230; the location of the 1997 A.G.M..see opposite). Cake and Cockhorse The magazine of the Banbury Historical Society, issued three times a year. Volume 13 Number Eigbt Spring 1997 -~ _.-- - __ __ - James W’alt Cook and The House at Pye Corner: George Macaulay, M.D.: Barhara Collier Cook An 18th century physician who lived in Banbury ..
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