A Fond Farewell Addressing Help for the Homeless

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A Fond Farewell Addressing Help for the Homeless January/February 2012 The Newsletter of The Society Hill Civic Association SOCIETYHILL Reporter www.societyhillcivic.org A Fond Farewell his month, the Society Hill Civic Association he partnered with our association to preserve T (SHCA) bids farewell to our First District the façade of York Row — the 19th-century, City Councilman Frank DiCicco as he steps down Federal-style row houses at 700 Walnut Street from the seat he has held since 1995. We thank that were incorporated into the St. James Frank for all his hard work and dedication in luxury residential high-rise. representing our community through the years. DiCicco has improved the City of Philadelphia by Councilman DiCicco has done many things for sponsoring a wide range of legislation, including our neighborhood, including improving public waterfront development regulations, the creation City Councilman safety by providing funds for our Franklin Light of the Zoning Code Commission and various tax Frank DiCicco reform measures. Project and for the crosswalks and stop signs around Washington Square. As you may remem- One of DiCicco’s biggest accomplishments is ber, Councilman DiCicco also joined SHCA in the 10-year Tax Abatement Plan that sparked fighting the proposed demolition of Dilworth development in Center City and on the Philadel - House — the Washington Square residence of phia waterfront. “This alone is a phenomenal former Mayor Richardson Dilworth (whose 1957 achievement that changed the face of the city,” construction is widely viewed as a turning point said Councilman James Kenney. We wish Council - in the transformation of Society Hill). In addition, man DiCicco success in his next endeavors. Addressing Help for the Homeless n these troubling economic times, our civic tunities to help chronically homeless people get I association has become concerned with what off the streets, as well as other issues related appears to be an increase in homelessness, to the homeless population in the Square. particularly in Washington Square and in other In 1989, Sister Mary Scullion and Joan Dawson parts of Independence National Park. To address McConnon co-founded Project H.O.M.E., a these worries, we have invited representatives nationally recognized nonprofit organization from Project H.O.M.E. to speak at our January that provides supportive housing, employment, 18th General Membership Meeting about the education, and health care to enable chronically organization’s plans to expand housing oppor - homeless and low-income people to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. WED. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Under Scullion and Dawson’s leadership, Project H.O.M.E. has grown from an emergency winter January shelter into an international model for alleviating Society Hill Civic Association Meetings homelessness and poverty on a large scale. Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 18 The General Membership Meeting, open to Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th & Spruce Streets all neighborhood residents, will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Zubrow Auditorium on the first 6:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting Pennsylvania Hospital Great Court Conference Room floor of Pennsylvania Hospital, just inside the All SHCA members are welcome. main entrance at 8th Street near Spruce. Prior 7:30 p.m. General Membership Meeting to the General Meeting, at 6 p.m. we will hold Pennsylvania Hospital Zubrow Auditorium our monthly Board Meeting at the Hospital’s All neighborhood residents are invited to attend. Great Court Conference Room. All current Topic: Concerns About the Chronically Homeless members of the Society Hill Civic Association Speaker: Representatives from Project H.O.M.E. are welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! PAGE 2 SOCIETYHILL Reporter SOCIETYHILL Liberty Tree Reporter by Thomas Paine Managing Editor Graphic Design Sandra Rothman [email protected] A song written early in the Editorial Board Press Release Liaison American Revolution. Jane Biberman c/o Matt DeJulio, Robert M. Dever [email protected] Lenore Hardy In a chariot of light from the regions of day, Advertising Manager Carole LeFaivre-Rochester The Goddess of Liberty came; Rosanne Loesch Lenore Hardy Ten thousand celestials directed the way Jim Murphy [email protected] And hither conducted the dame. Columnists Society Hill Civic Association A fair budding branch from the gardens above, Claire Batten Jane Biberman P. O. Box 63503 Where millions with millions agree, Matt DeJulio Philadelphia, PA 19147 She brought in her hand as a pledge of her love, Lorna Katz-Lawson tel: 215-629-1288 And the plant she named Liberty Tree. Martha Levine Submission Deadlines Jim Murphy The celestial exotic struck deep in the ground, Keri White March/April Issue Advertising: Like a native it flourished and bore; Contributors February 1st The fame of its fruit drew the nations around, Tony Aloi Editorial: February 10th To seek out this peaceable shore. Herb Gunther Bernice Hamel Website Unmindful of names or distinction they came, Bill Kearney www.societyhillcivic.org For freemen like brothers agree; With one spirit endued, they one friendship pursued, And their temple was Liberty Tree. Submissions Beneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of old, We want to hear from you. Our goal is to print news of interest to Society Hillers — happenings in and around our community Their bread in contentment they ate, for residents, businesses and professionals. Direct your editorial Unvexed with the troubles of silver and gold, submissions and/or queries to Sandra Rothman by phone The cares of the grand and the great. at 267-671-0554 or email [email protected]. To - publicize an event, submit all press releases directly. With timber and tar they Old England supplied, Materials must be submitted in writing — via mail or email — And supported her power on the sea; and must include the name of a contact person. Edited Her battles they fought, without getting a groat, submissions will be considered for publication if the subject For the honor of Liberty Tree. matter is community-related and if space allows. Otherwise, upcoming events of interest may be listed in the Community But hear, O ye swains, ‘tis a tale most profane, Calendar. Letters to the Editor will be considered for publica- How all the tyrannical powers, tion only if signed and the writer provides contact information. Kings, Commons, and Lords, are uniting amain To cut down this guardian of ours; SHCA Board Officers and Directors From the east to the west blow the trumpet to arms President Quadrant Through the land let the sound of it flee, Steven Weixler Representatives Let the far and the near, all unite with a cheer, Vice President Northeast In defence of our Liberty Tree. Benita Fair Langsdorf Lorna Katz Lawson Treasurer Andrew Hohns Marc Feldman Lenore Hardy Directors-At-Large Northwest Bernice Hamel Lawrence Burstein George Kelley Andrea Layden Martha Levine Sissie Lipton Jerrold (Jim) Moss Southeast Robert Curley 215. 886. 6111 | Oreland, Pa Mike Duffy Tania Rorke 215. 725. 3637 | Philadelphia, Pa Certified Arborist Jane Ahn PD-1766A | Southwest 215. 572. 6937 Fax 21 years experience www.libertytreecare.com Melvin Buckman Francisco Carreno Lee Quillen JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2012 PAGE 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Civic Vision Becomes a Master Plan his coming year will bring important infrastructure and honor one of the central T changes to Philadelphians who live along the principles of the Civic Vision: the extension Delaware Riverfront. In October, the Delaware of the Philadelphia street grid to the river. River Waterfront Corporation delivered its new The plan includes the waterfront trail we all Master Plan for waterfront development to the value, but with an innovation which addresses Philadelphia City Planning Commission, ending the concerns of property owners and the public. an intensive effort begun in the fall of 2006. The Civic Vision originally called for a continuous Unlike many previously disappointing efforts, 100-foot wide setback from the river to be devoted the plan promises to be a practical, achievable, to the public. This met with fierce resistance from and balanced blueprint for the future of this property owners, who, while agreeing that public long-neglected part of Philadelphia. access was an amenity they were willing to To give a quick review, in November 2006 Mayor consider, raised concerns that a blanket setback Steven Weixler, Street authorized the City Planning Commission presented an unfair liability in some cases. In President and PennPraxis (the urban planning arm of the the end, a compromise was reached, which University of Pennsylvania) to conduct a citizen- allows for a continuous trail of variable width. driven process on the best possible qualities of As compensation, there will be a series of river- One of the central a redeveloped Delaware Riverfront. Along with front parks every half-mile, allowing for various the input of talented urban designers and state recreational opportunities. principles of the and local agencies, community engagement Civic Vision: produced what is now known as the Civic Vision. Society Hill and Old City will benefit first and The extension of This Civic Vision is not a master plan as such, most dramatically from this concept. In 2012, the Philadelphia but a set of principles describing the qualities engineers will begin to study extending what is now the Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing over I-95, street grid to of urban life in Philadelphia that would lead the river. to a prolific redevelopment of the waterfront. removing the bus ramps, moving the music venue north to Festival pier, and converting the Plaza This Civic Vision was accepted by the Nutter into a much greener, quieter, and more relaxing administration and its City Planning Commission. place along the river. Some of the existing park The civic associations involved in this process, along the boat basin south of the Columbus Society Hill included, formed the Central Monument Park will be rejuvenated with mid-rise Delaware Advocacy Group (CDAG) to advance shops and restaurants, housing, and a new the Civic Vision in the master planning process pedestrian bridge connection to South Street.
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