CASE WORKING PAPERS The evolution of Belarusian public sector: From command economy to state capitalism? Aliaksandr Papko Piotr Kozarzewski No. 12(136)/2020 WARSAW BISHKEK KYIV TBILISI CHISINAU MINSK The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily re- flect the views of CASE. This publication is a continuation of a “CASE Network Report” series. Previous works in this series are available on CASE website: This work was supported by the National Science Centre of Poland under Grant no. 2017/25/B/HS4/01103 ‘The Phenomenon of «The Return of State-Owned Enterprises» in Contemporary Economy: Identification, Characteristics, and Consequences for the Economic Theory and for the Theory of Economic Policy.’ Keywords: state-owned enterprises, post-communist transition, state capitalism, institutions, Belarus. JEL codes: L53, O17 P21, P31 © CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, 2020 Graphic Design: Katarzyna Godyń-Skoczylas | grafo-mania DTP: Campidoglio ISBN: 978-83-7178-694-5 Publisher: CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research al. Jana Pawla II 61, office 212, 01-031 Warsaw, Poland tel.: (48 22) 206 29 00, fax: (48 22) 206 29 01 e-mail:
[email protected] Contents Authors............................................................................................................................... 4 Abstract.............................................................................................................................