AUSTRALIA Mf MABTIM C. BEEiniAV. 11< Oi»tl«r»»»k itr#*!, Bfiaaf

Sydney, May 17-’ —Th* cooler weether conuna alona and, IIn miny Inetencee, buelneee appears to he improi>Tinit at tbc rarious tbcatera Power of Advertising and picture houHCS.. Romp of tbe latter bad not been doina ». well' of late. .Talk Mu-^arove. <•roiitln of Harry O. Mtiagrore, nbo recent l.T returned from Soutb Africa* la office of the circuit, which Pear’s for the Bath and Ivory for iiii» al the Sjdney ja aitiiated at the Tlroll Theater. Arranae- Iwd ^1 norant any more the Wash Tub. ments have just lu- completed by itr. Mua- froTC for direct reprei ■entatlon with the 1. V. who denies the It has put Arrow Collars T. A., I/'odon. fc.and™ IlarrinKton- Miller baa been around your neck and Ingersolls installed In the same biilldlnE as thta oraanisa- tion so that he ran bc Johnny-on-the apot. as around your wrist. it were, He will Harry O. Miisarove's Advertising has personal replirceentatlTp and no better man could It has filled you full of Shrcd- hare been secured for the lioKition, a* he for made the Victrola Dog famous. tlcd and Flaked Foods, Canned nunr rears o»'euiiip

MUSGROVE VAUDEVILLE CIRC Ward. There will also b*. a refreshment room, (TIVOLI CIRCUIT AND NEW ZEALAND TOURS) known as "The ('hoc