
AUSTRALIA Mf MABTIM C. BEEiniAV. 11< Oi»tl«r»»»k itr#*!, Bfiaaf Sydney, May 17-’ —Th* cooler weether U conuna alona and, IIn miny Inetencee, buelneee appears to he improi>Tinit at tbc rarious tbcatera The Power of Advertising and picture houHCS.I. Romp of tbe latter bad not been doina »o. 'well of late. .Talk Mu-^arove. <•roiitln of Harry O. Mtiagrore, nbo recent l.T returned from Soutb Africa* la office of the circuit, which Pear’s for the Bath and Ivory for iiii» al the Sjdney ja aitiiated at the Tlroll Theater. Arranae- Iwd ^1 norant any more the Wash Tub. ments have just lu-en completed by itr. Mua- froTC for direct reprei ■entatlon with the 1. V. who denies the It has put Arrow Collars T. A., I/'odon. fc.and™ -IlarrinKton Miller baa been around your neck and Ingersolls installed In the same biilldlnE as thta oraanisa- tion so that he ran bc Johnny-on-the apot. as around your wrist. it were, He will be Harry O. Miisarove's Advertising has personal replirceentatlTp and no better man could It has filled you full of Shrcd- hare been secured for the lioKition, a* he for made the Victrola Dog famous. tlcd and Flaked Foods, Canned nunr rears o»'euiiip<l a prominent pOKition in the entertainment field of this country and Advertising has made the sig¬ \"cgclal)lcs, Fruits and Meats, retired well and tnil.v flnaneial. nature of Thomas A. Edison an then sold you Bayer’s to rid you (Icne Carr, brother of Alex Carr, arriyed here nnostentatioiisly last week and will try and image stamped on nearly every of headaches. do buainess with the Miisarore people. The mind. It has jammed your feet in Advertising has developed a Holeproof Sox, put Paris Garters Helbournf, with «n oorihionai tour of New shoestring watch business into on your legs and Tiffany Rings Zetland. N"W llrlebane ha» been added to the the biggest merchandising insti¬ on your fingers. li,t. KO thia opens another aren'ie for acta. tution in the world, known as Bobert ti. Anileraon, who hat takrn a loate Advertising has placed Cigars ef the .National Theater, H-.liart. left f-* that Scars-Rochuck Company. rity laat Xloiidav. I'p to that date be had between your teeth, worn out lif« unMuce.sfiil in BettinB a firat-claae com¬ Advertising has run automo¬ your jaws on Beeman’s and pany toRother ami had left the matter in the biles over the streets of ])ractical- hinds of Thomas K. Prealon, who la now sock- posted you on what to buy to IDE arailahle talent. ly every navigable city in the cure Corns, Warts and Bunions. Talbot (i Farrell oiiened at the TItoII. under world. the dimtion of Harry C. MiiaEroTe. last Satur¬ What advertising has done for day and waa a eonspleu'His atieeesa. Ho out- Advertising has started with sia.vid hia achodiiled time hy twelre rainutea these large enterprises it will do one restaurant in one city and and then the aiidienre waa loath to let him in proportion for your business, IciTe. The support Inrludod The Attona. made a chain of them in scores isiuilihrists; Itrtdy and Dunn. Ensllsb aketeb regardless of how modest its be¬ of cities. Ask Mr. Thompson, tiam; Marie I-e Varrie, holdover from tbe ginning, It will do for you in the former ahow; Edwards and Parketi, Auatrallan Mr. Mills and Mr. Childs. aketrb team; Rid Jonea and Agnes Kainet, mu¬ Theatrical Domain what it has sic and comedy; Henry De Dray and Mae It has made the Cash Register ViTian, dancera, and the Glrton College GIrla, done for the large Manufacturer ccaedy cyeliita. a big brother to retail merchants in a greater field. tieorfc Carney, who recently made bis debut thriiout the world. ^ ID Melbourne under the Muagroye banner, made The unexcelled opportunity of¬ an instaotaneoua bit and bia Australian aenaon It has introduced the world to fered you thru the columns of seems assured. He baa four membera In bia a substitute-for Sole Leather. company besldea himself, these IncludinB bia the Annual Fall Special Number father in-law, Rob Leonard, wbo waa out hero It is displacing the Truck Horse taeaty yeara ago in tbe act of Bob and Jenny of The Billboard to reach the Leonard, together with tbelr daughtera, the with Forty-Hor.se Power Auto Theatrical Business and Profes¬ Slaters Pine. Trucks. 1 was apeakioE to Mnagrorr today and he Is sion, to he issued July 31, dated D >rr than delighted at tbe very fine way In It has made the Hand-WVitten August 5, the edition of w'hich ahirb tbe Australian audiences hare welcomed the Tirioiia top-line act, brought out to ibia Letter an oddity in bu.siness. will be 85,000 copies, is too great icnintrr. Klla Shields, Wilkie Bard. Talbot It has hcljicd you to an appre¬ to be overlooked. (iTirreli and George Carney bare been well ciation of Stetson Hats. \Valk- worth ihe ex|>eriment, and he- Is to follow with If special position is desired Wee iiet.rgie tVissl. Male'dm Sco,| and others. Over, Douglas and Emerson With Mr .Miisgrove no salaries are too big if copy .should reach the publication imeriean and KnglNh arts are drawearda. And Shoes. office by or before July 26, as no their treatment In this country will be without parallel, as has lieen the rase with those wbo It has put Manhattan Shirts on special or preferred position will bare already played here. your hack, B. V. Ds. next to your be guarantccfl after that date. Several artists left for Ran Francisco la-t Wednesday. The-e included Yost and Olay, Skill and Sloan’s Liniincnt on it. The last display forms close Frearh mndrlers In clay; Itichard-on Bros, aod It has put ^Tllrinc in your eyes, promptly at noon Monday, July Cherie, and Granville and Fields. AUo no the boat was Jack Kelly Dennis, who Is said to sold you Cuticura for Pimples, be Joining Dave Dramin and Muriel Hudson. Amenein miislral romeily people, who were otfr here wime time ago. Tom Unit is managinK the present Australian The Billboard Publishing Co loor of Ada Reeve, the famous English come- dieane. At on* time Holt was manager of the New York CINCINNATI Chicago TIvali, Sydney, and is n brotbcr-ln-law of Vera St. LouU San Francisco Kansas City Los Angelas Philadelphia Pittsburmh London, England, Office: 18 Charing Cross Road, W. C. 2 MUSGROVE VAUDEVILLE CIRC Ward. There will also b*. a refreshment room, (TIVOLI CIRCUIT AND NEW ZEALAND TOURS) known as "The ('hoc<date Rowl”. AUSTRAI.IA AMO MKVV ZIKALAND "The R.vt” h.vd its Australian premiere in ROOKING ONLY HIGH CLASS ACTS. Mclhotirne last week and was vieweil somewhat HOW HJkTIN’O WiUte Rard. BIU Shields. .1 \V Rlckahv. Ren OIDw'. Ada rento. Siilhsr. the Lottot. j^i'V-fa i-OMINO V«<, Hj.s-al< Tall-et l-V-ral M ilo'lm Scnti. G-'O-tfel'cvr and Grecsoai. and others. askance by some of the critics, one of the fore MUSOROVE THEATRE PROPTY, LTD , Tiroli ThfWtre, Sydney, AuttralliA. CabIt Address. ' HAVGEM.*’ most coming out with Ihe opinion that it was "A penny-dreadful concoction of mecbaolcsl- priYlnced thrills and shocks'*. George Cross and his Irish Pla.Ycrs are in Tbe IVard & Sherman roTne left for the Now Zealand, where, from all accounts, busl- fuller Circuit, New Zealand, this week. Tbe nesa w.-i.s not eiuaigh to write borne about, al- producers came here from America about two tbo the eomhination is .-i Tory good one. years ago. Verna Itahi. younger ilaiigliter of the wbilom J. A- N. Tait annoiiDCO nn appearance comedian, .tsmes C. Rain, opened her season in shortly of Madame d'Alvarei, tbe PcruYlao New Zealand recently and was most auciTssful. contralto. She is n henntiful girl of 17 aud a very fine T'bo Two nascals .are still one of tbe biegest dancer. bit.s seen in Australia. They are at tbe TirolU Harry CoIkIcd, for many years with the South Meiiiourne, where they will stay another two African Theaters’ Trust, arrived here early in weeks. the month with a view to securing a "sbop” A big org.an lias been installed at tbe Rialto with one of tbe local managements. picture bouse, Pitt street. It ie a bigb class The Fuller firm is said to he making ex¬ instrument and will take the place ef a Yery tensive alterations to tbe Palaee Theater, Mel¬ indifferent orchestra. In eontraat to this ia bourne, with a view to handling some of tbe tbe knowledge that Hoyts have discarded tbelr big productions to be presented by Hugh J. ICootinued on page 38) .
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