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CAR, IAGE & HOUSE N%W O/Ish S-/O E-F : TI the Liver is Regulated in its i: ¯Irene luv~rlahiy ~uroi. dtzdlge~tion-or-want action in the Liver causes lleadaohe~ C0neti. siceu, Sour Stomach bud tute In the a ¯ neart, depree COOK & PARLOI~ ainu of spirits or the hlues, and s hundred otbe symptoms. S:UMoN8’ LlV£U REGULATO¯ i| the best~remedy that hua’ecer been dl~e0ve’/’ed for STOVE ’hose ailments, ly, effectuel! quantities that it -may be fakeo. ........ A~NEW FALI~SUPPLy OF ....... in every way ; it has I~eeu used -At--Reasonable. Prices, . for fort I Zears, end htqdrtdLfrcm all part.of Alexander H. 8te- STOVE’-: PIPE t-/I- ~v- E R_ of Alebema ;- Gec. Weye~e_ru,d-q J oKcabl/mof forty msre’; ......... ere among the hundreds Io wh,~m we -"an ruler. COMMISSI O N.I~I:~ And there, ’neath the azure dome, Promptly Adjusted and Paid. pnni~ of 1857, and we had only began to re- Pipe of RUSsia & Galvanized Iron ’~.xrraet of n letter from Alex¯ li. Stevens. dated The smiles of lleaven we wooed. ’. .~. blareb 8, I_87.2 : ."I ocfasiona .v use when my .. To takeacknowledgmen~a~(L ,,, rorlngl~nd ol’81euX had.faunal - ’ odve’r when the war aud .Eritish pirates did ~aper Joints, &c., " the rest. No eh~ing~-in_our .nwr’ei"0e has it. Dh Siam-us’ Liver Rag Our peaceful, ~lvan fie~t~ , "an’d=:~uire A nd ofisnl ate o ~zrh~m,~they came been p0s~|bJo-~e~ er the rspid substitution Or, nolsete~aly,, with e3,es aflame’ - o( the’e~Aiing;v~sse| by - ~he. ~teamshtp, wh]c~ :3~uu~ l~tb, Isle. ......... ],urk~l iv, the woodserml~3d, oauld he much m0re’cheaply producod infn~’5 TIll fe~%r our hearts oppr~sod. eigutbaoAmnriean y.rds, an~ which had a .... -,¢. .... i . Yet day 17 day they lingerM there. further advantage "in’ the subsidy policies of IIalfsrarved and beggleg for bread ; i. J. ¯ early all foreign maritime governments. Alfred Bodlne, Williamstown ; C.E.P.Me:; Bat wo~alas ! h~htItttle to give, to, hew. May’a Landing; A. Stephany, Egk Bur For D.telu tl~o Vail we c.qmo to live The Sonata ha~ voted a2joaru May 10,h bar City; Capt, Daniel Welters Abandon; The¯ Onthe shore of the lake so fidr. but the House refuses, and it ,s predicted that B. Morris, Somere’ Point ; Hen. D. 8. black. i man, Port Republic; Allen T. Leeds. Tuexcr. Andwinter I~ad ~calcel$ fled. if Mr. Wnod eau commit a msjt, rity of tho ]at ton ; Dr. Lewis Read. ’ th,ntio City ; Altled W, Bat there came a niche a dark~ drear night, ter to hi~ tariff r~adju~tment seh~-~e, ao nd- -Clement, lladdonfleld~ It. M; Jewett. Window. - Whenwe fro/n bht: tdu~ber8 deep. " jot~rnmout is-likely hefore "Autmst. Hardly ¯ Were Btarth.d I,y shouts and the cmckl[ug flame ; !I. E. BOWLE~J 91. D., auyOftholarge appropriatzau bills yet s ONe WHEELERANDWI~SON--Near]ynew--for$12 Tl~e/~ swlR throngl~ the shatter~l d~orwaycame h~eon reported lethe House¯ .~mon~: them e;q ll,l.v ....... .t.A~.)STG~ - - .Tho painted flo~da in the lurid light, - N. J. .... ][][antmouton, ~. J. O]~rI WilEELgR AND’WIlSON furS5, " - - t~e Legislat.~,~, Exeouti~r~ and Jndlolal bill -- A imrves~of death to reap. CUMBERLAND MUTUAL WI~’, The awful scenes of tlmt mldolght hour and tbe army bill, eitaer of which may Don- .I~: D,/1R New American ,=,,my m,ndwit, ...... f.0; same a full month ia the struggle over them Fits Insurance Company, tax.petW avex, b’0h,’eeu Ihe [~ouse aad Seoaze. It also seems BRIDGF.TON,. N. J, Conducted ou strictly mutual priuelpha, of. sor~ of aa iueome tax law. Democrat8 appear disorder and n, lsery In order:that one whole.. forint a perfectly s&fo ineuronre for just wbnt - -- Oovner-Hetl~eelnd Central Aveuuee. it may rust to pay losses and expenses. Tha to have grown leas timid about tli~ Blair castor liquo~ de~|er mpy am¯u¯ l’~le for~ne. pr’,parlion of loss to the amount mcuredbeing" Cttatom Workpromptly attended to business and ’an increasing number eeem tu It dour’t psy to keep 8hi tboneud m~ ~n th~ very small, aad expooae4s much Jell than aide show a wrlhngnesa to champion ir through-the ¯ lly bad, nothingeao be offered more fnvorabls -penitentiarldP:l~hd’h-Sbpllfdc;’mid~sffe t~neaail l/ou,e~,eo thatit may also prove 6 euuroo of , to the |a~ured. The cost being about ten era*,. R, in the lunatic asylfim at the i~peK~-bf-t~o on the hundred delia’s peek. ear to the iulnrera delay, honest, indus’ri~us te¯.l~ycrs iu, ord~ that ¯ to on ordin.rx rick., and fr.m’~t/en twem~J.flpe Theeousatlo¯ ever the World" 4 publication fowrleheapltali~t~-tnaygrowriehSr i~ dm cent.per yea- ,,n .knaardons propartieJ, which ie of the eubslan~o ~ f ueverai alleged ioterviewe 7 CAR,IAGE & HOUSE manufacture of whisky. """ ..... -- lesethan one third bf theluwest rates charged by with ~enntor Coat, ling has cairned dew¯ lear. TM stock c.mpanles, On such risks---the other two. It never ~ayc to do wrong ;.yo¯r Jla:~ w thirds taken hv stack companies being ¯ profit inn a permanent iL.preen[cn with many, that fin4 you out : Whether othe. find it c.;t mi". so.ruing to etock,older~ or" consumed in-ex. though it is chiefly guess work~ there is no Col, ihe~;~ knows where you F S~ a~ Wi peases of the o,)mpaniec. ~ re~s_°atg~_ual~eet thaLi_r LeVy materially mis- keep yon.po~ted of-ihe raot~it don"t 2:7te gaarontee /nnd of premiem aotee bet99 represents the benator% seu’iments towards t.he ad~hrh istr~tiou. .o~ TErgi Jlilti, a. of "~oilcre. - ¯ drinking man 0q0 plait N%wO/iSh S-/o e-f Every time G’.over hauls h~ drag-net ~’o Ifenassesementhad to be made of five rum, making fifteen ee¯ta c:ear proSt.. eheapcr is Issued. it would yet be to dehnqueut : and hi~ party associates never re killed hie law ; a~d hi8 the members than ~ny oth~r c~’ored. ~gretted anything morn than the latitude giveu Aed that largo amount of money Is saved to eonfinemeot i~ ~all,-exee~tlnc~ Z ~ " -or- the members and kept at home. No asses him rod-h,a~’eZ~erte" to-rt~ka, ~the~-pwrty b~" L~ount~,more tlm~’~ii~()~8~..~.d~U~t~w~hiolt his mahtdroit n|at,agement in catching Dame- temperate men had tO e~r~ b~ the atw~itof .crate in~teud o~Rei, ubl,cans "° ¢ theie, hrowe, It donrt osy. " ; " ’ The loss unstained by ,celery, morell~, &el ’ I o,8oli,! $11 " " " MAXWELL @TOBAOGO.~o.~. 3. VameBIsekp.ttera W~hmt w*........................ Nu .7 mauuhwmrcd9f One Million Five l:lundred 7koeeowd Dollar A%’~.1[. H(IPI’I~(L financially, the sorrow and ~ufi’erlc~ the mit.. Pine, and stained ............................ 9 00 Ilamtnonton, Athtnt[c Co., N.J. ~ ~u. 4, mine ~ ~o 3, t,.xcept pl&In t~trds, not The Losmem by i,|ghtnJm,E. .--~ i . cry and destltutinn produced and s~Kmm3,e paueled..................... , .................. ; ...... IB O~ ~ I Ro]ative Values ofl~ood and Labor. and what ie infinitely ¯ greater-eoWtideiret/~ - Where tl~, property ia not cat on fire, ~ele~ Our Wa-’ ingc -on ,. -e"~er. EARTH CLOSETS, their construe- Ices thsme’ono cent per year toaach member, I ..... ¯ tha~ alDebe, the desiruetlon of sealed hodS, eo ¯ ’ " . lion and uso. " are paid without extra ebarue~ and eatendad ] The Phdadelphia’Press has eompl:ed ,~ oom- the inevitable result 0f uJJng or tl~ek(ngi~ ae to cover all policie~ thai are Issued and out 1YAnn,NuTa~ D C ApriS. 2 o, 187~ I putative ruble of statistics -n work an d wages intoxication ’[quor~theea bil’atteet’the truth- TheF.arth Closet Lq a medornImpn~vem,.nt which PATENTS. - tak,qJ the place ar0d tmper.od~sth, Water CIc4et in the utandlug. The ’Potomao r .... which e va Ua~ e ned lnhrnstln’ ’ g. -[ t shows . hou~. and dLM,ent*~Wltlt the ceupool uad other repel B~NJAMI.’T 811EPPARD, llehingl ~, I rbat nki]led far~ea~°u uaual|y [ ..... v fa|~~[~’i_ _, ft,alur~ of To Inventor& Manufaeture~. begins the last of 5’arclt . ,t.d ~..,~nf~out]/; frum the’let that nkilled farm lab |rer~ , are,,re reeusvlereeutvtw h.. ." _ tire Ihe mmn. et~. "’----~~y~b lead, is Ihthlo to -otheq~h-rff-~ Iy;’-ny~l~--- ------ --. n o et~ ad. ith board It perfect lu ita~.~.i)emtloas, ant~ not get HENRY B. LUP Y ~ ageineL 84 to bn honest sod ui~rl~;ht’ cltiiau, to exert ¯ oat of order. ot~ $ ut In cole ofl~[ck.e~ itI, invahtatd~, s~J It can ~, .w,d w,eks derati,,e. ~tat]y no, ~et arrivrd atlife’~ ’ "m /$60. ; :t5 ~n 1870 td $1.]3 in 1874. pure and hol~.iofluenao ~pon .,~auii[nd, aud NU! Ordi,ary hth..rers is ei to~ are receiving $1.95 t to huno~ (led by u rtgbteom ¯so uf Idl h~ wttaout t,o~,rd, ngalust ~1~19 is 1860. Briek, ~lfts ........... - l,,~er, ,.’.:t $2 50 against $I.$2 ; hlacksrnith~ , ’ We beseech you then~ fo,’ your own loul’l $’.,r,O .ganst $1 47 ; eurl,emers $2 25 agamet sake. sod fur the sake of suffering humnalt~, $1 59 ; i.ui.t~re ~2.b0 against $2 8b ; shoemek~ touch nnt, taste not, handle nat the unelm¯ /.’rs .~i ~(~ aK:k[est ~l.:l,5 ; tail’*re $1.87 agate.| thing.
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