Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada What is concentration? 3.1 Desabandhaschittasya dharana |  Desa-place  -binding  Chittasya-of the mind  Dharana-concentration Cocentration is binding the mind to one place. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada What is ? 3.2. Tatra pratyayaikatanata dhyanam|  Tatra-there(in the desha)  Pratyaya-basis or content of consciousness  Ekatanata-continuity  Dhyanam-meditation Uninterrupted stream of the content of consciouness is dhayana. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada What is superconsciousness? 3.3.Tadevarthamatranirbhasaà svarupasunyamiva samadhih|  Tadeva-the same  Artha-the object of dhayana  Matra-only  Nirbhasam-appearing  Svarüpa-one own form  Sunyam-empty  Iva-as if  Samadhih- The state becomes when there is only the object appearng without the consciousness of ones own self. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of past & future 3.16. Parinamatrayasamymadatitanagatajnanam|  Parinama-transformation  Traya-three  Samymat-by samyama  Atita-past  Anagatah-future  Jnanam-knowledge By performing samyama on the three transformations, knowledge of past and future(arises). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of all speech 3.17. Sabdarthapratyayanamitaretaradhyasat saìkarastat pravibhagasamyamat sarvabhutarutajnanam|  Sabda-word  Artha-object  Pratyayanam-mental content  Itaretaradhyasat-because of mental superimposition  Sankara-confusion  Tat-that  Pravibhaga-separate  Samyamat-by samyama  Sarvabhuta-all living beings  Ruta-speech  Jnanam-knowledge The word, object and mental content are in a confused state because of mutual superimposition. By performing smyama on them separately, knowledge of the speech of all beings (arises). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of previous birth 3.18. Samskarasaksatkaranat purvajatijnanam|  Samskara-impression  Saksatkaranat-by direct impression  Purva-previous  Jati-birth  Jnanam-knowledge By direct perception of the impressions, knowledge of previous births(arises). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of other’s mind 3.19. Pratyayasya parachittajnanam|  Pratyayasya-of the content of the mind  Para-another  Chitta-mind  Jnanam-knowledge By performing samyama on the pratyayas, knowledge of anothers mind(arises). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada But not 3.20. Na tat salambanam tasyavisayibhutatvat|  Na-not  Tat-that  Salambanam-with support  Tasya-its  Avisayibhutatvat-because of not being the subject of samyama But the knowledge of that(other mental factors) is not gained with support of the mental image because that is not the object of samyama. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama power of invisibility 3.21. Kayarupasamyamat tatgrahyasaktistambhe chaksuhprakasasamprayoge'ntardhanam|  Kaya-body  Rupa-form  Samyamat-by doing samyama  Tat-that  Grahya-receptive  Sakti-power  Stambhe-on suspension  ChakSuh-the eye  Prakasa-light  Samprayoga-absence of contact  Antardhanam-being invisible By performing samyama on the form of the body and suspended receptivity of the form, there being no contact between the eye and the light(the can become) invisible. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama power of disappearance

3.22. Etena sabdadyantardhanamuktam|  Etena-by this  Sabdadi-sound and others  Antardhanam-disaapearance  Uktam-said By what has been said the disappearance of sound and other tanmatras can be understood. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of time of death 3.23. Sopakramam nirupakramam cha karma tatsamyamadaparantajnanamapyaristebhyo va|  Sopakramam-the karma which activity  Nirupakramam-the karma that is dormant  Cha-and  Karma-action  Tat-that  Samyamad-by performing samyama  Aparanta-death  Jnanam-knowledge  Aristebhyah-by omens  Va-or Karma is of two kinds, active and dormant.By performing samyama on them knowledge of death is gained, also by omens. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama power of friendliness 3.24. Maitryadisu balani|  Maitri-frienliness  Adisu-etc  Balani-powers By performing samyama on friendliness, etc. there come those particular powers. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama attainment of strength 3.25. Balesu hastibaladini|  Balesu-by samyama on the powers  Hasti-elephant  Bala-stength  Adini-etc By samyama on the stenght of an elephant, etc. the corresponding strength(is developed). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain hidden knowledge 3.26. Pravrttyalokanyasat suksmavyavahitaviprakrstarsva jnanam|  Pravrtti-super physical faculty  Aloka-like  Nyasat-by projecting  Suksma-fine  Vyavahita-hidden  Viprakrsta-distant  Jnanam-knowledge The knowledge of subtle, obscure or distant (objects) is gained by dilating the light of the superphysical faculty. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of the solar system 3.27. Bhuvanajnanam suryasamyamat|  Bhuvana-solar system  Jnanam-knowledge  Surye-on the sun  Samyamat-by performinf samyama Knowledge of the solar system is gained by performing samyama on the sun. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of the stars 3.28. Candre taravyuhajnanam|  Candre-moon  Tara-stars  Vyuha-arrangements  Jnanam-knowledge By performing samyama on the moon, knowledge about the position of the stars is gained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of star movements 3.29. Dhruve tadgatijnanam|  Dhruve-by performing samyama on the pole star  Tat-that  Gati-movement  Jnanam-knowledge By performing samyama on the pole star, knowledge of the movement of the stars can be obtained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of the body 3.30. Nabhichakre kayavyuhajnanam|  Nabhi-navel  Chakre-centre  Kaya-body  Vyuha-arrangement  Jnanam-knowledge By performing samyama on the navel centre, knowledge of the arrangements in the body is gained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama mastery over hunger & thirst 3.31. Kanthakupe ksutpipasa nivrttih|  Kanthakupe-by performing samyama on the throat  Ksut-hunger  Pipasa-thirst  Nivrttih-retirement By performing samyama on the throat pit, hunger and thirst retire. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama power of steadiness 3.32. Kurmanadyam sthairyam|  Kurmanadyam-by performing samyama on the kurma  Sthairyam-staediness Steadiness is achieved by samyama on the kurma nadi. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain spiritual vision 3.33. Murdhajyotisi siddhadarsanam|  Murdha-crown of the head  Jyotisi-on the light  Siddha-adept  Darsanam-spiritual vision By performing smayama on the light of the crown of the head(sahasrara), a spiritual vision of the masters of yoga is gained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama acquire intuitive knowledge 3.34. Pratibhadva sarvam|  Pratibhat-from pratibha  Va-or  Sarvam-everything Or everything by virtue os pratibha(). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain awareness of consciouness 3.35. Hradaye chittasamvit|  Hradaye-by performing smayama on the heart  Chittasamvit-awareness of the consciousness By samyama on the heart, awareness of chitta dawns. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of universal consciousness 3.36. Sattva purusayoratyantasanké rnayoh pratyayaviseso bhogah pararthatvat svarthasamyamat purusa jnanam|  Sattva-chitta  Purusayoh-of the purusha  Atyanta-extremely  Asankirnayoh-distinct  Pratyaya-awareness  Avisesah-not distinct  Bhogah-experience  Pararthatvat-from objective consciousness  Sva-ones own  Artha-subjective awareness  Samyamat-by samyama  Purusajnanam-knowledge of purusha Chitta and purusha are extremly distinct. On account of non-difference of the awareness of both there is objective or subjective experience. By samyamaon subjective awareness apart from objectivesawareness, the knowledge of purusha is obtained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada

By samyama gain power of intuitive perception 3.37. Tatah pratibhasravanavedanadarsasvadavartta jayante,  Tatah-therefrom  Pratibha-the faculty of superior consciousness  Sravana-the faculty of hearing  Vedana-touch consciousness  Darsa-visulization  Asvada-faculty of taste  Vartta-the olfactory faculty  Jayante-are produced Therefrom are produced transcendental audition, sensation, perception, taste and olfactory knowledge. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Psychic powers are obstacles in path of Yoga 3.38. Te samadhvupasarga vyutthane siddhayah|  Te-they  Samadhau-in samadhi  Upasarga-obstacles  Vyuttane-in the state of the consciousness of the world  Siddhayah-psychics powers These psychic powers(mentioned in the previous sutra) are obstacles in samadhi, but in the state of consciousness of the world they are psychic powers. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain power of entering another’s body 3.39. Bandhakaranasaithilyat pracarasamvedanachcha chittasya parasarirapravesah|  Bandha-bondage  Karana-cause  Saithilyat-by loosening  Prachara-passage  Samvedanat-by knowledge  Cha-and  Chittasya-of the  Para-of others  Sarira-body  Avesah-entry By loosening of the cause of bondage and by knowledge of the passage, the subtle body enters another person’s body. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain power of levitation 3.40. Udanajayajjalapankakantakadisvasanga utkrantischa|  Udana-one of the five  Jayat-by mastery  Jala-water  Panka-mud  Kantakadisu-with thorns etc.  Asanga-no contact  Utkrantih-levitation  Cha-and By mastery of udana there is noncontact with water, mud, thorns etc. and the body levitates. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain Aura 3.41. Samanajayajjvalanam|  Samana-the samana vayu  Jayat-by mastery  Jvalanam-blaze By mastery of the samana vayu the body blazes. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain power of divine hearing 3.42. Srotrakasayoh sambandhasaàyamaddivyam srotram|  Srotra-ear  Akasayoh-space  Sambandha-relation  Samyamat-by samyama  Divyam-divine  Srotram-organ of hearing By samyama on the relation of the ear and space(there is) divine hearing. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain faculty of moving through space 3.43. Kayakasayoh sambandhasamyamallaghutulasamapatteschakasagamanam|  Kaya-body  Akasayoh-of space  Sambandha-relation  Samyamat-by samyama  Laghu-light  Tula-cotton, wool  Samapatteh-by fusion of mind  Cha-and  Akasa-space  Gamanam-going through By samyama on the relation of body and akasa and by fusing the mind wit the lightness of cotton, there is going through space. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada

Gain universal state of mind 3.44. Bahirakalpita vrttirmahavideha tatah prakasavaranaksayah|  Bahih-external  Akalpita-unimaginable  Vrttih-state of mind  Mahavideha-existence wihout body  Tatah-therefrom  Prakasa-light  Avarana-covering  Ksayah-distraction In the state of mahavideha the vrittis are inconceivable and outside the scope of the body, whereby the covering of light is destroyed. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama mastery over twenty five tattvas or bhutas 3.45. Sthulasvarupasuksmanvayarthavattvasamyamadbhutajayah|  Sthula-gross  Svarupa-real form  Suksma-subtle  Anvaya-interpenetrating  Arthavattva-serving the purpose  Samyamad-by samyama  Bhutajayah-mastery over elements By samayama on the gross, basic, subtle and interpenetrating states and the purpose of the bhutas, mastery over them is obtained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama attainment of eight psychic powers(asta ) 3.46. Tato'nimadipradurbhavah kayasampattaddharmanabhighatascha|  Tatah-therefrom  Animadi-anima etc.  Pradurbhavah-appearance  Kayasampat-bodily well  Tat-that  Dharma-function  Anabhighatah-non-obstructions  Cha-and From that the appearance of anima(and other powers), perfection of the body and non- obstruction from the functions of the body(follows). Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Perfection of the physical body 3.47. Rupalavanyabalavajrasamhananatvani kayasampat|  Rupa-form, beauty  Lavanya-grace  Bala-stength  Vajrasamhananatvani- hardness  Kaya-physical  Sampat-wealth The perfection of the physical body includes beauty, grace, energy, and hardness. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama mastery of sense organs 3.48. Grahanasvarupasmitanvayasamyamadindriyajayah|  Grahana-power of cognition  Svarupa-real nature  Asmita-egoism  Anvayarthavatva samyamat-by samyama  Indriyajayah-mastery over the sense organs Mastery over the sense organs is gained by samyama on the power of cognition, real nature, egoism, all-pervasiveness and purposefulness. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Mastery over prakriti 3.49. Tato manojavitvam vikaranabhavah pradhanajayascha|  Tatah-therefrom  Manojavitvam-speed of mind  Vikaranabhavah-freedom from sense organs  Pradhanajayah-conquest of prakriti  Cha-and Therefrom follows speed like that of mind, freedom from any medium of instrumentality and conquest of the limitations of prakriti. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama power of omnipotence & omniscience 3.50. Sattvapurushanyatakhyatimatrasya sarvabhavadhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam cha|  Sattva-chitta  Purusha-self  Anyata-difference  Khyati-awareness  Matrasya-only  Sarva-all  Bhava-states of existence  Adhisthatrtvam-supermacy  Sarvajnatrtvam-omniscience  Cha-and Just by knowledge of the awareness of the difference between chitta and purusha comes supermacy over all states and forms of existence and omniscience. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain detachment and knowledge 3.51. Tadvairagyadapi dosabijaksaye kaivalyam|  Tat-that  Vairagyat-by vairagya  Api-even  Dosa-defect  Bija-seed  Ksaye-due to destruction  Kaivalyam-isolation By vairagya, even regarding that(the powers), the seed of defect is destroyed and kaivalya is attained. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Causes of downfall in spiritual path 3.52. Sthanyupanimantrane sangasmayakaranam punanistaprasangat|  Sthani-gods(devata)  Upanimantrane-on being respectfully  Sanga-attachment  Smaya-pride  Akaranam-by not  Punah-once again  Anista-undesirable  Prasangat-by revival On being invied by the devatas there should be no attachment and pride, because of the possibility of revival of the undesirable. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama gain awareness of ultimate reality 3.53. Ksana tatkramayo samyamdvivekajam jnanam|  Ksana-moment  Tatkramayoh-its order of succession  Samyamat-by samyama  Vivekjam-born of realization  Jnanam-knowledge By samyama on moment and its order of succession is born the knowledge of realization of the ultimate reality. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama knowledge of distinctions 3.54. Jatialaksana desairanyatanavachchhedat tulyayostatah pratipattih|  Jati-birth  Laksana-charaterictic  Desayoh-by place  Anyata-difference  Anavachchhedat-on account of no definiton  Tulyayoh-of the two similar objects  Tatah-therefrom  Pratipattih-knowledge Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada By samyama transcendental knowledge 3.55. Tarakam sarvavisayam sarvatha visayamakramam cheti vivekajam jnanam|  Tarakam-transcendental  Sarvavisayam-all subjects  sarvatha visayam-object of every place  akramam-beyond the order of successon  cha-and  iti-that is all  vivekajam jnanam- knowledge born of viveka Transcendental knowledge includes the knowledge of all objects beyond all orders of succession and is born of viveka. That is all. Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Vibhuti Pada Attainment of kaivalya 3.56. Sattvapurusayoh suddhisamye kaivalyamiti|  Sattva-chitta  Purusayoh-of the purusha  Suddhi-purification  Samye-on becoming equal  Kaivalyam-isolation  Iti-end Kaivalya is achieved by equalizing and purifiying th e illumination of purusha and chitta.