University of Puerto Rico English Department College of Humanities Graduate Program

English 6410: and Drama January - May, 2012 Time: 4.30 to 7.30pm Professor: D. Kuwabong, PhD Office: Edificio Pedreira Sotano #11. Office Hours: Tuesday: 10: 00 A. M – 12:00 P.M.

Course Description: This course will examine selected plays and poetry from the Caribbean. As a site of multiple historical and cultural experiences, any study of Caribbean drama and poetry necessarily implies a multi-disciplinary approach. Hence, in this course, we will explore the selected works from historical, cultural, social, political, economic, and linguistic perspectives, which have in different ways shaped Caribbean literary texts. The course will invariably, therefore, invite a critical engagement with various texts, drawn from both the fields of social science and humanities, and from Caribbean literary texts. Some areas of special interest that will be examined in relation to the development and practice of Caribbean drama and poetry include folk festivals, carnival, nine nights, mumming, the spectacle in which music, dance, masquerades, etc., are important elements. Thematic concerns revolve around: history, politics, economics/class, spirituality, sex/gender (sexism, femininity and masculinity), power relations based on qualifiers such as education, colorism, mothering and motherhood, travel, nostalgia, alienation, re-memory, environmentalism, urbanism, cuisine, language, among others.

Required Texts:

1. Waters, J. Erika and David Edgecombe, Eds. Contemporary Drama of the Caribbean. (The plays: No Seeds in Babylon, by Ian Gregory Strachan (the Bahamas), Bellywoman Bangarang, by the Sistren Theatre Collective () and Kirnon's Kingdom, by David Edgecombe (U.S. Virgin Islands). 2. Walcott, Derek, Erroll Hill, and Dennis Scott, Eds. Plays for Today.: Dennis Scott’s An Echo in the Bone, and Erroll Hills’s Man Better Man). 3. Anim-Addo, Joan. Imoinda or She who Will Lose Her Name. London: Mango Press, 2008. 4. Césaire, Aimé. The Tragedy of King Christophe 5. Gibbons, Rawle, Compiler and Editor. Contemporary Caribbean Plays Emancipation Moments (Augus’ Mawnin’ by Barbara Gloudon with Brian Heap, Eitou Pearl Springer’s Canbouley, and Yvonne Weekes’s Blue Soap). St. Augustine, : The Multimedia Production Centre, University of the West Indies, School of Education, 2010. .6. Michael Gilkes: Couvade. London: Longman Caribbean Ltd. 1974, 65 pp. Re-issued by Dangaroo Press, Aarhus in 1993. 7. Arrivi, Francisco. Masquerade. Translated by Gabriel Goulthard, In . . . a time and a season . .

1 . Eight Caribbean Plays. Selected by Errol Hill. Trinidad and Tobago: The University of the West Indies: School of Continuing Studies, 1976, 1996. Pp, 101-163.


1.. Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. The Arrivants 2.. Sekou, Lasana. The Salt Reaper.Phillipsburg, St. Martin: House of Nehesi Press. 3. Walcott, Derek. Omeros 4. Dabydeen, David. Slave Song. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2005 5. Collins Klobah, Loretta.The Twelve-Foot Neon Woman. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2011. 6. Philip, Marlene Nourbese. She Tries Her Tongue Her Silence Softly Breaks. 7. Goodison, Lorna. Golden Grove: New and Selected Poems. 8. Harris, Claire. Drawing Down a Daughter 9. Rahim, Jennifer. Redemption Rain. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 2011 10. Dawes . Kwame. Back of Mount Peace Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2010 11. Marson, Una. Una Marson: Selected Poems. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2011 12. Williams, Marvin E. Dialogue at the Hearth Christiansted, St. Croix: Antilles Press, 1993. 13. Das, Mahadai. Bones. Leeds: Peepal Tree, 1989.

Course Requirements: A. This course cannot be passed without participatory attendance. As the course will be run as mini seminars, it is expected that much of the discussion will be generated and propelled by students. Students need to be present to give presentations, take part in discussions, and listen to readings and lectures.

B. There is no examination! However, each student is expected to submit two essays: 1) Essay One: 8 pages essay (2000 words, double space, and referenced using the MLA Documentation style) on Drama; 2) Final paper: 12 pages paper (3000 words and in the same style as the first). Topics for both essays will be designed by the student in consultation with the instructor. Each student will be expected to also give two seminar presentations, one on drama and one on poetry.

Drama: Seminars Schedule :

January 31st- Imoinda/ Augus’ Mawnin’—Presenters: Dannabang and Gabriel

February 7- No Seeds in Babylon—Presenter: Maria Kirnon’s Kingdom—Presenter: Oihida

February 14- Couvade—Presenter: Kevin Belly Woman Bangarang—Presenter: Marisol

February 21- An Echo in the Bone—Presenter: Juan Man Better Man—Presenter: Xavier

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February 28- The Tragedy of King Christophe—Presenter: Andrew Masquerade—Presenter: Nemesio

March 6-Canbouley/Blue Soap—Presenter: Dannabang

Midterm due (8-12pp.) Poetry: March 13th, 2012: Omeros March 20th, 2012: The Arrivants March 27th , 2012: Drawing Down a Daughter. Una Marson: Selected Poems April 3rd, 2012: She Tries Her Tongue Her Silence Softly Breaks/ Back of Mount Peace April 10th , 2012. Redemption Rain / Dialogue at the Hearth April 17th, 2012: The Salt Reaper / The Twelve-Foot Neon Woman April 24th , 2012: Golden Grove: New And selected Poems / Slave Song May 1st – May 8th Final Essay.

Mark distribution: Final Term Paper: 25% First Term Paper: 25% Seminar One: 10% Seminar Two: 10% Seminar Three: 10% Seminar Four: 10% Class Participation: 10%

Total: 100%

Due Dates for Papers: First Paper Due: March 6th, 2012. Final Paper Due: May 8th -11th, 2012.

Teaching Methods: Lectures, Seminars, Guest Talks, Interviews, Movies, documentaries, etc.

Some Journals that you will find useful in your research on : Ariel: A Review of International English Literature. Anthurium Journal of West Indian Literature MaComère Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diaspora Wasafiri Kunapipi Callaloo Small Axe World Literature Written in English

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Research in African Literatures Caribbean Quarterly Sargasso The Journal of Commonwealth Literature Modern Drama The Year Book of English Studies (book) College Literature Journal for the Association on Mothering

Sign Up for Your Seminar Dates:

January 31st- Imoinda/ Augus’ Mawnin’—Presenters: Dannabang and Gabriel

February 7-No Seeds in Babylon—Presenter: Maria Kirnon’s Kingdom—Presenter: Oihida

February 14-Couvade—Presenter: Kevin Belly Woman Bangarang—Presenter: Marisol

February 21-An Echo in the Bone—Presenter: Juan Man Better Man—Presenter: Xavier

February 28-The Tragedy of King Christophe—Presenter: Andrew Masquerade—Presenter: Nemesio

March 6-Canbouley/Blue Soap—Presenter: Dannabang Midterm due (8-12pp.)

March 13th, 2012: Omeros. Two Presnters

March 20th, 2012: The Arrivants. Two Presenters

March 27th, 2012: She Tries Her Tongue Her Silence Softly Breaks/ Back of Mount Peace. Two Presenters

April 3rd, 2012: Drawing Down a Daughter. Una Marson: Selected Poems: Two Presenters

April 10th, 2012: Redemption Rain /Dialogue at the Hearth: Two Presenters

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April 17th, 2012: The Salt Reaper / The Twelve-Foot Neon Woman: Two Presenters

April 24th , 2012: Golden Grove: New And selected Poems / Bones.

Bibliography: Some selected bibliography (just a tiny selection for the moment) Students are advised to bring to class next week, titles of ten articles or books, or book chapters from journals from 2000 to the present on Caribbean drama and poetry, not necessarily but preferably relevant and/or focused on the writers, themes, and issues dealing with the authors selected for study in class. For instance, you may want to look at studies focusing on Caribbean-Canadian authors, or Caribbean women poets, or performance, or issues of racial, gender/sex, spiritual, ecological, urban landscape, politics, mothering, masculinity/femininity, language (creole), postcolonial concerns, tourism, music and performance, dance, ritual, among others.

Abrahams, Roger D. The Man-of-Words in the West Indies: Performance and the Emergence of Creole Culture. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1983. Print Arnold, James A., ed. A History of Literature in the Caribbean. Vol. 1. Hispanic and Francophone Regions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1994. Print Ashcroft, Bill et al. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. London and New York: Routledge, 1989. Print Baugh, Edward. Ed. Critics on Caribbean Literature: Readings in Literary Criticism. New York: St. Martin’s, 1978. Print Baugh, Edward. : Memory or Vision: “Another Life.” London: Longman, 1978. Belinda, Edmonson. “Race, Tradition, and the Construction of the Caribbean Aesthetic.” New Literary History 25.1. (Winter 1994): 109-119. Print Bobb, June. Beating a Restless Drum: The Poetics of and Derek Walcott. New York: Africa World Press, 1998. Print. Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. Roots. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996. Print Breiner, Laurence A. An Introduction to West Indian Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 1998. Print Brown, Benita, Dannabang Kuwabong, Christopher Olsen. Myth Performance in the Africa Diaspora. Ritual, Theatre and Dance. Lantham: The Scarecrow Press, 2014.Print Brown, Lloyd W. West Indian Poetry, 2nd ed. London: Heinemann, 1984. Print Brown, Stewart. , Ed. The Art of Edward Kamau Brathwaite. Wales: Bridgend. 1995. Print. Stewart Brown Tourist, Traveller, Troublemaker: Essays on Poetry Tourist, Leeds: Peepal Tree, 2007. Print Carr, Brenda. “To `Heal the Wounded’: Agency and the Materiality of Language and Form in M. Nourbese Philip’s She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks.” SCL/ÉCL, 19.1(1994): 72- 91. Print. Chamberlin, Edward J. Come Back to Me My Language: Poetry and the West Indies. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993. Print. Chevannes, Barry. Rastafari. Roots and Ideology. New York: Syracuse University Press, 1994. Print.

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Crahan, Margaret E. and Franklin W. Knight. , Eds. Africa and the Caribbean: The Legacies of a Link. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1979. Print. Cooper, Carolyn. Noises in the Blood: Orality, Gender, and the “Vulgar” Body of Jamaican Popular Culture. Durham: Duke UP, 1995. Print. Coombs, Orde. , Ed. Is Massa Day Dead? : Black Moods in the Caribbean. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1974. Print. Corsbie, Ken. Theatre in the Caribbean. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984. Cudjoe, Selwyn R., Ed. Caribbean Women Writers: Essays from the First International Conference. Wellesley, Massachusetts: Calaloux Publications, 1990. Print. Dash, Michael J. Literature and Ideology in Haiti, 1915-1961. London: Macmillan, 1981. Dathorne, O. R. Dark Ancestor: The Literature of the Black Man in the Caribbean. Baton Rouge: Louisiana UP, 1981. Print. Davies, Carol Boyce & Elaine Savory Fido. , Eds. Out of the Kumbla: Caribbean Women and Literature. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 1990. Print. Dawes, Kwame Senu Neville. , Ed. Talk Yuh Talk: Interviews with Anglophone Caribbean Poets. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000. Print. Donnell, Alison and Sarah Lawson Welsh. , Eds. The Routledge Reader in Caribbean Literature. New York, NY: Routledge, 1996. Print. Ehrenreich, Barbara. Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy. London: Granta Books, 2008. Print. Fanon, Franz. Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1968. Print. Fanon, Franz. The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1963. Print. Gikandi, Simon. Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1992. Print. Gilbert, Helen and Joanne Tompkins. Postcolonial Drama: theory, practice, history Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic. Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Press, 1993. Print. Glissant, Édouard. Caribbean Discourse, Selected Essays. Trans., and Introd. Michael J Dash. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1989; 1992. Print. Glissant, Édouard. Poetics of Relation. Trans. Betsy Wing. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1997. Print. Griffith, Paul, A. Afro-Caribbean Poetry and Ritual. New York: Pelgrave Macmillan, 2010. Green, Garth L. Trinidad Carnival: The Cultural Politics of a Transnational Festival. Bloomington, Indiana: Indian U Press, 2007. Print. Guttman, Naomi. “Dream of the Mother Language: Myth and History in She Tries Her Tongue Her Silence Softly Breaks.” Melus 21.3 (Fall 1996): 53-68. Print. Hammer, Robert D. Derek Walcott. Boston: Twayne, 1981. Print. Hammer, Robert D. Compl.& Ed. Critical Perspectives on Derek Walcott. Washington, DC: Three Continents Press, 1993. Print. Harris, Claire. “ i dream of a new naming.” Interview. By Janice Williamson. Sounding Difference: Conversationsions with Seventeen Canadian Women Writers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. 115-30. Print. Harris, Claire. “poets in limbo.” Amazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. Eds. Shirley Neuman and Smaro Kamnoureli. Newest: Longspoon, 1986. 115-25. Print.

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Neuman and Smaro Kamnoureli. “Against the poetry of Revenge.” Fireweed. 23 (Summer 1986): 15-24. Print. Harris, Wilson. Tradition, the Writer and Society. London: New beacon, 1967. Print. Herdeck, Donald, E. et al. Caribbean Writers: A Bio-Bibliographic Encyclopedia. Washington, D.C.: Three Continents, 1979. Print. Hill, Donald, R. Calypso Calalooo: Early Carnival Music in Trinidad. Gainesvile: UP of Florida, 1993. Print. Hill, Errol. The Jamaican Stage, 1655-1900: A Profile of a Colonial Theatre. Amherst: U of Mass P, 1992. Print. Horowitz, Michael. , Ed. People and Cultures of the Caribbean. Garden City, New York: Natural History Press, 1971. Print. Hoving, Isobel. The Castration of Livingstone and other Stories. Reading African and Caribbean Migrant Women’s Writing. Geboren te Amstedam, 1995. Print. Hulme, Peter. Colonial Encounters: Europe and Native Caribbean, 1492-1797. London: Methuen, 1986. Print. Hulme, Peter and Neil L Whitehead. , Eds. Wild Majesty: Encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the Present Day, An Anthology. Oxford: OUP, 1992. Print. Hunter, Lynette. “After Modernism: Alternative Voices in the Writings of Dionne Brand, Claire Harris, and Marlene Nourbese Philip.” University of Toronto Quarterly 62.32 (Winter 1992/3): 256-81. Print. James, C.L.R. The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution. New York: Random House, 1963. Print. James, Louis. , Introd &. Ed. The Islands in Between: Essays on West Indian Literature. London: OUP, 1968. Print. Jenkins, M, Lee. The Language of Caribbean Poetry: Boundaries of Expression. Miami: University Press of Florida, 2004. Print. King, Bruce. West Indian Literature. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1979. Print. King, Bruce. Derek Walcott & the West Indian Drama: `Not Only a Playwright but a Company’ the Trinidad Theatre Workshop 1959-1993. Print. Knight, Franklin W and Colin A. Palmer. , Eds. The Modern Caribbean. Chaple Hill and London: The University of North Carlina Press, 1989. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “Revisionay History as Myth Performance: A Postcolonial Re-Reading of Maud Cuney-Hare’s Antar of Araby, Willis Richardson’s The Black Horseman, and Aimé Césaire’s And the Dogs Were Silent.” In Brown, Benita, Dannabang Kuwabong, Christopher Olsen. Myth Performance in the Africa Diaspora. Ritual, Theatre and Dance. Lantham: The Scarecrow Press, 2014. 13-52. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “Of Rebels, Tricksters, and Supernatural Beings: Toward a semiotics of myth performance in African Caribbean and Afro-Brazilian Dramas.” In Brown, Benita, Dannabang Kuwabong, Christopher Olsen. Myth Performance in the Africa Diaspora. Ritual, Theatre and Dance. Lantham: The Scarecrow Press, 2014. 103-136. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “Performances that Bind: A preliminary reading of dramaturgic elements in N’gugi wa Thiong’Ó’s I will Marry when I Want, Derek Walcott’s Dream On Monkey Mountain, August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson and Aimé Césaire’s And the Dogs Were Silent. In Re-centering the `Islands in Between’ Re-Thinking the languages, literatures and

English 6410: Kuwabong 8 cultures of the Eastern Caribbean and the African diaspora. Eds. Faraclas, Nicholas, Ronald Severing.Christa Weijer, Liesbeth Echteld. Curaçao: Fundashon pa Planificashon Idioma and University of the Netherlands Antilles, 2009. 113-129. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “Poetics of intimate voices: Exploring identity politics in Us Virgin Islands’poetry”. In In a Sea of Heteroglossia. Pluri-Lingualism, Pluri-Culturalism, and Pluri- Identification in the Caribbean. Eds. Faraclas, Nicholas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Liesbeth Echteld, Marsha Hinds-Layne, Elena Lawton de Torruella. Curaçao/Puerto Rico: Fundashon pa Planificashon Idioma (Institute for Language Planning of Curaçao) and Universidad di Kòrsou (University of the Curaçao), 2010. 351-368. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang.“Restoring the Memories of Joining Between a Mother and Son: A Reading of Lorna Goodison’s Maternal Poems.” Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering. 2. 1 (Spring/Summer 2000): 66-78. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “The Mother as Archetype of Self: A Poetics of Matrilineage in the poetry of Claire Harris and Lorna Goodison. ARIEL. 30. 1 (January 1999): 105-130. Print. Kuwabong, Dannabang. “Reading the Gospel of Bakes: Daughters-Representations of Mothers in the Poetry of Claire Harris and Lorna Goodison.” Canadian Woman Studies/les/Ccahiers de la femme. 18. 2 & 3 (Summer/Fall 1998): 132-38. Print. Lamming, George. The Pleasures of Exile. 1960; London: Allison and Busby, 1984. Print. Laurence, K O. Immigration into the West Indies in the 19th Century. Mona, Jamaica: Caribbean Universities Press, Ginn and Company Ltd., 1971. Print. Liverpool, Hollis. Rituals of Power & Rebellion: The Carnival Tradition in Trinidad & Tobago 1763-1962. Chicago: Research Associates School Times Publication and Frontline Distribution Int’l Inc., 2001. Print. Lewis, Gordon K. The Growth of the Modern West Indies. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1968. Print. Lewis, Gordon K. Main Currents in Caribbean Thought: The Historical Evolution of Caribbean Society in its Ideological Aspects, 1492-1900. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1983. Print. Lowenthal, David. West Indian Societies. London: OUP, 1972. Print. Mannoni, O. Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonialism. Paris: 1950; New York: Praeger, 1983. Print. Mintz, Sidney W and Sally Price. , Eds. Caribbean Contuors. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1985. Print. Morales, Donald M. “The Pervasive Force of Music in African, Caribbean, and African American Drama. Research in African Literatures. Vol. 34, No. 2 (Summer, 2003), pp. 145-15. Print. Mullen, Edward J. Afro-Cuban Literature: Critical Junctures. New York: Greenwood Press. Murphy, Joseph M. Working the Spirit: Ceremonies of the African Diaspora. Boston: Beacon Press, 1994. Print. Niven, Alistair. The Commonwealth Writer Overseas. Brussels: Didier, 1976. Print. Omotoso, Kole. The Theatrical Into Theatre: A Study of the Drama and Theatre of the English- speaking Caribbean. London: New Beacon, 1982. Print. Ottley, Rudolph. Women in Calypso. Arima, Trinidad, 1992. Print. Philip, Nourbese M. Frontiers: essays and writings on racism and culture. Stratford, Ontario: The Mercury Press, 1992. Print.

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Philip, Nourbese M. Genealogies of Resistance and other essays. Stratford, Ontario: The Mercury Press, 1997. Print. Price, Richard. The Convict and the Colonel. A Story of Colonialism and Resistance in the Caribbean. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1998. Print. Ramnarine, K. Tina. Beautiful Cosmos: Performance and Belonging in the Caribbean Diaspora. Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press, 2007. Print. Riggio, Milla Cozart. Carnival A Sourcebook (Worlds of Performance). London New York: Routledge, 2004. Print. Rohlehr, Gordon. Pathfinder: Black Awakening in the Arrivants of Edward Kamau Brathwaite. Tunapuna, Trinidad: Gordon Rohlehr, 1981. Print. Rohlehr, Gordon. My Strangled City and other Essays.Port-of-Spain: Longman Trinidad Ltd., 1992. Print. Rohlehr, Gordon. The Shape of that Hurt and other Essays. Port-of-Spain: Longman Trinidad Ltd., 1992. Print. Saakana, Amon Saba. The Colonial Legacy in Caribbean Literature. London: Karnak House, 1987. Print. Salick, Roydon. , Ed. & Introd. The Comic Vision in West Indian Literature. Proc. Ninth Conference on West Indian Literature, 1993. Print. Simpson, George Eaton. Religious Cults of the Caribbean: Trinidad, Jamaica and Haiti. University of Puerto Rico: Institute of Caribbean Studies, 1980. Print. Stone, Judy S. J. Studies in West Indian Literature: Theatre. Introd. . London and Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994. Print. Olaniyan, Tejumola. Scars of Conquest/Masks of Resistance: The Invention of Cultural Identities in African, African-American and Caribbean Drama. New York: Oxford U Press, 1995. Print. Thompson, Robert Farris. Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro-American Art & Philosophy. New York: Random House, 1984. Print. Warner-Lewis, Maureen. E. Kamau Brathwaite’s Masks. Essays & Annotations. Mona, Jamaica: Institute of Caribbean Studies, The University of the West Indies, 1992. Print. Williams, Emily Allen. The Critical Response to Kamau Brathwaite. West Port, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2004. Print. Wilson-Tagoe, Nana. Historical Thought and Literary Representation in West Indian Literature. Oxford: James Currey, 1997. Print.