Enriching life in the Big Canoe community September 2020 POA News 3 Events & Happenings 18 Wining & Dining 23 Getting Fit & Healthy 24 Around the Tees 25 Racquets ‘Round the Nets 30 The 110 acre Lake Petit proivded plenty of Marina 32 room for families to safely enjoy the Labor Day Let’s Go Clubbing 34 weekend. (Photo by Tim Moran) Don't just list your home, get it sold. #1 in homes and lots sold www.BigCanoe.com 706.268.3333
[email protected] SEPTEMBER 2020 INSIDETHEGATES.ORG | 3 POA News From the General Manager are corroding or have disintegrated altogether. The greens are worse for wear. The irrigation system is practically held By Scott Auer together with bubblegum. Even dangerous sinkholes have Big Canoe General Manager developed on the course. To all that non-golfers might say, “Why is that It’s readily apparent golf is intertwined with Big Ca- my problem?” noe’s identity. Our stunning 27 holes of golf are our most Property owners’ amenities dollars go to many things, visible amenity. They commingle with a backdrop of moun- and odds are that many services and features we pay for tains, lakes, valleys and streams. Is it any wonder the Creek we might never use. I have never hit the elliptical machines 9 Initiative Vote coming up this month asks you to “Pinch at the Wellness Center; I don’t cruise around every single yourself. It’s your very own side road our Public Works maintain; I’ve never had to call backyard!” Even herds of deer the Fire Department, well once! We all collectively pay and flocks of wild turkeys like for a range of amenities and features because they main- to hang out on the greens.