The Stag in the Blaeberry Review

The Newsletter of Association of Australia Volume 1, Edition 5 September 2000

PRESIDENT’S REPORT will be another step nearer reality. Hello Clansmen, Burns’ Country is almost next to the Duke’s. I am writing this the night before we take off, I will give Our Vice President & Secretary in NSW, along with Michael this in , you should receive a Newsletter Russell Scott, Pipe Major Glen Innes, have been making before we arrive home with all the details of our meeting enquiries regarding the size of stones we need for the wall with the Duke. in Glen Innes. We are taking 3 stones home with us of the The Multi-Cultural Message from Robert Burns - required size, 2 from the Ring of Brodgar, 1 from the Then let us pray that come it may, Duke’s Estate at Drumlanrig Castle. Along with a plaque As come it will for a’ that, costing $200. Bonnie wee Jean has said she will donate That Sense and Worth, O’er a’ the earth, $100, Bryce & I will give the other $100. I thank Jean May bear the gree an’ a’ that, for her generous offer. This came from an idea of Michael For a’ that and a’ that, to bring two stones from Brodgar, it was either Jean or Its comin yet for a’ that, Russell who suggested getting a stone form Drumlanrig That Man to Man the world O’er Castle. The stones will be Dedicated at Glen Innes next Shall Brithers be for a’ that. year. I am giving Michael the sizes and an idea from Jean, to hear other ideas would be much appreciated. Today, Multi-Culturalism is taking a leading role towards Until next time. making the predictions of Robert Burns a Reality. Multi- Jim, President Culturalism encourages ethnic Communities to contribute harmoniously as well as culturally to develop Australia Editor’s Comment: Jim cleared the bringing of the while maintaining their own cultural identity. I think Clan stones into Australia through the Australian Quarantine Scott is right up there with the best of them . and Inspection Service prior to his departure from And the prediction of Robert Burns, that: Australia. They have no problem provided the stones are “Man to Man the world O’er shall thoroughly cleaned and declared on return. brithers be, for a’ that” Jim also “advised” His Grace that we had “borrowed” a stone from Drumlanrig Castle for inclusion in the wall. The Duke’s reply was “Good on you!” (Jim & I had a guilt complex about ‘nicking’ the stone in the first place and decided to ‘come clean’ before His Grace read it in this Newsletter. ) We 4 “Australian Scotts” visited “Burns’ Country” and stayed overnight in Ayr on our way back to Edinburgh after the Borders Gathering. Michael the Ed.

CLAN SCOTT NAME BADGES We had a “Committee Meeting” in Edinburgh and agreed on the design and size of the Name Badges. I have now placed a firm order for 100 Blanks to be manufactured. The Badge will be slightly larger than the original suggestion (we need to fit long names on to some of them - “Jean Scott-Deaner” and “Lorna Sommerfeldt” - not pointing the finger, but they are just a little longer than SCOTT.) The background will be silver and the Silkscreened and “Clan Scott” will be in Burgundy. Individual names will be black as this is the colour of the base which comes through when names are engraved. The whole will be covered by Epoxy Resin and will look very smart. INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS MEMBERS - Please advise your State Vice-President, in writing, of your specific Name Badge requirements. Names will be engraved on the badge with First Name ABOVE the Surname (see previous Newsletter for sample). Please PRINT the Name you want, EXACTLY as you want it (eg. Michael McCarthy or Mike McCarthy) and specify the type of pin or clasp you want (PIN is a standard brooch pin fixed to the back of the badge and is suitable for all uses, particularly so for Ladies to use with fine material in frocks, shawls, etc. CLASP is a good quality, more heavy duty clasp as used on Tiepins and is suitable for use on Coat Lapels, Ties, Plaids, etc. Cheque or Money Order, $10 per name badge, made out to Clan Scott Association of Australia MUST be During our visit to Scotland, we met Kevin Scott, included with your order. Convenor of Clan Scott Society (UK) (between Bryce & We would like Members to have their namebadges as Jim outside the Clan Scott tent at the Borders Gathering soon as possible so a quick note & cheque to your State 2000 at Gretna Green). We spent some time with Kevin Vice-President will assist. Remember we need and established a good Clan Scott relationship. We have MINIMUM lot orders of 5 badges, so if you are LATE agreed to exchange Newsletters and information I have you may have to wait until we get enough for the next also contacted Clan Scott (USA) suggesting contact order. Your co-operation will be appreciated by your between all Clan Scott organisations worldwide and have fellow Members. Michael the Ed. received an encouraging response. This Newsletter will now not only go to our Clan Chief (who has received DID YOU KNOW ?? every edition) but also to our brothers in arms across the The First person to “Break the Sound Barrier” in a Sabre seas. Jet Fighter of the Royal Australian Air Force was Flight I have also been approached by persons named SCOTT Lieutenant W. H. Scott of Bentleigh on 20 August 1953. in New Zealand wanting to join us in Clan Scott 2 Association of Australia. I shall raise this in committee so, would Members please advise your State Vice-President TREASURER’S REPORT how you feel about this possible expansion so we have an Treasurer Bryce gave me her latest Report and asked idea of which way to jump. If we are associated with that it be published. Basically, we have a Credit Ballance Scotts across the big pond (Pacific) maybe a direct of $422.93. While this is not bad for the number of association across the creek (Tasman) may be Members we have and the short time of our existance, it appropriate. What say Ye? President Jim and Treasurer would be better for the Association if we had more funds. Bryce know nothing of this as yet - they are busy Do you, as a Member, have any ideas on how we can avoiding the world while holidaying in Orkney (Lucky raise funds for Clan Scott Association of Australia? buggars!) but will be briefed on their return in late October. Michael the Ed. INTRODUCING Her Grace, DOB IN A MEMBER TIME!! The Duchess of Buccleuch & Queensberry

Graham Scott (VIC) displays his trophies at the recent Cribb Point Fishing Club Meeting at the Western Port Bay RSL Club. The trophies were for the “Biggest Catch of the Year” and the “Biggest Fish”. Well done Graham, particularly in your first year as a Member of the Fishing Club. (PS. I can’t lie - Mum Bryce did give me the photo.) Michael the Ed.

EDITORIAL Sorry about the delay in bringing this Newsletter to you. I had the modern day version of “writer’s block” - the bloody computer died and it took 2 weeks to get it ‘sort of’ right again. Still needs some TLC. I think it must be sulking after not being used for 3 weeks while we were away. Another reason for being late is: I have been watching my Sister-in-Law, Naomi Castle, win a GOLD MEDAL for A relaxed Duchess at the Borders Gathering 2000 Australia in the Women’s Water Polo team at the th Olympic Games. Oi, Oi, Oi !!! at Gretna Green, on Sunday, 13 August 2000. Did I tell you we went to Scotland? Details later in this Our Clan Scott group had a wonderful afternoon in the Newsletter.!! company of the Duke & Duchess at the festivities. We all agreed they could be mistaken for Aussies anywhere and There are a few matters which should be addressed by would fit in back home in Australia. Members in this Newsletter and I call your attention to We would love to see them any time they decided to visit them. We would appreciate your input. Please keep Down Under. We were most impressed by their those contributions rolling in. We expect Jim & Bryce willingness to “open up” and talk about any and all home from their holiday in mid October so the next subjects of interest to them or to us. We found them to Edition should be in November. Michael the Ed. be very friendly and approachable.

3 An Honour for Clan Scott Association of Australia

Michael McCarthy, Bryce Scott, Helene McCarthy & Jim Scott meet His Grace, The & Queensberry, KT, Chief of Clan Scott in the Inner Courtyard of Drumlanrig Castle on Saturday, 12 August 2000

Clan Scott Association of Australia was honoured with an invitation by His Grace for our representatives to meet him at Drumlanrig Castle on Saturday, 12 August 2000. Just prior to going overseas I received a Post Card from His Grace advising that he would be unable to meet us at Drumlanrig but would see us the next day at Gretna Green. We were taking Morning Tea in the “Old Kitchen” at Drumlanrig Castle when a gentleman came down and asked where he could find “the 4 Australian Scotts”. When we identified ourselves, he replied - “I’ll be back for you at 5 to 11, His Grace, The Duke would like to meet you in the Inner Courtyard at 11.00 AM.” You can imagine our surprise and pleasure - of course we accepted the summons. We had His Grace to ourselves for approximately 30 minutes before the remainder of our tour group were admitted to the Courtyard. While at the Gathering Ceilidh on Saturday night we received an “invitation” to accompany His Grace with Her Grace, The Duchess, on the platform as part of the “official party” at the Official Opening of The Borders Gathering 2000 at Gretna Green the following day. This invitation also requested “two Large Australian Scott men” to act as escorts and assistants to the Chief during the activities - an invitation which we unhesitatingly accepted. During these meetings with “our” Duke & Duchess, we established a relationship which will certainly stay with us and, we trust, established a good impression of Clan Scott Association of Australia in the minds of our Clan Chief and his wife. 4 We were the lucky ones who were present on that And, you wouldn’t believe it, the Minister is Rev. James occasion, however, the honour belongs to our whole W. Scott. An interesting Church built in Ages Past and group as it was in our capacity as Representatives of the featuring an intriguing seating arrangement. Clan Scott Association of Australia that we were there The next leg of the journey took us to Gretna Green and received the invitation. where we were to spend the next couple of days. His Grace gave us a briefing on the history of Drumlanrig Saturday Night saw us meet with the other participants Castle and its construction. You will recall our banter in the Borders Gathering at the Gathering Ceilidh. Now about “Too many roofs to repair” in the last couple of that’s a party! During the evening there were 3 separate Editions - well, we found out the real story behind the wedding receptions in different parts of the hotel so life Duke’s quip. He informed us that “The Castle took 12 was not dull. Early in the evening, our Host, Madam years to build, I have just taken 18 years to replace the McKerrell of Hillhouse, the Gathering organiser, came roof.” So now we know over and advised us that she needed to brief us on to- morrow’s activities. We were told we had been asked The Borders Gathering 2000 to assist His Grace at the Opening Ceremony and The Scotts of Baxter and McCarthys of Beachmere accompany him on the Official Platform and we were met, where else but, under the Sir briefed on where to meet him and other pertinent Monument in Princes Street, Edinburgh on Friday 11 matters. August. After the “duty photo” we had a short walking Sunday dawned wet & miserable (just like Melbourne) tour of Edinburgh. I say short because it was short. We and was not what we wanted for a Borders Gathering crossed Princes Street, found a shop which sells nothing which was to be entirely outdoors in a cow paddock. but Scotch Whisky and that was it!! Well, not quite, Yes, the Gathering Field is a cow paddock for 364 days after the ‘mandatory’ sample of the wee drop, we per year and the Gathering Field for 1 day. You can migrated to the Shop upstairs and spent even more imagine what was lying about in the wet grass. A fact money. That afternoon we hired a car and then had which did not escape the attention of our Chief as, while dinner together at a small Pub at Joppa, on the I was pushing his wheelchair around the various displays waterfront of The Forth of Firth, just up the street from I was advised “Not to get any cow dung on my tyres, or the B&B where Helene & Michael were staying. On they will hear about it back home.” Well, I didn’t get any Saturday, 12 August we drove to Drumlanrig Castle cow dung on the tyres but you still heard about it back where, by prior arrangement, we joined with a tour home. President Jim also managed to keep the tyres group from Gretna who were also there to participate in clean during his stint at pushing the chair as well. All the Borders Gathering. It was during this tour that we turned out well as the Opening Ceremony was timed for met His Grace and, after his personal briefing we re- 1 PM and the rain stopped just before Noon. joined the group for a tour of the Castle. What a place - The Borders Gathering featured numerous activities, it has to be seen to be believed. Amongst other things, including Caber Tossing, Weight Heaving, Falconry His Grace is the owner of the Largest Private Art displays, Icelandic Pony display, Jousting and Re- Collection in the World. Much of it is on show at enactment groups, dancing and, of course, Pipes and Drumlanrig Castle. As our Chief pointed out, no where Drums. Clan Associations from far and wide had their else in the world can one stand in one spot and see meeting places and displayed their heritage - We Aussie works of Rembrandt, Da Vinci and Holbein all Scotts joined Kevin Scott of Clan Scott Society (UK) at displayed side-by-side. It is magnificent and very the Clan Scott stand when not otherwise occupied. moving. Unfortunately, we could not take photos inside Jim and Michael were interviewed in front of the camera the Castle otherwise we would surely have posed beside for a video movie being made by an American group these treasures. I have, however, obtained a booklet on ( I think) about the Borders Gathering the Castle which gives some idea of what is there. and they intend to make it available for sale on the His Grace also referred us to his favourite painting - that Internet. of his wife, then Countess of Dalkeith in 1957 - which Helene & Michael also met and had a short discussion was painted by John Merton and is the only painting this with Prince Michael, Duke of Albany who is a Direct century to be receive a Royal Academy “A” Award. I Descendant of Bonny Prince Charlie and who has just can see why he likes it so much. come over from Exile in France to attend the Borders After our tour we lunched at the Trigony House Hotel Gathering and publicly advised the Queen that he is the and visited, in pouring rain, the Kirk of Durisdeer which rightful Heir to the Throne of Scotland and intends to is the Buccleuch’s Family Church. 5 claim his right to sit thereon. He also attended the ANOTHER SCOTTISH ADVENTURE Formal Ball and Dinner. While in Edinburgh Michael & Helene attended the Sunday night saw us at the Formal Ball which included Edinburgh Military Tattoo and thus achieved another dinner and 180 guests sat down to the meal. A fitting life-long ambition. But, what a surprise, when 5 minutes finale to the weekend. before start time the PA System sprang to life with the announcement that the start would be delayed by 20 minutes. The reason for the delay was that HRH Prince Andrew was about to arrive and, before watching the Military Tattoo, he performed the Official Opening Ceremony of the first ever Commonwealth Youth Games. We cheered and clapped as the Youth Athletes entered the Stadium (actually the Parade Ground for the Military Tattoo, which is actually the Edinburgh Castle Car Park) led in by the largest contingent - Australia (they enter in alphabetical order) and then the Games Torches entered - one carried by a Scottish Lass and Helene McCarthy, Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse, the other by an Australian youth. So, not only did we Chief of Clan McKerrell, Jim Scott, Madam May get to see the Tattoo but also the Official Opening of the McKerrell of Hillhouse, Bryce Scott, Michael McCarthy inaugural Commonwealth Youth Games. Talk about - posing for the ‘duty photo’ at the Formal Ball of the being in the right place at the right time. I understand that Borders Gathering 2000. these Games received NO coverage in the Australian media. Very disappointing for the families who had We returned to Edinburgh via the South West Coast of participants involved and for the majority of the Scotland, an area which none of us had ever visited. We Australian public who will never know that these events overnighted in Ayr and had a very scenic drive through occurred. Burns Country. On arrival in Edinburgh we went our own ways - the Scotts to Orkney via Skye (poor devils) and we McCarthys spent a couple of days touring SCOTRIVIA Stirling Castle and Edinburgh (couldn’t miss that long By Bruce Scott last look at one of this earth’s most beautiful and SCOTT romantic cities) before heading off home via New York. The official tartans register shows about a dozen tartans Our New York adventure is another story - just ask the associated with the Scott name. Of these, the oldest American Secret Service about our look at Hiliary appears to be that which is known today as Scott Red. Clinton’s new home at Chappaqua. The earliest record of this appeared in the Cromarty Manuscript, dated 1721, and publicised by OTHER SCOTTISH SITES OF INTEREST the Stuart Hay brothers in 1829. Sir Walter Scott strongly rejected the idea that Lowland Scots ever wore tartans, however, in 1822 he had produced for his own use a black and white tartan which he wore in private in the form of a shepherd’s plaid. No date is given for the very popular Scott Green tartan.

George MacDonald-Fraser in The Steel Bonnets quotes a 16th century English visitor to the Borders who, in describing the dress of the people, says: ”The lower sort of citizens’ wives and the women of the country The BATTLEFIELD at BANNOCHBURN wore cloaks made of a coarse stuff of two or three Unfortunately not too clear, but this is the site of the colours vulgarly called pladden”. Could these have been Battle of Bannochburn as seen from the battlements of tartan plaids? Stirling Castle. You won’t believe this but the Local Council wants to develop the site as a Housing Estate. BORDER PLACE-NAMES How about that for a sense of History? 6 Many place-names in the Borders have suffixes, which give an indication of the lie of the land in that locality. Here are a few which I have come across in footnotes to items for us as Members of Clan Scott: Inside the Scott’s Waverly novels: Cathedral, also known as the “Edinburgh Cathedral and · cleuch: a flat, steep sided hollow, High Kirk of St. Giles”, is the Thistle Chapel. Helene · haugh: alluvial river-land, had heard of this place so we decided to visit. Just as · heugh: a crag, and we neared the door the keeper opened it for the first · law: a hill. Hence Cappercleuch, time that day so we entered - WOW! It is a Chapel Philiphaugh, Tushielaw, etc. dedicated to the Duke of Buccleuch. Say no more, you have to see it for yourself. THE LOYAL SCOTTS In the High Street (The Royal Mile) just outside St. Giles It was not uncommon amongst Border clans to find Cathedral and the old Scottish Parliament building some mixed loyalties; particularly when English gold was stands a statue known as “The Buccleuch Statue” - here offered in payment for raids against fellow Scots. It is is a photo of His Grace, The Duke of Buccleuch and said that the Scotts of Buccleuch were ever loyal. In the Queensberry, KG towering over the Royal Mile and a 1540s an English envoy, accustomed to buying Scottish transcript of the tablet (currently behind a construction traitors by the gross, was “frightened and astonished” by fence and unable to be photographed) the profane and forceful rejection of his offer of bribes to the Laird.

WHAT’S IN A NAME? The Scots word for the pike (the fish) is ged, which may be given in the plural as geddes. The arms of both the Ged and Geddes families carry three pike, which is a pun on the bearer’s name. The Geddes name appears to have been associated with Clan Scott, Clan Rose and . An Andrew Geddes of Lord Ogilvie’s Regiment is shown in the list of Jacobite prisoners held at Inverness after the .

BORDER JACOBITES When Bonnie Prince Charlie marched through the Borders on his way to Carlisle, it is likely he thought that the Kerrs, Scotts, Elliots and others would follow him as they had followed the Stuart kings of old. Although none rallied en-masse, there were some faithful Jacobites in the Borders. One of these was Scott of Gorrenberry who followed the Prince throughout the campaign of 1745-46. No doubt, there were some other Scotts who wore the white cockade. The Buccleuch Statue The Memorial to Walter Francis Montague Douglas Scott, 5th BY NO MEANS LADIES Duke of Buccleuch and 7th , KG, was Among the Duke of Cumberland’s troops during the ’45 erected by his fellow countrymen at home and overseas and were Captains Caroline and Lucy Scott. Caroline was was unveiled in February 1888. The plinth was designed by Sir noted for his brutal treatment of Highlanders in the R. Roward Anderson, LL.D and the bronze figure of the Duke in the robes of the Order of the Garter was the work of Sir Joseph aftermath of Culloden. Lucy, a paroled prisoner of the Boehm, MA. The Memorial is 32 feet high. The lowest of the rebels, refused Cumberland’s order to break his parole three sets of bronze panels depict the history of the Bucceluch and return to his regiment, claiming Cumberland was family. The centre panels are symbolic of Fortitude, Liberty, master of his commission but not of his honour. How Temperence, Prudence, Charity and Truth, virtues claimed to be possessed in abundance by the Duke. The top panels depict did these two come by such unlikely names? significant events in the life of the fifth Duke. SCOTTISH PLACES OF INTEREST If you visit Edinburgh, make sure you visit St. Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile. It has 2 significant 7 THE PASSING PARADE Jim keeping the tyres clean, indoors! Just some parting glimpses of our trip to that wonderful land of our forebears.

Jim does his bit to keep the tyres clean by retreating indoors. His Grace is entertained by two Welshmen (Husband & Wife) playing Irish Bellows Pipes in Scotland. Now wasn’t that a treat.

“SCOTT” IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY His Grace, The Duke of Buccleuch & Queensberry, Michael Scott, son of Earl of Eldon, won the first KT, Chief of Clan Scott, opens The Borders Gathering Australian Golf Championship - September 1904. 2000 at Gretna Green, 13 August 2000. (L-R) Madam May McKerrell of Hillhouse, Her Grace, Adam Scott, from the Gold Coast, Australia’s newest The Duchess of Buccleuch & Queensberry, Mrs. Bryce and youngest Golf Professional. Played in a Tournament Scott, Mr. Jim Scott, Maj Michael McCarthy, Mr. in Scotland in August 2000. Did very well, thank you! Kevin Scott Watch for more about him in the Tournament winners in the near future. You heard about it at home! Robert Falcon Scott - Scott of the Antarctic.

Thomas Allison Scott - Port MacQuarrie, NSW - First producer of a Sugar Crop - 1824

Thomas Hobbes Scott - Anglican Archdeacon - Proposer of first University in Australia

Elizabeth Scott - 1863 - First female executed in the Colony - for murdering her husband


Michael keeps his end of the bargain and keeps the tyres clean on Gretna Green.

PLANNING TO BUY THINGS TARTAN? If anyone is planning to buy anything in Tartan, eg, Kilt, Skirt, Trews, Plaid, or just a length of Tartan give me a call. I brought home a number of Price Lists, Measurement Charts, Order Forms, etc. from various suppliers in Scotland. Michael the Ed. THE roadsign which will always stay with me as the most appropriate I have ever seen. 8 Coming Events: International Military Tattoo - 13-15 October - Brisbane, QLD Ceilidh at Halloween - 28 October - Brisbane, QLD (Clan Scott Table Confirmed) Combined Scottish Societies Highland Gathering - 19 October - Drummoyne, NSW WA Assn Highland Games - 15 October - Perth, WA WA Highland Games Assn Ceilidh - 11 November - Perth, WA