Scottish- Many More Sought an Even Further Separation from the Turmoil of English Border Region

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Scottish- Many More Sought an Even Further Separation from the Turmoil of English Border Region cott is a name derived from the proud Boernician clans of the Scottish- Many more sought an even further separation from the turmoil of English border region. The Boernicians, along with the Strathclyde Britain. For these travelers, the voyage across the Atlantic was both expensive and arduous. Britons, were one of the ancient tribes of the Scottish/English Borderlands. Those that survived the trip, generally arrived weak, sick, hungry and poor, but opportunity These tribes were made up of the clans from which so many Scottish greeted them in the form of land, food and freedom. names are derived. Many of the Boernician-Scottish families who crossed the Atlantic settled The Scott surname denotes one who came from Scotland, as in 'the Scot.' The along the eastern seaboard in communities that would become the backbone of the double 't' in Scott is now the most common rendition of this name. The Scotts lived in emerging nations of the United States and Canada. In the War of Independence, American Roxburgh (now part of the region of Borders), Scotland. families that remained loyal to the Crown moved north into Canada and became known as The border clans were notoriously strong-willed and rebellious. United Empire Loyalists. The ancestral culture of all of these proud Scottish families, They were often in disagreement with the monarchy at Edinburgh over territorial and legal including the Clan Scott, remains alive in North America in the 20th century through clan issues and were, therefore, commonly portrayed as outlaws in their own land. When the societies and patriot highland games. crowns of England and Scotland were united in 1603, many of the clans were banished Famous Scotts in history have included the Scottish author Sir from the kingdom. Walter Scott (1771-1832), and the English explorer Robert Falcon Scott (1868-1912), who Scotland and England were growing at a rapid rate in the 11th and reached the South Pole in 1912 but tragically perished along with his fellow companions on 12th centuries. The introduction of the feudal system by the immigrants who followed the their return journey. Norman Conquest changed the country forever. The newfound likelihood of knowing The 1984 edition of the Report of Distribution of Surnames in the others with the same name, and the record-keeping needs of a much more organized system Social Security lists the surname Scott as the 38th most popular surname in the United caused many to adopt another name. States. Patronymic names were among the most popular hereditary surnames adopted at this time. They were constructed by adding Mac, meaning son of, to Early Origins: Boernician the name of the father of the bearer. Local names, such as Scott, are like patronymic names Gaelic Name: Scot, Scotach in that they too are hereditary; however, instead of a name, they are taken from the place Clan Crest: A stag trippant, proper where the original bearer lived or held land. The start of the clan system dates back to a Motto: "Amo" (I love) similar time, as scholars feel that its use became widespread during the reign of King Coat of Arms: A gold background crossed with a blue diagonal stripe bearing Malcolm Ceanmore, who ruled over Scotland for thirty-five years during the 11th century. a star between two crescents War Cry: A Bellandean! During these evolutionary years for surnames, and for the feudal and clan systems, scribes spelled words according to sound. And since there were no consistent rules for spelling or for translation from Gaelic to English, spelling variations are extremely common in Boernician names of this vintage. As a result Scotts were recorded in early documents as Skotts, Scot, Scotach, Scott, Schotts, Schott and more. The name first appeared in Roxburghshire, where a family seat was held on the lands of Ballendan at the head of the Ale water in that county. They descended from Uchtredus Scott who held the lands before 1107, although little is revealed of his Boernician background. By 1200, this great Clan controlled the borderlands of the Middle Marches of West Teviotdale, Ewesdale, Liddesdale, Buccleuch and Balweariel. By 1450, they had established Branxholme as their seat. The senior line evolved as the Scotts of Buccleuch, and Sir Walter Scott of that branch was knighted at Flodden, but then accused of kidnapping the infant Mary Queen of Scots. Later, he received a full pardon and fought in the battle at Pinkie. For the Border Clans, government persecution increased dramatically after the joining of the English and Scottish thrones in 1603. Many clans were dispersed, or their lands confiscated or reduced. The final round of persecution came after the Battle of Culloden Moor in 1746. After this event, at which the majority of Scottish Clans sided with the Jacobites and were defeated, the Highland Clearances and the breakup of the clans were begun. Such widespread persecution of the Clan, combined with the religious and political turmoil of the day caused many to leave their beloved homeland and seek a fresh start in Ireland, Australia, or, most often, the North American colonies. Those that chose to move to Ireland in the Plantation of Ulster. In 1890, a census of Scottish families in Ireland was taken. At that time, it was estimated that there were over 8,780 people bearing the surname Scott. About 75% were found in the province of Ulster. Certificate # 2855320051108 © 1998 Swyrich Corporation. All rights reserved

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