
AGM, Clan Ramsey Association of North America, Inc., Stone Mountain

October 19th, 2013

The meeting was opened by President John Ramsay at 3:00 pm. A quorum was present and John Ramsay introduced the officers, members and guests who were in attendance. The minutes from the Pleasanton, California Highland Games, AGM were submitted in the Ramsay Report and were approved as reported. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Treasurer, David Ramsey and was approved as reported.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer, David Ramsey reported that the Clan’s finances are the best they have been in many years. We have 16 new members since last year. The emailing of the Ramsay Report has saved substantial money on postage and a request was made to share your email address with Mona Ramsey so that you may receive the Ramsay Report by email. A copy of the treasurer’s report and the minutes will be added to the next Ramsay Report so that all Clan members can know the information discussed at the AGM. In addition, David Ramsey gave a list of all highland games in which paid for tents, they are listed in the treasurer’s report and will not be repeated here.

President John Ramsay, gave a report on Scholarships, Grants and Recognition, which included the presentation of the Ramsay Banner, flag pole & finial to Dick McGraw for his many years of service as Editor to Clan Ramsay and the publishing of the Ramsay Report, at the Grandfather Mtn. Highland Games in July. The Clan is very grateful to Dick McGraw and is also pleased to have Mona Ramsey as the new editor of the Ramsay Report.

Former Clan Ramsay President, Bob Ramsey gave a report on the Loch Norman Highland Games, which will include two tents in 2014 due to the large number of Ramsay’s/Ramsey’s in attendance, Clan Convener, Dr. Carl Bailey gave a report on the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, and reported that the AGM will be held there in 2014.

There was a good turnout on Saturday and at the reception on Friday night however due to terrible weather conditions on Sunday the games were cancelled. President John Ramsay gave a report on the County Highland Games, which he reported is the least costly games he has attended and David Ramsey reported on the Highland Games, nationwide and the success of national representation of Clan Ramsay throughout the U.S. David reported that we have added several new Commissioners to our association and they have sponsored games in new states. They include Jim & Brenda Ramsey in Indiana and Kentucky, Rhonda Ramsey Shackelford in Arizona and Nevada, and Nancy Swain in Illinois. In addition, each year David S. Ramsay hosts the Christmas Walk in Alexandra, Virginia. David and Regina Bullard Lagaly are Commissioners for Oklahoma, Wayne Ramsay Premo, Colorado, and Ben Piotrowki, Wisconsin.

Mary Alice Faltings and her family, (3 generations, wearing the Ramsay Tartan), participate in the Pleasanton-Blairgowie-Fergus Train Ride. John Hendrickson and the Ramsay DNA project have stirred much interest in what Clan Ramsay is doing with their DNA project.

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It was also reported that President Ramsay sends a welcome letter to all new Clan Ramsay members. He requests we seek these new members out at the games and make them feel welcome and know they have a place to “hang-out,” at the games and enjoy the fellowship of other Ramsay/Ramsey’s in our games tents.

New Business:

Life-Membership. President John Ramsay discussed the pros vs. cons of this membership option. Members who want to pay their dues up to four years in advance could be eligible to do so. Dues are $30 yearly and a check for $120 can be paid so that you don’t have to pay, or remember to pay each year, no increase in the dues will apply. The motion to accept this plan was made by Ron Ramsey and motion carried.

President John Ramsay has contacted Alice Ramsay regarding changes to the language on the Clan Ramsey web-site. Nothing has been changed regarding the content of the language it has just been taken from negative language to positive language in statements about Clan Ramsay. Dr. Carl Bailey made a motion to accept these changes in language and motion carried.

President John Ramsay reported that our Clan Ramsay Genealogist, wording will change. The following will be added; delete: the Clan Genealogist does not provide research services. Add the following: “The Clan Genealogist does not provide research services, but will attempt to answer Clan Member questions about making contributions to, or accessing heritage files in the Clan Ramsey Genealogy data base.”

The following will be added to the DNA Project page: “It is recommended that Megan Smolenyak’s book, Trace Your Roots with DNA: Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree, is considered one of the foremost experts in using DNA for research. In addition, the Blair DNA site has one of the best explanations of research using DNA. http://blairdna.com”

Sue Scott Ramsey would like to know if Clan Ramsay members who attend the Grandfather Mtn. Highland Games would like to meet for dinner at Sorrento’s Restaurant on Saturday night following the games. She would need a count of who would be interested by April 2014. The AGM will be held that weekend and a dinner at Sorrento’s and there is room for Clan Ramsay members/friends to have dinner there too in a private room with several options for the menu. Contact David Ramsey to reply with your RSVP so we can get an idea of how many wish to attend.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Alice C. Ramsey, Secretary