Four Enlightening Works of J.W. Hanson, D.D The Bible Hell • Aion and Aionios • Bible Threatenings Explained • Bible Proofs of Universal Salvation Four Enlightening Works of J.W. Hanson, D.D edited by Gary Amirault and published by Tentmaker Ministries and Publications. Tentmaker Ministries and Publications 118 Walnut Hermann, MO 65041
[email protected] Put into electronic format by Lieber Graphics. Copyright 2002 ISBN Number: 0-9708124-1-8 Printed in the USA T A Reflection On The Time Period In Which These Writings Were Written. The latter half of the nineteenth century saw a great number of sci- ences and new concepts come into their own — archaeology, geology, psychology, philology, linguistic science, etc. The theory of evolution was wreaking havoc in the theological communities. Man, according to this new “science” came from apes. According to Darwin’s camp, we were not created by God in His own image. These other new sciences seems to support Darwin’s theory, NOT the “traditions” of the churches. Archaeology was not finding the artifacts which should be present in certain strata if the locations and dating of the Bible was correct. Geol- ogy was not finding the evidence of a world-wide flood. Textual critics were coming to the conclusion that much of what had been taught re- garding the textual transmission of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the scriptures was false. For example, the church commonly taught that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch. Carefully scruti- nizing the texts, many scholars concluded that more than one person was involved in writing the Pentateuch in the form we have it today.