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INDEX A/B testing, defi ned, 55 Borgos dos Santos, Sidnei, 176–178 Accel Partners, 59 Brain Platinum, 93–94 Acher, Eric, 164 Brazil: Ackerman, Bob, 38 business opportunities, 172–180 Advanced Research Projects Agency. See ARPA crime and safety issues, 166–169, 179 Africa, challenges of, 219–221. See also Rwanda culture and economics, 159–163 Agassi, Shai, 52–53, 62 entrepreneurship in, 19 Airtel, 125, 137, 151 exemplars of innovation, 169–178 Alex. Brown investments, 36–37 Marco Gomes story, 1–6, 163–166 Alibaba Group, 16, 96, 98, 100 Breslin, Abigail, 62 Almeida, Alberto, 233n1 (chap. 8) BRIC countries, 8, 161 Brin, Sergey, 27 Jeff Bezos, 34 BS Construtora, 174–178, 180 Kindle, 14, 35 Buffett, Warren, 84 powerhouse, 89–90, 96 Bug, 173–174, 180 Zappos purchase, 24 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 12 AmDocs, 47 BuscaPe, 228 Animation Lab, 61 Bush, George W., 116 AOL, 53 BYD, 83–85, 128 Apple: as competitor, 39, 100 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 161 as innovator, 7, 34, 35 Carret & Co. Equity Research, 96 as technology icon, 84 Casares, Wences, 167, 179, 229 vis-à-vis Tencent, 97 Casey, Liam, 76–78, 80 ARPA, 33–34 Catholicism, legacy of, 3, 160 Asian fi nancial crisis, 93, 185 Chady, Mario, 170–171 Asian Godfathers (Studwell), 185 Chandra, Pankaj, 130 Assis, Rogerio, 169–170http://www.pbookshop.comChang, Leslie, 79 Assis, Zica, 169–170 Charles River Ventures, 58 Atlantic Monthly, The, 76 Chase, 167 AT&T, 34 Checkpoint, 47 Chen Tianqiao, 94 Baidu, 96, 97, 98, 101 China: Bakshi, Naren, 115 business culture, 67–71 Bakuramutsa, NkubitoCOPYRIGHTED
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