CAKE AND COCKHORSE ENTERTAINMENTS AT WHICH WE HAVE NEVER ASSISTED. " nc.t.OINO Jl'hOM DOXC!D.\.\" BOOK .\'l' Tll Rt:col\.Do .--..oc. BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY S--:@FJtl5 12.58 V..... 19N..._9 ISIINfflUIZJ BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Charity No. 260581 President The Lord Saye and Sele Vic.e--President Or. Barrie Trindcr Chair Debomh Hayter: deborahha)
[email protected] Se<retary Treasurer GeoffGr iffiths Simon Townsend Banbury Museum 39 Waller Drive SpiceballPark Road. Banbury Banbury OX16 2PQ OX169NS 01295 753781 01295 263944
[email protected] [email protected] Membership Secretary Committee members Margaret Little Chris Day c/o Banbury Museum Helen Forde
[email protected] Br ian GoO<lcy Clare Jakeman Brian Little David Pym Barrie Trinder Susan Wnlker Cake a11.dCockhorse Editorial Committee Editor: Chris Day, 37 GavestonGardens, lfompton Road. DeddingtonOXL5 0NX
[email protected] Reviews Editor: Helen Forde HcJcn
[email protected] Deborah Ha)ller, Barrie Trinder Q 2015 Banbury Historical Society on behalf of itscontributors. Cake and Cockhorse The magazine of the Banbury Historical Society,issued three times a year. Volume 19 Summer2015 Number Nine Deborah f/(lyter Magna Carta at Broughton Castle 302 GillianGeering Hook Norton: Domesday Book and the Landscape 303 Barrie 11'/'nder Banbllryshire Gazetteered: PartTwo (b) 310 Jeremy Gibso11 Indexes. Volume 19, 1-9 (2012-2015) Personal and Business Names 316 Place Names... 329 Members of the Society have. we hope, enjoyed the variety of evenis that we arranged this Slimmer. They have included the usual excursions and lively AGM but also an important event at Broughton Castle where, on a golden June evening, the Society was joint organiser of a highly successful meeting to mark the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.