RADA GLIGORI], The Jadar Museum, Loznica VOJISLAV FILIPOVI], Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade ALEKSANDAR BULATOVI], Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade AN AMS DATED LATE BRONZE AGE GRAVE FROM THE MOUND NECROPOLIS AT PAULJE* UDK: 903.5"637"(497.11) e-mail:
[email protected] 902.65 Received: December 21, 2015 DOI: 10.2298/STA1666103G Accepted: February 10, 2016 Short communication Abstract. – The subject of the paper is a closed entity – an incineration grave from northwest Serbia, dated to the developed Bronze Age, with an absolute date obtained by AMS (Accelerator mass spectrometry). The sample was taken from the wooden support on which the urn with the bones of the deceased and bronze jewellery was placed. The date obtained corresponds to the 14th century B.C. and confirms earlier proposed suppositions concerning the chronological determination of the necropolises from the territory of Jadar, Podgorina and Lower Podrinje. Key words. – AMS date, developed Bronze Age, mound, incineration grave, northwest Serbia, Paulje, bronze jewellery. he prehistoric necropolis on the site Paulje is but later investigation showed that they number 50.3 In situated in the Jadar ravine, to the left of the 1892 Mihailo Valtrovi} was also active on this site. He Tmagistral road between Loznica and Valjevo, in excavated 6 and noted the existence of 27 tumuli.4 the area of the village of Brezjak, 12 km southeast of On the basis of the representative bronze objects, Loznica (Fig. 1). The necropolis was formed on the the graves were dated to the developed phase of the spatial flat terrace which rises above the left bank of Bronze Age, i.e.