Māori Portraits on Late 19Th- and Early 20Th-Century Postcards and Photographs Hilke Thode-Arora
RIHA Journal 0196 | 20 July 2018 The Romanticized Māori – Māori Portraits on Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century Postcards and Photo ra!hs Hilke Thode-$rora $%stract In New Zealand, daguerrotypes sin e t!e 1850s and later on wet#plate p!otograp!y already !ad $%ori portraiture as an i&portant &oti'( )!e 1860s saw a dra&ati rise in artes de *isite, and sin e t!e late nineteent! and early twentiet! entury, p!otos and post ards representing $%ori &en, wo&en and !ildren +oo&ed( $ainly produ ed +y ,%-e!% ./uropean settler0 p!otograp!ers 'or a ,%-e!% audien e, t!ese portraits depi ted $%ori in a stereotypi al way whi ! also !ara terised p!otograp!y on t!e ,a i1 Islands o' t!e ti&e2 o'ten propped wit! e&+le&ati weapons or 3ewellery, &en were staged as 1er e warriors, wo&en eit!er as inno ent +elles or, li-e &en, as *ery old, o'ten wit! t!e allusion o' a 4dying ra e5( New Zealand touris&, espe ially in t!e Rotorua area wit! its t!er&al attra tions, was t!riving +y t!e 1890s and +roug!t along a souvenir produ tion whi ! already proved so large and lu rative t!at it was partly outsour ed to o&panies in 6er&any( 7artes de visite and post ards were sent overseas in large nu&+ers, eviden e 'or 1909 s!ows a pea- o' nine &illion ards posted 'ro& New Zealand( )!eir i&pa t as a 'or& o' popular &edia &ust !ave +een i&&ense, reating and perpetuating stereotyped i&ages o' $%ori people in Aotearoa .t!e $%ori na&e 'or New Zealand0 and all over t!e 8estern world( Howe*er, t!e 1890s +roug!t an in reasing a eptan e and appropriation o' p!otograp!s +y $%ori people
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