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URMC V128no107 20190325.Pdf (3.978Mb) OPINION SPORTS ARTS & CULTURE Head to head: Do free nipples Softball successes you Black-Latino Actors Studio equal free women? missed over break aims for diversity in theater Vol. 128, No. 107 Monday, March 25, 2019 page 7 page 9 page 12 Courses withCourses the highest with the Drop, highest Fail, Drop,Withdrawal, Fail, Withdrawal, Most dropped courses,Most dropped Spring courses, 2019 Spring 2019 UnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory percentage, percentage, Fall 2018 Fall 2018 Drop, fail, withdrawal and unsatisfatory rates for Colorado State Uniersvity courses in the 2018-19 school year. Out of the 10 most dropped classes of the spring 2019 semester, seven were 100 or 200-level classes, according to data provided by the Office of the Registrar. INFOGRAPHIC BY MEG METZGER-SEYMOUR Spring semester drop rates reflect flexibility for entry-level courses By Corbin Reiter success, Richards said. During the classes from Jan. 22 up until The trend of lower level class- ECON240, ACT220. @CorbinReiter first week of each semester add- March 6 were CO150, CO300, es being the most dropped is not 100 and 200-level classes are ing and dropping classes has little LIFE102, SPCM200, GEOL121, an uncommon one. According to entry-level classes that are gener- Colorado State University stu- consequence, and if a student for CHEM112, JTC300, STAT301, data presented by Institutional ally taken by first and second-year dents are able to freely add and any reason does not feel that a MU100 and ECON202, according Research, Planning and Effective- students. These students are just drop classes for the first month of class will further their academic to data provided by the Office of ness the most dropped classes in starting their time at CSU and, each semester in order to more ef- goals, they may choose to drop it. the Registrar. past semesters have been over- as such, they do not have a road- ficiently spend their time in class, Out of the 10 most dropped “This is just the number of whelmingly 100 and 200-level map for the time that they will be said Haley Richards, a counselor classes of the spring 2019 semes- students who took the action to classes. spending at CSU, Richards said. for the Collaborative of Student ter, seven were 100 or 200-level drop the course,” Katie Rischeill, In the Fall 2018 semester, the Achievement. classes, according to data pro- an associate registrar, wrote in an most dropped class by percent of Many students drop classes vided by the Office of the Regis- email to The Collegian. “This does students dropped were FSHN192, in order to maintain academic trar. By the number of students not take into account the capacity LSPA100, CS164, AA100, ACT205, see DROP RATES on page 4 >> dropped the top 10 most dropped of the course.” SOC210, HES207, MATH161, Monday, March 25, 2019 2 | Collegian.com FORT COLLINS FOCUS A snowboarder holds onto a pull rope and rides down Plum Street behind a car March 13 during a snowstorm. Colorado State University cancelled all classes due to inclement weather which brougt several inches of snow and severe winds across much of northern Colorado.PHOTO BY COLIN SHEPHERD COLLEGIAN Follow overheard on the plaza MONDAY CSU Collegian on Snapchat 9 AM - 11 AM Scratch, Mix and Blend with Einstein “Smoking weed, a path to the dark side it is.” 11 AM - 1 PM Aly Jay This, That and the Other 1 PM - 3 PM Yearly Showcase with DJ Pity Party Follow “I hate everyone. There’s only one 3 PM - 5 PM Adam Ekstedt The Spot with X @CSUCollegian person I don’t hate: Zac Efron.” 5 PM - 7 PM DJ Illuminati & DJ NASA ConspiraSee on Twitter 7 PM - 9 PM Nick Baker Show LIVE “Confucius says the journey of a 9 PM - 12 AM DJ Peach Pie & DJ Rom Com Cats & Slacks thousand miles begins with one step.” Like Rocky Mountain Collegian on “Wow, I didn’t know that Confucius Facebook was the first Pinterest girl.” CORRECTIONS Have you recently overheard something funny on campus? Put your Everybody makes mistakes, including us. If you encounter some- eavesdropping to good use. Tweet us @CSUCollegian and your submissions thing in the paper you believe to be an error, email errors@ Follow could be featured in our next paper! collegian.com. CSU Collegian on Instagram Lory Student Center Box 13 EDITORIAL STAFF | 970-491-7513 Henry Netherland | A&C Director Gab Go | Night Editor Fort Collins, CO 80523 Haley Candelario | Editor-in-Chief [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Elena Waldman | A&C Editor Natalia Sperry | Webmaster This publication is not an official publication of Colorado [email protected] [email protected] State University, but is published by an independent corporation Shelby Holsinger | Managing Editor [email protected] Meg Metzger-Seymour | Design Editor Marlo Lundak | Videography Director using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to [email protected] [email protected] a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a Austin Fleskes | News Director 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public [email protected] Colin Shepherd | Photo Director ADVISING STAFF forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and Natalia Sperry | News Editor [email protected] Leslie Cory | Student Media Advisor spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Colle- [email protected] Forrest Czarnecki | Photo Editor Kim Blumhardt | Advertising Manager gian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During Jayla Hodge | Opinion Editor [email protected] Hannah Copeland | KCSU Adviser the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Mikaela Rodenbaugh | Digital Austin Humphreys | Photo Advisor Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and [email protected] Ashley Potts | Sports Director Production Manager will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a [email protected] KEY PHONE NUMBERS complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The [email protected] Distribution | 970-491-1774 first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to Luke Zahlmann | Sports Editor Gina Johnson Spoden | Social Media Editor the editor should be sent to [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected] Classifieds | 970-491-1683 Display Advertising | 970-491-7467 News | Monday, March 25, 2019 | 3 CAMPUS Stuff the Bus donation event to drive on campus, across city By Corbin Reiter “Homeward Alliance is one be used in the immediate area, @CorbinReiter of the largest providers of ser- they are distributed to partners vices to people experiencing or across northwest Colorado, The week of March 25 at-risk of homelessness” wrote Russo said. Transfort and Homeward Alli- David Rout, executive director Although the event was new ance will be running Stuff the of Homeward Alliance, in an last year, it did result in a signif- Bus, an event centered around email to The Collegian. icant donation turnout by the the community giving to the Fort Collins community. The less fortunate. flagship running of this event For Stuff the Bus, a bus trav- LOCATIONS last year resulted in one of the largest collection drives of the eling to five different locations ■ throughout the week will be Monday, March 25 year seen by Homeward Alli- collecting donations at each lo- 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Walkway behind ance, Rout wrote. cation with the plan to stuff the 222 LaPorte Ave. This drive alone accounted for nearly five percent of annu- bus with clothes and supplies ■ Tuesday, March 26 for those in need. al donations that are collected 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. | Foothills Mall, JKF by Homeward Alliance, which This event had a large turn- Parkway & Monroe Drive out last year and collected lots is nearly $50,000 in product do- of donations to be given to ■ Wednesday, March 27 nations, Rout wrote. Homeward Alliance, said Anna 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Canvas Credit These donations were given Russo, a Transfort representa- Union, 2503 Research Blvd. on such a scale that Homeward A Transfort bus makes its way toward the Colorado State University tive. Alliance was able to share be- Transit Center March 11. The week of March 25 Transfort and Homeward “I can’t really estimate how ■ Thursday, March 28 yond Larimer County. Alliance will be running Stuff the Bus, an event centered around the many, but if you look on our 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. | CSU, University “The scale of our collection community giving to the less fortunate. website you can see a list of Avenue in front of Hartshorn is such that it would be poor PHOTO BY GRACE SCHATZ COLLEGIAN judgment if we did not share,” things that we collected last ■ Friday, March 29 and Homeward Alliance have doing their spring cleaning. year,” Russo said. “We had over Rout wrote. 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. | Brinkman & Due to the success of the partnered with Housing and “We are so grateful to part- 200 coats and jackets, 1,000 Brinkman Construction, 3528 Dining services at CSU in order ner with CSU, and so thankful other articles of clothing, that event last year, it has been ex- Precision Drive panded for its repetition this to offer donation collecting sta- to the countless volunteers, type of thing.” tions within the lobbies of the donors and other contributors Transfort delivers all of the spring. The growth includes the addition of two more donation residence halls, Russo said. who make this event happen,” donations that are collected This new addition to the Rout wrote. throughout the week to their The goods that are delivered areas throughout the week, as to Homeward Alliance are then well as a longer period of bus event will allow students at Corbin Reiter can be reached event partner, Homeward Alli- CSU to give back to the larger at [email protected].
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