Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program

By: SITI ANGGRAINI 1602050010



All praise be to Allah SWT who has given the mercy and blessing to the researcher, so the researcher could be able to finish the thesis entitled,



In completing this thesis, researchers received a lot of help from various parties. Therefore, with all humility the researcher would like to thank:

1. Dr. H Elfrianto Nst, S.Pd, M.Pd. Dean of the Teaching and Education

Faculty who has given researchers the opportunity to complete their

education at the Teaching and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah

University, North Sumatra.

2. Mandra Saragih S.Pd, M.Hum, and Pirman Ginting S.Pd., M.Hum, Chair of

the English Education Study Program who has provided the opportunity for

researchers to complete education in the English Language Study Program,

Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra.

3. Imelda Darmayanti Manurung S.S., M.Hum, my supervisor who has guided

me so that this thesis can be completed and also help me to revise the

mistake during the entire process of writing this thesis.

4. Drs. Ali Amran, M.Hum, my co-advisor who has helped me in refining my

thesis, Thanks sir.


5. All the lecturers of English Education Program and Teacher Training

Faculty of Muhammadiyah University North Sumatra (UMSU).

6. My beloved family that i love, Mr. Muhammad Solihin and Mrs. Sri

Hartaty, who always support and give advice to me, thank you very much.

7. My beloved brothers and sisters, who always supported me and advised well

who were always there for me, Thanks for you.

8. And all my friends Who also encourages me to complete this thesis.

As i can convey this with the completion of this thesis, I realize that there are shortcomings in terms of both the writing and the contents of this report, therefore I expect constructive criticism and suggestions. Hopefully this thesis can be useful especially for myself and generally for others readers.

Wasalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Medan, September 2020




Siti Anggraini, 2020, 1602050010, Analysis of Translation Techniques on Justin Baldoni’s Movie Five Feet Apart, Prodi Bahasa Inggris FKIP UMSU, Pembimbing Imelda Darmayanti Manurung S.S M.Hum.

This objectives of this study are to classify the types of translation techniques from Movie Five Feet Apart and how the translator applied those techniques into target language. This research is descriptive qualitative method. Researchers chose Movie Five Feet Apart because this movie was liked by many teenagers and made researchers want to analyze it. This movie is taken from the true story of a novel, where the two teenagers like each other but are blocked five feet because of . In data collection, the researcher analyzed by watching the film repeatedly to get an understanding of this movie, in order to get the information needed in form of the application of those techniques into target language.The data which was found analyzed with the following steps:manage data, select movies, read scripts and watch movies, analyze Five Feet Apart movies. The results of this study indicate that first, based on my analysis the researcher found 464 dialogues of Movie Five Feet apart that contains 12 types of translation technique. The percentage of each translation technique was found as follows: (1). Adaptation occurred 4 (0.59%), (2). Amplification occurred 15 (3.31%), (3). Borrowing occurred 132 (19.7%), (4). Calque occurs 3 (0.45%), (5). Discursive Creation occurred 4 (0.59%), (6). Established Equivalent occurred 93 (13.86%), (7). Generalization occurred 6 (1.32%), (8). Linguistic Compression occurs 3 (0.45%), (9). Literal Translation occurred 119 (17.73%), (10). Particularization occurred 15 (3.31%), (11). Reduction occurred 35 (7.52%), (12). Transposition occurred 34 (5.22%).

Key Words: Five Feet Apart, Translation Techniques, Molina and Albir’s



PREFACE ...... i


ABSTRACT ...... iv



A. The Background of the Study ...... 5

B. The Identification of the Problems ...... 5

C. The Scope and Limitation ...... 5

D. The Formulation of the Problems ...... 5

E. The Objectives of the Study ...... 6

F. The Significance of the Study ...... 6


A. Theoritical Framework ...... 7

1.Translation ...... 9

1.1. Definition of Translation ...... 10

1.2. The Principle of Translation ...... 11

1.3. Translation Techniques ...... 13

1.4. Translation Methods ...... 21


2. Movie ...... 22

3. The Synopsis of Five Feet Apart 2019 ...... 23

4. Definition of Key Terms ...... 26

B. Relevant of the Study ...... 27

C. Conceptual Framework ...... 29


A. Research Design ...... 31

B. Source of the Data ...... 32

C. The Techniques for Collecting Data ...... 32

D. The Techniques for Analyzing Data ...... 33


A. Introduction Analysis of the Data …………………………………... 35

B. Analysis of the Data ………………………………………………... 35

1. Translation Techniques …………………………………………. 36

C. Discussion ………………………………………………………..…. 40

a. Data Analysis …………. …………………………………... 40

b. The Translation Techniques Used ……..…………… ……… 41

D. Finding ……………………………………………………………… 41


A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………… …... 43

B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………….... 45


REFERENCES ...... 47

APPENDIX ...... 48





A. The Background of the Study

Language is an capability possessed by way of people that is used to speak

with others peoples and Language is all kinds of conversation in which someone’s

thoughts and feelings are symbolized if you want to carry which means or reviews

to others. therefore, language improvement starts offevolved from the first cry till

the child is able to pronounce words. It's far crucial for people to specific ideas,

emotions, meanings or opinions or provide records to others via language.

In step with Ramelan (1991:8) Language can enables people express their

thoughts and goals, including after they want assist, in order that a near dating

between organization contributors can be made. Language has types, namely

written language and spoken language. The most apparent difference among

spoken language and written language, for my part, is that during speech or

pronunciation the language appears as a valid, the spoken language makes a valid

that has a tendency to sound like a fire cracker sound, this means that the duration

relies upon on the quantity of phrases in one sentence spoken by means of people.

each phrase and every sentence is heard chaining every other without pause. while

in writing, every written phrase is separated from one another or has a distance.

Written language is written by way of arranging several sentences and the

sentences turned into organized into one paragraph and that one paragraph turned

into arranged into all sentences in written language. every other instance in my

opinion of spoken language is film, reason in a movie all of the characters



communicate via dialogue and the communicate itself can be determined inside the form of a transcript that has been made via the writer. In spoken language we must also understand the messages, opinions, and data conveyed via the writer. a way to bring messages, evaluations or facts by way of translating one language into some other. We additionally have a good way to understand the way to translate nicely by using several translation strategies. From the several definitions of translation above, it can be concluded that the main purpose of translation sports activities is to breed messages in exclusive languages which might be identical to the specific message as meant with the aid of the use of the writer. The preliminary stage earlier than carrying out the translation procedure is called the translation ideology.

Translating or translating is an activity officialy requiring professiona or reliable specialists with a rather new theoretical history. this means that in translating a sentence in a movie or text we should be reliable in doing it professionally.Translation is translating a language that is translated from a foreign language into the interpretation of the goal language. as an example, like

English to Indonesian for example translating for foreigners say from English to

Indonesian orally or in writing or translating some other foreign language this is supposed. as an example, translating speech in a movie English to Indonesian or translating the pronunciation without delay. Utterance is a sentence of part of a sentence this is expressed directly or verbally. Utterance are very essential in a film cause they have got a completely crucial role to describe an event that occours, approaches, meanings and situations. Translating provides different


functions, which include to boom expertise in getting to know, in an effort to socialize foreigners, so that it is straightforward to educate overseas people.

Translation has two kinds of language, specifically is supply Language (SL) and goal Language (TL). The language to be translated is referred to as supply

Language (SL), and the language that has been translated is known as the goal

Language (TL).

1. SL ( Source Language)

Example: I’m very tired

2. TL (Target Language)

Example: Aku sangat lelah

Translators are to be

READERS inside the SL


3. SL (supply Language)

foreign language

4. TL (goal Language)

local language

The simplest way of attaining the maximum trust worthy translation is

with the aid of translating word with the aid of phrase.

This studies look at is set translation techniques. Translation techniques are used to clear up a problem that happens during the interpretation procedure, for


instance the shape of the textual content, the that means of the textual content, the style of the text, the idiom of the textual content. Molina and Albir’s (2002”507).

Declare translation method refers to the manner of a particular translation process this is carried out in terms of the translator's goal a international choice that influences the entire textual content.

The purpose of this look at turned into determine the interpretation techniques utilized in a movie five feet apart. Researchers are interested by reading this film due to the fact five feet aside is taken from a real tale that turned into initially made in the form of a singular. This movie has a tragic romance story in which the 2 important characters like every others however because of fibrosis they be afflicted by they need to keep their distance from every other. This movie looks specific if it's far translated into Indonesian language as a goal Language and can be analyzed with the aid of numerous translation techniques through the researcher. Researchers want the audience or readers who recognize the forms of translation strategies to know the dominant translation techniques of the movie five feet apart.


B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the research background above, the problem of this research can be

put forwards as follows:

1. To understand the script in the Movie Five Feet Apart using translation

techniques according to Molina and Albir’s. .

2. The authors may apply several techniques in translation theoretically in the

movie Five Feet Apart.

C. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is translation techniques. This research will focus on

the analysis on the movie Five Feet Apart using theory according to Molina and


D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the above research, the problems in this study were identified as


1. What translation techniques are used in the translator in the movie Five Feet


2. How do translation techniques affect the quality of translation?


E. Objective of the Study

Based on the above research, the objectives in this this study as follows:

1. To describe how translation technique affect the quality of translation in

speakers in the Movie Five Feet Apart.

2. To describe the kinds of translation techniques used by translators in the

Movie Five Feet Apart.

F. The Significance of Study

This research expected to provide theoretical and practical significance in the

translation techniques

1. Theoretically, the author hopes that this studies can assist the readers to

offer in addition reasons approximately the strategies so as to be used with

inside the translations of Five Feet Apart Movie and for you to be used to

translate it into the Target Language.

2. In realistic terms, the consequences of this take a look at are was beneficial

to discover extra approximately information of translation strategies in

order to be used with inside the movie Five Feet Apart. The consequences

of this take a look at are anticipated to be a reference for readers who

desire to investigate translation strategies in film and may beutilized by the


a. Translator

b. English Students

c. Other Researchers

d. And folks whointerested by translating



A. Theoritical Framework

Hoed cites Venuti (2006: eighty four) as announcing that the ideology applied

by way of the translator is a tug of war between two opposing poles, particularly

among translation which is orientated towards the source Language (foreignizing)

and translation which is orientated towards the goal Language (domesticating).

Translation includes movement from one language to another. In translation,

the form of the language is changed by means of the form of the target or

predetermined language. This is accomplished by means of transferring from the

main language form to the second language form through semantic structures

(Larson, 1984: 3).

The phrases of ‘translate’ is a verb (verb), which in English is described as to

extrade the text (as of a book, transcript, document, movie) from one language to

any other language.

Bell (1991:13) one in all expert has argued that translation, while restrained to

written language, is a cowl time period with several meanings. The first which

means is the phrase of translation, which refers back to the system (translating,

actual objects). The second which means is resulting from a translation, that issue

object approximately the made from the interpretation system (the distance just

like there port being translated). The very last which means of translation is



“translation” as a summary idea that consists of the interpretation system and the made from that system.

Molina and Albir’s (2002: 509) classify numerous translation strategies primarily based totally on the subsequent criteria

a. To keeping apart a idea or strategies from other associated ideas

(translation strategies, strategies, method, and mistakes with inside the


b. To consist of most effective the ones techniques which can be function of

the prevailing translation of the textual content and now no longer the ones

associated with language comparison.

c. To hold the concept that translation strategies are functional. The

definition of this strategies doesn’t examine whether or not a strategies is

appropriate or now no longer, motive it relies up on at the conditions with

inside the textual content and the context and the interpretation strategies

technique chosen.

d. With regard to terminology, to maintain the maximum typically used


e. To formulate new strategies to give an explanation for mechanism which

have now no longer been described.


1. Translation

Pinchuck in Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003: 13) states that translation asa

procedure of locating a goal language (TL) to be equalcloser to the supply

language (SL) utterance. The equivalence in translation is the nearestgoal

language with the supply language that'sutilized by the translator withinside the

translation. The equivalence in translation may be reached throughlearning the

language skills. In locating the equivalence, the translators additionallywant to

take a look ata few linguistics theories associated withthe interpretationtake a look

atearlier than they do the interpretation works.

Translation strategies are a set of numerous approaches to translate a sentence

or phrase at a micro level. Well, it way that on the micro level, because of this the

interpretation strategies covers the smallest aspect in a studying textual content.

So in my opinion, a small a part of the textual content is it sentence, whilst the

smallest a part of the textual content is phrase. In different phrases, translation

method are gear or technique used to translate sentences or phrases in a studying

textual content. Because of the interpretationis sort of a product, in order that the

content, message or meantthat means in goal language (TL) should be equal or

comparable with supply language (SL). Therefore in translation, equivalence

wishes to make the made from translation suitable or appropriate with the supply

language (SL). Molina and Albir (2002: 499) defines that translation strategies

permit the humans to explain the real steps which taken with the aid of using the

translators in every textual micro-unit and gain clean information of the overall

methodological alternative chosen. In easy words, translation approach is the


system to research and classify the manner of equivalence can occurs and it could

be carried out in anything lingual terms. Translation approachis also referred to as

as the conclusion of the decision, making process, in which the made of

translation may be diagnosed on the interpretation result.

1.1 The Definition of Translation

Many methods to make a great translation, however for the beginning, the

writer shoulddiscover and recognize the definition of translation. Besides that, the

translation is a technique of communication, along with in translate movietextual

content. To translate a textual contentwishes a unique skill. For the primary time,

we have torecognise the definition of translation commonly. There are many

diversemethods that translation may bedescribedvia way of means

ofextraordinarymethods and theoritical backgrounds. Catford outline that

“translation is the substitute of textual fabricin a single language (SL) via way of

means ofequal textual fabric in some other language.”Basil and Hatim states that:

“Translation is an act of communication which tries to relay, throughout cultural

and linguistic boundaries, some other act of communication (which may also have

supposed for extraordinaryfunctions and extraordinary readers/hearers)”.

In addition Newmark stated that “Translation is rendering the that means of a

textual content into every other language withinside themanner that the writer

supposed the textual content "Identically, according to Brislin" Translation is the

entire period of time which refers to the transfer of thoughts and thoughts from

one language (supply) to another (aims), whether the language is in written or


spoken form; whether the languages have been linked or not or the graphic is now

no longer standardized or whether one or every language is primarily based

entirely. Based on the above definition, the researcher concludes that translation is

a change of language, from the supply language to the destination language and as

an additional act of communication; Now there is no longer the simplest rendering

of textual content from the source language directly to the text content of the

destination language, but apart from that for sending messages or notes to others.

1.2 The Principles of Translation

Translation is taken into consideration as a piece of a written textual content or

textual contentshape of message. It worries to the substitute of written message

with out burden to switch the equal shape with inside the goal language shape the

supply language, it’s imply the translators want to recognize approximately the

standards of desirable translation to ensure that she or he made without problem

sapprehend with the aid of using the readers. There are criterions claimed with the

aid of using Massoud. Standards used for a very good translation as follows:

1. A accurate translation is without difficulty understood.

2. A accurate translation is fluent and smooth.

3. A accurate translation is idiomatic.

4. A accurate translation conveys, to a few extent, the literary subtletie sof

the authentic.

5. A accurate translation distinguishes among the metaphorical and the



6. A accurate translation reconstructs the cultural/historic context of the


7. A accurate translation makes specificwhat's implicit in abbreviations, and

in allusions to sayings, songs,and nursery rhymes.

8. A accurate translation will convey, as a lot as possible, the meaning of the

authentic text.

In other hand purposed by Savory, the translators should be considered,for some principles to help them make a good translation, there are:

a. A translation need toprovide the phrases of original.

b. A translation need toprovide the thoughts of the original.

c. A translation need toprovide the thoughts of the original.

d. A translation study like a translation.

e. A translation have tomirror the fashion of the original.

f. A translation posses the fashion of the translation.

g. A translation have tostudy as a modern of the original.

h. A translation have tostudy as a modern of the translation.

i. A translation may alsoupload to or miss from the original.

j. A translation may alsoin no wayupload to or miss from the original.

k. A translation of verse have to be in verse.

l. A translation of verse have to be in prose.


1.3. Translation Techniques

There is a few battle of words amongst translation pupils approximately

translation strategies, this battle of words isn't best terminological however

additionally conceptual. Terminological range and the over lapping of phrases

make it hard to apply those phrases and to be understood. The equal idea is

expressed with certainly considered one among a kind names, including Vinay

and Darbelnet (1958) cited as it as translation echnical techniques or Newmark

(1988) stated it as translation techniques. Because of that disagreements in 2002,

Molina and Albir launched a magazine which aimed to offer the definition and

class of translation strategies that they applied in take a glance at of the remedy of

cultural factors in Arabic translations of A Hundred Years of Solitude.

Translation strategies described via way of means of Molina and Albir (2002)

p.150 of their magazine as:

A way to transfer the meaning from the SL to TL is based on micro unit

(word, phrase or clause or in sentences), also can define translation techniques as

procedures to analyses and classify how translation equivalence works Translation

techniques allow people to describe the actual steps which taken by the translators

in each textual micro-unit and obtain clear data about the general methodological

option chosen.

There are the strategies of translation citedvia way of means of Molina and

Albir, which a number of the strategies has similarity software with the time

period of different expert.


a. Adaptation

Molina and Albir defined this technique as “Replace a ST cultural element

with one from the target culture”. Similar to Molina and Albir, Vinay and

Darbelnet (1958) mentioned this techniques as Adaptation which is defined as

“A shift incultural environment and to express the message using a different

situation in SL”. In Addition Newmark (1988) called this technique as Cultural

Equivalent, this is “an approximate translation where a SL cultural word is

translated by a TL cultural word. ”There are contradistinction about the term

between the experts, but all the expert emphasized at one point that is translating

with considering cultural aspect. For example Cricket (English) → Kasti

(Indonesian). b. Amplification

By manner of this approach, translator need to introduce information that

aren't formulated with inside the SL: information, explicative paraphrasing. In

addition, Delisle (1993) called this approach as Addition,

He defined it is to introduce unjustified stylistic elements and information

that are not in the ST and Newmark (1988) stated this technique as Paraphrase,

this is amplification or explaination of the meaning of a segment of the text.

Even there are differences about the term but this technique emphasized at one

point that is adding more detail about the information from SL to TL. For

example Ramadan (Arabic) → Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting (English).


c. Borrowing

The technique defined as to take a word or expression straight from another

language. It can be pure (without any change).Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) also

called this technique as Borrowing, which a word taken directly from another

language. And Newmark (1988) known as it as Naturalization, this technique

adapts the SL phrase first to the ordinary pronunciation, then the ordinary

morphology (phrase-forms) of the TL.

From the explained above we can conclude that this technique focus on

translating same as the SL for Pure borrowing and for Naturalized, it can change

based on the TL pronounciation. Example Naturalized borrowing, An example

of pure borrowing is a hard disk which translates to 'hard disk', while an example

of naturalized borrowing is a computer which translates to 'computer'. d. Calque

Defined as Literal translation of a foreign word or phrase it can be lexical or

structural. Similar to Vinay and Darbelnet (1958), they said Calque can be used

for a foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another language.

In addition Newmarks (1988) called it as Through Translation, which is the

literal translation of common collection collocation, names of organizations the

components of compounds and perhaps phrases. For this technique all the expert

agreed at two points thereis translating in phrase and translating lexically word

perword. Example primary schoo l(English) → sekolah dasar (Indonesian).

There are contradistinction about the term between the experts, but all the

expert focus at describing more detail or the function of the term. For example


general secretariat is translated as 'general secretary'. Interference of the Target

Language structure in the Source Language is a hallmark of the Calque

technique. e. Compensation

This approach used to introduce a SL detail of facts or stylistic impact in

some other vicinity with inside the TL as it can't be meditated with inside the

equal vicinity as with inside the SL. And Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) described

as An object of facts or a stylistic impact from the ST that can't be reproduced

with inside the equal vicinity with inside the TT is introduced else

whereinwithinside the TT.

Based on the explanation we can conclude that each expert agreed that this

technique is about translating by considering the stylistic effect. For example:

Never did she visit her aunt is translated as 'That woman really has the heart not

to meet her aunt'. f. Description

This technique used to replace a term or expression with a description of its

form or/and function. Nida (1964) called this technique as Footnotes to add

additional information about the historical and cultural context of the text in

question. And Newmark (1988) mentioned it as Notes, whichis put additional

information in a translation.

There are contra distinction about the term between the experts, but all the

expert focus at describing more detail or the function of the term. Example the


Italian word panettone translates to "traditional Italian cake eaten on New Year's

Day". g. Discursive Creation

Molina and Albir defined it to establish a temporary equivalence that is

totally unpredictable out of context. It is often found in the translation of title.”

Similar to Delisle (1993), he described it as an operation with inside the

cognitive process of translating via way of means of which a non-lexical

equivalence is installed that handiest works in context.”

Based on the rationale we are able to finish that every expert agreed that this

method is regularly used with inside the translation of the identify of film /movie

/book to suggest equivalence that may handiest be legitimate in a certain

context. Example the title of the book 'Si Malin Kundang' is translated as A

betrayed son Malin Kundang. h. Established Equivalent

Molina and Albir stated that is “used for a term or expression recognized (by

dictionaries or language in use) as an equivalent in the TL. Similar to Vinay and

Darbelnet (1958), they called it as Equivalence, this accounts for the same

situation using a completely different phrase, the translation of proverbs or

idiomatic expressions.”

For this technique they focus on translating same as SL or other equivalent

but it has been captured in dictionary. For example the words "efficient" and

"effective" are more commonly used than the words "sangkil" and "mangkus".


i. Generalization

By means of this technique, translator need to use a more general or neutral

term while translated SL into TL. And according to Vinay and Darbelnet (1958),

they defined it as translate a term for a more general one, where as,

particularization is the opposite.

Based on the reason we will finish that every expert agreed that this approach

attention on translating via way of means of using trendy term. For example

mansion (English) → Rumah (Indonesian). j. Linguistic Amplification

The manifestation of this technique is to add linguistic elements in the BSa

text. This technique is commonly applied in consecutive translation or in

dubbing. k. Linguistic Compression

Linguistic compression is a translation technique that can be applied by

translators in simultaneous translation or in translating film texts, by

synthesizing linguistic elements in the BSa text.

l. Literal Translation

It can be used when translator translated a word or an expression word for

word. Similar to Vinay and Darbelnet (1958), they stated it as translator

translated word for word translation.

For this technique they all focus on translating SL into TL by word per word.

For example, the sentence i will ring you translates to 'I'll call you'.


m. Modulation

Molina and Albir stated that this technique changed the point of view, focus

or cognitive category in relation to the SL, it can be lexical or structural. And

Newmark (1988) stated it as Modulation is a change of the meaning that is

caused by a shift of perspective or point of view.”

Based on the reason we will finish that every expert agreed that this approach

consciousness on translating with modified the factor of view with out modified

the that means of the information. Example He denied stealing the wallet

(English) → Dia tidak mengakui bahwa dia yang mencuri dompet itu


n. Particularization

The realization of this technique is to use more concrete or precise terms.

Example: air transportation is translated as 'helicopter' (superordination to

subordination). This technique is the opposite of the generalization technique.

o. Reduction

Reduction is reducing certain elements of the SL. Reduction is also called

elimination. This technique is the opposite of amplification technique. And

according to Ayora (1977), he called it as Omision, which is to omit and

repetition that is characteristic of the SL.

There are contradistinction about the term between the experts, but all the

expert focus at translating with suppress item in target language. Example the

month of fasting translates to 'Ramadan'. This technique is similar to the

ommission or deletion or subtraction technique or implication. In other words,


information that is explicit in the Source Language text is made implicit in the

Target Language text. p. Substitution

Substitution refers to changing linguistic and paralinguistic elements

(intonation or sign). Sign language in Arabic, which is to put your hand on your

chest, is translated as 'thank you'. q. Variation

The realization of this technique is to change the linguistic or paralinguistic

elements that affect the linguistic variations of changing the textual tone,

language style, social dialect, and geographic dialect. This technique is

commonly applied in translating drama scripts.

r. Transposition

Molina and Albir stated it as Translator changed a grammatical category from

SL into TL. And based on Newmark (1988) defined it as involves replacing one

word class with another without changing the meaning of message. In addition,

Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) said this technique as In version. This is to transport

a phrase or a word to another Place in a sentence or a paragraph in order that it

reads evidently in the goal language. For this technique they all agreed with one

point that is translating with changed the grammatical category without changed

the meaning of the message. Example Father got angry with Beny (English) →

Beny dimarahi ayah (Indonesian).


1.4 Translation Method

According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), technique is a normal

this is used to perform a process to be carried out as desired (Hartono, 2017,

p.16). Primarily based totally on this definition, technique could make each

process smooth to do due to the fact its normal manner appears practical.

Relating to the phrases of translation technique,

Molina and Albir (2002, p. 507) said that translation technique refers back to

the manner a selected translation method is completed in phrases of the

translator’s objective, i.e., a world wide alternative that influences the complete

text. Newmark (1988) divided translation techniques into agencies with inside

the shape of flattened V diagram:

SL emphasis TL Emphasis Word-for-word translation Adaptation Literal translation Free translation Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Idiomatic translation

Figure 1.1 Translation Method


2. Movie

Movies, additionally referred to as films, are a sort of visible verbal exchange which use shifting picture and sound to inform testimonies or in form (assist humans to study). Movie as educative media is vitaldue to the fact the film, that may pass and feature voice, seems real. This makes smooth for college kids to study the primary tale of the film. Although the film is unreal tale, however tale of the film remains in logics. In addition, the audiences additionally spontaneously study some thing from the messages contained with inside the film. Movie is a mass leisure medium. Movie is a shape of leisure that enacts a tale through a series of photographs giving the phantasm of non-stop movement. Movie is like wise an unstable. Movie shape and product-cinema, tv, pc, games, online media industries that draw at the cinematic, this is the film industries that draw at the cinematic, this is the filment erprise in its entirety-have reshaped know-how of the sector categorizations, genres, fields of inquiry, extraordinary strategies of representation, intervention, provocation.

Movie, additionally referred to as film, is one type of the maximum famous leisure media. It looks as ifa chunk of mirror, which displays all of the respects of human society, inclusive of the cloth international and the non secular international as well. Film is so vital that it has end up the primary arts of the human international.


As per Professor Michael Goldberg (2016:1-5) there are a few different ways

to peruse the film:

a. Meaning, to know the message of the film the analyst needs to discover

about the subject and the message of the story.

b. Basic components, there are some essential components in the film, for

example, title, plot, portrayal and perspective.

c. Mise in scene, in everything going on inside the casing outside of altering

and sound, for example, setting, outfits and lighting. Sound, in the film there

are some solid are utilized, for example, exchange and audio effect.

3. The synopsis of Five Feet Apart 2019

Five Feet Apart is a 2019 American romantic drama movie directed through

Justin Baldoni’s (in his directorial debut) and written through Mikki Daughtry and

Tobias Iaconis. The movie become stimulated through Claire Wineland, who suffered from cystic fibrosis. Haley Lu Richardson and play younger sufferers with cystic fibrosis, who attempt to have a dating in spite of continually being pressured to live a positive distance (6 feet) far far from every other. It become launched with inside the United States on March 15, 2019 through CBS Films through Lions gate. The movie acquired blended opinions from critics and has grossed over ninety one million international wide.

The movie "Five Feet Apart" which has regarded in theaters for the reason that

March 15, 2019, revolves across the romance of cystic fibrosis sufferers. Stella


Grant (Haley Lu Richardson) is a 17 - year-antiquewoman with an extraordinary disorder, cystic fibrosis. Like teenagers, Stella likes social media and stocks her stories, which might be usually approximately her existence with inside the hospital. Stella meets any other affected person with cystic fibrosis, Will Newman

(Cole Sprouse). Intensive conferences and interactions carry romance. Related to the battle to set up a love dating over the disorder they suffered. "Five Feet

Apart", looks as if a teenage love tale in "The Fault in Our Stars". The title Five

Feet Apart which tells the story of Stella and Will who are supposed to keep a distance of 5 steps. Stella herself continually permit move of possibilities and decreased one step distance. Launch Refinery 29, this movie is stimulated through the tale of a pair suffering with cystic fibrosis. They are at risk of contamination because their lungs are not functioning properly. People with cystic fibrosis carry oxygen cylinders and masks everywhere. The prohibition of having to physically interact with all that is a unique challenge for Stella and Will.

A viewer who is also a cystic fibrosis patient, Kayla Ariana, gave a little comment about the book "Five Feet Apart", which was later adapted into a film of the same name. He told through his blog, so that the story did not discuss how

"difficulty breathing and how patients with cystic fibrosis feel inferior to the situation." "There's a kind of shame, I guess, my compilation is coughing; which is always followed by an apology, because it's not normal for someone to cough as often or as loudly as that, he added. Even so, the film by Justin Baldoni in collaboration with Claire's Foundation. Foundation provides emotional and financial support to families struggling with cystic fibrosis. Five Feet Apart CBS


Film production according to the Mojo Box Office earned a total income of

16,855,366 US dollars, 135,851 US dollars in proceeds from foreign countries.

Synopsis of the movie

Stella Grant is a cystic fibrosis patient who actively uses social media to

lungs. CF patients are strictly kept six feet apart to reduce the risk of cross-

infection, as contracting bacterial infections from other CF patients can be

dangerous - even life-threatening. Stella is determined to follow the rules, and

initially dislikes Will, who likes to break the rules and take dangerous risks

sometimes. Stella notices that Will not strictly following his treatment regimen

and eventually gets him to agree to do so. Stella Grant is a cystic fibrosis

affected person who actively makes use of social media to deal with her

contamination and attempts to stay a everyday life. She meets some other CF

affected person, William "Will" Newman, who is at the medical center for a

drug trial, is trying to get rid of a bacterial infection (B. cepacia) that is in his

lungs. CF sufferers are kept tightly six feet to reduce the risk of cross-infection,

because bacterial infections contracted from different CF sufferers can be

dangerous - even life threatening. Stella decided to observe and began to like

Will, who likes to interrupt the policies and sometimes take risk dangers. Stella

notices that Will now no longer strictly following his strict treatmeant routine

and sooner or later receives him to comply with do so.


4. Definition of Key Terms

There are a few definition of key terms in this research according to the a few specialists, they are as following:

a. Translation: Newmark (1981:7) defines that translation is a craft consisting

within the attempt to replace a written message and or statement in a single

language through the equal message and/or announcement in any other


b. Translation method Albir and Molina (2002:499) states that translation

techniques allow us to describe the actual steps taken via thetranslators in

every textual micro-unit and attain clear records about the general

methodological option chosen.

c. movie: movie or movie or motion photograph is a chain of nevertheless

photographs on strips of plastic which, while run thru a projector and shown

on a display, create the illusion of moving pictures.


B. Relevant Of Study

The study of analysis of translation technique on Justin Baldoni's movie five

feet apart is one of the studies used to analyze films using several techniques.

There are several similar research studies that have been done before. The results

of the study are explained as follows:

First, Rahmawati (2015) said that there are12 translation techniques used in the

translated novel that she chose. She also found that there are 671 data of

dialoguesfound in her research.

The proportion of each method were as follows: (1) borrowing occurs 132

times and represents 19.7%, (2) literal occurs 119 times and represents 14,46%,

(4) established equivalent occurs 94 times and represents 14.01%, (45)

amplification occurs 76 times and represents 11.3%, (6) particularization occurs

52 time and represents 7,75%, (7) linguistic compression occurs 43 times and

represents 6,41%, (8) reduction occurs 32 time and represents 5,.22%, (9)

transposition happens 12 times and represents 1.79%, (10) adaptation occurs 5

times and represents 0.74%, (11) calque occurs 3 data and represents 0,45%, (12)

discursive creation occurs 3 times and represents 0.45%. Based on her studies, the

interpretation technique which is used dominantly by way of the translator is

borrowing approach.

Second, Thahara (2015) determined that there are 14 translation techniques

implemented on his studies. they're literal 156 (52.35%) data, amplification 33

(11.07%) data, borrowing 21 (7.04%) data, reduction 17 (5.70%) data, established

equivalence 10 (3.35%) data, adaption 10(3.35%) data, deletion/reduction 8


(2.68%) data, generalization 7 (2.35%) data, description 5 (1,68%) data, compensation 5 (1.68%) data, modulation 4 (1.34%) data, linguistic amplification

4 (1.34%) data, and transposition 2 (0,67%). Primarily based in this studies, literal translation is the dominant translation method used to translate simile within the novel Angels & Demonds to Malaikat & Iblis.

Third, Setiawan (2017), found sixteen translation strategies inside the information of dialogues the unconventional Dave Pelzer‘s The lost Boy. they are literal translation (32.96%), borrowing (13.81%), linguistic amplification

(12.70%), reduction (9,30%), compensation (6.62%), discursive creation (5,70%), re-creation (3,95%), modulation (2.48%), transposition (2.39%), generalization

(2.02%), particularization (1.84%), established equivalent (1,74%), calque

(1.47%), linguistic compression (1.38%), adaptation (1.10%), and amplification

(0,46%). primarily based on his studies, the most dominant translation method used is literal translation.


C. Conceptual Framework

To make it clear, there searcher make a framework about what the relation of

all subjects in this research. This concept is based on Newmark’s idea.








Figure . Conceptual Framework


To decide, the researcher analyzed the translation method utilized by

Newmark principle. The method the researcher intends is:

1. Word for word translation

2. Literal translation

3. Faithful translation

4. Semantic translation

5. Adaptation

6. Free translation

7. Idiomatic translation

8. Communicative translation



A. Research Design

This studies is set translation techniques inside the movie five feet apart. This

study used qualitative studies methods. This study conducted by way of following

numerous steps together with planning, implementation and reporting.

1. planning

Earlier than doing the take a look at, the author wishes to prepare the plan to

conduct the observe such as searching for literature study to get numerous

references, deciding on object of the research, offering the studies and

imparting the studies.

2. Implementation

After making the plan for the take a look at, this study put into effect the plan

that has been made which includes accumulating the data of the observe,

analyzing and comparing the facts and generating conclusion.

3. Reporting

Finally, after conducting a study, this study compiles the results of the

research into a paper that is totally based on the fact analysis of the findings.



B. Source of Data

The information from this look at are the Five Feet Apart, utterances taken

from the Five Feet Apart Movie transcript. The film was directed by using Justn

Baldoni, produced via Cathy Schulman, Justin Baldoni, screenplay by using

Mikki Daughtry, , dispensed by way of CBS films Welle

amusement Wayfarer entertainment, released on March 15, 2019

C. The Technique for Collecting Data

In this studies makes use of documentation as approach of collecting records.

This step is used to make the evaluation via looking the movie again and again to

get the understanding about this movie. There are some techniques in file do with

the aid of researcher inclusive of:

1. Select movie

In this step, first the writer must choose a good movie or movie that is


2. Read scripts and watch movies

After the writer finds a good movie, the writer must download the movie

and read the script of the movie and after that copy paste the movie script.

3. Analyzing the movie Five Feet Apart

After the writer gets a good movie and has downloaded the movie and

movie script, the next step the writer will analyze the movie.


D. The Techniques of Data Analyzing

In reading accumulate the information, this thesis used qualitative statistics for

studying method. As the use of this approach, this thesis gathered the records,

arrange the information and present the statistics. The qualitative information

analysis is kind of studies with out using any calculation or statistic manner.

Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2015: 338) states the technique of data

evaluation called interactive version. The method of analysis facts uses on this

research as comply with:

1. Data collection

Statistics collection is a cylical and interactive process. Records series in

terms of facts series form of literature or present statistics the collect.

Even as the facts was accrued circulate among those four steps constantly

to be able to recognize all the data the required in the next steps of records


2. Data Reduction

Statistics reduction is a procedure of sorting and choosing the applicable

facts or no longer applicable information to the studies conducted.

Therefore, statistics discount is a manner of simplification and

transformation statistics from the written shape statistics thru modifying,

segmenting, and summerizing facts.


3. Data Display

The subsequent techniques was be the information show. Facts show

organizes, compress and assamble data. The styles of qualitativedata

include types of matrics, graphs, charts. The function of these types of

data display is to perfom acessible, compact, and organize information of

the data.

4. Data Verification

Data verification or conclusion presented the conclusion from the data

which the research has collected. The study was interpreted the content of

data display analysis. With the result that, through the data verification

the researcher has the possibility to establish the conclusion and verified

the translation methods that the students used in translation activity.



A. Introduction Analysis of the Data

This studies become conducted so as to research of translation method

sentences which might be discovered in Five Feet Apart movie. In this section, the

study presents description of the findings which answers the trouble

announcement of research.

This studies focuses best on the analysis of translation technique and their

effect at the high-quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and clarity, of

sentences Five Feet Apart movie.

B. Analysis of the Data

Translation equivalence analysis is an analysis that leads to the context of

translation and non-translation. The translation context generally does not cause

problems in translation, on the contrary, the context of translation is a problem

because the translator must find an equivalent that matches the target language.

Therefore, in changing messages from SL to TL, the translator must maintain the

message so that no message is lost and added or changed.



1. Translation Techniques

Translation techniques are the result of choices made by translators. The validity

of the technique depends on several questions relating to the context and

objectives of the translation and the expectations of the reader.

According to Molina (2002) translation technique is a procedure for analyzing and

classifying the extent to which meaning is achieved in translation. Following are

some translation techniques in the five feet apart movie according to Molina and

Albir. Data analysis shows that there are 12 techniques found in the data.

a. Adaptation

Adaptation is a translation technique replacing elements of SL culture with

cultural elements that have the same characteristics in the TL, and these

cultural elements are familiar to target readers.

SL: You’re deaf.

TL: Ternyata kamu tuli.

The expression "you are deaf", for example, is replaced by the expression

"oh you are deaf", because the expression is not recognized in TL.

b. Amplification

Amplification is a translation technique that shows or paraphrases the

information implicit in SL.

SL: How do you go to Jakarta?

TL: Gimana kamu bisa ke Jakarta?


c. Borrowing

Borrowing is a technique of borrowing words or expressions from SL. The

borrowing can be pure (pure borrowing) or naturalized borrowing

(naturalized borrowing).

SL: mouse

TL: mouse d. Calque

Calque is a technique of translating SL phrases literally.

TL: credit card

SL: kartu kredit e. Discursive creation

This technique is intended to present temporary favors that are unexpected

or out of context. This technique is commonly applied in translating book

titles or film titles. Example The book title 'Si Malin kundang' is translated

as A betrayed son Malin kundang. f. Established equivalents

Ordinary equivalence is a technique for using familiar terms or

expressions (based on dictionary or colloquial usage). This technique is

similar to literal translation.

SL: You can just replace me with a newer, trashier version

TL: Kamu bisa menggantikanku dengan versi yang baru dan lebih



g. Generalization

The realization of this technique is to use more general or more neutral

terms. The word penthouse, for example, translates to "place to live".

SL: The robber brings a gun

TL: Perampok itu membawa senjata api h. Linguistic compression

Linguistic compression is a translation technique that can be applied by

translators in simultaneous translation or in translating film texts, by

synthesizing linguistic elements in the TL text. i. Literal Translation

Literal translation is a technique of translating expressions word for word.

SL: Alright. I’ll help you

TL: ok. Aku akan membantumu j. Particularization

The realization of this technique is to use more concrete or precise terms.

Example: air transportation is translated as 'helicopter' (superordination to

subordination). This technique is the opposite of the generalization



k. Reduction

This technique is the opposite of the amplification technique. SL text

information compressed in TL.

SL: Tsunami (in Indonesia)

TL: A giant sea waves in translated into tsunami (in English)

This technique is similar to the omission or deletion or subtraction

technique or implication. In other words, information that is explicit in SL

text is made implicit in the TL text. l. Transposition

Transposition is a translation technique by changing grammatical

categories. This technique is the same as the category, structure and unit

shifting technique. Verbs in the SL text, for example, are converted to

nouns in the TL text. Structural shifting techniques are commonly applied

when the SL and TL structures differ from one another. The transposition

technique in the form of structural displacement is the most commonly

applied technique when the TL structure is different from the SL structure.

Because the structure of the English language and the structure of the

Indonesian language are different, the shift in structure is obligatory so

that the resulting translation is in accordance with the prevailing rules in



C. Discussion

This subchapter is divided into parts. They are data analysis, the translation

technique. Here are the details of the discussion.

a. Data Analysis

The collected data were analyzed descriptively. They are classified according

to the type of translation technique proposed by the theories of Molina and

Albir. After identification, the data will be classified into each type, and a

description is given. Then the data is tabulated using a statistical formula to

determine the student's technique of translating thesis abstracts from

Indonesian to English and vice versa. The statistical formula used is the

percentage formula as follows:

= 100%


P: percentage range

F: frequency

N: the wide variety of translation technique


b. The Translation Technique Used

This sub-chapter describes the analysis of the data. The data are takenfrom the

movie Five Feet Apart. The data are all the direct dialogues which consist of

464 data.This part of compares the translation technique used in this research.

Both researchers apply the theory of translation technique from Molina and

Albir's (2002).

The data analysis shows that there are 12 techniques found in the data. They

are: adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, discursive creation,

established equivalent, generalization, linguistic compression, literal

translation, particularization, reduction, and transposition. The total number of

data is 464 thedirect dialogues in movie Five Feet Apart. The total number of

techniques of the data found is 464.

D. Finding

Films as mass communication media are used to convey the messages

contained there in. Also used as a means of entertainment. In addition, film

also functions as a medium of entertainment and acts as a medium of

information and learning, film itself has many genres and society has a very

strong belief in film as an appropriate information medium.

This section contains a description of the findings and answers to the

formulation of this research problem. The first part presents the techniques

used by the translator to translate the film entitled Five Feet Apart based on the

theory put forward by Molina and Albir (2002). In this study, the translator

only used the following 12 techniques: a). Adaptation, 2). Amplification, 3).


Borrowing, 4). Calque, 5). Discursive Creation, 6). Equivalence established, 7).

Generalization, 8). Linguistic Compression, 9). Literal Translation, 10).

Particularization, 11). Reduction, 12). Transposition.

The second part describes the impact of the techniques used in the translation

of the Five Feet Apart film on the quality of the translation in terms of

accuracy, acceptability and legibility. The impact of the technique on

translation quality.

Based totally on translation technique from Molina and Albir (2002: 509), the

researcher choose movie five feet apart and labeled the statistics. The outcomes

of the analysis in movie Five Feet Apart are shown in desk 4.1 under

Table 4.1 Translation Technique in Movie Five Feet Apart

No Translation Technique Data/ Frequency Percentage 1 Adaptation 4 0,59% 2 Amplification 15 3,31% 3 Borrowing 132 19,7% 4 Calque 3 0,45% 5 Discursive Creation 4 0,59% 6 Established Equivalent 93 13,86% 7 Generalization 6 1,32% 8 Linguistic Compression 3 0,45% 9 Literal Translation 119 17,73% 10 Particularization 15 3,31% 11 Reduction 35 7,22% 12 Transposition 34 5,52% Total 464 100%



A. Conclusion

There are some conclusions after doing an analysis of translations technique in

Movie Five Feet Apart. Based on the analysis explained in the previous chapter, it

can be conclude that there are 12 translation techniques used by the translator in

translating Movie Five Feet Apart from English into Indonesian. They are

Adaptation, Amplification (Addition), Borrowing, Calque, Discursive Creation,

Established Equivalence, Generalization, Linguistic Compression, Literal

Translation, Particularization, Reduction, and Transposition. The total data are

464 dialogues of Justin Baldoni’s on Movie Five Feet Apart.

The percentage of each translation technique was found as follows: (1).

Adaptation occurred 4 (0.59%), (2). Amplification occurs 15 (3.31%), (3).

Borrowing occurred 132 (19.7%), (4). Calque occurs 3 (0.45%), (5). Discursive

Creation occurred 4 (0.59%), (6). Established Equivalent occurred at 93 (13.86%),

(7). Generalization occurred 6 (1.32%), (8). Linguistic Compression occurs 3

(0.45%), (9). Literal Translation occurred 119 (17.73%), (10). Particularization

occurred 15 (3.31%), (11). Reduction occurred 35 (7.52%), (12). Transposition

occurred 34 (5.22%).

The most dominant translation technique used is Borrowing. It occurs 132

times or about 19,7%. It is followed by literal translation (17,73%), established



equivalent (13,86%), reduction (7,52%), transposition (5,22%),amplification and particularization (3,31%), generalization (1,32%), adaptation and discursive creation (0,59%), linguistic compression (0,45%).

The conclusions that can be drawn from this studies are:

1. There are 12 translation techniques found in the film Five Feet Apart,

namely Adaptation, Amplification (Addition), Borrowing, Calque,

Discursive Creation, Established Equivalence, Generalization, Linguistic

Compression, Literal Translation, Particularization, Reduction, and


2. As formerly noted, the film Five Feet Apart turned into directed by means

of Jason Baldoni. The film also stars names which can be sure to capture

your eye. Like Haley Lu Richardson, Cole Sprouse, Moises Arias, Kimberly

Hebert Gregory, Parminder Nagra, and many more.

3. From those effects the researchers concluded that the Five Feet Apart film

directed by using Justin Baldoni's has appropriate pleasant and in phrases of

acceptability and researchers have examined the techniques used in the film

nicely. And researchers wish readers like this thesis. By using translation the

use of the translation technique in the film Five Feet Apart can be

categorized as feasible.


B. Suggestion

This study would really like to offer some idea to readers or the in addition

researchers who are interested in the studies of translation strategies by Molina

and Albir and the accuracy with the aid of Nababan. The translation techniques by

Molina and Albir can be implemented with others theories of translation, together

with translation technique proposed via Newmark. Moreover, all the pleasant

thing may be judged whether or not the interpretation is certified or not by means

of making use of the theory proposed through Nababan. The next researchers also

can use translation techniques by Molina and Albir with different theories of

translation and the fine elements by Nababan to be implemented in other gadgets,

such as novels, comics, and books. This studies still wishes to be improved,

however hopes that this thesis may be useful for the readers or the following

researchers to recognize translation strategies proposed through Molina and Albir

and the accuracy through Nababan implemented in film Five Feet Apart.

Based totally at the studies findings, the author advocate that this studies may

be an crucial inspiration for:

1. College Students of English Department

For student of English branch, hopes that this thesis can end up the

reference ( specifically in library ), in the event that they need to do studies

at the identical subject matter.


2. Others Researchers

For other researchers hopes that this study it turns into the coolest

reference and steering of the others researchers..

3. Translators

For translators hopes that this studies it turns into the reference and

guidance of the others translator. And the researchers make an apology if

there are phrases that are not understood or mistakes.



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The Transcript of “Five Feet Apart” Movie

1. 00:00:33.07 → 00:00:34.32 (Human touch)

2. 00:00:36.12 → 00:00:38.57 (Is our first form of communication)

3. 00:01:04.08 → 00:01:07.34 (We need that touch from people we love)

4. 00:01:08.32 → 00:01:11.60 (Almost as much as we need air to breathe)

5. 00:01:16.17 → 00:01:19.25 ( His touch)

6. 00:01:20.48 → 00:01:23.56 (Until I can't have it)


7. 00:01:44.39 → 00:03:11.58 (TALK TO OTHER FRIENDS)

8. 00:03:33.41 → 00.03:40.20 (SIGH)

9. 00:04:09.08 → 00:04:10.48 Barb (Nurse) : Sore throat?

10. 00:04:32.11 → 00:04:34.99 Nurse 2 : Wow. A lot has changed in the last six months.

11. 00:04:53.04 → 00:04:57.28 (MEDICAL EXAMINATION)

12. 00:05:03.09 → 00.05:04.10 Barb (Nurse): I Will still be monitoring you.

13. 00.05:08.02 → 00.05:09.01 Stella: What i'm doing if i'm without you?


14. 00:05:09.67 → 00:05:11.50 Barb (Nurse): You will die.

15. 00:05:14.31 → 00:05:50.43 (MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND TALK ABOUT OCD)

16. 00:05:51.74 → 00:06:01.09 (TIDYING UP MEDICINE BOX)

17. 00:06:16.16 → 00:06:23.27 (PENSIVE)

18. 00:06:24.30 → 00:06:44.27 (READING BOOK)

19. 00:06:53.19 → 00:07:08.29 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING ON STEREO)

20. 00:07:09.33 → 00:07:18.21 (TAKING MEDICATION)


21. 00:07:19,26 → 00:07:35,05 (INHALATION OF BREATHING APPARATUS)

22. 00:07:36,09 → 00:07:37,27 Barb(Nurse): There's a newborn, you can see it.

23. 00:07:38,59 → 00:07:44,40 (WALKS TOWARDS THE BABY INCUBATOR)

24. 00:08:45,65 → 00:09:02,22 (STARING AT BABIES)

25. 00:09:03,53 → 00:09:10,20 (DOORS OPEN)

26. 00:09:11,31 → 00:09:13,47

Will: Seeing you moving from your room, that’s uhh

27. 00:09:14,32 → 00:09:19,08 There are many things. Are you going to be here for a while?


28. 00:09:20,26 → 00:09:24,45 Hello?

29. 00:09:25,00 → 00:09:28,00 Ouh, You are deaf.

30. 00:09:29,00 → 00:09:32,00 Stella: You shouldn't it be for sharing your room, for your guest

31. 00:09:33,00 → 00:09:34,00 You rent by the hour or what?

32. 00:09:35,00 → 00:09:37,00 So, you were peeking in the hall?

33. 00:09:38,00 → 00:09:39,00 Mmm, I don't peek, and why did you follow me here?

34. 00:09:40 → 00:09:43,00 I wanna to introduce myself, but your cold attitude


35. 00:09:44,00 → 00:09:47,00 Let me guess. you are the kind of guy that ignores the rules

36. 00:09:48,00 → 00:09:49,00 Because it makes you feel in control. Am I right?

37. 00:09:50,00 → 00:09:51,00 You are not wrong.

38. 00:09:52,00 → 00:09:53,00 You think that's cute?

39. 00:09:54,00 → 00:09:55,00 Do you think it’s cute?

40. 00:09:56,00 → 00:09:58,00 Let your friend borrow a room to have sex? It's disgusting.



00:09:59,00 → 00:10:00,00 You don’t like sex?

42. 00:10:01,00 → 00:10:07,00 No, i like. Sex. I like sex.

43. 00:10:08,00 → 00:10:11,00 Fine , it's exactly mean support either But I do know some common ground where I can get it

44. 00:10:12,00 → 00:10:13,00 We are nothing in common.

45. 00:10:15,00 → 00:10:17,00 Oh, that's so cruel

46. 00:10:18,00 → 00:10:19,00 (DOORS OPEN)


47. 00:10:20,00 → 00:10:22,00 Barb(Nurse): What.. What are you doing of here? Six feet at all times. You both know the rules.

48. 00:10:23,00 → 00:10:24,00 Will, get back to your room.

49. 00:10:25,00 → 00:10:33,00 Hey girl. A little name for your psychological profile I’m Will Newman. And you are?

50. 00:10:34,00 → 00:10:35,00 Deaf.



Name : Siti Anggraini

Npm : 1602050010

Place/Date of Birth : Medan, 22 August 1999

Gender : Female

Religion : Muslim

Status : Single

Hobbies : Listening a Music, Hanging Out

Father’s Name : Muhammad Solihin

Mother’s Name : Sri Hartaty

Addres : Jln Durung 1, Medan Marelan

Phone Number : 082272302910

Email : [email protected]



ü Primary School TK at Raudhatul Athfal Rahmat Islamiyah ( 2003-2004 ) ü Elementary School at SDSwasta Nahdlatul Ulama ( 2004-2010 ) ü Junior High School at SMP NEGERI 40 MEDAN ( 2010-2013 ) ü Senior High School at SMA NEGERI 12 MEDAN ( 2013-2016 ) ü Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Muhammadiyah Sumatra Utara ( 2016-2020 )

Medan, Oktober 2020


Siti Anggraini