Analysis of Translation Techniques on Justin Baldoni's
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ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES ON JUSTIN BALDONI’S MOVIE “FIVE FEET APART” THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program By: SITI ANGGRAINI 1602050010 FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SUMATRA UTARA MEDAN 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praise be to Allah SWT who has given the mercy and blessing to the researcher, so the researcher could be able to finish the thesis entitled, “ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES ON JUSTIN BALDONI’S MOVIE “FIVE FEET APART” “. In completing this thesis, researchers received a lot of help from various parties. Therefore, with all humility the researcher would like to thank: 1. Dr. H Elfrianto Nst, S.Pd, M.Pd. Dean of the Teaching and Education Faculty who has given researchers the opportunity to complete their education at the Teaching and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra. 2. Mandra Saragih S.Pd, M.Hum, and Pirman Ginting S.Pd., M.Hum, Chair of the English Education Study Program who has provided the opportunity for researchers to complete education in the English Language Study Program, Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra. 3. Imelda Darmayanti Manurung S.S., M.Hum, my supervisor who has guided me so that this thesis can be completed and also help me to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing this thesis. 4. Drs. Ali Amran, M.Hum, my co-advisor who has helped me in refining my thesis, Thanks sir. i 5. All the lecturers of English Education Program and Teacher Training Faculty of Muhammadiyah University North Sumatra (UMSU). 6. My beloved family that i love, Mr. Muhammad Solihin and Mrs. Sri Hartaty, who always support and give advice to me, thank you very much. 7. My beloved brothers and sisters, who always supported me and advised well who were always there for me, Thanks for you. 8. And all my friends Who also encourages me to complete this thesis. As i can convey this with the completion of this thesis, I realize that there are shortcomings in terms of both the writing and the contents of this report, therefore I expect constructive criticism and suggestions. Hopefully this thesis can be useful especially for myself and generally for others readers. Wasalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Medan, September 2020 SITI ANGGRAINI NIM : 1602050010 ii ABSTRACT Siti Anggraini, 2020, 1602050010, Analysis of Translation Techniques on Justin Baldoni’s Movie Five Feet Apart, Prodi Bahasa Inggris FKIP UMSU, Pembimbing Imelda Darmayanti Manurung S.S M.Hum. This objectives of this study are to classify the types of translation techniques from Movie Five Feet Apart and how the translator applied those techniques into target language. This research is descriptive qualitative method. Researchers chose Movie Five Feet Apart because this movie was liked by many teenagers and made researchers want to analyze it. This movie is taken from the true story of a novel, where the two teenagers like each other but are blocked five feet because of cystic fibrosis. In data collection, the researcher analyzed by watching the film repeatedly to get an understanding of this movie, in order to get the information needed in form of the application of those techniques into target language.The data which was found analyzed with the following steps:manage data, select movies, read scripts and watch movies, analyze Five Feet Apart movies. The results of this study indicate that first, based on my analysis the researcher found 464 dialogues of Movie Five Feet apart that contains 12 types of translation technique. The percentage of each translation technique was found as follows: (1). Adaptation occurred 4 (0.59%), (2). Amplification occurred 15 (3.31%), (3). Borrowing occurred 132 (19.7%), (4). Calque occurs 3 (0.45%), (5). Discursive Creation occurred 4 (0.59%), (6). Established Equivalent occurred 93 (13.86%), (7). Generalization occurred 6 (1.32%), (8). Linguistic Compression occurs 3 (0.45%), (9). Literal Translation occurred 119 (17.73%), (10). Particularization occurred 15 (3.31%), (11). Reduction occurred 35 (7.52%), (12). Transposition occurred 34 (5.22%). Key Words: Five Feet Apart, Translation Techniques, Molina and Albir’s iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ...................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ ii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 A. The Background of the Study .............................................................. 5 B. The Identification of the Problems ...................................................... 5 C. The Scope and Limitation ................................................................... 5 D. The Formulation of the Problems ........................................................ 5 E. The Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 6 F. The Significance of the Study ............................................................. 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 7 A. Theoritical Framework ........................................................................ 7 1.Translation ........................................................................................ 9 1.1. Definition of Translation ........................................................ 10 1.2. The Principle of Translation .................................................. 11 1.3. Translation Techniques ......................................................... 13 1.4. Translation Methods ............................................................. 21 iv 2. Movie .............................................................................................. 22 3. The Synopsis of Five Feet Apart 2019 ............................................. 23 4. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................. 26 B. Relevant of the Study .......................................................................... 27 C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 29 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH .............................................. 31 A. Research Design .................................................................................. 31 B. Source of the Data ............................................................................... 32 C. The Techniques for Collecting Data ................................................... 32 D. The Techniques for Analyzing Data ................................................... 33 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF DATA AND DISCUSSION …………… 35 A. Introduction Analysis of the Data …………………………………... 35 B. Analysis of the Data ………………………………………………... 35 1. Translation Techniques …………………………………………. 36 C. Discussion ………………………………………………………..…. 40 a. Data Analysis …………. …………………………………... 40 b. The Translation Techniques Used ……..…………… ……… 41 D. Finding ……………………………………………………………… 41 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ……………… …... 43 A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………… …... 43 B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………….... 45 v REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 47 APPENDIX ............................................................................................. 48 CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................ 56 vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study Language is an capability possessed by way of people that is used to speak with others peoples and Language is all kinds of conversation in which someone’s thoughts and feelings are symbolized if you want to carry which means or reviews to others. therefore, language improvement starts offevolved from the first cry till the child is able to pronounce words. It's far crucial for people to specific ideas, emotions, meanings or opinions or provide records to others via language. In step with Ramelan (1991:8) Language can enables people express their thoughts and goals, including after they want assist, in order that a near dating between organization contributors can be made. Language has types, namely written language and spoken language. The most apparent difference among spoken language and written language, for my part, is that during speech or pronunciation the language appears as a valid, the spoken language makes a valid that has a tendency to sound like a fire cracker sound, this means that the duration relies upon on the quantity of phrases in one sentence spoken by means of people. each phrase and every sentence is heard chaining every other without pause. while in writing, every written phrase is separated from one another or has a distance. Written language is written by way of arranging several sentences and the sentences turned into organized into one paragraph and that one paragraph turned into arranged into all sentences in written language. every other instance in my opinion of spoken language is film, reason in a movie all of the characters 1 2 communicate via dialogue and the communicate itself can be determined inside the form of a transcript that has been made via the writer. In spoken