Presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the undergraduate program








1.1 Background of The Study

Reading novel has become easiest way to create imaginary about what we read, we can drawn on our imaginary through the novel we read. A wide variety of novel offer us different atmosphere, it also offer us different imaginary world to enter, and open our mind about new world from a book.

In a novel there are certainly the main character that tells a story, and then there is the dialogue in it. Character and dialogue are part of the literature.

According to Roberts and Jacobs (2006:2) States, "Literature is composition that tells a story, dramatizes a situation, expresses emotions, analyzes and advocates ideas." Literature is an essay that tells a story with showing situations, expression of emotions and then analyse it. By the explainations, literarute is an exciting object to be learned, it is also a kind of art crative and imaginative works. Mostly literary works have social phenomenom inside them as a reflection of the author and the audiance, expressing an ideology, culture and character of human life.

Novel is one of kind of literary work. The word comes from the Italian,

Novella, which means the new staff that small. Novel was developed in England and America. But with a shift in society and development time, thenovel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change accordingto the desired imagination. Sumardjo (1998: 29) says that “novel is a story with the prose form in longshape, this long shape means the story including the complex plot, many


character and various setting” in other words novel is an interesting work of literature that contain a story with certain meaning that the author want to convey through the text.

While Kenney (1966 p.28) stated that a character is divided into two general descriptions concerning his representations in certain fiction, which are minor character and major character. Minor character if the viewer can only see one side of the character with only a few details about this character, not too represents the true human personalities as a manifestation of a single attitude or obsession in character. In contrast major character is viewable from all sides and has a lot of details given from the author. From the explanation above, it can be inferred that every character has their position in a story.

Five Feet Apart novel as one of good drama novel that released in 2018, tells about teenager love story with Stella Grant as a main character is a (CF'er) patient. Stella still alive with help through all medication she takes everyday. She fights through her serious illness day by day to keep her survive and alive for her parents. Stella’s parents became one of big reasons why she needs to be survive in facing her serious illness. She knows exactly what to do to keep her alive. Five Feet Apart tellls about love, life, motivation and also death.

In this story Stella was described as a survivor because she resisted her illness persistently. The Oxford Advanced Learners A. S. Hornby Dictionary (1974:871), define survivor derived from the word survive, continue to live or exist, live or exist longer that remain alive after; continue to live (or to hold a position).

Survivor(n) person who has survived. Survivor is a person who is able to survive and life till the end of a condition or circumstances. For example, a survivor who


survive from the jungle lost. A survivor that safe from fire accident etc. Survival comes from the word survive it means the capability of defending itself from a particular situation. In this case able to defend themselves from a bad situation and critical. A survivor is the member of his or her family who continue to live after he or she has died.

In certain conditions of survival challenge dominant mental attitude or psychological to search for the body's needs and to obtain needed ideas with the basic considerations of experience or education who had attended, the experience of living with high risk and challenging activities is proven to make people learn to do that better and more effective adaptation.

In this study, the writer analyze the main character in novel Five Feet Apart.

The classification of the character can show the writer the role of the character itself in the novel. By knowing the characteristic of the character, the writer can analyze the problem of the character itself. The reason of choosing this title is because the characteristic of Stella as survivor and her strugle to fight for her serious illness is very inspiring and interesting to be analyzed.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The object of this research is novel Five Feet Apart. A novel that released in 2018 written by Rachel Lippincott. The novel tells about a girl who live as a broken- home teenager complete with her serious illness. Stella Grant’s characters in this novel is very interesting to be analyzed. Because she is a survivor which has control issue to control anything about her activity and all her medical treatment that she thinks it can help her to keep alive, even could be healed fully back to be


healthy and during her life in hospital stay she met a young man that gave her strenght and made her believes that she could survive for everyperson she loves.

Thus, this paper will try to discuss about the characteristic of Stella Grant, and how she can be a survivor in the novel Five Feet Apart.

1.3 Research Question

The general problem of this study is to find the answer of this questions :

What is survivor characteristics of Stella Grant that described in novel Five Feet

Apart written by Rachel Lippincott?

1.4 Goal and Function

The goal of the study is to find out the survivor characteristic in Stella Grant that describe in Five Feet Apart written by Rachel Lippincott. The functions of the study are hopefully the readers can easily understand about the information that

Stella Grant is a survivor in novel Five Feet Apart. Also to provide readers with motivation of keep doing useful things through hard situation.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is about literature in analyze a character of a sick person as survivor and explain about main character as one of important literary elements in literature works. Meanwhile, the limitation focus on Stella Grant survivor characteristic, she has different characters than other illness survivor. By knowing the role of the character, the writer can analyze the survivor characteristics found in the main character (Stella Grant).


1.6 Conceptual Framework

In this point writer would like to explain how the writer do the research. This research will be analyzed by the writer based on any expert for the research question in the point 1.3 in this chapter. The writer will explain the analyzes to the graphic 1.1 .



Psycological Approach

Survivor Characteristic

Resolute Person

Purposeful Determined Optimist

Conclusion :

Found Survivor Character of Stella Grant in novel

Five Feet Apart written by Rachel Lippincott


From the graphic 1.1 the writer would like to analyze clearly and in detail.

The writer is so curious to discuss about that character of this novel written by

Rachel Lippincott. In this research the writer will analyze the survivor characteristic using psycological aprroach. The writer will collected theory from the expert, journals and many definition of survivor character.




2.1 Review of Previous Studies

The first previous study that the writer found for analysing this novel is a thesis writen by Umi Fauziah, from faculty of letters, North Sumatera University which is titled An Analysis of Main Characters in Stephanie Meyer’s Novel New Moon,

2010. She used novel for her thesis and analyzed the main characters on it. This analysis focuses on main characters in the novel New Moon, they are Bella Swan,

Edward Cullen and Laurent. In addition will be explain about the minor characters too. Isabella "Bella" Swan the protagonist of the series, teenager. The main character in Fauziah’s thesis was in healhty condition, which is the main character has no serious illness.

The second previous study that have been done related to this study. The study thesis conducted by Puspa Sari (2017) English Literature Program, State

University of Medan, titled Optimism and Pessimism in Hazel Grace of John

Green’s The Fault In Our Stars Novel. This analysis is focus on the main character in novel The Fault In Our Stars which is the main character from this story has serious illness. This study was deal with the optimism and pessimism in

Hazel Grace of John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars novel.

The similarity of those analysis with the writer analysis on Stella Grant in novel Five Feet Apart is that the characters are in the same age, adolescence. Both thesis tell about the characters relected the optimism and determined characteristic.


While the difference is Sari’s thesis was focused to the optimism and pessimism in Hazel Grace and also the main character from this thesis has serious illness. Which Hazel as cancer patient . Whereas the main character in Fauziah’s thesis was in healthy condition, which is the main character has no serious illness, and Bella as an introvert teenager which often felt lonely.

In addition, because both of previous studies above focused about anaylizing main character, therefore the writer used those previous studies as references to analyzed the survivor characteristic in Stella Grant in novel Five Feet Apart with title The Analysis of Survivor Character of Stella Grant in novel Five Feet Apart

Written By Rachel Lippincott.

2.2 Literature

Literature is a work of art that is generated from the power, creativity, and creative person. According to Spring (1988: 8), literature is a form of the work of creative art object is human and his life using language as a medium.

Originally, literature is a type of entertainment, and due to its form whether as a prose, movie, song, novel, or else it is making the reader or audience to enjoy. As Roberts and Jacobs (2006:2) states, "Literature is composition that tells a story, dramatizes a situation, expresses emotions, analyzes and advocates ideas." Literature is an essay that tells a story with showing situations, expression of emotions and then analyse it. By this explaination, literature is an exciting object to be learned, it is also a kind of art crative and imaginative works. Mostly literary works have social phenomenom inside them as a reflection of the author and the audiance, expressing an ideology, culture and character of human life.


According to Patricia Waugh (2006) says on her book Literary Theory and

Criticism, literature is understood to be the expression of particularly gifted individuals who are able to capture elusive but enduring truths about this essential human nature through the sensuous crafting of words.

Mostly people from early century until nowadays love anything related to literature. From many forms such as poetry, novel, song. drama, and movie literature has one thing in common, that is to pass down the message from the author using a series of words which could be considered as art. Literature is something that reflects society, makes us think about ourselves and our society, allows us to enjoy language and beauty, it can be didactic, and it reflects on "the human condition" (The Academy Foundation Fundamentals of Literature and


Human condition is based on their daily activities. All of human condition here is the thematically of lirature in all forms. Rather than just a written words or a sound literature has a deeper value is heard or a movement that is seen. Just like dance is the art form to arise out human ability to make beautiful movement through song, literature comes to arise the ability to create language.

Therefore, literature is an expression of the human person in the form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, spirit, faith , in the form of a real image that evokes fascination by using language.

2.3. Theory of Novel

Novel is one of kind of literary work. The word comes from the Italian, Novella, which means the new staff that small. Novel was developed in England and


America. But with a shift in society and development time, the novel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change accordingto the desired imagination. Sumardjo (1998: 29) says that “novel is a story with the prose form in longshape, this long shape means the story including the complex plot, many character and various setting”

A novel is a totality, a comprehensiveness that is artistic. As a totality, the novel has passages elements, most related to one another in close and mutually dependent. The divisions of the elements in novel are intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

From explaination above writer can tell that novel is an interesting work of literature that contain a story with certain meaning that the author want to convey through the text.

In a novel also there are certainly the main character that tells a story, and then there is the dialogue in it. Character and dialogue are parts of the literature.

2.3.1. Theory of Character

Everyone is unique, they have their special character which is built by the influence of their life's environment. And so is in the novel. A good novel presents a strong character on its role, which will make the story become more interesting and the reader may cannot guess the ending part. Different manner and behavior of character will bring the audience easily into the story, because what mostly catches audience's attention is the character.

Character is people who play in the story. A character is someone in a literary work who has some sort of identify (it needn't be a strong one), an identity which


is made up by appearance, conversation, action, name and (possibly) thoughts going on in the head (Gill. 1995:127)

Kamisa, (1997:281) says that the meaning of character is when a review of the definition of the character also has his own definition. He asserted that character is traits psychology, morals or manners that distinguish a person another, behavior, character. Character means has a character, has a personality.

According to Maxwell (2001), a good character is more than just words, but a choice that brings success. It is not a gift, but rather something one develop gradually by thoughts, words, actions, habits, courage, hard work and even formed by life’s difficulties.

Suyanto (2009), cited the article entitled “The Urgency of Character

Education” on the website of Directorate General for Primary and Secondary

Education defines Character as a way of thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and work together both within the family, community, nation and state. Abram (1981:20) says that character are the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue- and what they do – the action.

Although there are many different types of characters in a work of literature, but there is only one character or a character who is often in the spotlight, the main character. This figure has always been a major discourse for lovers of literature or readers. Therefore, in this study the main character selected s the research object, which is also the central figure in the story and experience a variety of events in a story.


In general, the main character is presented in each event, but there is also a work of fiction that does not always show the main character in every instance however, the incident still has a close connection with the main character. While the additional characters are characters that only appear once, or several times with the telling of a relatively short time compared with the main character.

2.3.2 Types of Character

In fictional literature, such as novel, authors or writers use many characters to develop their stories. Every role in the story character, which will support the novel's success. Below are types character according to Karen Bernardo (2015) :

1. Protagonist

The protagonist is the central person in a story, and is often referred to

as the story's main character. They are faced with a conflict thet must

be resolved.

2. Antagonist

The antagonist is the character that represents the opposite against

which the protagonist must contend. In other words, the antagonist is

an obstacte that the protagonist must overcome. The antagonist could

be in any form net only a person. but also animal or nature itself.

3. Round character

The round character is anyone who has a complex pcrsonality, he or

she is ofen portrayed as a con flicted and contradictory person.


4. Flat character

The flat character is the opposite of a round character. This literary

personality is notable for one kind of personality trait or characteristic.

5. Dynamic character

The dynamic character is a person who changes over time, usually as a

result of resolving a central conflict or facing a major crisis

6. Static Character

A static character is a person who does not change over time; his or her

personality does not transform or evolve.

2.3.3 Characterization

Bernado (2016), cited in http ://learn.lexiconic.net divide characterization into two parts. The first is direct presentation (or characterication)- This refers to what the speaker or narrator directly says or thinks about a character. in other words, in a direct characterization, the reader is told what the character is like. This kind of characterization takes a direct approach towards building-up the character. It uses another character, narrator or the protagonist himself to tell the readers or audience about the subject.

Another is indirect presentation (or characterization)- This refers to what the character says or does. The reader then infers what the character is all about. This mimics how we understand people in the real world, since we can't "get inside their heads" In other words, in an indirect characterization, it's the reader who is obliged to figure out what the character is like And sometimes the reader will get it wrong. This is a more subtle way of introducing the character to the audience.

The audience has to deduce for themselves the characteristics of the character by


observing his/her thought process, behavior, speech, way of talking, appearance. and way of communication with other characters and also by discerning the response of other characters.

As Abrams states in his book "A Glossary of Literary Terms” (2014;47) characterizations are presenting character and the character image of creation figures. Telling method include characterization through the use of character names, characterization through the appearance of characters, and through speech writer. Showing the method includes dialogue and behavior, characterization through dialogue, what the speaker, speaker identity, location and situation of the conversation, the identity of the target figure by the speaker, the mental quality of the characters, tone of voice, emphasis, dialect, and vocabulary of the figures.

Characterization of the characters include: facial expressions and motivation underlying the action figures. (Minderop, 2005:4).

Therefore, based on the meaning (definition) of characters and a description of the survivor above, the writer can summarized that the character is a special trait or behavior that is owned by a person that makes that person different from others. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer will discuss about the character and characterization owned by the main character. Stella Grant as a survivor.

2.4 Theory of Survivor

A survivor who survive from the jungle lost, or a survivor that safe from fire accident etc. Writer considered those example of a survivor, such as general example of survivor. The meaning of "survivor" as it is based on (derived from) some definition of the existing dictionaries. According to The Oxford Advanced


Learner's Dictionary For Current English (1974) the word "survive" means continue to be alive. Thus, "survivor" can be interpreted as (1) To remain alive or in existence. (2) To carry on despite hardships or trauma, persevere. (3) To remain functional or usable. The word survivor derived from "survive" which describe as to remain alive after the death of someone, the cessation of something, or the occurence of some event; continue to live. Survivor also derives from the word

"survive" (n) means continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship. Meanwhile "survival" (adj) means the act or fact of surviving, especially under advense or unusual circumstances, a person or thing that survives or endures especially an ancient custom, observance, belief, or the like. In other words, a "survivor" is a person who tries his/her best effort to be survived or to be alive. In other for a person to be a "survivor" then he/she needs certain characteristics.

According to KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) (2016) Survivor means "Sintas" or "Penyintas" which describe as a person which maintain to be alive, to be survive as quoted below:

"sintas/sin;tas/ (adjektiva) terus bertahan hidup, mampu

mempertahankan keberadaannya."

According to Al Siebert (2010) describes survivors are ordinary people with flaws, worries, and imperfections. Moreover Al Siebert says, as qouted from book

The Survivor Personality: Why Some People are Stronger, Smarter and More

Skillful at Handling Life’s Difficulties, and How You Can Be, Too (2010) that a few people are born with their survivor traits firmly intact. They are the natural athletes in the game of life and have a natural talent for coping well. The rest of us


need to work consciously to develop our abilities. Just as we would have to take lessons and practice to become musicians or artists, we have to work at learning how to handle pressure, difficult people, negative situations, and disruptive change. Moreover, Al Siebert also explain about survivor that some of life’s best survivors grew up in horrible family situations and that many people least skillful at coping with life’s difficulties have come from ideal homes. Many of the strongest people in our world have been through experiences that no public school would be allowed to arrange. They have been strengthened in the school of life.

They have been abused, lied to, deceived, robbed, raped, mistreated, and hit by the worst that life can throw at them. Their reaction is to pick themselves up, learn important lessons, set positive goals, and rebuild their lives.

According to what David Benatar (2016) describes a survivor as a resolute person; resolute means to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won't let anything get in the way.

Moreover, to be survive, a person specifically must be optimist, as quoted from the book Life. Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big

Questions (2016) means optimism is plausibly thought of as a more complex phenomenon than belief, and it has been natural to speak of the attitude of optimism. That is an optimist may, but need not; hold a belief than there is meaning to life.

Thus, these survivor theories from Al Siebert and David Benatar above are used by the writer to be references to finish this study. Thus so, the theory of

David Benatar is mainly used by writer to analyze Stella's characters as a survivor because she is dying of cystic fibrosis illness.


2.4.1. Resolute Person

Purposeful means has aim of an individual life can be, and for the same reason it is as legitimate to find ultimate justification there as to find it carlier among details of individual life. As what Benatar says (2016:97) that purpose is simply here, and is all there to it. It can be stated that a purpose is a meaning of life. In other words, a purposeful character can be said as a person who has meaning and

“purpose” in his/her life.

Furthermore, Benatar also explain a resolute person is determined. Determined is the relative advantages and disadvantages of coming into existence and never coming be, need to compare (1) with (2) and (3) with (4). In the fist comparison we see that non-existence is preferable to existence Non- existence has an advantage over existence. In the second comparison, however the pleasures of the existent, although good, are not an advantage over non- existence, because the absence of pleasure is not bad. For the good to be an advantage over non- existence, it would have to have been the case that its absence were bad. (p:40-41)

A resolute person also an optimist person. Optimist is matters of degree as stated by Benatar (5), which then continued that “the optimist is the guy who thinks this the best of all possible world” (p:413). That optimism is based on self- regarding calculation in order to show that one thing is much more rationally compelling (p:413-414).




3.1 Subject Matter

The subject matter of this research is to find the characterization of survivor character through Stella Grant the main character in novel Five Feet Apart. The problem of this novel is how Stella fight to survive with her serious illness to keep alive for everyperson she loves and how she can be a survivor in the novel Five

Feet Apart.

In this research the writer use psycological aprroach also using the survivor theory characteristic. This research based on all texts in novel Five Feet Apart that support the analysis of survivor characteristic.

3.2 Material

The writer use the novel entitled Five Feet Apart as one of good drama novel that released in 2018 written by Rachel Lippoincott, as the material to analyze the characteristic of survivor in Stella’s character . The writer also uses the materials from hand books, e-books, internet and othe references relevant with the topic of this discussion.

3.3 Approach

In this study, the writer applies qualitative analysis method of the research.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1993), says the qualitative is referred to research es that investigate the quality of relationship, activities, situation or materials. The purpose is to understand in depth the characteristic of situation and


what is happening to them at the moment. With above information, the writer applies the said research to obtain information from the novel entitled Five Feet

Apart in order to answer the research question formulated in Chapter I as to the relationship and the impacts the characters make on this novel towards another.

3.4 Procedure

There are several steps which used by the writer to make this project. First, the writer chooses the newest novel that related to the survivor theory using psycological aprroach. Second, the writer reads the novel around 4 times to deeply understand about the main chararacter’s problem and how to solve it. Third, the writer searched the related theory about survivor. Then, the writer analyze every characters and characterization of this novel’s main character as survivor. Start, by understanding the definition of survivor definition that people have and the other theories that help this analysis research done.




4.1 Purposeful

Evidence 1


My eyes travel down the long to-do list I made for myself this morning, starting with “#1: Plan to-do list,” which I’ve already put a satisfying line through, and going all the way down to “#22: Contemplate the afterlife.” (p.2) From the qouation of Stella’s monologue above, the writter can identify that Stella is a purposeful young girl. As she says My eyes travel down the long to-do list I made for myself this morning, Stella makes plan to-do list everyday to manage her time day by day, so her time will not be such a wasted time. As she plans her time so well. It indicates that she exactly knows what become her purpose.

Evidence 2


Will : “So, what else is on the list?” Stella: he asks, looking back down at the drawing and then back up at me before starting to shade something in. Stella : “Which list?” I ask. “My master list or my daily list?” He laughs warmly, shaking his head. Will : “Of course you have two lists.” Stella :“Immediate and long-term! It makes sense,” I shoot back, which only makes him smirk. Will : “Hit me with the master list. That’s the big stuff.” (p.67)


This Stella’s narative dialogue of Stella and Will tells that moreover Stella explained that she has two to-do list book that become her plan to make her time spentwell. From the preview quotation the writer found that even Stella is diagnosed has a serious illness, cystic fibrosis or also known as CF'er patient but her illness never make her give up upon her life. Stella never act like she only has very short life time. The sentence“Immediate and long-term!” shows that Stella is a purposeful person completed with consideration about what she is doing while she has time to live, not only for now but also for later, future.

Evidence 3


It’s not like I don’t want to go. It’s just, quite literally, a matter of life or death. I can’t go off to Cabo, or anywhere for that matter, and risk not coming back. I can’t do that to my parents. Not now. (P.3) As it can be seen in this Stella’s monologue quotation above, the writer can find another statement that prove Stella is a purposeful person. What become her big purpose is to keep healthy by doing her medical treament rather than going anywhere with her close friends while she was talking with her friends. She decided not to go anywhere unless doing her all medical treatments. The sentence

I can’t do that to my parents. shows that her parents is her big purpose why she needs to be survived, and in order to be survived she cannot leave the hospital where she is staying at now, to somewhere else.

Evidence 4


It’s been a lot of pretending since the most ridiculous divorce of all time.


It’s been six months and they still can’t even look at each other. For some reason it makes me want to hear his voice so badly. I tap on his contact info and almost press the green call button on my phone, but decide not to at the last second. I never call the first day, and all the coughing that the AffloVest makes me do would make him nervous. He’s still texting me every hour to check in. I don’t want to worry my parents. I can’t. Better to just wait until morning. (P.25) In additon, the quotation of Stella’s monologue above also describe a purposeful characteristic of Stella. As she says For some reason it makes me want to hear his voice so badly. It tells about in one condition she is missing her father but she did not want to make father worry about her condition at the time she wanted to contact her father. The writer found what become her purpose from what Stella do in her statement of I don’t want to worry my parents. I can’t .

Stella do not want to make her parent more worry about her. Stella loves her divorce parents and Stella’s purfoseful characteristic always concerned to not make her parents worry about her sick.

Evidence 5


Stella : “Stop!” she says, cutting me off. “Stop reminding me that I’m dying. I know. I know that I’m dying.” Stella : She shakes her head, her face serious. “But I can’t, Will. Not now. I have to make it.” Will : I’m confused. “I don’t under—” Stella : “I’ve been dying my whole life. Every birthday, we celebrated like it was my last one.” She shakes her head, her hazel eyes shining bright with tears. “But then Abby died. It was supposed to be me, Will. Everyone was ready for that.”


Stella : She takes a deep breath, the weight of the world on her shoulders. “It will kill my parents if I die too.” Will : It hits me like a ton of bricks. I’ve been wrong all along. Will: “The regimen. All this time I thought you were afraid of death, but it’s not that at all.” I watch her face as I keep talking. “You’re a dying girl with survivor’s guilt. That is a complete mind-fuck. How do you live with—” Stella : “Living is the only choice I have, Will!” she snaps, standing up and glaring down at me. (P.76) Through the quotation of Will’s narrative dialogue between Will and

Stella above the writer found the prove that stella is a purposeful person. Even her friend, Will, tells her as a dying girl survivor, Stella is persistently say “Stop reminding me that I’m dying. I know. I know that I’m dying.” Because even though she is dying, she cant let focused her parent more dying by losing their another daugther. Her purpose to do her all regimen is to keep the life she has now as Stella say “It will kill my parents if I die too.”. Stella is aiming at saying that she is the one of her parents’ hope so her parents can continue their life with stella in their life. As her last sentence “Living is the only choice I have, Will!”

Stella thinks that her parents need her to be alive as long as she could survive.

Evidence 6


Will : I’m all for being rebellious, but this seems like a death wish. Two kids with barely functioning lungs walking two miles one-way to go look at lights? “Stella. Now isn’t the time to be a rebel. Is this about Poe? This is about Poe, isn’t it?” She turns to face me. Stella : “It’s about Poe. It’s about Abby. It’s about you and me, Will, and everything we’ll never get to do together.”


Will : I stay silent, watching her. Her words sound like they could come straight from my mouth, but when I hear them from her, they don’t sound the same. Stella : “If this is all we get, then let’s take it. I want to be fearless and free,” she says, giving me a look, daring me. “It’s just life, Will. It’ll be over before we know it.” The writter can identify in the quotation of Will’s narrative dialouge of

Will and Stella above as a reflection of Stella’s purposeful characteristic. Stella confess in her sentences“It’s about Poe. It’s about Abby. It’s about you and me,

Will, and everything we’ll never get to do together.” As human, deeper writer found about depression that Stella feels about losing her beloved person one by one never make her losing her purpose to live. Moreover she states “If this is all we get, then let’s take it. I want to be fearless and free,” in this statement she aimed at telling that she wants to live being fearless and free. Untied herself from the boundaries of being people with chronic illness.

Evidence 7


I smile sheepishly at her, but how could she blame me? Poe was the first friend I made when I came to the hospital. He’s the only one who really gets it. We’ve fought CF together for a freaking decade. Well, together from a safe distance, anyway. We can’t get too close to each other. For cystic fibrosis patients, cross-infection from certain bacteria strains is a huge risk. One touch between two CFers can literally kill the both of them. (P.10) As it can be seen from the quotation of Stella’s monologue above, the writer found that Stella is a purposeful person. Her statement of Poe was the first friend I made when I came to the hospital. reveals that Stella is a common human, and human is social creature, Stella need friends to share all her worries, anxieties


and her struggles in order to survived. She follow the rules to keep in safety distance while she built her friendship. She knows to be survive is her final purpose and follow all the rules is the only way to keep her alive. It shows when she says this. Well, together from a safe distance, anyway.

4.2 Determined

Evidence 8


It’s true. This isn’t the first time my cystic fibrosis has taken me out of the running for some class trip or sunny vacation or school event. About 70 percent of the time, things are pretty normal for me. I go to school, I hang out with Camila and Mya, I work on my app. I just do it all with low-functioning lungs. But for the remaining 30 percent of my time, CF controls my life. (P.2) According to the quotation of Stella’s monologue above the writer found that

Stella is a determined person. As a teenager stella also has some close friends, and as a teenager also she wants to do traveling anywhere, has some fun with her friends, but in stella’s statement in the quotation, But for the remaining 30 percent of my time, CF controls my life Stella understand exactly how worst her condition. Stella determined to keep doing her medical treatment rather than having holiday that caused her paused her doing medical treatment, or maybe it can be with high risk.

Stella is aiming at telling that when she still has 70 percent of her lung funtion well, she could had a normal life like other teenagers, but not when her lung function is only 30 percent. Stella knows perfectly that to keep her survive she need to do all her medical treatment because that low-function lung cotrol her life.


Evidence 9


It’s not like I don’t want to go. It’s just, quite literally, a matter of life or death. I can’t go off to Cabo, or anywhere for that matter, and risk not coming back. I can’t do that to my parents. Not now. (Pg3) Moreover, through Stella’s monologue Stella explained what become her reason not to go anywhere with her friends, even to have a holiday. I can’t go off to Cabo, or anywhere for that matter, and risk not coming back. I can’t do that to my parents. the statement tells as teenager Stella actually wants to has some fun with her friends such having a holiday with her close friends, but Stella is strong enough to determined adult attitudes and she determined to do her all medical treatments as one of her way to keep her alive at least for her parents.

Evidence 10


In all honesty, I like it here. It’s been my home away from home since I was six, so I usually don’t mind coming. I get my treatments, I take my medicine, I drink my body weight in milk shakes, I get to see Barb and Julie, I leave until my next flare-up. Simple as that. But this time I feel anxious, restless even. Because instead of just wanting to get healthy, I need to get healthy. For my parents’ sake. (P.5) This quotation of Stella’s monologue is also indicates that Stella is determined person. Like her statement while she explained her activity in hospital.

I get my treatments, I take my medicine, I drink my body weight in milk shakes, I get to see Barb and Julie, I leave until my next flare-up. after she states those activities, moreover stella tells Simple as that.Stella never minds to do that, do all her treatment, take her medicine and anything to make her stay healthy.


Evidence 11


Stella : Julie hangs the IV bag of antibiotics next to me, her belly brushing up against my arm. Why didn’t she tell me she’s pregnant? I go rigid, smiling thinly, as I eye her baby bump and try to subtly move away from it. “A lot’s changed in the past six months!” She rubs her belly, blue eyes shining brightly as she gives me a big smile. Nurse : “You want to feel her kick?” Stella : “No,” I say, a little too quickly. I feel bad when she looks slightly taken aback at my bluntness, her blond eyebrows arching up in surprise. But I don’t want any of my bad juju near that perfect, healthy baby. (P9) By the quotation of Stellas’s narrative dialogue between Stella and a nurse above, the writer found that Stella is determind person, as it can be seen from her statement But I don’t want any of my bad juju near that perfect, healthy baby. She is determined not to do something that possible to transmit her virus or anything that could affected a bad thing to the healthy baby even when that baby still in womb.

Evidence 12


Will: “Okay. What’s really going on here? I won’t laugh.” Stella : She takes a deep breath, taking two steps back to my one step forward. “I have . . . control issues. I need to know that things are in order.” Will : “So? What does that have to do with me?” Stella : “I know you’re not doing your treatments.” She leans against the glass, looking at me. “And it’s messing me up. Bad.” Will : I clear my throat, looking past her at the small, helpless baby on the other side of the glass. I feel a twinge of guilt, even though that makes no sense.


Wil : “Yeah, well, I’d love to help you out. But what you’re asking . . .” I shake my head, shrugging. “Eh, I don’t know how.” Stella : “Bullshit, Will,” she says, stomping her foot. “All CFers know how to administer their own treatments. We’re practically doctors by the time we’re twelve.” (P.48) The quotation above is containing of dialogue between Stella and Will

Newman. The conversation indicates the determined attitude of Stella. The previous quotation is emphesize that Stella is a determined person. By the last sentece she says “All CFers know how to administer their own treatments. We’re practically doctors by the time we’re twelve.” The writer find that Stella is aiming at telling the fact that she is determined to manage her treatment so everyone actually could do the same like Stella do.

Evidence 13


Stella : “I built an app for chronic illnesses. Med charts, schedules.” I shrug casually. “It’ll alert you when you need to take your pills or do a treat—” Will : “You built an app? Like, built it, built it?” he cuts me off, looking from the phone to me in surprise, his blue eyes wide. Will : “Newsflash. Girls can code.” Stella : His phone chirps and I see the animated pill bottle appear on his screen. “Ivacaftor. A hundred and fifty milligrams,” I tell him. Damn, I already feel better. (P.55) As writer found from the quotation of Stellas’s narrative dialogue between

Stella and Will above, related to Stella’s daily life in hospital. Stella shows her determined characteristic as a suvivor of serious illnes. It can be seen in the senteces “I built an app for chronic illnesses. Med charts, schedules.” And “It’ll alert you when you need to take your pills or do a treat—” She is doing some


things useful for her even for other person with serious illness. She knows it will helpful for anyone else who also infected to another chronic illness. As a girl with serious illness, Stella have some boy-friends around her in hospital stay, Poe and

Will are her friends who is also has the same serious illness with Stella’s Cystic


Evidence 14


Stella : He ignores me and changes the topic right back. Poe :“Please don’t tell me that the one time you’re finally interested in a guy, he’s a CFer.” Stella : “I just helped him with his med cart, Poe! Wanting someone to live isn’t the same thing as wanting them,” I say, exasperated. Stella : I am not interested in Will. I don’t have a death wish. And if I wanted to date an asshole, there are plenty without CF to choose from. It’s ridiculous. Isn’t it? Poe : “I know you, Stella. Organizing a med cart is like foreplay.” Stella : He studies my face, trying to see if I’m lying. I roll my eyes and slam the laptop shut before either of us can figure out if I am. (P.57) This quotation of Stella’s narrative dialogue between Stella and Poe above prove that Stella has determined characteristic related to her relationship with Will

Newman. From the sentence “I just helped him with his med cart, Poe! Wanting someone to live isn’t the same thing as wanting them,” it indicates the determined characteristic in Stella. She knows that having an interesting to someone with the same serious illness like she has, Cystic Fibrosis (CF’er), it does not make any sense as she knows the risk. She states I don’t have a death wish. Because she knows having boyfriend with the same illness, it is risking the death. She


determined to help people with chronic illnesses, and Will is only one of those people that she wanted to help.

Evidence 15


Will : She holds up the pool cue defiantly, fighting for every one of us. Stella :“I’m stealing three hundred and four point eight millimeters. Twelve whole inches. One fucking foot of space, distance, length.” Will : I stare at the video in total admiration. Stella : “Cystic fibrosis will steal no more from me. From now on, I am the thief.” (P110) Moreover about determined characteristic of Stella that writer can see through the quotation of Will’s narrative dialogue between Will and Stella above is that Stella determined not to let her chronic illness steal everything from her.

She knows the risk, she knows what she need to do.

Evidence 16


Stella : She rolls her eyes. “I want to walk and enjoy the night,” she says, leaning in and grabbing my hand in hers. Will : I jerk back, but she holds on tight, her fingers lacing through mine. “Gloves! We’re good.” Will : “But we’re supposed to be six feet—” I start to say as she moves away from me, stretching our arms out but refusing to let go. Stella : “Five feet,” she shoots back, determined. “I’m keeping that one.” (P.146) From the quotation of Will’s narrative dialogue between Stella and Will above, the writer found Stella is persitently shows that she is determined. What she ever consider to be the distance rules between her and Will, stella never forget


or even doubt the decision she made. She determined to keep that the distance between her and will is five feet not more than that.

4.3 Optimist

Evidence 17


It’s not like I don’t want to go. It’s just, quite literally, a matter of life or death. I can’t go off to Cabo, or anywhere for that matter, and risk not coming back. I can’t do that to my parents. Not now. (P.3) From the quotation of Stella’s monologue above, the writer found Stella is an optimist person. Stella is diagnosed has a serious illness, cystic fibrosis or also known as CF'er patient but even she has serious illness it never made her think that she would die very soon. As a survivor of serious illness no one knows that she could survive or not or, how long she has time to live. But her resolute words of “Not now.” It shows her optimism that maybe someday in her future, she could be able to do everything without think again about her illness becuase she is fully recovered.

Evidence 18


Truth is, I’m nervous about this visit. My lung function fell to 35 percent so quickly. And now, even more than the fever and the sore throat, being here in the hospital for the next month doing treatment after treatment to stem the tide while my friends are far away is freaking me out. A lot. Thirty-five percent is a number that keeps my mom up at night. She doesn’t say it, but her computer does. Search after search about lung transplants and lung-function percentages, new combinations and phrasing but always the same idea. How to get me more


time. It makes me more afraid than I’ve ever been before. But not for me. When you have CF, you sort of get used to the idea of dying young. No, I’m terrified for my parents. And what will become of them if the worst does happen, now that they don’t have each other. (P.10-11) Moreover in this quotation of Stella’s monologue, the writer found that

Stella is an optimist person through all efforts to be survived. Stella states But not for me. When you have CF, you sort of get used to the idea of dying young. No,

I’m terrified for my parents. She turns her all anxieties, rather than of being dying young, Stella fight through her chronic illness more to keep alive for her parents.

Evidence 19


“New lungs can come in at any moment, so I’ve got to be ready!” I say the words like I believe them wholeheartedly. Though after all these years I’ve learned to not get my hopes up too much.(p.8) In the quotation of Stella’s monologue above, the writer found that Stella shows her little optimism about her hope of got new lungs so she could live well with her new lungs. Stella keep telling herself that she will fully healed as she says “New lungs can come in at any moment, so I’ve got to be ready!”

Evidence 20


My head whips around to the chair where Will was sitting, fear gripping my chest. It’s empty. And then I see him, behind the gray curtain, his back pressed up against the wall. He holds his finger to his mouth and pulls his face mask off to smile at me. I smile back, and as I look at him, I start to believe what he said. I’m going to be fine. (P.91)


Further in this quotation of Stella’s monologue, the writer found about

Stella has more optimism in doing her surgery when she get support from her friends. When she say I’m going to be fine. She clearly knows that she might could not be survived, but however Stella knows that she has been a fighter all this time. She starts to belive it and keep the optimism stay in her mind.

Evidence 21


Stella : I ignore him and knock again, louder this time. “Will!”

Will : “Go away, Stella,” his voice says through the door. There’s a pause, then, “Please.”

Stella : Please. There’s something about the way he says it. A longing, deep and strong.

Stella : I’m tired of living without really living. I’m tired of wanting things. We can’t have a lot of things. But we could have this.

Stella : I know it. (P.103)

From the quotation of Stella’s narrative dialogue between Stella and Will above, the writer found the optimism of Stella. Further about friendship between

Stella and Will, Stella finally admit that the feelings she has toward Will it is more than just friendship. But their serious illness caused them to never fall in love, never get to touch eachother. These all not make Stella stop and Stella finally realized that love is something that she could have even now is dying with her serious illness. The sentence of “We can’t have a lot of things. But we could have this. I know it.” this refer to the optimism of Stella about love that she might could has.


Evidence 22


Poe : “Maybe it’s better this way,” a voice says from behind me. Stella : I turn around to see Poe, still standing there, his eyes sad but his voice resolute. Stella : “No.” I shake my head. “No. I can figure this out. I . . . have to figure this out, Poe. I just . . .” Stella : My voice trails off and I look down. There has to be a way. Stella : There has to be a way. There is a way. I just need to figure it out. (P104-105) As it can be seen from the last quotation of Stella’s narrative dialogue between Stella and Poe, the writer found Stella is an optimist person in many things. Moreover, stella explain that there must be something that could help her, that could solve this love problem between a pair of people with serious illness that fall in love. Her optimism goes not only to the succeed of the medical treatment but also keeping her alive. The way Stella repeats the words of There has to be a way. shows that stella is optimist that she will find solution to make her relationship with Will is working.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of analysis in novel Five Feet Apart it can be concluded that

Stella Grant reflected that she is a survivor. Characteristic of survivorthat most dominant is determined.

The characteristic of a survivor found in the novel are purposeful, determined and optimist. First, Stella is a purposeful person, she knows that there is a meaning in whatever she is doing. She knows that she has aim at continuing her life, even with her serious illness. Stella made her life become so meaningful to live. Day by day doing her treatment, took the medicine, make something to help people with chronic illness.

Stella is also determined person. Stella is brave to make decision and sacrifice her adolesence for staying in hospital. While actually she could have acted as she did not care, or behave immaturely with her current worst condition in order to live the life as teenagers in general. She could have choosen to leave hospital, stop all medical treatment, and risk death to do whatever the teenagers do. But stella, determined to make herself to be survived, for the sake of everyone she loves.

The last, the writer found that Stella is an optimist person. In many sentences she said indicated that she is an optimist person. She knows that she is sick with chronic illness and she believes that someday she might be just fine or might be just die, like all people in the world will finally die. Therefore, it does not make her become a pessimist. The most important thing for her that she would


do anything the same day by day regarding her serious illness just for the sake of everyone she loves thats what she become an optimist person.

5.2 Suggestion

Rergarding the above conclusions, the writer firstly wishes to give her suggestions that in analyzing the novel or literary work, researchers should understand the novel first, then use the right theory or approach in order to have the right comprehension of the novel or the literary work itself. It is possible to another researchers to use another theory or approach in analyzing this novel. They must execute the problem they found, stated smoothly without leaving more confusion in the end the research. The most important thing to do is to prove each evidence and connecting it into the problems.

Secondly, the writer wishes to suggest to the institutions related to the research of literature, whether it is within the campus itself, government-owned or private libraries to provide a best of resources in the form of books, journals or other reliable sources of information so that the process of making the paper becomes easier and attract the interest of the nation work in various studies.



Stella Grant adalah gadis berusia 17 tahun dengan penyakit langka, cystic fibrosis.

Cystic fibrosis, (CF) adalah penyakit genetika karena kelainan pada produksi lendir. Kalau lendir pada manusia normal untuk pelicin, lendir pada penderita CF justru akan menyumbat organ vital dalam tubuh, seperti paru-paru, pankreas, hati, ginjal, dan usus. Sebagai pasien pengidap penyakit CF, untuk dapat bertahan hidup Stella harus memperhatikan semua peraturan yang harus dilakukan untuk membuat dia tetap tetap sehat. Melakukan rutinitas medikal, teratur dalam jadwal minum obat, bahkan sampai harus malakukan operasi, semua dilakukan untuk tetap bertahan hidup. Menjaga jarak dengan sesama pasien penderita CF, itu juga syarat mutlak yang harus dilakukan untuk dapat bertahan hidup. Sama seperti judulnya “Five Feet Apart” semua pasien penderita CF tidak boleh berdekatan satu sama lain karena hal tersebut dapat membunuh keduanya. Jarak ideal yang harus diterapkan adalah minimal sejauh 6 kaki atau 182cm yang berarti mereka harus terpisah dengan jarak hampir 2 meter.

Seperti halnya remaja lainnya, Stella menyukai media sosial dan berbagi kisahnya, yang sebagian besar tentang kehidupannya di rumah sakit. Stella bertemu seorang pasiean cystic fibrosis lainnya, Will Newman. Pertemuan dan interaksi yang intensif membawa keduanya ke hubungan asmara. Namun hubungan mereka harus terhalang jarak 6 kaki atau 182cm. Demi menjaga keselamatan mereka. Hingga akhirnya Stella, gadis pemberani dan pintar membuat keputusan untuk mereka sepakat memperdekat jarak antara tersebut menjadi satu setengah meter. Dengan syarat mereka tetap menggunakan masker,


tidak bersentuhan dan menggunakan sarung tangan untuk menghindari bakteri hinggap ditubuh.

Sebagai seorang remaja normal pada umumnya, meskipun dengan kondisi mengidap sakit yang serius, Stella adalah remaja yang aktif. Disela-sela kesibukannya untuk melakukan rutinitas pengobatan, dia tetap bersosialisasi dengan teman dekatnya yang tentunya sehat tanpa penyakit. Stella membuat kanal di YouTube yang fokus membahas mengenai kesadaran terhadap mencegah atau melakukan pengobatan dini untuk penyakit CF. Stella bahkan memikirkan untuk membuat suatu aplikasi untuk membantu orang-orang yang juga mengidap penyakit serius. Aplikasi tersebut berguna untuk mengingatkan jadwal minum obat, dosis dan pengobatan lainnya yang harus dijalani.

Stella memiliki keluarga yang memang tidak utuh. Saudarinya meninggal dunia karna kecelakaan. Lalu orang tuanya bercerai. Namun karena stella menyayangi kedua orang tuanya, Stella berusaha untuk tidak menyusahkan mereka lagi, dan berjuang sekuat tenaga untuk tetap bertahan hidup.



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Name : Reni Kasandra Monica Natalia Simanjuntak

Place and Date of birth : Tangerang, 01 December 1994

Sex : Female

Religion : Christian

Address : Cluster Mutiara Korelet, Blok Z no 24,Ranca Iyuh, Panongan, Tangerang, 15710

Educational Background :

 Higher Education : Universitas Buddhi Dharma Tangerang (2014-2019)  Senior High School : SMK Binong Permai (2009-2012)  Junior High School : SMP Binong Permai (2006-2009)  Elementary School : SD Bintang Laut (2000-2006)



Five Feet Apart

Author Rachel Lippincott, with Mikki Daughtry and

Cover Artist Lizzy Bromley

Genre Roman Fiction

Publisher Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Publication Date November 20th 2018

Media Type Print (Paperback)

Pages 288