Initial Characterisation of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in South-Eastern Europe Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in South-Eastern Europe i Acknowledgements This publication is the result of a joint effort of ministries, competent authorities, research institutions and experts of Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro to characterise the three lake sub-basins jointly and pursuant to the EU Water Framework Directive. This endeavour, which involved the pooling of expertise from all three countries, was pursued with determination and in a spirit of cooperation at all levels: political, technical and administrative. All parties and persons involved are acknowledged for their contribution to this work. Disclaimer This publication has been prepared from original material submitted by the authors. Every effort was made to ensure that this document remains faithful to that material while responsibility for the accuracy of information presented remains solely with the authors. However, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of GIZ, the Governments of Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, nor the national competent authorities in charge of implementing the EU Water Framework Directive. The use of particular designations of water bodies does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the GIZ, as to the legal status of such water bodies, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. ii Initial Characterisation of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................................................viii Foreword .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................x 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2 Description of the Drin River Basin .........................................................................................................................................................................4 3 Water Framework Directive – National Legislation .........................................................................................................................................4 3.1 Albania ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Macedonia ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 3.3 Montenegro ................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 4 Lake Water Status – Requirements and Procedures According to the WFD .........................................................................................8 5 Lake Shkodra/Skadar Sub-Basin ..............................................................................................................................................................................10 5.1 Characteristics.........................................................................................................................................................................................................10 5.2 Types of Surface Water Bodies – Lake and Main Tributaries ............................................................................................................10 5.3 Type-Specific Reference Conditions .............................................................................................................................................................11 5.4 Identification of Pressures .................................................................................................................................................................................13 5.4.1 Methods ............................................................................................................................................................................................................13 5.4.2 Existing Data and Gaps .............................................................................................................................................................................13 5.4.3 Significant Point Sources of Pollution ...............................................................................................................................................13 5.4.4 Significant Diffuse Sources of Pollution ...........................................................................................................................................14 5.4.5 Water Abstraction ........................................................................................................................................................................................15 5.4.6 Hydromorphology and Water Flow Regulation ...........................................................................................................................15 5.4.7 Other Significant Anthropogenic Impacts ......................................................................................................................................15 5.5 Water Quality Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................................16 5.5.1 Sampling Stations ........................................................................................................................................................................................16 5.5.2 Chemical and Physico-Chemical Elements ....................................................................................................................................16 5.5.3 Specific Pollutants .......................................................................................................................................................................................19 5.5.4 Biological Quality Elements ...................................................................................................................................................................20 5.6 Impact and Risk of Water Bodies Failing to Meet Environmental Objectives .........................................................................32 5.6.1 Chemical and Physico-Chemical Elements ....................................................................................................................................32 5.6.2 Biological Elements ....................................................................................................................................................................................32 5.6.3 Hydromorphological Elements ............................................................................................................................................................33 5.6.4 Surface Water Status and Environmental Objectives Assessment .......................................................................................34 5.7 Protected Areas .......................................................................................................................................................................................................34 5.7.1 Albania ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................34 5.7.2 Montenegro ....................................................................................................................................................................................................35 6 Sub-Basin Lake Ohrid ...................................................................................................................................................................................................35 6.1 Characteristics.........................................................................................................................................................................................................35 6.2 Types of Surface Water Bodies – Lake and Main Tributaries ............................................................................................................36 6.3 Type- Specific Reference Conditions............................................................................................................................................................36 6.4 Identification of Pressures .................................................................................................................................................................................36 6.4.1 Methods ............................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Monitoring Manual for Lake-Bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar
{MANLEY 2006 #1} Monitoring Manual for Lake-bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Implementing the EU Nature Conservation Directives in South-Eastern Europe Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar (CSBL) Rruga Skenderbej Pallati 6, Ap.1/3 Tirana, Albania T ++355 42 25 8650 F ++355 42 251 792 As at May 2019 Prepared by Amphibia: Katarina Ljubisavljevic1, Enerit Sacdanaku2, Bogoljub Sterijovski3 Aves: Nela Dubak4, Stefan Ferger5, Tomaz Mihelic6, Mirjan Topi7, Danka Uzunova3, Bojan Zeković8 Mammalia: Mareike Brix5, Ninoslav Đurović4, Bledi Hoxha7, Hajdana Božović Ilić4, Milos Jovic9, Aleksandar Stojanov3, Aleksandër Trajçe7 Odonata: Despina Kitanova3, Bledar Pepa10 Habitats: Daniela Jovanovska11, Ajola Mesiti12 Plants: Slavica Đurišic4, Ajola Mesiti12, Slobodan Stijepovic4, Daniela Jovanovska11 GIZ CSBL Team Jelena Perunicic ([email protected]) Focal Point Biodiversity and National Coordinator for Montenegro Alkida Sini ([email protected]) National Coordinator for Albania Nikoleta Bogatinovska ([email protected]) National Coordinator for North Macedonia Edited by Stefan Ferger5, Mareike Brix5, Marija Vugdelic13, Sabrina Essel14, Ralf Peveling14 Reviewed by Ferdinand Bego15, Lefter Kashta15 Additional contributions provided by participants of the Training Workshop on Monitoring Methodologies of the Project
Monitoring Methodology and Protocols for 20 Habitats, 20 Species and 20 Birds
1 Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Finland Monitoring methodology and protocols for 20 habitats, 20 species and 20 birds Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection Report D 3.1. - 1. 7.11.2019 Funded by the European Union The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Department of Nature, Republic of North Macedonia Metsähallitus (Parks and Wildlife Finland), Finland The State Service for Protected Areas (SSPA), Lithuania 2 This project is funded by the European Union This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 and and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary 6 Overview 8 Establishment of Natura 2000 network and the process of site selection .............................................................. 9 Preparation of reference lists for the species and habitats ..................................................................................... 9 Needs for data .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Protocols for the monitoring of birds ....................................................................................................................
Diversity and Length-Weight Relationships of Blenniid Species (Actinopterygii, Blenniidae) from Mediterranean Brackish Waters in Turkey
EISSN 2602-473X AQUATIC SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING Aquat Sci Eng 2019; 34(3): 96-102 • DOI: Research Article Diversity and Length-Weight relationships of Blenniid Species (Actinopterygii, Blenniidae) from Mediterranean Brackish Waters in Turkey Deniz İnnal1 Cite this article as: Innal, D. (2019). Diversity and length-weight relationships of Blenniid Species (Actinopterygii, Blenniidae) from Mediterranean Brackish Waters in Turkey. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 34(3), 96-102. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the species composition and range of Mediterranean Blennies (Ac- tinopterygii, Blenniidae) occurring in river estuaries and lagoon systems of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, and to characterise the length–weight relationship of the specimens. A total of 15 sites were surveyed from November 2014 to June 2017. A total of 210 individuals representing 3 fish species (Rusty blenny-Parablennius sanguinolentus, Freshwater blenny-Salaria fluviatilis and Peacock blenny-Salaria pavo) were sampled from five (Beşgöz Creek Estuary, Manavgat River Es- tuary, Karpuzçay Creek Estuary, Köyceğiz Lagoon Lake and Beymelek Lagoon Lake) of the locali- ties investigated. The high juvenile densities of S. fluviatilis in Karpuzçay Creek Estuary and P. sanguinolentus in Beşgöz Creek Estuary were observed. Various threat factors were observed in five different native habitats of Blenny species. The threats on the habitat and the population of the species include the introduction of exotic species, water ORCID IDs of the authors: pollution, and more importantly, the destruction of habitats. Five non-indigenous species (Prus- D.İ.: 0000-0002-1686-0959 sian carp-Carassius gibelio, Eastern mosquitofish-Gambusia holbrooki, Redbelly tilapia-Copt- 1Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy odon zillii, Stone moroko-Pseudorasbora parva and Rainbow trout-Oncorhynchus mykiss) were University, Department of Biology, observed in the sampling sites.
Climate Change Vulnerability in Biodiversity Sector
Ministry of Envrionment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia United Nations Development Programme Project 00075206 “Third National Report to UNFCCC” Project report Climate change vulnerability in Biodiversity sector Melovski Ljupčo, Matevski Vlado, Hristovski Slavčo Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Skopje, 2013 2 Contents 1 National Circumstances related to climate change vulnerability in Biodiversity Sector ................ 5 1.1 Introduction – climate change and Biodiversity Sector ................................................................ 5 1.1.1 Climate change vulnerability in Biodiversity Sector........................................................ 5 1.1.2 Climate change adaptation in Biodiversity Sector .......................................................... 7 1.2 Overview of Biodiversity Sector .................................................................................................... 7 1.2.1 Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 7 1.2.2 Major stakeholders ....................................................................................................... 15 1.2.3 Sector documents ......................................................................................................... 17 1.2.4 Data availability ............................................................................................................
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Republic of Macedonia Breaking new grounds in conservation in the Republic of Macedonia: The economic case for long-term protection of the Ezerani Nature Park Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lake Basin Breaking new grounds in conservation in the Republic of Macedonia: The economic case for long-term protection of the Ezerani Nature Park Marta Ceroni, PhD ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION: This publication was produced with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), within the Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin project. This report was prepared by Marta Ceroni, PhD, Director, Sustainable Economies Program, Donella Meadows Institute. The Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin project is implemented by UNDP with financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Its overall objective is to help the region’s people with long term economic and social development, conserve the rich biodiversity and protect the waters of the Prespa Lakes Basin. ABOUT THE GEF: The Global Environment Facility unites 182 member governments - in partnership with international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector - to address global environmental issues. As an independent financial organization, the GEF provides grants to developing countries and countries with economies in transition for projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. These projects benefit the global environment, linking local, national, and global environmental challenges and promoting sustainable livelihoods. ABOUT UNDP: UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone.
An Assessment of Exotic Species in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve
AN ASSESSMENT OF EXOTIC SPECIES IN THE TONLE SAP BIOSPHERE RESERVE AND ASSOCIATED THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY A RESOURCE DOCUMENT FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES December 2006 Robert van Zalinge (compiler) This publication is a technical output of the UNDP/GEF-funded Tonle Sap Conservation Project Executive Summary Introduction This report is mainly a literature review. It attempts to put together all the available information from recent biological surveys, and environmental and resource use studies in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve (TSBR) in order to assess the status of exotic species and report any information on their abundance, distribution and impact. For those exotic species found in the TSBR, it is examined whether they can be termed as being an invasive alien species (IAS). IAS are exotic species that pose a threat to native ecosystems, economies and/or human health. It is widely believed that IAS are the second most significant threat to biodiversity worldwide, following habitat destruction. In recognition of the threat posed by IAS the Convention on Biological Diversity puts forward the following strategy to all parties in Article 8h: “each contracting party shall as far as possible and as appropriate: prevent the introduction of, control, or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species”. The National Assembly of Cambodia ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1995. After reviewing the status of exotic species in the Tonle Sap from the literature, as well as the results from a survey based on questionnaires distributed among local communities, the main issues are discussed, possible strategies to combat the spread of alien species that are potentially invasive are examined, and recommendations are made to facilitate the implementation of a strategy towards reducing the impact of these species on the TSBR ecosystem.
On the Basis of Article 65 of the Law on Real Estate Cadastre („Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia”, No
On the basis of article 65 of the Law on Real Estate Cadastre („Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia”, no. 55/13), the Steering Board of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre has enacted REGULATION FOR THE MANNER OF CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CADASTRE MUNICIPALITIES AND FOR DETERMINING THE CADASTRE MUNICIPALITIES WHICH ARE MAINTAINED IN THE CENTER FOR REC SKOPJE AND THE SECTORS FOR REAL ESTATE CADASTRE IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Article 1 This Regulation hereby prescribes the manner of changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities, as well as the determining of the cadastre municipalities which are maintained in the Center for Real Estate Cadastre – Skopje and the Sectors for Real Estate Cadastre in Republic of Macedonia. Article 2 (1) For the purpose of changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities, the Government of Republic of Macedonia shall enact a decision. (2) The decision stipulated in paragraph (1) of this article shall be enacted by the Government of Republic of Macedonia at the proposal of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as: „„the Agency„„). (3) The Agency is to submit the proposal stipulated in paragraph (2) of this article along with a geodetic report for survey of the boundary line, produced under ex officio procedure by experts employed at the Agency. Article 3 (1) The Agency is to submit a proposal decision for changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities in cases when, under a procedure of ex officio, it is identified that the actual condition/status of the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities is changed and does not comply with the boundaries drawn on the cadastre maps.
“Notes and Studies of Prespa in the Branislav Rusic Archoves at The
“Notes and Studies of Prespa in the Branislav Rusiќ Archives at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and the Arts” Branislav Rusiќ was a member of the first post-war generation of Macedonian ethnographers who set the groundwork for ethnographic studies of Macedonia. His family originated from the village of German in Lower Prespa, now in Aegean Macedonia. He was born in the village of Tomino in the Poreč region, he received his primary and secondary education in Prilep, Kruševac and in Bitola, and in 1937 received a degree in ethnography from Belgrade University. He received his doctorate from Zagreb University in 1951. From 1939 to 1946 he worked at the State Archives and at the Ethnographic museum in Belgrade. In 1946 he moved to the newly established university in Skopje, where he formed a group on Ethnology, which he lead until 1958. From 1958 to the end of his life in 1971 he was a professor of Ethnography in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. He was concurrently in charge of the division on folk costumes at the Folklore Institute in Skopje. Rusiќ’s greatest contribution to the ethnographic study of Macedonia is undoubtedly his extensive field research of every part of the country, either alone early in his career, or on field studies with his students in later years. He began his field research as a student in 1934 as a student at Belgrade University. There is hardly a village in Macedonia that escaped a study by Rusiќ, though his most voluminous studies were concentrated mostly in the regions of Poreč, Železnik, Debarce, Struga, Ohrid, Prespa, Slavište, Pijanec, Delčevo, Osogovia and Capari.
Summary of Temperature Metrics for Aquatic Invasive Fish Species in the Prairie Region
Summary of Temperature Metrics for Aquatic Invasive Fish Species in the Prairie Region Theresa E. Mackey, Caleb T. Hasler, and Eva C. Enders Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ecosystems and Oceans Science Central and Arctic Region Freshwater Institute Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N6 2019 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3308 1 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical reports are directed primarily toward a worldwide audience and have an international distribution. No restriction is placed on subject matter and the series reflects the broad interests and policies of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, namely, fisheries and aquatic sciences. Technical reports may be cited as full publications. The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report. Each report is abstracted in the data base Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts. Technical reports are produced regionally but are numbered nationally. Requests for individual reports will be filled by the issuing establishment listed on the front cover and title page. Numbers 1-456 in this series were issued as Technical Reports of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Numbers 457-714 were issued as Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Research and Development Directorate Technical Reports. Numbers 715-924 were issued as Department of Fisheries and Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Reports. The current series name was changed with report number 925. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques Les rapports techniques contiennent des renseignements scientifiques et techniques qui constituent une contribution aux connaissances actuelles, mais qui ne sont pas normalement appropriés pour la publication dans un journal scientifique.
ПРИЛОЗИ, Одделение за природно-математички и биотехнички науки, МАНУ, том 40, бр. 1, стр. 93–103 (2019) CONTRIBUTIONS, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 93–103 (2019) Received: November 26, 2018 ISSN 1857–9027 Accepted: February 11, 2019 e-ISSN 1857–9949 UDC: 634.11-244.42(497.7)"2013/2017 634.53-244.42(497.7)"2013/2017 DOI: 10.20903/csnmbs.masa.2019.40.1.133 Original scientific paper PHYTOPHTHORA CACTORUM (LEBERT & COHN) J. SCHRÖT AS CAUSAL AGENT OF DIEBACK OF CHESTNUT AND APPLE TREES IN MACEDONIA# Mihajlo Risteski1*, Stephen Woodward2, Marin Ježić3, Rade Rusevski4, Biljana Kuzmanovska4, Kiril Sotirovski1 1Faculty of Forestry, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 2The Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Scotland 3Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia 4Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia *e-mail: [email protected] From 2013–2017, 11 chestnut populations and 16 apple orchards/plantations in Macedonia were examined for health; soil, root and bark samples were collected from trees expressing symptoms regarded as Phytophthora specific. Using leaf baits of Prunus laurocerasus and selective V8 Agar (PARPNH), 19 pure Phytophthora sp. cultures were isolated and identified as P. cactorum by ITS sequencing. Sixteen isolates were from apple trees and 3 from chestnut trees. Phylogenetic analyses suggested slight distance between P. cactorum isolates originating from chestnut trees compared to those from apple orchards. Assessment of pathogenicity using chestnuts twigs showed no differences be- tween P. cactorum isolates from the two tree host species.
Creating Touristic Itinerary in the Region of Prespa Abstract
International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection Vol. 4, No. 7, 2016 ISSN 2309-0405 CREATING TOURISTIC ITINERARY IN THE REGION OF PRESPA M.Sc. Ema MUSLLI, PhD Candidate University of Tirana ABSTRACT The Prespa Region is located on the Balkan Peninsula, between the countries of Albania, Macedonia and Greece. It includes Greater Prespa Lake and the surrounding beach and meadow areas, designated agricultural use areas and the towns of Pustec, Resen and Prespes. This region is now a part of the Trans-Boundary Biosphere Reserve ‘Ohrid-Prespa Watershed. Greater and Lesser Prespa lakes plus Ohrid Lake are included in the UNESCO world Heritage Site. This area has been known historically for its diverse natural and cultural features. Prespa Region is currently covered by Prespa National Parks in Albania and Greece and Galichica and Pelisteri National Parks in Macedonia. The natural environment and the cultural heritage are a key element designated for the development of the region’s sustainable tourism. This study was enhanced via the Geographic Info System (GIS) digital presentation showing the opportunities for nature tourism in the Pustec and Resen commune. The article also includes two touristic itineraries that will help a better promotion of the tourism in the Prespa Region. Keywords: Touristic potential, cultural heritage, nature heritage, touristic itineraries. INTRODUCTION The Greater Prespa Watershed is located in the southeastern region of Albania and in the southwestern part of Macedonia, in the region of Korçë, commune of Pustec in the Albanian part, in the Resen commune in the Macedonian part and in the Prespe commune in Greece.