International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection Vol. 4, No. 7, 2016 ISSN 2309-0405 CREATING TOURISTIC ITINERARY IN THE REGION OF PRESPA M.Sc. Ema MUSLLI, PhD Candidate University of Tirana ABSTRACT The Prespa Region is located on the Balkan Peninsula, between the countries of Albania, Macedonia and Greece. It includes Greater Prespa Lake and the surrounding beach and meadow areas, designated agricultural use areas and the towns of Pustec, Resen and Prespes. This region is now a part of the Trans-Boundary Biosphere Reserve ‘Ohrid-Prespa Watershed. Greater and Lesser Prespa lakes plus Ohrid Lake are included in the UNESCO world Heritage Site. This area has been known historically for its diverse natural and cultural features. Prespa Region is currently covered by Prespa National Parks in Albania and Greece and Galichica and Pelisteri National Parks in Macedonia. The natural environment and the cultural heritage are a key element designated for the development of the region’s sustainable tourism. This study was enhanced via the Geographic Info System (GIS) digital presentation showing the opportunities for nature tourism in the Pustec and Resen commune. The article also includes two touristic itineraries that will help a better promotion of the tourism in the Prespa Region. Keywords: Touristic potential, cultural heritage, nature heritage, touristic itineraries. INTRODUCTION The Greater Prespa Watershed is located in the southeastern region of Albania and in the southwestern part of Macedonia, in the region of Korçë, commune of Pustec in the Albanian part, in the Resen commune in the Macedonian part and in the Prespe commune in Greece. The Watershed of Prespa stands at an elevation of 850-1200m above sea level surrounded by mountains assuming thus more continental features in the Macedonian part. In this region it is located the Greater and Lesser Prespa Lakes in the girdle of brown mountainous lands and fulvous forest; in the vegetation girdle of oak, beech and alpine pastures. Map 1. Geographic position of Prespa Region Work: Ema Muslli, Software Arc GIS 10 Progressive Academic Publishing, UK Page 70 International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection Vol. 4, No. 7, 2016 ISSN 2309-0405 The commune of Pustec is located in the northeastern part of Korçë about 30 km away. Liqenas has a surface of 160.1km2(Local Plan of Development 2008) whereas Resen is a commune with a surface of 737.4km2, with 45 dwellings( Resen commune has been included in the statistical region of Pellagonia.The Prespa commune in Greece is part of the prefecture of Florina. The natural heritage of the region is composed of three categories of natural areas which are under protection. Category I (Strictly Protected Reserve) is represented by the Natural Reserve of Ezeran. Category II (National Park) is represented by the National Park of Prespa in Albania and Greece, National Park of Pelister and Galica in Macedonia. Category III (Natural Monuments) is represented by the Island of Maligrad, Zaver Hollow, Island of Golem Grad, Greater Prespa Lake, Oaks of Manastir, and Kallamas Juniper. The Natural Reserve of Erzeni lies in the northern part of the shore of the Greater Prespa. This reserve is located between two villages in the commune or Resen, Sir Han and Asamat. Erzen covers a surface of 2800 hectares and stands at an elevation of 855m above sea level. On 5th March 1995 this area was one of the first areas of the Macedonian country accepted in the Ramsar Convention. In 1996 the area was declared by the state of Macedonia as a Strictly Protected ReserveIn the (Naumoski, 2012,41) frame of touristic activity Ezerani is known as a bird watching site. The region of Prespa is a natural habitat for about 200 species1 of birds like the wild goose, the pelican, the swan etc. 62 from these species are in the list of the protected species compiled in the Bern Convention. Four of these species are included in the Red Book of the species in danger of extinction in an international scale. Prespa National Park is located in the Pustec Commune. The area was nominated National Park in 1999 and has an area of 27,750 hectare. The main reasons why this area was nominated a protected area are the overuse of the natural resources of the Great Prespe Area during the communist regime and also the rich biodiversity it offers. The park itself is a hotspot (Fremuth. W, Shumka.S, 2013) of biodiversity. Experts have found so far 1130 plants. About 60 plants are threatened and endangered in a national level from which 11 have the status of globally threatened or endangered plants like: Fritillaria graeca Buxbaumia viridis. In total in the area of Prespa are registered 60 speices(Fremuth. W, Shumka.S, 2013) of mammals amid which part of the rare, endemic, globally endangered species like the lynx and deer have not been seen in the area for years. While the wild goat and the hare are rare because of illegal hunting. In the park there are 132 species of waterfowl. Among these 132 species one is categorized as exposed to danger, two are almost threatened and 129 other species are considered less endangered using the IUCN system. In the park there are 23 types of reptiles and 11 types of amphibians. In the Greater and Lesser Prespa Lake there are 23 types of fish, 9 of which are endemic and 15 are considered as “endangered”. In the Albanian “Red Book” two types of long antenna beetle are described as “endangered” (Siering, G. 2013). The Galichica National Park is a natural continuation of the Prespa National Park. The area was nominated as National Park in 1958 more because of the natural diversity rather than the need for environmental protection. The park lies along the Galichica Mountain Range, between Ohrid Lake and Greater Prespa Lake covering an area of 227km2. Progressive Academic Publishing, UK Page 71 International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection Vol. 4, No. 7, 2016 ISSN 2309-0405 The Galichica Park has comparatively had a good environmental management. The flora species are larger in number than the ones in the Prespa Park in Albania. Furthermore, a considerable part of the flora species which was moved from Albanian part of the Prespa National Park was sent to Galichica Park. Inside the park there are more than 1000 types of plants. A great number of species date back to the time before the glacial era thus are considered as relics such as Morina Persica, Stipa mayeri, Ramonda nathaliae,etc. Moreover, in the area there are endemic plants such as Ajuga piskoi, Erodium guiccardii, Oxytropis purpurea, Astragalus baldaccii, etc. In the park(Naumoski,2012,40) there are 171 species of vertebrates, 10 species of amphibians, 18 species of reptiles, 124 species of birds and 19 types of reptiles. Among them it can be mentioned the wild goat, the lynx and the bear which are turning into rare species in the rest of the Europe. Among the species of birds there is the pelican. Part of the Galichica Park belongs to the Resen Commune excluding the Greater Prespa Lake. Prespa National Park, Greece includes the lake of Lesser Prespa and Greater Prespa which are divided by the island of Ism. The main types of vegetation are the areales of are in the shore are reeds. There is also found a formation of aquatic plants which are set in the pan of the lake like Ceratophyllum sp., Myriophyllum sp, and Potamogeton sp. The park is also important for the growth and breeding of aquatic waterfowls. In the area are thought to belong in total 200 types of species which have been noticed alongside the lake and the surrounding forest. Especially important are the colonies of the Pelicanus crispus (wild pelican) and Pelicanus onocrotalus (the red pelican). The aquatic fauna is also important because of the high number of endemic species. In the sub species level, 80% of them are endemic species. The coast is in some part rocky, craggy and in others low created by the sediments of the stream with dense vegetation. The coast of the Lesser Prespa is known for the dense aquatic vegetation and for the rare species like the wild goose, the pelican which attract the attention of the international scientific institutions ( The Greater Prespa Lake has an area of 261.8 km2 included in a reservoir basin of 1370 km2. The surface of the lake part of the Albanian side is 47.9 km2. 176.3 km2 of the surface of the lake are part of the Macedonian territory. Only 37.6 km2 of the Greater Prespa is in the Greek territory. The lake stands at an elevation of 850m above sea level and has a tectonic-carstic origin. The lake is fed by rain water and underground water. The water of the lake is well known for being transparent. The Greater Prespa is a shallow lake with an average depth of 28m. The average water temperature is 12°C. The minimal temperature in winter is 0.6°C. The maximal temperature in summer is 22°C. The Peninsula of Sihagore and the peninsula of Ism divide the Greater Prespa from the Lesser one. The surface outflow is poor while the system of the underground artesian waters is more developed. The most important surface outflow is the one of the stream of Liqenas 2.1km(Perikli Qiriazi,p.93). There can also be mentioned the stream of Zaroshkë, Goricë. Golem Grad Island is also known as the island of snakes because of the considerable number of water snakes found along the coast of the island.
Monitoring Manual for Lake-Bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar
{MANLEY 2006 #1} Monitoring Manual for Lake-bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Implementing the EU Nature Conservation Directives in South-Eastern Europe Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar (CSBL) Rruga Skenderbej Pallati 6, Ap.1/3 Tirana, Albania T ++355 42 25 8650 F ++355 42 251 792 As at May 2019 Prepared by Amphibia: Katarina Ljubisavljevic1, Enerit Sacdanaku2, Bogoljub Sterijovski3 Aves: Nela Dubak4, Stefan Ferger5, Tomaz Mihelic6, Mirjan Topi7, Danka Uzunova3, Bojan Zeković8 Mammalia: Mareike Brix5, Ninoslav Đurović4, Bledi Hoxha7, Hajdana Božović Ilić4, Milos Jovic9, Aleksandar Stojanov3, Aleksandër Trajçe7 Odonata: Despina Kitanova3, Bledar Pepa10 Habitats: Daniela Jovanovska11, Ajola Mesiti12 Plants: Slavica Đurišic4, Ajola Mesiti12, Slobodan Stijepovic4, Daniela Jovanovska11 GIZ CSBL Team Jelena Perunicic ([email protected]) Focal Point Biodiversity and National Coordinator for Montenegro Alkida Sini ([email protected]) National Coordinator for Albania Nikoleta Bogatinovska ([email protected]) National Coordinator for North Macedonia Edited by Stefan Ferger5, Mareike Brix5, Marija Vugdelic13, Sabrina Essel14, Ralf Peveling14 Reviewed by Ferdinand Bego15, Lefter Kashta15 Additional contributions provided by participants of the Training Workshop on Monitoring Methodologies of the Project
LOCAL GOVERNANCE MAPPING IN ALBANIA 2020 Funded by the European Union Governance Perception in a Reforming Albania Nationwide Local Governance Mapping in Albania 2020 AUTHORS IDRA Research & Consulting and Human Development Promotion Center (HDPC) Funded by the European Union Disclaimer STAR2 - Consolidation of Territorial and Administrative Reform - is a project funded by the European Union, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, USAID, UNDP and the Government of Albania. The project's implementing partner is the Minister of Interior. The project is implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Oce in Albania. This report has been drafted in the framework of the above project by IDRA. The presented results are obtained from the calculation of the perceptions and evaluations expressed by the participants in the assessment, selected through the procedure described in the Methodology of this study. The views, comments and opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reect the views of the aforemen- tioned institutions. 4 LOCAL GOVERNANCE MAPPING IN ALBANIA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is funded by STAR2 and implemented by a consortium composed of IDRA Research & Consulting (leader), Human Development and Promo- tion Centre - HDPC (member – involved in data analysis and report writing) and Gender Alliance for Development Centre – GADC (member – involved in data collection). The report acknowledges the joint eorts of all organiza- tions involved. The authors would like to thank UNDP Albania local governance team, STAR2 project sta, the Ministry of Interior and the Agency for Support of Local Self-governance in Albania for their valuable guidance on the local governance mapping methodology, coordination with dierent central government and municipal stakeholders and helpful comments and suggestions throughout the exercise.
Municipality of Municipality of Research Committee Municipality of University of Western Prespes Devol Nestorio Macedonia Communication & Visibility plan “Sustainable and almost zero-emission communities and the role of public buildings” MIS 5042958 Table of Contents 1. General communication strategy ...................................................................................... 2 1.1. Internal Communications ............................................................................................ 2 1.2. External communications ................................................................................................ 3 2. Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Overall communication objectives ............................................................................... 5 2.2. Target groups ........................................................................................................................ 5 Within the country(ies) of the Project where the action is implemented 5 Within the EU (as applicable) .................................................................................... 6 2.3. Specific objectives for each target group, related to the action’s objectives and the phases of the project cycle ....................................................................................... 6 3. Communication activities ...................................................................................................
Monitoring Methodology and Protocols for 20 Habitats, 20 Species and 20 Birds
1 Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Finland Monitoring methodology and protocols for 20 habitats, 20 species and 20 birds Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection Report D 3.1. - 1. 7.11.2019 Funded by the European Union The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Department of Nature, Republic of North Macedonia Metsähallitus (Parks and Wildlife Finland), Finland The State Service for Protected Areas (SSPA), Lithuania 2 This project is funded by the European Union This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 and and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary 6 Overview 8 Establishment of Natura 2000 network and the process of site selection .............................................................. 9 Preparation of reference lists for the species and habitats ..................................................................................... 9 Needs for data .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Protocols for the monitoring of birds ....................................................................................................................
2014-2024 Plani i Menaxhimit të Parkut Kombëtar të Prespës në Shqipëri PPLLAANNII II MMEENNAAXXHHIIMMIITT II PPAARRKKUUTT KKOOMMBBËËTTAARR TTËË PPRREESSPPËËSS NNËË SSHHQQIIPPËËRRII 22001144--22002244 1 Plani i Menaxhimit të Parkut Kombëtar të Prespës në Shqipëri 2013-2023 SHKURTIME ALL Monedha Lek a.s.l. Mbi nivelin e detit BCA Konsulent për ruajtjen e biodiversitetit BMZ Ministria Federale për Kooperimin Ekonomik dhe Zhvillimin, Gjermani CDM Mekanizmi për Zhvillimin e Pastër Corg Karbon organik DCM Vendim i Këshillit të Ministrave DFS Drejtoria e Shërbimit Pyjor, Korca DGFP Drejtoria e Pyjeve dhe Kullotave DTL Zevendes Drejtues i Ekipit EUNIS Sistemi i Informacionit të Natyrës së Bashkimit Evropian GEF Faciliteti Global për Mjedisin GFA Grupi Konsulent GFA, Gjermani GNP Parku Kombëtar i Galicicës GO Organizata Qeveritare GTZ/GIZ Agjensia Gjermane për Bashkëpunim Teknik (Sot quhet GIZ) FAO Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara për Ushqimin dhe Bujqësinë IUCN Bashkimi Ndërkombëtar për Mbrojtjen e Natyrës FUA Shoqata e Përdoruesve të Pyjeve, Prespë KfW Banka Gjermane për Zhvillim LMS Vende për monitorimin afatgjatë LSU Njësi blegtorale MC Komiteti i Menaxhimit të Parkut Kombëtar të Prespës në Shqipëri METT Mjeti për Gjurmimin e Efektivitetit të Menaxhimit MoE Ministria e Mjedisit, Shqipëri MP Plan menaxhimi NGO Organizata jo-fitimprurëse NP Park Kombëtar NPA Administrata e Parkut Kombëtar NPD Drejtor i Parkut Kombëtar (aktualisht shef i sektorit të PK të Prespës të Drejtorisë së Shërbimit Pyjor, Korçë) PNP Parku Kombëtar i Prespës ÖBF AG Korporata
Bulgaria’s Tsar Samuel By Ivan Mihailoff On November 19 we celebrate 1000 years from Tsar Samuel’s death. Among our Bulgarian society, often the name of Tsar Samuel is mentioned. November 19 would be the anniversary of his death. In fact, who was Tsar Samuel? Which was his kingdom that he had so heroically defended? These questions have been eloquently answered by historical documents which had chiefy been written by contemporary ancient Greek analysts. Foreign historians had also written about Samuel’s reign. However, below we are giving only a brief outline of the most signifcant events that had occurred during his period. Let us here repeat: In this endeavour we are guided only by indisputable historic accounts. 1. Samuel’s kingdom was the fnal period of the frst Bulgarian State. Because of the name of its capital, some historians rightfully are referring to it as “Ochrid Bulgaria” ; before that there was “Preslavska Bulgaria” (the City of Preslav as its capital). Later on there was a “Tirnovska Bulgaria” – after undergoing nearly 200 years of Byzantine oppression. 2. Before Samuel’s time, Bulgaria had attained extensive frontiers. They embraced the entire Balkan Peninsula – including Albania to the Adriatic Sea, and to the entire center of Greece – the Gulf of Corinth; on the north they had touched the Carpathian Mountains, including present Romania, along with Transylvania, and also Bessarabia. All of these territories constituted parts of the geographic extent of the then Bulgarian State. Under the reign of some of the Bulgarian Tsars, Bulgaria had much greater territory than that of present France.
ANGELO MARIA ARDOVINO I LAGHI DEI BALCANI In primo piano una baia greca, a metà un isolotto nordmacedone, sullo sfondo le coste albanesi. Questa sì che è l'Europa, ragazzi! 1. Greci, Albanesi e Slavi nel XVI secolo 21 luglio Un mio amico italoalbanese, Virgilio Avato, persona dotta quindi trilingue (gli italoalbanesi colti sanno an- che il greco, la loro lingua liturgica), mi ha fatto conoscere questo straordinario documento. In questo post per motivi pratici pubblico solo la foto dell’inizio, ma me ne sono procurato la versione integrale, di cui darò notizie a chi me le chiederà. In esso i Chimarioti, cioè gli abitanti della costa dell’Albania meridionale, o dell’Epiro settentrionale, se lo preferite, offrono al Papa Gregorio XIII (quello del calendario gregoriano, tanto per capirci) di sottomettersi alla Chiesa cattolica. Non è una scelta religiosa, ma politica. Si faranno cattolici se il Papa convincerà Filippo II, re di Spagna e di mezzo mondo, ma anche re di Napoli, sull’altra riva dello Ionio, a un intervento armato contro i Turchi. Siamo nel 1581, sono passati dieci anni dalla battaglia di Le- panto, e si aspettano che Filippo II, che aveva vinto per mare, venga a vincere anche per terra. In realtà il re aveva ben altri pensieri, ma il documento è di eccezionale interesse storico. Naturalmente è in greco, ed è redatto a Corfù da un letterato, Michail Argyros, nel dialetto colto dell’isola, ma con un’ortografia medievale diversa da quella odierna (ad esempio i nominativi plurali in ες diventano αις) che lo rende a prima vista di difficile lettura.
The Macedonian “Name” Dispute: the Macedonian Question—Resolved?
Nationalities Papers (2020), 48: 2, 205–214 doi:10.1017/nps.2020.10 ANALYSIS OF CURRENT EVENTS The Macedonian “Name” Dispute: The Macedonian Question—Resolved? Matthew Nimetz* Former Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and former Special Envoy of President Bill Clinton, New York, USA *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Abstract The dispute between Greece and the newly formed state referred to as the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” that emerged out of the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991 was a major source of instability in the Western Balkans for more than 25 years. It was resolved through negotiations between Athens and Skopje, mediated by the United Nations, resulting in the Prespa (or Prespes) Agreement, which was signed on June 17, 2018, and ratified by both parliaments amid controversy in their countries. The underlying issues involved deeply held and differing views relating to national identity, history, and the future of the region, which were resolved through a change in the name of the new state and various agreements as to identity issues. The author, the United Nations mediator in the dispute for 20 years and previously the United States presidential envoy with reference to the dispute, describes the basis of the dispute, the positions of the parties, and the factors that led to a successful resolution. Keywords: Macedonia; Greece; North Macedonia; “Name” dispute The Macedonian “name” dispute was, to most outsiders who somehow were faced with trying to understand it, certainly one of the more unusual international confrontations. When the dispute was resolved through the Prespa Agreement between Greece and (now) the Republic of North Macedonia in June 2018, most outsiders (as frequently expressed to me, the United Nations mediator for 20 years) responded, “Why did it take you so long?” And yet, as protracted conflicts go, the Macedonian “name” dispute is instructive as to the types of issues that go to the heart of a people’s identity and a nation’s sense of security.
An Insight Guide of Prespa Lakes Region Short Description of the Region
An Insight Guide of Prespa Lakes Region Short description of the region Located in the north-western corner of Greece at 850 metres above sea level and surrounded by mountains, the Prespa Lakes region is a natural park of great significance due to its biodiversity and endemic species. Prespa is a trans boundary park shared between Greece, Albania and FYR Macedonia. It only takes a few moments for the receptive visitor to see that they have arrived at a place with its own unique personality. Prespa is for those who love nature and outdoor activities all year round. This is a place to be appreciated with all the senses, as if it had been designed to draw us in, and remind us that we, too, are a part of nature. Prespa is a place where nature, art and history come together in and around the Mikri and Megali Prespa lakes; there are also villages with hospitable inhabitants, always worth a stop on the way to listen to their stories and the histories of the place. The lucky visitor might share in the activities of local people’s daily life, which are all closely connected to the seasons of the year. These activities have, to a large extent, shaped the life in Prespa. The three main traditional occupations in the region are agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing. There are a lot of paths, guiding you into the heart of nature; perhaps up into the high mountains, or to old abandoned villages, which little by little are being returned once more to nature’s embrace.
The Prespa Agreement One Year After Ratification: from Enthusiasm to Uncertainty?
The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? Ioannis ARMAKOLAS Ljupcho PETKOVSKI Alexandra VOUDOURI The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? 1 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? This report was produced as part of the project “Harmonization of Bilateral Relations between North Macedonia and Greece through Monitoring the Implementation of the Prespa Agreement”, funded by the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives, supported by the Canadian Embassy in Belgrade and implemented by EUROTHINK. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the donor. 2 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 North Macedonia – from Enthusiasm to Realpolitik 5 2.1 The Nascent Golden age: Time of Enthusiasm 5 2.2 It’s Is not About Personalities, It’s is about National Interests:Political realism 6 2.3 Mismanaging Expectations, Well Managing Political Damage – the Period of Disappointment 8 3 The implementation of the Prespa Agreement under New Democracy government in Greece: Progress, Challenges, Prospects 10 3.1 Fierce Opposition: New Democracy in opposition and the Prespa Agreement 10 3.2 Initial Reluctance: New Democracy in office and the ‘hot potato’ of the Prespa Agreement 11 3.3 Turning Point: Greece’s diplomatic reactivation 12 3.4 Foreign Policy Blues: Difficult re-adjustment and Greek policy dilemmas 13 3.5 Bumpy Road Ahead? Uncertain prospects at home and abroad 15 4 Conclusions and key takeaways 18 5 Appendix – List of Official Documents Signed 20 6 Endnotes 21 7 Biography of the Authors 24 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? 3 1 Introduction n February 2019, the name Macedonia was replaced from boards in border crossings, in the Government web- I site and the signs in various governmental buildings.
Description of the Biking Trail This Bike Trail Will Allow You to Meet a Part Of
This project is funded by the European Union Description of the Biking trail This bike trail will allow you to meet a part of the Prespa region, with its authentic villages that fortunately still have preserved the original architecture and look. The Prespa region is characterized by the rivers that pass through the rural areas and the agriculture development (farming, livestock, beekeeping, fruit production, etc.) from which people exist. The bike trail is marked with wooden road signs and its total length is 30 km with 300 m elevation. This trail is included in the category of medium-easy path suitable for beginners. 10 km of the trail is an asphalt road and 20 km off road. The first part of the trail will provide you with a fascinating view of Prespa Lake, passing through several villages. The starting and ending point of the trail is the village Brajcino, which is located at 1000 meters above sea level below the slopes of Baba Mountain. Beech and Oak forest give special splendor to this village. The numerous streams, merging each other near the village, create Brajcino River, and with its picturesque valley, splits the village of Gorno Maalo (its left side) and Dolno Maalo (its right side). The trail continues through the village Ljubojno and v. Dolno Dupeni and then to the village Nakolec passing through apple plantation. The Krani Camp is the next destination where the bike trail passes and continues to the most distant point, the beach Slivnica and the Coca Auto Camp where you can take a rest and recreation on the beach.The end point of the trail is village Brajcino, where you will ride through the same route backward to the village of Nacelec and then proceeds directly to the village Ljubojno and ending in v.
On the Basis of Article 65 of the Law on Real Estate Cadastre („Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia”, No
On the basis of article 65 of the Law on Real Estate Cadastre („Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia”, no. 55/13), the Steering Board of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre has enacted REGULATION FOR THE MANNER OF CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CADASTRE MUNICIPALITIES AND FOR DETERMINING THE CADASTRE MUNICIPALITIES WHICH ARE MAINTAINED IN THE CENTER FOR REC SKOPJE AND THE SECTORS FOR REAL ESTATE CADASTRE IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Article 1 This Regulation hereby prescribes the manner of changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities, as well as the determining of the cadastre municipalities which are maintained in the Center for Real Estate Cadastre – Skopje and the Sectors for Real Estate Cadastre in Republic of Macedonia. Article 2 (1) For the purpose of changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities, the Government of Republic of Macedonia shall enact a decision. (2) The decision stipulated in paragraph (1) of this article shall be enacted by the Government of Republic of Macedonia at the proposal of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as: „„the Agency„„). (3) The Agency is to submit the proposal stipulated in paragraph (2) of this article along with a geodetic report for survey of the boundary line, produced under ex officio procedure by experts employed at the Agency. Article 3 (1) The Agency is to submit a proposal decision for changing the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities in cases when, under a procedure of ex officio, it is identified that the actual condition/status of the boundaries of the cadastre municipalities is changed and does not comply with the boundaries drawn on the cadastre maps.