Lake Prespa Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis July 2009 Lake Prespa – Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis CONTENTS Abbreviations Summary 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Structure of Summary TDA ........................................................................ 1 2 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Stakeholder and governance analysis........................................................ 3 2.3 Identification of transboundary environmental stresses .............................. 3 2.4 Analysis of root causes of environmental stress ......................................... 4 3 Description Lake Prespa Basin .......................................................................... 5 3.1 Physical and geographic description of the basin ....................................... 5 3.1.1 Lake, river and groundwater systems ..................................................... 5 3.1.2 Land Resources ..................................................................................... 5 3.1.3 Mineral resources .................................................................................. 6 3.1.4 Climate .................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Ecosystem status ....................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 Water Quality Status .............................................................................. 7 3.2.2 Water Level Status ................................................................................. 9 3.2.3 Biological resources ............................................................................. 10 3.2.4 Nature reserves and protected areas ................................................... 10 3.3 Socio-economic analysis ......................................................................... 11 3.3.1 Population: ........................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 Industry ................................................................................................ 11 3.3.3 Agriculture ............................................................................................ 12 3.3.4 Fishing ................................................................................................. 12 3.3.5 Tourism ................................................................................................ 12 3.4 Water use in the basin ............................................................................. 12 3.4.1 Wastewater and Solid waste ................................................................ 13 3.5 Climate Change Impacts .......................................................................... 13 4 Stakeholder and Governance Analysis ............................................................. 16 4.1 Overview of institutional, legal and policy in Prespa Lake basin ............... 16 4.2 National environmental management and strategies ................................ 17 4.2.1 Albania ................................................................................................. 17 4.2.2 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ............................................. 18 4.2.3 Greece ................................................................................................. 19 4.3 Role of Civil Society in Prespa Basin ....................................................... 20 5 Priority transboundary threats to the ecosystem of Lake Prespa Basin ............ 23 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 23 5.2 Key Transboundary Concern 1: Nutrient enrichment ................................ 24 5.2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 24 5.2.2 Sources of nutrients ............................................................................. 24 5.2.3 Impacts of nutrient enrichment ............................................................. 26 5.3 Key Concern 2: Native Fish Stock Decline ............................................... 27 5.3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 27 5.3.2 Available information ............................................................................ 27 5.4 Key Concern 3: Reduction in the water level in Macro Prespa ................. 28 5.4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 28 5.4.2 Available information ............................................................................ 28 5.5 Key Concern 4: Sediment Transport ........................................................ 29 5.5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 29 5.5.2 Available information ............................................................................ 29 5.6 Key Concern 5: Deforestation and changes in forests ............................. 29 i Lake Prespa – Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis 5.6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 29 5.6.2 Available information ............................................................................ 30 5.7 Key Concern 6: Organic Pollution ........................................................... 30 5.7.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 30 5.7.2 Available information ............................................................................ 30 5.8 Key Concern 6: Hazardous Substance Pollution ..................................... 31 5.8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 31 6 Conclusions / Next Steps ................................................................................. 32 6.1 Summary of threats to the ecosystem ...................................................... 32 6.1.1 Pollution ............................................................................................... 32 6.1.2 Other threats ........................................................................................ 32 6.2 Priority Actions for the Strategic Action Programme ................................. 33 6.2.1 General actions required ...................................................................... 33 6.2.2 Priority Actions 1: Reduction of nutrient pollution ................................. 33 6.2.3 Priority Actions 2: Improvement of fish stocks ...................................... 33 6.2.4 Priority Actions 3: Minimising water level decline in Macro Prespa ....... 33 6.2.5 Priority Actions 4: Reduction of sediment transport .............................. 34 6.2.6 Priority Actions 5: Protection of natural forests ..................................... 34 6.2.7 Priority Actions 6: Reduction of organic pollution .................................. 34 6.2.8 Priority Actions 7: Reduction of hazardous substance pollution ............ 34 Annexes Maps • Map 1 - Overview of Lake Prespa Basin • Map 2 – Contour map of Lake Prespa Basin • Map 3 – Lake and River Network of Prespa Basin • Map 4 – Hydrogeology of Prespa Basin • Map 5 – CORINE Land Cover Data for Prespa Basin • Map 6 – Summary Vegetation of Prespa Basin • Map 7 – Prespa Basin Protected Areas • Map 8 – Main Tourist and Cultural Sites in Prespa Basin Annex 1 Albanian National Analysis Report Annex 2 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia National Analysis Report Annex 3 Greek National Analysis Report Annex 4 Monitoring data from basin-wide assessments Annex 5 Bibliography and references ii Lake Prespa – Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Main abbreviations AL Albania EC European Commission EEA European Environment Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EU European Union FYROM Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia GEF Global Environment Facility GR Greece IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control IUCN World Conservation Union JRC European Commission Joint Research Centre N Nitrogen NGO Non Governmental Organisation P Phosphorus PPCC Prespa Park Co-ordination Committee REC Regional Environmental Centre SAP Strategic Action Programme SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SPP Society for the Protection of Prespa TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis TTT Technical Task Team UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNDP United Nations Development Programme WFD EU Water Framework Directive iii Lake Prespa – Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Summary The Prespa Lakes Basin is a high altitude system (approximately 850 m) with a combined catchment of over 2,500 km2 covering part of the territory of Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece. The basin is home to nearly 30,000 people with the majority residing in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The region has little industry (again centred in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and the main source of income is agriculture which is estimated to employ about 75% of the workforce, however unemployment is high ranging from about 12% in Greece to over 30% in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Monitoring Manual for Lake-Bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar
{MANLEY 2006 #1} Monitoring Manual for Lake-bound Species and Habitats of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Implementing the EU Nature Conservation Directives in South-Eastern Europe Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar (CSBL) Rruga Skenderbej Pallati 6, Ap.1/3 Tirana, Albania T ++355 42 25 8650 F ++355 42 251 792 As at May 2019 Prepared by Amphibia: Katarina Ljubisavljevic1, Enerit Sacdanaku2, Bogoljub Sterijovski3 Aves: Nela Dubak4, Stefan Ferger5, Tomaz Mihelic6, Mirjan Topi7, Danka Uzunova3, Bojan Zeković8 Mammalia: Mareike Brix5, Ninoslav Đurović4, Bledi Hoxha7, Hajdana Božović Ilić4, Milos Jovic9, Aleksandar Stojanov3, Aleksandër Trajçe7 Odonata: Despina Kitanova3, Bledar Pepa10 Habitats: Daniela Jovanovska11, Ajola Mesiti12 Plants: Slavica Đurišic4, Ajola Mesiti12, Slobodan Stijepovic4, Daniela Jovanovska11 GIZ CSBL Team Jelena Perunicic ([email protected]) Focal Point Biodiversity and National Coordinator for Montenegro Alkida Sini ([email protected]) National Coordinator for Albania Nikoleta Bogatinovska ([email protected]) National Coordinator for North Macedonia Edited by Stefan Ferger5, Mareike Brix5, Marija Vugdelic13, Sabrina Essel14, Ralf Peveling14 Reviewed by Ferdinand Bego15, Lefter Kashta15 Additional contributions provided by participants of the Training Workshop on Monitoring Methodologies of the Project
View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by ESE - Salento University Publishing PA rtecipazione e CO nflitto * The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies ISSN: 1972-7623 (print version) ISSN: 2035-6609 (electronic version) PACO, Issue 11(1) 2018: 121-144 DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v11i1p121 Published in March 15, 2018 Work licensed under a Creative Commons At- tribution-Non commercial-Share alike 3.0 Italian License RESEARCH ARTICLE TRIGGERING SOLIDARITY ACTIONS TOWARDS CONTINGENT WORKERS AND THE UNEMPLOYED The point of view of grassroots trade unionists and labour ac- tivists Christina Karakioulafis University of Crete, Greece Kostas Kanellopoulos University of Crete, Greece ABSTRACT: Since the 1980s, trade unions have suffered a decrease in membership, public legitimacy and the capacity to achieve their core objectives. Renewal strategies have varied, depending on the national context. Part of them focused on rank-and-file mobilization and social movement unionism. In the Greek context, the academic discussion about the crisis of trade unions took place mainly during the 2000s, but without having an impact within union circles or on union strategies. Additionally, grassroots and rank- and-file unions that adopted a social movement and radical unionism approach, and contested the ‘institu- tionalized official’ trade unions, remained marginal and their actions were not very visible. The recent fis- cal crisis and the implementation of the Memoranda brought up previous dysfunctions. In a context of in- creasing employment precarity and unemployment, the general position of official trade unions towards contingent workers and the unemployed has been strongly contested, while grassroots rank-and-file un- ions claim a more active role in this area.
Greek Ethical Identities in Continuity and Change: A Social Networks Approach of Applied Philotimo in Economo-scape of Local Communities; the Case of Cooperative Banking Theodoros A. Katerinakis, MSc, PhD Candidate Tel: +215 895 6143, e-mail: [email protected] Department of Culture & Communication, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Μail Address: 106A North 21st St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA Abstract: The core value of Greek philotimo derives from the root concept of kalokagathia and is manifested in the institutional and transactional ethos of Cooperative Banks in Greece. A major case study of Cooperative Bank of Chania (CBC) is presented to introducing the analytical approach of social network analysis, via UCINET, to represent membership ties and managerial ties in the second largest Greek cooperative bank. The concept of ethics in doing business is extended in a deliberate tendency to build transactional networks that enforce pre-existing social networks and stay tuned with sustainable local economies, a notion consistent with locality in multicultural Europe. Cooperative banking operates in intersection of emotional capitalism and social enterprise, as a cultural process through which new interactional- emotional scripts of economic relationships are illustrated by the cultural frames of cooperation or team work. The case of CBC of Chania shows how non-commercial ties of buyers- sellers matter in “major purchases” and insulate from crisis. Most such transactions take place among kin, friends, or acquaintances that substitute impersonal markets, especially when decisions involve high uncertainty; so common values like philotimo promote connectedness and builds trust that prevails in dealing with risk in order to make financial decisions, sustain and support them.
Monitoring Methodology and Protocols for 20 Habitats, 20 Species and 20 Birds
1 Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Finland Monitoring methodology and protocols for 20 habitats, 20 species and 20 birds Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection Report D 3.1. - 1. 7.11.2019 Funded by the European Union The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Department of Nature, Republic of North Macedonia Metsähallitus (Parks and Wildlife Finland), Finland The State Service for Protected Areas (SSPA), Lithuania 2 This project is funded by the European Union This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Twinning Project MK 13 IPA EN 02 17 and and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary 6 Overview 8 Establishment of Natura 2000 network and the process of site selection .............................................................. 9 Preparation of reference lists for the species and habitats ..................................................................................... 9 Needs for data .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Protocols for the monitoring of birds ....................................................................................................................
Bulgaria’s Tsar Samuel By Ivan Mihailoff On November 19 we celebrate 1000 years from Tsar Samuel’s death. Among our Bulgarian society, often the name of Tsar Samuel is mentioned. November 19 would be the anniversary of his death. In fact, who was Tsar Samuel? Which was his kingdom that he had so heroically defended? These questions have been eloquently answered by historical documents which had chiefy been written by contemporary ancient Greek analysts. Foreign historians had also written about Samuel’s reign. However, below we are giving only a brief outline of the most signifcant events that had occurred during his period. Let us here repeat: In this endeavour we are guided only by indisputable historic accounts. 1. Samuel’s kingdom was the fnal period of the frst Bulgarian State. Because of the name of its capital, some historians rightfully are referring to it as “Ochrid Bulgaria” ; before that there was “Preslavska Bulgaria” (the City of Preslav as its capital). Later on there was a “Tirnovska Bulgaria” – after undergoing nearly 200 years of Byzantine oppression. 2. Before Samuel’s time, Bulgaria had attained extensive frontiers. They embraced the entire Balkan Peninsula – including Albania to the Adriatic Sea, and to the entire center of Greece – the Gulf of Corinth; on the north they had touched the Carpathian Mountains, including present Romania, along with Transylvania, and also Bessarabia. All of these territories constituted parts of the geographic extent of the then Bulgarian State. Under the reign of some of the Bulgarian Tsars, Bulgaria had much greater territory than that of present France.
ANGELO MARIA ARDOVINO I LAGHI DEI BALCANI In primo piano una baia greca, a metà un isolotto nordmacedone, sullo sfondo le coste albanesi. Questa sì che è l'Europa, ragazzi! 1. Greci, Albanesi e Slavi nel XVI secolo 21 luglio Un mio amico italoalbanese, Virgilio Avato, persona dotta quindi trilingue (gli italoalbanesi colti sanno an- che il greco, la loro lingua liturgica), mi ha fatto conoscere questo straordinario documento. In questo post per motivi pratici pubblico solo la foto dell’inizio, ma me ne sono procurato la versione integrale, di cui darò notizie a chi me le chiederà. In esso i Chimarioti, cioè gli abitanti della costa dell’Albania meridionale, o dell’Epiro settentrionale, se lo preferite, offrono al Papa Gregorio XIII (quello del calendario gregoriano, tanto per capirci) di sottomettersi alla Chiesa cattolica. Non è una scelta religiosa, ma politica. Si faranno cattolici se il Papa convincerà Filippo II, re di Spagna e di mezzo mondo, ma anche re di Napoli, sull’altra riva dello Ionio, a un intervento armato contro i Turchi. Siamo nel 1581, sono passati dieci anni dalla battaglia di Le- panto, e si aspettano che Filippo II, che aveva vinto per mare, venga a vincere anche per terra. In realtà il re aveva ben altri pensieri, ma il documento è di eccezionale interesse storico. Naturalmente è in greco, ed è redatto a Corfù da un letterato, Michail Argyros, nel dialetto colto dell’isola, ma con un’ortografia medievale diversa da quella odierna (ad esempio i nominativi plurali in ες diventano αις) che lo rende a prima vista di difficile lettura.
The Macedonian “Name” Dispute: the Macedonian Question—Resolved?
Nationalities Papers (2020), 48: 2, 205–214 doi:10.1017/nps.2020.10 ANALYSIS OF CURRENT EVENTS The Macedonian “Name” Dispute: The Macedonian Question—Resolved? Matthew Nimetz* Former Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and former Special Envoy of President Bill Clinton, New York, USA *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Abstract The dispute between Greece and the newly formed state referred to as the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” that emerged out of the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991 was a major source of instability in the Western Balkans for more than 25 years. It was resolved through negotiations between Athens and Skopje, mediated by the United Nations, resulting in the Prespa (or Prespes) Agreement, which was signed on June 17, 2018, and ratified by both parliaments amid controversy in their countries. The underlying issues involved deeply held and differing views relating to national identity, history, and the future of the region, which were resolved through a change in the name of the new state and various agreements as to identity issues. The author, the United Nations mediator in the dispute for 20 years and previously the United States presidential envoy with reference to the dispute, describes the basis of the dispute, the positions of the parties, and the factors that led to a successful resolution. Keywords: Macedonia; Greece; North Macedonia; “Name” dispute The Macedonian “name” dispute was, to most outsiders who somehow were faced with trying to understand it, certainly one of the more unusual international confrontations. When the dispute was resolved through the Prespa Agreement between Greece and (now) the Republic of North Macedonia in June 2018, most outsiders (as frequently expressed to me, the United Nations mediator for 20 years) responded, “Why did it take you so long?” And yet, as protracted conflicts go, the Macedonian “name” dispute is instructive as to the types of issues that go to the heart of a people’s identity and a nation’s sense of security.
An Insight Guide of Prespa Lakes Region Short Description of the Region
An Insight Guide of Prespa Lakes Region Short description of the region Located in the north-western corner of Greece at 850 metres above sea level and surrounded by mountains, the Prespa Lakes region is a natural park of great significance due to its biodiversity and endemic species. Prespa is a trans boundary park shared between Greece, Albania and FYR Macedonia. It only takes a few moments for the receptive visitor to see that they have arrived at a place with its own unique personality. Prespa is for those who love nature and outdoor activities all year round. This is a place to be appreciated with all the senses, as if it had been designed to draw us in, and remind us that we, too, are a part of nature. Prespa is a place where nature, art and history come together in and around the Mikri and Megali Prespa lakes; there are also villages with hospitable inhabitants, always worth a stop on the way to listen to their stories and the histories of the place. The lucky visitor might share in the activities of local people’s daily life, which are all closely connected to the seasons of the year. These activities have, to a large extent, shaped the life in Prespa. The three main traditional occupations in the region are agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing. There are a lot of paths, guiding you into the heart of nature; perhaps up into the high mountains, or to old abandoned villages, which little by little are being returned once more to nature’s embrace.
Prehistory - Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean Culture
Prehistory - Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean culture By Antonije Shkokljev Slave Nikolovski – Katin Translated from Macedonian to English and edited By Risto Stefov Prehistory - Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean culture Published by: Risto Stefov Publications [email protected] Toronto, Canada All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief and documented quotations in a review. Copyright 2013 by Antonije Shkokljev, Slave Nikolovski – Katin & Risto Stefov e-book edition 2 Index Index........................................................................................................3 COMMON HISTORY AND FUTURE ..................................................5 I - GEOGRAPHICAL CONFIGURATION OF THE BALKANS.........8 II - ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES .........................................10 III - EPISTEMOLOGY OF THE PANNONIAN ONOMASTICS.......11 IV - DEVELOPMENT OF PALEOGRAPHY IN THE BALKANS....33 V – THRACE ........................................................................................37 VI – PREHISTORIC MACEDONIA....................................................41 VII - THESSALY - PREHISTORIC AEOLIA.....................................62 VIII – EPIRUS – PELASGIAN TESPROTIA......................................69 IX – BOEOTIA – A COLONY OF THE MINI AND THE FLEGI .....71 X – COLONIZATION
The Prespa Agreement One Year After Ratification: from Enthusiasm to Uncertainty?
The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? Ioannis ARMAKOLAS Ljupcho PETKOVSKI Alexandra VOUDOURI The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? 1 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? This report was produced as part of the project “Harmonization of Bilateral Relations between North Macedonia and Greece through Monitoring the Implementation of the Prespa Agreement”, funded by the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives, supported by the Canadian Embassy in Belgrade and implemented by EUROTHINK. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the donor. 2 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 North Macedonia – from Enthusiasm to Realpolitik 5 2.1 The Nascent Golden age: Time of Enthusiasm 5 2.2 It’s Is not About Personalities, It’s is about National Interests:Political realism 6 2.3 Mismanaging Expectations, Well Managing Political Damage – the Period of Disappointment 8 3 The implementation of the Prespa Agreement under New Democracy government in Greece: Progress, Challenges, Prospects 10 3.1 Fierce Opposition: New Democracy in opposition and the Prespa Agreement 10 3.2 Initial Reluctance: New Democracy in office and the ‘hot potato’ of the Prespa Agreement 11 3.3 Turning Point: Greece’s diplomatic reactivation 12 3.4 Foreign Policy Blues: Difficult re-adjustment and Greek policy dilemmas 13 3.5 Bumpy Road Ahead? Uncertain prospects at home and abroad 15 4 Conclusions and key takeaways 18 5 Appendix – List of Official Documents Signed 20 6 Endnotes 21 7 Biography of the Authors 24 The Prespa Agreement one year after ratification: from enthusiasm to uncertainty? 3 1 Introduction n February 2019, the name Macedonia was replaced from boards in border crossings, in the Government web- I site and the signs in various governmental buildings.
Colfer Phd Final Submitted 04.12.18 Trade Union Influence Under
This dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies. Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, December 2017 i Declaration This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except as declared in the Preface and specified in the text. It is not substantially the same as any that I have submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for a degree or diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other university or similar institution except as specified in the text. I further state that no substantial part of my dissertation has already been submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for any such degree, diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other university or similar institution. It does not exceed the prescribed word limit. i There's a simple doctrine: outside of a person's love, the most sacred thing that they can give is their labour. And somehow or another along the way, we tend to forget that. Labour is a very precious thing that you have. Anytime that you can combine labour with love, you've made a good merger. -James Carville ii Acknowledgements I want to thank the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the University of Cambridge Home and European Scholarship Scheme (CHESS), Pembroke College, the estate of the late Professor Monica Partridge, and the Cambridge Political Economy Society for their generous funding and support throughout my doctoral research. I also want to thank the European Trade Union Institute and the American College of Athens, especially Professor Eleni Patra, for supporting me during fieldwork in Brussels and Athens respectively.