Karta Ronjenje EN 33.Qxp 14.9.2006 22:24 Page 1 Page 22:24 14.9.2006 EN 33.Qxp Ronjenje Karta

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Karta Ronjenje EN 33.Qxp 14.9.2006 22:24 Page 1 Page 22:24 14.9.2006 EN 33.Qxp Ronjenje Karta Karta Ronjenje EN_33.qxp 14.9.2006 22:24 Page 1 Besides the underwater rocks, there is a very nice wall directly in front of Široka Cove. Široka of front in directly wall nice very a is there rocks, underwater the Besides Osim same seke, vrlo je lijep i zid koji se nalazi neposredno prije uvale Široka. uvale prije neposredno nalazi se koji zid i lijep je vrlo seke, same Osim while in the clefts black umber, sheephead bream, and white bream can be seen. be can bream white and bream, sheephead umber, black clefts the in while procjepima često mogu vidjeti kavale, šarage i picevi. i šarage kavale, vidjeti mogu često procjepima TOURIST BOARD TOURIST bamboofis h and numerous small fish hang around the upper and shallower part, shallower and upper the around hang fish small numerous and h bamboofis plićem dijelu uvijek se vrzmaju jata crneja, salpu te brojne manje ribe, dok se u se dok ribe, manje brojne te salpu crneja, jata vrzmaju se uvijek dijelu plićem noon and create a unique display of light, sea and shadows. Schools of damselfish, of Schools shadows. and sea light, of display unique a create and noon ZADAR COUNTY COUNTY ZADAR Sunčeva svjetlost te stvara jedinstvenu igru svjetla, mora i sjena. Na gornjem, Na sjena. i mora svjetla, igru jedinstvenu stvara te svjetlost Sunčeva Tel: +385 (0)21 354-511 (0)21 +385 Tel: +385 (0)23 345-128 (0)23 +385 ered secrets waiting for the brave and tenacious to discover. to tenacious and brave the for waiting secrets ered to its dome-like shape and numerous cracks and clefts where sunrays break through at through break sunrays where clefts and cracks numerous and shape dome-like its to Šoltanska 1, Split 1, Šoltanska kupolastog oblika te brojnih pukotina i procjepa kroz koje u podne prodire podne u koje kroz procjepa i pukotina brojnih te oblika kupolastog Zadar Maritime Police Maritime Zadar www.jadrolinija.hr IPM HRM Pressure Chamber Pressure HRM IPM There is a underwater rock in the cove known as the ‘Cathedral’ due ‘Cathedral’ the as known cove the in rock underwater a is There interest: of Points then the ship wrecks Audace, Euterpe, Aldenham, various barges or small boats. The deep blue still holds some undiscov- some holds still blue deep The boats. small or barges various Aldenham, Euterpe, Audace, wrecks ship the then U uvali se nalazi seka koja je poznata kao “Katedrala” zbog “Katedrala” kao poznata je koja seka nalazi se uvali U Zanimljivosti: Fax: +385 (0)23 250 351 250 (0)23 +385 Fax: Tel: +385 (0)21 343-980 (0)21 +385 Tel: search service 9155 service search from beginners to advanced to beginners from Intensity: početnici do napredni do početnici Težina: Tel: +385 (0)23 254 800 254 (0)23 +385 Tel: Tel: +385 (0)21 3613-355 (0)21 +385 Tel: to some of the interesting wrecks, such as Sz. Izstvan, the ship class Teggethoff, sunk at a couple of miles from Premuda, from miles of couple a at sunk Teggethoff, class ship the Izstvan, Sz. as such wrecks, interesting the of some to Sea rescue and rescue Sea 542 meters 542 Depth: Liburnska obala 7, Zadar 7, obala Liburnska Domovinskog rata 1, Split 1, rata Domovinskog 5-42 metra 5-42 Dubina: Assistance Center 112 Center Assistance Jadrolinija Split Pressure Chamber Pressure Split It is only in the past decade that this part of the Adriatic started being explored, and besides the live world, one can dive dive can one world, live the besides and explored, being started Adriatic the of part this that decade past the in only is It Ferry are in Split: in are Široka Cove Široka PREMUDA, 4. Protection and and Protection the author and editor. and author the real forests, while at Vrgada they turn into bushes. into turn they Vrgada at while forests, real The nearest pressure chambers pressure nearest The General Information 981 Information General [email protected] PRESSURE CHAMBERS PRESSURE prohibited without the consent of consent the without prohibited is exceptionally rich there. On descending towards Dugi otok, the first gorgonia are met, and on the Kornati they create they Kornati the on and met, are gorgonia first the otok, Dugi towards descending On there. rich exceptionally is Fax: +385 (0)23 250-235 (0)23 +385 Fax: Information 988 Information Tel: +385 (0)23 254-888 (0)23 +385 Tel: Complete or partial reproduction is is reproduction partial or Complete Tel: +385 (0)23 212-930 (0)23 +385 Tel: Road Assistance 987 Assistance Road The maritime picture changes while going from north to south. There are almost no gorgonia on Premuda, but the fish world fish the but Premuda, on gorgonia no almost are There south. to north from going while changes picture maritime The 23000 Zadar, Liburnijska obala 8 obala Liburnijska Zadar, 23000 Špire Brusine 16, Zadar 16, Brusine Špire © All rights reserved. reserved. rights All © Silba, Starigrad Paklenica) Starigrad Silba, Police 92 Police Chamber of Commerce of Chamber interesting. interesting. Ist, Novigrad, Pag, Preko, Sali, Preko, Pag, Novigrad, Ist, Zadar County Croatian Croatian County Zadar Firemen 93 Firemen (Biograd, Božava, (Biograd, Branch-offices: On the inner side of the islands, which is always shallower, the flora and fauna are somewhat meager, but always very very always but meager, somewhat are fauna and flora the shallower, always is which islands, the of side inner the On Ambulance Service 94 Service Ambulance Zadar Port Authority Port Zadar www.diving-hrs.hr Print 2006: Šibenik, Malenica, Fax: +385 (0)1 4849-119 (0)1 +385 Fax: gorgonia are a usual picture to see. see. to picture usual a are gorgonia NUMBERS Tel: +385 (0)23 315-677 (0)23 +385 Tel: 4848-765 (0)1 +385 Tel: Locality maps Locality Bože Peričića 4, Zadar 4, Peričića Bože Zagreb 12, Dalmatinska IMPORTANT TELEPHONE IMPORTANT 80 meters one can meet a grouper, conger eel, but often even sharks and dogfish. Dense forests of purple, red or yellow yellow or red purple, of forests Dense dogfish. and sharks even often but eel, conger grouper, a meet can one meters 80 Zadar General Hospital General Zadar (HRS) Association Divers' Croatian Hrvatski hidrografski institut, Split; www.hhi.hr: Split; institut, hidrografski Hrvatski While diving near the outer cliffs of Dugi otok or Kornat Island, swooping from the surface down to a depth of more than than more of depth a to down surface the from swooping Island, Kornat or otok Dugi of cliffs outer the near diving While USEFUL INFORMATION USEFUL Tourist Board Archives Archives Board Tourist sea, the visibility is always excellent. A variety of sea life flourishes there. there. flourishes life sea of variety A excellent. always is visibility the sea, swim around the divers, while at the bottom there are the remains of an ancient boat. ancient an of remains the are there bottom the at while divers, the around swim riba pliva oko ronioca, a na donjem dijelu nalaze se ostaci antičkoga broda. antičkoga ostaci se nalaze dijelu donjem na a ronioca, oko pliva riba other photographs from Zadar County County Zadar from photographs other plateau the bottom plunges steeply into the deep. The wall is magnificent. Many fish Many magnificent. is wall The deep. the into steeply plunges bottom the plateau The sea extending from the islands of Zadar archipelago is often over 50 meters deep, and, since it looks towards the open the towards looks it since and, deep, meters 50 over often is archipelago Zadar of islands the from extending sea The ne nakon platoa dno se strmo obrušava u dubinu. Zid je predivan. Mnoštvo predivan. je Zid dubinu. u obrušava strmo se dno platoa nakon ne , , Photographs Diving Tomazin: Milan There is a shallow of about six meters in the inner part, but on the outer side of the of side outer the on but part, inner the in meters six about of shallow a is There vaju. S unutarnje je stra-ne pličina od približno šest meta-ra, no s vanjske stra- vanjske s no meta-ra, šest približno od pličina stra-ne je unutarnje S vaju. Tel: +385 (0)23 3225-587 (0)23 +385 Tel: one of the most interesting destinations for every lover of the sea and submarine world. world. submarine and sea the of lover every for destinations interesting most the of one Tel: +385 (0)23 372-419 (0)23 +385 Tel: by the locals. the by rocks called rocks smaller two are there Masarine to Next interest: of Points Uz Masarine nalaze se i dvije manje hridi koje mještani tako i nazi- i tako mještani koje hridi manje dvije i se nalaze Masarine Uz Zanimljivosti: and Italian Translation Italian and 23262 Pašman 23262 23293 Ist 23293 Molat, Silba, Dugi otok (Long Island), Ugljan and Pašman. Geographically it extends to the Kornati islands and it surely is is surely it and islands Kornati the to extends it Geographically Pašman. and Ugljan Island), (Long otok Dugi Silba, Molat, from beginners to advanced to beginners from Intensity: Ždrelac početnici do napredni do početnici Težina: English, French, German German French, English, Zadar: Geo Ist 122 Ist 340 meters 340 Depth: DORIS SPORT Ltd. SPORT DORIS 3-40 metara 3-40 Dubina: Ltd. The region of Zadar, located in central west Dalmatia, embraces the region from the island of Pag, across Premuda, Ist, Premuda, across Pag, of island the from region the embraces Dalmatia, west central in located Zadar, of region The Description SAHARUN TOURIST AGENCY TOURIST SAHARUN Tel: +385 (0)23 3377-400 (0)23 +385 Tel: Bračić Rock Bračić PREMUDA, 3.
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