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• "I CENTRAL. ASIA. No. 2 (18~5) . " , , ' ! FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE 'RI!1SPECTIN G (In continuation of .. Qetltral Asia No, i: 1884,") ,. ,. , ,I", : --...!-------v.". ~'~ <#_-\. ( ... [The 'Maps alluded to ht' this Volume will appear in .. Centni.l Asia 'N~, a,"] , .",. -. .. " Pr;.-d to both HOUSI1, of Parliament by Command of HI1r M~t~ty, 'Mp.y 1885. , '. " LONDON:, PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS" ;.. To be purchased, either directly 01' through any Bookseller, from any of the foUowiDg A.geata, tis.: Messrs.lI.uIuJu>, IS, Great Queen Street, W.e., and 82, AbiDgdOD Street, WeatmiDater; 11_ Entz and SPoTTl8WOODB, East Harding SU'eet, Fleei Street, and Sale Oftioe, HOIIII8 of LanIa; Messrs. An .." and CII.OJlLU BuoK, of Edinburgh; 11_ AuxAlIDU THo" and Co. (Limited), or lleesra. HODOa, FrooI8 and 00.. of DIIbIiD. r- Presented by , t Hon. Mr. lallubhai I , Samaldas 'S t . I__ . ,omba)'.} . ~. ",~r; " \9 . ~ ~ .\'II ~ , 1 'r.2...-- \\-1 ':> .•. , ,. G 'l..\- \ L-\- o· . .. .. ~ : d~:; '''." .. t" • ~ , f Na.l4.3". ,. " ., ~'. 8i; R. TholT18On IQ 'Earl'Granville •.::....(Received .ztecembe; 3.) .••. '~: ~-' " My Lord, ..' .' .' '. -, ;','.. : •. r '. , Teliran~~Novemb~~4."'I~8(:;" I HAVE the honour fo inclose herewitb a cqpy of II despatch received from Mt. Finn, . reporting the measures taken by the frontier authorities fo~ tb~ i;IlceptioQ. o( the Afghan Boundary Commission.. " 1 • • i .' ;'f'.-.. ..• - . , '.': ",' " , ,~ , , ,. ~,"I have, &c. '. '"' \ ~ .;" ..' ~ .. JSigned1 . '" RON~Lb' r;. rfI9.~So.N~·· -, ------.....-""--'-~----'" ,'~ '!\ . • " "t , ,~ ;', , Inclosilrein No. 143. ~ • " ~, . •. t " CO'fl-BUl,.fi1JnJo SifR.. '7'ho11J8on. " ,', . ,". '> '.. ' .:. t,l- _ ..... ~ " • . t .... (Extract.)' . , ,.:: ... '. .. '.Thr';;' Sheikh Jam, October 6, 188~. :' I HAVE only just received 'news from He~t;-dated fhe·25th, September, by.which'I· am .informed that, in spite of the consequent adVancJl in the-, price ;P'f;'provisionS! 'the' .
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