Index 301


A Association of Sikh Professionals Aceh, 273 (PPSM), 272, 276, 279, 289 Afghanistan, 21t Ateneo de Manila University, 175 Africa, 80, 188 Atienza, Joselito, 185n18 Ahmad Tajuddin, Sultan, 106 Atwal, Saman Singh, 184n15 Air bombing, 98n6 Australia Akali , 53, 62 advocacy for Sikh interests in, 74n5 Alberta, 78 Burmese Sikhs in, 120 Aldrich, H., 221 discrimination against Sikhs in, 78 All Burma Sikh Temples and Annual education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114, Report, 121, 140n6 153, 197 Amaballa, 31 Malaysian-born Sikhs in, 66 Amedeo Corporation, 109 migration of Sikhs to, 2, 7, 67, 80, American Civil War, 22 110, 115 Amoroso, Susan, 185n18 occupational profile of Sikhs in, 82 Amritsar, 6, 31, 52, 62, 115, 150 Sikh population size, 21t Andaman Islands, 147 Singapore Sikh curricula and, 69 Anderson School (), 250 Southeast Asian studies in, 8 Angeles City, 169, 173 Thakral Holdings in, 194t Angelo, Michael, 118 World War II troops, 203, 209, 213, Anglo-Burmese Wars, 25, 118 215 Anglo-Sikh War, Second, 2 Axel, Brian Keith, 44, 45 Appadurai, Arjun, 44, 99n9 Azad Hind government, 150 Arabs, 143 Argentina, 21t B Asian financial crisis, 65, 66, 194t, Baan Moh, 224 200, 228 Bacolod City, 169, 171, 184n11, Asian Institute of Management, 175 185n19 “Asian values” debate, 9 Bagatsing, Ramon, 177 Asiatic Artillery, 22 Bahasa Indonesia, 10, 153, 154, 161

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Bajaj, S. Hardial Singh, 188 Bir & Co., 148, 150 Balkan Wars, 193 Birmingham, 87, 91 Bandar Seri Begawan, 103, 105, 108, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 91–93 112, 113 Blue Funnel Ocean Liner, 147 Bobigny, 93 migration of Sikhs to, 62, 223 Bolan, Kim, 98n6 Sikh associations in, 53, 66 Bollywood, 6, 7, 97, 113, 115, 162, 261 Sikh businesses in, 119, 226–27 Bombay, 147, 183n2 studies of Sikhs in, 53–54 Borneo, 1, 72, 143, 144 Thakral Holdings and, 193, 194t Bose, Subhas Chandra, 40, 150 Bangsar, 251, 265n3 Bourdieu, Pierre, 13, 166–67, 177, 178 Bansal, Bhagwant, 179 Boyans, 206 Banten Province, 154, 159 Brah, Avtar, 89 Barangay Bata, 184n11 Brahmin caste, 206 Barisan Nasional, 281, 288 Brastagi, 163 Barrett, G., 221 Britain. See United Kingdom Barrier, Jerry, 62 British colonial administration Basu, A., 231 of Brunei, 103 Batangas City, 173 convict settlements, 2 Batavia. See Jakarta ideologies of race, 20, 31, 204, 206– Baumann, Gerd, 89 7 Beas River, 81 Malaya and, 26–27, 28, 30 Behzti affair, 91–93 migration of Sikhs and, 1, 20, 22, Belgium, 21t 81–82 Bengal, 22 power relations with subjects, 203 Bengali language, 105t rule of Burma, 18, 22, 25–26, 117, Bengalis, 29t 118 Berakas Camp, 111, 113 Sikh identity and, 62 Berita Minggu, 244 use of Sikhs, 1, 2, 17, 19, 30–31, Bhabha, H., 99n9 73n4, 169–70 bhangra, 97 , 82 bhappa network, 188–92, 196, 197– British Indian Army, 2, 118, 123, 149, 98, 199, 200 203, 204, 217 Bhatti, Gurpreet Kaur, 91–93, 99n10 British North Borneo, 103, 106. See Bhindranwale, Jarnail Singh (Sant), 6 also Sabah Bicol region, 171 British Overseas Airways Corporation Bidayuh, 253 (BOAC), 223 Bihla, Awtar Singh, 169, 176 Brooke-Popham, Sir Henry Robert Binan, 169, 173 Moore, 208 Binjai, 145, 150, 151, 154 Brown, David, 63 Bin Laden, Osama, 94–95 Brunei, 48–49, 103–15, 162 Binondo, 170 Brunei International School, 114

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BSPP (Burma Socialist Programme Calgary, 78 Party), 120 California, 78, 82, 83, 88 Buddhists Cambodia, 194t in Burma/Myanmar, 26t, 117, 120, 127 Air India bombing, 98n6 in Indonesia, 145, 161 discrimination against Sikhs in, 78, in Malaysia, 253 79 in , 232 education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114, Bulacan, 169, 173 153 Burma. See also Burmese Sikhs; immigration laws, 5, 98n3 Mandalay; Myanmar; Yangon Malaysian-born Sikhs in, 66 in British Empire, 18–19, 25–26, migration of Sikhs to, 2, 20, 67, 80– 80, 117, 118–19 81, 110, 115 Ghadr Party propaganda in, 5 occupational profile of Sikhs in, 82 Indian population in, 24f, 25t, 26 refugees in, 51 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 2, 17, 22, Sikh identity in, 85–88, 97 23–25 Sikh politics in, 47, 98n4 police force, 25, 31 Sikh population size, 21t, 85 as route to Thailand, 223 studies of Sikhs in, 43, 52 socialism, 119 Canal Colonies, 3 Burmah Oil Company (BOC), 123 Carlsbad, CA, 78 Burma Medical and Health Services, cartoons, 242–65 107 castes. See individual castes Burma Railways, 123 Caucus of Malaysian Indian Women Burmese language, 118 Leaders, 271, 286 Burmese Sikhs, 117–41 Cavite, 183n6 assimilation, 10, 127, 133, 134 Cebu City, 169, 171 citizenship status, 126, 135–36 Celebes, 143, 144 education, 128–30 Central Orphanage, 62 identity, 18, 132–34 Central Sikh , 122 kinship system, 131–32 Ceylonese, 3 occupational profile, 130–31 Chabai, Shinggara Singh, 155 population, 20, 26t, 117, 121 Chabal, Djagat Singh, 155 Bush, George H.W., 228 Chadha, Gurinder, 97 Bush, George W., 228 Changi, 213 Bush Whacking and Other Sketches, 207 Chaps, 228 Chaudhry, S., 221 C Chauk, 124 Cabanatuan City, 169, 174 Cheah Boon Kheng, 213 Cagayan de Oro, 169, 171, 173 Cheang, W.S., 238n1 Calcutta, 4, 22, 223 Chengdu, 194t Calcutta University, 110 Chettiars, 50, 147

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Chiang Mai, 223, 224, 225 Confucianism, 68 Gurdwara, 223 Convention on the Elimination of All Chiang Rai, 224 Forms of Discrimination against China Women (CEDAW), 273 economic rise, 66 Corregidor Island, 184n9 Japanese actions during World War Courtine, P., 238n1 II, 210 Coventry, 87 Kartar Singh and, 193–95 Cribb, Robert, 11 overseas Chinese and, 205 Crick, D., 221 Sikh business networks and, 109, Croatia, 193 152, 199, 235–36 as source of labour, 19, 22 D war with Japan, 205, 227 Dagupan, 169, 173, 177 Chinese communities dairy farming academic interest in, 9–10 Burmese Sikhs and, 130 in Burma/Myanmar, 117, 119 Indonesian Sikhs and, 150, 151–52 business networks, 13, 190, 192 Malaysian Sikhs and, 241–42 in Indonesia, 68, 143, 146, 162 New Zealand Sikhs and, 82 interest in Chinese affairs, 205 Southeast Asian Sikhs and, 2, 20, 34 in Malaya, 22, 30, 31, 33, 34 Dasmarinas, 183n6 in Malaysia, 87, 253, 256–60, 262 Dateline India, 174, 177, 179 migration to Southeast Asia, 17 Davao, 169, 171, 173 as model for Sikhs, 18 Dehradun, 114, 209 in the Philippines, 179 Deli, 147 relations with Sikhs, 32, 46, 74n4, Delima Square Shopping Complex, 213, 216, 235 110 in Thailand, 227, 235 Denmark, 21t during World War II, 204, 213 Dewan Pelajar, 244 Chittagong, 121 Dhillon, Hardeep, 151, 159 Chonburi, 224 diasporas, 19. 44, 95, 96 Christianity, 55 discrimination against Sikhs, 50, 69, Christian missionaries, 39 78–79, 91–92, 136–37, 172, Christians, 26, 105t, 145, 161, 253 178–89 , King, 223 Diwali, 6 Chura caste, 7 Doaba Sikhs Cibubor Bogor, 163 effect on home region, 98n2 Ciputat, 154, 158 gurdwara congregations, 7, 54 Clifford, Hugh, 207 as independent migrants, 81 Clinton, Bill, 228 in Jakarta, 157 Cold War, 81 Malay States Guides and, 36 commitment theory, 190 in the Philippines, 169, 176, 178 communism, 5, 8 police forces and, 31

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Dubai, 108 F Dugal, R.S., 123 Faizal Yahya, 13 Dusenbery, Verne A. Farrer Park, 210 on “bhum bhai”, 183n2 Fatupila, Banta Singh, 155 on Sikh assimilation to host Federated Malay States Police Force, societies, 13, 88 33, 206 on Sikh politics, 47 Ferozepore, 31, 62, 170 on Sikh successes in Singapore, 55, Fiji, 21t, 80 57 Filipino Sikhs, 166–85 studies on Sikhs, 3, 8, 89 assimilation, 10, 174 Dutch East Indies, 1, 61, 62, 73n4, citizenship status, 169 143 discrimination against, 178 globalization and, 66 E , 169, 172–75, 175–76, East Africa, 80 180, 182 East India Company, 18, 26 identity, 48, 61, 173, 174 East Java, 145 internal politics, 175–76 East Malaysia, 162 marriages with local women, 170 education occupational profile, 169 family emphasis on, 4, 196 population, 20, 21t of Sikhs in Burma/Myanmar, 119– targets of crime, 69, 172, 178–79 20, 128–30 1st Battalion Perak Sikhs, 31 of Sikhs in Indonesia, 152 Foucault, Michel, 99n9 of Sikhs in Malaysia, 242 France, 21t, 69, 88, 90, 91, 93–94, of Thai Sikhs, 229–30, 232 99n11 in Western countries, 114, 153, 197 Fuglerud, Oivind, 45, 51 Eihan, 124 Fujiwara Iwaichi (Major), 209, 218n3 Elphick, Peter, 203 Fujiwara Kikan, 209, 218n3 English language Furnivall, J.S., 25 Burmese Sikhs and, 125 education for Sikhs in, 39–40 G Filipino Sikhs and, 174 Galfar, 108 Indonesian Sikhs and, 150, 152, Gandhi, Indira, 52 153, 161 Gandhi Memorial School, 153, 160, Malaysian Sikhs and, 55, 56, 70, 242 161, 162 Sikh employment and, 25, 65, 125, Gedung Johor Karang Sari, 155 152 Gemas, 37 Thai Sikhs and, 226, 228, 231, 232 General Motors, 147 Enterprise Nationalization Law of Gerak Sikh, 272, 289 1963, 117, 119 Germany, 21t Europe, 67, 80, 81, 93, 97 Ghadar movement, 52, 204 European Union, 93 Ghadr Party, 5, 62

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Ghummar caste, 46, 169, 176 in Malaya, 37 Gibson, Margaret A., 88 meaning of word, 183n1 Gidoomal, Ram, 190–91 in the Philippines, 169, 172–75, Gill, Harwinder Singh, 283 175–76, 180, 182 Gill, Pratap Singh, 148 police regiments and, 2 Gillespie, Marie, 89 role in diasporic communities, 36– Gill Shipping Company, 152 39, 52, 142, 267 Glamour Sports Company, 109, 113 role of granthis, 70–71 globalization segregation in, 7 business networking and, 191–92 as “Sikh thermostat”, 50 during colonial period, 17, 20, 61– Sindhi and Sikh collaborative 62 founding of, 74n11 nature of, 67, 196 in Thailand, 223 new cultural habits and, 7 in United States, 95 Sikh identity and, 96–97 Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya (GSPJ), Singaporean Sikh businessmen and, 276, 279 188–201 Gurdwara Sahib Sentul, 276 Southeast Asian studies and, 8, 44– Gurdwara Sahib Tatt Khalsa, 279 45 Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha, 224 state controls and, 64–65 Gurdwara Sri , 154 Global Sikhs, 71, 272 Gurdwara Sri Dev Ji, 154 Goh Chok Tong, 194, 196 Gurdwara Yayasan Guru Nanak, 154 , 6, 52, 93, 115 Gurkhas, 2, 25, 111, 113, 120 Goswami, A., 231 , 70, 161 granthis, 70, 74n7, 276 Gurpuri Children’s Shelter Home, 288 Greece, 81, 82, 233 Gurpuri Foundation, 272, 288 Guardian, The, 92 Guru Kalgidhar Diwan Malaysia, 270, Gujarati language, 105t 289 Gujeratis, 29t Guru Nanak, 158, 160, 168, 174, Gujranwala, 221 184n9, 273 Gulf States, 81 Guru Nanak Foundation, 53 Gurdaspur, 31 Guru Nanak Free Dispensary and Eye Gurdwara Cup, 288 Hospital, 123 Gurdwara Ji, 154 Guru Nanak Mission, 53 Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, 154 gurdwaras H in Burma/Myanmar, 121–24 Hall, Kathleen, 84, 88–90 in business networking, 189, 197, Hall, S., 99n9 199, 221 Hamilton, New Zealand, 82 community records, 11 Hari Brothers, 148 in Indonesia, 147, 149, 154–63 Hendricks, C.A. (Colonel), 209 lack in Brunei of, 112 Hero Bazaar Temple, 123 language in, 56 Heryanto, Ariel, 12

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Hindi language, 7, 231, 232 postcolonial nation-states and, 62– Hindraf, 281 63 Hinduism, 6, 40, 55, 161, 162 as process, 43–57, 95–96 Hindus and, 161 Balinese, 145, 161, 162 stereotypical media images and, 243 in Brunei, 105t, 113 women and, 278 in Burma/Myanmar, 26t, 117, 124, Ikonomu, T., 233 127 Ilocos, 173 followers of Khalsa Panth, 160 Iloilo City, 169, 171, 175, 180, 183n8, in Indonesia, 3, 63, 68, 142–43, 184n11, 185n19 145–46, 161 India. See also Indians Pushtu-speaking, 47 economic rise, 66, 97, 196 relations with Sikhs, 74n11 education of Sikhs in, 128 Sindhi, 46–47, 184n14 independence, 82 in Singapore, 253 invasion of Golden Temple, 6 Tamil, 145, 161 issue of passports, 27 in Thailand, 224 minority groups in, 51 Hla Theingi, 13 Mutiny of 1857, 2, 31, 206 Homalin, 124 opening up to media, 193 Hong Kong Partition, 5, 62, 82, 149, 187, 223 Komagata Maru incident and, 5 permission of dual nationality, 97 migration of Sikhs to, 31, 80 protests against French turban ban, Straits Settlements Sikh Police 94 Contingent and, 1, 206 return of Sikhs to, 17, 108 Thakral Holdings and, 195 role in Malayan emigration, 27, 29 travel routes through, 2 rule of Burma from, 18 Hoshiarpur district, 31, 168 Sikh business networks and, 199 Hundal, Surjit Singh, 184n15 and, 6–7, 52 as source of labour, 3, 19, 22 I World War II troops, 203, 209–12 identity of Sikhs Indian Communities in Southeast Asia, appearance and, 54, 79, 93–94, 3, 117 100n12, 113–14, 133, 245 Indian Independence League (IIL), 40, as “Bengalis”, 22, 68, 146 62, 148, 150, 169, 203, 209–10 as “bhais”, 265n2 Indian Military Academy, 209 during colonial period, 62, 207 Indian Minority in Burma, 117 in diasporic communities, 83–84, Indian National Army (INA) 95, 96 British perceptions of Sikhs in, 208 five Ks and, 56, 132, 225–26, 293 disenchantment with British rule globalization and, 61, 63, 64–65, and, 62 67–68, 72, 96–97 Japan and, 204, 213 as “martial race”, 31, 204, 205–8 Malayan Sikhs and, 40 naming and, 132–33, 162, 261 Mohan Singh and, 210

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Singaporean Sikhs and, 217 Indonesian Sikhs, 142–64 Thai Sikhs and, 5, 224 assimilation, 10, 48 war trials, 208 categorization as Hindus, 3, 63–64, Indian-Philippines Welfare Club, 177, 65, 68, 142, 145 184n16 citizenship status, 149 Indians. See also Sindhis; South identity, 61, 65, 154–63 Indians; Tamils languages, 161 in Burma/Myanmar, 117, 119, 120 marital communities, 46, 162 convict settlements, 2 population, 20, 143–45 identity formation, 48 Innes, Emily, 35 in Indonesia, 142–46 Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), 8, migration to Burma and Malaya, 60 20–28 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies migration to Far East, 3, 17 (ISEAS), 8, 60 post independence migration, 27 International Red Cross Society, 225 Sikhs as subset of, 43, 87, 96 Internet Sikh groups, 70, 97, 269, 273, during World War II, 205, 212 281–84, 286, 290–91 Indian Welfare Association, 177 Ipoh Road Indian Co-operative Indian Welfare Club, 177 Housing Society, 40 Indochina, 18 Iraq, 21t Indo-Milk, 152 Ireland, 196 Indonesia. Isabela, 169 See also Indonesian Sikhs; Jakarta; Islam, 55, 93, 113. See also Muslims Medan; North Sumatra Island Trading Company, 105 academic interest in, 9, 10 Isteri Milap, 269 Chinese community in, 68, 143, Isteri Satsang, 269–70 146, 162 Isteri Satsang Gurdwara Sahib Petaling classification of Sikhs in, 3, 63, 68, Jaya, 275, 280 145 Isteri Satsang PJ Gurdwara, 275, 280 colonization, 18 Isteri Satsang Sentul (ISS), 276–77, 278 communist threat, 5 Italy, 81, 82 constitution, 161 Dutch community, 149 J Japanese Occupation, 49 Jain, Ravindra, 13 migration of Sikhs to, 2, 7, 67, 143– Jakarta 47 gurdwaras in, 154, 159, 160 revolution, 150 Indian population in, 142, 145 schism between Sikhs and Sindhis migration of Medan Sikhs to, 65, in, 6 151, 153, 157 Sikh business networks, 110 migration of Sikhs to, 147 tsunami relief, 272–73 Sikh businesses in, 49, 148 Indonesian Oriental Lines, 152 Sikh marital patterns in, 46, 157 Indonesian Population Census, 145 Sikh population in, 151, 161

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Jalandhar, 109, 112 Kedah, 26 Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre, 204 Kelantan, 26, 37 Jal Parwah, 174 Kelly, Philip, 167 Japan Kerala, 111 “Asian values” debate and, 9 Khalistani movement, 6, 63, 74n11, business networks, 190, 192 92, 98n4, 160 Sikh businesses and, 194t, 227–28 Khalsa Diwan (Philippines), 167, 175– war with China, 205, 227 76, 177 during World War II, 13, 34, 49, Khalsa Diwan Malaysia (KDM), 270– 203–18 71, 272, 275, 279, 282, 283, Jaspal, 228 288 Jat caste, 7, 31, 46, 118, 176, 206 Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple, 179 Java, 143, 144, 147–49, 162, 163 Khalsa English School, 155 Jawasche Bank, De, 150 Khalsa Indian School, 150, 152, 158, Jazzy B., 97 161 Jefri, Prince, 108, 112 Khalsa Sikhs, 54–55 Jones, T., 221 Khalsa Vidyak Sabha, 289 Jullunder district, 31, 150, 168 Khan, Fateh, 208 Khan, Shah Nawaz, 208 K Khatri caste, 187 Kachin State, 121 , 224 Kadazans, 253 Kinta, 32 Kairon, Harinam Singh, 155 Klang Valley, 253, 268 Kalimantan, 143, 144 knowledge-based economy (KBE), 192, Kampong Air, 105, 109 200–201 Kampong Anggrung, 155, 156 Kolkata, 4, 22, 223 Kampong Madras, 154 Komagata Maru incident of 1914, 5 Kampung Boy, 244, 246 Koorarka, Chanan Singh, 155 Kampung Pandan Gurdwara, 245 Koperasi Khalsa, 272, 275, 289 Kampung Simi, 250 Korat, 224 Karen State, 122 Korea, 210 Katong, 188 Korean businesses, 192 Katong Gurdwara, 188, 189, 190, 197, Korean War, 30 199 Kota Bahru, 209 Kaur, Amarjit, 13 Kotkins, Joel, 188 Kaur, Arunajeet, 13, 53, 54, 55, 56, Kratoska, Paul H., 9 57n3 Kuala Belait, 105, 108, 110 Kaur, Balvir, 122 Kuala Belait Indian Association, 113 Kaur, Harphajan, 280 Kuala Lipis, 33, 36 Kaur, Jeswant, 53, 55 Kaur, Kiranjit, 14 Bangsar area, 251 Kaur, Manjit, 14 gurdwaras in, 37, 275, 288 Kebun Jahe, 151 Malay States Guides and, 33

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Sikh community in, 35, 36 rivalry with Malwa Sikhs, 36, 270 Thai Sikhs in, 30 in Singapore, 197 Kumar, Major, 159 Malacanang Press Corp, 185n18 Malacca Strait, 18 L Malate, 170 La Brack, B., 57n2 Malaya. See also Malaysia; Malaysian Labuan, 103, 105, 109, 111, 112, 113 Sikhs Laguna, 169, 173 colonization, 18, 26, 33–34 Lahore, 31 exports, 18–19, 22 Lahore University, 150 Ghadr Party propaganda in, 5 Lai Si Tsui-Auch, 188, 189 identity formation, 34, 40, 205, 212 , 224 independence, 30 Laos, 9 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 2, 17, 21, Larut, 32, 39 22, 30 Lashio, 121 migration of South Indians to, 3, Lat, 242–65 27 Lebra, Joyce, 210 North Indians in, 27, 28t, 29t Leeds, 84 offspring of Sikh sojourners in, 72 Lee Kuan Yew, 9, 64 population by racial group, 27t Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Sikhs in British policing of, 204 8 World War II, 13, 34, 203–18 Leur, J.C. van, 9 Malayalees, 3 Locating Southeast Asia, 9 Malayali language, 105t London, 82 Malayan Census Reports, 27 Ludhiana, 31, 170 Malayan Command, 204, 208–12 Lusis, Tom, 167 Malayan Government Medical Services, Luzon, 169, 170, 171, 173, 179, 182, 107 184 Malayan Indian Congress (MIC), 40 Malayan Railways, 30, 35, 40 M Malay language, 10, 55, 70, 109, 110, Madras, 146, 223 161, 242 Madura, 143, 144 Malay Mail, 207 Magwe Division, 121, 122, 124 Malays Mahathir Mohamad, 9, 64 affirmative action for, 30, 87 Mahbubani, Kishore, 8 in British colonial police forces, 32t, Mahmood, C.K., 52 206, 207 Mahrattas, 29t British obligations to, 34 Maira, Sunaina, 89 in Lat cartoons, 250 Majha Sikhs perceptions of Sikhs, 253–60 gurdwara congregations, 7, 54 power and influence in Malaya, 20 in Medan, 157 relations with Sikhs, 46, 52, 74n4, police forces and, 31 213 relation with homeland, 81 during World War II, 205, 213

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Malaysia. See also Kuala Lumpur; identity, 18, 48, 55–56, 61, 63–64 Malaya; Malaysian Sikhs K.S. Sandhu on, 43–44 academic interest in, 9 marriages with Jakarta Sikhs, 157, “Asian values” debate and, 9 162 bumiputera policy, 87, 96 as minority within a minority, 87, constitution, 241 96 directive on Sikh religious training, in Muslim “space”, 68, 88 70, 74n7 occupations, 29–30, 49, 80 ethnic riots in, 96 population, 21t, 241, 269 globalization of economy, 65–66 regional affiliations, 81 Hindu-Sikh conflict in, 52 relations with other communities, 87 independence, 82 sharing language with Indonesian Indian community, 96, 253, 256– Sikhs, 161, 163 58, 262 in Singapore, 187 Islam in, 68, 88 ties to homeland, 36, 39 migration of Sikhs to, 7, 80 women, 267–87 perception of Sikhs in, 241–65, 267 Malaysian Sikh Union, 272, 288, 289 signatory to CEDAW, 274 Malaysian Sikh Youth Organization, Sikh business networks and, 109, 271, 272, 275, 280, 282, 284, 199, 228 288 as stopover to other destinations, 66, Malaysian-Singapore Sikh Sports 85, 106 Council, 288 studies of Sikhs in, 3, 10 Malay States, 18, 26, 28, 29, 32, 35 Malaysian Consultative Council for Malay States Guides, 33, 36 , Christianity, Malik, Adam, 150 Hinduism, and Taoism Malwa Sikhs (MCCBCHST), 272 gurdwara congregations, 7, 54 Malaysian Gurdwaras Council (MGC), in Jakarta, 157 270, 271, 272, 282, 283, 284, in the Philippines, 169, 176 288 police forces and, 31 Malaysian Interfaith Network, 272 relation with homeland, 81 Malaysian National Front, 281, 288 rivalry with Majha Sikhs, 36, 270 Malaysian Punjabi Bhangra, 289 Manchuria, 210 Malaysian Sikh Education Fund, 272, Mandalay 288 dairy industry, 120 Malaysian Sikhs, 241–87 educational levels of Sikhs in, 128 assimilation, 6, 83 gurdwaras in, 123, 137 associations and societies, 71–72, Punjabi language in, 133 270–73, 288–89 Sikh population in, 121 in Brunei, 112 survey conducted in, 118, 125 donations to Indonesian gurdwaras, Mandurriao, 169, 183n9, 184n11, 155, 158 185n19 gurdwaras, 245, 269, 275 Mangan, J.A., 205

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Mani, A., 13, 50, 52, 54, 117 Mogok, 121 Manila, 169, 170, 171, 173, 177, Mohamed Nor Khalid, 242–65 185n18 Mohan’s Carpet Palace, 110 Manila Standard Today, 185n18 moneylending Mann, Gurdas, 97 Filipino Sikhs and, 69, 169, 171–72, Mann, Harbhajan, 97 178–79 Maragay, Feliciano, 185n18 legislation against Sikh, 80 Marcos, Ferdinand, 183n6 policemen and soldiers and, 34 Marikina City, 173 Southeast Asian Sikhs and, 2, 20 Marilao, 169, 173 Monywa, 124 Marwaris, 29t Morrison, Ian, 211 Maya (Mrs Nirmal Singh), 110 Muay Thai, 199 Maymyo, 121, 124 multinational companies (MNCs), McCargo, Duncan, 8 192, 200 McEvoy, D., 221 Mumbai, 147, 183n2 McGoldrick, C., 221 Muslims McLeod, W.H., 3, 11 in Brunei, 105t Medan in Burma/Myanmar, 26t, 117 gurdwaras in, 150, 155 followers of Khalsa Panth, 160 Indian population in, 145 in India, 51 languages spoken by Sikhs in, 161 in Indonesia, 145, 149, 161 migration of Sikhs to, 147 in Malaysia, 253 migration to Jakarta from, 65, 151, in , 187, 206 153, 157, 159 in the United Kingdom, 93 schools in, 152, 154 in the United States, 95 Sikh marital patterns in, 46 Mussulmans, 2 Media Dateline Publishing, 174 Myanmar, 9, 85, 136, 141n9. See also Meiktila, 121, 124 Burma; Burmese Sikhs; Mandalay; Melaka, 26 Yangon Melanau, 253 Myat Mon, 13 Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB), 115 Myenigone Temple, 122 Mexico, 21t Myitkyina, 118, 121 Middle East, 199 Myitkyina Temple, 124 Midlands, 82 Milap, 286 N Milap Club, 272, 289 Naga City, 169, 173 Mindanao, 169, 171, 173, 182 Nahar Sports, 148 Ministry of Women, Family and Nakhon Phanom, 224 Community Development Nakorn Ratchasima, 224 (Malaysia), 271, 286 Nakorn Sawan, 224 Miri, Sarawak, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113 , 223, 224, 228, 229, 230 Modern International School of Nanak Darbar Iloilo Inc Sikh temple, Bangkok (MISB), 230 183n8

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National Council of Women’s business and trade, 2, 20, 130, 171 Organizations (NCWO), 272, civil service, 30, 34 286 fruit farming, 82 Nayar, Kamala, 84, 85, 87, 88 information technology (IT), 7 Neeldharis, 223 labour, 2 Negri Sembilan, 26, 37, 270 Malaysians’ perceptions of Sikh, Nepal, 111 258–60 Netherlands, 21t in postcolonial Southeast Asia, 10 Network of International Sikh private security services, 34 Entrepreneurs (NISE), 272, 289 of Sikhs in Brunei, 104 New , 115 of Sikhs in Burma/Myanmar, 130– New Economic Policy (NEP), 65 31 New Straits Times, 243, 244, 245, 250 soldiering, 3, 20, 205–18 New Zealand textile traders, 35, 226–28, 236 Brunei Sikh migration to, 114 timber industry, 82 Malaysian Sikh migration to, 66 Omar Ali Saifuddin III, Sultan, 107 as part of British Empire, 80 Operation Blue Star, 52, 81, 96 reasons for Sikh migration to, 3, 67 Sikh population in, 21t, 82 P Singapore as stepping stone to, 7 Pacific War, 8 Ng, M., 221 Paco, 170 Nigeria, 194t Paddi, Banta Singh, 169, 176 Niketan Foundation, 271, 289 Pahang, 26 Nishan Shihab, 184n12 Pahurat, 223, 227 Noormahal, 169 Pahurat Indian Market, 224 North Indians, 27, 28t, 29t, 30 Pakhowal, Inder Singh, 176 North Sumatra Pakistan, 47, 62, 221 decentralization and, 153 parcharaks, 74n7 gurdwaras in, 154, 159, 160 Paris, 93 Indian population in, 142, 145 Parisada Hindu Council, 161 Medan Sikh marriage patterns, 162 Parsis, 29t occupational profile of Sikhs in, 49 Pasar Baru, 149, 153, 156, 161 Sikh-organized events in, 163 Pasar Baru Gurdwara, 151, 156, 157, Sikh population in, 146–47, 148, 158, 159–60 150–51 Pathans, 29t, 35, 106, 206 Norway, 51 Patiala state, 31 NSC-MSA, 281, 284 Pattani, 224 Nueva Ecija, 174 , 223, 229 Pearl’s Hill, 216 O Peel Commission, 206 occupations. Pekan Tutong, 110 See also dairy farming; Pemantang Siantar, 145, 151, 152, 154 moneylending; policing Pemimpin, 244

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Penang, 1, 4, 26, 30, 80, 147, 223 annexation of, 2, 31, 80 Perak, 26, 207, 211, 250, 270, 271, anti-colonial activity in, 204 272 education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114 Perak Police Force, 31–32 famine of 1869, 168 Percival, A.E. (Lieutenant General), government warning on Philippine 208 travel, 69 Perlis, 26 heritage tourism, 97 Perry, M., 189 outmigration from, 1, 4–5 Peshawar, 221, 223 Partition, 30, 40, 62, 82, 119 Philippine National Police, 179 political violence, 67, 74n11 Philippines. See also Filipino Sikhs Sikh militancy in, 57 academic interest in, 9 Southeast Asian Sikhs and, 71, 115 Brunei trade delegation to, 113 unevenness of economic classification of Sikhs in, 3 development, 98n2 colonization, 18 “Punjabi Bubble”, 85, 87–88 immigration policies, 169 Punjabi Chamber of Commerce, 289 Indians in, 168 Punjabi Education Board, 288 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 2, 61, 67, Punjabi Education Trust Malaysia, 168–69 271 offspring of Sikh sojourners in, 72 Punjabi language perception of Sikhs in, 52, 168, 178, academic researchers and, 10 183n2 in Brunei, 104 Philippine Securities and Exchange in Burma/Myanmar, 133–34 Commission (SEC), 177, 184n16 in competition with others, 55 Phuket, 223, 224, 229 of early migrants, 7, 150 Piperopoulos, P., 233 education, 37, 55, 70, 112, 153, Piyadasa, Redza, 244 271, 275 policing identity of Sikhs and, 161 British ideologies of race and, 1, in Indonesia, 161 205–8 “Majha” in, 31 in colonial territories, 17, 25, 26–27, in Malaysia, 271 28, 204, 241 in Thailand, 226, 232 during Japanese Occupation, 204, Punjabi Lovelink Club, 177 213–16 Punjabi Party of Malaysia, 272, 288, Sikh migrations and, 20 289 Sikh religion and, 2 , non-Sikh, 3, 29t Pope, the, 93 Punjab Store, 194t PPSM (Association of Sikh Putnam, R.D., 87 Professionals), 272, 276, 279, 289 Pyawbwe, 118, 120, 121 Prashad, Vijay, 100n13 Pyawbwe Temple, 124 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, 57n1, 97 Punjab. See also Doaba Sikhs; Majha Q Sikhs; Malwa Sikhs Quiapo, 170

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R , 223 Raben, Remco, 9 Said, Edward, 10 Rahal, Balwant Singh, 158 Saini caste, 46, 170, 176 Rai, Jasdev, 100n12 Sampaloc, 170 Raja Isteri Anak Saleha General Sampeng, 227 Hospital (RIPAS), 107 Sandhu (disc jockey), 108 Rajawongse Tailoring, 228 Sandhu, Kernial Singh Rajputs, 29t, 206 on the cosmopolitan Sikh, 60–61, Rao, P.V. Narasimha, 196 68, 69–70, 71 Rattan Sports, 148 on dangers facing Sikh communities, Rawalpindi, 31 43–44, 49, 51, 83, 96 Reagan, Ronald, 228 Indian Communities in Southeast religion. See also gurdwaras; Sri Guru Asia, 50, 52, 117 Granth Sahib public addresses to Sikhs, 54, 73n2 dilution of, 55 on Sikhs in auxiliary services, 80 equality of all human beings, 267 Sangatpur, 168, 169, 170 globalization and, 68 Santarita, Joefe B., 13 misperceptions about, 78 Santiago City, 169, 171, 173 outconversions, 74n9 Sant Sohan Singh Ji Malacca Memorial police regiments and, 2 Society, 271, 275, 279, 282, 288 symbols of, 79, 82, 90, 100n12 Sarawak, 103, 106 training of functionaries, 70 “Sardarji jokes”, 14 Reming, Typhoon, 184n17 SARS outbreak, 197 resources and opportunities theory, 221 Sattahip, 224 Respect for Guru Granth Sahib, 91 “Scenes of a Malaysian Life”, 245 Role of Indian Minorities in Burma and Schulte Nordholt, Henk, 9 Malaya, 117 SCORE (Sikh Council on Religion and Romania, 194t Education), 95 Rose & Co., 148 Selangor, 26, 32, 33, 40, 270 Rotary Club, 278 Selangor Police Force, 33, 35 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Seniang, Typhoon, 184n17 209 Sentul Gurdwara, 269, 288 Royal Sporting House, 148 Sentul Railway Workshops, 35, 36, 37 Rumah Sakit Raja Isteri Anak Saleha, Sentul Temple, 37 107 September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Rushdie, Salman, 91, 92 69, 84, 90, 91, 93, 94–96 Rye, , 48, 49, 170, 174, 175, Seria Camp, 113 183n2 Seria oilfields, 105, 108, 109, 111 Seth, Bhai R.L., 149 S Seth & Co., 148 Sabah, 103, 106, 109, 112 SGPC (Shiromani Gurdwara Sadka, Emily, 31 Parbhandak Committee), 6, 286 Sagaing Division, 121, 124 Shanghai, 1, 195

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Shanghai Thakral Electronics Industrial in Malaya, 29t Corporation, 194t migration to Thailand, 3 Shan State, 121, 124 names, 162 Sheikhupura, 221 in the Philippines, 49, 170, 184n14 Shree Gurdwara, relations with Sikhs, 6, 46, 74n11, 154, 156 148, 153, 156, 160 Shukla, Sandhya, 51, 52, 57n3 Sikhism and, 47 , 221 Singapore. See also Singaporean Sikhs Sibolga, 145 “Asian values” debate and, 9 Sibu, 112 as British convict settlement, 2, 54 Sidhu, Jaswinder Kaur, 98n5 Brunei trade delegation to, 113 Sidhu, Manjit Kaur, 283 Burmese Sikhs in, 120 Sidhu, M.S., 238n1 colonial administration, 18, 187 Sikh, The, 288 contract labourers in, 74n6 Sikh Advisory Board, 55, 66, 73n2 controls on immigration, 67 Sikh Association (Burma/Myanmar), government-linked companies 124 (GLCs), 197 Sikh Diaspora, The, 7 independence, 82 Sikh Education Foundation, 55 Indian Partition and, 62 Sikh Gurdwara Mission, 154 Malay States Guides and, 33 Sikh Kanya Mahavidialya, 62 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, Sikh Missionary Society of Malaya, 66 80, 187 Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia national identity, 205 (SNSM), 271, 272, 275, 280, recognition of Sikh community, 57 282, 284, 288 as stopover to other destinations, 7, Sikh Police Contingent, 216 85, 106 Sikh Rehat Meryada, 5, 54 in the Straits Settlements, 26 Sikhs in England (SIE), 286 studies of Sikhs in, 3, 8 Sikh Single Mothers’ Association Ipoh World War II, 13, 203–18 (SikhMai), 272, 289 Singaporean Sikhs, 187–201 Sikh Vidyalaya, 53 assimilation, 6, 83, 88 Sikh Welfare Council, 66 auxiliary forces, 22 Sikh Welfare Society, 272, 276, 280 in Brunei, 107, 108 Sikh Women Action Teamwork business networks, 188–92, 198 (SWAT), 272 dilution of culture, 55, 96 Sikh Women’s Awareness Network donations to Indonesian gurdwaras, (SWAN), 269, 271, 278, 282, 155, 158 284, 285–86 educational curricula, 69–70 Sindhi Directory of Indonesia, 145 Ghadr Party and, 5 Sindhis gurdwaras, 188 in Brunei, 108, 114 identity, 48, 56, 61, 63–64, 66, 68 in Indonesia, 142–43, 145, 147, Indian National Army and, 217–18 148, 153, 158, 159 in Indonesia, 147, 198

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Komagata Maru incident, 5 Singh, G., 238n1 marriages with Jakarta Sikhs, 157, Singh, Gujjar, 176 162 Singh, Gulraj, 153, 157, 159, 160 in Myanmar, 120 Singh, Gurdarshan “Geedee”, 177, occupational profile, 49–50, 187 179, 183, 184n15 political involvement, 47 Singh, Gurdit, 5 population, 20, 21t, 74n9 Singh, Harbinder, 283 regional affiliations, 81 Singh, Harchand, 149 from Thailand, 30 Singh, Inder Gurbarkh, 107 welfare associations, 66, 71–72 Singh, Inderjit, 110 Singapore General Hospital, 107 Singh, Jagir, 283 Singapore National Archives, 188 Singh, Jeet, 176 Singapore National Museum, 205 Singh, Joginder, 109 Singapore Sikh Education Foundation, Singh, Karam, 149 66, 69 Singh, Karpal, 251, 252 Singapore: The Pregnable Fortress, 203 Singh, Kewal, 184n15 Singh, Ajit, 149 Singh, Khurruck, 2 Singh, Ajura, 147 Singh, Kulwant, 149 Singh, Amar (Indonesia), 155, 159 Singh, Mahinder, 112 Singh, Amar (Thailand), 209 Singh, Malkith, 282, 283, 284 Singh, Autar, 283, 284 Singh, Mangal, 148 Singh, Avtar, 149 Singh, Manmohan (Brunei), 109 Singh, Baghwan, 106 Singh, Manmohan (Philippines), 179 Singh, Bakhshish, 176 Singh, Manprit, 99n11 Singh, Balwant (Brunei), 113 Singh, Mehar, 169 Singh, Balwant (Burma), 119 Singh, Mohan (Indian National Army), Singh, Banta, 106, 169 5, 209–10, 212, 217 Singh, Bhag, 283 Singh, Mohan (Philippines), 175, Singh, Bhagat (Malaysia), 250 184n11 Singh, Bhagat (Philippines), 177 Singh, Mohinder (Brunei), 109, 110, Singh, Bhagat (Punjab), 204 112, 113, 115 Singh, Bhagwan, 250 Singh, Mohinder (Indonesia), 153, Singh, Bhai Maharaj, 2 157, 158, 159 Singh, Budh, 40 Singh, Mrs Gurmukh, 112 Singh, Channan, 176 Singh, Nachatar, 184n15 Singh, Charanjit, 184n15 Singh, Naseeb, 5), 140(nn1 Singh, Chatar (Dato’ Dr), 281 Singh, Nirmal, 110 Singh, Dasunder, 147 Singh, Pala, 176 Singh, Dhian, 120 Singh, Parminder, 184n15 Singh, Dhillon, 152, 155, 159, 161 Singh, Partap (Indonesia), 147, 149, Singh, Dildar, 184n15 152, 155, 160 Singh, D. Labh, 188 Singh, Partap (Philippines), 176 Singh, Fouja, 106 Singh, Prasant, 147

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Singh, (Indian Independence Sohal, Shen, 184n15 League), 209, 212 Soin, Kanwaljit, 74n10 Singh, Pritam (Indonesia), 149, 150, “Sook Ching” movement, 205 153, 157 Southall, 87 Singh, Pritam (Philippines), 184n15 Southeast Asia Singh, Raja, 169, 175 academic study of, 8–12 Singh, Rajkumar, 48, 152, 155, 159, as construct, 8 160 European imperial expansion into, 18 Singh, Ranjit, 155 Indian immigration into, 22–23, 24f Singh, Rattan (Brunei), 106 largest gurdwara in, 155 Singh, Rattan (Philippines), 176, migration of East Punjabi Sikhs to, 184n15 187 Singh, S. Amit, 188 postcolonial nation-states in, 62–63, Singh, Sant Nihal, 2 65 Singh, Santok, 159 South Indians Singh, Shingara, 184n15 IT professionals, 7 Singh, Shiv, 149 migration to Malaya, 3, 22, 30 Singh, Shran, 109 as models for Sikhs, 18 Singh, Subedar Magi Pargad, 106 referred to as “Klings”, 146, 206 Singh, Tara (Myanmar), 121, 140n1 in Singapore construction trade, Singh, Tara (Philippines), 174 74n6 Singh, Tarlok, 149 South Korea, 9 Singh, Tilok, 176 South Sumatra, 145 Singh, Tony, 140n1 Sovereign Property Fund, 194t Singh, Ujagar, 176 Spain, 81 Singh, Uttam, 106 Spastic Children Association, 278 Singh, Waryam, 250 Speedy, Captain, 80 Singh, Zora, 120 Sporting House, 148 , 2, 5, 39, 62 Sri Dasmesh School, 272, 289 Sino-Japanese War, 205, 227 Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji Gurdwara, 154, Siri Guru Singh Sabha, 225 155 Smail, John, 9 Sri Guru Granth Sahib. See also SMART (Sikh Media Watch and gurdwaras; religion Taskforce), 95 aarathi, 160, 184n14 SMRT Corporation, 110 akhand path, 156 SNSM (Sikh Naujawan Sabha in Behzti affair, 91 Malaysia), 271, 272, 275, 280, in Brunei, 112–13 282, 284, 288 granthis and, 70 social capital, 87, 166–67, 222, 233– in the gurdwara, 36, 154, 183n1 36 language and, 56, 161 Sodhi, Balbir Singh, 91, 95 in the Philippines, 173 Soeharto, 65, 151, 161 Sindhis and, 142, 147, 148 Soekarno, 149 women and, 273

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Academy, 271, names, 162 289 relations with Sikhs, 46, 74n4, 108, Sri Lanka, 51 154 Sri Mariamman Temple, 154 studies of diaspora, 51 S.S. Amarnath, 194t Tamu, 121 Sta. Cruz, 170 Tandjung Balai, 145 St. Andrew’s School (Brunei), 114 Tandjung Priok, 147, 148, 149, 152, State and Peace Development Council, 153, 156 120, 140n3 Tandjung Priok Gurdwara, 149, 156, St. George’s School (Brunei), 114 157, 158, 159, 160 Straits Settlements Tangerrang, 154, 159 auxiliary forces, 32, 204, 206 Tatla, Darshan Singh, 3, 62 British takeover of, 18, 26, 28 Tatt Khalsa Diwan, 289 Sikh employment in, 29, 54, 61, Taunggyi, 118, 121, 123–24, 125, 128, 204, 206 133, 137 Straits Settlements Sikh Police Taylor, Robert H., 136 Contingent, 1 Tebing Tinggi, 145, 151, 154, 155 Suez Canal, 22 Telugu language, 105t Sujjon, Mahan Singh, 169 Terengganu, 26 Sulawesi, 143, 144 Thai boxing, 199 Sulu Sultanate, 106 Thailand. See also Bangkok; Thai Sikhs Sumatra, 72, 143, 144. See also North academic interest in, 9, 10 Sumatra Asian financial crisis, 228, 231 Surabaya, 147, 148 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 3, 5, 7, 67, Sutlej River, 81 80, 119, 187, 223 SWAN (Sikh Women’s Awareness as part of Southeast Asia, 18 Network), 269, 271, 278, 282, Punjabi businesses in, 50 284, 285–86 Sikh business networks and, 110, SWAN Networking, 281 194t, 221–38 Sydhari Sikhs, 47, 53 status of Sikhism, 224 Syers, Charles, 35 Thai language, 10, 226 Syriam, 123 Thai Sikh International School (TSIS), 230 T Thai Sikhs, 221–38 Taculing, 185n19 Asian financial crisis and, 66 Tagalog provinces, 171 assimilation, 10, 232 Taiping, 31, 33, 36 citizenship status, 223, 236, 238n1 Taiwan, 9, 200 education, 229–30, 232 Tamil language, 105t gurdwaras, 223, 224, 237 Tamils identity, 48, 61, 225–26 compared to Sikhs, 49 Indian Independence League and, as dominant Indian group, 87 209 in Indonesia, 145 Indian National Army and, 5

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languages, 226, 231–32 Sikh population size, 21t, 85 migration to other countries, 30, Sikhs in, 6, 43, 82, 88–90, 91–93 193 South Asian identities in, 84, 93 in Myanmar, 120 United Nations, 93, 273–74 population, 20, 21t United States regional affiliations, 223–24 assimilation of migrants, 88, 98n8 relations with ethnic Thais, 46 bases in the Philippines, 66 Sydhari Sikhs, 47 Burmese Sikhs in, 120 during World War II, 223 Civil War, 22 Thakral, Inder Bethal, 193, 195 colonial administration, 62 Thakral, Kartar Singh, 193–96 discrimination against Sikhs in, 69, Thakral, Sohan Singh, 194t 78, 79, 94–96 Thakral Holdings Group, 193–96, 200 education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114, Thandi, Shinder S., 13 153 Thanlyin, 123 immigration laws, 98n3 Theingi, 13 migration of Sikhs to, 2, 7, 20, 67, Thompson, Peter, 211–12 80–81 Thu-ye-zay Temple, 123 Sikh exiles during World War II, Tiga Sekawan, 244 203 Town Boy, 244 Sikh identity in, 84, 100n13 Transmission of Sikh Heritage in the Sikh population size, 21t Diaspora, 8 Southeast Asian studies in, 8 Tumpat, 37 studies of Sikhs in, 43, 52 Tutong, 108 United States Air Force (USAF), 224 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia U (UKM), 8, 60 Ubon Ratchthani, 224 University of St. La Salle, 175 Udon Thani, 224 University of the Philippines, 173, 174 Union of Perak Sikh Organizations Urdu, 231, 232 (UPSO), 271, 289 U.S. Department of State, 238n1 United Arab Emirates, 21t U.S. Secret Service, 228 United Kingdom U Thein Aung, 120 Behzti affair, 91–93 Burmese Sikhs in, 120 V discrimination against Sikhs in, 78– , 84, 157, 199, 275 79, 92 , 84, 85, 87 education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114 Victoria, Australia, 78 migration of Sikhs to, 6, 7, 20, 110, Vidhyala, 271, 275, 279, 282, 288 115 Vietnam, 9 multiculturalism in, 86, 93 Vietnam War, 8, 224 occupational profile of Sikhs in, 82 Vigan, 173 protests against French turban ban, Villamonte, 169 94 Visayas, 169, 171, 173, 179, 182

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Vohra, Balbir Singh, 151 Wong, L.L., 221 Vohra, Bhai G.L., 149 Woolgoolga-Coff Harbour, 82 World War II W diasporic processes and, 19 Waldinger, R., 221 exodus of Indians from Burma Wang Gungwu, 204 during, 119 Ward, R., 221 impact on Indonesian Sikhs, 148, Warorot Market, 225 150 Washington, DC, 153 impact on Thai Sikhs, 223, 224 Washington Post, 95 Malaysian Sikh associations and, 271 Watson, Reginald George, 207 role of Sikhs in, 13, 203–18 Wee, Beng Geok, 188, 189 Sikh migration to Brunei and, 106 Westerling, Raymond (General), 150 Sikh migration to Malaya and, 27 West Jakarta, 149 Wujiang, 194t West Java, 145 West Kalimantan, 145 Y West Punjab, 187 Yangon Wolverhampton, 87 educational levels of Sikhs in, 128 women gurdwaras in, 122–23 in Brunei, 107 language of Sikhs in, 133 in Burma/Myanmar, 125–26, 129– Sikh businesses in, 120 30, 132, 134–35 Sikh institutions in, 124 education, 39, 129–30 Sikh population in, 121, 137 granthis, 276 as stopover to Thailand, 223 in Indonesia, 159, 160 survey conducted in, 118, 125 in Malaysia, 267–87 Yangon River, 123 in migration to Malaya, 27, 28 Yap Ah Loy, 33 outmarrying, 72 Yayasan Dharma Khalsa, 151, 154, 159 patriarchal Sikh culture and, 74n10, Yayasan Missi Gurudwara, 156 277–78 Yayasan Sikh Gurdwara Mission, 149 in the workforce, 54 Young Sikh Association Singapore, 8, 71 Wong, Diana, 204 Young Thai-Sikh Association, 53

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