Index 301 INDEX A Association of Sikh Professionals Aceh, 273 (PPSM), 272, 276, 279, 289 Afghanistan, 21t Ateneo de Manila University, 175 Africa, 80, 188 Atienza, Joselito, 185n18 Ahmad Tajuddin, Sultan, 106 Atwal, Saman Singh, 184n15 Air India bombing, 98n6 Australia Akali Sikhs, 53, 62 advocacy for Sikh interests in, 74n5 Alberta, 78 Burmese Sikhs in, 120 Aldrich, H., 221 discrimination against Sikhs in, 78 All Burma Sikh Temples and Annual education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114, Report, 121, 140n6 153, 197 Amaballa, 31 Malaysian-born Sikhs in, 66 Amedeo Corporation, 109 migration of Sikhs to, 2, 7, 67, 80, American Civil War, 22 110, 115 Amoroso, Susan, 185n18 occupational profile of Sikhs in, 82 Amritsar, 6, 31, 52, 62, 115, 150 Sikh population size, 21t Andaman Islands, 147 Singapore Sikh curricula and, 69 Anderson School (Malaysia), 250 Southeast Asian studies in, 8 Angeles City, 169, 173 Thakral Holdings in, 194t Angelo, Michael, 118 World War II troops, 203, 209, 213, Anglo-Burmese Wars, 25, 118 215 Anglo-Sikh War, Second, 2 Axel, Brian Keith, 44, 45 Appadurai, Arjun, 44, 99n9 Azad Hind government, 150 Arabs, 143 Argentina, 21t B Asian financial crisis, 65, 66, 194t, Baan Moh, 224 200, 228 Bacolod City, 169, 171, 184n11, Asian Institute of Management, 175 185n19 “Asian values” debate, 9 Bagatsing, Ramon, 177 Asiatic Artillery, 22 Bahasa Indonesia, 10, 153, 154, 161 17 Sikhs_SEA Index 301 8/4/11, 1:40 PM 302 Index Bajaj, S. Hardial Singh, 188 Bir & Co., 148, 150 Balkan Wars, 193 Birmingham, 87, 91 Bandar Seri Begawan, 103, 105, 108, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 91–93 112, 113 Blue Funnel Ocean Liner, 147 Bangkok Bobigny, 93 migration of Sikhs to, 62, 223 Bolan, Kim, 98n6 Sikh associations in, 53, 66 Bollywood, 6, 7, 97, 113, 115, 162, 261 Sikh businesses in, 119, 226–27 Bombay, 147, 183n2 studies of Sikhs in, 53–54 Borneo, 1, 72, 143, 144 Thakral Holdings and, 193, 194t Bose, Subhas Chandra, 40, 150 Bangsar, 251, 265n3 Bourdieu, Pierre, 13, 166–67, 177, 178 Bansal, Bhagwant, 179 Boyans, 206 Banten Province, 154, 159 Brah, Avtar, 89 Barangay Bata, 184n11 Brahmin caste, 206 Barisan Nasional, 281, 288 Brastagi, 163 Barrett, G., 221 Britain. See United Kingdom Barrier, Jerry, 62 British colonial administration Basu, A., 231 of Brunei, 103 Batangas City, 173 convict settlements, 2 Batavia. See Jakarta ideologies of race, 20, 31, 204, 206– Baumann, Gerd, 89 7 Beas River, 81 Malaya and, 26–27, 28, 30 Behzti affair, 91–93 migration of Sikhs and, 1, 20, 22, Belgium, 21t 81–82 Bengal, 22 power relations with subjects, 203 Bengali language, 105t rule of Burma, 18, 22, 25–26, 117, Bengalis, 29t 118 Berakas Camp, 111, 113 Sikh identity and, 62 Berita Minggu, 244 use of Sikhs, 1, 2, 17, 19, 30–31, Bhabha, H., 99n9 73n4, 169–70 bhangra, 97 British Columbia, 82 bhappa network, 188–92, 196, 197– British Indian Army, 2, 118, 123, 149, 98, 199, 200 203, 204, 217 Bhatti, Gurpreet Kaur, 91–93, 99n10 British North Borneo, 103, 106. See Bhindranwale, Jarnail Singh (Sant), 6 also Sabah Bicol region, 171 British Overseas Airways Corporation Bidayuh, 253 (BOAC), 223 Bihla, Awtar Singh, 169, 176 Brooke-Popham, Sir Henry Robert Binan, 169, 173 Moore, 208 Binjai, 145, 150, 151, 154 Brown, David, 63 Bin Laden, Osama, 94–95 Brunei, 48–49, 103–15, 162 Binondo, 170 Brunei International School, 114 17 Sikhs_SEA Index 302 8/4/11, 1:40 PM Index 303 BSPP (Burma Socialist Programme Calgary, 78 Party), 120 California, 78, 82, 83, 88 Buddhists Cambodia, 194t in Burma/Myanmar, 26t, 117, 120, Canada 127 Air India bombing, 98n6 in Indonesia, 145, 161 discrimination against Sikhs in, 78, in Malaysia, 253 79 in Thailand, 232 education of diasporic Sikhs in, 114, Bulacan, 169, 173 153 Burma. See also Burmese Sikhs; immigration laws, 5, 98n3 Mandalay; Myanmar; Yangon Malaysian-born Sikhs in, 66 in British Empire, 18–19, 25–26, migration of Sikhs to, 2, 20, 67, 80– 80, 117, 118–19 81, 110, 115 Ghadr Party propaganda in, 5 occupational profile of Sikhs in, 82 Indian population in, 24f, 25t, 26 refugees in, 51 migration of Sikhs to, 1, 2, 17, 22, Sikh identity in, 85–88, 97 23–25 Sikh politics in, 47, 98n4 police force, 25, 31 Sikh population size, 21t, 85 as route to Thailand, 223 studies of Sikhs in, 43, 52 socialism, 119 Canal Colonies, 3 Burmah Oil Company (BOC), 123 Carlsbad, CA, 78 Burma Medical and Health Services, cartoons, 242–65 107 castes. See individual castes Burma Railways, 123 Caucus of Malaysian Indian Women Burmese language, 118 Leaders, 271, 286 Burmese Sikhs, 117–41 Cavite, 183n6 assimilation, 10, 127, 133, 134 Cebu City, 169, 171 citizenship status, 126, 135–36 Celebes, 143, 144 education, 128–30 Central Khalsa Orphanage, 62 identity, 18, 132–34 Central Sikh Gurdwara, 122 kinship system, 131–32 Ceylonese, 3 occupational profile, 130–31 Chabai, Shinggara Singh, 155 population, 20, 26t, 117, 121 Chabal, Djagat Singh, 155 Bush, George H.W., 228 Chadha, Gurinder, 97 Bush, George W., 228 Changi, 213 Bush Whacking and Other Sketches, 207 Chaps, 228 Chaudhry, S., 221 C Chauk, 124 Cabanatuan City, 169, 174 Cheah Boon Kheng, 213 Cagayan de Oro, 169, 171, 173 Cheang, W.S., 238n1 Calcutta, 4, 22, 223 Chengdu, 194t Calcutta University, 110 Chettiars, 50, 147 17 Sikhs_SEA Index 303 8/4/11, 1:40 PM 304 Index Chiang Mai, 223, 224, 225 Confucianism, 68 Chiang Mai Gurdwara, 223 Convention on the Elimination of All Chiang Rai, 224 Forms of Discrimination against China Women (CEDAW), 273 economic rise, 66 Corregidor Island, 184n9 Japanese actions during World War Courtine, P., 238n1 II, 210 Coventry, 87 Kartar Singh and, 193–95 Cribb, Robert, 11 overseas Chinese and, 205 Crick, D., 221 Sikh business networks and, 109, Croatia, 193 152, 199, 235–36 as source of labour, 19, 22 D war with Japan, 205, 227 Dagupan, 169, 173, 177 Chinese communities dairy farming academic interest in, 9–10 Burmese Sikhs and, 130 in Burma/Myanmar, 117, 119 Indonesian Sikhs and, 150, 151–52 business networks, 13, 190, 192 Malaysian Sikhs and, 241–42 in Indonesia, 68, 143, 146, 162 New Zealand Sikhs and, 82 interest in Chinese affairs, 205 Southeast Asian Sikhs and, 2, 20, 34 in Malaya, 22, 30, 31, 33, 34 Dasmarinas, 183n6 in Malaysia, 87, 253, 256–60, 262 Dateline India, 174, 177, 179 migration to Southeast Asia, 17 Davao, 169, 171, 173 as model for Sikhs, 18 Dehradun, 114, 209 in the Philippines, 179 Deli, 147 relations with Sikhs, 32, 46, 74n4, Delima Square Shopping Complex, 213, 216, 235 110 in Thailand, 227, 235 Denmark, 21t during World War II, 204, 213 Dewan Pelajar, 244 Chittagong, 121 Dhillon, Hardeep, 151, 159 Chonburi, 224 diasporas, 19. 44, 95, 96 Christianity, 55 discrimination against Sikhs, 50, 69, Christian missionaries, 39 78–79, 91–92, 136–37, 172, Christians, 26, 105t, 145, 161, 253 178–89 Chulalongkorn, King, 223 Diwali, 6 Chura caste, 7 Doaba Sikhs Cibubor Bogor, 163 effect on home region, 98n2 Ciputat, 154, 158 gurdwara congregations, 7, 54 Clifford, Hugh, 207 as independent migrants, 81 Clinton, Bill, 228 in Jakarta, 157 Cold War, 81 Malay States Guides and, 36 commitment theory, 190 in the Philippines, 169, 176, 178 communism, 5, 8 police forces and, 31 17 Sikhs_SEA Index 304 8/4/11, 1:40 PM Index 305 Dubai, 108 F Dugal, R.S., 123 Faizal Yahya, 13 Dusenbery, Verne A. Farrer Park, 210 on “bhum bhai”, 183n2 Fatupila, Banta Singh, 155 on Sikh assimilation to host Federated Malay States Police Force, societies, 13, 88 33, 206 on Sikh politics, 47 Ferozepore, 31, 62, 170 on Sikh successes in Singapore, 55, Fiji, 21t, 80 57 Filipino Sikhs, 166–85 studies on Sikhs, 3, 8, 89 assimilation, 10, 174 Dutch East Indies, 1, 61, 62, 73n4, citizenship status, 169 143 discrimination against, 178 globalization and, 66 E gurdwaras, 169, 172–75, 175–76, East Africa, 80 180, 182 East India Company, 18, 26 identity, 48, 61, 173, 174 East Java, 145 internal politics, 175–76 East Malaysia, 162 marriages with local women, 170 education occupational profile, 169 family emphasis on, 4, 196 population, 20, 21t of Sikhs in Burma/Myanmar, 119– targets of crime, 69, 172, 178–79 20, 128–30 1st Battalion Perak Sikhs, 31 of Sikhs in Indonesia, 152 Foucault, Michel, 99n9 of Sikhs in Malaysia, 242 France, 21t, 69, 88, 90, 91, 93–94, of Thai Sikhs, 229–30, 232 99n11 in Western countries, 114, 153, 197 Fuglerud, Oivind, 45, 51 Eihan, 124 Fujiwara Iwaichi (Major), 209, 218n3 Elphick, Peter, 203 Fujiwara Kikan, 209, 218n3 English language Furnivall, J.S., 25 Burmese Sikhs and, 125 education for Sikhs in, 39–40 G Filipino Sikhs and, 174 Galfar, 108 Indonesian Sikhs and, 150, 152, Gandhi, Indira, 52 153, 161 Gandhi Memorial School, 153, 160, Malaysian Sikhs and, 55, 56, 70, 242 161, 162 Sikh employment and, 25, 65, 125, Gedung Johor Karang Sari, 155 152 Gemas, 37 Thai Sikhs and, 226, 228, 231, 232 General Motors, 147 Enterprise Nationalization Law of Gerak Sikh, 272, 289 1963, 117, 119 Germany, 21t Europe, 67, 80, 81, 93, 97 Ghadar movement, 52, 204 European Union, 93 Ghadr Party, 5, 62 17 Sikhs_SEA Index 305 8/4/11, 1:40 PM 306 Index Ghummar caste, 46, 169, 176 in Malaya, 37 Gibson, Margaret A., 88 meaning of word, 183n1 Gidoomal, Ram, 190–91 in the Philippines, 169, 172–75, Gill, Harwinder Singh, 283 175–76, 180, 182 Gill, Pratap Singh, 148 police regiments and, 2 Gillespie, Marie, 89 role in diasporic communities, 36– Gill Shipping Company, 152 39, 52, 142, 267 Glamour Sports Company, 109, 113 role of granthis, 70–71 globalization segregation in, 7 business networking and, 191–92 as “Sikh thermostat”, 50 during colonial period, 17, 20, 61– Sindhi and Sikh collaborative 62 founding of, 74n11 nature
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