博物館與文化 第一期 頁 131~153 (2011 年 6 月) Journal of Museum & Culture 1 : 131~153 (June, 2011) History of Museums A Focus on Museums and Museology in Germany 1900 - 2011 Hildegard K. Vieregg1 1 Prof. Dr. Hildegard K. Vieregg, Museum Sciences and History of Museums, Munich School of Philosophy. From 1999 to 2007, President of the International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM in ICOM/UNESCO). At present: Vice-President of ICOFOM SIB & SAP (Siberia, South East Asian Countries and Pacific). E-mail:
[email protected] 132 博物館與文化 第一期 2011 年 6 月 Abstract The following article examines museum development in the course of the 20th century in Germany. Numerous of these museums for the Fine Arts, Natural Sciences and Cultural History have their origins already in the 19th century. After the year 1900 were again foundations in different sections and of a progressive typology which developed themselves according to the needs of people. Deutsches Museum Munich (founded in 1903) was and is thanks museum-pioneers until today the extraordinary model for all of the Museums for Science and the Techniques world-wide. The journal “Museumskunde” firstly organized and published (1905) by the famous museum expert Karl Koetschau is also an example that survived the 20th century, and is until now the most important scientific museum publication in Germany. Within the periods of the First World War (1914-1918), National Socialism (1933-1945) and Second World War (1939-1945), the Museum-Landscape in Germany was confronted with serious problems. The further development after 1945 was characterized by museum experts, and the German Association of Museums (founded in 1917, re-organized after the Second World War).