Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographs December 7, 1975

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View President Ford's Daily Diary (activities log) for this day

Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7521 3-6 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing, leaning over desk; GRF , Malacanang Kennerly Philippines; Presidential Quarters; President walking toward door in Palace - Private Marcos of the Philippines frame 6 Presidential Quarters

A7521 10-11 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the departing palace for day's GRF; Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Malacanang Kennerly Philippines; Departing Palace for Tour of activities; entering limo Ford, Susan Ford Palace Corregidor Island; President Marcos of the Philippines

A7521 12 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing at railing, smiling GRF; Ferdinand Marcos; Media, Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang Secret Service Presidential Pangulo"; President Marcos of the Philippines Yacht "Ang Pangulo"

A7521 13-15 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting at table, talking Mrs. Imelda Marcos Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover - Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang Presidential Pangulo" - First Lady Marcos Press Interview Yacht "Ang Pangulo"

A7521 16-20 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines debarking yacht, walking by GRF, Betty Ford, President Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover - Tour of Corregidor Island dancing native girls, waving Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos, Island - San Entourage; native girls; Philippine Juan Landing Military Area

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7521 21-26 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines saluting troops, placing GRF, Ferdinand Marcos Philippine Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover - Tour of Corregidor Island-Wreath- wreath at monument; Military; Secret Service Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, walking away; various angles Wainwright site of surrender of Joint-US Philippine forces and distances; all not in Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; World War II every frame

A7521 30-34 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking outside tunnel; GRF, Kissinger, Ferdinand Marcos; Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta heads of state entering Philippine Military; Secret Service; Island - Malinta Tunnel (Headquarters often Douglas limousine for tour of top of Scowcroft, Entourage Tunnel MacArthur, Filipino President Manuel island by motorcade; various Quezonled and Joint-US/Philippine Forces angles and distances; all not during World War I); President Marcos of the in every frame Philippines

A7521 35-37 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines Presidents dance with GRF, Betty Ford; President Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover - Dancing after Lunch Aboard eachother's spouses, others Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos Others Presidential Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo;" Music by seated; various angles and Yacht "Ang Baranggay Folk Dance Group distances; all not in every Pangulo" frame

A7521 7-8 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the GRF alone; Marcos arrives in GRF; Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Malacanang Kennerly Philippines; Presidential Quarters; President doorway; all standing Ford, Susan Ford Palace - Private Marcos of the Philippines together Presidential Quarters

A7521 9 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing, talking GRF; Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Malacanang Kennerly Philippines; Presidential Quarters; President Ford, Susan Ford Palace - Private Marcos of the Philippines Presidential Quarters

A7521 27-29 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking; listening to guide GRF, Kissinger, Ferdinand Marcos; Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta Philippine Military; Secret Service; Island - Inside Tunnel (Headquarters often Douglas Scowcroft, Entourage Malinta Tunnel MacArthur, Filipino President Manuel Quezonled and Joint-US/Philippine Forces during World War I); President Marcos of the Philippines

A7522 1-19 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines watching dancers perform; GRF, Betty Ford; Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; After Lunch Entertainment by GRF & BF dancing with Imelda Marcos, Others Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard eachother and dancers; Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo; Dancing; Imelda singing with Pangulo" President & First Lady of the Philippines microphone (& Ferdinand); various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7522 20-22 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines greeting children in native GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Native Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover; Depart Philippines; President costume dancing outside Child Dancers, Crowd International Marcos of the Philippines terminal, airport name sign Airport in background

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7523 1-22 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines watching dancers perform; GRF, Betty Ford; Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; After Lunch Entertainment by Imelda & Ferdinand singing Imelda Marcos, Kissinger; Others Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard into microphones; dancing Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo; Dancing; together: GRF & BF, Imelda Pangulo" President & First Lady Marcos of the & Kissinger; various angles Philippines and distances; all not in every frame

A7523 23-25 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines head and shoulders shots, Carlos P. Romulo Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover - Breakfast Aboard Presidential Yacht talking into microphone, Presidential "Ang Pangulo; Philippines Foreign Affairs press interview Yacht "Ang Secretary Pangulo"

A7523 26-27 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing together, smiling; Susan Ford, UPI International pool Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Philippines - Return from Corregidor Island Susan holding 2 bouquets of reporter flowers

A7523 28-29 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines watching children in native GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Native Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover; Depart Philippines; President costume dancing outside Child Dancers, Crowd International Marcos of the Philippines terminal Airport

A7523 30-31 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines Phiippine jets flying in Military Personnel Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover - Departure Ceremony formation; personnel on International ground in frame 31 Airport

A7523 32-34 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines Philippine soldiers in U.S. Military jets; U.S. Navy Guard; Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover - Departure Ceremony formation in front of Air Philippine soldiers Air Force One International Force One, flags; various Airport angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7524 2A-13A BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines Imelda singing with GRF, Betty Ford; Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover - After Lunch Dancing to Music of microphone, others sitting; Imelda Marcos, Kissinger; UPI Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard Fords on dance floor, International Photographer, Others Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo"; President Ferdinand dancing; GRF Pangulo" and First Lady of the Philippines dances with singer; BF hand shakes with UPI photographer; wave good- bye; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7524 14A-16A BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines standing together, hand Kissinger, UPI International Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Stopover - Return from Corregidor Island shaking; limousine Photographer, Secret Service

A7524 17A BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing together, smiling; Susan Ford, UPI International pool Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Philippines - Return from Corregidor Island Susan holding 2 bouquets of reporter flowers

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 3 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7524 18A BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing together by Susan Ford, Ferdinand Marcos, Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Philippines; Return from Corregidor Island; limousine, Susan holding 2 GRF, Betty Ford, Others President Marcos of the Philippines bouquets of flowers

A7525 2A-3A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing together; GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Ford Manila, Philippines Malacanang Kennerly Stopover; Departing Palace for Excursion; Palace President Marcos of the Philippines

A7525 4A-7A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking together outside; 2 Ferdinand Marcos, GRF, Betty Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Stopover; Departing for Tour of Corregidor frames Secret Service & Ford; Secret Service, Others Island; President Marcos of the Philippines others standing around; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7525 8A-14A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines head of state side profiles Ferdinand Marcos, GRF Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang together; looking at map, Presidential Pangulo"; President Marcos of the Philippines Marcos pointing; various Yacht "Ang angles and distances; all not Pangulo" in every frame

A7525 15A-17A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines entourage walking; heads of GRF, Betty Ford, Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- state & wives standing Imelda Marcos, USAFFE Military; Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, before monument; various Secret Service Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces angles and distances; all not Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of in every frame the Philippines

A7525 22A-36A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines foursome on dance floor; GRF, Betty Ford; Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; After Lunch Entertainment by Marcos and BF dancing; Imelda Marcos, Kissinger, Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard foursome sitting at lunch Performers, Others Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo; Dancing; table; Presidents & Kissinger Pangulo" President & First Lady Marcos of the at lunch table; GRF & Imelda Philippines talking; GRF & Imelda on dance floor; musicians playing; various angles and distances; all not in every frame A7525 18A-21A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines greeting, handshaking; some GRF, Philippine Scout Veterans Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- Vets saluting; Vets wearing Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, campaign hats or Doughboy Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces helmets; all not in every Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of frame the Philippines

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 4 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7526 2-8 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing for anthem, GRF, Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- inspecting troops; helicopter Philippine Troops; Philippines Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, in background; various Navy Band, Secret Service; Public Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces angles and distances; all not Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of in every frame the Philippines

A7526 12-22 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines Ferdinand and Imelda Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; After Lunch Entertainment by singing together with Ford; Kissinger Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard microphones, BF and Imelda Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo"; President & sitting at lunch table Pangulo" First Lady Marcos of the Philippines together, Betty waving, Kissinger and Imelda dancing together; various angles and distances; all not in both frames

A7526 23-24 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines jets flying in formation; U.S. Military jets; Military Guard Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover - Departure Ceremony troops, flags and tail of plane flags Air Force One International 26000 on ground Airport

A7526 9-11 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines wearing campaign hats or Philippine Scout Veterans Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- Doughboy helmets Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942

A7527 2-4 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines standing alone in office GRF Manila, Philippines Malacanang Kennerly Stopover - Presidential Quarters Palace - Private Presidential Quarters

A7527 5-6 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines all standing, then sitting Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover ; Lunch Aboard Presidential Yacht around lunch table; various Ford; Kissinger, Carlos Romulo Presidential "Ang Pangulo"; President & First Lady Marcos angles and distances; all not Yacht "Ang of the Philippines; Philippine Foreign Affairs in both frames Pangulo" Secretary Romulo

A7527 7-23 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines heads of state standing GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Crew, UPI Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang together at ship's rail, International Photographer, Presidential Pangulo"; President Marcos of the Philippines looking at map; joined by Secret Service Yacht "Ang reporter; various angles and Pangulo" distances; all not in every frame

A7527 24 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines all seated around table Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; Breakfast Aboard Presidential Yacht Ford; Kissinger, Carlos Romulo; Presidential "Ang Pangulo"; President & First Lady Marcos Waiters Yacht "Ang of the Philippines; Philippine Foreign Affairs Pangulo" Secretary Romulo

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 5 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7527 25-27 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines debarking yacht, walking GRF, Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos, Manila, Philippines Pier #15 Kennerly Stopover; Arrive Corregidor Island; President & away; various angles and Betty Ford; Kissinger, Entourage, First Lady Marcos of the Philippines distances; all not in every Military, Secret Service frame

A7527 28-30 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing, saluting; Marcos GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Military Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- putting wreath on memorial; Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, World War II Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of the Philippines

A7528 3 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing, reading signs GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Military, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Kennerly Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta about tunnel Entourage Island - Malinta Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas Tunnel MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel Quezonled and Joint-US/Phil Forces during World War II); President Marcos of the Philippines

A7528 4-37 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines presidents & wives dancing GRF, Betty Ford; Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Aboard Kennerly Stopover; After Lunch Entertainment by and sitting at lunch table, Imelda Marcos, Kissinger, Folk Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard room full of Dancers, Musicians, Mr. & Mrs. Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo; Dancing; diners/performers; various Jim Lynn, Weidenfeld, Nessen, Pangulo" President & First Lady Marcos of the angles and distances; all not Others Philippines in every frame

A7529 3-13 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting around table Betty Ford; Imelda Marcos singer Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover - After Breakfast Entertainment by watching solo female singer Weidenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lynn Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard with microphone; various Others Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo angles and distances; all not Pangulo" in every frame

A7529 14-17 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines debarking yacht, walking by GRF, Betty Ford, Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; President dancing native girls, yacht & Imelda Marcos, Kissinger, Island - San and First Lady Marcos of the Philippines sea in background; various Entourage; Native Girls; Secret Juan Landing angles and distances; all not Service Area in every frame

A7529 18-21 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing, hands over hearts; GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Military Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- Marcos putting wreath on Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, memorial; World War II; Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces various angles and distances; Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of all not in every frame the Philippines

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 6 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7529 22-27 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines heads of state standing GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Media, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta outside tunnel, others inside Entourage Island - Malinta Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas and along side; GRF wears Tunnel MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel leis; entering limousine for Quezonled and Joint-US/Phil Forces during tour of top of Corregidor; World War II); President Marcos of the various angles and distances; Philippines all not in every frame

A7529 29-35 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines 3 frames: girls in orange Dancing Girls, GRF, Betty Ford, Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Stopover; Departure Ceremony; President & native costumes dancing in Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; International First Lady Marcos of the Philippines front of terminal; 2 frames Kissinger, Philippine Military, Airport GRF speaking on dais; 1 Others frame presidents shake hands on red carpet; all not in every frame

A7529 28 Color Schumacher

A7530 3-11 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting around table, Betty Ford; Imelda Marcos singer Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover - After Breakfast Entertainment by watching solo female singer Weidenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lynn Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard with microphone; BF talking Others Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo with unidentified male, Pangulo" standing shaking hands with singer; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7530 12-16 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking under sun umbrellas GRF, Betty Ford, Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; President away from yacht; yacht & Imelda Marcos, Kissinger, Military, Island - San & First Lady Marcos of the Philippines sea in background; Secret Service Juan Landing presidents wear leis, wives Area carry flowers; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7530 17-24 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines long shot, standing, hands GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- over hearts; inspecting Ford, Imelda Marcos, Kissinger, Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, troops; posing for photo, Carlos Romulo; Philippine Military, Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces Marcos putting wreath on Secret Service; World War II Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of memorial, walking by Veterans, Others the Philippines military, handshaking with veterans; World War II Veterans; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 7 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7531 3-11 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the Susan talking with men; GRF GRF; Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Malacanang Schumacher Philippines; Presidential Quarters; President handshaking with men; Ford, Susan Ford, Unidentified Palace - Private Marcos of the Philippines Marcos arrives in doorway; Filipino Men Presidential GRF & Marcos standing Quarters together; BF and presidents in doorway; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7531 12-16 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing, talking; all seated Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Breakfast Aboard Presidential Yacht around table; various angles Ford; Kissinger, Carlos Romulo; Presidential "Ang Pangulo"; President & First Lady Marcos and distances; all not in Waiters Yacht "Ang of the Philippines; Philippine Foreign Affairs every frame Pangulo" Secretary Romulo

A7531 17-19 Color President's Far Eastern Trip;Philippines Marcos talking with press Ferdinand Marcos, Media, Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang Unidentified Man Presidential Pangulo," ; President Marcos of the Yacht "Ang Philippines; Press Interview Pangulo"

A7531 20-24 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines midrange heads of state GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Media Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang standing together at ship's Presidential Pangulo"; President Marcos of the Philippines rail, talking; press in Yacht "Ang background; sea visible; Pangulo" various angles and distances

A7531 25-27 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines all seated around table Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Breakfast Aboard Presidential Yacht Ford; Kissinger, Carlos Romulo; Presidential "Ang Pangulo"; President & First Lady Marcos Waiters Yacht "Ang of the Philippines; Philippine Foreign Affairs Pangulo" Secretary Romulo

A7531 28-33 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines sitting side by side in ship's GRF, Ferdinand Marcos Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover - Head on Head Meeting Aboard stateroom, talking privately; Presidential Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo"; President in shirtsleeves Yacht "Ang Marcos of the Philippines Pangulo"

A7531 34-35 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting at table watching solo Betty Ford; Imelda Marcos, Singer Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover - After Breakfast Entertainment by female singer with Others Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard microphone Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo Pangulo"

A7532 4 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines heads of state rstopping GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Kissinger, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta along path to look at Entourage, Media, Philippine Island Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas exhibits; wearing leis Military MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel Quezon and Joint-US/Philippine Forces during World War II)

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 8 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7532 11 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting in press plane, Two Unidentified Men Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Stopover - Departure Ceremony wearing headphones with International OMD on front Airport

A7532 12-13 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines girls in orange native dancing girls Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover - Departure Ceremony costumes dancing in front of International terminal Airport

A7532 14-25 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing hands over hearts GRF, Betty Ford, Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Philippines; Departure Ceremony; President & in front of flags and Imelda Marcos, Susan Ford; International First Lady Marcos of the Philippines entourage; inspecting Philippine Military Airport troops; handshaking; GRF remarks on dais; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7532 5-7 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines standing, talking, wearing GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Kissinger, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta leis; all not in every frame Entourage, Media Island - Inside Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas Malinta Tunnel MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel Quezon and Joint-US/Philippine Forces during World War II)

A7532 8-9 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking from tunnel, talking, GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Kissinger, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta wearing leis; all not in both O'Donnell, Entourage, Media, Island - Outside Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas frames Philippine Military Malinta Tunnel MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel Quezonled and Joint-US/Phil Forces during World War II); President Marcos of the Philippines

A7532 10 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines GRF entering limousine; GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Kissinger, Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island-Malinta tunnel in background O'Donnell, Entourage, Media, Island - Outside Tunnel (Headquarters of Gen. Douglas Philippine Military Malinta Tunnel MacArthur, Philippines Pres. Manuel Quezonled and Joint-US/Phil Forces during World War II); President Marcos of the Philippines

A7533 1-9 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines heads of state standing GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Sailors, Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Aboard Presidential Yacht "Ang together on ship's bow, Media Presidential Pangulo"; President Marcos of the Philippines reading map; view of sky, Yacht "Ang ropes, yacht; various angles Pangulo" and distances; all not in every frame

A7533 10-12 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines seated at table; GRF signs GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Breakfast Aboard Presidential Yacht book; talking; various angles Unidentified Man, Nessen, Carlos Presidential "Ang Pangulo"; President Marcos of the and distances; all not in Romulo; Betty Ford, Chirdon, Yacht "Ang Philippines; Secretary of Foreign Affairs Romulo every frame Unidentified Man Pangulo"

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 9 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7533 13-18 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines sitting side by side in ship's GRF, Ferdinand Marcos Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover; Head on Head Meeting Aboard stateroom, talking privately; Presidential Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo"; President in shirtsleeves; various Yacht "Ang Marcos of the Philippines distances Pangulo"

A7533 19-24 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines BF & Imelda sitting side by Betty Ford; Imelda Marcos; Manila, Philippines Aboard Schumacher Stopover - After Breakfast Entertainment by side at table, midrange; Unidentified Man Weidenfeld Mr. Presidential Baranggay Folk Dance Group Aboard Betty talking to unidentified & Mrs. Jim Lynn Others Yacht "Ang Presidential Yacht "Ang Pangulo; First Ladies man; Imelda and Weidenfeld Pangulo" talking; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7533 25 Color Schumacher

A7533 27-30 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines heads of state inspecting the GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Philippine Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- troops, presidents wearing Military Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, leis; World War II Veterans; Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces moving toward camera Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of the Philippines

A7533 26 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking under sun umbrellas GRF, Betty Ford, Ferdinand & Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; President away from yacht Imelda Marcos Island - San & First Lady Marcos of the Philippines Juan Landing Area

A7534 2-6 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines walking together; standing, GRF, Ferdinand Marcos; Betty Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover; Tour of Corregidor Island; Wreath- hands over hearts, at Ford, Imelda Marcos; Secret Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, attention; GRF handshaking Service, Entourage, Philippine Wainwright site of surrender of Joint US-Philippine forces with veterans; World War II Military, USAFFE Military Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; President Marcos of Veterans; various angles and the Philippines distances; all not in every frame

A7534 7 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines climbing aboard, riding in Philippine Military, Cavaney Manila, Philippines Corregidor Schumacher Stopover - Tour of Corregidor Island-Wreath- jeep Island - Laying at (Jonathan) Wainwright Monument, Wainwright site of surrender of Joint-US Philippine forces Monument to Japanese on 5/6/1942; World War II Veterans

A7534 8 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines sitting in press plane, Unidentified Man Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Stopover - Departure Ceremony wearing headphones with International OMD on front Airport

A7534 9-10 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines girls in orange native dancing girls Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Stopover - Departure Ceremony costumes dancing in front of International terminal; waving Airport

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 10 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7534 11-13 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Philippines inspecting the troops; GRF, Ferdinand Marcos, Philippine Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Stopover; Departure Ceremony; President moving toward camera Military International Marcos of the Philippines Airport

A7534 14-17 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing together in front of GRF, Betty Ford, Imelda Marcos Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Philippines - Departure Ceremony military holding parasol; Susan Ford; Philippine Military International various angles and distances; Airport all not in every frame

A7534 18-25 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the Fords each shaking hands on GRF, Betty Ford, Susan Ford; Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Philippines; Departure Ceremony red carpet; GRF remarks on Crowd; Ferdinand & Imelda International dais; presidents shaking Marcos; Dignitaries, Military crowd Airport hands on red carpet; GRF & Imelda shaking hands; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7534 26-34 Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Trip to the standing at top of ramp of GRF, Betty Ford, Susan Ford Manila, Philippines Manila Schumacher Philippines - Departure Ceremony Air Force One, waving; blue International sky, bouquets of flowers Airport

A7634 2A-6A Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF at lectern, others GRF, John Richardson, Everett Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; President's onstage, seated audience;; Kleinjams, Fujio Matsuda, Herbert Hawaii - East- Remarks - Honolulu, Hawaii various angles and distances; Cornuelle, Gov. George Ariyoshi West Cultural all not in every frame; only Center - John F. stage is lit Kennedy Theater

A7634 7A-9A Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, handshaking GRF, Everett Kleinjams, Others Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; East-West Center Hawaii - East- President Kleinjams - Honolulu, Hawaii West Cultural Center - Outside

A7634 10A-22A Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing with crowd, talking GRF, Crowd, Police Officers; Others Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii to press, bicentennial Force Base banner; handshaking; wearing leis; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7634 26A-32A Color President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - sitting, standing together in GRF, Unidentified Men enroute from President's Kennerly Aboard Air Force One plane; various angles and Hawaii Cabin - Air distances; all not in every Force One frame

A7634 23A-25A Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF & Susan at top of ramp GRF, Susan Ford Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii with leis, flowers, waving Force Base

A7635 2 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, embracing on GRF, Susan Ford, Others Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii tarmac Force Base

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 11 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7635 3-8 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - relaxing in plane; various Scowcroft, Baroody; Kennerly, enroute from Air Force One Kennerly Aboard Air Force One; White House Staff angles and distances; all not Others Hawaii in every frame

A7635 11-12 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - GRF and Keiser standing in GRF. Keiser, Secret Service enroute from Air Force One Kennerly Aboard Air Force One aisle, talking; others seated Hawaii

A7635 9-10 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - GRF and man seated, GRF. Cheney, Unidentified Men enroute from President's Kennerly Aboard Air Force One talking; man in shirtsleeves; Hawaii Cabin - Air Cheney standing Force One

A7636 7-9 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; Mrs. Ariyoshi hugs and puts GRF, Gov. & Mrs. George Ariyoshi, Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii leis around GRF's neck Others Force Base

A7636 10 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; head to waist portrait, Susan Ford Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii smiling, bedecked with leis Force Base and flowers

A7636 12-16 Color President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF at lectern, others GRF, John Richardson, Everett Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; President's onstage; dark room; various Kleinjams, Fujio Matsuda, Herbert Hawaii - East- Remarks - Honolulu, Hawaii angles and distances; all not Cornuelle, Gov. George Ariyoshi West Cultural in every frame Center - John F. Kennedy Theater

A7636 11 Color Kennerly

A7637 3 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - GRF talking to men in shirt GRF, Unidentified Men enroute from Air Force One Kennerly Aboard Air Force One sleeves Hawaii

A7637 4-10 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US - GRF visits Walters & Thomas GRF, Barbara Walters, Helen Enroute from HI Air Force One - Kennerly Aboard Air Force One; Press Secretary; UPI in the passenger cabin: Thomas; Nessen Passenger White House Correspondent; NBC seats; Walters standing up Cabin Correspondent; Enroute from Hawaii with microphone and interviews him; Walters & Thomas sitting together; various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7637 11-13 BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Return to US descending ramp of plane at GRF, Susan Ford, Nessen; Cheney, Andrews Air Force Andrews Air Kennerly night Hartmann Base, MD Force Base

A7638 2-7 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, hand over heart; GRF, veterans, Member Women's Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Wreath Laying at Replica of USS Arizona in various angles and distances; Auxiliary Memorial Honor of Those Americans Killed on December all not in every frame 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7638 8-11 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; close ups outside, with leis GRF Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Departure from - Honolulu, Hawaii around neck; wiping tear in Force Base last frame

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 12 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7639 2-6 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; descending ramp of Air GRF, Betty Ford, Susan Ford, Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Airport Arrival - Honolulu, Hawaii Force One; receiving leis, Secret Service; Gov. & Mrs. Force Base greetings, handshaking; George Ariyoshi, Crowd various angles and distances; all not in every frame

A7639 7 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; signing guestbook before GRF, Betty Ford, Lt. Gen. John N. Pearl Harbor, HI CINCPACFLT Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS boarding launch to memorial McLaughlin, USMC Aiea Boat Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Dock - Boat December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on House Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7639 8-13 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; Gaylor introducing GRF, GRF Adm. & Mrs. Noel Gayler, GRF, Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS remarks at lectern, vets Adm. & Mrs. Maurice Weisner, Memorial Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on standing with wreath; 2 men Rear Adm. Ralph Wentworth, December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on place wreath Betty Ford, American Legion Pearl Harbor; Cmdr. In Chief US Pacific Fleet veterans Weisner - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7639 14 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; boarding launch GRF, Betty Ford, Adm. Noel Gayler Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Depart Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of Memorial USS Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7639 15 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing face to face, talking GRF, Adm. Noel Gayler Pearl Harbor, HI Gayler Kennerly Breakfast for Community Leaders and Military Residence - 6 Personnel Hosted by Adm. Gayler; Hale Alii Road - Commander in Chief, Pacific (Gayler) - Pearl Quarters A Harbor, Hawaii

A7639 16-33 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF at lectern, others GRF, John Richardson, Everett Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; President's onstage; dark room, keep off Kleinjams, Fujio Matsuda, Herbert Hawaii - East- Remarks - Honolulu, Hawaii elevator sign; handshaking, Cornuelle, Gov.George Ariyoshi West Cultural kissing students afterwards; Center - John F. Native American, Hawaiian Kennedy clothing; various angles and Theater distances; all not in every frame

A7640 2A BW President's Far Eastern Trip - Philippines man at top of ramp of Spirit Air Force One, Philippines Honor Manila, Philippines Manila Kennerly Stopover - Departure Ceremony of '76, door open; military Guard International lined up below Airport

A7640 3A-12A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; handshaking at bottom of Betty Ford, GRF; Sen. & Mrs. Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Airport Arrival; US Senator & Representative ramp Hiram Fong, Rep. & Mrs. Spark Force Base from Hawaii (HI) - Honolulu, Hawaii Matsunaga; Adm. & Mrs. Noel Gayler, Gen. & Mrs. Louis Wilson Jr.

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 13 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7640 13A-23A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF at lectern, vets lined up; GRF, American Legion veterans Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at USS Arizona GRF standing in front of Memorial Memorial in Honor of Those Americans Killed model of the USS Arizona; on December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack American Legion wreath is on Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii placed

A7640 24A-25A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; leaving memorial, boarding GRF, Betty Ford, Adm. & Mrs. Noel Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Depart Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of launch Gayler, Secret Service Memorial USS Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7640 26A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; greeting GRF, Betty Ford, Lt. Gen. John N. Pearl Harbor, HI CINCPACFLT Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS McLaughlin, USMC Aiea Boat Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Dock - Boat December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on House Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7640 27A-34A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking, GRF, Scowcroft; Sen. Hiram Fong, Pearl Harbor, HI Gayler Kennerly Breakfast for Community Leaders and Military handshaking; Fong (#32); Guests, Rear Adm. & Mrs. James Residence - 6 Personnel Hosted by Adm. Gayler; GRF wears leis Moreau & Others Hale Alii Road - Commander in Chief, Pacific (Gayler) - Pearl Quarters A Harbor, Hawaii

A7640 35A BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; 3 men onstage stand, GRF, John Richardson, Everett Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; President's applaud GRF Kleinjams, Fujio Matsuda, Herbert Hawaii - East- Remarks - Honolulu, Hawaii Cornuelle, Gov.George Ariyoshi West Cultural Center - John F. Kennedy Theater

A7640 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; exiting house; sitting in GRF, Adm. & Mrs. Noel Gayler, Pearl Harbor, HI Gayler Kennerly Breakfast for Community Leaders and Military garden at round breakfast Secret Servivce, Others Residence - 6 Personnel Hosted by Adm. Gayler; tables; standing, talking, Hale Alii Road - Commander in Chief, Pacific (Gayler) - Pearl handshaking Quarters A Harbor, Hawaii

A7640 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking GRF, Everett Kleingans, O'Donnell Honolulu, HI University of Kennerly Visit to University of Hawaii; President's Hawaii - East- Remarks; President, East-West Cultural West Cultural Center - Honolulu, Hawaii Center - John F. Kennedy Theater

A7641 2-4 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing together, GRF; Sen. Hiram Fong, Crowd Honolulu, HI Hickam Air Kennerly Airport Arrival; US Senator from Hawaii (HI) workinging crowd Force Base

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 14 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7641 5-6 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; signing guestbook before GRF, Lt. Gen. John N. McLaughlin, Pearl Harbor, HI CINCPACFLT Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS boarding lauch to memorial USMC, Betty Ford, Aiea Boat Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Dock - Boat December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on House Pearl Harbor; Enroute to - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 7-9 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; sitting on deck of boat GRF, Betty Ford, Adm. & Mrs. Noel Pearl Harbor, HI Aboard Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS Gayler, Lt. Gen. & Mrs. John CINCPACFLT Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on McLaughlin, Hartmann Launch December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor; Enroute to - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 10-13 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; debarking from boat, GRF, Betty Ford, Adm. & Mrs. Noel Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS walking on red carpet Gayler, sailors Memorial Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor; Enroute to - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 14-20 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; GRF walking down carpet to GRF, American Legion veterams Pearl Harbor, HI USS Arizona Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS model ship, man carrying Memorial Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on wreath December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 21-22 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; sitting on deck of boat GRF, Betty Ford, Gov. & Mrs. Pearl Harbor, HI Aboard Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS George Ariyosh, Sen. & Mrs. CINCPACFLT Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Hiram Fong Launch December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor; Governor & US Senator from Hawaii (HI) - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 23 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking GRF, Unidentified Military Man Pearl Harbor, HI CINCPACFLT Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS Aiea Boat Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Dock - Boat December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on House Pearl Harbor; Return from - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 24-26 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking GRF, Naval Personnel.Others Pearl Harbor, HI Residence of Kennerly Prior to Reception at Residence of Admiral and Admiral and Mrs. Gayler Mrs. Gayler

A7641 27-31 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking, saying GRF, Admiral and Mrs. Gayler; Pearl Harbor, HI Residence of Kennerly Departure from Reception at Residence of goodbye Guests Admiral and Admiral and Mrs. Gayler Mrs. Gayler

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 15 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A7641 32-33 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking GRF, Admiral and Mrs. Gayler Pearl Harbor, HI Residence of Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS Admiral and Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Mrs. Gayler December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor; Return from - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A7641 23 BW President's Far Eastern Trip; Hawaii Stopover; standing, talking GRF, Unidentified Military Man Pearl Harbor, HI CINCPACFLT Kennerly Wreath Laying Ceremony at Replica of USS Aiea Boat Arizona in Honor of Those Americans Killed on Dock - Boat December 7, 1941 in the Japanese Attack on House Pearl Harbor; Return from - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Friday, October 10, 2014 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 16 of 16