ISSN 2615-6075 (online) ISSN 2615-6946 (print) Journal of Socioeconomics and Development Volume 1, Number 2, October 2018 The Influence of Respondent Characteristics and Different Areas on Small-Scale Fisherman Household Income of Urban Coastal Areas in Pare-Pare City, South Sulawesi Abd. Rahim, Diah Retno Dwi Hastuti, Dita Pradipta, Nurbaya Bustanul and Nur Azizah The Relationship between the Adoption Innovation and the Communication Channel of Madura Cattle Farmers Ary Bakhtiar and Ridha Rizki Novanda Performance Evaluation of the Extension Worker and the Development Strategy of Organic Agriculture Extension in Batu City Hendro Prasetyo and Lilis Hariani The Identification of Research Priority in The Field of Food Security Budi Triyono, Chichi Sinthia Laksani, Muhammad Zulhamdani, Irene Muflikh Nadhiroh and Lutfah Ariana The Economic Feasibility of Sweet Potatos Farming by Using Selected N Fertilization Dian Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth, Erliana Ginting and Joko Restuono The Effect of Destination Image, Amenities and Prices on Tourists’ Satisfaction: A Study of Visitors of Jatim Park 1, Batu Denis Twi Febinanda, Peter Remy Yosy Pasla and Uki Yonda Asepta The Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers in Utilizing Cyber Extension in Malang Raya Region Sabir, Sugiyanto, Keppi Sukesi and Yayuk Yuliati The Study Program of Socioeconomics (Agribusiness), Agriculture Faculty, Widyagama University of Malang Jl. Taman Borobudur Indah No. 3 Malang 65142 INDONESIA Phone / Fax +62341 496919 Email:
[email protected] OJS ISSN 2615-6075 (online) ISSN 2615-6946 (print) Journal of Socioeconomics and Development (JSeD) publishes articles in the social and economic scope, development economics, social development, agribusiness, human resources development, regional development, institutional development, and sustainable development.