HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fakultät Schriftenreihe des Seminars für Ländliche Entwicklung Conflict – Threat or Opportunity? Land Use and Coping Strategies of War-affected Communities in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka CATAD Team: IFSP Team: Benedikt Korf (Team Leader) Rohini M. Singarayer (Team Leader) Tobias Flämig Rathnayake M. Abeyrathne Christine Schenk Kanagaratnam Devarajah Monika Ziebell Dharsanie Dharmarajah Julia Ziegler Thangavel Sakthivel SLE (CATAD): Integrated Food Security Programme Podbielskiallee 66 Trincomalee (IFSP) 14195 Berlin, Germany 42, Huskison Street Tel. 0049-30-314 71 334 31000 Trincomalee, Sri Lanka Fax 0049-30-314 71 409 Tel. 0094 26 22023, 22687 http: Fax 0094 26 22294
[email protected] Berlin/Trincomalee, December 2001 SLE CENTRE FOR ADVANCED TRAINING IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT Schriftenreihe des SLE (Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung) Publication Series by Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development Herausgeber/ SLE - Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung Editors (Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development) Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Podbielskialle 66, D-14195 Berlin, Germany E mail:
[email protected] Internet: Redaktion/ Dr. Karin Fiege Managing Editor Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung Druck/ Offset-Druckerei Gerhard Weinert GmbH Printers Saalburgstraße 3, D-12099 Berlin Verlag und Vertrieb/ Margraf Verlag Publishers and Postfach 105, D-97985 Weikersheim Distributors 1. Auflage 2001/ 1-750 1st edition 2001 Copyright 2001 by SLE – Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development) ISSN 1433-4585 ISBN 3-8236-1362-6 Cover photo Front cover:Monika Ziebell Back cover: Ruth Fode FOREWORD Foreword This report is the result of the IFSP-CATAD Project 2001, a six-month joint venture, carried out by an intercultural team from the Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development (SLE), Humboldt University Berlin, and from the Integrated Food Security Programme Trincomalee (IFSP).