Nieu Nederlandt, Whereof Cornelis J Acobsz May of Hoorn Was Skipper, with a Company of 30 Families, Mostly Walloons, to Plant a Colony There
THE SETTLEMENT OF MANHATTAN ...TN ..L. , 1624 ◄ I ( ( / ( \ 'I '-./ '-./ '-./ '-./ '-./ '-/ '-./ '-,/ '-../ '-./ '-../ '-,/ '-,/ '-../ '-,/ '-"' '-../ '-"' '-,/ '-../ '-"' '-,/ ""-"'-"'\...../'\...../'\,,._/'\,,.,./'\,,.,./'\,,._/'\,,._/...._,,""-"'-"'\,,._/'\,,._/""-"'-" By LIEUT. CoL. Lours EFFINGHAM DE FoREST, M.A., J.D., F.s.G. President .d'Honneur du Comite lean Ribault, Membre-associe du Comi:e de la Societe Historique de ,:Arrondissement d'Avesnes, late Member of the Executive Committee of Tf.,e Hug-;;,erwt-W al,luon-.lV ew lvetherlarul, Tercentenary Com.-rnission, Member of the PUBLISHED BY THE ARGUS PRESS, ALBANY, ~""EW YORK, 1935 PREFACE In the year 1923 The National Huguenot-Walloon New Netherland Tercentenary Commission was involuntarily involved in controversy over the correct year in which to celebrate the tercentenary of the founding of New York City. The Commission believed 1924 was the proper date and the writer, a member of the Executive Committee of the Commission, wrote a pamphlet entitled ~The Tercentenary of New York City in 1924, A Consideration of Conflicting Claims. It was published by the Com mission to def end its position. There were two editions hut it has long been out of print, and to supply an occasional demand a new pamphlet is now issued. Not only have corrections and additions been made, hut the material has been rearranged and brought in line with current authorities. An attempt has been made, moreover, to remove the contro versial tone of some of the eariier comments, which were written in the heat of what seemed at the time a furious argument. As the writer has refreshed his :recollection of the available material 4 on this subject he has experienced again the regret that there could not have been in 1924 the general acceptance of that date f o~ the tercenttenary celebrations, and the event have then •been dignified in the large and impvrtant way it deserved.
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