2% &opl (gazette attu Ololnntat iatttj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)

VOL. 17—NO. 240 HAMILTON. BERMUDA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1932 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM COLONIAL PARLIAMENT OPENED BY ACTING GOVERNOR IRISH DELEGATES TO BURGLARY AT ENGLISH ! THE IRISH SITUATION SPORTS SHOP FALLING REVENUE IS Delegates to Conference Named CONFERENCE NAMED We learn that the English Sports REPORTED Shop on Queen St., Messrs. Trim- LONDON, Oct. 7.—The Irish Free ingham Bros., was broken in some­ State Cabinet has announced that time between Thursday noon and the delegates to the land annuities ( Friday morning, and some con­ conference in London will be de Note Of Thankfulness Struck Five-Power Conference Halted tents taken. The burglar effected Valera, McEntee, Finance Minister, his entrance from the rear of the Connor Maguire, Attorney-General Once More premises, scaling a 10 ft iron rail­ and George Ghegan, Minister of British Naval Officer Found Guilty of Serious ing and smashing a window in his Justice. Although the meeting efforts. will discuss their financial differ­ Charge—Canadian Parliament Opened— Considering the central locality ences, said Thomas speaking at BUILDING REGULATIONS LAW Draw for Irish Cesarewitch Sweep Be­ and the many activities adjourning Newport and referring to the re­ the premises, it is disturbing to sumed negotiations, the Irish Free IS FORECAST gun—Business Heads Advise Caution realise that such a daring burglary State and British Governments could be perpetrated without im­ representative must bear in mind the still wider issues of the main­ A falling off in revenue and an It is suitable that we should take in Foreign Investments—New York mediate detection. increase in expenditure were noted ——oo tenance of their obligations under this opportunity of expressing our Mayoral Election Ordered for the treaty of 1921 and the future in the speech of His Excellency the gratitude to the Secretary of State BERMUDIANS SAILING relationship of the Irish Fres State Acting Governor, the Hon. E. J. for the Colonies, who conducted November—Hitler Delivers within the British Commonwealth. Waddington, O.B.E., at the opening the negotiations on behalf of the TODAY * * * of Colonial Parliament yesterday. Colonial Empire. You will find, Fiery Speech—Attempt NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL He remarked that the falling off in on studying the full text of the Sailing today on the S.s. Fran­ NAMED revenue from Customs duties is conclusions that the trade in­ to Reach Moon by conia are Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. attributable in some degree to a terests of this Colony have not Vesey and Master Ernest Vesey, decrease in general imports, but DUBLIN, Oct. 7—The new Gov­ been overlooked. Rocket Fails Miss Julia Butterfield, Mrs. Mar­ mainly to the cessation of major ernor-General, according to the garet E. Misick, Mr. Ernest Young, constructional works throughout NOTED GERMAN BANK SUSPENDS PAYMENT- Irish Independent, will probably You will have under consider­ Messrs. Henry J. and Noel Tucker, the Colony. be Stephen O'Mara, a business man ation, during the session, certain and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gib­ The Throne speech forecast BRITISH CAPTIVES UNRELEASED of Limerick, who played an im­ proposals for the further develop­ bons. legislation on building regulations, portant pro-Irish role in Washing­ ment of our agricultural resources oo activity in connection with the pro­ ton at the time of the Black and and you will realise the import­ posed increase in the Police Force, Tans. ance of an early decision. It is DRAW OF IRISH SWEEP BEGUN missed. "Huge funds" will be DINNER IN HONOUR OF and an enactment dealing with oo gratifying to be able to record the utilised and nothing will be over* G. E. CHAMPIONS tariff principles based on the prac­ satisfactory results obtained from LONDON, Oct. 7.—The draw of looked that might contribute to FIVE-POWER CONFERENCE tice in the United Kingdom, and recent shipments to Canada and the Irish Sweep on the Cesarewitch victory. designed to safeguard the Colony's to note that the service proposed began, in Dublin today. The sub­ # * * Many Guests at the Belmont Hitch in Arrangements revenue in connection with amend­ by the Canadian National Steam­ scriptions totalled £3,624.448, of "REACH THE MOON" EXPERI­ ments to the Tariff Act which the ship Company during the forth­ which £2,378,939 will be available as MENT ENDS DISMALLY A delightful dinner was given lower House might approve. coming season will provide ample PARIS, Oct. 7.—A hitch in the prize money. It is divided into at the Belmont Manor on Thursday A guard of honour consisting accommodation for all our re­ Five ' Power Conference arrange­ twenty-three units of £100,000 each BERLIN, Oct. 7:—The first test evening ia. honour of the B.A.A. of two officers and a hundred other quirements. of which tbe winning horse in each of the invention designed to be ments id suggested by a communi­ winning the General Electric Cup ranks of the 1st. Bttn. Northumber­ I am glad to be able to refer to gets £30,000; the second £15,000, the forerunner of an apparatus cation that Tyrrel informed Herriot this season. Forty four guests were land Fusiliers was formed up in the formal opening on the fifth and the third, £10.000. Twenty- enabling man to reach the moon that Britain had decided to post­ present and the Cup was decora- the grounds of the Public Buildings, of August of the Meteorological four unplaced horses get £1,458. in three days proved a failure. pone the proposed date of the Con­ tively displayed in the centre of the and as His Excellency arrived at Station {which, I feel sure, will There fare also ten residual cash Dr. Johannes Winkler's giant ference. In Geneva it is understood dining room. At the head table 11.45 he was greeted with the Royal prove of great value, not only prizes of £7,894 and 2,300 consolation rocket, with parachute and scient­ that the postponement will be sine were the Worshipful J. Tucker salute. in providing forecasts of local prizes of £100. ific instruments, was fired near die, and there are grave doubts Fowle, Mr. Robert Aitken (General The Council Chamber was packed weather conditions but also as a The Irish hospitals will benefit Pillau, East Prussia, and was ex­ whether the Con Terence will ever be Electric Commpany) Mr. Godwin with visitors for the actual opening link in that cha,in of stations by £679,584, while an additional pected to reach a height of six held. Belvin (B.A.A. Captain) Mr. Jim ceremony, prominent Naval, throughout the world which 13 £226,528 goes to the Free State's miles in six seconds, but the rocket, The Reuter Agency learns that Murray, Capt. H. R. Gregg, Mr. Military and Civil Officials being necessary for the scientific study exchequer. The subscription is a exploded with a deafening crash the British Government was hoping Owen DatreH-aiid Mr. Gcorge-Fishsr. accomodated inside the bar of the of this important subject. half million less than the Derby at the height of forty-five feet. The Mr. Robert Aitken recalled that that thf Conference would be poss­ Chamber. Sweep. lower part containing the motive ible nexte week and the ostensible I .wish to take .Xhis opportunity it was in 1929 that he approached • As President of the Legislative of paying a tribute to the zeal of Irish mythology formed the reasons 'for the postponement is power was smashed to smithereens. Mr. Curant regarding the pre­ Council was' His "Honour the Acting the volunteer members of the motiv in the sweepstake ritual the time taken by communications. # * * sentation of a Cup for competition Chief Justice-, Mr. H. Villiers Hamilton Fire Brigade which has which was this year more elaborate The British Government is contin­ NOTED GERMAN BANK and his request was granted. He Smith. Mr. Smith, as Acting Chief made such marlked progress in than ever. SUSPENDS PAYMENTS uing consultations with the other Justice, automatically vacated his expressed much pleasure that the powers with the intention of bring­ efficiency during tpe past year. The big hall was in darkness save Competition had created such en­ seat in the House of Assembly, to for the concentrated light pouring BERLIN, Oct. 7.—The Anthony ing about a meeting if it is in any become ex officio President of the Scroeder Company, Hamburg thusiasm in Bermuda and con­ way possible. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of upon a strange structure resembl­ gratulated a B.A.A. upon winning Legislative Council—a commentary ing an ancient galley. Over 200 bankers of over seventy years' the Honourable House of As­ the coveted trophy this year. Other OO on the rapid changes which are girls were dressed in ancient cos­ standing and in which many Bri­ sembly. speeches were made by Mr. Mur­ possible in a small country where tumes and stationed round the tish and American banks were in­ BRITISH NAVAL OFFICER j ray, Mr. Owen Darrell, Capt. Gregg, the number of officials is necessar­ huge golden drum containing the terested, has suspended payment The financial situation will de­ Mr. Belvin, Mr. Chesley White and ily restricted. counterfoils, while the names of owing to the impossibility of real­ FOUND GUILTY OF mand your close attention during His Excellency's speech was listen­ horses were contained in a little ising on certain large landed pro­ Mr. Fisher. the Session and in order to stress ed to with keen attention. In full, crystal drum. perties. The Club was toasted by all ASSAULT the importance of a careful sur­ # * * guests from the actual General it was as follows: vey of the position I propose to deal The draw proceeded merrily and Electric Cup which was filled with with the matter in somewhat results flashed to direct wires out­ FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS ASKED LIMASSOL, Oct. 7.—Commander Mr. President and Honourable champagne. Turns were given by greater detail than has been cus­ side. TO ARREST INSULLS Sutton has been found guilty and j Gentlemen of the Legislative "Ellis" at the piano, and humorous tomary in past years. A preponderance of horses went sentenced to six months' imprison- 1 Council: recitations by Mr. Dearing follow­ The Revenue up to the end of to Great Britain 438, United States SPRINGFIELD, HI., Oct. 7.—The ment. He was convicted of assault Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of ed. September amounted to £285,825 55, South Africa 28. Governor of Illinois has requested on an innkeeper resulting in the j the Honourable House, of As­ Stimson to ask the French Govern­ At the conclusion of the dinner latter's death. He has appealed. compared with £326,255 for the cor­ the guests repaired to the Cedar sembly : responding period last year, while F.B.I. ADVISES CAUTION ment to arrest and detain Samuel oo Court where dancing was indulged the Expenditure up to that date Insull. He has also asked Canada It is my duty now to assemble in, to the music of Henri Taylor and CANADIAN PARLIAMENT was £305,900 compared with £288,630 LONDON, Oct. 7.—Britain should to do the same in the case of Martin you for another Parliamentary his orchestra, which concluded a up to the 30th September, 1931. go slowly in her negotiations on Insull. Meanwhile at Toronto the OPENED Session and I wish, in the first most enjoyable evening. The receipts from Customs commercial treaties with foreign assistant state attorney and a place, to express my deep sense of detective from Chicago have arrived Duties for the first three Quarters countries, according to a memoran­ 00 Ottawa Agreements Key-Note privilege in being entrusted with of the present year compared with dum of the Federation of British by plane to negotiate Martin's the opening of Parliament in the extradition which the latter has of Speech those from the same source for the Industries sent to the president B. V. R. C. SOCIAL CLUB land of my birth. corresponding period in 1931 were of the Board of Trade. The Feder­ declined to waive. Yesterday afternoon at Toropto a provisional OTTAWA, Oct. 7—With the key­ The outstanding event during as follows: March quarter £74,788 ation prefers to wait until its own DANCES 1931—£85,036); June Quarter £59,- measures are in a less fluid condi­ warrant was issued for the arrest of note of the Throne speech the con­ the past year has been the Imper­ Martin. sideration of passing "without de- I ial Conference at Ottawa, which 157 (1931—£74,617); September tion before embarking oil further As may be seen by advertisement Quarter £55,001 (1931—£73,827.—) negotiations. The primary objects lay" the agreements made at the | recently laid the foundations of in today's columns the Bermuda The above figures for Revenue of an immediate British commercial PAPAL LEGATEE ARRIVES Imperial Economic Conference, the improved Colonial trade and ach­ IN Volunteer Rifle Corps Social Club in respect of the present year policy should be to restore freedom TEXAS are again starting their -popular present momentous session of ieved results of far-reaching signi­ to the flow of world trade. In the dances at the Armoury, Hamilton Parliament was opened yesterday ficance to all parts of the Empire. Continued on Page 2 LAREDO, Texas, Oct. 7.—The afternoon, with the traditional meantime much could be done to papal legatee has arrived here by a on Thursday evening next at 8 hasten this restoration through o'clock. pomp and circumstance, by His special train. He abandoned travel Excellency, Lord Bessborough, Gov- provisional arrangements with by plane at the Mexican border on We understand that the dances ROYAL MAIL EXTENDS countries like the Argentine, this season will be held fortnightly. | ernor-General of Canada. Lord account of inclement weather. and Lady Bessborough were es- j LIGHTING-UP TIME Sweden, Norway and Denmark * # * Music will be supplied by Mark LONDON - BERMUDA where a long tradition of comple­ Williams and his Royal Bermudians. corted by mounted dragoons from BOLIVIA LEVIES SPECIAL WAR I Government House and arrived TODAY mentary development provides a We have been requested to draw The Royal Mail "Lines Limited TAX i promptly at three o'clock, this suitable foundation for the ex­ the attention of members of "he have arranged to augment the being the first time in many years Sunrise 6.18 a.m. periment. LA PAZ, Oct. 7.—The Bolivian Corps to that part of the advertise­ London-Bermuda direct cargo ser­ when Parliament met prior to Sunset 5.56 p.m. * * * Government has announced the ment regarding invitations. vice, by placing two additional January. Lighting-up time today, NEW YORK MAYORALTY levy of a special war-tax lasting for steamers on the route. These two ——oo His Excellency in the first para­ 6.26 p.m. ELECTION TO BE HELD five years for the continuance of ships will be the "Lochkatrine" graph of the throne speech said NOV. 8TH. the Chaco campaign against sailing from London October 26th, Rule of the road: KEEP "My ministers deem it expedient Paraguay. arriving Sere November 6th, and LEFT— PASS ON THE that you should consider without ALBANY, N.Y., Oct. 7.—The * * * the "Lochmonar," sailmg from RIGHT. CUSTOMS HOUSE delay the agreements made at the Court of Appeals confirmed the THE STRANGE CASE OF ARSON London November 23rd, arriving Imperial Economic Conference re­ ruling that the New York mayoralty here December 4th. election must be held on November cently held at Ottawa between LONDON, Oct. 7.—The amazing The gross tonnage of these steam­ ~oo- 8th., to elect a successor to James J. Canada and other countries of the case of alleged arson was resumed Rates of Exchange ers is 9,409 and 9,412 respectively. Walker. Empire. My Government is of the METEOROLOGICAL NOUS today when Colonel Mayhew and This will provide approximately a * * # his son, the accused, arrived in opinion that these agreements have The following rates of ex­ fortnightly service from London. HITLER CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS Court together. A fireman deposed provided means whereby will be Oct. 7th. change were In force at the The voyage from London to Ber­ that he was walking the barn daveloped an enduring and mutu­ Barometer— Customs House on Friday, muda will take about eleven days. MUNICH, Oct. 7.—The Nazis when he saw accused strike matches ally beneficial scheme for a closer 8.00 a.m...„ 1016 millibars Oct. 7th:— economic association and that Harnett & Richardson are the surpassing all previous efforts to and apply the light to a wooden Agents. 30.00 inches win at the forthcoming elections, wall which smouldered. U.S.A : 83-45 their early approval is advisable 8.00 p.m . 1016 millibars Hitler told a party conference of He seized accused. Colonel May­ Canada $3.80 in the national interests." 30.00 inches Ratifications of the agreements his predictions: "I will sweep aside hew said he and his son were on the Belgium— „ - 25 FROM COMMAND ORDERS Wind— all opposition and take over the best of terms. He allowed accused France 88 and various trade treaties between 8.00a.m.,S.SJS 16 ml. per to. Government in November." He £500 and an extra £500 for" 5 years Germany 15 Canada and other parts of the Em­ Noon S~..-_ •- *5 disclosed in fiery terms bis cam­ while he read for the Bar. Accused Holland 8.61 pire wUl be the first consideration Major J. J. D. Roche, M.B., 8.00p.m., S _ 10 mi. perhr. paign plans. More propaganda with his wife and child lived with Hong Kong „ .....Is. 4d during the present session. R. A.M.O., is struck off the strength Max. Temp, for 24 hrs 84 meetings have been planned than him. Accused reserved defence and Italy ...... 67 Fining two of the five vacancies of the Command from 2nd October, Min.Temp, for 24hrs.... —-.74 ever before in German history. Any was allowed out on bail, his father Japan s ™._™.„ Is. 5d in the Senate, the Government has 1932, Inclusive, datejof reversion to Rainfall for 24 hrs nil. .flagging party chiefs will be dis­ being surety. Continued on Page 2 Home"vEstablishment. Sunshine for 24 hrs....10 hrs...36 min. "RALEIGH" The AU Steel Bicycle —T. J. WADSON &. SON

mmmmmmmmmmmmm MM *wmmm

mote the welfare and prosperity That this depends more on inter­ Sty* gmjal «az*tt* Correspondence COLONIAL PARLIAMENT of these Islands. THEY SAY national conditions. * * * *tti> fflnUmtBt iatig OPENED E. J. WADDINGTON, That if the word depression could InuOK'-oltATINO Acting Governor. That the ceremony of opening be wiped out of the language THB ROYAL GAZCTTST. Ilrru. 1828) PRAISE OR BLAME Parliament yesterday was as in­ for two years the trick would be «MB COLONIST AND DAILY NEWS IESTAS. IBM) Contiaua) from Fags I Council Chambers, teresting as ever. Hamilton, Bermuda, done. PUBLISHED DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY 7th October, 1932. * * • 7th. Oct. 1938. include a sum of £3,425 which is * * * »Y t the estimated Revenue from the That the "Guard" elicited the ad­ That the B.A.A. deserves congratu­ miration of all for its smartness. THE BERMUDA PRESS; LTD. To the Editor: Post Office for September quar­ After the opening ceremony His lations, y KKID STRUT, HAMILTON ter not yet actually credited in | Excellency left the Public Buildings, * * » A. M. PURCELL Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily, » * » the Treasury accounts. again receiving the Royal salute That many businesses are expand­ That everyone is sorry the Fusiliers MANAGING KDITON as he left the building to enter his ing rapidly. ASSISTANT CDITORl E. T. »AY««? Sir: The falling off in Revenue from will not figure In the League carriage. * * * ASSISTANT MANAGER I IRNEST J. BELL I am availing myself of your Customs Duties this year compared Soccer matches. ADVERTISING MANAGER I M. M. HANSFORD That some are asking if registra­ invitation to write again after the with that for last year is attribut­ * * * * * * tion of ownership is being made completion of the series of Gangster able in some degree to a decrease That the bye-elections may be in accordance with the Act. ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES articles. in general imports but mainly to IN THE HOUSE exciting. * * * LOCAL!— OSS TEAR. 40/-I SIX MUSS l_S» 20/-I Your footnote to the letter in this the cessation of major construc­ * * * THREE MONTHS. Is/St OWE MONTH, S/-. morning's paper explains at last tional works throughout the Colony The House of Assembly met at That some business men are find­ That it would be too much to hope FOREIGN:—TO UNITED STATEN AND CANADA, 11.30, acquainting the Acting ing some difficulty in getting S»«.PP PStt TEAR. TO GREAT —inns. SO'. your reason for publishing the The balance in the Treasury that an issue would be decided. FER TEAR. series. To me, this reason is even at the end of September, includ­ Governor (by message) that they suitable members of their staffs. * * * ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE PREF/.VAELS more extraordinary than the ing the estimated receipts from had met. As the hour of noon * » * That some say there never can be struck they filed across Reid Street That in cases where local help is articles themselves. You seem to the Post Office amounted appro­ an issue. NOTE — AB correspondence •asmittcd oast be ac- be under the impression that due ximately to £35,600, the balance on their way to the Council Cham­ not available the difficulty arises s> * * crnstmed by tne writer'* aane aaa* address as a to some peculiar legislation of our on 30th September, 1931 being ber, to hear Parliament declared from the conditions of immigra­ That others claim there are at least rssrutec of uthenticitT, aot aeccessarily (or publics- tion. tisa. The Editor reserves the ritbt to secept sr reject own we are in a unique position with £87,656. open-in-the Council Chamber. half a dozen. BAT letters forwarded, aad pnblicatioa does aot implr regard to children of aliens born in Major services, calling for con­ The Throne speech was not read * * * * % * Agreement witb opinions expressed. Bermuda. The situation you de­ siderable non-recurrent expend­ when the House returned to its That this is quite apart from the That these include taxation, woman plore is, so far as I know, universal. iture, paid for during the present meeting chamber. administration of the Act. suffrage, a sane Sunday Trading SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1»2 Under British law anyone bom in year, include the Meteorological There were a number of vacant * * * Act, and amendments to many British Territory is a British sub­ Station amounting to £9,360 and the seats in the House, one of them That this, might be excellent but present Acts, Marsh Reclamation, ject unless upon attaining the age St. Davids Island Bridge to the rendered so by the demise of Mr. if the highly trained man be St. George's Channel. HANDS UP! of twenty-one years he files a decla­ extent of £14,810 up to the end of J. Scott Pearman, the Deputy an alien, he will always risk it. ration that he wishes to retain his last Quarter. Speaker of the House. Mr. B. O. C. * * * oo They form a great but not especi­ parents' nationality. On the other The Expenditure on Marsh Re­ Outerbridge moved that the House That the impending election in A refrigerator has now been per­ ally noble army—these persons hand a child of British parents clamation, included in the Ex­ adjourn without proceeding to the States is creating quite an fected which rings an alarm bell whose hands are ever ready to go born outside the Empire is deemed penditure already referred to, was: business, as a tribute of respect to interest here. when opened after a certain time up in horror. Their ears and eyes to be a British subject. This law is the late Mr. Pearman's memory. * * * in the evening. This innovation are constantly open to evil sounds —March Quarter £5,841 June Quart­ of general application throughout The Hon. H. W. Watlington paid That yet it is difficult to see how will no doubt be greeted warmly and sights, their nostrils are keen er £1,660 and September Quarter he Empire. Most countries have a tribute to "the Father of theHouse" the issue will affect us. by mothers with growing families to detect unsanctified odors, their * £338. similar law, with the result that a Mr. Pearman, he said, had been * » • whose raids on the ice box have skins prickle at the approach of The Revenue up to the 30th person may have a dual nationality. respected by everyone in the House That neither party has the secret often depleted well-laid plans for anyone less holy than themselves— September derived from the sale For instance, a person born in the and by everyone in the Colony. He to prosperity. the next day's meals. and their hands lift automatically of Revenue Stamps, presumably United States of British parents, for passenger tickets, was:—by the was a man who worked assiduously in a defensive, horrified gesture of who files no declaration is, while in Treasury £19,489 and by the Post for many years for his country, a rejection. the United States, an American Office £10,380. The total value i man of the greatest integrity. "It The wisdom of this army of the citizen. If he goes to England he is of Revenue Stamps for all purposes is with great regret that I come supple-elbowed is profound. Each a British subject. In Portuguese sold during that period was £32,- back to the House today and member can tell you the cause of territory, Mr. Pacheco would be a 913 and the Revenue derived by the find he will no longer be with us," every ill which besets the world; Portuguese citizen; in Bermuda, Mr. Watlington add^d. can tell you and will tell you, either however, the land of his birth, he is embossing of stamp duties on The House fori:.with adjourned. by word of mouth or not3 of hand, a British subject and a natural cheques and other documents Its next meeting day is Monday. and without any solicitation what­ born Bermudian. I am assuming amounted to £2,902. ever. But in tbe matter of remedies of course that he made no declara­ Of the £40,000 value of the ori­ oo they are less versatile—having but tion. ginal Currency Note issue only BERMUDA VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS SOCIAL CLUB one:—hands up in horror! £3,092 are in circulation.New Cur­ The Seattle street car company The cinema is destroying the Although your motives may have rency Notes to the value of £219,- finds giving "something for no­ THE ARMOURY, Hamilton virtue of our young persons, the been of the highest, I cannot but 600 have been issued of which thing" increases income. During literature of the day contributes to consider that your judgment was £185,650 are in circulation. a recent carnival week it gave free DANCES their depravity, the stage exerts a seriously at fault for I am sure Invested funds against the Note rides at rush hours, yet took in baneful influence, the Church has that the majority of your sub­ issue amounted on the 30th June about $1000 a day more than the Commence lost its mission and wandered from scribers were not sufficiently astute to:—Nominal value £215,179; Cap­ same week last year. Perhaps some Thursday, October 13th the truth, and the Press has become to appreciate the subtlety of your ital value £196,364; Market value of the increase was due to the a panderer to the lower instincts of reasoning. If the articles were £206,639. carnival. But less interest in in­ =s Corps members are reminded to forward the names and addresses mankind. There is no end to the intended as an illustration of the While dealing with financial come and more in outgo of extra ~ of their friends, they wish invitations for, to the secretary at once. point you raised in your footnote, service should naturally augment dreadful pictures or to the lifting matters I cannot refrain from ex­ 2 Sgt. L. R, LINDLEY, Hon. Secty-Treasurer up of hands. I can only say that the elaborate­ pressing our thankfulness that we income in any businesses. How easy it is to find in these ness of the illustration eclipsed the have, so far, been comparatively readily assailatele agencies a scape­ moral. free from unemployment and ser­ goat for tl:e iniquities of the times. Some time ago the notorious ious financial worries; it is our It excuses one from the tiresome 'Peaches' Browning arrived in these duty, however, realise that, even r.iid tedious duties of the analyst Islands. You not only failed to if world conditions should show a and research worker; in fact, it make use of her as an illustration tendency to improve, the reaction offers a pleasant escape from all but held up your hands in righteous on Bermuda cannot with accuracy study and thought. All the equip­ horror that your contemporary be predicted and we would be un­ ment required, are a few second or was so lost to all sense of decency wise to commit ourselvejB to ex­ third-hand opinions, and an as to mention her. penditure on anything but essen­ elevation of thefhands. The cumulative effect of your tial services. Happily for our civilisation and articles on me, (if I believed and I understand that the report of Monday! our sanity there are some serious- agreed with Mr. Pacheco) would be the Select Committee on Police minded, sincere individuals who that a gunman's life, though possi­ organisation will be placed before realise that the roots of the world's bly short, is a happy one; that there you early in the Session and I shall social and economic troubles gc is plenty of money in it if you use await, with interest your decisions much deeper than our peripheral your head and keep your earnings on this matter, which I regard as philosophers profess to think, and in a safe deposit vault instead of in one of paramount importance. your pocket (Pacheco's error); that Formal Opening that the remedies are not to be I have already referred in general found in fulminations against even if you are caught, gaol is a terms to the results of the Ottawa agencies which are themselves very comfortable place; that with Conference; the details of the con­ of humanly susceptible to the in­ good food, athletics and talkie clusions have been conveyed to the shows to while away the time in fluences of the times, yet which Finance Committee and I am sure sompany with other gentlemen of have, for the most part, striven for that you will give most careful the gun, you can afford to shed a the preservation of the higher consideration to any measure in tear for the unemployed who are New House Furnishings ideals. It is to such individuals and this connection which may be selling apples in the streets. groups that we must look for placed before you. In order that the guidance and for the solving of our Colony's revenue may be safe­ social and economic problems, for Yours faithfmly, guarded in connection with any we shall get no help from the G. O. W. amendments to the Tariff Act at superficial thinker s who fasten s> * # which you may approve, a Bill will upon platitudes and present tnem [We thank our correspondent for be placed before you early in the as original bits of wisdom. his excellent contribution and his Session. This Bill is based on prac­ lower price levels Even here in these serene isles we explanation of the law of national­ tice in the United Kingdom and have our social unrests arid econom­ ity. We were acquainted . with deals with an important principle this law but our correspondent has ic disturbances; questions which in tariff legislation. call for serious study and sincere failed to note that we referred to it chiefly to draw attention to a thinking. The latter were perhaps Mr. President and Honourable second law, a purely local one. better left to the masters of finance, Gentlemen of the Legislative Carpets Cretonnes The effect of this law is that if the but of the former it may be said Council: that, following a celebrated exam­ son of Bermudian parents is born Rugs Nets ple, hands outstretched in helpful­ abroad he is disqualified from benefits conferred on the son of | Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of ness will be of more avail than the Honourable House of As- hands uplifted in horror. aliens is he if born here. That was Tapestries Curtains merely one of the reasons for pub­ j sembly: lishing the articles and we have Moquettes already given others. I regret that it has not yet been Pantasote possible to submit for your con- CANADIAN PARLIAMENT Our correspondent has forgotten ' sideration draft legislation on the OPENED the real facts in the "Peaches" question of Juvenile Offenders. Browning case. There has been some unavoidable i Our contemporary took us to delay due to the fact that certain All accessories for the Home Continued from Pace 1 task for failing to make use of points involved reference, in the appointed members of the Upper what it called the "news value" of first place, to the Secretary of House, Joseph H. Rainville and A. Peaches. We replied to the effect State but I hope that the matter J. Brown, both prominent lawyers that we distinguished between will be ready for consideration later "news" and "notoriety," and sug­ of Montreal. Rainville was chair­ in the Session. gested that if there were any news man of the Montreal Harbour Com­ My attention has recently been mission and this vacated chair­ in "Peaches," it was of a kind not calculated to do Bermuda any good. drawn to certain anomalies that manship has been filled by the arise from the fact that salaries Of course every reader of the rRIMINGHAM BROTHERS appointment of J. C. Newman who of part-time officers are subject "story" will draw his* own con­ for some years has been a member to deduction for superannuation clusion, but to us it was evident of the Commission. and a Bill has been prepared, for that the moral of it was the utter your consideration, to effect an uselessness and stupidity of crime oo alteration in the status of these —EDITOR] FAILURE TO RELEASE BRITISH posts in the case of all future ap­ CAPTIVES pointments. On previous occasions you have PEKING, Oct. 7.—The hopes of LATE DESPATCH considered the advisability of con­ obtaining the release of Mrs. Pawley stituting suitable authorities with and Corkran through the agency BERLIN, Oct. 7.—The Govern­ with powers to frame Building of Chang Hsueh-liang have been ment has replied to the British in­ Regulations but so far no legisla­ Telephone Dial 1192 dashed by the confession of failure. vitation to attend the proposed tion has been enacted. I am con­ The Reuter Agency learns that he four-power conference on disarm­ vinced that the time has come FOR BEST QUALITY HARDWARE has done everything possible to ament. It is understood that the' when this matter should no longer assist in the release of the captives, German reply expresses certain be delayed and I trust that the At Fair Prices but without success. definite wishes, but states the Gov­ enabling Bill, which will be placed 00 ernment's willingness to join the before you, will receive your close consideration. Springs instead of weights, cords conference. They will be glad to With fast service by competent clerks and pulleys are used to operate participate in deliberations likely I now declare Parliament open new window sash that are noiseless to lead to a fruitful settlement, the and pray that, under Divine guid­ *H and Include bronze weather strips. reply says. ance, your deliberations may pro­ MASTERS HARDWARE CO.


MS >s. «/® SOUND THOUGHTS ON TALKIES 6/3 tJV© e/s REED HALL-Originator of e/3 British Pictures—Warren William, a New Star- e/3 e/s Q/3 e/s e<3 kiddie shows and kiddie &9 "Blonde Venus"—Vicki Baum— e/3 e/3 e/3 parties e/s Has another Today at 2.30 It is perhaps not fair to turn too and Herbert Marshall fail to help e/9 Prizes of dolls for girls— e/a critical an eye on the series of much. e/e e/a British pictures now being shown Josef von Sternberg, the director, e/3 fireworks for boys— e/3 e/e e/3 in Bermuda, yet these offerings gives some excellent portraits of ®/© e/3 e<® Ice cream for all a* give a chance of comparison with Miss Dietrich, and his composition e/a the Hollywood and Long Island of many scenes is not without merit Cartoon—Tom Mix—Hoot Gibson e/® e/® product. Gene Gerrard, the come­ but having tbe alluring German e/3 —Comedies—Educationals— e/3 ®/3 dian in "Bridegroom for Two," actress impersonate a wife and e/3 Oh boy! e/3 gives a consistent If not brilliant mother who falls from grace and e/3 6/3 Note: Be sure to bring Xmas Cards for performance in the first of the flirts with any man who passes is e/3 punching pictures to be shown here. There distinctly unpleasant. These e/3 6/© e/3 e/3 are many technical faults in the scenes are depicted without the e/3 E/3 e/a e/a picture, especially the lighting. saving grace of dramatic value." e/s e/s The first dance scene, for instance, e/3 e/a e/a Ym Telling You e/3 is too far away, though the camera VICKI BAUM'S INSPIRATION e/3 Looping the Loop of Laughter I e/3 brings the young ladies closer e/3 e/® e/3 e/3 towards the end of the film. Not­ e/3 .^promised her. the Eiffel Tower with her Bermuda e/3 People she has known, interest­ e/3 r able is the excess of shadows of the e/3 6/3 ing types she passes on the street, e/s name on if and she promised him everything e/e actors. These prevail throughout e/a e/3 newspaper stories and reactions ibiit what^h^wantedf it's a laugh, bombard/ e/3 the film and bother the eye of the from the performances of stage e/a e/3 viewer. The film suffers from bad Q/3 "COCK 0' e/3 players provide Vicki Baum, author e/3 ment of Paris — through clouds of meny cutting, the introduction, for in­ e/3 of "Grand Hotel," with literary e/a madness on wings of; roaring romance I stance, of the ghost idea has no material, she said in a recent inter­ &@ THE AIR" e/3 introduction at all, it simply be­ e/s ©/3 view. 6/3 ©/® ta egins. So with the wild night e/s e/3 outside. There is no indication "How long did it take you to e/3 Willmakeyoulaugh e/® write "Grand Hotel?" Miss Baum e/3 e/3 given that it is raining or that a e/3 as you've seldom ©/3 was asked. e/3 e/3 high wind is blowing. The first e/3 laughed before e/3 indication of this is merely sound The authoress sighed. e/3 e/3 "They all ask that. It took only e/s @/3 from without, but there should e/3 e/3 a short while to write—forty days. e/s e/3 have been a window showing the e/3 Amidst a Bombshell e/3 rain, or at least a curtain blowing. But I carried the characters and e/3 e/3 e/3 of Sky-High Spine- e/a Then again, there is a bottle of the various plots of the book in 2)e><§>e>e)c>e)e)e>e)G) e>e>G,5e)e)e>e>e)e)5e)e •>de>e><3eie>e realm and took up stage work, a newspaper story. A man had re­ 6/3 and then pictures. His remarkable gistered with a woman who was 3959? resemblance (from some angles) to not his wife at a Berlin hotel. A she can write twenty pages a night Chester Morris plays the title MECHANICS HALL THEATRE John Barrymore has been noted by thief came into their room and cr more when she is launched on a role, and Billie Dove, in the most many. f tried to steal the woman's jewels. look. At alluring characterisation of her ca­ "Blonde Venus" and "Night of The man threw him out of the "Grand Ho^el" is promised by reer, is the chief feminine appeal. of June 13" to be double feature window. He broke his leg in the i ! For the first time you see Morris "BLONDE VENUS" Eeid Hall for the Christmas holi­ today—Marlene Dietrich fall and was captured by the police. days. in a really gay and romantic imper­ and Clive Brook starred Mordaunt Hall, the New York The newspapers made a hero of the I The sonation, and never has he been so in two splendid Times' picture critic, didn't al­ man who had thrown the thief enjoyable. offerings together like the alluring Marlene / from the window. His wife read ECHOES FROM ABROAD Dietrich's picture, "Blonde Venus," the story and came to Berlin. Then Smart and Original Marlene Dietrich in "Blonde when it played at the Paramount the man's troubles began! As for Cyril Maude's Return to the Hay- Venus," emerges triumphant in Theatre. He writes in his paper, Grusinskaya, I got the idea for "Cock of the Air" is indubitably a role marked by recurrent flash­ "After witnessing Marlene Die­ that character while watching one market—New Theatre Club— Theatres one of the smartest comedies that es of pure acting genius. has come out of Hollywood. This trich's picture, "Blonde Venus," of Pavlowa's last performances. Lloyd in Europe—Cheva- "Blonde Venus" is filled with the one does not wonder that the It was so pathetic!" is one of the most original comedies lierjs Vacation inspiration of Josef von Sternberg, story caused a studio row. It would Miss Baum works on a strange over filmed, in fact, there is no other who has here taken a gripping be surprising if it had not, for this typewriter that has no keyboard, picture to which it can be compared. REID HALL THEATRE Producer , famed and human character and theme melancholy, hapazard series of but isoperated by dialing the letters After twenty-seven years Cyril and woven them into magic panor­ events, which is reported to have and imprinting them on the paper Maude is returning to the Haymar- for his disregard of conventionali­ "Cock o' the Air" Talking Comedy | ties, caused a virtual sensation in ama of human love and hate. cost the producers a fabulous sum, with a lever. The machine works ket Theatre, London. He will be Extravaganza Starring Chester Wife, mother, exotic night club is something which even the com­ slowly, she explains, that she has seen there in about a month's time Hollywood when he first turned Morris this picture loose. entertainer, hunted woman, in­ bined talents of Miss Dietrich time to think between letters. Yet with Fay Compton and Owen Nares ternational i stage success—the in a comedy called "Once a Hus­ It has befuddled critics; it has character follows each in turn He would rather love than fight, shocked the unsophisticated, and it band," which Raymond Massey will a\id she kept whole armies out of through a kaleidoscopic series of stage. Mr. Maude's lat association has created a siorm of controversy the trenches with her devastating wherever shown. It challenges your adventurous happenings. Work­ with the Hay market was in 1905, feminine appeal—brought together ing to support her sick husband when he was joint manager of the sense of humour—and if you eire in they stage a combat of love—infin­ the least dull-witted, or slow o a the and little child, Dietrich, billed playhouse . . The cables from Eng­ itely more fascinating than a mere as the "Blonde Venus," is a den- MECHANICS HALL THEATRE land also contribute the informa­ draw mentally, we do not advise war. you to witness this picture. sation in a Harlem night club. tion that two plays about la vie Bo- This, in simple words, is the i She meets Cary Grant, whose gen­ heme have met with completely dif­ It moves at a' terrific tempo, pyra­ gist of one of the most farcial miding laughs upon laughs. fThe erous offers of help introduce him ferent receptions in London during stories yet vitalised and florified in to her friendship, and later to her the past week. Elmer Bice's "The atmospheric backgrounds are mag­ celluloid. nificent. In fact, for sheer beauty in love. Enraged, her husband tears TODAY'S PROGRAMME. Left Bank" was unenthusiastically her child from her and orders her received, the cast being criticised settings, "Cock of the Air" is utti- unsurpassed. into the streets. She steals the 2.30 p.m. Special Children's Matinee. as "too English," while "Strange After seeing "The Dark Horse," a child and flees, pursued from city Orchestra," a play about the Chel- writer in The London Post com­ to city by the police and her hus­ Doors open 2 p.m. Buckingham Directed seaites by a newcomer, Rodney ments on its star, Warren WiUiam, band who wants the child. Ackland, scored. in these lines: "Warren William Finally, unable to fight longer, The story and dialogue, composed ] * * * is, Without doubt, one of the most she surrenders the child, and goes TONIGHT at 6.30 p.m. A young London actor, Terence, de promising young stars in America. by Robert E. Sherwood, famous wit and critic, and , abroad. She achieves success, and Marney, has formed the Independ­ His technique is founded on John in a dramatic climax is reunited ent Theatre Club, which will hold Barrymore, but he has an ironic is a lesson in originality.,The direc­ tion, by Tom Buckingham, ditto. with her child and her old lover. Popular Saturday Double Feature forth at the Kingsway Theatre sense of his own; and this, added Herbert Marshall, as the hus­ there for the express purpose of to his attractive personality and Matt Moore has the principal supporting role, playing orderly band, and Cary Grant, as the lover,, Showing at 7 and 930 Showing at 8.15 p.m. presenting privately several plays unusually effective voice, should give Dietrich excellent support. banned for public showing by the put him well in the front line. He to the flying Borneo, enacted so p.m. (once only) has an intellectual quality which superbly by Morris. Moore, as is oo Lord Chamberlain. Komisarjec- "Night Of June 13" sky will be director of the group, prevents him ever becoming dull, always the case when he is really however obvious the material he given something to do on the screen, MARLENE CLIVE BROOK which will start its activities next is exceHent. What "Street Scene" was to month with Emil Ludwig's "Ver­ has to handle may be." DIETRICH in And tremendous cast in ... the city, "The Night of June 13," sailles" and is even talking of -oo— which is to the suburbs. Like its staging Mr. Connelly's "The Green Maurice Chevalier, now vacation­ distinguished predecessor, "Tjhe Pastures." ing in Nice, plans to return to Neither drought, low prices nor Night of June 13" tells of sensation­ "THE "THE ... Hollywood within two months for a lack of ready money nor all three al events which transpire back of a During his vacation in Europe picture to be filmed under the dir­ of them have discouraged the commonplace, apparently serene BLONDE NIGHT Harold Lloyd plans the fairly uni­ ection of Ernst Lubitsch. By cable­ stout-hearted farmers of Nebraska. exterior. que experience of attending the gram last week he informed the Their county fairs and rural fes­ But f there its similarity to premieres of his picture "Movie Paramount office that he expects tivals are being held as in the full "Street Scene" ends, for "The VENUS" OF JUNE 13th" Crazy" in eight European capitals— to leave France late in October. years. Even the clouds of insects Night of June 13" is well capable London, Stockholm, Paris, Rome, In bringing the Chevalier-Lubitsch that ravaged their fields'.last year of standing on its own feet as a The tea set will be re-drawn again tonight Vienna, Budapest, Berlin andMad- combination together again Para­ seem to have had a silver lining, dramatic unit and as an exciting rid. While abroad the comedian mount reunited one of Hollywood's for their community gatherings and unusual photoplay. Its story at 9 pan. among those paying for admission hopes to collect enough atmosphere most conspicuous teams. They are enlivened by contests to see is remarkably well told by both and ideas for the film which he I have worked together in "The who can bring in the largest grass­ cast and director. to tonight's programme. Love Parade," "The Smiling -Lieut­ 2080«I

What can be more annoying than to find . a favourite photograph moth eaten ... "2-0-94" moths like printing paper . . . The number worth remembering and WARM VESTS... worth dialing . . . Have a look at some of your It may be a new evening dress or a Don't delay buying fleecy lined vests humble needle and thread ... what­ portraits •. . preserve them ever you want we are at your for the children ... children comfort­ in a new frame . . . service. able are well and happy . . . THE WOMANS SHOP . . . 2091 Sizes range from 2 year olds to 14 years The same number connects . . . PHOTO FRAMES... THE HOME STORE 1/- to 3/- All sizes and descriptions . . . THE STUDIO THE BOBBA SHOP Chill proof vests . . . .And all the Departments of The Womans Shop.

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HAMILTON POLICE COURT ! EAST END NEWS Before the Wor. A. c. Smith ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL For riding his bicycle on Oct. 1 Two matches were played on LINENS. LINENS. LINENS. on Reid Street, without having a Thursday afternoon on the Gar­ lighted lamp attached thereto, Ivan rison Recreation Ground. The offering i Johnston was fined 5/- in Central first match was between Civil and District Court yesterday. , £|| Military, St. George's, and Prospect ... Garrison. The visitors showed Damask Cloths and Napkins Edward Burcher, In court on a superior football, and won a heavy charge of using offensive words scoring game by 8 goals to 3 goals. Bridge Sets to Mrs. Mary Smith on Sept. 27, St. George's were obviously short of was cautioned by His Worship to practice, though Oatley and Packer at behave himself in the future. Mrs. showed up prominently. Smith's son-in-law, John Leslie The second match was between Shields, testified for her. Philip Packwood's XI and the HALF PRICE ... Bermuda Railway XI. This was Also dismissed with a caution rather a one-sided affair, the Rail­ was Mrs. Gladys Marie Williams way team being easily defeated by who, according to the complain­ 7 goals to nil. LUNCHEON SETS ant, Alice Rogers, assaulted her, oo Mrs. Williams pleaded not'guilty. £ ... "STRONG MAN" AND SHARK Rupert Gibbons, employed at the ONE THIRD OFF New Windsor Hotel, was bound IN BATTLE over by the Court. On Sept. 28 PICTOU, N.S., Oct. 6.—(Cana­ Gibbons was pulling a hand cart dian Press)—When Chalmers Big- on the sidewalk, in violation of the ney went around the country bend­ for the traffic ordinance. He claimed that ing iron bars in his teeth and al­ F it were not for mosquitoes, there the street was being repaired'at the lowing automobiles • to run over I would be no malaria, from which time and that it was impossible to his chest, there were Doubting thousands of people all over the world pull his load on the rocky road. ;*»*y Thomases who refused to give him J die every year. Kill these dangerous * * * -•* credit. Today "the strong man of Next Two Weeks blood suckers—spray Flit. A fine of 10/- was imposed on River John" stands acclaimed. He Flit spray kills flies, mosquitoes, fleas, George Spencer of Smith's Parish has conquered a shark. ants, moths, bed bugs, roaches and their for committing a nuisance on Chalmers and his son, Nathan, eggs. It is deadly to insects but harmless Front Street on Oct. 1. found the big fish in one of their to people. Easy to use. Does not stain. ... herring nets at Skinner's Cove, SOMERS BUILDING (West) Front Street Do not confuse Flit with other insecti­ Police are investigating the com­ Back Shore. They attached a line THE LINEN SALON cides. plaint of a young woman who was to it and started to tow it to River 2083ts8.tull. look for the soldier interferred with by several boys John, but the shark didn't seem to last Thursday night on Pond Road. on the yellow can like the idea of going to the village. It is expected they will be brought There was a heavy sea running, *uj with the black band before the Court shortly. and with the shark adding to the oo difficulties the Bigney were not ST. GEORGE'S POLICE COURT sure which way the boat was going. Finally Chalmers hauled the S£ I fish up to the boat. The battle Accused Committed for Trial was on, but it did not last long. LL OF US TOGETHER A knife flashed several times, and A Before the Worshipful Lieut.- the fish was quiet. Then Chalmers Col. R. J. Tucker on Thursday hauled it on board the boat. created the conditions we morning at St. George's Police He knew some of those Pictou Ma, TRADC MAMC Oourt, Robert Frederick Young anglers like Editor J. A. Fishetr, have today, and are FLFor your protection, FlitT U told only in tmaUd was charged with stealing a bicycle Principal C. L. Moore and R. D. on September 2 at Hamilton Parish Stiles would think it was just an­ creating the conditions the property of Derrick Luther Bur­ other fish story, so he brought it to gess. town on a motor truck and put we'll have tomorrow The latter deposed that he lived it on display. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS— in Bailey's Bay, and on the evening It is years since "the strong of September 2, left his bicycle out­ man of River John" made crowds is it not careful attention to side the Crawl Snorts Olub between gasp at his feats of strength, but BERMUDA the small details? That is the 10 and 11 p.m. About half an hour once more the countryside rings sort of attention your clothing later it was missing, but thinking with his fame. LAUNDRY receives at the hands of our a friend had borrowed it, did not oo cleaning and dyeing depart­ think much about it, and it was GASTRONOMY AIDED BY Cleaning and Dyeing ment. A trial garment will not until the 5th that he reported convince you! the loss of the bicycle to P.c. Snow. WEST INDIAN LIMES Department Witness had purchased the bicycle WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES! from a man who lived at the Leam­ MONTREAL.—(Canadian Press) ington Cave. On Sept. 24 he saw '—A large cargo of limes has arrived a man in Bailey's Bay riding to­ from the West Indies and now Hamilton 2104 St. George's 163 Somerset 48 wards St. George's, and he recog­ Montreal housewives are adding a nised the frame of the bicycle he new dessert to their menus—lime Was riding, which was the one now pies. "Where the Promise is Performed" exhibited in Court. Witness fol­ IF YOU allow your Limes make better lemon pies lowed the man to St. George's on than do the lemons themselves money to he sent away, his brother's bicycle. In conse­ claim West Indian exporters, and 1,000 FRESHMEN ENROLL quence of what the man told him, the production of the smaller fruit unnecessarily, through POSTAGE STAMPS he interviewed the accused, who is being encouraged in the inter­ AT HARVARD told him he had purchased the ests of gastronomy. what channel will you For Collections bicycle from a man named Smith. Corroborative evidence was given BERMUDA CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 6.— by Clarence Victor Thompson, and told him that he would give him he able to bring, it hack? More than 1,000 freshme'n, believed Charles Gordon Macgregor. P.c. 30/- for it, if he brought it to and to comprise the largest class in the Snow gave evidence of arrest. accused's house on Saturday. Ac­ history of Harvard College, en­ Robert Frederick Young deposed cused had met the man Smith BR111SH WEST INDIAN rolled for the opening of. the 297th that he was working at St. George's, before, but did not know his other DO YOUR BUYING LOCALLY academic' year. Additional ap­ and met a man whom he knew as name. He knew he lived in Ham­ plicants were attracted by the fact Smith, who offered him the frame ilton. After reviewing the evidence ERNEST J. BELL that this class will graduate in of a bicycle. Witness told him His Worship committed the ac­ Bermuda Press, Limited 1936, when Harvard will be cele­ that he had no money at the time, cused for trial at the Supreme Bermuda Press, Ltd., Reid St. brating its 300th anniversary. | but as Smith wanted to sell it, he Oourt. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COt-ONIST DAILY, SATURDAY, OCrofffiR 8, 1932 Page 5

N* Y. Mayor Greets Maine Victor r KA.£?E.SMITHV* /?v 6? A*i)( /Jmit&d S»V\*U f >?y POUNDED 1889

What was it, his teacher wondered that made him so'dimcult? "Backward," "nervous," "shy,** "difficult," "awkward," "deli­ cate," "incorrigible" — a hun­ dred such names have been invented for children who puzzle their teachers and parents. And all because nobody realizes the true and underlying cause — defective eyes. Your duty—the very best thing you can do to-day—is to find out whether .year child needs glasses!

Windsors Mayor Joseph V. McKee, of New York City, Is shown Sturdy and Strong (at right, above) as he greeted Governor-elect Louis J. Brann of Maine when the latter passed through Manhattan at the start of his speech-making tour in the "frtiPT»al Demo­ cratic campaign. JLJ E.M. ASTWOOD Registered Optometrist 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. ' Front Street CHURCH SERVICES 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. "If I Had Only One Sermon to SUNDAY, OCT. 9th Preach." Tues:—8 p.m. M idweek Service. CHURCH OF ENGLAND Rev. W. Fraser Munro, Minister * * * • BOYS' SUITS The Cathedral CENTRAL CIRCUIT 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. ^^^^^^f 11.00 a.m.—Matin and Sermon. Shelly Bay For School Days 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. * * * 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. St. John's Church, Pembroke Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer and Praise 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. League. An assortment of new model Suits for Fall and 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and * * * Sermon. Marsden Winter wear. 3.00 p.m.—Holy Baptism. 1.45 p.m.—Sunday School. The styles and fabrics are just the kind boys like, and 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and 3.00 p.m.—Holy Communion. ^eliciousFoodOrinKj Sermon. 8.00 p.m.—Mr. Grenville Darrell. the quality and the durability cannot fail to give satis­ Wednesday 8 p.m. Mid-week ser­ iChocolate FlavorL * * * factory service. St. Mary's Church, Warwick vice. 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. * * * 11.00 a.m.—Choral Celebration and Harris Bay Sermon. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer and 7.30 p.m.—Rev. T. J. Humphrey. KNICKER SUITS from 42/6 "Adds 70% to the Sermon. * * * Food Value of Milk" * # » Ebenezer, St. George's St. Paul's, Paget 11.00 a.m.—Rev. John U. Bell. LONG TROUSERS SUITS from 65/- 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 7.30 p.m.—Rev. John V. Bell. 10.45 a.m.—Morning Prayer and 10.00 a.m.—Sunday Schools. JACKETS and SHORTS from 32/6 F. J. G. FOOTE Sermon. 3.30 p.m.—Sunday School. Sole Agent 11.30 a.m.—Sung Eucharist. * * * 7.45 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon St. David's Island 56S9«I


The classiest piece of MILLINERY JAMES NO«.Ffeinn&NOBtf felFBORpD * furniture ever invented

% and Eleanor Edwards, a dancer, for the kitchen ... no A new selection of white coarse are livin_-___g fflreTEe- r ta ; __ _«S. Irene's grandfather dies leaving home complete without her a thousand dollars and the ownership of some land in Florida. straw hats just ideal for present Irene determfcus to go t* Florida and asks Eleanor to go with her. day wear. " CHAPTER VI 4 JJUT Eleanor -MS not to be tempted to go to Palm Beach FRIGIDAIRE Made up in the latest styles even by Irene's moat colorful description of all the gaieties Which awaited them there. Now that she had a job and was Saves time—saves food engaged for a revue sponsored by one of the biggest producers —saves money she felt It would be wrong to go off on any wild-goose chase, 25/6 and 29/6 no matter how agreeable such a trip* would undoubtedly be. Back of all her silly chatter • — Easy terms to suit and careless gaiety of manner that mere air could be so thrilling. Eleanor had all the good, sound She had never felt so excited or Install a Frigidaire now common sense of the successful happy in her whole life. Beyond chorus girl, who is one of the most the Tea Garden the Lake Trail misunderstood people on earth, ran, and to the left the luxurious LOCKWARD & CO. One is always hearing of chorus Whitehall Hotel reared its white girls at wild parties and leading bulk. Beyond it was Lake Worth, Reid Street West a butterfly existence, but those dotted with yachts flying their are the girls who never last be- gay nautical pennants, 866<}^w.j.tp. yond a single season. They are the BERMUDA TRADING CO. ones who get into ttbe chorus by TUKNING back into the room mistake in the first place because * she danced gaily about for a they think the stage is a glamor- minute to the pulsing strains ous life of indolence and gaiety, which floated up from the tea They are a source of trouble to garden. She felt she wanted to everyone concerned but one may stay where she was apd finish un- Miss Ethel Jane Sloan always rest assured that when a packing and at the same time she girl has danced in three or four wanted to be down there where MORRIS A. GIBBONS different productions and is still there was dancing, and music, Swimming Instructress at Belmont Manor sought after by managers she is and gaiety, and all the light bap- the clear-minded, sensible type piness that her heart 'called for who would probably succeed as And she felt also that she wanted well in nearly anything else that to ride in one of those strange Men's Striped Percale Shorts Offers a Special Rate to Residents she undertook. wheel chairs with the huge dark- . . . , ies riding a bicycle arrangement Per 1/9 Pair Beginners, Advanced Swimming and Life Saving— ELEANOR not only decided in the back which furnished the R. L. S. C. methods. against the trip for herself means of propulsion, she wanted ST. GEORGE'S STORE but as they ate the delicious sup- to ride with her eyes closed, just 1843«Mw. per she had provided tried her dreaming impossible dreams in Appointments by telephone best to dissuade Irene from her this impossible climate. It seemed intention. "You can hire a good incredible that only a few hours lawyer down there and hell look before she had been scurrying Rates:—Adults 8 Lessons $5.00 into things for you far better than along the streets of New York you can by going personally. And with her fur coat wrapped tightly Children 10 Lessons $5.00 dont forget, darling, a thousand about her, the pathetic little fur dollars is a nice little nest egg to coat the price of which ha i roused 1758ftu.eitp. have in the bank for any girl, Hiram Jenkins' and his mad offer even the most beautiful showgirl She thought of Eler.nor. looking* on Broadway." so small and wiry in her black Irene shook her head slowly. "I velvet rehearsal clothes, whirling Barclay's London Lager know you're right, Eleanor, but I round" and round the rehearsal seem to feel that it's just my fate hal1 practicing intricate dance LIGHT OR DARK If it's a to go to Florida. It's almost as if s1*ps for her new part. That someone were telling me I must seemed far away, too, many times WATER PUMP do it, and I know I would be very mttIe tban the thousand miles it unhappy if I decided to remain was ta reality, Why not a here. Goodness me, I know how important a little bank account is, AND iiien *te*e was the ocean The drink for a Lordly Thirst and especially combined with a '^ to see, too, and she was dying DEM1NG job like you got for me. But I'd to go swimming, though even she be miserable if I thought against knew that the fashionable bath- ELECTRIC my hunch. Somehow I feel this is mg hour was at noon so it would- At all Hotels and Bars my big chance in fife." nt be amusing to go until the Eleanor waved her brilliantly next day. That made her realize THE BERMUDIANA CYCLES manicured hand in a sweeping that the next day she was to see 26TCf«5ti .tp. gesture. "All right, dearie, it's your the real estate agent to whom her l money. And after all, grandpa did grandfather had recommended particularly want you to go. So I ber in his note written just be- suppose that's that." She held fore he died. He was the man, he high her sparkling glass of ginger had said, who would tell her the ate. "Here's to your grand success, truth about her property claims, and may your property be worth because he was absolutely to be GOSLING BROTHERS at least a mUllon." trusted. She looked forward to ON SALE meeting John Vickers, but an that Dial 2141 r Tfi rf-*-*m IRENE responded gaily. "Why be was for tomqrrow. 1536

The Filter Tip that keeps you fit To The Point without hesitation,' 'she is a lady all It was a very wet night, and the right." last bus was full inside, when the "A well-dressed lady?" persisted Obtainable at conductor asked, "Will any gentle­ the passenger. man go up on top to oblige a lady?" "Yes: a thoroughly well-dressed There was no response, so the in­ fashionable lady,"the conductor as­ J* E* Lightbourn & Co* quiry was repeated, but still there sured him. was no response. At last one male "Then," said the passenger, set­ Sole Agents passenger remarked, "Are you sure Hamilton St. * George's that she is a lady, and not a poor tling himself more comfortably in tike leading mineral wate 2063




SYDNEY O. SIMS O'NEILL marac-oii DEVONSHIRE (rami i78o) A iff »-swt^waiij*>»i,~»t~~t'Wg"3


Unblocked Road 1


You Can Skate Right Down From Upper Left to Lower Right ACROSS YESTERDAY'S 4-Out of place (Fr.) 1-Small nail ANSWER 5-Hinder of DRESSES 5-Club 6-One 8-Brazilian city 7-Subdue 12-Hoar-frost 8-Talking bird 13-Collection of facts 9-Opposed to 14-Excited 10-Part in play SULKS, CREPES, LINENS etc 15-Speaker ll-Enclosed field 17-Oeneral moMl 16-OfTensiveness —mlifiaa IB-Raw metal l>-afcrange 20-Having left a will -©-Small deg 22-Sloes (prov.) 21-Din 24-Shade tree 23-Period of ta-t 25-Cow's sound 24-Printer's unit 27-Engrav* 26-Heart-beats 29-Comb. form: air 28-Russian ruler 30-Line of light I've Had To Revise All My 31-Short 32-Bested 33-Part of name of 52-Take away 34-Make speech Brazil state 53-Roman road 37-Quit business 35-Beverage 54-Devoured 39-Cause to fall in Ideas of Cooking Time! 36-No. African Arab 56-Unconcealed love 38-Mother-of-pearl 57-Vein of ore 42-Heavy liquid said a lady who has recently purchased a Quick-Meal Oil Stove. 5S-Decay 40-Railway (ab.) 44-Run away She went on to explain that her cooking is all done much faster 41-Soak flax 59-Payment for use 45-Rain of ice 43-Anglo-Saxon 46-Man's name than ever before. Naturally, she appreciates the saving of time, warrior DOWN 47-Equipment but beyond that, there is the distinct saving of oil, the greatest 45-Prisoner held as 1-Forehead 49-Equal test of oil-stoves! insurance 50-Dispatched 48-Narratives 2-To laugh (Fr.) 52-Macerate flax Si-Dress 3-Porcibly 55-Toward There are very sound reasons for the speedy cooking and economical fuel burning of the 1 2. 3 H 5 6 7 © 9 IO IX i_e' 13 m i QUICK-MEAL OIL STOVE aS.- Kb ±1 18 (The Lorain Stove with the Red Wheel) ^ 3B 20 Because the clean blue flame of the Quick-Meal Oil Stove % comes right up under the bottom of the cooking utensil 22 23 or oven, it cooks quickly, and burns less oil! P #, W. 25. 26 27 28 29 30 Maybe youVe been thinking Si 1m. 55 3M 35 of buying a new oil stove, and decided you couldn't afford ^ it, but if you have one of those old oil-drinkers, it might be 5& f<#7 38 39 MO sound economy to throw it out In the back-yard, and buy A. i % a new Quick-Meal Stove, the stove that burns less oil! -f/ M3 MM Remember! the heaviest cost of an oil stove is In .. r 'TV the oil it burns! MS. Mb 47 48 49 50 Quick-Meal Oil Stoves, by actual test, have burned for 21 hours on a gallon of oil! &L.i i - 52 [ You should see our stock! The attractive appearance alone of ^ these stoves will charm you. Then, too, there are the outstanding At Half Price 5M 55 ^5fc» | constructional features we can show you, so important in the •d r i i consideration of the economy of first-cost, for they mean longer fi~iQ) 57* 58 1le i 1 life in the Ftove itself.

COX & WILSON LIFE ABOARD LIGHTSHIP determine their position. In stormy weather the fog horn blows pRITH'Q DESCRIBED three blasts in quick succession at Queen Street forty-second intervals, while the Hardware Store wireless beacor conds continuous 1936«iX=XX3X>C». ^)0<>0< ^-><>0<>0<>C»000<* present numbering eleven, spends duties of a light-ship and the man­ two months out of three on the t ner of it's operation were sketched il ship, which returns to shore only here by George Doucette, chief once a year. The tanks hold 16-, engineer of the Canadian Govern­ I WATERPROOF COATS I 000 gallons of fresh water, and ment Lightship Lurcher No. 14, in provisions are brought out weekly For A/en one/ _9or/s jj port for her annual overhauling. Twenty-eight years ago Doucette by motorboat. | joined the ship for three months' Excepting one Diesel engine to service, buf'the three months drive a 7J kilowatt generator, all A stout Waterproof is a real necessity x havn't passed yet." he remarked. motive power is supplied by coal- burning steam boilers and engines GREY for school wear. Every boy will like K His lightship is stationed near the of the single action type. to have one of these sturdy Raincoats. jj Lurcher Shoals, IImiles from the Cape Forchu Lighthouse, Yarmouth 8 All-round belt, pockets. 8 sound. In the ship's absence the oo FLANNEL jagged rocks, at some points less than ten feet below the water sur­ j 18/- and 20/- I face, are marked by a buoy. The NEW HAMPSHIRE RESIDENTS Lurcher is anchored two miles from EXPERIENCE WATER LONGS 8 the shoals, but during a storm this The Men's Waterproofs comprise $ distance from the treacherous SHORTAGE rocks seems almost too close for styles in medium light and light- 9 comfort. weight, English make, double-breasted « The heavy chain used to anchor CONCORD, N.H., Oct. 5.—It has For Boys... with all-round belt, in Putty colour. x the lightship has parted on several been a lovely summer—for tourists, occasions in exceptionally heavy but it has been a sad one indeed for weather. Each time the wind was farmers and for townspeople who 25/-, 30/-, 35/- I blowing away from the reefs, and have to think about a water supply. little danger was experienced. Built In many sections of New Hamp­ When a boy can boast some five in 1903, the Lurcher No. 14 sprang a shire householders are making long feet (height) he has reached the leak some years ago in one of the treks with wagons, wheelbarrows bottom steel plates, worn through or automobiles for their daily supply stage for long trousers ... he will T. J. PEARMAN & SONS by the friction of coal and ashes. of water, carting it in milk cans, The pumps were able to keep up be fussy too so give him the 2004«5*3m. barrels, washboilers, and butter with the inflow until temporary tubs. They are going into woods best . . . <3='©a<>GX>CXX=X>cs«)«& repairs were made, followed by a and pastures to seek abandoned hasty trip to port, where new plates springs, and very often they are were secured. finding they have gone dry. Hun­ Doucette explained that a rolling dreds of wells are empty; and 20/- the pair • • • motion brought very little strain emergency measures have been adopted. on the cable, but as the ship always For boys up to 18 years . . . FONG'S CAFE swung around with the bow into For only one group is there any­ the wind .pitching was far more like­ thing cheerful in the situation. Open Day and Night ly to break the chain. Continually They are the men who drill artesian slipping from a roll to a pitch and wells. The thump and dug of vice versa during high seas, the their drilling rings have been heard English, American and Chinese Dishes, Chop Suey, Lurcher's motion was quite dis­ all summer in the yards of people etc. similar to that of an ordinary ship. who can afford the rather expensive The Lurcher is equipped with fog operation. In the bottom of their YOUNG BROTHERS horn, beacon light and wireless dry wells they are sinking six feet REID STREET, HAMILTON beacon. During fine weather the of tile pipe, in two sections, and are Queen Street 401 fi. to 18.12.32 east sends its call for six minutes finding that very often they tap a 2d77«I

George McManut ———


V 10.00—Jane uillon, Impersonator 10.15—Songland 10.45-11.45—Same as WEAF 11.45—Merry Madcaps 1 OVER [THE*RADIO oo YOUTHFUL BLUES SINGER *f+rrt+*+p*0**+*+00+**+0*mm00jf+*mi**ifH SCORES HIT ON WLW Paulo Gruppe, Dutch cellist, WTAM, Cleveland 1070kc. appears as guest soloist with the 7.00—Canfield Sports Flash This vivavlous lass—Dixie Davis— Little Symphony Orchestra, direct­ 7.05—Golden Pheasant Orchestra is proving herself to be a blues sing­ Skin ed by Philip James, playing Schu­ 7.30—Gene and Glenn er of abilities far beyond her years. mann Concerto for Violoncello and 7.45-12.00—Same as WEAF She is but^eighteen years old and Orchestra over station WOR at 9 12.00—Canfield Sports Flash looks even younger. A native Cin- p.m. The orchestra selections in­ clude three tunes by David Guion. -00- Bleinisnes * * • SUNDAY NIGHTS PROGRAMMES Ruth Etting, who sings only the songs she likes, win sing of "Walk­ ing in the Moonlight", "Sam the J. Alfred Spender, noted British Accordion Man" and "The Voice author and journalist, will address in the Old Village Choir," when an American radio audience from caused by she appears with Norman Broken- London, England, in a broadcast VALUE! shire and Nat Shilkret's Novelty over WABC and the Columbia net­ Orchestra for the broadcast of work at 1.30-1.45 p.m., Sunday. trouble i Look for purity, quali­ "Music That Satisfies" at 10.00 He will speak on "American Prin­ ciples and European Policies." , ty , favour and econo­ p.m., on the WABC-OBS chain ntere Shilkret wUl conduct some special Mr. Spender served as editor of my in the milk you rhythms entitled "Mimi" and "Me the Westminster Gazette from 1896 buy. You get all of Minus You." to 1922. Among the many books Do you try to hide skin that he has written are "The blemishes with powder and these in the rich, full Public Life," "The ChangingEast," rouge...or do you rectify the cream St. C ha r 1 e s "Life, Journalism and Polities," condition that causes them? Medical science has and "The America of Today." Evaporated Milk— t TONIGHTS PROGRAMMES Arturo Toscanini will conduct learned a great deal about the cause of those annoy­ always fresh and the New York Philharmonic-Sym­ ing eruptions which often mar an otherwise lovely DIXIE DAVIS wholeso me. (Bermuda Time) phony Orchestra during the inau­ complexion. The trouble usually lies in the intesti­ gural concert of the third consecu­ cinnatian, Dixie's spectacular suc­ cess over WLW, where she has been nal tract...in a sluggish condition which hinders WEAF and WTIC 660kc. tive season of weekly broadcasts singing for the past month, would the intestines from properly eliminating poison- 7.00—Concert Ensemble over WABC and a coast-to-coast breeding waste. ST. CHARLES 7.30—Le Trio Charmante Columbia network, Sunday from indicate that it is not always ne­ 7.45—Donald Novis, Tenor 4.00 to 6.00 p.m. cessary to leave one's home town EVAPORATED MILK in order to achieve success. 8.00—Scotti's Orchestra When Leona Brown Woodcock, And medical science has also found the remedy... There's Cream in Every Drop 8.30—Rollickers Quartet soprano, is heard on the C. W. 00 Fleischmann's Yeast for health, a pure, fresh, 8.45—The Goldbergs, Sketch Musical Matinee, Sunday, 5.30 to nourishing food not a habit-forming medicine. 9.00—The Sacking of America 6.00 p.m., she will sing "The Last TIDE TABLE FOR Fleischmann's Yeast stimulates the intestines, so 9.15—Eva Taylor, Songs Rose of Summer" from the opera that waste passes off before it can discharge its 9.30—Secret Service Spy Story "Martha" by Flotow. OCTOBER 10.00—Symphony Orchestra The C. W. Male Quartette will poisons into your system, and cloud your skin. 11.00—Dance Orchestra present a unique arrangement of 12.00—Ralph Kirbery, Songs "A Bowl of Roses" and Tosti's If you would have a blemish-free complexion and the health of a perfectly functioning body, famous "Goodbye." High V rater Sun­ Sun­ WLW, Cincinnati 700kc. Doc Whipple at the console of Date A.M. P.M. rise set try Fleischmann's Yeast. Give this nourishing 7.00—To be Announced the organ plays a special arrange­ 8 Sa. 3.22 4.01 6.18 5.56 food a thorough trial...three cakes a day for 7.15—Old Man Sunshine ment of the Mexican melody "La 9 Tu. 4.35 5.05 6.19 5.55 J six weeks at least assure the best results. 7.30—Bob Newhall, Mail Pouch Golondrina." An instrumental en­ 10 M. 5.34 6.00 6.19 5.53 Sportsman semble under the direction of 11 Tu. 6.25 6.46 6.20 5.52 7.45—"Law for the Layman" Walberg Brown will be heard in 12 W. 7.10 7.29 6.21 5.51 8.00—Same as WJZ musical comedy selections and clos­ 13 Th. 7.47 8.05 C.21 5.49 ing with the slow movement of 8.15—R. F. D. 14 F. 8.24 8.36 6.22 5.48 Dvorak's "New World Symphony." Csleisclitnann's•L m. J_ti_cm-3 M 8.45—Orosley Cadets 15 Sa. 8.56 9.09 6.23 5.47 * • • Don't let it go until it 9.00—Same as WJZ 16 Su. 9.29 9.36 6.23 5.46 develops into something 9.30—To be Announced "Musical Memories," a new 17 M. 10.00 10.07 6.24 5.44 much more serious. 10.00—Graystone Ballroom Orch. weekly quarter-hour of song and 18 Tu. 10.34 10.39 6.25 5.43 ! 10.30—Caitle Farm dance hits of days gone by, will be I ™ mnimiiwuiiii. S* 19 W. 11.10 11.19 6.26 5.42 There 1 is no better 11.00—To be Announced inaugurated from Chicago over a FLEISCHMANN'S Agnew Eve—The Goody Shop remedy for the relief of 20 Th. 11.55 6.27 5.41 ! YEAST 11.15—Crasley Follies a VTTAMVNS B D ' 12.00—Lombard o Orchestra 7.15—Westinghouse Concert &'*©^ C e «p «? KDKA, Pittsburgh 980kc. prano PLANTS 7.00—Same as WJZ 8.00—KDKA Players 7.30—Sport Review 8.30-11.45—Same as WJZ 7.37—News NOW 11.45— "FirefHes" & 7.45—To be Announced 12.00—Teaberry Sport Review 8.00—Same as WJZ WADSON'S 8.30—Homey and Old-Fashioned, WTIC, Hartford 1060kc. Quartet i7Il. 7.30—Orchestral Gems jtr ^«&y • 9.00-12.00—Same as WJZ 9.00—Same as WEAF vv '"*"> 1 "•T niSfiin S'-*.*J MPjnpMHP>*MMM|sM


Former Film Actress and Baby A Few of the Many Week End // Took Thirty Yean to Baild Specials OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT To its Present High State of Efficiency— AT NATIONAL STORES Friday and Saturday

WOMEN'S BRAND NEW STYLE SHOES, Strap, Oxford, or Pump in Patent or Kid, black or tan, sizes 3 to 9,12/6. LADIES' RAYON STOCKINGS, Cuban heel, new fall shades 1/6 pair. WOMENS' HOUSE DRESSES, new Fall prints and styles, long or This means College Training—A Wide and up-to- short sleeve, sizes 14 to 44,3/6. date Knowledge that must be Interreted in Terms of GIRLS' DRESSES new Fall prints, guaranteed washable, sizes 7 to 14, 2/9. Practical Local Experience. BOYS' KNICKERS fully lined bar tacked, tweeds, splendid as­ sortment of shades, sizes 8 to 18, 6/-. Virginia Lee Corbin, former movie actress, who retired from the screen to marry Theodore Krol, wealthy New York BOYS' UNION SUITS, long sleeves, ankle length, white, random, broker, is seen here in her first picture with her baby son also short sleeves, knee length, sizes 10 to 16,2/9 suit. Philip, who was born in Hollywood a few weeks ago BOYS' SHIRTS and BLOUSES, solid colours and pattc-ns, fast Your Rexall Druggist colour, sizes 6 to 14, 2/9. CITY'S UNEMPLOYED GO Has at his command the knowledge and services BOYS' ALL WOOL SUITS, sweater and pants to match, can be STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS of the World's Largest and Greatest—Drug Unit— had in assorted colours, 4/9 suit. "BACK TO THE LAND" MENS' ALL WOOL FLANNEL TROUSERS, grey, made in England, S.s. Lady Drake (C.N.S.) is due 15/-. to arrive from Halifax and Boston Great Success of Winnipeg today, sailing at daylight Sunday MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE TROUSERS, made in England, Scheme 16/6. for the West Indies. Agents, J.S. Darrell & Co. MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE SUITS, coat, vest and trousers, * S> * WINNIPEG, Oct. 5:—(Canadian single or doublebreasted, made in England, £3.15. 0. suit. S.s. Fraiicohia (Furness-Bermuda Press)—While governments have Line) sails on return to New York been dallying with the idea that the We have just received from England 24 only double breasted today. Tender leaves No. 1 Dock unemployed could support them­ WHITE LINEN SUITS too late for the season, so we are closing CLEARANCE SALE at 10 a.m. Agents, Watlington & selves by going on farms .workless them out at 35/- suit. All sizes. And hundreds of other Conyers. men of Winnipeg have attempted bargains at * # % to put the "back-to-the land" of T.E.V. Monarch of Bermuda (Fur­ theory into practice in a small ness-Bermuda Line) is due to ar­ way within the boundaries of the NATIONAL STORES rive from New York on Monday, city. sailing on return trip Tuesday at Early in April, the first applicant MIRRORS Hamilton, St. George's. Somerset 3 p.m. Agents, Watlington & Con­ appeared before the city registrar yers. asking for an allotment of city- * * * owned property upon which to Exceptional bargains in high grade Buy National Way and Smile T.S.s. Prince Henry (C.N.S.) is establish a little garden. Before 2064 leaving Bermuda to­ FRUIT .PRODUCE i T^ointment—Just rub on day the 8th should connect with 280 Washington St, ! S.s. "Aquitania" sailing from N.Y. New York City ^^pfSr^ TVAPORUB t for Southampton on the 13th Oct­ OVEgl? MILLION JARS IKED YEARLY ober.

From our Large Stock of Furniture we have chosen WARDROBES To offer you at a reasonable price NATURAL AND WALNUT FINISHES



Fire Drill at Independence Hall Famous ,. ftuth Chatterton says: "A successful close-up hi demands the very . Smoothest skin. I I '' Sways use Lux Toilet f \ Soap." By IRENE VAIL

New York—Something white around that high neckline is prescribed. One neutral frock plus a half dozen separate neck­ pieces—collars if you like the term better—produces at least seven dresses. So much for necklines. Now as to waistlines. Those who are opposed to high waistlines are predicting victory for the low Moyen Age variety as launched so dramatically by Patou. This particular silhouette continues to be the big talking point of the year. It seems to be winning friends wherever it is shown. After all. there is no good rea­ son why one's waistline has to stay put. It may be high to one costume and low to another. If the highs seem to have the ad­ vantage it may be well to re­ member that the low line is the dark horse, and that it is gain­ ing to spite of a late start. Rough Materials A resume of the style situaton must include pebbled and rough­ ened materials of all kinds, com­ binations of both color and fab­ rics and a tendency to tone down the more brilliant colors to the Historic old Independence Hall is not on fire. This is halftones or off shades associa­ merely a colorful demonstration given recently by the Pink*-- ted with our late Victorian fore­ delphia fire department. bears who now seem such worthy models for our modern clothes. Furs and Colors When it comes to furs honors to date are divided between fox and Persian lamb. When fox is chosen, it trims the coat, when Guide to Charm Persian lamb is chosen it is worked into the body of the coat, making puffs in the sleeves New Accessor* -.s for the Bath Have an Appeal far and so on. Black leads for coats with browns, particularly bronze Every Woman browns, crowding it. By JACQUELINE HUNT THE makers of cosmetics are never idle for a moment. Every day clever folks are making new cosmetics and blending new scents to make your bath and your beauty LACE, TRIMMED treatments a pleasure. There are other reasons for beauty WITH VELVET treatments, however, and other reasons for bathing. The first thing to be remembered about your bath is that its chief purpose is cleanliness. You cannot get clean without — : rkinsf u p suds lot,__,,s o.f wate„, r (preferabl. . y wate. r an*£d scrubbin-IHL™g thes* °e evwl,y over that is softened by some simple yourself. home preparation or bath salts) Making Bathing a Joy and lots of nice bubbly lather. Whether you take a daily tub­ You cannot bing or depend on showers, you really enjoy need a good soaping each day if your b a t h if you want to be immaculate. It is you are too a good idea if you take daily lazy or too showers, to take one weekly tub stingy to use bath for a thorough cleansing. enougn soap. Use tepid water unless you are Soap is the particularly tired and need the first thing relaxing effect of warmer water. that you must Then be sure that the water is select wisely not hot enough to make you ?C-LTS 1 52-288 UVER BROTHERS LIMITED. FORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND for your bath. perspire. Finish with a cool rinse. m Get a soap If you get lots of fun out of that gives a nice smells, select bath salts, creamy, lasting toilet water and dusting powder MISS HUNT lather, even if in your favorite scent. It is well you must pass up one that smells to remember that there are some mm like dewy roses or has a color particularly good scents for the that fits to with your bathroom bath. Pine is one of them, and color scheme. one of the well-known beauty houses in New York has just put To suit your Soap and Brushes unusually natural-smelling pine Perhaps by now you are ac- bath crystals on the market. quatoted with the jolly little Lemon verbena and lavender are wooden bowls of soap that come also good bath perfumes. complete with bath brushes. At For Softening Water and fit any purse first they were made only by If you like to make things for the higher priced cosmetic man- yourself, you might like to try ufacturers and were sold in some this softening preparation. You of the better salons and depart- will need a huge kettle. Into it ment stores. Now, however, they put six quarts of water, a pound appear, reasonably priced, in any of barley, one-half pound of rice, number of drug stores. The soap three pounds of bran, a pound is soft in consistency, perfumed, of oatmeal and a quarter of a» #5«* and gives a lasting lather. If you pound of lavender for perfuming cannot find this combination, it the liquid. Strain through a sieve is a good idea to find a stiff and use about a quart of the hair whisk or a good bath brush milky liquid to each tub of water.

Copyright, 1932. by Fc/rchild. A DISH A DAY; Pale pink la.ee with deep red By JANET WINTON j^'.der makes the evening frock wnh empire waistline indicated by seaming which descends at MENUS For a successful picnic, plan baek. The necklet is of velvet everything in detail from tie flowers. Picnic Meals picnic spot to the dishes and Broiled Ham Scrambled Eggs menu. Keep the food that must Molded Potato Salad be cooked on the spot very sim­ Toasted Rolls ple, so that the youngest child Sliced Cucumbers ta the party can prepare his own CALVINISTIC METHODISTS Crackers and Cheese without any assistance other Fruit Marshmallows than a few simple directions. BAR MEMBERSHIP OF WIFE Coffee Kabobs for the Picnic OF LICENSEE Steak and Celery Kabobs In case you've never cooked \7"OU don't need to worry any longer. Just kabobs, here is how yon make Baked Beans in Individual them. Have the butcher cut -"- visit our showrooms, inspect our showing Ramekins CARNARVON. Oct. 6:— (Cana­ tender round steak into one-inch dian Press)—North Wales Calvin- of new Moffat Electric Ranges and there you Boston Brown Bread Rolls cubes. Be sure that there Is Sweet Pickles istic Methodists at Carnarvon adop­ will find the very range you need. It will cost plenty—about ten cubes for each Oatmeal-Date Cookies person. Place one cube on a ted a report by a special committee yon no more than you will be asked to pay Coffee Nuts pointed stick, then a piece of which submitted that the Church for an ordinary range. Plan Substantial Hot Meals celery and onion until the kabob had the right to refuse membership is about six inches long. Now For the Fall Picnic wrap the whole thing in a sHoe to licensees' wives if the latter are E3> JFORE October days become of bacon and broil until the engaged in the liquor trade. ^ too chilly, plan another pic­ steak is as done as you like it- The question was brought to a MOFFATS . nic or two as a grand finale Molded Potato Salad head by the refusal of a Cararvon- for the season. A well-planned picnic is about the merriest kind To make molded potato salad, shire minister to accept the trans­ NEW BEAUTY cf party that you can give and select ten small evenly matched fer of membership from an Angle­ there is also an added advan­ potatoes, boil in their jackets sey church of the wife of a man who ELECTRIC RANGES tage, since you can invite young and when done, but not too soft, md old alike. You will find on peel and dice. Chop fine one had taken over the licence of a pub­ Co where you will, you cannot find better lic-house in Carnarvonshire. i the market exactly the sort of small onion, two hard cooked WEBKHIATIC value, nor will you see a more beautiful range enrtroment that you will need for eggs, six small cucumber pickles The committee, which was ap­ your picnic no matter what kind and three small cooked beets pointed to consider the matter, with so many excellent features—too many; and add to the potato salad. ; »VCN MCATC€NTR€L it is. submitted that there vas a rule to properly describe here. C.lsp autumn air doss things Season to taste with pepper, salt •and paprika. Moisten with a which did not allow the member­ and many other We shall gladly demonstrate them to you* to the appetite, s^ you should be aire to take alons pknty of food cooked salad dressing or tart ship of any person who carried on New Features particularly the Therm-O-M;-lie Oven Heat and to serve it smoking hot be­ mayonnaise. Pack tightly in wet the trade, and expressed the opin­ Control, which is truly a Moffat masterpiece. side a cracklim campfire. A molds. When ready to serve, un- mold on a bed of lettuce and if ion that this included the wife if AH yon do is set the dial to the temperature he?.vy iron skillet and a huge she took any part in the business. coffee pot are the most import- you want something elaborate, required, turn the switch and the Therm-O- rnt bits of equipment that you garnish with tiny sweet pickles, TORONTO.—(Canadian Press)— sprigs of parsley, pickled beets Matic Control automatically takes charge, wiU need. Ham or steaks can be It takes a smart mind to think up fried in th? pan and then sliced cut in fancy shapes, or walnut guaranteeing you absolutely uniform results* meats. something new in the way of potatoes or eggs fried in the hot a "shower" present, but one bright drinpta^s. Picnic Desserts Come in and see it. It will prove time well young man achieved the happy ePaa* JIM0-9S ETgs or potatoes miy alsq be For a picnic something mat nj'-ed in *he hot ashes if you will stand wear and tear should result at a party for Nora Henry, have a ccod-rlzcd campfire be taken along for dessert. Fruit, daughter of Ontario's premier. His; Steel s'-?wrrs, rented sticks or nuts, candy or cookies are pref­ gift was a chicken pie with the- erable to elaborate pies, cakes or l-.r~e fork". CD £*> fer broiling flakiest of real pie crust, but in­ The Electric Light Co. juicy tidbits over the flames if molded desserts. Oatmeal-date vou uocirle that pr-h person cookies are easily made and very stead of hiding chicken, it held a.* muct be his own chef. good. clothesline.


Alice Raftis and Evelyn Hess were HAMILTON HOTEL NOTES entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hess. srOTtnmtea Misses Elizabeth and Florence Wright of Huntington, LX.and Mr. H. V. Wheeler, of Wichita, p J Misses Julia Elam of Hartford, Kansas, and his brother, Mr. J. K. I THE BERMUDA BOOK Conn., and Muriel Troper of New X STORES Wheeler, of Interlaken, N.Y., York, were entertained at parties. 3 The Hamilton Hotel | accompanied by their wives, are Occupying a table together were I Reid St. Ireland Island having a hohday-reunion at the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broaddus, Jr., 3 Hamilton and will be here for the of Louisville, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. , BOOKS: next week or two. Mr. J. K. Wheeler Terrace Roof | Boxley and Miss Boxley, Dr. Mac­ 1 is president of the Wheeler National : : : : FEAR, AND BE 3 Donald and Mr. Ralston Matheny I SLAIN, by General Seely, Bank at Interlaken. His brother is of Philadelphia. prominent in Kansas investment i The best antidotes to the banking circles. last ten years. TONIGHT ^ Virginians arriving last Thursday ' : : MY MYSTERY for a stay of indefinite length are INVERURIE HOTEL NOTES SHIPS, by Admiral Camp- 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boxley and their ! bell. A story of the "Q" daughter, Miss Elvira Cabell Boxley. boats during the Great 3 { Mr. Boxley heads Boxley Brothers, Among the Pennsylvanians who War. Inc., the general railway construc­ arrived at this hotel on Thursday : : THE FORTRESS, by tors. The Boxleys reside in Orange, were, Mr. Thomas B. Downey and Hugh Walpole. This story CHANEY & FOX Va., and are related to the Oabells Mr. Carl Graner, of Franklin. Mr. covers a period of English of Virginia, another well known Edward Howery, prominent lawyer social life from 1825-1875. in Southern family, of which James from Washington, D. C. is paying This is Eugene Talmadge, and the background is in Branch Cabell, the author, is a a two weeks visit at the Inverurie. who was nominated as Demo­ part Cumberland, in par•t 3 HAWAIIAN WALTZ" Mr. and Mrs. J. j. Hoey, New cratic candidate for Governor London. Almost every as­ member. of Georgia by an overwhelm­ Haven, New Jersey, arrived on the pect of contemporary life Mr. and Mrs. George E. Weyrauch ing majority in the recent 3 Franconia on Thursday and are state primaries. His nomina­ is here. of Newark, N.J., where Mr. Wey­ guests of this hotel. tion in Democratie Georgia rauch is a leading real estate man, : : PEKING PICNIC by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nufer, of virtually amounts to election. 3 have heen on vacation at the Mr. Talmadge at present holds Ann Bridge. Brilliant is, Weehawken, New Jersey are again Hamilton since last Monday. They the office of state Commis­ no doubt, an overworked at the Inverurie. This is their visited here last January. On their sioner; of Agriculture. adjective, but it is the only third visit to this hotel, and their present trip they are renewing one that faithfully des­ SAM ROBBINS 8th visit to Bermuda. acquaintance with the scenes which cribes this first novel. Its 3 Mr. James C. Kennedy, of Fort swift movement, its light­ and his impressed them so much on their CARGO AND SHIPPING AT first trip. Washington, Penna., is paying a ness and its sustained visit to Bermuda, guest of Inverurie. charm make it an entirely 3 ORCHESTRA It is eighteen years since Mr. HALIFAX PORT Mr. Kennedy is with Montgomery memorable performance. Joseph H. Fuhrman of Camden, Scott Company, the well-known : : : : THE LONG RIFLE by N.J., was last in Bermuda. For 3 brokerage house in Rittenhouse Fewer Vessels But More Cargo Stewart Edward White. all the changes and new develop­ Square, Philadelphia., He is the Just as the 'six-shooter ments which have taken place in August son of Mr. F. C. Kennedy, who typifies the cow-boy era. since that time, Mr. Fuhrman finds ^^^li^J^ei^^^l^^^^^ll*^?^!^?^^ is retiring this year as Vice-President so the long rifle stands for that the Island still retains its uni­ HALIFAX, N.S., Oct. 5.—(Can­ of the Pennsylvannia Railroad. the adventurous half-cen que, quaint atmosphere and charm. adian Press)—While fewer vessels •3 Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Graton, entered the port of Halifax during tury before 1850. The Long Mr. Fuhrman is director of adver­ Rifle, it is safe to say, is tising for the M.Fuhrman Company, of Cambridge, Mass., are on their August this year, the cargo handled "3 honeymoon in Bermuda, guests of represented an increase of 35,566 the finest achievement of Camden's ranking department an author, whose Gold, NEW WINDSOR HOTEL Inverurie. tons over the figures for August, store. The Cabin, and The Forest Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flynn, the 1931, according to a report of the European Plan — American Plan An all-day fishing trip last Thurs­ are modern classics of the former is Advertising Manager of Halifax Harbour Commissioners. day occupied Mr. Guy Mackay "American Lawn Tennis," 500 frontier. Crosby, Jr., Boston broker, and During August 1932 the import 3 PALM GARDENS Fifth Avenue, New York, are on :::: New full-length novels Mr. F. Hirons, the New York cargo of the port amounted to holiday at this hotel. never before published all DANCING IN A FAIRY GARDEN architect, who have been guests 66,364 tons compared with 41,873 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dunn, of at 3/6. RED EAGLE by 3 of the Hamilton since Monday. tons a year ago, and the export Monday, Friday and Saturday Nights Lansdowne, Penna., arrived at cargo to 43,928 tons compared with Gavin Holt, THEY JOUR­ Interesting honeymooners who this hotel for a short stay by way of NEY BY NIGHT, by D. L. 3 (Other nights by arrangement) arrived on Thursday are Mr. and 32.853 tons a year ago. The total the Franconia on Thursday. for August 1932 was 110,292 tons Ames, NOTICE TO QUIT BREAKFAST — LUNCHEON — D1NNE Mrs. Albert Clough and Mr. and oo by James Quince, THE Mrs. Edward Merkle. Mr. Merkle compared with 74,725. 3 Table D'Hote—Service a la Carte The number of trans-Atlantic WHISPERING DEATH by and Mr. Clough are brother-officers J- Spencer. Local Specialties: in the State Troops of New York at BELMONT MANOR NOTES vessels entered and cleared was 148, and the coastwise vessel 276, a 3 Lobsters — Greets Turtle - Steaks the capital, Albany, where the two STATIONERY: couples will reside upon their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ragone, of total of 424 with a net registered Squabs — Scallops return. Other members of the Astoria, Long Island arrived on the tonnage of 724,478 and a gross : : : : Aristocrat Station­ 3 UNEXCELLED CUISINE — FINEST VINTAQES honeymoon colony this week are Mr. Pan America to spend their honey­ registered tonnage of 1,302,633. ery in white or blue, box of and Mrs. Stanley H. Cate of Water- moon at Belmont Manor, This compared with 530 vessels in 120 sheets notepaper 2/3, 3 town, Mass., who are here until Mr. and Mrs. "Ed." Connelly, August 1931, with net tonnage of box of 100 envelopes 2/3. next Tuesday. Mrs. Cate is the returned on the Franconia on 1,100,657 and a gross tonnage of : : : : White Crepe Paper 3 former Helen Cassidy' of Holyoke, Thursday after a months holiday 1,914,786. Napkins folded in four Mass. in New York and New Haven. For the eight months ending lOd. per 100, 7/6 per 1,000. August 1932, the imports amounted ;3 Sailing today after a week's Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eldridge, : Pure White Wax to 619,808 tons compared with the socially prominent Brooklyn, New York, are guests of Paper, 60 sheets for 6d. The Land of Departed Spirits stay are 638,737 tons a year ago, and ex­ Mrs. Barclay Lex of the Belmont this week. Complete line of school 3 Mr. and ports to 420,377 tons compared with Pa. Likewise Mr. and Mr. J. S. Murphey, manager of books and supplies. One would easily think so at the number of Strafford 420.426 tons a year ago. The total Mrs. Charles M Caldwell of New the Raymond Whitcomb Travel empty bottles which lie about. cargo of the port for the eight THE BERMUDA BOOK 3 York City. Office in New York is paying a It doesn't really matter who put them there— visit to Bermuda, and is at Belmont months ending August 1932 STORES Visiting the coral Isles for the gather them up—they are ever so untidy and Manor. Mr. Murphy is accompanied amounted to 1,040,185 tons compare 1 first time are Mr. and Mrs. O. C. convey a bad,impression of our beaches, high- by his sister, Mrs. M. G. Leahy, and -ed with 1,059,163 in the same period Buck of Jamaica, L.I., and Mr. and ways'andjhedges. his niece, Miss Mary G. Leahy. last year, a decrease of 18,978 tons. Mrs. William J. Giroud of Garden For the first seven months of the City, L.I:, guests at the Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sabatine, West New York, are in Bermuda, year the only trade route which until next week. Mr. Buck is presi­ and are registered at Belmont. shows a decided increase is No. 1— dent of the O. C. Buck Exposition Estate ot Mrs. Henry Law, with her daugh­ North Atlantic. The tonnage on Company, producers of outdoor The Bermuda ter, Miss C. Law, are at this hotel. this route was 177,612 during this theatrical and related entertain­ Mrs. Law is the wife of the owner period of 1932, compared with HENRY JAMES SMITH ments, while Mr. Giroud is secretary TRADE DEVELOPMENT BOARD of Briarcliff Lodge, one of the most 138,073 tons in 1931. Several of of the same corporation. Deceased charming Club-hotels in West­ the other trade routes show small Sojourning at the Hamilton for chester County. decreases, whilst No. 7 route, two weeks is Mr. William Elliott of South America, dropped frcm Tarrytown, N.Y. Mr. Elliott is a All persons having claims against CEDAR OOURT ACTIVITIES 342,375 tons in 1931 to 281,078 tons the above Estate are requested to broker in New York City. Other in 1932, reflecting decreased im- recent arrivals are Dr. Edward Helb- forward the same to the under­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Menin were imports. signed for payment and all persons ing of New York City, Miss H. M. oo— Tripp and Marion Paradine of hosts for lunch yesterday to Mr. indebted to the said Estate are Toronto, Mr. A. L. Bannister of and Mrs. Thomas Ross who are requested to settle the same, by Removal Notice guests of the St. George Hotel. They RUSSIAN PETROL FOR SALE Pompton Plains, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. October 13th instant. made a foursome for golf in the J. W. Kelmar, Ithaca, N.Y., Mr. IN INDIA afternoon. ROSA ANN SMITH, C. G. niingworth, London, Eng., Mr. and Mrs. D. La Pointe, of Mr. Charles Appleton Warren, Executrix. Ticonderoga, New York, who are Importing Company Says a Price Kingston, N.Y., Miss Elizabeth guests of Belmont, were hosts to a Hamilton, October 7,1932. YOUNGS TAILORING CO, Bonar, Chicago, Misses Mabel delightful small dinner on Wednes­ War is Not Threatened Stinson and Neva Betz of Phila­ (Under the Management of Ernest M. Young) day evening. Their guests were, 2081ts8.s22.s29 delphia, and Mr. Kenyon Krell of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Williams, of South Norwalk, Conn. Windemere. BOMBAY, India, Oct. 5.—(Can­ Among the New Yorkers holiday­ adian Press)—The Western Indian ing since Thursday are Mr. J. V. B. Now Located GOLF AT BELMONT MANOR Oil Distributing Company, recently Eoome, Miss Trope, Miss Sophia started in Bombay to import and FOR RENT ABOVE E. L. PALMER &. SON Earner, Mr. Martin J. Minogue, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hartung, sell Russian petrol and fuel oil, Miss Gertrude Springstead, and Queen Street the former chief attorney for The has received a fairly large shipment STALLS AND CARRIAGE Mrs. M. B. Rohmer. Railway Express Company, New from Russia, and has now begun to ROOMING Dr. John T. MacDonald of Norris- York, played a round of golf over distribute these Russian products at town, Pa., the eminent surgeon, Belmont Course on Thursday in various parts of this country. The Bulls' Head Boarding Stables. Opposite NEW WINDSOR HOTEL is passing two weeks here. morning. The Company has installed four Horses stabled daily and weekly at Mr. J. Moir, guest of Elbow Beach big tanks for the storage for fuel reasonable terms. Phone 2420 "BOAT NIGHT" PARTIES Hotel, was on the Belmont Manor and petrol in the northern part of course on Thursday. Bombay. For particulars apply to: With the advent of the many new Asked as to the rates at which 2079is.tu. Mr. T. M. Jackson, was another GEORGE S. SHEPPARD, guests who arrived that day, Roof guest who enjoyed his golf on the Company was selling Russian c/o City Inn, Terrace parties were both numerous Thursday. oil in India, a partner in the firm Hamilton. and sparkling on Thursday night. A foursome that proved most assured a reporter that both 2046*w.th.». Miss Chaney's sensational concep­ interesting on Thursday was made petrol and fuel were being sold at tion of "The Golden Idol," won an up of Mr. Allan Ellis, Stewart prevailing rates in the country equally unique approval from the Murray, Mr. H. F. Underwood, and and that the Company had not the large audience. The danseuse has Mr. R. E. Underwood. slightest intention of starting a THE BERMUDA FLORIST interpreted this Javanese number, rate war. If, however, other oil (Fire &. Marine Insurance which is being seen in Bermuda PARTY OF REALTORS ARRIVE companies chose to cut their prices for the first occasion, in both Old ON MONDAY his firm would have no alternative Building) NOTE BOOKS World capitals and the leading but to follow suit. Front Street West, Hamilton cities of America. The New York State Association Further asked whether it was 4Hx7 The performance of the band of Real Estate Boards, will arrive likely that other companies would Flowers for all Occasions of the First Battalion ,The Northum­ on Monday for a two day holiday reduce their price, as was rumoured berland Fusiliers, was warmly at Belmont Manor. The event is a some time ago, he pointed out that Bouquets, Corsages, received by the audience. Listen­ celebration of their 28th. Annual there had been rate wars in the past Wreaths, Crosses, etc ing to the concert were Misses Anne Convention. There will be 175 in the and there might be such wars in Bovett of East Orange, N.J., Nellie party and Mr. James Walsh, Presi­ the future; but at the present 'Phone 2071 3d. each Sheridan of Brooklyn, Grace dent of the organization, will head moment, it was hardly likely that Moderate Prices—Free Delivery Garman of Pittsburgh, and Ruth the group. George V. Harvey, these companies would indulge in Grimes of Morristown, N.J., who Borough President of Queens will cutting prices for two reasons, first, 1964t«.tp. were at a table with Mrs. Blanche also be in the party: it was not in their own interests to Garman, Mrs. Verna Yournkin do so, and secondly, such a step and Mr. James S. Heath, also of Automatic Polishing would create a bad impression TOUR ETE Morristown. among the people of India, who DOES IT TROUBLE YOUf IT SO Among the couples present were Mary, these banisters always would resent it. The Bermuda Press Ltd* Miss Freda Thomas and Mr .Everett seem dusty. I was at the Jones's "At the same time, let me point try Seller's Lotus Honey, the safest, Smith Cofran, and Mr. and Mrs. today, and Jheirs are as bright and out that we have no intention of surest and most highly-praised Reid Street Emil Katza of Brooklyn with Dr. smooth as glass." dumping Russian oil on the mar­ Nature's Cure for Eye diseases. Fannie Yaroff, the New York "She has three small boys, ket," he continued. "At present, Cures even Cataract, etc. Literature physician. Misses Helen Quinn, ma'am.''—Boston Transcript. we are importing on a modest scale" free.—KINKEAD LTD., Kingston USED NEW-HUDSON CYCLES at Bargain Prices ASTWOOD'S ^' &*/S&3& 'i '•'__.*•.. __ •mi-Hi iII mi\m n u HW—i—— •T-. rj-ivrffi; II.iiTr TiiirwBjnr.*


MECHANICS HALL THEATRE FAMOUS BRITISH ACTOR f Classified Dial 1025 Continued from Page 3 Advertisements Particularly commendable is LesUe Howard, a London favourite for the work of Olive Brook as John to appear at Mechanics HaU on Curry, falsely accused of mur­ Monday In "Reserved For LOST dering his wife and almost con­ Ladies" RALEIGH BICYCLES victed on circumstantial evidence because none of his neighbours LesUe Howard, who plays the "A" FLAT CLARINET, in Hamil- quite tells the truth. Each neigh­ leading male role in Paramount's ilton. Finder please return to RADIOS bour has a reason of his own for "Reserved for Ladies," is an Eng­ W. F. Swann, Government House not wishing to account for his lish actor who first gained promin­ Messenger. Reward. movements on the night of June ence on the London stage about a 2078*s. decade ago. Because of his out­ 13, and each thinks that, as John BELT BUCKLE, palm tree to centre, standing dramatic talent and at­ is guilty anyway, his little lie in Hamilton on Friday afternoon. tractive personaUty, American can't do any harm. Finder please telephone 1954. Honors go easily to Mary Boland theatrical producers drafted him for featured roles on the Broad­ Reward. WADSON'S and CharUe Ruggles as the inquisi­ 2089*s. 2007


Mr. and Mrs. G.HS. Cooper, Mer- chantvUle, N.J.; Miss K. Daly, Jackson Heights, LX; Mr. and Mrs.' J. Eldridge, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr. A Most Careless M. H. Ernes, Leonla, N.H.; Mr. and Mrs. R. Garino, Flushing, L.I.; Husband Mrs. and Miss M. G. Leahy, Misses' Helen and A. Mat tint ore, Mr. J. S. Murphy, N.Y.O.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ragone, Astoria, L.L; Miss M. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Schafer, N.Y.O.; Mr. and Mrs. A. TJ Smith] Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Dibble M. Sabatine, West N.Y., N.J. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS at—WADSON'S