2% &opl (gazette attu Ololnntat iatttj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 17—NO. 240 HAMILTON. BERMUDA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1932 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM COLONIAL PARLIAMENT OPENED BY ACTING GOVERNOR IRISH DELEGATES TO BURGLARY AT ENGLISH ! THE IRISH SITUATION SPORTS SHOP FALLING REVENUE IS Delegates to Conference Named CONFERENCE NAMED We learn that the English Sports REPORTED Shop on Queen St., Messrs. Trim- LONDON, Oct. 7.—The Irish Free ingham Bros., was broken in some­ State Cabinet has announced that time between Thursday noon and the delegates to the land annuities ( Friday morning, and some con­ conference in London will be de Note Of Thankfulness Struck Five-Power Conference Halted tents taken. The burglar effected Valera, McEntee, Finance Minister, his entrance from the rear of the Connor Maguire, Attorney-General Once More premises, scaling a 10 ft iron rail­ and George Ghegan, Minister of British Naval Officer Found Guilty of Serious ing and smashing a window in his Justice. Although the meeting efforts. will discuss their financial differ­ Charge—Canadian Parliament Opened— Considering the central locality ences, said Thomas speaking at BUILDING REGULATIONS LAW Draw for Irish Cesarewitch Sweep Be­ and the many activities adjourning Newport and referring to the re­ the premises, it is disturbing to sumed negotiations, the Irish Free IS FORECAST gun—Business Heads Advise Caution realise that such a daring burglary State and British Governments could be perpetrated without im­ representative must bear in mind the still wider issues of the main­ A falling off in revenue and an It is suitable that we should take in Foreign Investments—New York mediate detection. increase in expenditure were noted ——oo tenance of their obligations under this opportunity of expressing our Mayoral Election Ordered for the treaty of 1921 and the future in the speech of His Excellency the gratitude to the Secretary of State BERMUDIANS SAILING relationship of the Irish Fres State Acting Governor, the Hon. E. J. for the Colonies, who conducted November—Hitler Delivers within the British Commonwealth. Waddington, O.B.E., at the opening the negotiations on behalf of the TODAY * * * of Colonial Parliament yesterday. Colonial Empire. You will find, Fiery Speech—Attempt NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL He remarked that the falling off in on studying the full text of the Sailing today on the S.s. Fran­ NAMED revenue from Customs duties is conclusions that the trade in­ to Reach Moon by conia are Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. attributable in some degree to a terests of this Colony have not Vesey and Master Ernest Vesey, decrease in general imports, but DUBLIN, Oct. 7—The new Gov­ been overlooked. Rocket Fails Miss Julia Butterfield, Mrs. Mar­ mainly to the cessation of major ernor-General, according to the garet E. Misick, Mr. Ernest Young, constructional works throughout NOTED GERMAN BANK SUSPENDS PAYMENT- Irish Independent, will probably You will have under consider­ Messrs. Henry J. and Noel Tucker, the Colony. be Stephen O'Mara, a business man ation, during the session, certain and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gib­ The Throne speech forecast BRITISH CAPTIVES UNRELEASED of Limerick, who played an im­ proposals for the further develop­ bons. legislation on building regulations, portant pro-Irish role in Washing­ ment of our agricultural resources oo activity in connection with the pro­ ton at the time of the Black and and you will realise the import­ posed increase in the Police Force, Tans. ance of an early decision. It is DRAW OF IRISH SWEEP BEGUN missed. "Huge funds" will be DINNER IN HONOUR OF and an enactment dealing with oo gratifying to be able to record the utilised and nothing will be over* G. E. CHAMPIONS tariff principles based on the prac­ satisfactory results obtained from LONDON, Oct. 7.—The draw of looked that might contribute to FIVE-POWER CONFERENCE tice in the United Kingdom, and recent shipments to Canada and the Irish Sweep on the Cesarewitch victory. designed to safeguard the Colony's to note that the service proposed began, in Dublin today. The sub­ # * * Many Guests at the Belmont Hitch in Arrangements revenue in connection with amend­ by the Canadian National Steam­ scriptions totalled £3,624.448, of "REACH THE MOON" EXPERI­ ments to the Tariff Act which the ship Company during the forth­ which £2,378,939 will be available as MENT ENDS DISMALLY A delightful dinner was given lower House might approve. coming season will provide ample PARIS, Oct. 7.—A hitch in the prize money. It is divided into at the Belmont Manor on Thursday A guard of honour consisting accommodation for all our re­ Five ' Power Conference arrange­ twenty-three units of £100,000 each BERLIN, Oct. 7:—The first test evening ia. honour of the B.A.A. of two officers and a hundred other quirements. of which tbe winning horse in each of the invention designed to be ments id suggested by a communi­ winning the General Electric Cup ranks of the 1st. Bttn. Northumber­ I am glad to be able to refer to gets £30,000; the second £15,000, the forerunner of an apparatus cation that Tyrrel informed Herriot this season. Forty four guests were land Fusiliers was formed up in the formal opening on the fifth and the third, £10.000. Twenty- enabling man to reach the moon that Britain had decided to post­ present and the Cup was decora- the grounds of the Public Buildings, of August of the Meteorological four unplaced horses get £1,458. in three days proved a failure. pone the proposed date of the Con­ tively displayed in the centre of the and as His Excellency arrived at Station {which, I feel sure, will There fare also ten residual cash Dr. Johannes Winkler's giant ference. In Geneva it is understood dining room. At the head table 11.45 he was greeted with the Royal prove of great value, not only prizes of £7,894 and 2,300 consolation rocket, with parachute and scient­ that the postponement will be sine were the Worshipful J. Tucker salute. in providing forecasts of local prizes of £100. ific instruments, was fired near die, and there are grave doubts Fowle, Mr. Robert Aitken (General The Council Chamber was packed weather conditions but also as a The Irish hospitals will benefit Pillau, East Prussia, and was ex­ whether the Con Terence will ever be Electric Commpany) Mr. Godwin with visitors for the actual opening link in that cha,in of stations by £679,584, while an additional pected to reach a height of six held. Belvin (B.A.A. Captain) Mr. Jim ceremony, prominent Naval, throughout the world which 13 £226,528 goes to the Free State's miles in six seconds, but the rocket, The Reuter Agency learns that Murray, Capt. H. R. Gregg, Mr. Military and Civil Officials being necessary for the scientific study exchequer. The subscription is a exploded with a deafening crash the British Government was hoping Owen DatreH-aiid Mr. Gcorge-Fishsr. accomodated inside the bar of the of this important subject. half million less than the Derby at the height of forty-five feet. The Mr. Robert Aitken recalled that that thf Conference would be poss­ Chamber. Sweep. lower part containing the motive ible nexte week and the ostensible I .wish to take .Xhis opportunity it was in 1929 that he approached • As President of the Legislative of paying a tribute to the zeal of Irish mythology formed the reasons 'for the postponement is power was smashed to smithereens. Mr. Curant regarding the pre­ Council was' His "Honour the Acting the volunteer members of the motiv in the sweepstake ritual the time taken by communications. # * * sentation of a Cup for competition Chief Justice-, Mr. H. Villiers Hamilton Fire Brigade which has which was this year more elaborate The British Government is contin­ NOTED GERMAN BANK and his request was granted. He Smith. Mr. Smith, as Acting Chief made such marlked progress in than ever. SUSPENDS PAYMENTS uing consultations with the other Justice, automatically vacated his expressed much pleasure that the powers with the intention of bring­ efficiency during tpe past year. The big hall was in darkness save Competition had created such en­ seat in the House of Assembly, to for the concentrated light pouring BERLIN, Oct. 7.—The Anthony ing about a meeting if it is in any become ex officio President of the Scroeder Company, Hamburg thusiasm in Bermuda and con­ way possible. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of upon a strange structure resembl­ gratulated a B.A.A. upon winning Legislative Council—a commentary ing an ancient galley. Over 200 bankers of over seventy years' the Honourable House of As­ the coveted trophy this year. Other OO on the rapid changes which are girls were dressed in ancient cos­ standing and in which many Bri­ sembly. speeches were made by Mr. Mur­ possible in a small country where tumes and stationed round the tish and American banks were in­ BRITISH NAVAL OFFICER j ray, Mr. Owen Darrell, Capt. Gregg, the number of officials is necessar­ huge golden drum containing the terested, has suspended payment The financial situation will de­ Mr. Belvin, Mr. Chesley White and ily restricted. counterfoils, while the names of owing to the impossibility of real­ FOUND GUILTY OF mand your close attention during His Excellency's speech was listen­ horses were contained in a little ising on certain large landed pro­ Mr. Fisher. the Session and in order to stress ed to with keen attention. In full, crystal drum. perties. The Club was toasted by all ASSAULT the importance of a careful sur­ # * * guests from the actual General it was as follows: vey of the position I propose to deal The draw proceeded merrily and Electric Cup which was filled with with the matter in somewhat results flashed to direct wires out­ FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS ASKED LIMASSOL, Oct.
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