Physical Representation – Ecosections

description data sources

This atlas page illustrates the 12 marine ecosections delineated by the Province of in 2000. Ecosections are recognized by • Province of British Columbia a hierarchical ecological mapping system called the British Columbia Marine Ecological Classification (BCMEC) and defined according to physical, oceanographic and biological characteristics. They are a very useful delineation in a physical sense in that they have been mapped with data resolution a focus on identifying physical differences that will tend to affect species distributions within a bio-geographic . • Ecosections are mapped at small scales (1:250,000) for resource emphasis and area planning. date of analysis • 2000 (published in 2002)

reviewers • Kim Conway, Natural Resources • Zach Ferdana, The Nature Conservancy


caveats of use • The Province of BC is not liable for errors in the data or inappropriate usage of the data. • Recommended date of expiry for use of these data in a marine planning context: None provided.

map, feature data and metadata access • Visit for more information.

references • For more detailed information on the Marine Ecosections of British Columbia see: Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM), Decision Support Services Branch. British Columbia Marine Ecological Classification Marine Ecosections and Ecounits, Version 2.0. Report prepared for Coastal Task Force, Resources Information Standards Committee. 2002 2/bcmec_version_2.pdf Marine Atlas of Pacific Canada 142°W 140°W 138°W 136°W 134°W 132°W 130°W 128°W 126°W 124°W 122°W

BCMCA Atlas A l a s k a r e Physical Representation v i R

s N Ecosections s °

4 a

5 N


r e

v i R na Continental Slope e e Sk N ° 4 H a i d a 5 Juan de Fuca Strait G w a i i North Coast Fjords Queen Charlotte Sound B r i t i s h N ° 2 5 Subarctic Pacific Transitional Pacific C o l u m b i a Island Shelf N ° 2 5

F r a




P A C I F I C R i v e r N ° 0 5 O C E A N Data Sources: Province of British Columbia

Base Data: ESRI Base Data, GeoBase, GeoBC, NOAA, Natural Resources Canada, N

° USGS, State Government

V a n c o u v e r 0 5 I s l a n d Thematic Data: For more information on data sources and methods please refer to the facing page to this map

Projection: BC Albers NAD83

N 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 ° 8 4 Kilometres 0 25 50 75

Nautical Miles

1:4,250,000 * N

° * Written scales are approximate and 8

4 are based on a 11 x 17 inch paper size.

Prepared for: W a s h i n g t o n N ° 6 4

Map template by Caslys Consulting Ltd. April 10, 2013

138°W 136°W 134°W 132°W 130°W 128°W 126°W 124°W 122°W