Only during polls does BN sing the unity song .com Mar 18, 2014

YOURSAY ‘Citizens in the know are not fooled by this approach.’

BN goes muhibbah in bid to draw Chinese votes

Damntlwbn: Muhibbah only during an election. If Kajang were a Malay majority, would you see muhibbah? BN will scream "Apa lagi Cina mahu?"

Don't play the race card. People always say politicians are dirty, but I don't think anyone is as despicable as BN politicians.

Righteous: I have a sure-win formula for MCA candidate Chew Mei Fun with an astronomical majority. Ask PM to arrest Umno Wanita chief and return RM250 million loaned to the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC).

Arrest Ibrahim Ali (Perkasa) and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) leaders for all the seditious comments, fire all those spinners involved in the disappearance of MH370, haul up the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief, the attorney-general (AG) and inspector- general of police (IGP), and lastly release opposition leaders Anwar Ibrahim and Karpal Singh.

Then resign as PM and from Umno to join . Wasalaam.

CiViC: Only during elections do we see BN singing the unity song. At other times it's all about Malay supremacy with MCA, MIC and Gerakan wagging their tails quietly.

And they obviously take the rakyat for fools, thinking they can actually pull this off, while on the other hand they accuse Pakatan of being racists. Look who's talking.

Relevancy: It looks like this political fools are fearful of the wrath of the people by the way they are spewing messages of fear of what will happen to them rather than what they can do for the people.

Myop101: It’s normal for BN to blame others for harping on race and religion and practice the policy of "do what I say, not what I do".

Jesse: When votes are needed, they come begging and pretend to be all things to all people. They try to exploit the issue of race and religion. No shame, ah?

Citizens in the know are not fooled by this approach. They vote for anyone regardless of race who is honest and govern for all Malaysians.

BN is a fossilised party and it continues to be racist in its thinking and approach. Only blind Freddie continues to believe in its foolishness.

Onlooker: Going by BN's logic, because I am a non-Malay living in a constituency where both the assemblyperson and MP are Malay, I have no right to be represented?

By extension, it also suggests that the person elected will represent only that race, even if they voted for the losing candidate.

Once you are elected by a majority vote, you have to represent all, not just those of the same race as yourself, regardless of which candidate they voted for.

Mushiro: Former Kajang assemblyperson TC Choong, we are no longer talking about Chinese or Malay - we are talking about being Malaysian and that is what Kak Wan () represents.

And why was your racist speech in Mandarin - to fool the Malays and Indians? Clearly, the muhibbah approach is only for the purpose of winning votes in Kajang.

Visu: Choong, please, don’t live in the era of the 1980s when race was the only way to get votes. We are now in the age of revolutionary changes, both in mind and body.

There is no such thing as a Chinese seat. Today there are only Malaysian’s. Anything else is what that has made this country so stupid.

Apa Ini?: Better an honest Malay representing us than a crooked Chinese.

Whatsup: Integrity, credibility, muhibbah - these have been proven time and again not true of Umno-BN.

That's the problem with them, they are arrogant and will never learn - they think the rakyat are as stupid as the 47 percent of voters.

Pputeh: How come their election posters have no ‘Malay first’ dope. Here again you can see how BN screws the rakyat.

Now they talk of ‘unity’ but when it comes to selection for civil service and places in university, it’s 'ketuanan' first. They are very good at trying to fool the people.

James TCLow: Wan Azizah is a gone case. Now, BN talks about muhibbah (only for the Kajang by-election). They want the Chinese to vote for Chinese candidate and the Malays to vote for BN.

Whilst the 10 percent Indians voters do not matter much here, Wan Azizah is surely going to lose her deposit.

Anonymous #19098644: After 57 years of independence, BN leaders are still talking about their petty politics based on race. It is better to be unrepresented than to be misrepresented by the MCA/Umno/BN clique.

What is wrong with a Malay woman representing the Chinese or a Indian representing the Malays or an Iban representing the Melanau? What is important is that the person is qualified, sincere of good integrity.

It is for this reason that the people should vote for Malaysian Wan Azizah.

Swipenter: After faking to promote muhibbah, then it is back to the ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ doctrine whether BN loses or wins any election. This happens every time without fail.

This country is run by a highly corrupt and selfish group that uses issues of race and religion to divide and rule for more than four decades. National interest is not their priority.

In fact, they keeping stoking the flames of racial and religious divide just enough to keep it from boiling over by deluding themselves they can control it and forgetting those who get burnt are those who play with fire.

BN Cyberpooper: If it's a contest between a fire hydrant and a BN candidate, I would still vote for the fire hydrant, and not because I'm of the fire hydrant race.

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