1. I am horrified at the violence employed by Israel to stop the ships from carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza (read here). The ships are in international waters, yet the arrogant Israelis do not care to respect international laws and convention.

2. The claim that the people on the ships are carrying sharp objects is ridiculous. Are they going to fight the well armed Israeli soldiers with sharp objects?

3. Do Israeli soldiers shoot to kill people carrying sharp objects? The act is most cowardly and deserving only of brutes, not civilised people.

4. What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity.


By azizAuthor Profile Page on June 21, 2010 7:12 PM

A;kum Tun,

I hope you are in good health and happy always. I want to say something about the importance of the Koran and share with our friends here.

Quran: Unlike Any Other Book

The Quran is God's Final Testament to the world, and He has pledged to protect it from the slightest distortion (15:9). Thus, the Quran is surrounded by invisible forces that guard it and serve it (13:39, 41:42, 42:24).

Unlike any other book, the Quran is taught by God (55:1-2); He teaches us what we need at the time we need it. This is why we read the Quran hundreds of times without getting bored. We can read a novel, for example, only once. But the Quran can be read an infinite number of times, and we derive new and valuable information from it every time. On the other hand, the insincere readers - those who read the Quran to find fault with it - are diverted from the Quran (7:146, 17:45, 18:57, 41:44). In fact, God's invisible forces help them find the faults they seek. Since the Quran is perfect, such "faults" serve only to reveal the stupidity of God's enemies.

God uses His own attributes to describe the Quran; He calls the Quran " `Azeem = Great" (15:87), "Hakeem = Full of wisdom" (36:2), "Majid = Glorious" (50:1), and "Karim = Honorable" (56:77). What can we say?

Since the Quran is God's message to all the people, regardless of their language, the Quran is accessible to the believers, regardless of their language (41:44). This explains a profound phenomenon: the believers who do not know Arabic know the Quran better than the Arabic speaking unbelievers. Because of the invisible forces serving the Quran, it is readily and enjoyably accessible to the sincere believers, and utterly inaccessible to the unbelievers (17:45, 18:57, 56:79).

Thank you Tun, God bless you always! abdul aziz omar By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 16, 2010 6:48 PM


By amin tan on June 16, 2010 6:16 AM Salam Tun, Nampak gaya masih berpanjangan lagi isu minta izin hendak masuk blog Tun dan tidak ucap salam. Sebelum saya memasuki blog Tun saya sudah baca syarat2 pohon izin. Bagi saya memadai dengan Dear Tun jika saya tulis ikut Bahasa Inggeris dan Salam Tun jika tulis ikut Bahasa Malaysia.



ALFATIHAH, AMIN. By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on June 16, 2010 6:16 AM

Salam Tun,

Nampak gaya masih berpanjangan lagi isu minta izin hendak masuk blog Tun dan tidak ucap salam. Sebelum saya memasuki blog Tun saya sudah baca syarat2 pohon izin. Bagi saya memadai dengan Dear Tun jika saya tulis ikut Bahasa Inggeris dan Salam Tun jika tulis ikut Bahasa Malaysia.

Israel the rogue state. Bagi saya tajuk ini sudah berat sebelah. Blog Tun ini dimasuki dan diteliti seluruh masyarakt dunia dan saya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Seandainya semua orang yang comment dalam blog Tun 100 peratus kecam Israel saya berpendapat yang masuk blog Tun akan dicap fanatik sepertilah blog parti lawan yang dimuat dengan bahan2 anti kerajaan sahaja. Tengoklah Malaysia Today. 100 % berat sebelah. Ada hikmahnya kita tengok dari sudut Israel. Yahudi cuma 2 juta orang sahaja di Israel, di Amerika 3 juta, di Britain dan lain2 tempat di dunia 1 juta. Jumlah keseluruhan yahudi di seluruh dunia anggaran 6 juta. Tetapi mereka gunakan Apache Helicopter, F16, F15, Kereta kebal buatan Turkey. bantuan tahunan Amerika USD4 billion. Pada perang Yon Kipur 1970, Mesir telah dapat kalahkan Israel pada peringkat awal. Tetapi Amerika hantar jet pejuang yang berpengkalan di German Barat bantu Israel. Anwar Sadat terpaksa berdamai. Kalau tidak ramailah orang Mesir akan mati syahid macam Sadam Hussein dan Republican Guards di Iraq.

2 hari lepas Tun menyokong diberi lesen judi untuk orang bukan islam ingin berjudi. Adakah kita kata Tun anti islam? Sebab itulah orang2 yahudi selamat di negara2 islam masa Hitler memburu mereka. Orang islam tidak zalim dan tidak berat sebelah. Orang islam sentiasa doa dan ikhtiar supaya orang bukan islam mendapat hidayah dan memeluk agama islam. Kecuali seorang sahaja manusia yang nabi doa supaya Allah latnat iaitu bapa saudara nabi sendiri dan besan Baginda, Abu Lahab dalam surah Al Matab, manusia paling jahat. amin tan By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 16, 2010 12:33 AM


By wajaperak on June 14, 2010 9:53 AM Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh. Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun. .... Dan syaitan telah menjadikan mereka memandang indah perbuatan-perbuatan mereka (yang salah) lalu menghalangi mereka dari (jalan) Allah, sehingga mereka tidak mendapat petunjuk (QS 27:24). Kesimpulan: Alangkah indahnya kata-kata dan susunan ayat anda..'SI SAMURAIMELAYU ITU'...Dan alangkah buruknya kata-kata saya dan abg samuraimelayu...'SDR/SDRI H157' Oh..

Alangkah mulianya anda.. Dan alangkah hinanya KAMI...aduh..


ALFATIHAH, AMIN By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 16, 2010 12:31 AM


By wajaperak on June 14, 2010 9:53 AM Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh. Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun. .... Dan syaitan telah menjadikan mereka memandang indah perbuatan-perbuatan mereka (yang salah) lalu menghalangi mereka dari (jalan) Allah, sehingga mereka tidak mendapat petunjuk (QS 27:24). Kesimpulan: Alangkah indahnya kata-kata dan susunan ayat anda..'SI SAMURAIMELAYU ITU'...Dan alangkah buruknya kata-kata saya dan abg samuraimelayu...'SDR/SRI H157' Oh..

Alangkah mulianya anda.. Dan alangkah hinanya KAMI...aduh..


ALFATIHAH, AMIN By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 14, 2010 9:53 AM


Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.


Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu masuk ke rumah orang lain, hingga kamu minta izin dan mengucapkan salam kepada penghuni-nya”. (QS.An-Nur; 27).

[[tatapan anda berdua yang budiman dan sehaluan]]

Ikhlas ke menyindir ni..Berlapang dada..berlapang dada..

[[Saya percaya Tun sendiri tidaklah sampai ke tahap membuat tanggapan tersebut. Nampaknya anda berperangai lebih daripada tuan punya blog itu sendiri. LEBIH KERAK NAMPAKNYA, dan janganlah tersangat berpolemik di sini terutama dalam perkara-perkara kecil sebegini]]

Aha..inilah yang di katakan anda yang terlebih lebih.. Lupakah hadith ini?

"Bandingan orang-orang mukmin itu addalah laksana satu badan.Jika satu anggota yang sakit,maka semua anggota berjaga malam kerananya".

Dah banyak dah..Dah lama dah..( Qouting Tun ).Komen-komen yang menghina Tun secara biadap.Tun seorang gentleman.Takkan dia nak balas komen biadap sebegitu.Tun di sakiti dan orang yang menyakiti pulak yang sebok bertanya..Lu..apahal? Gua tarak usik sama lu..Gua kutuk Tun sahaja..

Kami terasa sakit bila anda menyakiti orang Islam.."Amin Tan"..Tun anda bias".Kami terasa sakit bila Tun di sakiti..Hairannya..

Mengapa anda tidak terasa sakit sebagimana hadith tersebut..:)

Ulasan saya:

[[Saya tidak berniat menghina mereka yang berjihad ke jalan Allah SWT... walaupun ia adalah seorang penyapu sampah.....sumbangan saya hanya untuk penilaian Allah SWT bukan untuk dinilai oleh anda...yang mungkin sebagai seorang penyapu sampah yang berpangkat kapten pencen...maaf jika salah tanggapan]]

Sempat lagi menghina tu..Di mana anda bila hanan mengganas di blog Tun? Di mana anda bila anti hadith muncul di blog Tun? Di mana anda?

[[Kalau ada mata dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT dan boleh melihat lagi..sila tengok semula permulaan Rachel Corrie semasa dilancarkan perjalanannya dengan “pecahan botol yang tidak diketahui isi kandungannya...air apa agaknya”.....wallahua’alam]]

Wiski? Brandi ? Champagne ? Inilah mentaliti "civilian"..Contrary..We are going to use every applicable asset as a medium for the intended subject..And what are you mister?

Expandable asset??

[[Ini ke yang anda sebok pertahankan .....perjuangan kemanusian kononnya cuba ditonjolkan ...... ini semata-mata usaha-usaha untuk mengabui mata pejuang-pejuang tulin orang Islam ....merely to break our will bagi membebaskan Masjid Al-Aqsa]]

Tak nampak kena mengenanya pun tuan??

[[Untuk menjawab pertikaian anda terhadap sumbangan saya, penulisan ini adalah sebagai sumbangan kecil saya ke arah mengingatkan semula perjuangan asal pembebasan Palestine iaitu PERJUANGAN AKIDAH]]

Dan di mana anda dalam perjuangan "menginsafkan" hanan,shaikino dan konco-konconya??

[[walaupun hakikatnya sumbangan kami rakyat jelata telah tersadai di bumi Israel..... inikah perjuangan yang kita semua kehendakki. Bagaimanakah mereka semua menunaikan amanah yang dipertangungjawabkan]]

Lagi "civilian mentality".Baca baik-baik sekadar contoh.

Listen lad..We got a new order.We detour here to save Private Ryan.Why sir? Why private Ryan? Commanding Officer said that all his brother's have been KIA ( Killed In Action )..Grumble..grumble..I hope it is worth to save this Private Ryan..After they met Private Ryan..Please private you are under order to come with us..Where sir? Home..I ain't going home sir.I am staying here with my buddy..We all going home..together..Damn you Ryan..We lost three man to save your !@#$%..Three good men!!

Point in contention.

Telah banyak berlaku dalam usaha untuk menyelamatkan seorang sahaja kami telah kehilangan lebih ramai orang..Is it worth it? have no idea..

[[Daripada ulasan anda yang kononya seorang yang berlatar belakang ketentaraan, saya dapati anda masih tidak faham sebenarnya masalah dihadapi oleh orang Palestin. Hakikatnya timbul permasalahan ini adalah konflik di antara orang kuat dan orang lemah... selagi tiada keseimbangan dalam kekuatan ini maka permasalahan sebegini akan terus berlaku....orang kuat akan menekan orang lemah]]

Lagi sekali anda "selayang pandang" pandang.Prinsip yang kuat menelan yang lemah adalah prinsip Shisio Makoto.Sebab itu Kenshin Himura mesti menghalangnya dengan menegakkan keadilan..dengan "Hiten Mitsurugi" dan "reversed edge sword"..

[[Kalau daripada segi ketenteraan mungkin jalannya adalah mempersenjatakan ataupun menperkuatkan ketenteraan Palestine dan berperang atas dasar self-defense dan sebagainya]]

Kalau saya kata anda bodoh anda marah.Anda menentang sunnah Rasullulah s.a.w dengan tidak menghayati hadith ini

“Nyaris sudah akan datang suatu masa di mana umat-umat lain akan mengelilingi kamu sebagaimana mereka mengelilingi makanan. Ditanya: “Wahai Rasulullah apakah karena sedikitnya kita ketika itu? Dijawab: “Tidak, bahkan kalian saat itu banyak, tetapi kalian bagaikan buih di lautan, dan Allah menghilangkan rasa takut musush-musuh kalian terhadap kalian, dan menimpakan kedalam hati kalian penyakit wahn, para sahabat bertanya: “Apakah yang dinamakan wahn itu Ya Rasulullah?” beliau menjawab: “Kamu cinta dunia dan kamu takut mati (sehingga tidak mau berperang).”(HR Abu Dawud, Imam Ahmad, Baihaqi dan lain-lain. Disebutkan al-Albani dalam Silsilah al-Ahadits as-Shahihah)

[[Agak-agak selesai ke masalah ini jika orang-orang Palestin sendiri berpecah belah dan jumlah mereka yang bersolat di Masjidil Aqsa terus berkurangan....menerusi sekatan oleh Israel. Inilah adalah kenyataan sebenar beberapa sahabat saya, dengan iizin Allah SWT telah dapat berada di bumi Palestin dan bersolat selama 7 hari di Masjid Aqsa baru-baru ini]]

Lagi sekali kedangkalan tafsiran maaf.."ketidak menyeluruhnya kefahaman anda"..Jumlah yang bersolat berkurangan di masjid Aqsa kurang bukan kerana sekatan Israel..Mereka telah di timpa penyakit di atas..

[[Mengikut kefahaman saya yang cetek dan bodoh ini dan pengalaman sahabat seperjuangan kami adalah “terimalah hakikat ini dan percayalah dan yakinlah bahawa tempat yang semestinya kita semua bergantung adalah semata-mata kepada Allah SWT.”]]

Caranya..menghina orang yang berusaha memerangi hanan dan shaikino??

Ulasan Saya:

Persepsi-persepsi yang amat murah yang hanya menunjukkan kedangkalan anda sebagaimana diperkuatkan dengan petikan-petikan berikut:-

[[Jawapan Amin Tan.

Saya dapati saudara Wajaperak angkuh dan takabur serta bersifat perkauman atau assabiah. Mungkin beliau seorang ustaz pejuang islam yang tulen, wallah waalam bisawab. oleh Amin Tan]]

Apa itu angkuh? apa itu perkauman? apa itu assabiah ? Semua guna kriteria iKOS ( Ikut kepala otak sendiri!!) Saya orang beramal jadi tak takut di label oleh anda dan konco-konco anda..

[[Untuk Tun, terima kasih atas keizinan untuk saya berinteraksi dalam blog Tun, kerana kalau tidak disebut nanti si samuraimelayu itu akan menghunuskan pedang samurainya dan lebih itu sibok daripada Tun sendiri]]

Kan saya dah kata..Sikap orang yang mulia tidak akan membela diri sendiri..Sikap orang yang hina..

Sokong membawa rebah!!

[[“lebih besar kerak daripada perioknya”..]]

Sekali lagi..cuba tengok cermin..tengok betul-betul..Apakah gambaran yang anda nampak?..Satu gambaran yang cukup indah dan menarik..Dan cuba anda lihat dan pandang ke arah kami..Satu gambaran yang cukup buruk..Mengapa begitu?..Kerana..

Dan syaitan telah menjadikan mereka memandang indah perbuatan-perbuatan mereka (yang salah) lalu menghalangi mereka dari (jalan) Allah, sehingga mereka tidak mendapat petunjuk (QS 27:24).

Kesimpulan: Alangkah indahnya kata-kata dan susunan ayat anda..Dan alangkah buruknya kata-kata saya dan abg samuraimelayu..Oh..

Alangkah mulianya anda.. Dan alangkah hinanya saya...aduh..

Tepat sekali maksud Ayat Al Quran di atas!!

Ribuan terima kasih Tun. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 13, 2010 10:49 PM


By HI57 on June 13, 2010 7:22 PM .... P/s: ....anda tidak mungkin untuk saya jadi tempat berinteraksi dan menimba ilmu “Beri salam dan terima kasih” kerana ilmu anda terlalu tinggi dan tidak setaraf dengan saya kerana “lebih besar kerak daripada perioknya”



SDR/SDRI H157, YES, YOUR COMMON SENSE DO PREVAIL! MANAKAN PERLU SEORANG KENALAN ATAU SEBALIKNYA MEMINTA IZIN (SEKURANGNYA MEMBERI SALAM HORMAT)SETIAP KALI MEMASUKI KEDALAM KAWASAN RUMAH (DOMAIN) ANDA?.. ... ALFATIHAH, AMIN Ps. Kalau tuan mengalami cirit birit..makanlah kerak(mengandungi karbon) periuk untuk melegakan kesakitan...tak percaya tanya Tuan doktor..he he. Take care! By HI57Author Profile Page on June 13, 2010 7:22 PM

Sallam dan terima kasih kepada wajaperak dan samuraimelayu atas perhatian dan ulasan yang diberikan kepada penulisan saya tempoh hari.

Di bawah ini disenaraikan komen saya untuk tatapan anda berdua yang budiman dan sehaluan.

[[Encik amin tan masuk masuk blog Tun terus menuduh Tun bias. Sila semak semula. Ini bukan menurut emosi tapi pertanyaan yang mudah sahaja. Anda tak nampak ke atau sebok membabi buta??]]...oleh Wajaperak

Ulasan saya:

Tidaklah sampai saya buta ataupun pinjam perkataan atau bahasa orang Melayu anda yang kononnya yang beradab sopan “sebok membabi buta”, tetapi saya sekadar terbaca luahan anda yang mungkin anda sendiri keliru ataupun terlupa agaknya, semaklah semula petikan berikut

“Tun..semalam saya sangat marah.."emotional"..hari ini saya sudah bertenang.."rational"..Marilah kita analisa situasi ini dengan rational dan hati yang tenang dan aman..” oleh wajaperak.

[[Ini adab sopan orang melayu. Anda bukan melayu memang tak akan faham adab dan sopan santun orang melayu!!..]]. oleh Wajaperak

Ulasan saya:

Saya seorang Islam berbangsa Melayu bersedia minta maaf jika perlu meminta izin terlebih dahulu....walaupun budibicara saya lazimnya mengandaikan bahawa apabila komen atau ulasan saya disiarkan maka keizinan terlebih dahulu telah pun diberikan oleh pengendali blog ini.

Saya percaya Tun sendiri tidaklah sampai ke tahap membuat tanggapan tersebut. Nampaknya anda berperangai lebih daripada tuan punya blog itu sendiri. LEBIH KERAK NAMPAKNYA, dan janganlah tersangat berpolemik di sini terutama dalam perkara-perkara kecil sebegini.

[[Tepat sekali. Publisiti murahan bila anda tiada apa nak di sumbangkan kepada negara ini. Kami "service provider" adalah penyumbang kepada negara ini walaupun saya hanyalah tukang sapu sampah!!..]]. oleh Wajaperak

Ulasan saya:

Saya tidak berniat menghina mereka yang berjihad ke jalan Allah SWT... walaupun ia adalah seorang penyapu sampah.....sumbangan saya hanya untuk penilaian Allah SWT bukan untuk dinilai oleh anda...yang mungkin sebagai seorang penyapu sampah yang berpangkat kapten pencen...maaf jika salah tanggapan.

Kalau ada mata dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT dan boleh melihat lagi..sila tengok semula permulaan Rachel Corrie semasa dilancarkan perjalanannya dengan “pecahan botol yang tidak diketahui isi kandungannya...air apa agaknya”.....wallahua’alam.

Ini ke yang anda sebok pertahankan .....perjuangan kemanusian kononnya cuba ditonjolkan ...... ini semata-mata usaha-usaha untuk mengabui mata pejuang-pejuang tulin orang Islam ....merely to break our will bagi membebaskan Masjid Al-Aqsa.....

Untuk menjawab pertikaian anda terhadap sumbangan saya, penulisan ini adalah sebagai sumbangan kecil saya ke arah mengingatkan semula perjuangan asal pembebasan Palestine iaitu PERJUANGAN AKIDAH.

Bukanlah macam apa yang terjadi sekarang ini, semua “wira-wira pembebasan Gaza Blokage” diusung ke sana ke sini bagi menceritakan pengalaman mereka semasa di tahanan Israel, Nampak macam glamourous stars .....cuba kita fikirkan secara rasional..ini semata-mata untuk menjadi daya penarik kepada siapa agaknya?....walaupun hakikatnya sumbangan kami rakyat jelata telah tersadai di bumi Israel..... inikah perjuangan yang kita semua kehendakki. Bagaimanakah mereka semua menunaikan amanah yang dipertangungjawabkan.

Saya sendiri merasai bertangungjawab oleh kerana telah diamanahkan untuk mengendalikan tabung bantuan Palestin selama ini. Hanya sebahagian disalurkan kepada konvoi tersebut, tetapi Alhamdulillah kami masih menyimpan bakinya dan InsyaAllah akan kami pastikan ianya tidak akan dilakukan melalui usaha-usaha sebegini lagi, yang tidak begitu pasti sampai ke tangan mereka yang sangat memerlukan di masa hadapan....sudah dapat pengajaran yang amat berguna.

[[Cubalah lihat isu "GAZA BLOCKAGE" iaitu kepungan tidak adil ini bukan hanya dilaksanakan oleh pihak Israel, tetapi mungkin Tun dan Wajaperak terlupa bahawa terdapat satu lagi pihak iaitu negara Islam iaitu MESIR sendiri melaksanakan "GAZA BLOCKAGE"]]

La..kan saya dah banyak kali sentuh masalah ini? Tak baca blog Tun ke?

Ulasan saya:

Maaf, kerana terlepas pandang. Walau bagaimanapun, usaha sebegini perlu dipertingkat lagi kerana berjihad, membuang masa dan tenaga menekan Mesir adalah perndekatan yang lebih rasional jika difikirkan daripada kita berunding dengan Israel.

Tetapi malangnya masih terdapat ramai semacam mentaliti anda iaitu ”Ewah..macam bagus je..Anda bukan seorang tentera seperti saya. Jadi anda tak faham masalah ketenteraan. Mesir dan Jordan sekarang adalah negara sekular. Oleh itu masalah di Palestin mesti diatasi dengan cara berjihad. Tapi bukan ikut kefahaman anda!!

Daripada ulasan anda yang kononya seorang yang berlatar belakang ketentaraan, saya dapati anda masih tidak faham sebenarnya masalah dihadapi oleh orang Palestin. Hakikatnya timbul permasalahan ini adalah konflik di antara orang kuat dan orang lemah... selagi tiada keseimbangan dalam kekuatan ini maka permasalahan sebegini akan terus berlaku....orang kuat akan menekan orang lemah.

Kalau daripada segi ketenteraan mungkin jalannya adalah mempersenjatakan ataupun menperkuatkan ketenteraan Palestine dan berperang atas dasar self-defense dan sebagainya.

Agak-agak selesai ke masalah ini jika orang-orang Palestin sendiri berpecah belah dan jumlah mereka yang bersolat di Masjidil Aqsa terus berkurangan....menerusi sekatan oleh Israel. Inilah adalah kenyataan sebenar beberapa sahabat saya, dengan iizin Allah SWT telah dapat berada di bumi Palestin dan bersolat selama 7 hari di Masjid Aqsa baru-baru ini.

Mengikut kefahaman saya yang cetek dan bodoh ini dan pengalaman sahabat seperjuangan kami adalah “terimalah hakikat ini dan percayalah dan yakinlah bahawa tempat yang semestinya kita semua bergantung adalah semata-mata kepada Allah SWT.”

[[Kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan, tetapi sebagai contoh di dalam negara sendiri masih tidak menghormati undang-undang sendiri, tapi sibok promosikan keadilan dalam Rachel Corrie pelayaran ke Gaza...... cukup tidak faham apa yang hendak diperjuangkannya]]

[[Contoh apa? Keadilan apa? Untuk Anwar ke..he..he.]].

[[Oh..alangkah malunya saya dengan kehebatan anda ini....TETAPI.....SUDIKAH ANDA BERKONGSI ILMU DENGAN KAMI??]]

[[Sekian.Ribuan terima kasih Tun. Seorang lagi yang tak reti adab dan budi bahasa orang melayu]]

Ulasan Saya:

Persepsi-persepsi yang amat murah yang hanya menunjukkan kedangkalan anda sebagaimana diperkuatkan dengan petikan-petikan berikut:-

[[5) To amin tan, it would be rather helpful for you to shut your mouth up rather than making cynical statement. You are making yourself a fool the moment you speak up. Let's save some dignity and not be a fool in front of the public!]] oleh wajaperak

Jawapan Amin Tan.

Saya dapati saudara Wajaperak angkuh dan takabur serta bersifat perkauman atau assabiah. Mungkin beliau seorang ustaz pejuang islam yang tulen, wallah waalam bisawab. oleh Amin Tan amin tan

Terima kasih sekali lagi atas perhatian anda berdua terhadap komen saya.

Untuk Tun, terima kasih atas keizinan untuk saya berinteraksi dalam blog Tun, kerana kalau tidak disebut nanti si samuraimelayu itu akan menghunuskan pedang samurainya dan lebih itu sibok daripada Tun sendiri.

P/s: Khusunys untuk samuraimelayu “nampaknya anda berperangai lebih daripada tuan punya blog itu sendiri....anda tidak mungkin untuk saya jadi tempat berinteraksi dan menimba ilmu “Beri salam dan terima kasih” kerana ilmu anda terlalu tinggi dan tidak setaraf dengan saya kerana “lebih besar kerak daripada perioknya”..

Wallahu’alam By naharAuthor Profile Page on June 13, 2010 4:12 PM

Assallamua’laikum. Semoga Tun di Rahmati Allah.

Tun; Peristiwa serangan keatas kapal bantuan Gaza tidak diberikan penekanan khusus PBB, SEBALIKNYA Israel dengan SOKONGAN Kuasa-kuasa Besar Barat cuba mengajak masyarakat dunia MENGALEHKAN TUMPUAN KEPADA ISU NUKLEAR IRAN PULA.

DENGAN ITU JELAS SEKALI bahawa negara Islam harus secara kolektif menubuhkan satu Kosortium melakukan penyelidikan Nuklear dan tidak secara bersendirian seperti yang dilakukan Iran dan Pakistan.

****Kita tidak harus mendengar dakyah orang Barat bahawa program nuklear untuk tujuan ketenteraan itu perlu dihadkan penggunaanya dikalangan mereka sahaja.

****Ini nampaknya jelas sekali bahawa ilmu Allah yang telah dibongkar rahsianya itu cuba dimonopoli oleh mereka saja. Agar dengan itu mudah bagi mereka membuli Negara lain yang lemah dan tiada nuklear agar mendengar apa saja ketetapan dan resolusi mereka..


Sebaliknya Negara Islam yang ada kepakaran dan kemudahan itu (atau kepakaran kelengkapan lain) melakukan R & D secara bersama dengan Negara Islam lain di bawah satu Konsortium. Mungkin jika perlu dengan bantuan Negara Sekutu yang menyokong (without bias)seperti China atau Russia dan sebagainya.

Negara Islam harus meniru kesatuan Eropah yang menubuhkan Konsortium untuk melakukan R & D peralatan ketenteraan mereka, seperti dilakukan Perancis dengan Spain/Portugal, Belanda dengan Denmark, Italy dengan German/Swedem dan beberapa Negara lagi yang tidak banyak diketahui masyarakat dunia.

Antara contoh; kita lihat bagaiman KAPAL SELAM SCORPENE yang dibeli oleh Malaysia dibuat oleh Konsortium Perancis/Spain dan beberapa Negara lain.

Apabila ada kesatuan yang kuat, maka sebarang tekanan Negara Kuasa Besar yang bersifat membuli bagi pihak Israel akan dihadapi secara bersama dan bersatu padu secara berkesan.

Tetapi ini lah kelemahan utama Negara Islam, iaitu pemikiran mereka amat sukar untuk didorong kearah bersatu padu dan bergerak, bersepakat secara berkesan.

Tidak seperti pemikiran orang Barat yang pandai mengunakan otak mengatur strategi mengatasi sesuatu masaalah secara bersama bagi menjamin keselamatan demi kelangsungan hidup komuniti mereka.

Sikap menyerah kepada Allah semata-mata; tanpa berfikir menggunakan OTAK/AKAL FIKIRAN YANG ALLAH BERIKAN dengan sebaik-baiknya, iaitu berbuat sesuatu secara berkesan seperti MEMBINA KEKUATAN SENDIRI bagi melindungi ummah adalah satu keingkaran kerana gagal menunaikan Fardhu Kifayah.

Umat Islam digalakkan berusaha membentuk kekuatan demi untuk kelangsungan hidup ummatnya. Tetapi tanpa berusaha R & D; ianya tidak akan memberi makna dan kejayaan pada orang Islam.

Kerana dalam Quran telah dinyatakan bahawa “Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum atau ummah itu; kecuali mereka sendiri yang harus mengubahnya”.

Umat Islam akan terus ketinggalan jika tidak mahu berfikir dan mengeksploitasikan kekayaan dan rahsia ilmu Allah yang tersirat itu, kerana ianya perlu dibongkar dengan daya usaha dan pemikiran agar dapat dimanfaatkan seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang Kafir Barat.

****Demikianlah hebatnya Tenaga Atom, antara salah satu ilmu-ilmu yang telah dicipta oleh Allah, tetapi banyak ilmu-ilmu tersirat tersebut telah dibongkar rahsianya hanya oleh orang Barat.

Semoga Tun dapat menjadi pendorong dan pencetus minda masyarakat Islam dunia supaya lebih berfikiran positif dan proaktif; demi untuk survival ummat sejagat.

Sekian terimakaseh Tun. By Noel KashfAuthor Profile Page on June 12, 2010 10:01 PM

I am disturbed by these two articles:

1) Published in Free Malaysia Today - Free and Independent am)

Title: “Form Humanitarian aid: What a sham! “

Thu, 10 Jun 2010 13:28

From Lano Zen, via e-mail

What a joke! Many have been taken for a ride by so-called peace activists in Malaysia who have nothing better to do than to give useless goods in the name of humanitarian activities, only to be rejected by a terrorist organisation, so rich that they live in luxury and drive around in Mercedes. Malaysia has many poor people and yet they are not receiving a sen from these peace activists, just because they are not Muslims. What a sham and height of hypocrisy!

As you can see the goods in the photo (pix by wire services), these are not foods but metal items/chairs and all kinds of unwanted items: in truth, the purpose was provocation to score point.

In fact, the Israelis have been taking care of Palestinians very well.

If the Israelis want to starve them, all their kids would not have survived and yet their population are growing. That's the reality in Gaza.

There is no suffering, conditions there ae better than many of the long houses and rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak.


2) Published in ( )

Title: “Going gaga over Gaza”

Dean Johns Jun 9, 10 1:48pm

Outrage at Israeli atrocities against activists attempting to bring aid to the long-persecuted people of the Gaza strip may be all very just and righteous, but in some quarters it also reeks of hysteria and hypocrisy.

For example, Turks protesting the killing of fellow citizens aboard one of the blockade-busting vessels conveniently overlook the fact that their nation viciously victimises its own Kurdish

Noel Kashf

By ABIAuthor Profile Page on June 12, 2010 1:25 PM

When you know full well that the Israeli authorities will not allow the ships, why did you encourage the volunteers to go? It's all a wasted effort. You should have advised them to channel all humanitarian aid through the Red Cross. What have you achieved thus for? Absolutely nothing. Guys like Mathias Chang should have known better. The problem these days is that people cannot control their emotions; they cannot have a reign over their tongue (you are a typical example!) To help the long-suffering Palestinians let us do something positive and useful. Let us not attempt to get cheap publicity. Individual glory should be shunned. ABI By khartoumAuthor Profile Page on June 12, 2010 11:51 AM


Not particularly an opinion from me but to just suggest a couple of Websites that may interest all.

Salam to all. khartoum By parameswara 2Author Profile Page on June 11, 2010 11:43 AM

Dearest Tun, may I......

Amin Tan June 7 2010 4:48 pm Aziz June 8 2010 2:05 am

Dear Sirs,I concur absolutely with the both of you.

1- The prophet SAW is our model.He has been sent as a blessings upon humanity.He is to be emulated in every way and every situation that we can.He came to show us the way.

2- It was this peaceful nature of the early Muslims that have enabled Islam to spread so rapidly in the past.The Mongols conquered Baghdad and ended the Abbasids in the 12th century AD.They had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims that the Euphrates River turned red .But the Muslims were peaceful people.While some when abroad to do trade and dakwah the rest stayed on went about with their business and keeping themselves devoted to Islam.Through this peaceful Islamic behaviours the Mongols later became touched by Islam.So when their Mongol ruler eventually accepted Islam said to be influenced by his Muslim mother,the whole Mongol people easily followed suit.It was the first time in history that the conquerors were conquered by the religion of the conquered people!And this is a recognized fact of history.

The Palestinians should have such vision and ambition.If it has been done before,it can be done again.But instead they choose to fight fire with fire on the recommendation of emotional ulamaks.


Tks Tun. By parameswara 2Author Profile Page on June 11, 2010 11:32 AM

Dearest Tun, may I......

Amin Tan June 7 2010 4:48 pm Aziz June 8 2010 2:05 am

Dear Sirs,I concur absolutely with the both of you.

1- The prophet SAW is our model.He has been sent as a blessings upon humanity.He is to be emulated in every way and every situation that we can.He came to show us the way.

2- It was this peaceful nature of the early Muslims that have enabled Islam to spread so rapidly in the past.The Mongols conquered Baghdad and ended the Abbasids in the 12th century AD.They had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims that the Euphrates River turned red .But the Muslims were peaceful people.While some when abroad to do trade and dakwah the rest stayed on went about with their business and keeping themselves devoted to Islam.Through this peaceful Islamic behaviours the Mongols later became touched by Islam.So when their Mongol ruler eventually accepted Islam said to be influenced by his Muslim mother,the whole Mongol people easily followed suit.It was the first time in history that the conquerors were conquered by the religion of the conquered people!And this is a recognized fact of history.

The Palestinians should have such vision and ambition.If it has been done before,it can be done again.But instead they choose to fight fire with fire on the recommendation of emotional ulamaks.


Tks Tun. By naharAuthor Profile Page on June 10, 2010 11:19 AM

Assalammu’alaikum Tun; Salam perjuangan.

Kita tahu, dalam perang dunia ke 2; German dan Jepun telah melakukan kekejaman penghapusan etnik yang tidak berperikemanusian.

Dalam peperangan abad ke 21 ini orang ISRAEL dan SERBIA mengulangi perbuatan yang sama melakukan kekejaman tanpa mengira usia dan jantina.

**Kekejaman Israel terhadap orang Palestin sama seperti kekejaman Jepun terhadap orang China(seperti peristiwa Shanghai dan Nanking(1938), melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai orang China; termasuk yang berada di Asia Tenggara (banyak filem Documentary yang disiarkan dalam History Channel dan Discovery Channel).**

Walaupun semua kekejaman tersebut sudah berlalu setelah dapat ditangani oleh masyarakat antarabangsa, TETAPI KEKEJAMAN ISRAEL INI NAMPAKNYA BERTERUSAN TIDAK DI KETAHUI PENGHUJUNGNYA.

Kenapakah masyarakat antarabangsa khususnya kuasa-kuasa besar membiarkan, seolah-olah tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa untuk menghentikan perbuatan kejam Isreal ini seperti yang berjaya ditangani dalam isu Serbia/Bosnia..??.

Peristiwa serangan keatas kapal bantuan Gaza tidak diendahkan, SEBALIKNYA MENGALEHKAN TUMPUAN KEPADA ISU NUKLEAR IRAN PULA.

******Mungkin China (yg pernah alami nasib sama)dengn beberapa negara Islam berpengaruh; yang ada hubungan baik dengan China boleh membantu secara bersama; memainkan peranan mengenakan tekanan diplomatic dan ketenteraan yang lebih berkesan keatas Israel.

Ini munking boleh menyedarkan Isreal bahawa Negara-negara Islam sebenarnya tidak bersendirian. Apa yang perlu ialah ada pihak yang berpengaruh boleh menggerakkan strategi ini.

**Mungkin Tun & kerajaan kita sendiri; bersama Negara Islam lain yang ada hubungan baik dengan China, agar dapat MELOBI Kerajaan China TENTANG KESEDARAN; betapa azabnya mangsa akibat kezaliman peperangan penghapusan etnik seperti dialami orang China sendiri; semasa penaklukan Jepun dalam perang dunia ke 2 dulu. By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 10, 2010 9:11 AM


Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.


Salam untuk saudara..

[[Maaf, terlebih dahulu ingin dinyatakan bahawa tulisan ini bukan berhasrat untuk mempertahankan tulisan Amin Tan, tetapi hendak memperbetulkan agar saudara atau Saudari Waja perak lebih rasional lagi dalam membincangkan isu ini. Janganlah terbawa-bawa untuk mempertahankan sesuatu pandangan dengan emosi semata-mata]]

Encik amin tan masuk masuk blog Tun terus menuduh Tun bias.Sila semak semula.Ini bukan menurut emosi tapi pertanyaan yang mudah sahaja.Anda tak nampak ke atau sebok membabi buta??


Ini adab sopan orang melayu.Anda bukan melayu memang tak akan faham adab dan sopan santun orang melayu!!

[[Isu yang sepatutnya dilihat dan didebatkan dengan lebih rasional dan mencari penyelesaian yang lebih praktikal bukan mencari publisiti murahan...]]

Tepat sekali.Publisiti murahan bila anda tiada apa nak di sumbangkan kepada negara ini.Kami "service provider" adalah penyumbang kepada negara ini walaupun saya hanyalah tukang sapu sampah!!

[[Cubalah lihat isu "GAZA BLOCKAGE" iaitu kepungan tidak adil ini bukan hanya dilaksanakan oleh pihak Israel, t6etapi mungkin Tun dan Wajaperak terlupa bahawa terdapat satu lagi pihak iaitu negara Islam iaitu MESIR sendiri melaksanakan "GAZA BLOCKAGE"]]

La..kan saya dah banyak kali sentuh masalah ini? Tak baca blog Tun ke?

1)Saya kata "Wahai Penduduk Mesir.Shame On you!!" 2)Saya kata "mercenaries".Tak faham ke? 3)Saya kata "Hassan Ibni Sabah in Hassan Nasrallah " Tak faham juga?? 4)Bebaskan Mesir..Tak faham lagi??

[[Sememangnya kita mengetahui bahawa regim zionis ini tidak boleh dibawa berunding dan berbincang, tetapi kenapa masih lagi kita buang masa dengan membuat pendekatan berkonfrantasi dalam dengan tidak terlebih dahulu "menekan" ataupun berusaha berbincang dengan sahabat kita sendiri Mesir dan Jordan untuk menyalurkan bantuan ini]]

Ewah..macam bagus je..Anda bukan seorang tentera seperti saya.Jadi anda tak faham masalah ketenteraan.Mesir dan Jordan sekarang adalah negara sekular.Oleh itu masalah di Palestin mesti di atasi dengan cara berjihad.Tapi bukan ikut kefahaman anda!!


Tepat sekali.Kami berdoa dan bermohon kepada Allah itu di namakan mengamalkan senjata yang paling hebat.

"Doa orang mukmin itu senjata"

Publisti murahan?..Cuba tengok kat cermin..cuba tengok betul-betul:)

[[Kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan, tetapi sebagai contoh di dalam negara sendiri masih tidak menghormati undang-undang sendiri, tapi sibok promosikan keadilan dalam Rachel Corrie pelayaran ke Gaza...... cukup tidak faham apa yang hendak diperjuangkannya]]

Contoh apa? Keadilan apa? Untuk Anwar ke..he..he..

"Again common sense should prevail" dan jika ikhlas dalam semua apa yang kita lakukan dan semata-mata kerana Allah SWT...... segala-galanya akan menjadi mudah..... Wallahua'lam

Benar dan tepat sekali.Saya amat menghargai usaha anda untuk memperjuangkan ummah ini bermula dengan diri sendiri.Saya juga kagum dengan anda menyerang pendirian Hanan,Shaikino dan konco-konconya.Saya kagum dengan anda yang mempersiapkan diri dengan jatidiri orang-orang mukmin dengan ilmu dan amalan.Setiap hari anda berselawat kepada Rasullulah s.a.w,membaca Ayat Al Quran sekurang-kurangnya 30 Ayat sehari,baca Yassin setiap malam Jumaat,mengamalkan sujud Sajadah,membaca Surah Al Kahfi setiap hari Jumaat.Bertadarus setiap Ramadahan,mencapai Takbiratul U'la setiap tahun.Dan sebagai balasan anda dapat mencapai apa yang telah di tempuh oleh Rasul,sahabat,ulamak dan wali-wali Allah.

Di segi keterampilan anda dapat mencapai sedikit dari apa yang di anugerahkan oleh Allah.Anda anda penggerun seperti Rasullulah s.a.w.Musuh gerun bila menatap wajah anda.Nur Allah terpancar dari wajah anda.Anda dapat melihat dengan Nur Allah.Anda pernah di goda seperti Nabi Yusuf a.s.Anda mendapat mimpi yang benar seperti Nabi Ibrahim a.s Nabi Yusuf a.s dan Rasullulah s.a.w dan macam-macam lagi kehebatan diri anda..

Oh..alangkah malunya saya dengan kehebatan anda ini..



Sekian.Ribuan terima kasih Tun.Seorang lagi yang tak reti adab dan budi bahasa orang melayu...:) By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 9, 2010 9:13 PM


By HI57 on June 6, 2010 5:38 PM Sallam Wajaperak, .... ADAKAH PERLU UNTUK MEMINTA IZIN TUN DALAM MEMASUKI BLOG BELIAU SETIAP KALI MENULIS....please common sense should prevail lah...






ALFATIHAH, AMIN Ps. Kami didik anak2 agar memberi salam setiap kali nak masuk sesebuah rumah..walau rumah kami sekali pun...Ada faham kah, H157? Tidak kalu... cari lah ilmu atau pengetahuan tentang 'Beri Salam' dan 'Terima Salam'.....Assalamualaikum...Mualaikum salam. By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on June 9, 2010 8:07 PM

YABhg Tun, is a " James Bond " state. Licensed to kill... By PraxisAuthor Profile Page on June 9, 2010 11:38 AM

We have been numbed into their mindless logic.

They have maintained this blockade which disallows coriander and notebooks against Hamas-run Gaza for three yeras now, with impunity.

They say the blockade to stop Hamas rockets. But Hamas's truces were broken by Israel on the pretext that random rocket fire, over which Hamas has no control, broke the truce. So, they ignore the reality of peace and follow the text, which serves their terrorist goals and maintenance of an apartheid regime that doesn't recognise the humanity of Palestinians.

The Palestinians and their duly elected government Hamas deserve all the support we can give.

Were not the Palestinians and Israelis living peacefully in Palestine before World War II? Why is that reality being denied? By azizAuthor Profile Page on June 8, 2010 2:05 AM

A;kum Tun,

I must say that I agree with 'The Key' comment on this issue. He stated mostly from the Quranic verses. If we all start studying and understanding the Koran, we would be able to solve a lot of disputes that is going on around the world today.

Please understand the whole point of this argument. There is no point of us blaming Israelis only when we know for a fact that majority of the Muslims around the world teach their people to do suicide bombing. They do it all over the world to kill the Americans, Israelis, British, or even Dutch people or anyone who would say or do something that would not please them. Let God judge them, not you.

That is the problem with the Muslims. We think when we do suicide bombing we go to straight to Heaven. How can God allows that to happen? The Koran say that if you kill a person is like you kill all mankind, but and if you save one person, it is like you save all mankind. So here, God prohibit us from killing one another but to save one another.Somehow we choose to be with Satan and not God.

The Muslim should stop being aggressive and violent toward others instead they should be more friendly and good to others. No matter who they are. aziz By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on June 7, 2010 4:48 PM

Salam Tun,

Maaf, sedikit pembetulan. Sepatutnya surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 140 yang mengatakan Nabi Ibrahim orang Muslim, bukan Yahudi atau Nasrani.

Niat saya mengkin disalah tafsir oleh setengah pihak yang mengatakan saya pro Israel. Sebenarnya saya cuma ingin kita semua menghayati semangat Hudaibiah di mana Islam menghadapi cabaran yang amat kuat dalam perjuangan menegakkan syiar Islam. Nabi Muhammad hadapi pelbagai dugaan dan kekalahan dari segi semangat dan fizikal. Islam kalah dalam perang Uhud tetapi perancangan Nabi diperingkat awal mengelakkan Islam dihapus sama sekali.

Walau bagaimana pun, nabi bukan seorang diktator. Beliau mendengar cadangan Sulaiman Parsi untuk menggali parit sebagai pertahanan dalam peperangan Khandak di Madinah. Ketika itu musuh sudah berpakat dan bersatu untuk hancurkan umat Islam di Madinah. Nabi juga mendengar pendapat seorang para sahabat yang memberi cadangan mengalihkan tempat berkubunya orang Islam sebelum perang Badar bermula.

Begitu juga zaman sekarang orang Islam di GAZA dan WestBank amat tertekan dan serba kekurangan berhadapan dengan musuh Israel yang disokong oleh Amerika Syarikat dan Britain yang mempunyai senjata yang paling canggih di dunia. Begitulah keadaannya orang Islam zaman moden sepertilah nabi di masa-masa paling lemah apabila berhadapan dengan musuh ketika beliau ingin berhijrah dari Mekah ke Madinah apabila bapa saudara, Abu Talib dan Isteri Siti Khadijah meninggal dunia. Begitu juga keadaan di Hudaibiah. Itulah yang saya katakan Nabi seorang yang bijak pandai apabila tidak melawan di dalam suasana dan kedaan yang tidak mengizinkan. Beliau memilih tempat dan ketika yang sesuai dan mengelak pembunuhan sebaik mungkin seperti apabila tentera Islam tawan Mekah, Nabi ampunkan mereka yang masuk di masjidil haram, rumah Abu Sufian yang merupakan musuh ketat beliau sebelum Abu Sufian memeluk Islam. nabi Muhammad lah seorang paling Hebat, bijaksana, Mulia dan pengampun. Kita semua patut mencontohi sifat-sifat beliau yang dinamakan sunnah nabi.

amin tan By HI57Author Profile Page on June 6, 2010 5:38 PM

Sallam Wajaperak,

Maaf, terlebih dahulu ingin dinyatakan bahawa tulisan ini bukan berhasrat untuk mempertahankan tulisan Amin Tan, tetapi hendak memperbetulkan agar saudara atau Saudari Waja perak lebih rasional lagi dalam membincangkan isu ini. Janganlah terbawa-bawa untuk mempertahankan sesuatu pandangan dengan emosi semata-mata.


Isu yang sepatutnya dilihat dan didebatkan dengan lebih rasional dan mencari penyelesaian yang lebih praktikal bukan mencari publisiti murahan...

Cubalah lihat isu "GAZA BLOCKAGE" iaitu kepungan tidak adil ini bukan hanya dilaksanakan oleh pihak Israel, t6etapi mungkin Tun dan Wajaperak terlupa bahawa terdapat satu lagi pihak iaitu negara Islam iaitu MESIR sendiri melaksanakan "GAZA BLOCKAGE".

Sememangnya kita mengetahui bahawa regim zionis ini tidak boleh dibawa berunding dan berbincang, tetapi kenapa masih lagi kita buang masa dengan membuat pendekatan berkonfrantasi dalam dengan tidak terlebih dahulu "menekan" ataupun berusaha berbincang dengan sahabat kita sendiri Mesir dan Jordan untuk menyalurkan bantuan ini.


Kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan, tetapi sebagai contoh di dalam negara sendiri masih tidak menghormati undang-undang sendiri, tapi sibok promosikan keadilan dalam Rachel Corrie pelayaran ke Gaza...... cukup tidak faham apa yang hendak diperjuangkannya.

"Again common sense should prevail" dan jika ikhlas dalam semua apa yang kita lakukan dan semata-mata kerana Allah SWT...... segala-galanya akan menjadi mudah..... Wallahua'lam

By UkingAuthor Profile Page on June 6, 2010 11:37 AM

Dear Tun M,

TQ for publishing my previous views.

I agree to some of commentators about the accumulation of nuclear bomb. In the world today, a country will be respected and feared if it has this nuclear bomb capability.

See North Korea, until today, they received many war threats from US and its allies. But, will they do that??? If they don't care about their own life any more, I'm very sure they will attack North Korea long time ago.

North Korea will not hesitate to launch their nuclear bombs if they know they will be annihilated. Although they have food crisis in their country, but till today do US and its allies really crazy to declare war on North Korea???

That is why I think Islam country also need to have nuclear bomb, not many just one already enough.

Although I'm a Christian, but in the world of today, balance of power is important.

I suggest Malaysia should build one nuclear bomb. So we will be respected by others. Our voice not only be heard but also be followed. We don't want to be a world "general", but we don't want to be bullied by other countries. By JacksonAuthor Profile Page on June 5, 2010 4:16 PM

Dear Tun, Israel is out of control.It has between 200-300 illegal nukes.Some time ago 3 nuclear war heads went missing.The US tried to blame it on Saddham.The were no weapons of mass destruction.Some think that Israel has these missing nukes that do not have Israel's ID on them.This is why there is so much concern.

Alan Hart a BBC journalist has just come out blaming 911 on Israel.Also Dr Alan Zabrovsky who was a head of the War College in the USA, in March 2010,also said Israel was responsible for 911.If this is true ,then this makes Israel the most dangerous country on the planet. People are rapidly finding out what Israel has been up to.The fear is that it may use one of those missing nukes in the USA and blame Iran,thus beginning a major conflict in the Middle East.

Israel has form.In 1967 Israel attacked the US Liberty an unarmed intelligence ship and tried to blame it on Egypt who it was fighting in the six day war.The intention was to sink the ship killing all on board so there would be no witnesses and get the USA to attack Egypt.LBJ the President of the USA covered it up.34 were killed and many injured.

see Gordon Duff has a lot of information on the history of these missing nukes.All countries need to become aware since Israel in my view,has gone mad. By Objective QAuthor Profile Page on June 5, 2010 4:10 PM


Dear Dr. Tun Mahathir,

On behalf of the sleeping Umma, On behalf of the SIlent Umma, On behalf of the Cowardice of the Umma On Behalf of the Passive and Complacent Umma

Thank you for all your efforts in supporting and assisting in the numerous ways the Gaza Peace Flotilla.

Most of the news about your generosity and help for the Gaza Peace Flotilla efforts are found in the foreign press and unfortunately NOT IN THE ARABIC or Main stream press.

I want the readers to know that behind the scene Tun has been a driving force and shining beacon of support and help for the Gaza Peace Flotilla in every way he can.

We love you Tun

We love you O' Tiger of Malaysia.

Not all Muslims are sleeping. We see and we hear and we truly Love you from the bottom of our hearts. I just wish there were more leaders like you around the world.

As an Arab, i am ashamed of all our failures and silence.

I hold myself first responsible and look up to your leadership and mentorship.

Malaysia is truly lucky to have a MALAYSIAN TIGER that is so generous and humble, as all his efforts are done with very low key humility. So were the deeds of the Sahaba (God Blessings be upon them). They did the good deeds and their humility forbade them from publicizing it.

But i must say, Tun's deeds must be publicized, for they are a role model for all the Peace Loving people around the world Muslims, Christians, Jews and Others that believe in peace and freedom.

May God Bless Malaysia for Producing such a Nabigha (Arabic word means a Unique one", who never ever stopped caring and loving the Umma.

I just wanted to let you know that we know your great generous deeds. We Admire you. We love you.

And may God bless you and your family forever.

Al Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu

God Bless Tun the Tiger of Malaysia God Bless Tun and family God Bless Malaysia By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 5, 2010 2:41 PM


Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun..

Ah Min? Ah Ming? Ah Mink?


Tsk..Tsk..Marah nampak?..Bila anda menyakiti orang-orang Islam anda tak sedar diri!!..Bila anda menampar tak rasa kesakitan orang yang anda tampar?..Orang singgung sikit anda marah!!


Soalan saya anda tak jawab kenapa?Kerana anda tidak berdaya..incompetent..

Tun di tuduh macam-macam..tapi dia sabar..

Saya angkuh?..No..just stating the obvious..

Kami orang beramal.Sebab itu berani masuk blog Tun..Saya cabar amalan dan kefahaman anda..Apakah yang di maksudkan dengan kata-kata Imam Ghazali dengan memburu di kala syaitan sedang lengah?

Jawab jangan tak jawab.Buktikan dengan firman Allah ini

"Tunjukkan lah bukti jika kamu orang yang benar". Al Baqarah.

Saya menanti jawapan anda dengan izin Tun..

Ps-Masuk blog Tun tak mintak izin..keluar tak terima kasih..Memang tepat bukan ajaran dan adab sopan orang melayu!!

Terima kasih Tun. By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on June 4, 2010 10:26 PM

Salam Tun,

Dalam surah Ibrahim, Allah berfirman bahawa Ibrahim bukan Yahudi atau Nasrani, tetapi Muslim. Dalam sisi Allah ketaqwaan seseorang lebih penting dari sifat2 lain. Samada kita di masukkan ke Jannah atau Jahannam, itu hak Allah semata-mata. Tiada siapa harus mendabit dada beliau lebih islam dari orang lain. Allah maha mengetahui.

Saya dapati saudara Wajaperak angkuh dan takabur serta bersifat perkauman atau assabiah. Mungkin beliau seorang ustaz pejuang islam yang tulen wallah waalam bisawab.

amin tan By parameswara 2Author Profile Page on June 4, 2010 1:31 PM

Dear Tun,

Israel has nothing personal against the Arabs,or the Palestinians,it is only something for themselves.Too bad that these people are already occupying the promised lands they are eyeing for to establish their grand Plan.So until their objectives are met,they will not stop at scheming.More sad stories will come followed by even more sadder stories.Until the day that I die,or their dreams fulfilled whichever comes first.

The only country that can stop them is the USA,a mighty country sadly already in their pockets.

So whatever you wise people want to do-The flotilla or other psychological warfare,just make sure no more innocent lives are put to risk.If the innocent volunteers die but you can do nothing to help the Palestinians than what is the purpose of all these?This is a rogue nation ,remember?May God bless and save the Palestinians. By Mohamed AliasAuthor Profile Page on June 4, 2010 12:54 PM

The world is fully unaware of Israel's brutality in Palestine and elsewhere, including in international assassinations. The recent raids simply underline their ongoing arrogance.

How do they get away with their attrocities? Israel enjoys impunity as it is the spoilt child of the world's most powerful country, the USA. Israel indirectly controls the world's finances through its many entrepreneurs (though their names may not identify them). And most importantly, its supporters together control the media, those owned by the supporters, and indirectly the rest of the media which depend on those extremely wealthy and influential Israelis/Jewish entrepreneurs for their advertising revenue. Therefore, criticise Israel and your advertising revenue simply evaporates.

As a nation, make public your country's support for Israel and you get glowing media reports - and much needed international investments pour in. Conversely ... yes, the unthinkable can happen.

Read more: Israel's brutality laid bare by attack: Anifah ##ixzz0pqve62al By shumieyAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 1:57 PM

Assalmualaikum...Tun Dr M yg amat dihormati..Pada pendapat saya kita memerlukan juga seseorang Islam yang belajar ilmu2 pembuatan senjata hinggalah berjaya mendapatkan senjata Nuklear..bagi saya ini merupakan Jihad yang amat besar didalam mempertahankan Islam didalam suasana politik dunia sekarang...Apa pendapat anda? By UkingAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 12:06 PM

Hi, It is interesting to read all the comment written here. Well, I agree with all of you - BLAMING ISRAEL FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO HUMANITARIAN MISSION TO PALESTINE ( BUT NOT ALL ISRAELIS ARE BAD).

I'm a Christian, but still i'm not and very disagree and horified with what they have done.

What I want to say,,,if anyone write a comment, please don't blamed the other religions especially the Christians.

We want to live in peaceful country. We don't want to create dissatisfaction among people of different religions.

I agree with Mr Aziz, when he said "not all Israelis and Christians are bad, just like not all Muslims are bad".





Lastly, I'm sorry because my grammar is bad but at least I try. By hohoonAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 8:18 AM

The "RACHEAL CORRIE" By azizAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 2:34 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun!

It is very interesting to read all the comments written here. Some are very good and some are just saying everything against Israel!

First of all, we need to ensure that we the Muslims live our life according to God's law according to the Koran alone. If we do that, we all Muslims will be guided by God. We will be able to live a good and happy life. We can achieve happiness in this world even before we enter Paradise. That is God's promise. If you read the Koran, you will know.

But the problem with us today, we do not follow the Koran. We instead follow other sources to lead our life. When God says in the Koran that He made the Koran easy, fully detailed and complete for us, we still argue that it is not. We still do not believe His words. Once we do not believe in His words, we will never get His blessing. His blessing will only be given to those who obey God's law. In every daily life and everything you do must be according to God's law. If you really believe that God created this world within 6 days and the size of this 7 universes is just in God's hand, then you would easily believe His words in the Holy Koran. Somehow we Muslims do not follow the law. We follow the law that was made by human and leaders who are corrupt in their mind and soul. They will never guide you to the right path. The Koran will! The Koran will teach you everything you need to know about how you live your life. About how you respect people does not matter of colors, background, or whatever that might be for us discriminate others. God's law is the best law. God's Book is the best book there is for you. Only if we take heed from it.

We the Muslims must correct our "Akidah" first. We must lead our life properly according to God's law then God will shower us with His blessing. No point us talking and blaming others without even looking at ourselves. What have we done wrong that God has not given us the Muslim the happiness in this world? Or why does God punish us the Muslim around the world? We must have done something wrong for sure! Have you ever asked yourself that?

In order for Him to bless us, we must first obey Him. His paradise is not easy to achieve. That is the purpose of living in this world. That is why He created the Earth for us to have the second chance to prove to Him that you will follow His law. If you don;t then Hell is your destiny. But if you choose to be with God, and follow His law, Heaven is your destiny.It is very simple. But yet human make it complicated.

So no matter what happens between the Palestinians and Israelis, God will deal with it. God mentioned in the Koran about no one would change their destiny except for themselves. In this case, no one can help the people of Palestine except for themselves. Their government has to start doing something good. Hamas should stop fighting among themselves with Fatah. They should stop doing suicide bombing around the area. And most of all, they should start to educate their people properly. Education is vital in order to establish yourself in this world. The education must be right. The education must not be biased or discriminate towards others. Then the people Palestine will have a good life. Good economy, politically stable, people can live happily without worrying of the bomb attacks, people can do business, people can go to work, school and many more.

But the sad part is, this is not happening in Palestine. This is not happening in most of the Arab countries. I do not know why but they have their reasons.

Please look at ourselves first before we can judge others. Not all Israelis are bad. Just like not all Muslims are bad. Just like not all Christians are bad. Or anything you wanna call them, they will have good and bad people. It is not for us to judge. Let God judge them and deal with them. We just follow God's law then we will be guided.

All mankind are created by Him. He created this world for everyone of us. It is very wrong to say the Christians are bad or the Jews are bad. What about Muslims? Are we really good? Very good?

I do not have to tell you what have we the Muslims done to this world? You can see it yourself. And try to compare to other nations around the world. The US, Europeans, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, what have they achieved? And compare yourself then you will understand.

We Muslims, we like to blame others because we think we are following the right teaching of Islam. The right teaching of Islam is whoever live his life most righteous, that is a Muslim. A submitter to God's will. If you submit to God alone then you will live righteous life. That is mentioned in the Koran.

I beg the Muslims in Malaysia and all over the world, to please get your Akidah right and start believing in God. Not just lip service but wholeheartedly. If you choose to be with God, He will guide you. He promised that in the Koran and God does not break His promise.

Thank you! aziz By stormbringerAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 1:08 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

"Israeli navy raid on a civilian ship in international waters was an act of piracy and state terrorism."

A Terrorist state should be BOMBED to Oblivion! An Ally to a Terrorist state should also be BOMBED! --- Do the Bush. By pppzAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 12:57 AM

Salam YAB Tun,

Menurut sejarah melalui Al-Quran, Bani Israil ni hanya takut kepada Fir'aun melebihi takut mereka kepada Tuhan. Nabi Musa as yang diutuskan kepada mereka pun pening kepala dengan perangai mereka begitu juga lain-lain para-nabi sehingga Nabi Isa as.

Sekarang kita sendiri telah menyaksikan bagaimana perangai buruk dan jahat yang mereka warisi daripada nenek-moyang mereka yang pada suatu kekita dahulu juga tidak menghormati sesiapa pun termasuk sehingga sanggup membunuh para-nabi dan rasul yang diutuskan.

Perangai buruk dan jahat mereka mungkin diwarisi daripada baka Fir'aun dan pembesar-pembesarnya yang mana terkenal dalam sejarah tamadun manusia sebagai pembunuh anak-anak lelaki dan hanya membiarkan anak-anak perempuan sahaja yang hidup.

Mereka ini pada hakikatnya bukanlah Bani Israil yang tulin seperti yang disangkakan oleh kebanyakan orang tetapi sebenarnya BANI FIR'AUN. Bukankah dari buahnya maka dapat kita mengenal pokoknya?

Dalam ramai-ramai golongan Yahudi tu hanya sedikit sahaja yang dari "pure-breed" zuriat keturunan Israil atau Nabi Ya'acob as. Hanya mereka sahaja yang masih berpegang teguh dengan segala ajaran dari kitab Taurat sementara majoritinya adalah keturunan BANI FIR'AUN.

Wassalam. By sudinAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 12:56 AM

Salam Tun.

Anger leads to defeat. The Jews have always used their heads before taking action, which have resulted huge rewards/gains for them. This one instant when people on aid mission (who the Jews refer as activists) irritated them so much that they became angry and declared "we'll show them/the world our might" without using their head, thus israel suffered a big defeat despite only having minimal 'self-inflicted' injury to a few of their commandos.

Ego tends to overrule the head. The Jewish ego are presently working in tandem towards making this defeat to another bigger defeat! Instead of telling the world "we're sorry for our stupidity, we apologise from the bottom of our hearts", they are doing their habitual utmost nonsensical methods by telling the world "you still live in caves" phrase. Consider this facts:

1. The photos showing israel army displaying kids' toys as purported weapons used by aid workers in fighting & injuring the best-trained commandos armed with most modern & sophisticated weapons

2. Listen to CNN and other Jews-owned electronic media, who never stop their ludicrous jibes (especially meant for American & European audiences) "listen cave dwellers, we give you 'our' world news. So be thankful". This gave the Jews passport to repeat 1000 times their statement "they attacked first, we killed them in self defense"

3. israel confiscated & destroyed all visual proofs in h/phones, video cameras, laptops, voice recordings from their p.o.w and then they'll tell/force the world to listen & believe their story since there are no other stories available

I'm hopeful that Tun can initiate a simultaneous 'international press conference' for all the aid workers to tell the world the true story. Let's continue this spiritual victory, and take full advantage of the lapse in Jewish anger & ego to be the beginning of their downfall. By AtaturkAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 12:22 AM


I am a pacifist. I am deeply saddened by the loss of lives in this unfortunate inicident.

An unfortunate incident was what it was. Unfortunate that the mighty Israeli defence forces have been fumbling since their last debacle in Lebanon,

Unfortunate in that the organisers including you did not prepare the volunteers in the aid mission properly to avoid any bloodshed.

More unfortunate is that I have mentioned a number of times before that lasting peace in Palestine can be found - if Hamas, Hezbollah and Fatah lay down their arms so that their people can live in peace.

However, the leaders of the Islamic world still want to wage an endless war with Israel when the people of Palestine can be living in peace.

Just my two cents worth,

Best Regards,

Ataturk By Mis_bahAuthor Profile Page on June 3, 2010 12:02 AM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

In my opinion, Israel deserved to be called satan or worst..that is the best label for them. They don't deserve to be called human anymore because they live without laws.. By hohoonAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 11:25 PM

Salam ayahanda Tun, (Yg sentiasa berfikir dan berfikir untuk keamanan sejagat...)

Cakap-cakap sahaja pa gunanya. Kalau ada solutions ketengahkanlah. Provoking,bakar bendera atau lain-lain mungkin setakat itu yang boleh mereka fikirkan untuk melahirkan perasaan mereka. Yang ada kepala otak, gunakanlah sebaik-baiknya. Flotilla Gaza. Satu percubaan dan langkah bijak.Tinjau-tinjaulah siapa dibelakangnya. Ini dipanggil ada otak. Bukan cara perang. Cara AMAN. Kalau cara perang apa yang kita ada? Cuma batu dan telur busuk dua biji. So what are your solutions then??

Setinggi-tinggi doa dan harapan pada "Rachel Corrie" yang pertama merentas Meditteranean ke GAZA...dan seterusnya "Rachel Corrie" ke 2 dan hingga ke 1000 "Rachel Corrie"... Salam. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 11:17 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

After this Israel Rogue State attack, Japan Democratic Party, Yukio Hatoyama-san annouced his resignation today, Wednesday June 2, 2010. The day before he resigns, he walked with PRC's (People 's Republic of China) Mr Wen Jiabao and South Korea's President in one of TOKYO street. The reason given by Hatoyama-san was that he could not prevent USA to set up its defense zone in Okinawa. PRC's Mr Wen Jiabao, when asked by journalists, his view on North Korea attacks on South Korea ship, he did not say anything. I guess it has something to do with Jet Li's One Yuan charity campaign.

Today, PM Najib walked around PJ SS2, an ex-BN strong hold of MCA Chew Mei Fun, now SS2 is under DAP after tsunami 308. The reason PM went there because he wanted to know whether the crime rate, since it is one of the HOT SPOT of 'Samun', is minimised or not.

Majority of the folks there reported samun cases to the police, but no effective action was taken maybe due to budget constraints. The folks there hire their own Foreign Security Guards to jaga their housing area by paying some monthly service charge to the Security Guard centre. If foreign guards are minimised, can police lower the crime rate or not?

The Star online reported today, a Chinese police woman dumbed her uniform into the dustbin by saying she is free now. The reason given was because her salary in police force is very2 low with heavy workload and exposure to life threatening situation.

Good night Ayahanda Tun. BN has not change at all after tsunami 308. By Faiz Al-KelantaniAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 10:47 PM

Zionist will try to manifest as their true power as real as they can make it.... just before the emergence of the Anti-Christ before 2012. By ainulAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 10:07 PM

Assalammualaikum Dato Sri. Satu serangan yang pastinya memeranjatkan dunia kerana ianya di lakukan oleh ISRAEL. Namun apa yang terjadi di Lahore Pakistan pada 28 Mei 2010 di mana 2 buah Masjid di serang oleh orang-orang Islam yang bersenjatakan bom tangan dan mesingun ketika jemaah masjid sedang mengerjakan sholat Jumaat dan mengorbankan 95 orang yang tidak berdosa sungguh memalukan, memilukan dan menyedihkan. Hampir semua media massa dan eletronik menyiarkan berita penyerangan dan pembunuhan tersebut, namun yang amat saya sedihkan tidak seorangpun PEMIMPIN ISLAM maupun ORANG ISLAM di Malaysia yang mengutuk serangan tersebut. Kemanakah hilangnya simpati orang Malaysia kepada sesama Islam yang terbunuh dan pembunuhnya adalah orang Islam juga? Moga Dato Sri dapat menulis dan memberi komen tentang kejadian tersebut. LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE. By Abang AdikAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 9:28 PM

Salam Semua,

Sudah lebih 24 jam sejak krisis ini bermula.. yang menghairankan ialah tiada lansung komen apapun daripada "ketua-ketua" yang dikatakan mendokong hak asasi manusia. Where are these "champions" now? Malaysiakini ka, papers ka.. takda pun...

I have not seen nor heard any comments (jangan kara serious comments.. bunyi pun tak dak)from the DAP leaders particularly , , Lim Guan Eng, (and the bunch of them yang sibuk pasal BEng Hock and tak sibuk sangat pasai budak kena tembak kat shah alam tu..) and their allies and friends like DS Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Param Cumaraswamy, Datuk Nik Aziz, the numerous Khalids, Suhakam guys, etcetera.

I agree with some bolggers out there yang suggest, baik UMNO youth and Pemuda PAS buat join activity and organise 1 mass rally on this issue ( they seem the only one serious enough.. PKR guys tu tak payahlah melepaskan batuk ditangga na...)at least you will get a significant number of turnout.. that is what making a statement is all about.. maturity in politics.. plus of course save some cost la... Apa kata? somebody initiate la.. I think bab ni can put aside your political affliations for a short while for our friends and brothers kan?...or can you?

What happen bro? Sokong tindakan Israel ka? By kulupaliAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 8:56 PM

Salam Perjuangan Tun;

UNTUK DIHORMATI, DI SEGANI DAN TIDAK DIPERBUDAK-BUDAKKAN; sesebuah negara harus mempunyai kekuatan yang jitu. Kekuatan yang di maksudkan ialah KEKUATAN dari segi KETENTERAAN, TEKNOLOGI dan JUGA EKONOMI.

*****Kenapakah Israel yang kecil di kelilingi negara Arab menjadi berani dan tidak takut kepada negara Arab yang lebih besar dan bilangannya?. Jawapannya ialah kerana negara Israel mempunyai kekuatan dari segi ketenteraan dan penguasaan dalam teknologinya.

Sebuah akhbar Britain “The Guardian” melapurkan Israel pernah menawarkan penjualan peledak nuklear kepada Afrika Selatan dan juga membantu S’pura dalam teknologi ketenteraan.

Akhbar itu juga melapurkan; melalui perisikan; Israel mempunyai LOGI NUKLEAR di sebuah tempat DIMONA di tengah gurun Negev untuk kegunaan ketenteraan dan mempunyai lebih 200 peledak nuklear buatannya dalam simpanan.

Semua ini dinafikan dengan kerasnya oleh Israel dan tidak ada Negara kuasa besar yang membuka mata untuk menyiasat. Malahan Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa pun mendiamkan diri tanpa ada syak wasangka.

****Israel juga berupaya membuat sendiri peralatan ketenteraannya dari sekecil peralatan hinggalah sebesar peralatan seperti KERETA KEBAL, JET PEJUANG, PELURU BERPANDU, UAV dan juga PELEDAK NUKLEAR dengan bantuan Barat(mereka saling bekerjasama bertukar-tukar maklumat dan teknologi).

Apakah usaha yang ada pada Negara Islam (usaha bersungguh-sungguh) dalam membina kekuatan sendiri selain daripada IRAN yang cuba disekat Barat dan disokong Negara Islam sendiri daripada terus berjaya, termasuk Malaysia?.(atas alasan kononnya untuk keselamatan dunia sejagat).

*****Setakat membuat bantahan, kutukan dan berarak membuat bising sebagai tanda protes sebenarnya tidak membawa apa-apa makna dan hasil yang berkesan. Walaupun dengan rundingan; ianya pasti tidak berjaya untuk mendamaikan Israel/Palestin kerana itu bukan agenda sebenar dan ikhlas yang dikehendaki Barat.


****Nuklear bukan tujuan untuk berperang dan membuli Negara lain dengan menggunakan kuasa tersebut tetapi hanya sebagai TONGGAK PENGHORMATAN. Sebab itu Korea Utara, Cina, India dan Pakistan(sentiasa tegang tapi masing-masing mengawal keadaan) berusaha memajukan kuasa nuklear untuk ketenteraan mereka.

****Berbeza dengan Negara kita yang tidak mahu menuju kearah itu kerana kononnya anti peperangan. Apakah Negara yang ada nuklear itu begitu bodoh mahu menggunakan nuklear untuk tujuan peperangan dan menyerang Negara lain?.

Jawabnya tentulah tidak kerana itu hanyalah tonggak untuk menunjukkan kekuatan dan amaran kepada negara yang mencabar supaya berfikir banyak kali sebelum memilih untuk memulakan peperangan tanpa dikawal yang boleh merebak besar-besaran. By 2618918Author Profile Page on June 2, 2010 6:46 PM


Salam Tun,

Maaf mencelah sikit..Umat Islam berada di mana-mana..di segenap pelusuk dunia..kenapa dan mengapa kita mendiamkan diri..mari kita berdoa bersama-sama, kita bertindak bersama-sama, bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh... salam By huzannaAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 5:02 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,

1.Adalah suatu kejadian yang tidak menghairankan,pihak zionist bertindak 'menakluk'dan menyerang kapal yang menbawa misi kemanusian ke Gaza.Jika rakyat biasa Palestine yang terdiri daripada orang tua,kanak-kanak dan wanita biasa mereka bunuh,perkara sebegini hanya menambah koleksi kekejaman mereka.

2.Ternyata,mereka tidak menghormati undang-undang antarabangsa,menyerang kapal misi ini yang berada di perairan antarabangsa.Apabila mendengar kejadian ini,saya sudah mengagak,alasan yang akan diberikan oleh pihak zionist ini,bahawa mereka diserang dahulu,dan menembak kerana mempertahankan diri,alasan sebegini sudah banyak kali didengar.Saya difahamkan,bahawa kapal ini telah dahulu memberi isyarat bendera putih.Nak dibandingkan belantan,atau batang besi dengan rifel moden yang dimiliki oleh pasukan komandor zionist,adalah tindakan dayus pihak zionist kerana membalas dengan menembak .Tapi itulah Israel,zionist tetap zionist!Ya,sememangnya siasatan akan dilakukan,tetapi selagi US dibelakang pihak Zionist,hukuman terhadap Israel tidak akan sekeras tindakan ke atas Iraq,itu sudah pasti!

3.Jalan darat ditutup,jalan udara lagi bahaya(pasti ditembak oleh Zionist),hanya tinggal jalan air,itupun halangan begitu kuat.Saya harap pihak antarabangsa menekan atau memujuk pihak Mesir untuk membuka laluan ke Gaza.Selagi tiada kerjasama diantara negara arab,selagi itu kuasa besar akan memanjakan Israel.Perlu ada satu lagi kuasa besar,supaya negara Uncle Sam tidak memonopoli kuasa politik dan veto.Mungkin pemimpin negara arab dah puas mendengar cadangan dan nasihat antara mereka disebabkan berlainan idealogi dan fahaman.Mungkin memerlukan seorang pemimpin Islam yang kuat dari Asia(Yang saya lihat antaranya Tun sendiri).

4.Saya berdoa agar,kesemua sukarelewan samada dari Malaysia dan negara-negara lain selamat,walaupun gagal sampai ke detinasi tapi anda semua adalah wira,anda telahpun berusaha bersunguh-sungguh yang tidak mungkin sebahagian daripada kami sanggup atau kental dalam mengharungi suasana getir sebegitu.Saya juga mampu berdoa agar kapal misi kemanusian yang lain,termasuk kapal kecil' Rachel Coorie',yang diusahakan oleh Tun untuk membelinya hasil sumbangan pelbagai pihak,termasuk Tun sendiri.(walaupun kapal lama,tapi sumbangan besar Tun kepada pembelian kapal ini....hanya Allah yang dapat membalas jasa Tun ,saya tahu Tun telah banyak memberi sumbangan).

5.Saya berdoa,keselamatan Saudara Matthias Chan,dan 5 lagi rakyat Malaysia supaya dapat sampai ke destinasi,walaupun ancaman bahaya sedang menunggu,usaha sudah,berdoa sudah,yang tinggal berserah kepada Allah.Sedih,kerana salah seorang sukarelawan wanita yang masih muda,terkorban dalam tragedi berdarah itu.

Semoga Tun dan sekeluarga dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah.Amin.Terima kasih. By RedzaAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 4:54 PM

Salaam Tun,

I congratulate the Malaysian team from The Perdana Global Peace Organisation who are on board the Rachel Corries MV and your good-self in participating in the Freedom Flotilla/Gaza Aid.

The Lone Ship of the Freedom Flotilla: The Rachel Corrie MV Continues to Sail Towards Gaza in Defiance of Israeli Threats

My prayers go to everyone in this honorable humanitarian mission in spite of the odds against them.

Syabas Malaysia! By siluncaiAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 4:32 PM


"...... What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity." ===> the same world that you ordered the military to shoot the vietnamese refugees in their leaky boats. By "THE KEY"Author Profile Page on June 2, 2010 3:29 PM


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


[Quran 27:76] This Quran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing.


[Quran 26:10-11] Recall that your Lord called Moses: "Go to the transgressing people. "Pharaoh's people; perhaps they reform."


[Quran 2:50] Recall that we parted the sea for you; we saved you and drowned Pharaoh's people before your eyes.


[Quran 2:40] O Children of Israel, remember My favor, which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your part of the covenant, that I fulfill My part of the covenant, and reverence Me.

[Quran 14:6] Recall that Moses said to his people, "Remember GOD's blessings upon you. He saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, slaughtering your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial from your Lord."


[Quran 2:53] Recall that we gave Moses scripture and the statute book, that you may be guided.


[Quran 17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance.

[Quran 5:64] The Jews even said, "GOD's hand is tied down!" It is their hands that are tied down. They are condemned for uttering such a blasphemy. Instead, His hands are wide open, spending as He wills. For certain, your Lord's revelations to you will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Consequently, we have committed them to animosity and hatred among themselves until the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they ignite the flames of war, GOD puts them out. They roam the earth wickedly, and GOD dislikes the evildoers.


[5:26] He said, "Henceforth, it is forbidden them for forty years, during which they will roam the earth aimlessly. Do not grieve over such wicked people."

The Jews had been roaming through Europe, Arab and others places of the earth.


[Quran 17:5] "When the first time comes to pass, we will send against you servants of ours who possess great might, and they will invade your homes. This is a prophecy that must come to pass.

Europe prosecute jews all over the places through history from Medieval Spain to Farcist Germany.


[Quran 17:6] "Afterwards, we will give you a turn over them, and will supply you with a lot of wealth and children; we will give you the upper hand.


[Quran 17:104] And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into this land. When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group."

The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories which have been designated as occupied territory by many international organisations, governments and others to refer to the territory captured by Israel from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967. They consist of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and much of the Golan Heights and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also referred to as Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory. Palestinian Authority considers East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank, a position disputed by Israel.


[Quran 2:84] We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You agreed and bore witness.


[Quran 2:85] Yet, here you are killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding against them sinfully and maliciously. Even when they surrendered, you demanded ransom from them. Evicting them was prohibited for you in the first place. Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part? What should be the retribution for those among you who do this, except humiliation in this life, and a far worse retribution on the Day of Resurrection? GOD is never unaware of anything you do.


[Quran 14:46] They schemed their schemes, and GOD is fully aware of their schemes. Indeed, their schemes were sufficient to erase mountains.


[Quran 62:6] Say, "O you who are Jewish, if you claim that you are GOD's chosen, to the exclusion of all other people, then you should long for death if you are truthful!"


[Quran 17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will defeat you and enter the masjid, just as they did the first time. They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."

God Bless

“THE KEY” By LiewAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 2:15 PM

May god punish Israel for all the evil deeds. We can only pray that they stop doing harm to all human being. With America behind them they are unstoppable only God can take action. At least now more non-muslim countries are doing their part now, this is an encouraging sign the world is getting fairer. When will Malaysia be fair to it own people? By kulupaliAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 1:30 PM

Tun; Salam Perjuangan.

Untuk dihormati, di segani dan tidak diperbudak-budakkan; sesebuah negara harus mempunyai kekuatan. Kekuatan yang di maksudkan ialah KEKUATAN KETENTERAAN, TEKNOLOGI dan JUGA EKONOMI.

Kenapakah Israel yang kecil di kelilingi negara Arab menjadi berani dan tidak takut kepada negara Arab yang lebih besar dan bilangannya?. Jawapannya ialah kerana negara Israel mempunyai kekuatan dari segi ketenteraan dan penguasaan dalam teknologinya.

Sebuah akhbar Britain “The Gardian” melapurkan; Israel pernah menawarkan penjualan peledak nuklear kepada Afrika Selatan dan juga membantu S’pura dalam teknologi ketenteraan.

Akhbar itu juga melapurkan; melalui perisikan; Israel mempunyai LOGI NUKLEAR di sebuah tempat bernama DIMONA di tengah gurun Negev dan mempunyai lebih 200 peledak nuklear buatannya dalam simpanan.

Semua ini dinafikan dengan kerasnya oleh Israel dan tidak ada Negara kuasa besar yang membuka mata untuk menyiasat. Malahan Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa pun mendiamkan diri tanpa ada syak wasangka.

****Israel juga berupaya membuat sendiri peralatan ketenteraannya dari sekecil peralatan hinggalah sebesar peralatan seperti KERETA KEBAL, JET PEJUANG, PELURU BERPANDU hingga lah kepada PELEDAK NUKLEAR dengan bantuan Barat(mereka saling bekerjasama bertukar-tukar maklumat dan teknologi).

Apakah usaha yang ada pada Negara Islam (usaha bersungguh-sungguh) dalam membina kekuatan sendiri selain daripada IRAN yang cuba disekat Barat dan disokong Negara Islam sendiri daripada terus berjaya, termasuk Malaysia?.(atas alasan kononnya untuk keselamatan dunia sejagat).

*****Setakat membuat bantahan, kutukan dan berarak membuat bising sebagai tanda protes sebenarnya tidak membawa apa-apa makna dan hasil yang berkesan. Walaupun dengan rundingan; ianya pasti tidak berjaya untuk mendamaikan Israel/Palestin kerana itu bukan agenda sebenar dan ikhlas yang dikehendaki Barat.


****Nuklear bukan tujuan untuk berperang dan membuli Negara lain dengan menggunakan kuasa tersebut tetapi hanya sebagai TONGGAK PENGHORMATAN. Sebab itu Korea Utara, Cina, India dan Pakistan(sentiasa tegang tapi masing-masing mengawal keadaan) berusaha memajukan kuasa nuklear untuk ketenteraan mereka.

****Berbeza dengan Negara kita yang tidak mahu menuju kearah itu kerana kononnya anti peperangan. Apakah Negara yang ada nuklear itu begitu bodoh mahu menggunakan nuklear untuk tujuan peperangan dan menyerang Negara lain?.

Jawabnya tentulah tidak kerana itu hanyalah tonggak untuk menunjukkan kekuatan dan amaran kepada negara yang mencabar supaya berfikir banyak kali sebelum memilih untuk memulakan peperangan tanpa dikawal yang boleh merebak besar-besaran. By MachangAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 1:16 PM

Salam Tun,

Appreciate that you could make the following demands to the United Nations and the world leaders

1)UN to send peace keeper immediately to open GAZA border for humanitarian and commercial with the open world 2)Israel and Egypt to lift their illegal embargo against Gaza immediately 3)To seek UN to initiate Crime Against Humanity charge against Israel for the occupation, land grabbing, terrorizing, oppression against the native people of Palestine for almost the century. 4)To allow the return of Palestine land lords to their ancestor lands that being occupied by the Israel. 5)Israel to compensate the native people of Palestine for their suffering, lost of opportunity in terms of managing their on nations & economy, lost of dignity to live as a free and independent human 6)Imposing sanctions to Israel until they stop oppressing the Palestine and return all Palestine rights that they have took since the early last century. By Mohd Peter DavisAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 12:31 PM

Salam Dr Mahathir,

The Israeli Zionists are merely obeying orders from the British Empire

The Zionists are indeed “A Bunch of brutes” as you said yesterday in your press conference. History will record your long and principled fight to expose and defeat the evil of Zionism. However, and contrary to the sincere belief of many, many thinking Malaysians, Zionism does not run the world. It is a killing machine, as was Hitler’s, for the British Empire, which is still unfortunately alive and kicking violently. Fortunately, for the rest of humanity, it is now financially bankrupt, dying and at a point where it can be finally defeated. This will be mankind’s greatest victory.

For 3000 years the world has been run by Empires that control the money, first the Persian Empire then the Roman and followed by the Venetian Empire which morphed 247 years ago at the Peace of Paris Conference into the British Empire. The Dutch East India Company which dominated Asia was transformed into the misnamed British Empire which has nothing whatsoever to do with the British people, my ancestors and living relatives who are in reality a colonized people. It was an Empire re-branding process by the same old crowd of Medieval aristocratic international banking families such as the Rothschilds aligned with the dregs of European Royalty that set up shop in the City of London and subverted Eton College and Oxford and Cambridge Universities to train future generations of Empire builders for India, Africa and Malaya.

An excellent modern example is the (not for long) Prime Minister of Thailand Abhisit.Vejjajiva who is now brutalizing the rural and urban poor organized around the Red Shirts movement, He is straight out of the British Empire’s training manual. He was born in England to rich parents with close ties for generations to Thailand's ruling elite. From 13 to 18 years he attended Eton College. Compulsory sport was Rugby, “a game for thugs played by gentlemen” where new recruits learnt how the Empire was won on the legionary playing fields of Eton. He was known to his fellow cultured thugs as Mark Vejj and was then sent up to Oxford university to study PPE (philosophy, politics and economics), later returning to do a masters in economics. His first British Empire posting aged 27 was to Thailand. Where else? He was exquisitely trained as a ruthless thug with cultured manners to make territory safe for the British Empire.

Zionism was similarly created about 100 years ago by the British Foreign Office, as part of the British Empire’s devious divide and conquer strategy to create war and chaos in the Middle East. It is part of a wider plan to cripple the 4 big powers India, China and Russia and America and establish a Globalised world Empire based on, as Prince Philip’s Wild Life Fund has proposed since the 1960s, reducing the population now approaching 7 billion to less than 2 billion subservient people. How on earth is this destruction of 70 percent of humanity to be achieved? By the time honored methods of Empires, namely economic collapse,war, famine and disease.

Prince Philip put it succinctly in a magazine article in 1988 which he has never and never will retract “In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation”. Just a side note on protocol; if Prince Philip ever sets foot on Malaysian soil, like Tony Blair his right hand man, the correct and truthful title for this human form of Satan is “His Royal Virus, Prince Philip”.

Likewise, the Zionist puppets of the British Empire are a highly trained international killing machine. The following perceptive report on the barbaric Israeli commando attack and assassinations of peace activists ordered by Prime Minister Netanyahu was filed by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR, Washington), the weekly news magazine of the LaRouche Movement (


May 31 (LPAC)--In Jonathan Swift's classic, {Gulliver's Travels}, Lemuel Gulliver, in his fourth voyage, encounters the Yahoos, a race of vile and savage creatures, filthy and with unpleasant habits, who, unfortunately bear an absolute physical likeness to human men and women. The Yahoos are promiscuous, sadistic, cowardly, treacherous, and they have an absolute love of war. Israel, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (netan-yahoo), has once again displayed all of the characteristic traits of Swift's Yahoos. In the early hours of Monday, May 31, Israeli naval commandos boarded a flotilla of ships, carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. In the ensuing confrontation, at least ten of the peace activists onboard were killed, and scores of others were injured. The incident occurred in international waters. It caused an immediate international furor, with the Turkish government (the lead ship in the aid flotilla was flying a Turkish flag) calling in the Israeli ambassador, and recalling the Turkish ambassador from Tel Aviv. The United Nations Security Council convened an emergency session, the Arab League threatened to cut off all peace talks with Israel, and most European countries condemned the Israeli actions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, traveling in Canada en route to a scheduled White House meeting on June 1st with President Obama, abruptly cancelled his Washington, D.C. visit and raced back to Israel, issuing statements along the way, defending the Israeli commando actions, and accusing the humanitarian aid workers on board the ships of attacking the Israeli soldiers. President Obama had a 15-minute telephone discussion with Netanyahu, in which he demanded a detailed account of what happened aboard the ships. Briefed on these events today, Lyndon LaRouche observed that the Israelis have been playing these kinds of provocative games for decades, and they are no longer working. Israeli Prime Minister Netan-yahoo cannot accept that Israel's bargaining position is greatly diminished, and so he is trying to create absolute Hell in the Middle East. He may succeed. What's more, the range of options available to the United States is greatly limited by the fact that Barack Obama remains as the President of the United States, and is a puppet of a foreign imperial power, the British Empire. Remove Obama from office and a world of further options open up, options that can outflank and defeat the Yahoo-like behavior of the present Israeli leadership. [js_] By joshuawwyAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 11:15 AM

You may also want to look at this, on how violent things were: By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 9:42 AM


Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.

By amin tan on May 31, 2010 10:33 PM Dear Tun, [[In this issue I can see you are biased and one sided.]]

You accused Tun biased and one sided.And strangely you are not?All muslim must be one sided.

The right side of faith!

[[In the continuing conflict between the two equally stubborn foes who are historically cousins, there is no point in taking side.]]

Again.Muslim must take side.It is called brotherhood and fraternity.Your's is fraternity of stone hearted and member of the League of Fog and Night.

[[Seemingly the israelis are atrocious and cruel but the vanquished are equally provocative.]]

Seemingly..Have you seen the aftermath of Sabra and Shatilla? How do you feels discovering it from your own household?

[[Look at the stated aim of Hamas. It is seeking the destruction of Israel. Surely anybody in the same position as Israel would stop the enemy by whatever means.]]

It is called defence.Self defence.If you don't know the meaning, I can tell you the whole concept.

[[Similarly let us not promote racial enmity in Malaysia. Let us live in peace and harmony in our beloved Malaysia]]

By practicing the real Islamic values and not the kind Shaikino and his gang.

[[5) To amin tan, it would be rather helpful for you to shut your mouth up rather than making cynical statement. You are making yourself a fool the moment you speak up. Let's save some dignity and not be a fool in front of the public!]]

So..what is actually all about?..You stirred the sentiment of muslim and lack of sensitivity.Now you took offence when I asked you wether you have Israel heart.The question is simple.Yes or no? If the answer is yes than your action is understandable.If it is no..why you accused Tun of one sided?

Light note;

The name Amin means "The Trusworthy".Forgives me.But would you like to try changes you name to Ah min? or Ah Ming? would you feels the sentiment still the same?

Now.Consider what you have written that caused "my insensitivity".


Muslim must take side..ours!!

Ribuan terima kasih Tun. By OrangLamaAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 8:48 AM

Salam, Sifat kebanyakan orang Yahudi amat jelas disebut dalam Al-Quran. Saya doakan keselamatan dan kebahagian kepada kesemua khususnya kepada rakyat Malaysia yang terlibat usaha murni kemanusian kepada penduduk Palestin.

Ada kemungkinan Pertubuhan Bangsa2 Bersatu (PBB) diwujudkan khusus untuk melindungi Israel dan Yahudi. Tak boleh buat apa2 kecuali bermesyuarat. Pengaruh Yahudi bukan sahaja terhadap Amerika Syarukat tetapi hampir seluruh negara2 utama di dunia. Orang yahudi kuat ber-persatuan. macam organisasi depa ada.

OIC dan NAM(Non Aligned Movement) kena ada lebih banyak kerjasama sehingga terbina kekuatan menandingi PBB. Tapi kalau pemimpin OIC dan NAM pun dipengaruhi oleh kumpulan Yahudi susah lah?

Orang Islam kena bersatu. Di Malaysia, pun dah ada pepcahan kerana ada PAS dan UMNO seprti di Palestin ada Fatah dan Hamas.

Jiran kita di Singapura dah tunjuk tanda2 macam perangai Yahudi di Israel di tengah2 negara Arab. Berhati2 lah pemimpin Melayu semua.Eratkan tali persaudaraan siratulrahim.

Kalau tak ada solat jemaah terutama sekali solat Jumaat, bolehkah orang PAS dan UMNO duduk sebelah menyebelah, bergesel bahu dengan bahu dengan ikhlas kerana Allah? Tok Khatib kena perbanyakkan pengisian khutbah menyentuh perpaduan Islam . Ingat Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. By tongkatmusaAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 2:17 AM

Salam Tn DM dan Pembaca sekalian,

Negara Israel jenis yang tak makan saman dan sudah lali dengan apa-apa bantahan keras keatasnya. Resolusi Bangsa2 Bersatu pun tak diendahkan Israel. Dengan persenjataan canggihnya (mungkin mempunyai simpanan bom nuklear)tentunya, Israel semakin bongkak, apatahlagi dengan kejayaannya yang lalu mengalahkan negara Arab semasa perang Arab-Israel. Agendanya menyerang Tebing barat, Gaza dan Lebanon (Hizbollah)tentulah dengan sokongan negara-negara yang musuhi Islam. Tak bolehke negara Islam yang mengeluarkan minyak seperti Malaysia, Saudi, Libya, Iran mengecilkan pengeluaran minyak sebanyak 30% selama 3 bulan sebagai membantah tindakan negara Israel? Sanggupkah negara-negara Islam bersuara dengan mengecilkan pengeluaran minyaknya? Jika tak sanggup, tak payahlah nak susah payah bersuara, duduk diam-diam sahajalah. By Mike GAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 2:01 AM

Dear Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,

Here are photos of the "humanitarian supply" that the "peace activists" had brought with them on board: -jun-2010/

Here is a video footage of the "peace activists" welcoming the Israeli soldiers:

The last thing that can be said about the people on the flotilla that they are peace activists.

Israel has no choice but to tightly monitor everything that comes into Gaza, because very often it would contain weapons and rockets that is targeted against Israeli civilians.

The Palestinians never had a problem with killing innocent civilians. They regularly launch rocket at Israeli cities in broad daylight.

What would you have done if you were in Israel's position? Just let weapon flow into their hands? By AZAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 12:50 AM

The Israelis have always been cowards with clear cowardly acts, stomping people who are hardly their match. Its like an adult bullying a child. And these Israelis are a cruel group of people.

They begged not to be killied in Europe some time ago. They went all over the world showing the brutality and cruelty suffered at the hands of Europeans and asking the world not to repeat this terrible messacre of a people, and now they are doing the same thing and tries to justify it too.

It is so laughable. Can you imagine a people subordinated, killed, tortured, humiliated and now they in turn oppress the people in the same situation they were in, only that this occured 50 years after? Did they learn from history to be humble, to respect others, to show kindness to an oppressed group?

Did they not make sure that the world not forget about the killing of the Jews in yesteryears and now they are the ones doing all the killing?

These people have no heart. They should have been killed by the Nazis, all of them, because they did turn out to be the worst of people. Had the Nazis killed them all, we would have avoided having to deal with a people who has no morals, a crooked cruel people, and a selfish bunch of racists, who actually does not belong to the world we live in. The world would be a better place without the people and nation we call Israel.

One day Israel will be anihilated.

I will wait till the day comes when the people of Israel will beg the world not to kill them exactly as what happened in Germany and Europe during the WW2.

Perhaps what happened in WW2 Germany, had its roots in the bahaviour of these racists Jews in the first place. History repeats itself. Perhaps this is the way the haughty, racist Jews carried themselves that had brought upon their terrible fates. We can see how they carry themselves now. And I would not have any sympathy for them had they all been killed in the same manner they are killing and depriving the oppressed under their cruel regime.

The world now knows how the racist Jews act to deserve such terrible punishments.

I hope the tide of political opinions on Israel especially those from the western world will change as they are now and this tide will garner strength until the moment comes when no one will back Israel anymore.

Muslim nations and all nations who believe in the sanctity of human lives around the world should cut off ties with Israel until they stop all forms of aggressions, and this includes Egypt. Do not be fooled by Israel. They dont care about human lives. They only care about their own selfish racist own selves.

People with this mentality have no place to live in the borderless world we are right now. People are deconstructing walls and the Israelis are building taller walls. Soon, they will themselves be trapped in the wall that they are building, and it will serve them right! By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 12:13 AM

Assalamualaikum Tok Det,



1. Kekejaman Israel hanya boleh dihentikan dengan perang.

2. Sejarah telah membuktikan kekejaman manusia hanya boleh dihentikan dengan perang.

3. Kekejaman Nazi...kekejaman Jepun....dalam WWII hanya terhenti bila mereka kalah perang.

4. Dunia hanya membuang masa dengan berunding, berdemo, merusuh, tunjuk perasaan...tetapi kekejaman Irael berterusan.

5. Dunia Islam tak habis-habis mengutuk tapi membiarkan rakyat Palestine terus disembelih berabad lamanya.

6. Apa gunanya kita memekik, menjerit, merusuh, berarak, berdemo, tunjuk perasaan?

7. Apa gunanya berforum, bersidang, berdialog di PBB, berbincang dalam TV dan internet kalau airmata dan darah rakyat palestine terus mengalir?

8. Apakah dengan membakar bendera, patung, mengangkat sepanduk akan menghentikan kekejaman Israel?

9. Apakah tidak boleh dikeluarkan SERUAN PERANG JIHAD menyeru kerahan tenaga sukarela pemuda Islam dari negara Islam seluruh dunia membentuk tentera bersekutu menentang Israel seperti yang dibuat oleh orang kristian melalui NATO ketika WWII.

10. Kenapakah kita umat Islam begitu dayus dan takut mati sanggup membiarkan saudara seagama disembelih setiap hari selama lebih 50 tahun? Apa sudah jadi dengan kita umat Islam? Mana keberanian kita? Kenapa kita begitu penakut? Kenapa kita jadi begitu dayus?


Sebab itu saya katakan semua ulama Islam yang hidup sekarang ini semuanya ULAMAK NASI LEMAK.

Semuanya ulama hanya gila glamer, ulamak politik, gila pangkat dan gelaran sahaja.

Ulama hanya tahu mengeluarkan hukum-hakam tapi buat bodoh dengan keadaan umat Islam yang semakin hancur dan dihina.

Apa guna gelaran ulama hanya pandai berfatwa tapi takut mati syahid menyeru dan memimpin perang jihad mempertahankan agama ALLAH?

Apa guna ada ulama kalau umat Islam dibiarkan disembelih berabad lamanya tanpa pembelaan?

Apakah ulama tidak merasa malu bila umat Islam terus dianggap pengganas dan dilayan seperti penduduk dunia kelas ketiga? Merempat dan dihina umpama anjing kurap!

Sejarah Islam penuh dengan peperangan kerana dengan cara itu sajalah Islam dapat dipertahankan dan berkembang.

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sesekali tidak akan berperang jika ada jalan atau cara lain yang boleh baginda lakukan untuk mempertahankan Islam dan umatnya.




Saya pasti ramai pemuda Islam akan mendaftar untuk berperang jika SERUAN PERANG JIHAD benar-benar dibuat secara tersusun dan sistematik. Saya sendiri akan berbuat demikian.

Bukankah ALLAH menjanjikan mati syahid bagi mereka yang menyertai seruan perang jihad? Tidakkah kita percaya dengan janji ALLAH? Tidakkah kita percaya hari pembalasan?

Masa untuk bercakap telah lama tamat. Hanya menunggu masa untuk mendaftar menyertai PERANG JIHAD. Masa untuk betindak!!!! PEMBELA By adik adikAuthor Profile Page on June 2, 2010 12:01 AM

It is not just about Israel.It is the deep intention,the deep hatred of Israel,United States against the muslim world. US has made the Hamas,Alqaeda,and many Islamic Miltants as terrorists.This will make them looks better, cheating the muslims world to look down on islamic militants,branded as terrorists thus strenghten their hatred against Islam using the muslims against muslims as their weapons.Can,t the muslim world realized the facts that is going on.US Never intend to help the Palestine. It is from day one they help the Jews to Middle East. To frictions muslims against muslims is their objectives,when muslims are divided they will gain the strenght. I personally against the world to be filled with weapons and more advance weapons for the goodnes of mankind.Now I see the reasons why North Korea embraces military supremacy than looking into their peoples poverty.If North Korea did not uphold their military,they will be bullied and the people will live kneeling to US. By pasprosAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 11:44 PM salam tun, saya rasa dgn zionist ni nak desak cara convensional ni tak boleh pakai dah. ada orang komen israel ni kecik saja dan dikelilingi oleh negara arab. kalu arab bersatu mereka boleh menang. cakap2 macam ni naif sangat. dalam jangka terdekat ni saya rasa palestine tak dapat tolong dah. walau pun seluruh negara arab bersatu bahkan kalau seluruh dunia islam bersatu israel tak boleh kalah. barat mesti tolong israel. negara2 lain yg bukan barat seperti jepun, korea, china mereka peduli apa lebih baik sokong barat mereka boleh dapat untung. untung ekonomi dan teknologi ciptaan barat. kalau kita nak tolong palestine kita kena set wawasan. contohnya wawasan 2112. iaitu dalamasa 102 tahun lagi sebahgian besar negara islam kalu tidak semua mempunyai pendapatan yang melebihi negara2 barat. untuk itu kita perlu ada infrastruktur yg terbaik di dunia untuk jana ekonomi tinggi. penduduk intelek yg ramai dan berdisiplin, daya inovasi yg tinggi. doktor yg boleh mencipta ubat yg tiada di negara barat. negara yg bersih dan indah. kalau presiden obama/natanyahu (akan datang) sakit kronik dia pegi berubat di negara islam. masa tu tak ada lagi orang islam yg tunjuk perasaan bakar bendera dan berarak dijalanraya bila mereka marah malah mereka akan pergi mesjid berdoa syukur pada tuhan kerana beri mereka kemakmuran dan harga diri yg tinggi di dunia. ayuh kita sama sama jayakan pada tahun 2112 nanti inyaalah. By soupichAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 11:16 PM

Asalamualaikum YABhg TDM n semua

Tekanan perlu dibuat supaya PM israel di bicarakan sebagai penjenayah perang dan mengistiharkan negara israel sebagai paksi keganasan antara bangsa.

Oleh kerana kita lemah dari segi persenjataan , desakan bersistematik perlu dibuat supaya akhirnya PBB dapat dan terpaksa bertindak kepada pengganas yang jelas dilakukan kepada manusia sejagat.

Keganasan hitler kepada Israel tiada kaitan dengan Palestina wassalam. By Bang Charq'Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:25 PM

Askum Tun, in the holy Quran only the Israel tribe was mention beside the Pharaohs as the ruthless govt. No other tribe is mention, as such our approach towards this Zionist State must go back to basic ie Al Quran. By HajarAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 9:10 PM

Dearest Tun,

1. This is a very SAD situation. I am speechless. The arrogant Israeli soldiers & government must be PROSECUTED for killing many unarmed & innocent civilians who were not violating any laws, and were only trying to help other human beings.

2. I pray that the Israelis will GET THEIR PUNISHMENT SOON. They are the REAL CRIMINALS.

** May Allah SWT bless Tun & family ** By shahrulAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 8:52 PM we should fight blood with blood, nuke with nuke, guns with guns.. By azizAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 8:44 PM

A;kum Tun!

I am shocked and angry for what the Israelis army did to the innocent people on board. They are mostly are there to show support for the Palestinians and to give them food, medical supply and other needs. Somehow, act of good people do not matter to the Israelis government. They do not care and they do not bother to help or to cooperate. They have their own mindset and way of running their business. In this case, the innocent people were the victim of the cruel act by the Israelis army.

On another note, the Israelis government already stated that they do not hesitate to act according to their power to stop the group from entering their area or supplying the help to the poor Palestinians. Here, we know for a fact that their government would do anything just to cause trouble and show the world that they are the super power nation in the world. No one can stop them. That is a fact. The US cannot do anything except for telling them to continue to protect their country. So no matter what we the good people do, the Zionist will never bow down to anyone. That is a fact as well.

The muslims and the activists around the world should think about this whole drama and analyze it properly. Could they do it differently instead of going in through the water from Turkey? Or perhaps use different channels either through UN or other organizations?

Any government can act according to their own will base on their own ability. So in this case, the Israelis government choose to kill some of them to show the world that they do not like others to come and help the poor Palestinians. For them is like a provocation because the whole world is against Israel. They are very egoistic people so they will never listen to anyone telling them how run their business. Just like our government do not like other countries to bother about how we do our business here in Malaysia. Our government do not like Indonesian government telling us how to handle the maid issue or the Singaporean government telling us how to deal with the water issue and many more. It is the same. The different is that we do not kill but we have our way of doing our own business.

In this case, the Israelis government have their own way of handling problem in their own territory. And they choose to do the most cruel act by killing. Let God judge them. Let God decides what to do with them. We, the people of the world should just find the best solutions to work harder and mirror ourselves to be stronger, smarter, wiser, united, and most of all, be the best of the best so that we can be on top. We can achieve happiness in this world if we follow God's law. We choose if we want to be with Satan or God to lead our life. God will guide those who are with Him and not the wicked people.

So the Muslims around the world should start thinking about themselves and improve themselves. I am not here against either the Pro Palestianians or Against Israelis government. I am here to comment on how we should deal with this situation. It seems that we want everything to according to our will when you know for a fact that it wont happen when it comes to dealing with Israelis. So we should think and think and think again on the best solution for this. aziz By m'cho76Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 8:42 PM



Biadap,Tidak berperikemanusiaan,Tidak bertamadun dan sememangnya Pengganas itu lah gelaran terbaik bagi rejim Israel yang tidak mempunyai nilai2 kemanusiaan dan tidak pernah menghormati undang2 antarabangsa.Tindakan ganas mereka terhadap penduduk Gaza memang tidak pernah berakhir dan sekarang dengan begitu berani menyerang, membunuh dan mencerderakan serta menahan aktivis2 dari 50 buah negara yang membawa bekalan bantuan buat penduduk Gaza.

Seperti diduga Benjamin Netahnyahu tanpa rasa bersalah cuba mempertahankan tindakan ganas tenteranya dengan kenyataan kononnya tembakan dilakukan terhadap aktivis tersebut adalah untuk mempertahankan diri.Cuma orang bodoh sahaja yang mempercayai alasan hina dan kotor Israel tersebut, sedangkan dunia mengetahui bahawa serangan dilakukan adalah di perairan antarabangsa manakala aktivis2 tersebut tidak bersenjata selain daripada itu mereka juga turut mengibarkan bendera putih namun tidak dihiraukan oleh tentera Israel yang turut melancarkan beberapa peluru berpandu sebelum bertindak menyerang dan menceroboh kapal yang membawa aktivis2 berkenaan. Adalah wajar jika sekiranya aktivis berkenaan bertindak balas kerana tentera Israel telah menimbulkan provokasi ganas dengan menyerang serta menceroboh kapal mereka secara tidak sah.

Walau beribu keritikan,kutukan serta bantahan yang masyarakat dunia lakukan, saya percaya ia tidak memberi apa2 kesan terhadap sikap angkuh penggganas no.1 dunia itu. Kerana bagi Israel walau sebesar mana pun jenayah mereka terhadap penduduk Gaza, Badan Dunia khususnya PBB seolah2 tidak mampu berbuat apa2 kerana Amerika Syarikat pasti akan memyebelahi serta mempertahan mereka walau dengan cara apa sekalipun. Jika sekiranya sekatan dikenakan terhadap Isreal sebagai hukuman, saya percaya Amerika Syarikat tidak teragak-agak menggunakan "Kuasa Veto" bagi mengagalkannya.Selain dari itu, tindak tanduk segelintir dunia arab yang seakan2 membisu selama ini terhadap kekejaman Israel amat mendukacitakan, OIC pula sejak akhir2 ini seolah2 tidak mampu berbuat apa2 jadi apakah harapan kita untuk memastikan Israel menerima hukuman yang setimpal sekaligus memaksa rejim itu tunduk terhadap tekanan serta mematuhi undang2 antarabangsa?

Saya berharap agar pemimpin serta masyarakat antarabangsa turut membuat bantahan bukan sahaja kepada PBB tetapi yang paling penting adalah memberi desakan, bantahan serta tekanan terhadap Amerika Syarikat dan negara2 Arab yang menjadi sekutu kuat Israel seperti Mesir agar tidak menutup mata serta memekakkan telinga terhadap keganasan Israel yang terang2 melakukan jenayah kemanusiaan serta melanggar undang2 antarabangsa.

P/s: Walau apa alasan yang diberi oleh rejim Zionis, ia tetap tidak boleh dimaafkan

By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 7:31 PM

Salam Tun,

Izinkan saya jawab pertanyaan saudara Wajaperak June 1, 2010 10.26 am. 'adakah saya berhati Israel'

Saya orang Islam, pengikut Nabi Mohammad. Ertikata saya patuh pada ajaran alQuran dan Sunnah Rasullullah. Saya percaya manusia yang paling agong pernah wujud di dunia ialah nabi kita, nabi Mohammad Rasullullah. Nabi seorang bijaksana, rendah diri, mulia, pengampun, murah hati, tidak sifat perkauman, dan prakmatis. Apabila musuh terlalu kuat, nabi sembunyi dalam gua, larikan diri dalam gelap dari Mekah ke Yatrib melalui jalan jauh iaitu ikut jalan Laut Merah untuk mengelak musuh yang berkeliaran untuk bunuh Baginda.

Dalam perjanjian Hudaibiah, pihak Islam amat mengalah dengan perjanjian berat sebelah memehak kepada orang2 Quraish. Nabi dan orang2 islam di Hudaibiah tidak dibenarkan masuk ke Mekah untuk melakukan ibadah. Ketua orang2 Quraish yang runding dengan nabi bernama Suhayl yang hina nabi di Hudaibiah akhirnya memeluk islam dan main peranan besar mengelakkan orang2 islam murtad selepas nabi wafat. Selepas orang2 islam tidak dibenarkan masuk Mekah, mereka pulang ke Madinah dengan malu dan lemah semangat. Ketika itu Allah turun ayat Sakinah supaya orang2 islam sabar

Sunnah Rasullullah mengajar kita supaya bijaksana. Apa guna orang2 palastin lawan Israel bila orang2 Arab tiada senjata dan serba kekurangan. Gunalah bijaksana diplomasi tolak ansur strategi nabi untuk mengalahkan musuh.

Mengapa pahlawan islam agong Khalid ibni Walid digantikan dengan Abu Ubaidah oleh Khalifah Islam, Saidina Omar? Abu Ubaidah orang alim, hafal Quran, mulia dan diplomasi.

Akhir kata orang islam harus bijaksana, mulia ikut aajaran AlQuran dan Sunnah nabi. Jangan ikut perasaan dan nafsu.

Wassallam amin tan By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 6:31 PM


By pakpandir08 on June 1, 2010 2:33 PM Tun, .... BTW, Tun .... strange ... i saw news just now on TV ... there are some scenes that showing when Israel forces landing on the ship .... a group of people attacking the Israel force and you can see also a Israel force is thrown into the sea by these group of people .... dunno why it did not appear here?




ALFATIHAH, AMIN. By pepatungAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 6:28 PM salam Tun, mohon laluan.

I found that most Non-Muslim still do not understand the Israel/Palestine issue because they were blinded by their religeous or their sentiments. No matter you are even pro-israel, life of human whatever their skin color,religeous,places must be respected.

Some of our friends here said "the frotilas provoking the israel soldiers" but provoking act is not a murder. Because you provoke people than they have the right to slaughter you??

As what Tun said " the incident took place in an international water" and to my understanding of historical events only pirates attacked ships in international water. pirate is not a NATION.

The history also does not make sense.

1. Jesus Christ, the God for Christians ( he is Jewish but one of Holy Prophets for Muslim) was killed by Jews/Roman. Yet Christian is sympatized with people who killed their Son of God.

2. Million Jews were killed by German Nazis ( Christian )but Palestine land was gifted to Jews. Why dont give Frankfurt, Munich or even Micheal Schumacher and Vettel to Jews as well??

3. Israel Secret service were caught using Ireland, British, Australia, German, France and New Zealand passport to kill Hamas leader in Dubai. Do we hear any Government/ Nation of the world use other country's passport to kill other people?? This Jews do not know how to respect International Law because Jews is choosen by God but which God? Their God must be crazy!!!

4. Hendry Ford the father of automobile was known "Anti-Jews". William Shakespear descibed Jews as " blood sucking and flesh eater"

Rome was not build in one day. As big and mighty empire of Rome can collapse and destroy what is a tiny bloody nation that build from blood and flesh can resist its doomsday?? Now Israel is up on top and one day it will go down blooded and doomed.

Ones can lie but history will never lie.

Thank you, Tun By anakbudu3Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 5:31 PM

Assalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun & Bonda, please allow me,


May Allah the AlMighty bless you both, Ayahnda Tun & Bonda and also all the visitors.

Wassalam. just my brain wave... By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 5:25 PM

SALAM KASIH DAN SAYANG AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN IZINKAN, ... 4.What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity...AND THE FLOTILLA CONVOY WAS STILL IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS!







ALFATIHAH, AMIN. Ps. The laws of the Seas written by the Sabra-hogs permit them to arrest passengers on board ships on international waters and bring them back to their STY and detained them as ‘disguished terrorists’… IT STINKS!

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 4:37 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

May I....

//By pakpandir08 on June 1, 2010 2:33 PM

Dear pakpandir08,

//this is because these kind of incidents keep repeating years by years ... Israel keep killing, some people keep provoking, some others keep demonstrating, some others keep burning flags ...//

Those who were burning flags was UMNO's Youth Chief, En Khairi Jamaluddin, Mr T. Mohan and their members, NOT NGOs PERKASA, and Ibrahim Ali and his members have saved a Palestinian from slashing his neck when he tried to show his DESPERATION and FRUSTRATION in front of US Embassy in Jalan Tun Razak.....

These political youths (exclude MCA, DAP, Gerakan, PAS, PPP and PKR) did it was not because they want to provoke or be the hero, they did because they are desperated politically and economically...... why desperate???? Take care and so is Ayahanda Tun.

By OnnAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 4:11 PM

Another comment. As the years go by and as more and more atrocities are being carried out by Israel against the Palestinians...... Israel and the USA are now being more and more used in the same sentence (in fact the same phrase) .....its can be used interchangeably in the plural and singlar form for the pepetration of killing innocent people - terrorism.

America wake up - don't be a stooge of Israel. Do something ? Now you should know the reason why Hitler did what he did...... for the Jews can do worse than what Hitler could ever do given the you can see. By priss01Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:59 PM

When you try to break a Naval Blockade you can expect 2 things. Your ship would be fired upon or be boarded. I suspect the captain and crew of the flotilla knew this going in. Hoping to bring the world's attention back to Gaza. This took great conviction and courage but not sure if they knew it would cost lives.

Egypt does blockade of Gaza as well but Malaysia keeps quiet Egypt in the process of building underground iron wall Malaysia keeps quiet. Instead BN does business with APCO, why no protest against BN led gov.

All you all can do is protest in front of US embassy.

3. Do Israeli soldiers shoot to kill people carrying sharp objects? The act is most cowardly and deserving only of brutes, not civilised people

Hmmm should this statement be applied to our local police force too. By ikhwanAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:51 PM

Israel is bordering Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt..... all OIC members... for human's sake do something !!! Oh I See... is all they seem to do!! Shame on us!!

Here are some basic suggestions that a 5 year old can come up with...

Cut of Israel from the world.. Close all land border (communications and all).... the sea can be controlled by Egypt and Turkey, only allow trade ships to Nicosia and Cyprus... No fly zone too (jamm the airwaves coming to/fro Israel)... It can be done !

Yet Muslim nations are not united and still allow themselves to be bullied by the Americans.. Shame on us... would the US declare war on all these nations plus other nations that support this effort? Would the UK with its new combined govt be ... willing to tie its nose to the tail of US as Blair did??? Don't think so... C'mon guys.. this is not a religious war... its Humanitarian lah!! People without oil need to be rescued too... By OnnAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:47 PM




CAN WE BLAME THE PALESTINIAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS OR THE AL QAEDA WHEN THIS INJUSTICE CONTINUES TO BE CARRIED OUT UNABATED? By ameenorAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:45 PM sape dah baca blog nih? ni israelnye news nye blog.. kalau bukan pro israel memang jangan harap die display kitenye comment! By ekomputeAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:43 PM

Israel was a nation founded based on religion. If Jews don't practise what Judaism preaches, why should Israel exist at all? Given their behavior, one cannot help but feel that they deserved what they experienced during the Second World War. By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 2:33 PM

Tun, i feel the intention here is to provoke, rather than to help the poor victims killed by stupid Israel ... this is because these kind of incidents keep repeating years by years ... Israel keep killing, some people keep provoking, some others keep demonstrating, some others keep burning flags ... i think better give a constructive solution rather than provoking to make ourself like hero (as these heroes know Israel bombs will not be able to reach our country here, that's why they so happily provoking) ... the poor Palestinian have the rights to gain a better living, better education and better future ... keep provoke and create hates help? this will only encourage the young one in Palestine to attack the Israel with stones and bottle, and end up they get killed by Israel with machine gun ... when these poor Palestinian get killed again, then some people over here provoke again and act like a hero ... if so daring and want to help, suggest to go act in Palestine where Israel bomb can reach ...

Israel kill poor Palestinian directly, BUT who kill Palestinian indirectly? Provoking and create hates will make more Palestinian killed ...

for those people who like to have their face appear in TV and feel proud to be hero ... try to think the poor Palestinian over there that always exposed to the threat from Israel ...

BTW, Tun .... strange ... i saw news just now on TV ... there are some scenes that showing when Israel forces landing on the ship .... a group of people attacking the Israel force and you can see also a Israel force is thrown into the sea by these group of people .... dunno why it did not appear here?

i think truth should be revealed, if we really want to help the Palestinian .... By Khairul-DeanAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:44 PM


When is the next Malaysian attempt to break the barricade of Gaza and Palestine and fight against the tyranny of Israel? Count me in. You know where to find me and me you. By AstroguyAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:21 PM

Salam Tun,

The existence of Israel state is for the Muslim to get united.. Sadly, the tribal arab autocracy nations are divided and potray weak examples to the other muslims countries all over the world.

Despite, having almost unlimited oil wealth, the arab nations still needs the US to protect them with the military power.

World oil reserves 1 Saudi Arabia: 262.0 billion barrels 2 Canada: 178.9 " 3 Iran: 133.3 " 4 Iraq: 112.3 " 5 UAE 97.9 " 6 Kuwait: 96.5 " 7 Venezuela: 75.6 " 8 Russia: 69.0 " 9 Libya: 40.0 " 10 Nigeria: 36.0 "

Muslim countries reserves = 742 bb. = 70%

Iraq is under American control, and Iran is under sanction. That leaves Saudi, UAE, Kuwait; all under ruling of royal family (al-saud, al-nahyan, al-sabah) which OWN/ control up to 80% of their countries' oil wealth. Only the remaining 20% given to the government/people.

Most of the royal families invested heavily in Europe and especially the US - indirectly funding its economy and military power. And as everybody knows US = Israel

In the end, it’s the oil money that indirectly funds and protects the Israel state.

Ironically, the Nazis killed the Jews in Holocaust, the Muslims are labeled as Terrorist, and the Jews get away with murder.

Rgds Astroguy UAE By sakuragi10Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:14 PM slm Tun saya amat tertarik dengan persoalan pembaca blog Tun yg bertanyakan.. mengapa pemimpin dunia hanya mampu 'mengecam' sahaja.. mengapa pemimpin dunia berebut untuk mendapat publisiti dgn memberikan komen ekoran insiden yg berlaku.. dan paling menarik.. Kebal sangat ka Israel ni.. dan soalan yg paling utama.. mengapa kita hanya mampu untuk bertanya MENGAPA? untuk pengetahuan semua.. dunia kita sekarang telah diperintah oleh satu kuasa yg tidak pernah menonjolkan dirinya yg sebenar. Malah kuasa yg mengawal setiap pemerintah di dunia ini selalunya dibayangi oleh badan, Organisasi, persatuan dan apa-apa sahaja pergerakan yg ditubuhkan tanpa kita sedari telah sekian lama mengaburi kita dan menipu kita. Saya sgt positif.. bahawa semua pemerintah yg berada di dunia ini sgt terikat dan di kawal oleh organisasi yg bergerak secara serampang 5 mata ini. golongan ini menyokong dan sentiasa memberi nasihat kepada pemimpin dunia dalam pentadbiran mereka. termasuk negara kita. (APCO adalah agensi israel.. mereka mempunyai akses untuk maklumat rahsia negara kita) saya hairan mengapa media negara kita begitu teruja menyiarkan secara besar-besaran dan menjadikan tajuk utama apabila YAB Najib diminta untuk bertemu Obama? Apakah itu satu kebanggaan (bangga apabila diraikan oleh penjenayah dunia?) sedangkan mereka itulah yg kita kutuk keji dan sebagainya apabila Amerika menyerang negara Iraq.. begitu pantas sekali kemarahan kita hilang.. menghairankan bukan? mengapa kita boleh mengecam Amerika tapi dalam masa yg sama kita menyokong mereka? Negara Amerika diwujudkan oleh Israel bertujuan sebagai 'pengalih perhatian' dunia kepada agenda-agenda israel, ibarat seorang ahli silap mata yg mengaburi mata penonton dgn helahnya.. tetapi masih ada org yg tidak faham.. dan kita suda sekian lama dimomokkan oleh permainan media yg menyuap dan menyiarkan apa yg akal kita mahu terima sahaja. laungan kebebasan media adalah satu slogan untuk menipu manusia.. suatu matlamat yg paling mustahil untuk di capai.. sebenarnya ianya adalah laungan "kebebasan media yg dikawal" mengapa kebanyakan pemimpin negara arab berdekatan Israel berdiam diri sedangkan negara mereka berkali ganda besar berbanding israel.. dan pasti ramai menyalahkan Mesir kerana menutup pintu masuk bagi jalan darat ke Gaza.. pernah kah kita memikirkan mengapa mereka menutupnya? ini kerana 'Ekonomi' Mesir terletak ditangan Amerika dan Israel tanpa ramai org mengetahuinya. Ekonomi Mesir bergantung sepenuhnya kepada industri pelancongan serta pengairan terusan suez. walaupon mempunyai tanah subur yg luas untuk pertanian, namun mereka tidak dapat memproses gandum yg ditanam mereka sendiri. malahan gandum itu akan dihantar dan diproses oleh Amerika dan dijual kembali kepada Mesir untuk kegunaan lebih 60juta penduduk Mesir.(seperti kes air Malaysia singapura) ini adalah salah satu daripada perjanjian camp david yg dimeterai sebelum Mesir mendapat haknya kepada Sinai dan terusan suez(sebelum ini menjadi milik Israel). Sekiranya tuan/puan berada di kerusi president Hosni Mubarak, Membuka laluan ke Gaza dan menyerang Israel (60 juta penduduk kelaparan dan diturunkan dari jawatan, dan mesir hancur) atau menutup laluan dan berdiam diri (Negara selamat, 60 juta penduduk boleh terus hidup dan kuasa masih dtangan) mana satu pilihan yg kamu akan pilih? begitula sepertinya negara² arab yg lain.. mereka semua telah terjerat..oleh permasalahan yg kita tidak pernah mengetahuinya.. tidak dinafikan juga.. negara kita yg tercinta.. namun apakah jenis perangkap yg telah dikenakan mereka terhadap negara kita? lu fikir la sendiri oleh kerana itulah.. mengapa sebuah negara kecil boleh bertindak sesuka hatinya di dunia ini.. tanpa ada siapa yg boleh menghalangnya.. kecuali seluruh negara didunia menghentikan segala pergantungannya kepada Amerika dan segala yg berkaitan dengannya..termasuk sistem kewangan dunia..namun saya percaya hanya 10% penduduk dunia akan bersetuju dgn pendapat saya.. kerana kita semua telah dipukau lebih 80 tahun oleh mereka melalui agenda tersembunyi yg dipancarkan melalui TV dan radio.Ianya ibarat menghilangkan daki hitam pada kuali yg dah diguna pakai selama 80 tahun. dan hal ini hanya akan berlaku apabila lahirnya Imam mahdi ke dunia.. wassalam By sitinurAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:08 PM

Asalamualaikum.... kembang semangkuk kepala saya membaca di ... saya berazam akan memberi sumbangan di klfcw setiap bulan walo sumbangan saya tak seberapa....semuga semua sukarelawan sukarelawati tidak patah semangat semuga mereka di redhai Allah hendaknya..... amin... By terroristAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:57 PM dunia dah nak kiamat...apa2 pun boleh jadi...tggu je lah imam mahdi sampai...hancur lah israel lps tu... By Mr BennyAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:52 PM tapi tu la kan.... keliling semua negara negara Arab yang power power, Saudi, Mesir, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan.... Turki? tapi tak boleh nak buat apa apa pada sikecil Israel... sebab apa ya? By xray1Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:47 PM

Listen ! Israel have got very powerful people in the US CONGRESS. Now what can Obama do ? Any Tom, Dick and Henry elected as President of the United States have got to " Kow Tow " to the Jews. They control everything in the US ECONOMICALLY. SO the only way out is to follow IRAN or North Korea. By aiemanzAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:33 PM

I believe that israel would not change its stand in whatever circumtances, as long as the leftist wing of zionist still in power -nantanyahu, barak, liebermen. I wish there are some individual figure in israeli gov that can show their moderate as what has been by moshe sherat in 60's.

Whatever it is, the change in israel should be initiated from its own people. That why i'm looking for a good cooperation with anti zionist movement among jews is crucial. The reason is israrli gov would not listen or ever try to listen to our voices. Not as long as they still gain support from big powers, or their symphatizer. But, i do believe this accident will become a turning point to the world for far seeing on humanitarian issue of philistine.

We cannot crush them with weaponary ( that is reality )... But we still have chance to show what israel gov really are. I hope that big powers will found that it's a burden od the neck if there are continue & struggling to defence the israel... And for their own people, i may place myself fully hearthed thay they may pressing their gov & they will look this issue as an humanity issue, not as pride or sovereignity.

May Allah bless them all who has been martyrs in malwara II. By dtanAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:15 PM


You have every right to feel outraged at the lost of life. Tun, i saw the videos of the soldiers that descended into the angry lynch mob. I also saw the naval broadcast warning and inviting the 'Mavi Marmara' to deliver their supplies via 'Ashdod'. You may claim that it's Israeli propaganda. As you have with 'Dafur' to 'Dear Kamaliuk1973,..' It's nice to 'cherry pick' your causes. I wonder whether the 'Almighty' uses different scales for different religions. If God is a God of Justice i wonder if there are some who are evil, less evil, less innocent, innocent or more innocent?

Romans 3:23-24 There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. By Old FartAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:02 PM

This is what the Prime Minister of Israel had to say:

"Our policy is this -- we try to let in all humanitarian goods into Gaza, all peaceful commodities, food, medicine, and the like. What we want to prevent coming into Gaza are rockets, missiles, explosives and war materials that could be used to attack our civilians. This is an ongoing policy and it was the one that guided our action yesterday. We told the flotilla of ships, we said, 'You can take all your cargo, put it in our port of Ashdod, we'll just ferret out if there are any war materials, and the rest will go through'.

"We succeeded in doing this peacefully with five of the six ships. The sixth ship, the largest, which had hundreds of people on it, not only did not cooperate in this effort peacefully, they deliberately attacked the first soldiers who came on the ship. They were mobbed, they were clubbed, they were beaten, stabbed, there was even a report of gunfire. And our soldiers had to defend themselves, defend their lives, or they would have been killed."

I have no reason to doubt what he has said. Just like I suppose you'd expect me not to doubt what you said when you carried out Operation Lalang or like what you said when ousting Anwar Ibrahim and for imprisoning him.

Based on these assumptions it would appear that the flotilla, especially the last ship with over a hundred people on board had it coming to them. Sir, with no foreign neighbours threatening to push us Malaysians to the sea, we have all kinds of draconian laws starting with the ISA, to keep us safe. And because we all subscribe to this we keep giving the UMNO led BN the majority to rule. Israel has all its neighbours wanting to see them thrown into the sea. and just to make their lives miserable they keep lobbing missiles and bombs ever so often. And you expect Israel to have laws and follow policies that are anything less than what Malaysia follows?

Sadly your condemnation of this Israeli act loses its credibility as you cannot in the same breath condemn all these about Malaysia!! By Abang AdikAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:00 PM

Salam Semua,

Dear Tun,

I am disgusted with what i read and see in the news. What is going to happen next is the "trial by media" in which editors an the sub-editors will create a story based upon the spin and flavour that is imposed upon them. The muslims in particular do not have a good PR machinery to counter this...

I think it is timely where the leaders of the world, particularly the leaders of the muslim nations speak out clearly against such blatant disregard of the law and basic humanity.

Secondly follow it up with general based actions, lilke passing an immediate resolution at the OIC level, UN, and other business organsiations.

Thirdly initiate specific actions that is localised in Palestine, particulalry the disputed areas. At the border of these areas can't ALL muslim nations open up their emabassies or high commission there? Isn't it by international then that that land on which the embassy is based constitutes sovereign land?

Next to create some form of economic stability can't islamic nations pull together some resources and create and economic activity there for the people of Palestine? E.g. to create a component of a car part (Proton?), food based indusrties, etc? Also promote tourism.. just like their neighbours?

Finally for long term promotion of peace in Palestine, can't movie producers be it a romantic comedy or action movies there? Leave the heavy political issues out of it... portray humanity and peace..

Peace be to all of you kind readers.

Salam Malaysia.

By ibumimiAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 11:47 AM i'm sad...bantahan..bantahan..bantahan..bantahan..bantahan.. Semoga ALLAH sentiasa mengurniakan Tun ketabahan, idea serta kesihatan yang baik ..I WISH TUN could lead all muslims to get together n unite By samaritanAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:48 AM

The Price of Arrogance The price that pride exacts of us, however, can be far higher than our simply missing out on some benefit or gain. There is another degree of pride that is implicit in the word “hubris,” which is defined as “exaggerated pride or self-confidence often resulting in retribution.” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) This word is rooted directly in the Greek, and according to Greek scholar William Barclay, “hubris is mingled pride and cruelty . . . , the arrogant contempt which makes [a man] trample on the hearts of his fellow men.” A clear example of this sort of exaggerated pride appears in the Bible. It is the case of Hanun, king of Ammon. Insight on the Scriptures explains: “Because of the loving-kindness Nahash had exercised toward him, David sent messengers to comfort Hanun over the loss of his father. But Hanun, convinced by his princes that this was merely a subterfuge on David’s part to spy out the city, dishonored David’s servants by shaving off half their beards and cutting their garments in half to their buttocks and then sent them away.” Regarding this incident, Barclay observes: “That treatment was hubris. It was insult, outrage, public humiliation all combined.”—2 Samuel 10:1-5. Yes, the proud person is capable of hubris, of being insolent, of causing humiliation to others. He enjoys hurting someone in a cold, impersonal way and then gloats over the other person’s discomfort and ignominy. But undermining or destroying someone’s self-respect is a two-edged sword. It results in losing a friend and, more than likely, making an enemy. How can any true Christian display such hurtful pride, since his Master commanded that ‘he should love his neighbor as himself’? (Matthew 7:12; 22:39) It is simply contradictory to everything that God and Christ stand for. On this account, Barclay makes the grave observation: “Hubris is the pride which makes a man defy God.” It is the pride that says: “There is no Jehovah.” (Psalm 14:1) Or as expressed at Psalm 10:4: “The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; all his ideas are: ‘There is no God.’” Such pride, or haughtiness, alienates one not only from friends and relatives but also from God. What a price to pay!

Agape. By bujangrmAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:39 AM

Greeting Ybhg Tun and bloggers,

(01) Well, this is not the first time Israelis army shoot to kill people and perhaps, this is not the end for the Israelis troop to shoot again and again and again. No one know when they will stop.

(02) The act is merely not because of religion nor fairness but rather than due to arrogant to survive in this tiny world.

(03) Al-Quran have told us about Jews and their act long long time ago and yet, we still wait and see. How long should we wait and see? Is there any time frame to stop all this violences?

(04) I believe nothing will happen as usual. This thing will faded away as usual. Maybe for the time being the Israelis will freeze their operation and once the world have calm down and forgot, they will strike again and this cycle will never stop until the end of humankind.

(05) So, would you enjoy to sit back and say .... Wait and See!


Bujang Redzuan Mohammed Kuching Sarawak By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:26 AM


Semoga mendapat keizinan dan perkenan Tun.. amin tan.Adakah anda berhati Israel??

Tun..semalam saya sangat marah.."emotional"..hari ini saya sudah bertenang.."rational"..Marilah kita analisa situasi ini dengan rational dan hati yang tenang dan aman..

Kenyataan 1

Sesiapapun yang menyokong kekejaman adalah orang yang kejam juga.Oleh itu sia-sia sahaja berharap kepada orang-orang yang kejam dan sekutu-sekutunya.Kita mesti berusaha dan bersatu hati dengan orang-orang yang berhati mulia seperti Tun..Dan saya suka sekali lagi mengingatkan kepada sesiapa yang berminat bahawa bergantung harapan kepada orang lain adalah hampa..Bergantung harap kepada orang-orang yang kejam alangkah bodohnya!!..Oleh itu kita mesti hidup dan bergantung harapan kepada orang-orang mukhlisin!!

Kenyataan 2

Berpijak di bumi nyata.Mengapa Israel angkuh dan kejam? Kerana mereka berkeupayaan.Salah? Betul ? Apa itu salah dan betul ? Bahasa yang mereka tau dan reti hanya bahasa kekerasan.Oleh itu kita mesti mengumpul dan menjana kekuatan untuk memaksa mereka ke meja perundingan dan perdamaian.Hakikat bagi yang kuat hanya hormat kepada kekuatan.Mesir berjaya mendapat kembali beberapa wilayah mereka dari Israel setelah mengalahkan Israel dalam perang.Mana negara Arab yang lain dapat apa-apa dari Israel?? Jadi..berhenti bercakap dan kumpulkan kekuatan untuk...bloody Israel nose!!

Kenyataan 3

Tak pernah lagi para mukmin pejuang Islam mengharap belas dan ihsan dari musuh.Saidina Umar Al Khattab r.a menyatakan terhadap tentera-tentera Islam.. Aku tidak takut dengan kekuatan dan bilangan mereka.Apa yang aku takuti ialah dosa-dosa kamu.

Terbukti bila pernah satu ketika tentera-tentera Islam tidak dapat memenangi satu peperangan.Setelah di siasat di dapati tentera Islam sebelum berwuduk tidak bersugi ( sunnah ) dan bila sembahyang tidak merapatkan barisan sembahyang bahu-membahu ( sunnah ).Hakikatnya ialah pertolongan Allah melalui SunnahNya..

Kenyataan 4

Jujur pada diri sendiri!!Sebelum melompat-lompat dan melaung-laung memaki hamun kepada Israel,berapa banyak dari kita yang jujur dan memaki hamun diri sendiri??

Ya Allah..Kau ampuni daku yang lemah sehingga engkau membiarkan orang-orang yang zalim itu menguasai kami tepat sebagaimana firman Mu di dalam Al Quran..

Kami biarkan mereka di kuasai oleh orang-orang yang zalim!!

Kenyataan 5

Bercakap dan beramal dengan selayaknya.Kita suka menuduh orang zalim.Adakah kita 'bersih' dari kezaliman diri sendiri? Adakah kita tidak terlibat 'memaki hamun' Allah dan tidak redha dengan QadaNya? Contoh kata-kata yang kufur:-

1)Kalau aku tak tolong kamu..mampus dah kamu sekarang!!Tak kenang budi!! 2)Hujan pulak dah!! 3)Kenapa panas sangat ni?? 4)Ombak laut yang mengganas!! 5)Masa mencemburi kita ( konon-kononnya lah!! )

Kenyataan 6

Bermatian-matian dalam ukhwah dan persaudaraan.

Hadith Rasullulah s.a.w "Bandingan rasa persaudaraan mereka itu umpama satu badan.Jika satu bahagian yang sakit,maka seluruh badan berjaga malam kerana kesakitan satu bahagian itu"..

Kenyataan 7

Beramal.Adakah kita membaca sekurang-kurangnya 30 ayat Al Quran satu hari? Adakah kita berselawat kepada Rasulullah s.a.w 30 kali sehari? Adakah kita hafal Surah Yassin? Adakah kita mengamalkan Sujud Sajadah setiap subuh Jumaat? Adakah kita membaca Surah Al Kahfi setiap Jumaat? Mengapa kita nampak kuman di seberang laut dan tidak nampak gajah di depan mata? Mengapa nampak musuh:Israel di seberang laut tetapi tidak nampak musuh:diri sendiri di depan mata??

Allah lebih sayang umat Palestin.Tahulah Allah menjaganya..Tetapi adakah kita jujur untuk berkhidmat kepada umat Palestin bermula dari


Ribuan terima kasih Tun.. By antikmalayaAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:17 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

1) The Israelis has proven to the world a New World Order. That the Israelis are the superior race.

2) The Christians/Nasranis should open up their minds now. Can they trust the Israelis? You are now the official servants of the Israelis. What has gotten into your brain, my dear Christians/Nasranis? Time will tell that you'll be next victim of the Israelis.

3) The OIC could only utter the word 'Oh I See!' What a disgrace to the Muslim nations. You will pay for the price of being a cohort to the US and Israel. Your alliance with the kuffar will not last. You are in fact a traitor to the religion of Islam.

4) To the government of Egypt, where is your iman? Are you a Muslim state or otherwise? Do you think Allah swt is blind? You are now capturing a position in the Jews Guinness Book of World Record being the No. 1 traitor after Kamal Atarturk.

5) To amin tan, it would be rather helpful for you to shut your mouth up rather than making cynical statement. You are making yourself a fool the moment you speak up. Let's save some dignity and not be a fool in front of the public!

Take care Tun and let us fight for the Free Gaza Freedom! Melayu itu hebat! By yemzAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 10:03 AM salam.... i do now will terminate my facebook as at today tq By bozAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 9:56 AM

The Gaza strip, Israel, Middle East are some of the red zones in the world. Red because they are warring areas. What is a war ? War is opposite from peace. Everyday you wake up, you see the same room you are in. Imagine one day you open your eyes and see your room in rubbles. Everyday you smile even at a stranger. Today you do not smile and run away when you see a stranger from far away. Malaysians think the way they think because they live in a peaceful country. They do not know how a warring person in the Gaza strip think. In another word, a warring person does not understand peace. His very soul is fight, fight, fight, distrust, distrust, distrust. So when Malaysians go there to the red zones, they have to stop thinking like a peaceful person. They have to start thinking like another warring person. In the video, the passengers fought with the soldiers. If you are peaceful, you lift up your hands and surrender. You lift up a white flag as a sign of surrender. When you fight back, the soldiers are prepared to take you down as an enemy. A soldier's mind is different from a civilian's mind. Mercy Malaysia was in Iraq and they were not spared the bullets even though they tried to tell they too are Muslims. When you send people on a mission, tell them to get ready for the worst. Tell fellow citizens in this country that their people are going on a dangerous mission. You do not know when somebody will receive an unintelligent intelligence report. By adipaak82Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 9:55 AM

Salam Che Det n bloggers2...... buat mase nie israel mmg menang..menang xbermaruah.... depa akan tumbang jugak... dalam Al-Quran dah termaktub pown...... tggu ajer ler balasan Allah S.W.T. pd laknatullah tuh!!! By 69Orang KampungAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 9:51 AM




I CONDEM HITLER FOR NOT DOING DOING A GUD ON THE JEWS... By HBTAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 9:24 AM

Good morning Ayahanda Tun,

From the main stream media, the activists of '64th' movement was launched this year on May 30, 2010 in Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region). This 64th movement is done anually to remind Hongkies that this is the BLACK DAY whereby the Beijing Central Comminist's Military Force have had used Tanks and weapons to crack down those unarmed demonstartors from the top university students who were against the Beijing Central Government anti-democracy policies. Here is the source from Wikipedia, and 100 out 80 Hongkies supported this protest silently through Votes....

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:navigation, search This article contains Chinese text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Chinese 六四事件 = Literal meaning June Fourth Incident (Hanyu - Liù-Sì Shìjiàn) alternative Traditional Chinese Characters 八九民運 = Simplified and Modern Chinese Characters 八九 民运 = The Fate of the Chinese (Literal meaning is PEOPLE) movement in 1989......

What is 64th movement Tiananmen Square Protest?

The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, referred to in much of the world as the Tiananmen Square massacre and in the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the June Fourth Incident (officially to avoid confusion with two prior Tiananmen Square protests), were a series of demonstrations in and near Tiananmen Square in Beijing in the PRC beginning on 14 April 1989. Led mainly by students and intellectuals, the protests occurred in a year that saw the collapse of a number of communist governments around the world. An intelligence report received by the Soviet politburo estimated that 3,000 protesters were killed, according to a document found in the Soviet archive.[1]

The protests were sparked by the death of a pro-democracy and anti-corruption official, Hu Yaobang, whom protesters wanted to mourn.[citation needed] By the eve of Hu's funeral, 100,000 people had gathered at Tiananmen Square.[2] The protests lacked a unified cause or leadership; participants included disillusioned Communist Party of China members and Trotskyists as well as free market reformers, who were generally against the government's authoritarianism and voiced calls for economic change[3] and democratic reform[3] within the structure of the government. The demonstrations centered in Tiananmen Square to begin with but then later in the streets around the square, in Beijing, but large-scale protests also occurred in cities throughout China, including Shanghai, which remained peaceful throughout the protests.

The movement lasted seven weeks after Hu's death on 15 April. The number of deaths is not known. There is no video footage or evidence of any kind showing violence in the square itself. All video evidence shows violence in the streets around the square.

Following the conflict, the government conducted widespread arrests of protesters and their supporters, cracked down on other protests around China, banned the foreign press from the country and strictly controlled coverage of the events in the PRC press. Members of the Party who had publicly sympathized with the protesters were purged, with several high-ranking members placed under house arrest, such as General Secretary Ziyang. There was widespread international condemnation of the PRC government's use of force against the protesters.[3]


GERTAK means Bridge in Terengganu dialect and is a movement to remind all Malaysians why May 13 happenned.

PM Najib, Khairi - the Barisan Chief Youth, UMNO, MCA, DAP, MIC, Gerakan, PAS, PKR PAS, and PPP CANNOT STOP such movement in the name of DEMOCRACY whereby Rakyat is not the Poltical Slaves to these political parties.

They can choose not to attend, but they cannot intruct KDN not to allow State's Government to issue such permit.

KDN's responsibity is to make sure such movement is regulated and controlled so that no unwanted incidents happen during that day.

If the Federal Government stops State's Government to issue such Permit, then the government does not allow FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION by using authoritarianism power given to them by the States' Rulers.

From 's news, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is invited to give the opening Speech for GERTAK movement on Friday, 14.6.2010 (Friday June 4th 2010).

Political parties like MCA and MIC have had demonstrated their anti-democracy movements against their leaders, will UMNO prevent Malay NGO's GERTAK to demonstrate their democratic rights in the name of May 13 or 513th (Five Thirteen) movement?

Take care Ayahanda Tun.....

By pj1Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 8:39 AM

Salam hormat Tun berdua

1. Sekarang bukan masanya untuk bersedih dengan kejadian yang berlaku disebabkan rejim laknatullah Izrael. 2. Allah berfirman, "Mintalah (doa) kepada Ku, nescaya aku perkenankan." 3. Adalah lebih mulia jika kita ramai-ramai meminta doa kehadrat Allah swt agar memberi hukuman dan balasan yang sekeras-kerasnya kepada rejim laknatullah ini dan menyelamatkan umat manusia (khususnya Palestine) daripada ditindas oleh musuh-musuh kemanusiaan. 4. Mudah-mudahan dengan pertolongan Allah (sebaik-baik Penolong), doa kita dimakbulkan, InsyaAllah. By Jalan LurusAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 8:23 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Few years back i read your book "Globalisation and the muslim ummah" where u wrote about how there are 13 families (jewish) controlling aspects of our lives like the media, economic (banking), and politics (lobbyist)

My opinion is that we did nothing to fight the new world order and and it's secularization program and most people of the world were so used to killings we might not feel anything anymore. Most people would just consider these things as conspiracies thus rejecting the whole idea of fighting for themselves or anyone.

My question is, will you enlighten us on this subject and would you feel interested in finding a way to fight the NWO and the global manipulation? How will we defend ourselves and our neighbors in this individualistic world Tun?

I know you have some ideas for solution. By Reentry777Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 5:06 AM

Israeli Mossad controls American Govt.Obama can do nothing. By rahazaAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 4:49 AM sekiranya kita hanya mampu mengutuk dan berdemonstrasi, apa bezanya kita dengan PBB,OIC, dan lain-lain. Marilah kita melaksanakan cadangan Tun dari dulu lagi dengan memboikot apa saja barangan yg berkaitan dengan yahudi. Lemahkan ekonomi mereka supaya mereka tidak akan mampu untuk membeli peralatan perang..jgn tunggu kerajaan bertindak, kita sebagai manusia yang melaung2kan hak keadilan mulakanlah langkah pertama kita...jgn tunggu lagi kalau kita benar2 ingin membantu saudara2 kita...bertindak...SEKARANG...dapatkan senarai barangan yg boleh kita boikot...... By Reentry777Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 4:33 AM

2 people died there and many injured.As usual we Muslim Country only can see,watch,bark and then sleep.We unable to do something.HOPELESS. Angkatan Tentera Malaysia patut diletakkan didalam MODE SIAPSIAGA. By sygchedetAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 4:10 AM

wow! membaca berita pasal tu je pun dah membayangkan israel memang hidup penuh prasangka dan penakut. Takut sangat hingga humanitarian convoy pun dah dianggap satu threat oleh mereka. Coward Israelis!!! By sabriAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 3:53 AM

Dear Respected Tun and all readers, The brazen and dastardly act of the Israelis is only superseded by the collectively cowardly respond of the rest of the world whose action had only been the condemnations of Israel. It's time that the world wakes up and does more then mouthing mere words. Let’s start with the demand on the dissolution of the blockade of Gaza, which is against International Law. Failing which, sanctions should be imposed on Israel. USA needs to be fair in this conflict instead of always being hypocritical when it comes to Israel. I wonder if Americans know that their government is nothing more then an occupied territory of the Israel. By Azwan YusoffAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:51 AM

My Beloved Tun and My Fellow Malaysian..

I have stumbled upon the footage of the flotila which was boarded by the Israel Army in international waters. Im so saddened seeing the helpless passengers and what pisses me of the most is seeing our Malaysian flag on board and seeing the Israel Army boarding the boat. Check out this link.. its a full 10 minute footage of the boat before it was boarded. When the video was shot 1 person was already confirmed killed.

You can hear from the reporter that a white flag has been raised in by the boat but the Israel army are still shooting live ammunition to the boat. I pray for their safety and i hope the international and muslim community take action on the atrocities of the Israely. Not just talk but real action by the nations of the world.

There is also a second video taken after the boarding. There were no footage of guns, knives, axes as claimed by the Israely army. Only sticks, metal pipes, marbles and slingshots. The footage also shows an injured Israely soldier.

The video is provided by Aljazeera's Blog. Here is the url

Let the truth and justice prevail and lets pray for our the passengers of the flotila regardless of whether they are Malaysian, Muslims or Non Muslims. As long they are there for peace we should support them. By amidchaAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:48 AM ya Allah, when will the atrocities of the Israilis stop... how many tears have i shed in my life for the people of the Gaza and the palestenians in general.. Ya Allah, cant you send a Tsunami or a earthhquake or anything similar, and wipe israel of the planet.. God bless Tun, our beloved leader and may Allah give the strength to the other leaders of the world, to speak against the atrocities against the palestenians. By elizaAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:38 AM

Salam YAB ayahanda Tun:

I am very sadden by this. They have no rights to attack the ship in the first place. Flying in and attack the ship must have terrorize those on the ship.

There is no sense of civilization and diplomacy in Israelis and yet they can get away from doing anything, including killing and lying. They lie and lie and yet the world keep on accepting their unscrupulous act.

At the point of writing this, I have yet to see any comment from Obama administration condemning this ruthless act except being concerned. wD9G1S3U80. After all the bond is unbreakable. wD9G1S3U80. That is how bias a nation can be. What a shame!

-eliza By balq97Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:31 AM

Ya Allah...Kau jahanamkanlah negara Israel...Pulangkanlah kedamaian dan keamanan ke bumi suci palestin.... By ElvinAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:01 AM

And terrorist North Korea is roundly condemned by US for sinking Cheonan, what will US say about this? Needless to say US will veto any UN resolutions and let Israel off with a slap on the wrist. By rizuaniAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:59 AM

Salam Tun yang dikasihi,

Dengan ini saya telah menutup FB dan akan berpindah ke Ini adalah tindakan saya mengutuk Israel dan dapatlah kiranya Tun yang dikasihi dan pembaca sekalian memberi sokongan terhadap Social Community Portal Malaysia ini.

Wasalam Tun

Mohd Rizuani By intannuratiqahAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:46 AM

The world has become blind. Obama can do nothing because he is just nothing except Israel's new toy! Worse is, we,muslim countries only can watch & see.. The first step is just as simple as to be united! Stop being their dog!! So,wake up muslim;s countries!!! By life is not a fairy tale dudeAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:32 AM

Oleh kerana Israel sudah membuktikan kesamsengan mereka, maka seluruh negara Arab di Timur Tengah wajar bertindak dengan bijak.

Saya mencadangkan agar Tun Dr Mahathir menjadi orang tengah menyatukan negara-negara di Timur Tengah dan mencadangkan agar kekuatan ketenteraan di negara Timur Tengah diperkasakan. Negara Timur Tengah juga patut berbaik dengan negara China, Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan yang tak berani disentuh Amerika Syarikat.

Wajar contohi negara Iran yang mempunyai kuasa nuklear kerana Amerika dan Yahudi pun mempunyai kuasa Nuklear. By Joe TherapistAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:29 AM

Dear Tun,

Interesting to note. Isreal is not the only country blocking Supply to Gaza. Egypt is doing the same. And if i'm not mistaken, When a group of them sent supplies via Trucks, Our Malaysians were inprisoned as well. They had trouble. No doubt no loss of life but i have to Ask WHY? You never highlighted this. Why would an Islamic country deny Help to a fellow Muslim at their Doorstep? It is because Egypt denies entry that they had to go by Boat.

So now they go by boat. They are attacked. 12 people Die. Israelis' say they were attacked, The boat people say otherwise. Those who support Palestine will say Israel is at fault, those who support Israel will say they need to investigate the matter.

Reminds me of an incident where Some Authorities shot at some teenagers, Claimed they were attacked, there was a weapon initially but then no Weapon found at the scene, The victims foot was on the Accelerator and yet they claimed he tried to reverse into them. One innocent life was lost. Has Justice been served in that incident? Was there a war we didn't know about?

If anything, that incident says that we should not Rely on mainstream media that is one sided. American News will report For the Israelis, Our News will report for The Gaza People, You will CONDEMN the attack as Outrageous and Demand blood. Anyone, Interested in the Truth?? I wonder.

Politicians will now Jump at the opportunity to highlight their 'Disgust' to gain support. Everyone wants to gain popularity. At the expense of these people's lives. Is anyone Interested in the TRUTH? Can we really help the People there when we are in such a mess.

I will pray for the souls that are lost. I will pray for those with the Courage to speak the Truth. I know you will too.

God Bless Tun

By adikzone2601Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:25 AM salam Tun... sedih sangat hati saya mendengar berita tadi... ada pulak saudara senegara yang terlibat... Ya Allah... hati ni rasa sangat sedih... saya doakan keselamatan mereka sahaja. tapi apa yang amat menyedihkan adalah semestinya PBB dan OIC hanya akan bercakap sahaja tanpa ambil apa-apa tindakan.. seperti biasalah... begitu juga dengan negara2 Islam yang lain... semuanya akan berbisik-bisik sahaja... masing2 jaga kepentingan masing2... cubalah semua negara2 islam di dunia ni bersatu untuk bela nasib saudara2 kita di Palestin... InsyaAllah akan terjamin mereka tu nanti... ni semuanya bagaikan gergasi didalam mimpi2 dan umpama sikerdil dalam ketakutan..

OIC jgn jadi pemerhati sahaja... bak kata kawan saya... patutlah depa tu tak buat apa, sebab boleh perati saja... (oh i see)... hmmm... OIC dan PBB patut bincang apa yang akan dilakukan dan terus ambil tindakan... By hbsSporeAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:23 AM

Salam Tun, Ini Yahudi Zionis sa-memang-nya telah melampau. Mereka begitu angkuh sekali tanpa menghidarkan kutukkan dari dunia lain.Kita sama2 doakan semoga Allah akan menghukum mereka yang berbuat kezaliman tanpa peri kemanusiana kepada orang2 yang hendak membuat kebaikan. Amiinn... By sikenitAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:01 AM

Salam Tun and readers all,

1. What are the Israelis so afraid of???????

2. I only have this to say to them via Tun's blog: a. Maybe you Israelis can shoot and kill all you want on this world, but in your book of religion you know there is life in the hereafter, and you definitely WILL HAVE TO ANSWER to ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY on your deeds. b. On that Day of Reckoning, what will your answer be? c. Do you really, honestly think your answer for this inhumane, cowardly and stupid killing will be accepted by ALLAH The GREAT?

Salam to all. May ALLAH The Benevolent have Mercy on those killed on board the flotilla.

Take care Tun and all, lets all be vigilant in our salat, for it is through salat and perseverance that we seek Allah's Help. sikenit By Hanif WahidAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:00 AM

4. What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity. ???

Tun, this book shall answer your question comprehensively... please spend some time to read it~

"An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age" by Imran Hosein tml By BeanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:46 PM

Israeli power are not really from Israeli country .... but from Israeli people from over the world .... so revise your target .... 'think outside box' .... By nolAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:38 PM salam dr M,

1.terima kasih dan syabas kerana berjaya update dan prihatin tentang flotilla yang menuju ke gaza.

2.negara2 lain dengan cepatnya menegaskan pendirian mereka tentang hal ini, iaitu membangkang sama sekali tindakan Israel yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu. contoh negara ialah Turket, Sweden, Greek. namun, di manakah Malaysia? saya(dan saya yakin rakyat malaysia yang lain juga) menanti untuk mendengar pendirian kerajaan Malaysia.

3.Negara Turki sudah mula dengan demo dan protes mereka terhadap perkara ini. Negara kita masih nak 'argue' tentang judi bola sepak yang terang2 haram itu kah?

4.'update' tentang flotilla sangat lambat di Malaysia. 'main stream of media' di Malaysia tak cukup sumber kah? terpaksalah kami 'rely' on twitter, aljazeera n etc.

5.kata2 Dr M sangat lantang. lontarlah kata2 yang membangkitkan semangat supaya rakyat Malaysia bersatu dalam menentang tindakan tidak berperikemanusiaan ini. semoga segala usaha kita diberkati Allah SWT. By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:32 PM

Why didnt our PM condemn Israel like all other country leaders do? This issue were brought up by our opposition but I cant brush off the thought that they have a point there. By ashburnadamAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:31 PM

Assalamualaikum w.r.t


I don't want to give long comment on the action taken by Israeli forces towards the convoy. It just I want to pursue the question on what will we do to save our heroes who are currently bullied by the inhuman, worst than animal, warmonger Israelis. Will we save our brave MP, our dear reporters, cameramen?

We as Malaysians and as Muslims hope there's an effort to save them. I believe all Malaysians are praying for their safety along the way from the homeland to Gaza and back to home. I believe that I am not the only one who hopes there will be a heroic effort to get them back home safely.

As we know, we have high quality commandos in our armed forces. I hope PASKAL (Pasukan Khas Laut) can carried out the duty to save them regardless any circumstances there. Our beloved Malaysians are in danger over there. Why do we always do numberless trainings but not to save them in the real situation? Please save them for the sake of humanity and peace.

I believe if our commandos can bring them back home safely, they're our real heroes. The ones who are being rescued also heroes, heroes of humanity. Even if the mission fails, it will leave the good psychology effect on the citizens that Malaysian government will not abandon its citizens even in a flying bullets situation. Otherwise, if there's no effort to save them, we as Malaysian will abandon the current government. I understand there will be many diplomatic issues, liability problems will entangle along the process, but we have to act fast. The more we wait, the more dangers await them. This is not an act to declare a war on Israel, it's just to save them from death; just like the doctors did to patients on the deathbed, same as we did to people who are almost die due to fire, drown and etc.

Secondly, we sent our Navy to escort our tankers off the coast of Somalia; Gulf Eden, but why not these peace missions be escorted by our own navy ships? I strongly recommended that the next peace missions to Gaza should be escorted by joined naval forces either they're from Royal Malaysian Navy, United Nations or other countries who support such a mission all the way from the designated port to Gaza and back to homeland. I believe the escort mission carried out by these joined naval forces could stop the Israeli Navy and Air Force from intercept the ships which are full of foods, clean waters, medicines, blankets, clothes and etc. I believe such a large fleet could protect all hands on board these ships. Such action could shows to the world especially to those Israeli punks how serious we are to carried out the duty of humanity to support the Palestinians. By razakAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:29 PM

Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Isteri,

Saya rasa marah dan sedih dengan tindakan kejam Israel terhadap kapal misi keamaanan yang membawa bekalan ubat-ubatan dan makanan kepada penduduk GAZA. Yang lagi menyedihkan adalah sebagai seorang umat Islam tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa apabila sesama umat dibunuh sewenang-wenangnya. Tetapi yang amat-amat menyedih dan mengazabkan adalah pertubuhan OIC hanya mampu membuat mesyuarat tergempar serta merta dan akhirnya mengeluarkan kecaman yang amat-amat keras. Itu saja yang mampu dibuat oleh OH I SEE. Liga Arab (Arab League) pula semakin sibuk dengan bolasepak piala dunia yang akan berlangsung 11 hari lagi. Kecamlah sekuat mana pun terhadap Israel, sudah tentu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa kesan kepada Israel tapi umat Islam di Palestin tetap mati setiap hari. Yang akan mendatangkan kesan kepada Israel adalah tindakan ketenteraan terhadap kapal-kapal perang, pesawat udara dan mengumpulkan seluruh kekuatan tentera islam dalam memerangi Israel. Itu akan mendatangkan kesan kepada Israel. Tapi, itu bukanlah realiti sebenar. Marilah kita berdoa semoga ALLAH S.W.T menimpakan bala tsunami atau gempa bumi terhadap bumi Israel. Wassallam. By Rimba EmasAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:23 PM








WALLAHU'ALAM By milshahAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:06 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, I condem the israel attack on the peaceful convoi. Something must be done about Isael. Condemnation must be followed by actions. Let us set aside our differences. The international community must bring those involved in this attack to justice. For too long the international community has turned a blind eye towards Israel's agression. This aggression is spit in the face by Israel to the international community. They know the international community is powerless to stop them.The United States should no longer side with Israel if they still want be part of the international community and make allies with muslm nations. Malaysia as a leader among muslim must do something together with the United Nations, NAM and the OIC. Maybe oil can be use as weopon?This is the time to prove Malaysia does not kow tow to Western powers. I'm sure Mr Obama nowadays does not see eye to eye with Israel as they continue with the construction of new settlements. Everyone has a stack to take action against Israel. By Ben TanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:41 PM

Dear Dr Mahathir,

I am deeply shocked and outraged when I read the news today about the attack by Israel on the aid fleet. I share your concerns and questions as to why states like Israel are allowed to do whatever they want and not face any repercussions. The United States of America is currently the world's hegemony, thus I can understand as to why they manage to escape any justice being done. But what of Israel?

I am a 23 year old student of political science student in Canada, and I have always wondered why my passport (I am from Malaysia), do not allow access into Israel. In the past 2 years, I understood and agree with our policy that act as a boycott against Israel. I do have some questions for you, Dr Mahathir, is boycotting the only method of solution that we can employ in order to stop such aggression of an arrogant state or are there more effective methods? Do you see this attack as the tipping point for a change in the political arena in Middle East, or would the tension in that region last?

Thank you for your time. Ben Tan By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:33 PM

Dear Tun,

In this issue I can see you are biased and one sided. In the continuing conflict between the two equally stubborn foes who are historically cousins, there is no point in taking side. Seemingly the israelis are atrocious and cruel but the vanquished are equally provocative. Look at the stated aim of Hamas. It is seeking the destruction of Israel. Surely anybody in the same position as Israel would stop the enemy by whatever means.

American invasion of Iraq and Afganistan is worse. Not only the wars are creating enmity among peoples and religions, they are creating recessions in America and Europe.

Similarly let us not promote racial enmity in Malaysia. Let us live in peace and harmony in our beloved Malaysia. amin tan By femalegentileAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:21 PM

The Israelis have confirmed my beliefs. They are nothing if not predictable. I hope with every breath in my body that the world reacts in unison against this Satanic state. Why are people so gullible that they will believe the lies put forward by this detestable country. I They bomb, they kill, they lie after the effect as they did with Rachel Corrie and so many other activists who have died attempting to protect the human rights of the Palestinian people.

I have said this before and I shall say it again, the Israeli state is the lying, demonic, maniacal spawn of everything evil that has ever walked or crawled on this earth. By orang kampungAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:20 PM

Salam Tun yang di hormati,

1. Sedih, risau dan marah perasaan orang yang membaca, mendengar dan melihat peristiwa ini.

2. Jika kita baca blog, facebook, ruangan bicara, berita, semua membincangkan perkara ini.

3. Liga Arab bercadang ber mesyuarat mengecam tindakan ini.

4. Pemimpin dunia pun mungkin akan mengecam perkara ini.

5. Mengapa semua orang "hanya" berupaya mengecam perkara ini.

6. Sedih, kecewa dan ter tanya-tanya.

7. Hebat sungguh kah Israel ini. Kebal sungguh kah Israel ini. By lilimuchlisAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:13 PM

It is indeed amazing that the Israeli soldiers are able to (and arrogantly, in fact) do these hideous acts in "broad daylight" for the world to see. The "confidence" they possess as if only to prove that the "backings" they have of the western media not to consider these crimes as news worthy are still intact. I guess it is up for us to ensure that our media continue and will always be able to continue to report these crimes so that they will not be forgotten easily by the world. So that the world would be able to see and hear the other side of the story that needed (if not always, required) to be told. By JoshAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 9:58 PM

We are living in perilous days where mankind will doom itself going after each others lives. Watch and pray now. By formule1Author Profile Page on May 31, 2010 9:49 PM

1.condemned the israel actions brutality means nothing to them, there must be definitive action by the world,muslim countries especially towards the zionist,hoping united nation to react also means nothing since zionist rule the UN, even the UN was formed by the zionist and UN building in united states donated by the rockefeller.

2.Organization of Islamic country must form their own armed forces with the help from Russians,People Republic of China,Europian Union or the British to protect its own member.set up an army base in lebanon would be helpful for palestines.

3.oic must unite to overcome the zionist threat. boycotts israel products and setup new economic system that is not involving the federal reserve. wondering why israel become so inhuman, blood thirsty animal, did they born from devil or consume blood for daily live?

5.see what happened to previous israel prime minister lying coma in bed.zionist can rule the world but not God.all of us will die 1 day,no need to use aggresion,everybody know israel equipped with most advance technology.

6.there are many ways to stop the human aid other than using military power. By Dr Novandri Hasan BasriAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 9:40 PM

We were horrified, sad and angry to this latest massacre by the Zionis.

But, what else can we can do?

What is next?

Are the Arabian countries want to do miracles by joining hands and show their force ?

I doubt it! By datomusAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 9:17 PM

If only the US could stop their financial and weapons support for Israel, then there is some chance that they would respect world opinion. But the US continue to give them support. So Israel will continue thumbing their noses at the world. An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council should be called and both Israel and the US should be condemned. The US should be made to feel guilty that their taxpayers' money is being wrongly used by the Israeli regime. By Objective QAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 9:05 PM

********************* WISDOM FROM THE TRANSLATION OF SAHIH-MUSLIM...HADITH***************

Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 41: The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour (Kitab Al-Fitan wa Ashrat As-Sa`ah)


Thauban reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake. And I have seen its eastern and western ends. And the dominion of my Unimah would reach those ends which have been drawn near me and I have been granted the red and the white trea- sure and I begged my Lord for my Ummah that it should not be destroyed because of famine, nor be dominated by an enemy who is not amongst them to take their lives and destroy them root and branch, and my Lord said: Muhammad, whenever I make a decision, there is none to change it. Well, I grant you for your Ummah that it would not be destroyed by famine and it would not be dominated by an enemy who would not be amongst it and would take their lives and destroy them root and branch even if all the people from the different parts of the world join hands together (for this purpose), but it would be from amongst them, viz. your Ummah, that some people would kill the others or imprison the others.

Chapter 8: THE LAST HOUR WOULD NOT COME UNTIL THE EUPHRATES UNCOVERS A TREASURE OF GOLD Book 041, Number 6918: Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour would not come before the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, for which people would fight. Ninety-nine out of each one hundred would die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would be the one who would be saved (and thus possess this gold).


Book 041, Number 6927: Yusair b. Jabir reported: Once there blew a red storm in Kufah that there came a person who had nothing to say but (these words): Abdullah b. Mas'ud, the Last Hour has come. He ('Abdullah b. Mas'ud) was sitting reclining against something, and he said: The Last Hour would not come until the people divide in- heritance and rejoice over booty, and then said pointing towards Syria, with the gesture of his hand like this: The enemy shall muster strength against Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them (Syrians).

I said: You mean Rome? And he said: Yes, and there would be a terrible fight and the Muslims would prepare a detachment (for fighting unto death) which would not return but victorious. They will fight until night will intervene them; both the sides will return without being victorious and both will be wiped out. The Muslims will again prepare a detachment for fighting unto death so that they may not return but victorious. When it would be the fourth day, a new detachment out of the remnant of the Muslims would be prepared and Allah will decree that the enemy should be routed. And they would fight such a fight the like of which would not be seen, so much so that even if a bird were to pass their flanks, it would fall down dead before reaching the end of them. (There would be such a large scale massacre) that when counting would be done, (only) one out of a hundred men related to one another would be found alive.

So what can be the joy at the spoils of such war and what inheritance would be divided! They would be in this very state that they would hear of a calamity more horrible than this. And a cry would reach them: The Dajjil has taken your place among your off- spring. They will, therefore, throw away what would be in their hands and go forward sending ten horsemen, as a scouting party. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: I know their names and the names of their forefathers and the colour of their horses. They will be best horsemen on the surface of the earth on that day or amongst the best horsemen on the surface of the earth on that day.

Book 041, Number 7015: An-Nawwas b. Sam'an reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) made a mention of the Dajjal one day in the morning. He sometimes described him to be insignificant and sometimes described (his turmoil) as very significant rand we felt) as if he were in the cluster of the date-palm trees. When we went to him (to the Holy Prophet) in the evening and he read (the signs of fear) in our faces, he said: What is the matter with you? We said: Allah's Messenger, you made a mention of the Dajjal in the morning (sometimes describing him) to be insignificant and sometimes very important, until we began to think as if he were present in some (near) part of the cluster of the datpalm trees. Thereupon he said: I harbour fear in regard to you in so many other things besides the Dajjal.

If he comes forth while I am among on, I shall contend with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth while I am not amongst you, a man must contend on his own behalf and Allah would take care of every Muslim on my behalf (and safeguard him against his evil). He (Dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind eye. I compare him to 'Abd-ul-'Uzza b. Qatan. He who amongst you would survive to see him should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf (xviii.). He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! adhere (to the path of Truth). We said: Allah's Messenger, how long would he stay on the earth? He said.. For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days.

We said: Allah's Messenger, would one day's prayer suffice for the prayers of day equal to one year? Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an estimate of time (and then observe prayer). We said: Allah's Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth? Thereupon he said: Like cloud driven by the wind. He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He would then come to another people and invite them. But they would reject him and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them and nothing would be lef t with them in the form of wealth.

He would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees. He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness) and it would at this very time that Allah would send Jesus, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it.

Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (Dajjal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him. Then a people whom Allah had protected would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah would send Gog and Magog and they would swarm down from every slope. The first of them would pass the lake of Tibering and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so much hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinirs and Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate Allah, Who would send to them insects (which would attack their necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person. Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth and they would not find in the earth as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench. Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrin camels and they would carry them and throw them where God would will.

Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels' hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it could appear to be a mirror. Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and, as a result thereof, there would grow (such a big) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and milh cow would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milch camel would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milch sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) even under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive who would commit adultery like asses and the Last Hour would come to them.

************************END OF HADITH *****************************

At times like these there is no better wisdom than that of the Holy Koran and the Wisdom of the Hadith. These times are already upon us and Inshallah, we should hold steadfast.

God Bless Tun & Family God Bless Malaysia By lemand64Author Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:58 PM


Saya sangat sedih bila Iraq di belasah oleh Amerika dan Brtain.Lebih kecewa dengan ada negara Islam menyokongnya.Setelah Saddam digantung perasaan sedih telah hilang.Timbul kemarahan yang meluap-luap berapi-api.

Insan yang dikatakan diktator dan kejam inilah layak untuk mengajar regim Israel.Adakah lagi manusia yang gagah sepertinya di antara umat Islam sekarang?Orang seperti binatang patut lawannya adalah binatang juga.Mana perginya singa-singa padang pasir?Sudah dicucuk hidung barangkali...

Selamat Maju dan Berjaya Rep.Iran

By Objective QAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:40 PM

Al Salamu Alaykum Dear Dr. Tun Mahathir,

The sound of the Arab's Silence is deafening. I am an Arab and I am speechless.

The sound of the Muslims's Silence is deafening. I am a Muslim and I am speechless.

I point the finger at the man in the Mirror.

I blame the man in the Mirror.

God Bless Tun & Family God Bless Malaysia God Save the Umma By HBTAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:22 PM

Dear Ayahanda Tun,

It is obvious that the Israel Military Chief in Command did not want 700 outsiders from 50 nationalities providing aids to go near to Palestine.

Now, I believe the news free offered by the world claimed that Israel Military Force is keeping the largest quantity of war weapons illegally in Palestine.

The 4 Israel Armies were wounded because they tried to stop shootings and disobey the Israel Chief Commander? Israel is indeed controlled by the Military Force, who are their international proxies?

No one would ever want to invest in or visit to a country that is controlled by Central Military Force.....and this uncivilised attack has proven again in history that military force is not fit to govern a country, and they prefer to use force to control democracy.....

What will the PM of Israel do after this uncivilised attack?

If he and his men against such attacks openly, will they be re-elected?

What will Barrack Obama's next move since there are 3rd parties/forces out there do not want to see him succeeding in re-uniting Israel's Christians & Palestine's Muslims brothers and sisters peacefully, politically and economically.

Good night Ayahanda Tun. By fzalAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:02 PM

Suddenly I feel that every Malaysians should be allowed to own a bullet proof vest and helmets (not to the extent of allowing guns though). It's just something defensive. We'll never know when they might strike.

Paranoia! By KholoudAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:01 PM

Dear Dr. Mahathir,,

Greetings from Palestine

First: I would like to express my huge respect to you and your great country, which i believe should be role model for the whole world

Second: I check your blog from time to time and i always get impressed by your patriotic feelings , not only regarding your country, but also for Muslims in general and Palestinians in Particular.I'm sure if we have a leader like yourself in Palestine , things will change. I just came back from a demonstration arranged to express our sadness and anger ,,,, It really kills when knowing that you are helpless and have nothing to do. Just counting killed ppl and feeling sorry for their families and for us.

I always ask myself, will the time come when we can live without watching our relatives and friends get killed ?????And waiting for our time to come..... Because its only a matter of time.

God Bless you Kholoud/Palestine By ADILAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:51 PM

Ini sesuatu yg amat dikesali dan tidak berperikemanusian jika AS atau UN tidak mengambil tindakan yg sewajarnya diharap negara-negara lain seperti Rusia,China dan negara-negara Islam bertindak secepat mungkin. By jadiAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:46 PM

Dear Tun,

Not so surprised on the attacked by the Israelis commandos.

The United States now should realised that Israel and the Jews were the real sons of devils. They kill people like nobody's business.

Next time we should ask the Hezbollah to assist us. Well, you know that Hezbollah will retaliate if one of their man shot dead. They will bomb 100 rockets into Israel! and let Israelis stay in fear.

We dont want our people dead as 'mati katak'' Pity them, they just want to help.

My prayers to the deads and the remaining. Never retreat, never surrender. By capello08Author Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:45 PM

Had it not because of the United States backing them up, the world would be a better place.

There will be some countries condemning this act, but to no avail.

Lets hope there are still people out there that will continue helping the Palestinians despite the risks, on grounds of humanitarian. By tokapiAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:35 PM

Salam Tok Det,

Sedih rasa hati bila mendengar perkhabaran ini.. nak pulak ada warganegara Malaysia yang terlibat dalam misi, termasuk Sdr Matthias Chang. Saya harap mereka selamat.

Apa lagi yang negara Islam tunggu... Sepatutnya mereka mengutuk kejadian ini.. Nota bantahan harus dihantar ke PBB atau US atau Israel sendiri.. Apa tunggu lagi? Mengapa harus berdiam diri?

Keberanian Israel menyerang di perairan antarabangsa adalah tindakan yang melampau... Adakah mereka ingin melihat tercetusnya perang dunia ketiga? Sekiranya Hezbollah bertindak balas, sudah tentu nahaslah Israel...

Diharapkan pihak Malaysia menghantar bantahan keras ke atas insiden ini melalui saluran undang-undang di PBB... Kalau x boleh saluran rasmi, boleh la buat macam zaman dulu2.. bagi duit taja mujahidin untuk hantar bekalan keperluan asas (bukan nak suruh pi berperang..)

