Enwin Energy Board Meeting Minutes June 26, 2017
ENWIN ENERGY LTD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2017 A public meeting of the ENWIN Energy Ltd. Board of Directors was held on Monday, June 26, 2017 in the Boardroom at 787 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. ATTENDANCE: Directors: Drew Dilkens (Chair), Eddie Francis, Jo-Anne Gignac, Nancy Creighton and Kulveer Virk Regrets: Keith Andrews Officers and Staff: President & CEO Helga Reidel, VP Shared Services and COO John Wladarski, VP Finance and CFO Byron Thompson, VP Water Operations Garry Rossi, VP Hydro Operations Jim Brown, Director Finance Matt Carlini, Director Regulatory Affairs Paul Gleason, Director Hydro Engineering Marvio Vinhaes, Manager Corporate Communications & Public Relations Barbara Peirce Marshall and Executive Assistant and Recording Secretary Debbie DeDona Guests: Melissa Osborne, City of Windsor, Peter Frise, University of Windsor (by phone), Volf Leshchynsky, University of Windsor, Dmitry Dzhurinskiy, University of Windsor, and Joe Udzbinac, Tessonics CALL TO ORDER & DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Chair noting quorum called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. No conflicts were declared. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by E. Francis and seconded by N. Creighton That the following Consent Agenda item be received or approved as recommended. -CARRIED • EWE Board Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2017 ENWIN Energy Board of Directors Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday, June 26, 2017 Page 2 COMMUNICATION AGENDA With respect to the City of Windsor Resolution to Add Director to EWE, the Board inquired whether this was in line with correct processes. The CEO advised that a resolution of WCU was required to increase the number of directors from five to seven and WCU would still need to approve this recommendation/request from City Council.
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