Falkland Islands Journal 50 Years of the Journal

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Falkland Islands Journal 50 Years of the Journal Falkland Islands Newsletter PPublishedublished bbyy TThehe FFalklandalkland IIslandsslands AAssociationssociation wwww.ww.fi aassociation.comssociation.com NNoo 111313 OctoberOctober 22017017 ppeopleeople eeventsvents ppoliticsolitics iindustriesndustries ssportport nnewsews Falkland Islands editorial Association Newsletter by FIA Chairman Alan Huckle Published by: The Falkland Islands Association, lections are in the air. In the Falkland interests. That said, Macri has not given Falkland House, Islands, elections are likely to be held up on sovereignty negotiations; he has London Eon 9 November. Several Members merely put them on the longer fi nger. SW1H OBH of Legislative Assembly have already It was signifi cant, however, that the indicated that they will be standing down; Prime Minister made public her letter Tel 020 3764 0824 so, with the arrival of Governor Phillips in to Members of the Falkland Islands honseci [email protected] September, it will be a new team to take Legislative Assembly on 14 August, the ISSN 0262-9399 the Falkland Islands forward into what day after the Argentine primaries. In this, we hope will be an even more confi dent she reiterated her Government’s ‘strong Edited by: political and economic future, particularly if and wholehearted support for [the Falkland Sharon Jaf ray oil production plans are confi rmed. Islanders’] right to self-determination’. She Stanley In Argentina, mid-term elections will be noted also that the UK Government was Falkland Islands held on 22 October, when about half the seeking ‘a more productive relationship Tel 00 500 52739 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and a with the Government of Argentina’ but [email protected] third of Senate seats will be in contention warned that this would ‘not fulfi l its full (none of the Provincial Governorships potential until the Government of Argentina Editorial Committee will be affected and the elections for the meets the public commitments it made in Ms Cindy Buxton (Chair) Presidency will not be held until 2019). September 2016.’ So far, there has only Mr David Tatham CMG But for President Macri these elections will been progress on the DNA identifi cation Mr David Ainslie be a crucial test of public opinion on his of the Argentine unidentifi ed war dead Mr Alan Huckle reform programme (and on the likelihood buried in the Darwin cemetery; nothing yet Mr Tym Marsh of his being elected for a second term, a on negotiating a second fl ight or lifting the feat that no non-Peronist President has restrictions on trade and communications Website achieved and one to which he aspires). with the Falkland Islands. Macri needs UK www.i association.com The August primaries gave Macri some help with the G20 Summit next year and measure of comfort. If the results are UK support for regaining admission to the Release of copyright carried through to the October elections, OECD. Perhaps, if he also feels electorally Macri’s ‘Cambiemos’ party looks set to more secure after the October mid-term The Editorial Committee gain extra seats in both houses but not elections, there might be some movement releases all copyrights enough to gain a working majority in either: on his part in taking the September 2016 on the content of he will still have to fi nesse his policies commitments forward. the Falkland Islands through, at which so far he has been Newsletter except remarkably successful. He can, however, on pictures, cartoons take advantage of the fact that Peronism is and maps. Other divided but, unless circumstances change, publications are invited former President Cristina Fernandez de his year is the 35th anniversary of to quote freely. Kirchner will secure a seat in the Senate the 1982 confl ict and it has rightly in October. This will give her immunity Tbeen commemorated in the Falkland Howevever, we ask that from the various corruption charges that Islands and in the UK. It is important quotations are made in she faces and provide her with a base for to remind younger generations of the context and the Falkand generating popular opposition to Macri’s courage and determination of our Armed Islands Newsletter business-oriented reforms. The battle for Forces in defending freedom throughout acknowledged as the the three Province of Buenos Aires Senate the world and particularly in the Falkland source. seats will be signifi cant, since the primaries Islands. This is why we are encouraging showed that the competition was very Newsletter readers to lay FIA wreaths at For further information close (and the winner takes two seats, the commemorative services on or around turn to the inside back runner-up only one). Remembrance Day – details on page 30. page or alternatively Why does this matter? Well, Macri is contact the Editor seeking a more stable relationship with the Finally, the Association congratulates Sharon Jaf ray (contact UK, needing UK (and other international) all students in the Falkland Islands who details above). investment to boost Argentina’s economy sat their GCSEs this year. Their results – and he has, by and large, reduced the were the most successful for several rhetoric on Argentina’s sovereignty claim. years and we wish them well in their AAdvertisingdvertising ratesrates It would never have been possible to further studies. The strength and spirit of iinsidenside bbackack ppageage have negotiated the September 2016 the Falkland Islands rests with its young joint communique under the Kirchner people – and the census shows that they administration and a return to Kirchnerite are increasingly committed to making their confrontationalism would not be in our future in the Islands. Good on them! Printed by: Platinum Press Ltd Tel 0844 880 4722 www.PlatinumPressLimited.co.uk www.i association.com 2 Falklands at the UN MLA Summers berates Putting the C24 for lack of action record straight egislative Assembly Member Islands their home. There was no pre-C24 L(MLA) Mike Summers has once native population in the Falklands again invited the UN Decolonisation before my and others’ ancestors ach year, in advance of the New York Emeeting, C24 members meet in a (C24) Committee to visit the arrived to settle. Our culture is based seminar format to generate discussion, Falklands to witness the political, upon the diverse, shared heritages which MLA Mike Summers described social and economic developments, of the different nationalities who as, “partially successful,” but with a “despite the attempts by Argentina to have settled here. And we continue preponderance of set piece speeches. subjugate and control the people of to grow and to welcome new people The theme this year was largely the Falkland Islands.” who share our values and democratic introspective, wondering why the C24 MLA Summers said that despite ideals.” has had so little success in the last two inviting the Special Commission to But, MLA Hansen told the decades. tour the Falkland Islands, as it had Committee, the Government of MLA Summers had the opportunity to speak on three occasions. The fi rst accepted and visited Argentina, there Argentina continues to enforce an was to respond directly to the theme of had been no response. economic blockade on our country. the seminar; his advice to them was to ”The Government of the United “Access for another fl ight from refl ect on why so few NSGT’s attended Kingdom had not objected, (to South America is denied to us, these meetings (there were only 7 out the visit), but the Government of Falkland fl agged vessels have of 17 on the list) – and that it was in all Argentina had“, emphasised MLA diffi culty using ports in Chile, Uruguay likelihood because they had nothing Summers, adding that the Special and Brazil, and cruise ship agencies to offer those who were not there, and Committee had more of a colonial are continually harassed to remove precious little to offer those who did attitude than it cared to admit. the Falklands as a destination. attend. “Their “offering” is not relevant to any He said that for the C24 to be Charter fl ights to our country through of us. I went on to point out that the C24 successful, ”it must engage with Argentine airspace are banned so was itself very colonial in its attitude the Non Self Governing Territories cruise ship passenger exchanges towards the NSGTs, and showed little (NSGT) in a more effective manner“. cannot take place. respect, citing the facts that our personal MLAs Summers and Ian Hansen “Even now with the promise of a names are used in our place settings, attended the annual meeting in New better relationship between Argentina not country names, and that at the C24 York in June, when they had the and UK, we in the Falkland Islands we are classed as “petitioners’”. opportunity to give a presentation to have seen no indication of removing This intervention rang a few bells and the committee. Argentina also sends these sanctions imposed by the received good comment and support,he said. a delegation to the meeting. previous Argentine Government.” He also presented a report on the MLA Summers pointed out that he MLA Summers rammed home state of development in the Falklands to would be retiring in November; so the message: “Mr Chairman, let me ensure those present understood about this would be his last appearance at remind you that Argentina exercises a the Islands. In addition, he also took the the Committee. He did not mince his series of economic sanctions against opportunity to correct a number of, “mis- words in his valedictory speech. the people of the Falkland Islands. statements and downright lies” from He reminded the Committee of the Not against the United Kingdom, with other presenters. words of the UN Secretary-General whom they say they have a dispute, “This included confi rmation that the in February: “We want to reaffi rm but against the people of the Falkland right to self-determination has never the commitment of this Special Islands.
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